// Tests for the process descriptor API for Linux. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "capsicum.h" #include "syscalls.h" #include "capsicum-test.h" #ifndef __WALL // Linux requires __WALL in order for waitpid(specific_pid,...) to // see and reap any specific pid. Define this to nothing for platforms // (FreeBSD) where it doesn't exist, to reduce macroing. #define __WALL 0 #endif //------------------------------------------------ // Utilities for the tests. static pid_t pdwait4_(int pd, int *status, int options, struct rusage *ru) { #ifdef HAVE_PDWAIT4 return pdwait4(pd, status, options, ru); #else // Simulate pdwait4() with wait4(pdgetpid()); this won't work in capability mode. pid_t pid = -1; int rc = pdgetpid(pd, &pid); if (rc < 0) { return rc; } options |= __WALL; return wait4(pid, status, options, ru); #endif } static void print_rusage(FILE *f, struct rusage *ru) { fprintf(f, " User CPU time=%ld.%06ld\n", (long)ru->ru_utime.tv_sec, (long)ru->ru_utime.tv_usec); fprintf(f, " System CPU time=%ld.%06ld\n", (long)ru->ru_stime.tv_sec, (long)ru->ru_stime.tv_usec); fprintf(f, " Max RSS=%ld\n", ru->ru_maxrss); } static void print_stat(FILE *f, const struct stat *stat) { fprintf(f, "{ .st_dev=%ld, st_ino=%ld, st_mode=%04o, st_nlink=%ld, st_uid=%d, st_gid=%d,\n" " .st_rdev=%ld, .st_size=%ld, st_blksize=%ld, .st_block=%ld,\n " #ifdef HAVE_STAT_BIRTHTIME ".st_birthtime=%ld, " #endif ".st_atime=%ld, .st_mtime=%ld, .st_ctime=%ld}\n", (long)stat->st_dev, (long)stat->st_ino, stat->st_mode, (long)stat->st_nlink, stat->st_uid, stat->st_gid, (long)stat->st_rdev, (long)stat->st_size, (long)stat->st_blksize, (long)stat->st_blocks, #ifdef HAVE_STAT_BIRTHTIME (long)stat->st_birthtime, #endif (long)stat->st_atime, (long)stat->st_mtime, (long)stat->st_ctime); } static volatile sig_atomic_t had_signal[NSIG]; void clear_had_signals() { memset(const_cast(had_signal), 0, sizeof(had_signal)); } static void handle_signal(int x) { had_signal[x] = true; } // Check that the given child process terminates as expected. void CheckChildFinished(pid_t pid, bool signaled=false) { // Wait for the child to finish. int rc; int status = 0; do { rc = waitpid(pid, &status, __WALL); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: waitpid error %s (%d)\n", strerror(errno), errno); ADD_FAILURE() << "Failed to wait for child"; break; } else if (rc == pid) { break; } } while (true); EXPECT_EQ(pid, rc); if (rc == pid) { if (signaled) { EXPECT_TRUE(WIFSIGNALED(status)); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(status)) << std::hex << status; EXPECT_EQ(0, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } } } //------------------------------------------------ // Basic tests of process descriptor functionality TEST(Pdfork, Simple) { int pd = -1; int pipefds[2]; pid_t parent = getpid_(); EXPECT_OK(pipe(pipefds)); int pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child: check pid values. EXPECT_EQ(-1, pd); EXPECT_NE(parent, getpid_()); EXPECT_EQ(parent, getppid()); close(pipefds[0]); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Child waiting for exit message\n"); // Terminate once the parent has completed the checks AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); exit(testing::Test::HasFailure()); } close(pipefds[1]); // Ensure the child has started. AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); EXPECT_NE(-1, pd); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid); int pid_got; EXPECT_OK(pdgetpid(pd, &pid_got)); EXPECT_EQ(pid, pid_got); // Tell the child to exit and wait until it is a zombie. SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); // EXPECT_PID_ZOMBIE waits for up to ~500ms, that should be enough time for // the child to exit successfully. EXPECT_PID_ZOMBIE(pid); close(pipefds[0]); // Wait for the the child. int status; struct rusage ru; memset(&ru, 0, sizeof(ru)); int waitrc = pdwait4_(pd, &status, 0, &ru); EXPECT_EQ(pid, waitrc); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "For pd %d pid %d:\n", pd, pid); print_rusage(stderr, &ru); } EXPECT_PID_GONE(pid); // Can only pdwait4(pd) once (as initial call reaps zombie). memset(&ru, 0, sizeof(ru)); EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdwait4_(pd, &status, 0, &ru)); EXPECT_EQ(ECHILD, errno); EXPECT_OK(close(pd)); } TEST(Pdfork, InvalidFlag) { int pd = -1; int pid = pdfork(&pd, PD_DAEMON<<5); if (pid == 0) { exit(1); } EXPECT_EQ(-1, pid); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); if (pid > 0) waitpid(pid, NULL, __WALL); } TEST(Pdfork, TimeCheck) { time_t now = time(NULL); // seconds since epoch EXPECT_NE(-1, now); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Calling pdfork around %ld\n", (long)(long)now); int pd = -1; pid_t pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child: check we didn't get a valid process descriptor then exit. EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdgetpid(pd, &pid)); EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, errno); exit(HasFailure()); } #ifdef HAVE_PROCDESC_FSTAT // Parent process. Ensure that [acm]times have been set correctly. struct stat stat; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); EXPECT_OK(fstat(pd, &stat)); if (verbose) print_stat(stderr, &stat); #ifdef HAVE_STAT_BIRTHTIME EXPECT_GE(now, stat.st_birthtime); EXPECT_EQ(stat.st_birthtime, stat.st_atime); #endif EXPECT_LT((now - stat.st_atime), 2); EXPECT_EQ(stat.st_atime, stat.st_ctime); EXPECT_EQ(stat.st_ctime, stat.st_mtime); #endif // Wait for the child to finish. pid_t pd_pid = -1; EXPECT_OK(pdgetpid(pd, &pd_pid)); EXPECT_EQ(pid, pd_pid); CheckChildFinished(pid); } TEST(Pdfork, UseDescriptor) { int pd = -1; pid_t pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child: immediately exit exit(0); } CheckChildFinished(pid); } TEST(Pdfork, NonProcessDescriptor) { int fd = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY); EXPECT_OK(fd); // pd*() operations should fail on a non-process descriptor. EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdkill(fd, SIGUSR1)); int status; EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdwait4_(fd, &status, 0, NULL)); pid_t pid; EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdgetpid(fd, &pid)); close(fd); } static void *SubThreadMain(void *arg) { // Notify the main thread that we have started if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " subthread started: pipe=%p\n", arg); SEND_INT_MESSAGE((int)(intptr_t)arg, MSG_CHILD_STARTED); while (true) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " subthread: \"I aten't dead\"\n"); usleep(100000); } return NULL; } static void *ThreadMain(void *) { int pd; int pipefds[2]; EXPECT_EQ(0, pipe(pipefds)); pid_t child = pdfork(&pd, 0); if (child == 0) { close(pipefds[0]); // Child: start a subthread then loop. pthread_t child_subthread; // Wait for the subthread startup using another pipe. int thread_pipefds[2]; EXPECT_EQ(0, pipe(thread_pipefds)); EXPECT_OK(pthread_create(&child_subthread, NULL, SubThreadMain, (void *)(intptr_t)thread_pipefds[0])); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, " pdforked process %d: waiting for subthread.\n", getpid()); } AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(thread_pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); close(thread_pipefds[0]); close(thread_pipefds[1]); // Child: Notify parent that all threads have started if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " pdforked process %d: subthread started\n", getpid()); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); while (true) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " pdforked process %d: \"I aten't dead\"\n", getpid()); usleep(100000); } exit(0); } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " thread generated pd %d\n", pd); close(pipefds[1]); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] got child startup message\n", getpid_()); // Pass the process descriptor back to the main thread. return reinterpret_cast(pd); } TEST(Pdfork, FromThread) { // Fire off a new thread to do all of the creation work. pthread_t child_thread; EXPECT_OK(pthread_create(&child_thread, NULL, ThreadMain, NULL)); void *data; EXPECT_OK(pthread_join(child_thread, &data)); int pd = reinterpret_cast(data); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "retrieved pd %d from terminated thread\n", pd); // Kill and reap. pid_t pid; EXPECT_OK(pdgetpid(pd, &pid)); EXPECT_OK(pdkill(pd, SIGKILL)); int status; EXPECT_EQ(pid, pdwait4_(pd, &status, 0, NULL)); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFSIGNALED(status)); } //------------------------------------------------ // More complicated tests. // Test fixture that pdfork()s off a child process, which terminates // when