# Standard library types. type:std::* # The stdext namespace contains Microsoft standard library extensions. type:stdext::* # Types with a uuid attribute, i.e. COM types. type:attr:uuid # STL allocators (T *allocator::allocate(size_type, const void*)). # The type signature mandates a cast from uninitialized void* to T*. # size_type can either be unsigned int (j) or unsigned long (m). fun:*8allocateEjPKv fun:*8allocateEmPKv # std::get_temporary_buffer, likewise (libstdc++, libc++). fun:_ZSt20get_temporary_buffer* fun:_ZNSt3__120get_temporary_buffer* # STL address-of magic (libstdc++, libc++). fun:*__addressof* fun:_ZNSt3__19addressof* # Windows C++ stdlib headers that contain bad unrelated casts. src:*xmemory0 src:*xstddef