#! /usr/bin/env python """ Run various tests, as a client. """ from __future__ import print_function import argparse try: import ConfigParser as configparser except ImportError: import configparser import functools import logging import os import socket import struct import sys import time import traceback import p9conn import protocol LocalError = p9conn.LocalError RemoteError = p9conn.RemoteError TEError = p9conn.TEError class TestState(object): def __init__(self): self.config = None self.logger = None self.successes = 0 self.skips = 0 self.failures = 0 self.exceptions = 0 self.clnt_tab = {} self.mkclient = None self.stop = False self.gid = 0 def ccc(self, cid=None): """ Connect or reconnect as client (ccc = check and connect client). If caller provides a cid (client ID) we check that specific client. Otherwise the default ID ('base') is used. In any case we return the now-connected client, plus the attachment (session info) if any. """ if cid is None: cid = 'base' pair = self.clnt_tab.get(cid) if pair is None: clnt = self.mkclient() pair = [clnt, None] self.clnt_tab[cid] = pair else: clnt = pair[0] if not clnt.is_connected(): clnt.connect() return pair def dcc(self, cid=None): """ Disconnect client (disconnect checked client). If no specific client ID is provided, this disconnects ALL checked clients! """ if cid is None: for cid in list(self.clnt_tab.keys()): self.dcc(cid) pair = self.clnt_tab.get(cid) if pair is not None: clnt = pair[0] if clnt.is_connected(): clnt.shutdown() del self.clnt_tab[cid] def ccs(self, cid=None): """ Like ccc, but establish a session as well, by setting up the uname/n_uname. Return the client instance (only). """ pair = self.ccc(cid) clnt = pair[0] if pair[1] is None: # No session yet - establish one. Note, this may fail. section = None if cid is None else ('client-' + cid) aname = getconf(self.config, section, 'aname', '') uname = getconf(self.config, section, 'uname', '') if clnt.proto > protocol.plain: n_uname = getint(self.config, section, 'n_uname', 1001) else: n_uname = None clnt.attach(afid=None, aname=aname, uname=uname, n_uname=n_uname) pair[1] = (aname, uname, n_uname) return clnt def getconf(conf, section, name, default=None, rtype=str): """ Get configuration item for given section, or for "client" if there is no entry for that particular section (or if section is None). This lets us get specific values for specific tests or groups ([foo] name=value), falling back to general values ([client] name=value). The type of the returned value can be str, int, bool, or float. The default is str (and see getconfint, getconfbool, getconffloat below). A default value may be supplied; if it is, that's the default return value (this default should have the right type). If no default is supplied, a missing value is an error. """ try: # note: conf.get(None, 'foo') raises NoSectionError where = section result = conf.get(where, name) except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): try: where = 'client' result = conf.get(where, name) except configparser.NoSectionError: sys.exit('no [{0}] section in configuration!'.format(where)) except configparser.NoOptionError: if default is not None: return default if section is not None: where = '[{0}] or [{1}]'.format(section, where) else: where = '[{0}]'.format(where) raise LocalError('need {0}=value in {1}'.format(name, where)) where = '[{0}]'.format(where) if rtype is str: return result if rtype is int: return int(result) if rtype is float: return float(result) if rtype is bool: if result.lower() in ('1', 't', 'true', 'y', 'yes'): return True if result.lower() in ('0', 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no'): return False raise ValueError('{0} {1}={2}: invalid boolean'.format(where, name, result)) raise ValueError('{0} {1}={2}: internal error: bad result type ' '{3!r}'.format(where, name, result, rtype)) def getint(conf, section, name, default=None): "get integer config item" return getconf(conf, section, name, default, int) def getfloat(conf, section, name, default=None): "get float config item" return getconf(conf, section, name, default, float) def getbool(conf, section, name, default=None): "get boolean config item" return getconf(conf, section, name, default, bool) def pluralize(n, singular, plural): "return