it receives anything on a pipe. class PipePdforkBase : public ::testing::Test { public: PipePdforkBase(int pdfork_flags) : pd_(-1), pid_(-1) { clear_had_signals(); int pipes[2]; EXPECT_OK(pipe(pipes)); pipe_ = pipes[1]; int parent = getpid_(); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] about to pdfork()\n", getpid_()); int rc = pdfork(&pd_, pdfork_flags); EXPECT_OK(rc); if (rc == 0) { // Child process: blocking-read an int from the pipe then exit with that value. EXPECT_NE(parent, getpid_()); EXPECT_EQ(parent, getppid()); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] child of %d waiting for value on pipe\n", getpid_(), getppid()); read(pipes[0], &rc, sizeof(rc)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] got value %d on pipe, exiting\n", getpid_(), rc); exit(rc); } pid_ = rc; usleep(100); // ensure the child has a chance to run } ~PipePdforkBase() { // Terminate by any means necessary. if (pd_ > 0) { pdkill(pd_, SIGKILL); close(pd_); } if (pid_ > 0) { kill(pid_, SIGKILL); waitpid(pid_, NULL, __WALL|WNOHANG); } // Check signal expectations. EXPECT_FALSE(had_signal[SIGCHLD]); } int TerminateChild() { // Tell the child to exit. int zero = 0; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] write 0 to pipe\n", getpid_()); return write(pipe_, &zero, sizeof(zero)); } protected: int pd_; int pipe_; pid_t pid_; }; class PipePdfork : public PipePdforkBase { public: PipePdfork() : PipePdforkBase(0) {} }; class PipePdforkDaemon : public PipePdforkBase { public: PipePdforkDaemon() : PipePdforkBase(PD_DAEMON) {} }; // Can we poll a process descriptor? TEST_F(PipePdfork, Poll) { // Poll the process descriptor, nothing happening. struct pollfd fdp; fdp.fd = pd_; fdp.events = POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP; fdp.revents = 0; EXPECT_EQ(0, poll(&fdp, 1, 0)); TerminateChild(); // Poll again, should have activity on the process descriptor. EXPECT_EQ(1, poll(&fdp, 1, 2000)); EXPECT_TRUE(fdp.revents & POLLHUP); // Poll a third time, still have POLLHUP. fdp.revents = 0; EXPECT_EQ(1, poll(&fdp, 1, 0)); EXPECT_TRUE(fdp.revents & POLLHUP); } // Can multiple processes poll on the same descriptor? TEST_F(PipePdfork, PollMultiple) { int pipefds[2]; EXPECT_EQ(0, pipe(pipefds)); int child = fork(); EXPECT_OK(child); if (child == 0) { close(pipefds[0]); // Child: wait for parent to acknowledge startup SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); // Child: wait for two messages from the parent and the forked process // before telling the other process to terminate. if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] waiting for read 1\n", getpid_()); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] waiting for read 2\n", getpid_()); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); TerminateChild(); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] about to exit\n", getpid_()); exit(testing::Test::HasFailure()); } close(pipefds[1]); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] got child startup message\n", getpid_()); // Fork again int doppel = fork(); EXPECT_OK(doppel); // We now have: // pid A: main process, here // |--pid B: pdfork()ed process, blocked on read() // |--pid C: fork()ed process, in read() above // +--pid D: doppel process, here // Both A and D execute the following code. // First, check no activity on the process descriptor yet. struct pollfd fdp; fdp.fd = pd_; fdp.events = POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP; fdp.revents = 0; EXPECT_EQ(0, poll(&fdp, 1, 0)); // Both A and D ask C to exit, allowing it to do so. if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] telling child to exit\n", getpid_()); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); close(pipefds[0]); // Now, wait (indefinitely) for activity on the process descriptor. // We expect: // - pid C will finish its two read() calls, write to the pipe and exit. // - pid B will unblock from read(), and exit // - this will generate an event on the process descriptor... // - ...in both process A and process D. if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] waiting for child to exit\n", getpid_()); EXPECT_EQ(1, poll(&fdp, 1, 2000)); EXPECT_TRUE(fdp.revents & POLLHUP); if (doppel == 0) { // Child: process D exits. exit(0); } else { // Parent: wait on process D. int rc = 