/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Yubico AB. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style * license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */ #include #include "fido.h" #include "fido/es256.h" #define LARGEBLOB_DIGEST_LENGTH 16 #define LARGEBLOB_NONCE_LENGTH 12 #define LARGEBLOB_TAG_LENGTH 16 typedef struct largeblob { size_t origsiz; fido_blob_t ciphertext; fido_blob_t nonce; } largeblob_t; static largeblob_t * largeblob_new(void) { return calloc(1, sizeof(largeblob_t)); } static void largeblob_reset(largeblob_t *blob) { fido_blob_reset(&blob->ciphertext); fido_blob_reset(&blob->nonce); blob->origsiz = 0; } static void largeblob_free(largeblob_t **blob_ptr) { largeblob_t *blob; if (blob_ptr == NULL || (blob = *blob_ptr) == NULL) return; largeblob_reset(blob); free(blob); *blob_ptr = NULL; } static int largeblob_aad(fido_blob_t *aad, uint64_t size) { uint8_t buf[4 + sizeof(uint64_t)]; buf[0] = 0x62; /* b */ buf[1] = 0x6c; /* l */ buf[2] = 0x6f; /* o */ buf[3] = 0x62; /* b */ size = htole64(size); memcpy(&buf[4], &size, sizeof(uint64_t)); return fido_blob_set(aad, buf, sizeof(buf)); } static fido_blob_t * largeblob_decrypt(const largeblob_t *blob, const fido_blob_t *key) { fido_blob_t *plaintext = NULL, *aad = NULL; int ok = -1; if ((plaintext = fido_blob_new()) == NULL || (aad = fido_blob_new()) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_new", __func__); goto fail; } if (largeblob_aad(aad, blob->origsiz) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_aad", __func__); goto fail; } if (aes256_gcm_dec(key, &blob->nonce, aad, &blob->ciphertext, plaintext) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: aes256_gcm_dec", __func__); goto fail; } ok = 0; fail: fido_blob_free(&aad); if (ok < 0) fido_blob_free(&plaintext); return plaintext; } static int largeblob_get_nonce(largeblob_t *blob) { uint8_t buf[LARGEBLOB_NONCE_LENGTH]; int ok = -1; if (fido_get_random(buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_get_random", __func__); goto fail; } if (fido_blob_set(&blob->nonce, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_set", __func__); goto fail; } ok = 0; fail: explicit_bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); return ok; } static int largeblob_seal(largeblob_t *blob, const fido_blob_t *body, const fido_blob_t *key) { fido_blob_t *plaintext = NULL, *aad = NULL; int ok = -1; if ((plaintext = fido_blob_new()) == NULL || (aad = fido_blob_new()) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_new", __func__); goto fail; } if (fido_compress(plaintext, body) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_compress", __func__); goto fail; } if (largeblob_aad(aad, body->len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_aad", __func__); goto fail; } if (largeblob_get_nonce(blob) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_nonce", __func__); goto fail; } if (aes256_gcm_enc(key, &blob->nonce, aad, plaintext, &blob->ciphertext) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: aes256_gcm_enc", __func__); goto fail; } blob->origsiz = body->len; ok = 0; fail: fido_blob_free(&plaintext); fido_blob_free(&aad); return ok; } static int largeblob_get_tx(fido_dev_t *dev, size_t offset, size_t count) { fido_blob_t f; cbor_item_t *argv[3]; int r; memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv)); memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); if ((argv[0] = cbor_build_uint(count)) == NULL || (argv[2] = cbor_build_uint(offset)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor encode", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } if (cbor_build_frame(CTAP_CBOR_LARGEBLOB, argv, nitems(argv), &f) < 0 || fido_tx(dev, CTAP_CMD_CBOR, f.ptr, f.len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_tx", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_TX; goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: cbor_vector_free(argv, nitems(argv)); free(f.ptr); return r; } static int parse_largeblob_reply(const cbor_item_t *key, const cbor_item_t *val, void *arg) { if (cbor_isa_uint(key) == false || cbor_int_get_width(key) != CBOR_INT_8 || cbor_get_uint8(key) != 1) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor type", __func__); return 0; /* ignore */ } return fido_blob_decode(val, arg); } static int largeblob_get_rx(fido_dev_t *dev, fido_blob_t **chunk, int ms) { unsigned char reply[FIDO_MAXMSG]; int reply_len, r; *chunk = NULL; if ((reply_len = fido_rx(dev, CTAP_CMD_CBOR, &reply, sizeof(reply), ms)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_rx", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_RX; } if ((*chunk = fido_blob_new()) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_new", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if ((r = cbor_parse_reply(reply, (size_t)reply_len, *chunk, parse_largeblob_reply)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: parse_largeblob_reply", __func__); fido_blob_free(chunk); return r; } return FIDO_OK; } static