singular or plural based on value of n" return plural if n != 1 else singular class TCDone(Exception): "used in succ/fail/skip - skips rest of testcase with" pass class TestCase(object): """ Start a test case. Most callers must then do a ccs() to connect. A failed test will generally disconnect from the server; a new ccs() will reconnect, if the server is still alive. """ def __init__(self, name, tstate): self.name = name self.status = None self.detail = None self.tstate = tstate self._shutdown = None self._autoclunk = None self._acconn = None def auto_disconnect(self, conn): self._shutdown = conn def succ(self, detail=None): "set success status" self.status = 'SUCC' self.detail = detail raise TCDone() def fail(self, detail): "set failure status" self.status = 'FAIL' self.detail = detail raise TCDone() def skip(self, detail=None): "set skip status" self.status = 'SKIP' self.detail = detail raise TCDone() def autoclunk(self, fid): "mark fid to be closed/clunked on test exit" if self._acconn is None: raise ValueError('autoclunk: no _acconn') self._autoclunk.append(fid) def trace(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): "add tracing info to log-file output" level = kwargs.pop('level', logging.INFO) self.tstate.logger.log(level, ' ' + msg, *args, **kwargs) def ccs(self): "call tstate ccs, turn socket.error connect failure into test fail" try: self.detail = 'connecting' ret = self.tstate.ccs() self.detail = None self._acconn = ret return ret except socket.error as err: self.fail(str(err)) def __enter__(self): self.tstate.logger.log(logging.DEBUG, 'ENTER: %s', self.name) self._autoclunk = [] return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): tstate = self.tstate eat_exc = False tb_detail = None if exc_type is TCDone: # we exited with succ, fail, or skip eat_exc = True exc_type = None if exc_type is not None: if self.status is None: self.status = 'EXCP' else: self.status += ' EXC' if exc_type == TEError: # timeout/eof - best guess is that we crashed the server! eat_exc = True tb_detail = ['timeout or EOF'] elif exc_type in (socket.error, RemoteError, LocalError): eat_exc = True tb_detail = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) level = logging.ERROR tstate.failures += 1 tstate.exceptions += 1 else: if self.status is None: self.status = 'SUCC' if self.status == 'SUCC': level = logging.INFO tstate.successes += 1 elif self.status == 'SKIP': level = logging.INFO tstate.skips += 1 else: level = logging.ERROR tstate.failures += 1 tstate.logger.log(level, '%s: %s', self.status, self.name) if self.detail: tstate.logger.log(level, ' detail: %s', self.detail) if tb_detail: for line in tb_detail: tstate.logger.log(level, ' %s', line.rstrip()) for fid in self._autoclunk: self._acconn.clunk(fid, ignore_error=True) if self._shutdown: self._shutdown.shutdown() return eat_exc def main(): "the usual main" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='run tests against a server') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', action='append', help='specify additional file(s) to read (beyond testconf.ini)') args = parser.parse_args() config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() # use case sensitive keys config.optionxform = str try: with open('testconf.ini', 'r') as stream: config.readfp(stream) except (OSError, IOError) as err: sys.exit(str(err)) if args.config: ok = config.read(args.config) failed = set(ok) - set(args.config) if len(failed): nfailed = len(failed) word = 'files' if nfailed > 1 else 'file' failed = ', '.join(failed) print('failed to read {0} {1}: {2}'.format(nfailed, word, failed)) sys.exit(1) logging.basicConfig(level=config.get('client', 'loglevel').upper()) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) tstate = TestState() tstate.logger = logger tstate.config = config server = config.get('client', 'server') port = config.getint('client', 'port') proto = config.get('client', 'protocol') may_downgrade = config.getboolean('client', 'may_downgrade') timeout = config.getfloat('client', 'timeout') tstate.stop = True # unless overwritten below with TestCase('send bad packet', tstate) as tc: tc.detail = 'connecting to {0}:{1}'.format(server, port) try: conn = p9conn.P9SockIO(logger, server=server, port=port) except socket.error