0; waitpid(doppel, &rc, __WALL); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(rc)); EXPECT_EQ(0, WEXITSTATUS(rc)); // Also wait on process B. CheckChildFinished(child); } } // Check that exit status/rusage for a dead pdfork()ed child can be retrieved // via any process descriptor, multiple times. TEST_F(PipePdfork, MultipleRetrieveExitStatus) { EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid_); int pd_copy = dup(pd_); EXPECT_LT(0, TerminateChild()); int status; struct rusage ru; memset(&ru, 0, sizeof(ru)); int waitrc = pdwait4_(pd_copy, &status, 0, &ru); EXPECT_EQ(pid_, waitrc); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "For pd %d -> pid %d:\n", pd_, pid_); print_rusage(stderr, &ru); } EXPECT_PID_GONE(pid_); #ifdef NOTYET // Child has been reaped, so original process descriptor dangles but // still has access to rusage information. memset(&ru, 0, sizeof(ru)); EXPECT_EQ(0, pdwait4_(pd_, &status, 0, &ru)); #endif close(pd_copy); } TEST_F(PipePdfork, ChildExit) { EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid_); EXPECT_LT(0, TerminateChild()); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid_); int status; int rc = pdwait4_(pd_, &status, 0, NULL); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_EQ(pid_, rc); pid_ = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_PROC_FDINFO TEST_F(PipePdfork, FdInfo) { char buffer[1024]; sprintf(buffer, "/proc/%d/fdinfo/%d", getpid_(), pd_); int procfd = open(buffer, O_RDONLY); EXPECT_OK(procfd); EXPECT_OK(read(procfd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))); // The fdinfo should include the file pos of the underlying file EXPECT_NE((char*)NULL, strstr(buffer, "pos:\t0")) << buffer; // ...and the underlying pid char pidline[256]; sprintf(pidline, "pid:\t%d", pid_); EXPECT_NE((char*)NULL, strstr(buffer, pidline)) << buffer; close(procfd); } #endif // Closing a normal process descriptor terminates the underlying process. TEST_F(PipePdfork, Close) { sighandler_t original = signal(SIGCHLD, handle_signal); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid_); int status; EXPECT_EQ(0, waitpid(pid_, &status, __WALL|WNOHANG)); EXPECT_OK(close(pd_)); pd_ = -1; EXPECT_FALSE(had_signal[SIGCHLD]); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid_); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ EXPECT_EQ(-1, waitpid(pid_, NULL, __WALL)); EXPECT_EQ(errno, ECHILD); #else // Having closed the process descriptor means that pdwait4(pd) now doesn't work. int rc = pdwait4_(pd_, &status, 0, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(-1, rc); EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, errno); // Closing all process descriptors means the the child can only be reaped via pid. EXPECT_EQ(pid_, waitpid(pid_, &status, __WALL|WNOHANG)); #endif signal(SIGCHLD, original); } TEST_F(PipePdfork, CloseLast) { sighandler_t original = signal(SIGCHLD, handle_signal); // Child should only die when last process descriptor is closed. EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid_); int pd_other = dup(pd_); EXPECT_OK(close(pd_)); pd_ = -1; EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid_); int status; EXPECT_EQ(0, waitpid(pid_, &status, __WALL|WNOHANG)); // Can no longer pdwait4() the closed process descriptor... EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdwait4_(pd_, &status, WNOHANG, NULL)); EXPECT_EQ(EBADF, errno); // ...but can pdwait4() the still-open process descriptor. errno = 0; EXPECT_EQ(0, pdwait4_(pd_other, &status, WNOHANG, NULL)); EXPECT_EQ(0, errno); EXPECT_OK(close(pd_other)); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid_); EXPECT_FALSE(had_signal[SIGCHLD]); signal(SIGCHLD, original); } FORK_TEST(Pdfork, OtherUserIfRoot) { GTEST_SKIP_IF_NOT_ROOT(); int pd; int status; pid_t pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child process: loop forever. while (true) usleep(100000); } usleep(100); // Now that the second process has been pdfork()ed, change euid. ASSERT_NE(0u, other_uid) << "other_uid not initialized correctly, " "please pass the -u flag."; EXPECT_EQ(0, setuid(other_uid)); EXPECT_EQ(other_uid, getuid()); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "uid=%d euid=%d\n", getuid(), geteuid()); // Fail to kill child with normal PID operation. EXPECT_EQ(-1, kill(pid, SIGKILL)); EXPECT_EQ(EPERM, errno); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid); // Ideally, we