cbor_item_t * largeblob_array_load(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) { struct cbor_load_result cbor; cbor_item_t *item; if (len < LARGEBLOB_DIGEST_LENGTH) { fido_log_debug("%s: len", __func__); return NULL; } len -= LARGEBLOB_DIGEST_LENGTH; if ((item = cbor_load(ptr, len, &cbor)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor_load", __func__); return NULL; } if (!cbor_isa_array(item) || !cbor_array_is_definite(item)) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor type", __func__); cbor_decref(&item); return NULL; } return item; } static size_t get_chunklen(fido_dev_t *dev) { uint64_t maxchunklen; if ((maxchunklen = fido_dev_maxmsgsize(dev)) > SIZE_MAX) maxchunklen = SIZE_MAX; if (maxchunklen > FIDO_MAXMSG) maxchunklen = FIDO_MAXMSG; maxchunklen = maxchunklen > 64 ? maxchunklen - 64 : 0; return (size_t)maxchunklen; } static int largeblob_do_decode(const cbor_item_t *key, const cbor_item_t *val, void *arg) { largeblob_t *blob = arg; uint64_t origsiz; if (cbor_isa_uint(key) == false || cbor_int_get_width(key) != CBOR_INT_8) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor type", __func__); return 0; /* ignore */ } switch (cbor_get_uint8(key)) { case 1: /* ciphertext */ if (fido_blob_decode(val, &blob->ciphertext) < 0 || blob->ciphertext.len < LARGEBLOB_TAG_LENGTH) return -1; return 0; case 2: /* nonce */ if (fido_blob_decode(val, &blob->nonce) < 0 || blob->nonce.len != LARGEBLOB_NONCE_LENGTH) return -1; return 0; case 3: /* origSize */ if (!cbor_isa_uint(val) || (origsiz = cbor_get_int(val)) > SIZE_MAX) return -1; blob->origsiz = (size_t)origsiz; return 0; default: /* ignore */ fido_log_debug("%s: cbor type", __func__); return 0; } } static int largeblob_decode(largeblob_t *blob, const cbor_item_t *item) { if (!cbor_isa_map(item) || !cbor_map_is_definite(item)) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor type", __func__); return -1; } if (cbor_map_iter(item, blob, largeblob_do_decode) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor_map_iter", __func__); return -1; } if (fido_blob_is_empty(&blob->ciphertext) || fido_blob_is_empty(&blob->nonce) || blob->origsiz == 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: incomplete blob", __func__); return -1; } return 0; } static cbor_item_t * largeblob_encode(const fido_blob_t *body, const fido_blob_t *key) { largeblob_t *blob; cbor_item_t *argv[3], *item = NULL; memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv)); if ((blob = largeblob_new()) == NULL || largeblob_seal(blob, body, key) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_seal", __func__); goto fail; } if ((argv[0] = fido_blob_encode(&blob->ciphertext)) == NULL || (argv[1] = fido_blob_encode(&blob->nonce)) == NULL || (argv[2] = cbor_build_uint(blob->origsiz)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor encode", __func__); goto fail; } item = cbor_flatten_vector(argv, nitems(argv)); fail: cbor_vector_free(argv, nitems(argv)); largeblob_free(&blob); return item; } static int largeblob_array_lookup(fido_blob_t *out, size_t *idx, const cbor_item_t *item, const fido_blob_t *key) { cbor_item_t **v; fido_blob_t *plaintext = NULL; largeblob_t blob; int r; memset(&blob, 0, sizeof(blob)); if (idx != NULL) *idx = 0; if ((v = cbor_array_handle(item)) == NULL) return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; for (size_t i = 0; i < cbor_array_size(item); i++) { if (largeblob_decode(&blob, v[i]) < 0 || (plaintext = largeblob_decrypt(&blob, key)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_decode", __func__); largeblob_reset(&blob); continue; } if (idx != NULL) *idx = i; break; } if (plaintext == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: not found", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_NOTFOUND; } if (out != NULL) r = fido_uncompress(out, plaintext, blob.origsiz); else r = FIDO_OK; fido_blob_free(&plaintext); largeblob_reset(&blob); return r; } static int largeblob_array_digest(u_char out[LARGEBLOB_DIGEST_LENGTH], const u_char *data, size_t len) { u_char dgst[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; if (data == NULL || len == 0) return -1; if (SHA256(data, len, dgst) != dgst) return -1; memcpy(out, dgst, LARGEBLOB_DIGEST_LENGTH); return 0; } static int largeblob_array_check(const fido_blob_t *array) { u_char expected_hash[LARGEBLOB_DIGEST_LENGTH]; size_t body_len; fido_log_xxd(array->ptr, array->len, __func__); if (array->len < sizeof(expected_hash)) { fido_log_debug("%s: len %zu", __func__, array->len); return -1; } body_len = array->len - sizeof(expected_hash); if (largeblob_array_digest(expected_hash, array->ptr, body_len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_array_digest", __func__); return -1; } return timingsafe_bcmp(expected_hash, array->ptr + body_len, sizeof(expected_hash)); } static int largeblob_get_array(fido_dev_t *dev, cbor_item_t **item) { fido_blob_t *array, *chunk = NULL; size_t n; int r; *item = NULL; if ((n = get_chunklen(dev)) == 