as err: tc.fail('cannot connect at all (server down?)') tc.auto_disconnect(conn) tc.detail = None pkt = struct.pack(' protocol.plain: n_uname = getint(tstate.config, section, 'n_uname', 1001) else: n_uname = None try: clnt.attach(afid=42, aname=aname, uname=uname, n_uname=n_uname) except RemoteError as err: tc.succ(err.args[0]) tc.dcc() tc.fail('bad attach afid not rejected') try: if not tstate.stop: # Various Linux tests need gids. Just get them for everyone. tstate.gid = getint(tstate.config, 'client', 'gid', 0) more_test_cases(tstate) finally: tstate.dcc() n_tests = tstate.successes + tstate.failures print('summary:') if tstate.successes: print('{0}/{1} tests succeeded'.format(tstate.successes, n_tests)) if tstate.failures: print('{0}/{1} tests failed'.format(tstate.failures, n_tests)) if tstate.skips: print('{0} {1} skipped'.format(tstate.skips, pluralize(tstate.skips, 'test', 'tests'))) if tstate.exceptions: print('{0} {1} occurred'.format(tstate.exceptions, pluralize(tstate.exceptions, 'exception', 'exceptions'))) if tstate.stop: print('tests stopped early') return 1 if tstate.stop or tstate.exceptions or tstate.failures else 0 def more_test_cases(tstate): "run cases that can only proceed if connecting works at all" with TestCase('attach normally', tstate) as tc: tc.ccs() tc.succ() if tstate.stop: return # Empty string is not technically illegal. It's not clear # whether it should be accepted or rejected. However, it # used to crash the server entirely, so it's a desirable # test case. with TestCase('empty string in Twalk request', tstate) as tc: clnt = tc.ccs() try: fid, qid = clnt.lookup(clnt.rootfid, [b'']) except RemoteError as err: tc.succ(err.args[0]) clnt.clunk(fid) tc.succ('note: empty Twalk component name not rejected') # Name components may not contain / with TestCase('embedded / in lookup component name', tstate) as tc: clnt = tc.ccs() try: fid, qid = clnt.lookup(clnt.rootfid, [b'/']) tc.autoclunk(fid) except RemoteError as err: tc.succ(err.args[0]) tc.fail('/ in lookup component name not rejected') # Proceed from a clean tree. As a side effect, this also tests # either the old style readdir (read() on a directory fid) or # the dot-L readdir(). # # The test case will fail if we don't have permission to remove # some file(s). with TestCase('clean up tree (readdir+remove)', tstate) as tc: clnt = tc.ccs() fset = clnt.uxreaddir(b'/') fset = [i for i in fset if i != '.' and i != '..'] tc.trace("what's there initially: {0!r}".format(fset)) try: clnt.uxremove(b'/', force=False, recurse=True) except RemoteError as err: tc.trace('failed to read or clean up tree', level=logging.ERROR) tc.trace('this might be a permissions error', level=logging.ERROR) tstate.stop = True tc.fail(str(err)) fset = clnt.uxreaddir(b'/') fset = [i for i in fset if i != '.' and i != '..'] tc.trace("what's left after removing everything: {0!r}".format(fset)) if fset: tstate.stop = True tc.trace('note: could be a permissions error', level=logging.ERROR) tc.fail('/ not empty after removing all: {0!r}'.format(fset)) tc.succ() if tstate.stop: return # Name supplied to create, mkdir, etc, may not contain /. # Note that this test may fail for the wrong reason if /dir # itself does not already exist, so first let's make /dir. only_dotl = getbool(tstate.config, 'client', 'only_dotl', False) with TestCase('mkdir', tstate) as tc: clnt = tc.ccs() if only_dotl and not clnt.supports(protocol.td.Tmkdir): tc.skip('cannot test dot-L mkdir on {0}'.format(clnt.proto)) try: fid, qid = clnt.uxlookup(b'/dir', None) tc.autoclunk(fid) tstate.stop = True tc.fail('found existing /dir after cleaning tree') except RemoteError as err: # we'll just assume it's "no such file or directory" pass if only_dotl: qid = clnt.mkdir(clnt.rootfid, b'dir', 0o777, tstate.gid) else: qid, _ = clnt.create(clnt.rootfid, b'dir', protocol.td.DMDIR | 0o777, protocol.td.OREAD) if qid.type != protocol.td.QTDIR: tstate.stop = True tc.fail('creating /dir: result is not a directory') tc.trace('now attempting to create /dir/sub the wrong way') try: if only_dotl: qid = clnt.mkdir(clnt.rootfid, b'dir/sub', 0o777, tstate.gid) else: qid, _ = clnt.create(clnt.rootfid, b'dir/sub', protocol.td.DMDIR | 0o777, protocol.td.OREAD) # it's not clear what happened on the server at this