should be able to send signals via a process descriptor even // if it's owned by another user, but this is not implementated on FreeBSD. #ifdef __FreeBSD__ // On FreeBSD, pdkill() still performs all the same checks that kill() does // and therefore cannot be used to send a signal to a process with another // UID unless we are root. EXPECT_SYSCALL_FAIL(EBADF, pdkill(pid, SIGKILL)); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid); // However, the process will be killed when we close the process descriptor. EXPECT_OK(close(pd)); EXPECT_PID_GONE(pid); // Can't pdwait4() after close() since close() reparents the child to a reaper (init) EXPECT_SYSCALL_FAIL(EBADF, pdwait4_(pd, &status, WNOHANG, NULL)); #else // Sending a signal with pdkill() should be permitted though. EXPECT_OK(pdkill(pd, SIGKILL)); EXPECT_PID_ZOMBIE(pid); int rc = pdwait4_(pd, &status, WNOHANG, NULL); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_EQ(pid, rc); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFSIGNALED(status)); #endif } TEST_F(PipePdfork, WaitPidThenPd) { TerminateChild(); int status; // If we waitpid(pid) first... int rc = waitpid(pid_, &status, __WALL); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_EQ(pid_, rc); #ifdef NOTYET // ...the zombie is reaped but we can still subsequently pdwait4(pd). EXPECT_EQ(0, pdwait4_(pd_, &status, 0, NULL)); #endif } TEST_F(PipePdfork, WaitPdThenPid) { TerminateChild(); int status; // If we pdwait4(pd) first... int rc = pdwait4_(pd_, &status, 0, NULL); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_EQ(pid_, rc); // ...the zombie is reaped and cannot subsequently waitpid(pid). EXPECT_EQ(-1, waitpid(pid_, &status, __WALL)); EXPECT_EQ(ECHILD, errno); } // Setting PD_DAEMON prevents close() from killing the child. TEST_F(PipePdforkDaemon, Close) { EXPECT_OK(close(pd_)); pd_ = -1; EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid_); // Can still explicitly kill it via the pid. if (pid_ > 0) { EXPECT_OK(kill(pid_, SIGKILL)); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid_); } } static void TestPdkill(pid_t pid, int pd) { EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid); // SIGCONT is ignored by default. EXPECT_OK(pdkill(pd, SIGCONT)); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid); // SIGINT isn't EXPECT_OK(pdkill(pd, SIGINT)); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid); // pdkill() on zombie is no-op. errno = 0; EXPECT_EQ(0, pdkill(pd, SIGINT)); EXPECT_EQ(0, errno); // pdkill() on reaped process gives -ESRCH. CheckChildFinished(pid, true); EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdkill(pd, SIGINT)); EXPECT_EQ(ESRCH, errno); } TEST_F(PipePdfork, Pdkill) { TestPdkill(pid_, pd_); } TEST_F(PipePdforkDaemon, Pdkill) { TestPdkill(pid_, pd_); } TEST(Pdfork, PdkillOtherSignal) { int pd = -1; int pipefds[2]; EXPECT_EQ(0, pipe(pipefds)); int pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child: tell the parent that we have started before entering the loop, // and importantly only do so once we have registered the SIGUSR1 handler. close(pipefds[0]); clear_had_signals(); signal(SIGUSR1, handle_signal); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); // Child: watch for SIGUSR1 forever. while (!had_signal[SIGUSR1]) { usleep(100000); } exit(123); } // Wait for child to start close(pipefds[1]); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); close(pipefds[0]); // Send an invalid signal. EXPECT_EQ(-1, pdkill(pd, 0xFFFF)); EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); // Send an expected SIGUSR1 to the pdfork()ed child. EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(pid); pdkill(pd, SIGUSR1); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid); // Child's exit status confirms whether it received the signal. int status; int rc = waitpid(pid, &status, __WALL); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_EQ(pid, rc); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(status)) << "status: 0x" << std::hex << status; EXPECT_EQ(123, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } pid_t PdforkParentDeath(int pdfork_flags) { // Set up: // pid A: main process, here // +--pid B: fork()ed process, starts a child process with pdfork() then // waits for parent to send a shutdown message. // +--pid C: pdfork()ed process, looping forever int sock_fds[2]; EXPECT_OK(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock_fds)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] parent about to fork()...