/* * chasetrace.c * Where all the hard work concerning chasing * and tracing is done * (c) 2005, 2006 NLnet Labs * * See the file LICENSE for the license * */ #include "drill.h" #include /** * trace down from the root to name */ /* same naive method as in drill0.9 * We resolver _ALL_ the names, which is ofcourse not needed * We _do_ use the local resolver to do that, so it still is * fast, but it can be made to run much faster */ ldns_pkt * do_trace(ldns_resolver *local_res, ldns_rdf *name, ldns_rr_type t, ldns_rr_class c) { ldns_resolver *res; ldns_pkt *p; ldns_rr_list *new_nss_a; ldns_rr_list *new_nss_aaaa; ldns_rr_list *final_answer; ldns_rr_list *new_nss; ldns_rr_list *ns_addr; uint16_t loop_count; ldns_rdf *pop; ldns_status status; size_t i; loop_count = 0; new_nss_a = NULL; new_nss_aaaa = NULL; new_nss = NULL; ns_addr = NULL; final_answer = NULL; p = ldns_pkt_new(); res = ldns_resolver_new(); if (!p) { if (res) { ldns_resolver_free(res); } error("Memory allocation failed"); return NULL; } if (!res) { ldns_pkt_free(p); error("Memory allocation failed"); return NULL; } /* transfer some properties of local_res to res, * because they were given on the commandline */ ldns_resolver_set_ip6(res, ldns_resolver_ip6(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_port(res, ldns_resolver_port(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_debug(res, ldns_resolver_debug(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_dnssec(res, ldns_resolver_dnssec(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_fail(res, ldns_resolver_fail(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_usevc(res, ldns_resolver_usevc(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_random(res, ldns_resolver_random(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_source(res, ldns_resolver_source(local_res)); ldns_resolver_set_recursive(res, false); /* setup the root nameserver in the new resolver */ status = ldns_resolver_push_nameserver_rr_list(res, global_dns_root); if (status != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error adding root servers to resolver: %s\n", ldns_get_errorstr_by_id(status)); ldns_rr_list_print(stdout, global_dns_root); ldns_resolver_free(res); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } /* this must be a real query to local_res */ status = ldns_resolver_send(&p, res, ldns_dname_new_frm_str("."), LDNS_RR_TYPE_NS, c, 0); /* p can still be NULL */ if (ldns_pkt_empty(p)) { warning("No root server information received"); } if (status == LDNS_STATUS_OK) { if (!ldns_pkt_empty(p)) { drill_pkt_print(stdout, local_res, p); } } else { error("cannot use local resolver"); return NULL; } status = ldns_resolver_send(&p, res, name, t, c, 0); while(status == LDNS_STATUS_OK && ldns_pkt_reply_type(p) == LDNS_PACKET_REFERRAL) { if (!p) { /* some error occurred, bail out */ return NULL; } new_nss_a = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type(p, LDNS_RR_TYPE_A, LDNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL); new_nss_aaaa = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type(p, LDNS_RR_TYPE_AAAA, LDNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL); new_nss = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type(p, LDNS_RR_TYPE_NS, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY); if (verbosity != -1) { ldns_rr_list_print(stdout, new_nss); } /* checks itself for verbosity */ drill_pkt_print_footer(stdout, local_res, p); /* remove the old nameserver from the resolver */ while(ldns_resolver_pop_nameserver(res)) { /* do it */ } /* also check for new_nss emptyness */ if (!new_nss_aaaa && !new_nss_a) { /* * no nameserver found!!! * try to resolve the names we do got */ for(i = 0; i < ldns_rr_list_rr_count(new_nss); i++) { /* get the name of the nameserver */ pop = ldns_rr_rdf(ldns_rr_list_rr(new_nss, i), 0); if (!pop) { break; } ldns_rr_list_print(stdout, new_nss); ldns_rdf_print(stdout, pop); /* retrieve it's addresses */ ns_addr = ldns_rr_list_cat_clone(ns_addr, ldns_get_rr_list_addr_by_name(local_res, pop, c, 0)); } if (ns_addr) { if (ldns_resolver_push_nameserver_rr_list(res, ns_addr) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { error("Error adding new nameservers"); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } ldns_rr_list_free(ns_addr); } else { ldns_rr_list_print(stdout, ns_addr); error("Could not find the nameserver ip addr; abort"); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } } /* add the new ones */ if (new_nss_aaaa) { if (ldns_resolver_push_nameserver_rr_list(res, new_nss_aaaa) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { error("adding new nameservers"); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } } if (new_nss_a) { if (ldns_resolver_push_nameserver_rr_list(res, new_nss_a) != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { error("adding new nameservers"); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } } if (loop_count++ > 20) { /* unlikely that we are doing something usefull */ error("Looks like we are looping"); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } status = ldns_resolver_send(&p, res, name, t, c, 0); new_nss_aaaa = NULL; new_nss_a = NULL; ns_addr = NULL; } status = ldns_resolver_send(&p, res, name, t, c, 0); if (!p) { return NULL; } new_nss = ldns_pkt_authority(p); final_answer = ldns_pkt_answer(p); if (verbosity != -1) { ldns_rr_list_print(stdout, final_answer); ldns_rr_list_print(stdout, new_nss); } drill_pkt_print_footer(stdout, local_res, p); ldns_pkt_free(p); return NULL; } /** * Chase the given rr to a known and trusted key * * Based on drill 0.9 * * the last argument prev_key_list, if not null, and type == DS, then the ds * rr list we have must all be a ds for the keys in this list */ #ifdef HAVE_SSL ldns_status do_chase(ldns_resolver *res, ldns_rdf *name, ldns_rr_type type, ldns_rr_class c, ldns_rr_list *trusted_keys, ldns_pkt *pkt_o, uint16_t qflags, ldns_rr_list * ATTR_UNUSED(prev_key_list), int verbosity) { ldns_rr_list *rrset = NULL; ldns_status result; ldns_rr *orig_rr = NULL; /* ldns_rr_list *sigs; ldns_rr *cur_sig; uint16_t sig_i; ldns_rr_list *keys; */ ldns_pkt *pkt; ldns_status tree_result; ldns_dnssec_data_chain *chain; ldns_dnssec_trust_tree *tree; const ldns_rr_descriptor *descriptor; descriptor = ldns_rr_descript(type); ldns_dname2canonical(name); pkt = ldns_pkt_clone(pkt_o); if (!name) { mesg("No name to chase"); ldns_pkt_free(pkt); return LDNS_STATUS_EMPTY_LABEL; } if (verbosity != -1) { printf(";; Chasing: "); ldns_rdf_print(stdout, name); if (descriptor && descriptor->_name) { printf(" %s\n", descriptor->_name); } else { printf(" type %d\n", type); } } if (!trusted_keys || ldns_rr_list_rr_count(trusted_keys) < 1) { warning("No trusted keys specified"); } if (pkt) { rrset = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type(pkt, name, type, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER ); if (!rrset) { /* nothing in answer, try authority */ rrset = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type(pkt, name, type, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY ); } /* answer might be a cname, chase that first, then chase cname target? (TODO) */ if (!rrset) { rrset = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type(pkt, name, LDNS_RR_TYPE_CNAME, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER ); if (!rrset) { /* nothing in answer, try authority */ rrset = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type(pkt, name, LDNS_RR_TYPE_CNAME, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY ); } } } else { /* no packet? */ if (verbosity >= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", ldns_get_errorstr_by_id(LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } return LDNS_STATUS_MEM_ERR; } if (!rrset) { /* not found in original packet, try again */ ldns_pkt_free(pkt); pkt = NULL; pkt = ldns_resolver_query(res, name, type, c, qflags); if (!pkt) { if (verbosity >= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", ldns_get_errorstr_by_id(LDNS_STATUS_NETWORK_ERR)); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } return LDNS_STATUS_NETWORK_ERR; } if (verbosity >= 5) { ldns_pkt_print(stdout, pkt); } rrset = ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type(pkt, name, type, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER ); } orig_rr = ldns_rr_new(); /* if the answer had no answer section, we need to construct our own rr (for instance if * the rr qe asked for doesn't exist. This rr will be destroyed when the chain is freed */ if (ldns_pkt_ancount(pkt) < 1) { ldns_rr_set_type(orig_rr, type); ldns_rr_set_owner(orig_rr, ldns_rdf_clone(name)); chain = ldns_dnssec_build_data_chain(res, qflags, rrset, pkt, ldns_rr_clone(orig_rr)); } else { /* chase the first answer */ chain = ldns_dnssec_build_data_chain(res, qflags, rrset, pkt, NULL); } if (verbosity >= 4) { printf("\n\nDNSSEC Data Chain:\n"); ldns_dnssec_data_chain_print(stdout, chain); } result = LDNS_STATUS_OK; tree = ldns_dnssec_derive_trust_tree(chain, NULL); if (verbosity >= 2) { printf("\n\nDNSSEC Trust tree:\n"); ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_print(stdout, tree, 0, true); } if (ldns_rr_list_rr_count(trusted_keys) > 0) { tree_result = ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_contains_keys(tree, trusted_keys); if (tree_result == LDNS_STATUS_DNSSEC_EXISTENCE_DENIED) { if (verbosity >= 1) { printf("Existence denied or verifiably insecure\n"); } result = LDNS_STATUS_OK; } else if (tree_result != LDNS_STATUS_OK) { if (verbosity >= 1) { printf("No trusted keys found in tree: first error was: %s\n", ldns_get_errorstr_by_id(tree_result)); } result = tree_result; } } else { if (verbosity >= 0) { printf("You have not provided any trusted keys.\n"); } } ldns_rr_free(orig_rr); ldns_dnssec_trust_tree_free(tree); ldns_dnssec_data_chain_deep_free(chain); ldns_rr_list_deep_free(rrset); ldns_pkt_free(pkt); /* ldns_rr_free(orig_rr);*/ return result; } #endif /* HAVE_SSL */