point! tc.trace("creating dir/sub (with embedded '/') should have " 'failed but did not') tstate.stop = True fset = clnt.uxreaddir(b'/dir') if 'sub' in fset: tc.trace('(found our dir/sub detritus)') clnt.uxremove(b'dir/sub', force=True) fset = clnt.uxreaddir(b'/dir') if 'sub' not in fset: tc.trace('(successfully removed our dir/sub detritus)') tstate.stop = False tc.fail('created dir/sub as single directory with embedded slash') except RemoteError as err: # we'll just assume it's the right kind of error tc.trace('invalid path dir/sub failed with: %s', str(err)) tc.succ('embedded slash in mkdir correctly refused') if tstate.stop: return with TestCase('getattr/setattr', tstate) as tc: # This test is not really thorough enough, need to test # all combinations of settings. Should also test that # old values are restored on failure, although it is not # clear how to trigger failures. clnt = tc.ccs() if not clnt.supports(protocol.td.Tgetattr): tc.skip('%s does not support Tgetattr', clnt) fid, _, _, _ = clnt.uxopen(b'/dir/file', os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR, 0o666, gid=tstate.gid) tc.autoclunk(fid) written = clnt.write(fid, 0, 'bytes\n') if written != 6: tc.trace('expected to write 6 bytes, actually wrote %d', written, level=logging.WARN) attrs = clnt.Tgetattr(fid) #tc.trace('getattr: after write, before setattr: got %s', attrs) if attrs.size != written: tc.fail('getattr: expected size=%d, got size=%d', written, attrs.size) # now truncate, set mtime to (3,14), and check result set_time_to = p9conn.Timespec(sec=0, nsec=140000000) clnt.Tsetattr(fid, size=0, mtime=set_time_to) attrs = clnt.Tgetattr(fid) #tc.trace('getattr: after setattr: got %s', attrs) if attrs.mtime.sec != set_time_to.sec or attrs.size != 0: tc.fail('setattr: expected to get back mtime.sec={0}, size=0; ' 'got mtime.sec={1}, size=' '{1}'.format(set_time_to.sec, attrs.mtime.sec, attrs.size)) # nsec is not as stable but let's check if attrs.mtime.nsec != set_time_to.nsec: tc.trace('setattr: expected to get back mtime_nsec=%d; ' 'got %d', set_time_to.nsec, mtime_nsec) tc.succ('able to set and see size and mtime') # this test should be much later, but we know the current # server is broken... with TestCase('rename adjusts other fids', tstate) as tc: clnt = tc.ccs() dirfid, _ = clnt.uxlookup(b'/dir') tc.autoclunk(dirfid) clnt.uxmkdir(b'd1', 0o777, tstate.gid, startdir=dirfid) clnt.uxmkdir(b'd1/sub', 0o777, tstate.gid, startdir=dirfid) d1fid, _ = clnt.uxlookup(b'd1', dirfid) tc.autoclunk(d1fid) subfid, _ = clnt.uxlookup(b'sub', d1fid) tc.autoclunk(subfid) fid, _, _, _ = clnt.uxopen(b'file', os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR, 0o666, startdir=subfid, gid=tstate.gid) tc.autoclunk(fid) written = clnt.write(fid, 0, 'filedata\n') if written != 9: tc.trace('expected to write 9 bytes, actually wrote %d', written, level=logging.WARN) # Now if we rename /dir/d1 to /dir/d2, the fids for both # sub/file and sub itself should still be usable. This # holds for both Trename (Linux only) and Twstat based # rename ops. # # Note that some servers may cache some number of files and/or # diretories held open, so we should open many fids to wipe # out the cache (XXX notyet). if clnt.supports(protocol.td.Trename): clnt.rename(d1fid, dirfid, name=b'd2') else: clnt.wstat(d1fid, name=b'd2') try: rofid, _, _, _ = clnt.uxopen(b'file', os.O_RDONLY, startdir=subfid) clnt.clunk(rofid) except RemoteError as err: tc.fail('open file in renamed dir/d2/sub: {0}'.format(err)) tc.succ() # Even if xattrwalk is supported by the protocol, it's optional # on the server. with TestCase('xattrwalk', tstate) as tc: clnt = tc.ccs() if not clnt.supports(protocol.td.Txattrwalk): tc.skip('{0} does not support Txattrwalk'.format(clnt)) dirfid, _ = clnt.uxlookup(b'/dir') tc.autoclunk(dirfid) try: # need better tests... attrfid, size = clnt.xattrwalk(dirfid) tc.autoclunk(attrfid) data = clnt.read(attrfid, 0, size) tc.trace('xattrwalk with no name: data=%r', data) tc.succ('xattrwalk size={0} datalen={1}'.format(size, len(data))) except RemoteError as err: tc.trace('xattrwalk on /dir: {0}'.format(err)) tc.succ('xattrwalk apparently not implemented') if __name__ == '__main__': try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit('\nInterrupted')