\n", getpid_()); pid_t child = fork(); EXPECT_OK(child); if (child == 0) { int pd; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] child about to pdfork()...\n", getpid_()); int pipefds[2]; // for startup notification EXPECT_OK(pipe(pipefds)); pid_t grandchild = pdfork(&pd, pdfork_flags); if (grandchild == 0) { close(pipefds[0]); pid_t grandchildPid = getpid_(); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(grandchildPid), (size_t)write(pipefds[1], &grandchildPid, sizeof(grandchildPid))); while (true) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] grandchild: \"I aten't dead\"\n", grandchildPid); sleep(1); } } close(pipefds[1]); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] pdfork()ed grandchild %d, sending ID to parent\n", getpid_(), grandchild); // Wait for grandchild to start. pid_t grandchild2; EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(grandchild2), (size_t)read(pipefds[0], &grandchild2, sizeof(grandchild2))); EXPECT_EQ(grandchild, grandchild2) << "received invalid grandchild pid"; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] grandchild %d has started successfully\n", getpid_(), grandchild); close(pipefds[0]); // Send grandchild pid to parent. EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(grandchild), (size_t)write(sock_fds[1], &grandchild, sizeof(grandchild))); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] sent grandchild pid %d to parent\n", getpid_(), grandchild); // Wait for parent to acknowledge the message. AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[1], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] parent acknowledged grandchild pid %d\n", getpid_(), grandchild); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] child terminating\n", getpid_()); exit(testing::Test::HasFailure()); } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] fork()ed child is %d\n", getpid_(), child); pid_t grandchild; read(sock_fds[0], &grandchild, sizeof(grandchild)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] received grandchild id %d\n", getpid_(), grandchild); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(child); EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(grandchild); // Tell child to exit. if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] telling child %d to exit\n", getpid_(), child); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[0], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); // Child dies, closing its process descriptor for the grandchild. EXPECT_PID_DEAD(child); CheckChildFinished(child); return grandchild; } TEST(Pdfork, Bagpuss) { // "And of course when Bagpuss goes to sleep, all his friends go to sleep too" pid_t grandchild = PdforkParentDeath(0); // By default: child death => closed process descriptor => grandchild death. EXPECT_PID_DEAD(grandchild); } TEST(Pdfork, BagpussDaemon) { pid_t grandchild = PdforkParentDeath(PD_DAEMON); // With PD_DAEMON: child death => closed process descriptor => no effect on grandchild. EXPECT_PID_ALIVE(grandchild); if (grandchild > 0) { EXPECT_OK(kill(grandchild, SIGKILL)); } } // The exit of a pdfork()ed process should not generate SIGCHLD. TEST_F(PipePdfork, NoSigchld) { clear_had_signals(); sighandler_t original = signal(SIGCHLD, handle_signal); TerminateChild(); int rc = 0; // Can waitpid() for the specific pid of the pdfork()ed child. EXPECT_EQ(pid_, waitpid(pid_, &rc, __WALL)); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(rc)) << "0x" << std::hex << rc; EXPECT_FALSE(had_signal[SIGCHLD]); signal(SIGCHLD, original); } // The exit of a pdfork()ed process whose process descriptors have // all been closed should generate SIGCHLD. The child process needs // PD_DAEMON to survive the closure of the process descriptors. TEST_F(PipePdforkDaemon, NoPDSigchld) { clear_had_signals(); sighandler_t original = signal(SIGCHLD, handle_signal); EXPECT_OK(close(pd_)); TerminateChild(); #ifdef __FreeBSD__ EXPECT_EQ(-1, waitpid(pid_, NULL, __WALL)); EXPECT_EQ(errno, ECHILD); #else int rc = 0; // Can waitpid() for the specific pid of the pdfork()ed child. EXPECT_EQ(pid_, waitpid(pid_, &rc, __WALL)); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(rc)) << "0x" << std::hex << rc; #endif