#!/usr/bin/env bash # Guides my forgetful self through the release process. # Usage release.sh VERSION set -e function prompt() { echo "$1 Confirm with 'Yes'" read check if [ "$check" != "Yes" ]; then echo "Aborting..." exit 1 fi } # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/59895/getting-the-source-directory-of-a-bash-script-from-within DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" OUTDIR=$(mktemp -d) TAG_NAME="v$1" cd $DIR python3 misc/update_version.py "$1" echo ">>>>> Checking changelog" grep -A 5 -F "$1" CHANGELOG.md || true prompt "Is the changelog correct and complete?" echo ">>>>> Checking Doxyfile" grep PROJECT_NUMBER Doxyfile prompt "Is the Doxyfile version correct?" echo ">>>>> Checking CMakeLists" grep -A 2 'SET(CBOR_VERSION_MAJOR' CMakeLists.txt prompt "Is the CMake version correct?" echo ">>>>> Checking docs" grep 'version =\|release =' doc/source/conf.py prompt "Are the versions correct?" set -x pushd doc make clean popd doxygen cd doc make html cd build cp -r html libcbor_docs_html tar -zcf libcbor_docs.tar.gz libcbor_docs_html cp -r doxygen/html libcbor_api_docs_html tar -zcf libcbor_api_docs.tar.gz libcbor_api_docs_html mv libcbor_docs.tar.gz libcbor_api_docs.tar.gz "$OUTDIR" pushd "$OUTDIR" cmake "$DIR" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DWITH_TESTS=ON make ctest popd prompt "Will proceed to tag the release with $TAG_NAME." git tag "$TAG_NAME" git push --tags set +x echo "Release ready in $OUTDIR" echo "Add the release to GitHub at https://github.com/PJK/libcbor/releases/new *now*" prompt "Have you added the release to https://github.com/PJK/libcbor/releases/tag/$TAG_NAME?" echo "Update the Hombrew formula (https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/libcbor.rb) *now*" echo "HOWTO: https://github.com/Linuxbrew/brew/blob/master/docs/How-To-Open-a-Homebrew-Pull-Request.md" prompt "Have you updated the formula?"