# $NetBSD: directive.mk,v 1.4 2020/11/15 11:57:00 rillig Exp $ # # Tests for the preprocessing directives, such as .if or .info. # TODO: Implementation # Unknown directives are correctly named in the error messages, # even if they are indented. .indented none . indented 2 spaces . indented tab # Directives must be written directly, not indirectly via variable # expressions. .${:Uinfo} directives cannot be indirect # There is no directive called '.target', therefore this is parsed as a # dependency declaration with 2 targets and 1 source. .target target: source # This looks ambiguous. It could be either an .info message or a variable # assignment. It is a variable assignment. .MAKEFLAGS: -dv .info:= value .info?= value # This is a variable assignment as well. .info := value # The space after the '.info' makes this # a directive. .MAKEFLAGS: -d0 # This is a dependency since directives must be given directly. # Not even the space after the '.info' can change anything about this. .${:Uinfo} : source all: @:;