EXPECT_FALSE(had_signal[SIGCHLD]); signal(SIGCHLD, original); } #ifdef HAVE_PROCDESC_FSTAT TEST_F(PipePdfork, ModeBits) { // Owner rwx bits indicate liveness of child struct stat stat; memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); EXPECT_OK(fstat(pd_, &stat)); if (verbose) print_stat(stderr, &stat); EXPECT_EQ(S_IRWXU, (long)(stat.st_mode & S_IRWXU)); TerminateChild(); usleep(100000); memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat)); EXPECT_OK(fstat(pd_, &stat)); if (verbose) print_stat(stderr, &stat); EXPECT_EQ(0, (int)(stat.st_mode & S_IRWXU)); } #endif TEST_F(PipePdfork, WildcardWait) { TerminateChild(); EXPECT_PID_ZOMBIE(pid_); // Ensure child is truly dead. // Wildcard waitpid(-1) should not see the pdfork()ed child because // there is still a process descriptor for it. int rc; EXPECT_EQ(-1, waitpid(-1, &rc, WNOHANG)); EXPECT_EQ(ECHILD, errno); EXPECT_OK(close(pd_)); pd_ = -1; } FORK_TEST(Pdfork, Pdkill) { clear_had_signals(); int pd; int pipefds[2]; EXPECT_OK(pipe(pipefds)); pid_t pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child: set a SIGINT handler, notify the parent and sleep. close(pipefds[0]); clear_had_signals(); signal(SIGINT, handle_signal); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] child started\n", getpid_()); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] child about to sleep(10)\n", getpid_()); // Note: we could receive the SIGINT just before sleep(), so we use a loop // with a short delay instead of one long sleep(). for (int i = 0; i < 50 && !had_signal[SIGINT]; i++) { usleep(100000); } if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] child slept, had[SIGINT]=%d\n", getpid_(), (int)had_signal[SIGINT]); // Return non-zero if we didn't see SIGINT. exit(had_signal[SIGINT] ? 0 : 99); } // Parent: get child's PID. pid_t pd_pid; EXPECT_OK(pdgetpid(pd, &pd_pid)); EXPECT_EQ(pid, pd_pid); // Interrupt the child once it's registered the SIGINT handler. close(pipefds[1]); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] waiting for child\n", getpid_()); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); EXPECT_OK(pdkill(pd, SIGINT)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] sent SIGINT\n", getpid_()); // Make sure the child finished properly (caught signal then exited). CheckChildFinished(pid); } FORK_TEST(Pdfork, PdkillSignal) { int pd; int pipefds[2]; EXPECT_OK(pipe(pipefds)); pid_t pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { close(pipefds[0]); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] child started\n", getpid_()); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); // Child: wait for shutdown message. No SIGINT handler. The message should // never be received, since SIGINT should terminate the process. if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] child about to read()\n", getpid_()); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[1], MSG_PARENT_REQUEST_CHILD_EXIT); fprintf(stderr, "[%d] child read() returned unexpectedly\n", getpid_()); exit(99); } // Wait for child to start before signalling. if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] waiting for child\n", getpid_()); close(pipefds[1]); AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(pipefds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); // Kill the child (as it doesn't handle SIGINT). if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] sending SIGINT\n", getpid_()); EXPECT_OK(pdkill(pd, SIGINT)); // Make sure the child finished properly (terminated by signal). CheckChildFinished(pid, true); } //------------------------------------------------ // Test interactions with other parts of Capsicum: // - capability mode // - capabilities FORK_TEST(Pdfork, DaemonUnrestricted) { EXPECT_OK(cap_enter()); int fd; // Capability mode leaves pdfork() available, with and without flag. int rc; rc = pdfork(&fd, PD_DAEMON); EXPECT_OK(rc); if (rc == 0) { // Child: immediately terminate. exit(0); } rc = pdfork(&fd, 0); EXPECT_OK(rc); if (rc == 0) { // Child: immediately terminate. exit(0); } } TEST(Pdfork, MissingRights) { pid_t parent = getpid_(); int pd = -1; pid_t pid = pdfork(&pd, 0); EXPECT_OK(pid); if (pid == 0) { // Child: loop forever. EXPECT_NE(parent, getpid_()); while (true) sleep(1); } // Create two capabilities from the process descriptor. cap_rights_t r_ro; cap_rights_init(&r_ro, CAP_READ, CAP_LOOKUP); int cap_incapable = dup(pd); EXPECT_OK(cap_incapable); EXPECT_OK(cap_rights_limit(cap_incapable, &r_ro)); cap_rights_t r_pdall; cap_rights_init(&r_pdall, CAP_PDGETPID, CAP_PDWAIT, CAP_PDKILL); int cap_capable = dup(pd); EXPECT_OK(cap_capable); EXPECT_OK(cap_rights_limit(cap_capable, &r_pdall)); pid_t other_pid; EXPECT_NOTCAPABLE(pdgetpid(cap_incapable, &other_pid)); EXPECT_NOTCAPABLE(pdkill(cap_incapable, SIGINT)); int status; EXPECT_NOTCAPABLE(pdwait4_(cap_incapable, &status, 0, NULL)); EXPECT_OK(pdgetpid(cap_capable, &other_pid)); EXPECT_EQ(pid, other_pid); EXPECT_OK(pdkill(cap_capable, SIGINT)); int rc = pdwait4_(pd, &status, 0, NULL); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_EQ(pid, rc); } //------------------------------------------------ // Passing process descriptors between processes. TEST_F(PipePdfork, PassProcessDescriptor) { int sock_fds[2]; EXPECT_OK(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock_fds)); struct msghdr mh; mh.msg_name = NULL; // No address needed mh.msg_namelen = 0; char buffer1[1024]; struct iovec iov[1]; iov[0].iov_base = buffer1; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(buffer1); mh.msg_iov = iov; mh.msg_iovlen = 1; char buffer2[1024]; mh.msg_control = buffer2; mh.msg_controllen = sizeof(buffer2); struct cmsghdr *cmptr; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] about to fork()\n", getpid_()); pid_t child2 = fork(); if (child2 == 0) { // Child: close our copy of the original process descriptor. close(pd_); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[0], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); // Child: wait to receive process descriptor over socket if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] child of %d waiting for process descriptor on socket\n", getpid_(), getppid()); int rc = recvmsg(sock_fds[0], &mh, 0); EXPECT_OK(rc); EXPECT_LE(CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)), mh.msg_controllen); cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh); int pd = *(int*)CMSG_DATA(cmptr); EXPECT_EQ(CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)), cmptr->cmsg_len); cmptr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&mh, cmptr); EXPECT_TRUE(cmptr == NULL); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] got process descriptor %d on socket\n", getpid_(), pd); SEND_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[0], MSG_CHILD_FD_RECEIVED); // Child: confirm we can do pd*() operations on the process descriptor pid_t other; EXPECT_OK(pdgetpid(pd, &other)); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] process descriptor %d is pid %d\n", getpid_(), pd, other); // Wait until the parent has closed the process descriptor. AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[0], MSG_PARENT_CLOSED_FD); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " [%d] close process descriptor %d\n", getpid_(), pd); close(pd); // Last process descriptor closed, expect death EXPECT_PID_DEAD(other); exit(HasFailure()); } // Wait until the child has started. AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[1], MSG_CHILD_STARTED); // Send the process descriptor over the pipe to the sub-process mh.msg_controllen = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)); cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh); cmptr->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET; cmptr->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS; cmptr->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)); *(int *)CMSG_DATA(cmptr) = pd_; buffer1[0] = 0; iov[0].iov_len = 1; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] send process descriptor %d on socket\n", getpid_(), pd_); int rc = sendmsg(sock_fds[1], &mh, 0); EXPECT_OK(rc); // Wait until the child has received the process descriptor. AWAIT_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[1], MSG_CHILD_FD_RECEIVED); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "[%d] close process descriptor %d\n", getpid_(), pd_); close(pd_); // Not last open process descriptor SEND_INT_MESSAGE(sock_fds[1], MSG_PARENT_CLOSED_FD); // wait for child2 int status; EXPECT_EQ(child2, waitpid(child2, &status, __WALL)); rc = WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) : -1; EXPECT_EQ(0, rc); // confirm death all round EXPECT_PID_DEAD(child2); EXPECT_PID_DEAD(pid_); }