0) return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if ((array = fido_blob_new()) == NULL) return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; do { fido_blob_free(&chunk); if ((r = largeblob_get_tx(dev, array->len, n)) != FIDO_OK || (r = largeblob_get_rx(dev, &chunk, -1)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_wait %zu/%zu", __func__, array->len, n); goto fail; } if (fido_blob_append(array, chunk->ptr, chunk->len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_append", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } } while (chunk->len == n); if (largeblob_array_check(array) != 0) *item = cbor_new_definite_array(0); /* per spec */ else *item = largeblob_array_load(array->ptr, array->len); if (*item == NULL) r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; else r = FIDO_OK; fail: fido_blob_free(&array); fido_blob_free(&chunk); return r; } static int prepare_hmac(size_t offset, const u_char *data, size_t len, fido_blob_t *hmac) { uint8_t buf[32 + 2 + sizeof(uint32_t) + SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; uint32_t u32_offset; if (data == NULL || len == 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid data=%p, len=%zu", __func__, (const void *)data, len); return -1; } if (offset > UINT32_MAX) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid offset=%zu", __func__, offset); return -1; } memset(buf, 0xff, 32); buf[32] = CTAP_CBOR_LARGEBLOB; buf[33] = 0x00; u32_offset = htole32((uint32_t)offset); memcpy(&buf[34], &u32_offset, sizeof(uint32_t)); if (SHA256(data, len, &buf[38]) != &buf[38]) { fido_log_debug("%s: SHA256", __func__); return -1; } return fido_blob_set(hmac, buf, sizeof(buf)); } static int largeblob_set_tx(fido_dev_t *dev, const fido_blob_t *token, const u_char *chunk, size_t chunk_len, size_t offset, size_t totalsiz) { fido_blob_t *hmac = NULL, f; cbor_item_t *argv[6]; int r; memset(argv, 0, sizeof(argv)); memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); if ((argv[1] = cbor_build_bytestring(chunk, chunk_len)) == NULL || (argv[2] = cbor_build_uint(offset)) == NULL || (offset == 0 && (argv[3] = cbor_build_uint(totalsiz)) == NULL)) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor encode", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } if (token != NULL) { if ((hmac = fido_blob_new()) == NULL || prepare_hmac(offset, chunk, chunk_len, hmac) < 0 || (argv[4] = cbor_encode_pin_auth(dev, token, hmac)) == NULL || (argv[5] = cbor_encode_pin_opt(dev)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor_encode_pin_auth", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } } if (cbor_build_frame(CTAP_CBOR_LARGEBLOB, argv, nitems(argv), &f) < 0 || fido_tx(dev, CTAP_CMD_CBOR, f.ptr, f.len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_tx", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_TX; goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: cbor_vector_free(argv, nitems(argv)); fido_blob_free(&hmac); free(f.ptr); return r; } static int largeblob_get_uv_token(fido_dev_t *dev, const char *pin, fido_blob_t **token) { es256_pk_t *pk = NULL; fido_blob_t *ecdh = NULL; int r; if ((*token = fido_blob_new()) == NULL) return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; if ((r = fido_do_ecdh(dev, &pk, &ecdh)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_do_ecdh", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = fido_dev_get_uv_token(dev, CTAP_CBOR_LARGEBLOB, pin, ecdh, pk, NULL, *token)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_dev_get_uv_token", __func__); goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: if (r != FIDO_OK) fido_blob_free(token); fido_blob_free(&ecdh); es256_pk_free(&pk); return r; } static int largeblob_set_array(fido_dev_t *dev, const cbor_item_t *item, const char *pin) { unsigned char dgst[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; fido_blob_t cbor, *token = NULL; size_t chunklen, maxchunklen, totalsize; int r; memset(&cbor, 0, sizeof(cbor)); if ((maxchunklen = get_chunklen(dev)) == 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: maxchunklen=%zu", __func__, maxchunklen); r = FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto fail; } if (!cbor_isa_array(item) || !cbor_array_is_definite(item)) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor type", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto fail; } if ((fido_blob_serialise(&cbor, item)) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_serialise", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } if (cbor.len > SIZE_MAX - sizeof(dgst)) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor.len=%zu", __func__, cbor.len); r = FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; goto fail; } if (SHA256(cbor.ptr, cbor.len, dgst) != dgst) { fido_log_debug("%s: SHA256", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } totalsize = cbor.len + sizeof(dgst) - 16; /* the first 16 bytes only */ if (pin != NULL || fido_dev_supports_permissions(dev)) { if ((r = largeblob_get_uv_token(dev, pin, &token)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_uv_token", __func__); goto fail; } } for (size_t offset = 0; offset < cbor.len; offset += chunklen) { if ((chunklen = cbor.len - offset) > maxchunklen) chunklen = maxchunklen; if ((r = largeblob_set_tx(dev, token, cbor.ptr + offset, chunklen, offset, totalsize)) != FIDO_OK || (r = fido_rx_cbor_status(dev, -1)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: body", __func__); goto fail; } } if ((r = largeblob_set_tx(dev, token, dgst, sizeof(dgst) - 16, cbor.len, totalsize)) != FIDO_OK || (r = fido_rx_cbor_status(dev, -1)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: dgst", __func__); goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: fido_blob_free(&token); fido_blob_reset(&cbor); return r; } static int largeblob_add(fido_dev_t *dev, const fido_blob_t *key, cbor_item_t *item, const char *pin) { cbor_item_t *array = NULL; size_t idx; int r; if ((r = largeblob_get_array(dev, &array)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_array", __func__); goto fail; } switch (r = largeblob_array_lookup(NULL, &idx, array, key)) { case FIDO_OK: if (!cbor_array_replace(array, idx, item)) { r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } break; case FIDO_ERR_NOTFOUND: if (cbor_array_append(&array, item) < 0) { r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } break; default: fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_array_lookup", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = largeblob_set_array(dev, array, pin)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_set_array", __func__); goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: if (array != NULL) cbor_decref(&array); return r; } static int largeblob_drop(fido_dev_t *dev, const fido_blob_t *key, const char *pin) { cbor_item_t *array = NULL; size_t idx; int r; if ((r = largeblob_get_array(dev, &array)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_array", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = largeblob_array_lookup(NULL, &idx, array, key)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_array_lookup", __func__); goto fail; } if (cbor_array_drop(&array, idx) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor_array_drop", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } if ((r = largeblob_set_array(dev, array, pin)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_set_array", __func__); goto fail; } r = FIDO_OK; fail: if (array != NULL) cbor_decref(&array); return r; } int fido_dev_largeblob_get(fido_dev_t *dev, const unsigned char *key_ptr, size_t key_len, unsigned char **blob_ptr, size_t *blob_len) { cbor_item_t *item = NULL; fido_blob_t key, body; int r; memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&body, 0, sizeof(body)); if (key_len != 32) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid key len %zu", __func__, key_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (blob_ptr == NULL || blob_len == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid blob_ptr=%p, blob_len=%p", __func__, (const void *)blob_ptr, (const void *)blob_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } *blob_ptr = NULL; *blob_len = 0; if (fido_blob_set(&key, key_ptr, key_len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_set", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if ((r = largeblob_get_array(dev, &item)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_array", __func__); goto fail; } if ((r = largeblob_array_lookup(&body, NULL, item, &key)) != FIDO_OK) fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_array_lookup", __func__); else { *blob_ptr = body.ptr; *blob_len = body.len; } fail: if (item != NULL) cbor_decref(&item); fido_blob_reset(&key); return r; } int fido_dev_largeblob_set(fido_dev_t *dev, const unsigned char *key_ptr, size_t key_len, const unsigned char *blob_ptr, size_t blob_len, const char *pin) { cbor_item_t *item = NULL; fido_blob_t key, body; int r; memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); memset(&body, 0, sizeof(body)); if (key_len != 32) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid key len %zu", __func__, key_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (blob_ptr == NULL || blob_len == 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid blob_ptr=%p, blob_len=%zu", __func__, (const void *)blob_ptr, blob_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (fido_blob_set(&key, key_ptr, key_len) < 0 || fido_blob_set(&body, blob_ptr, blob_len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_set", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } if ((item = largeblob_encode(&body, &key)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_encode", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; goto fail; } if ((r = largeblob_add(dev, &key, item, pin)) != FIDO_OK) fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_add", __func__); fail: if (item != NULL) cbor_decref(&item); fido_blob_reset(&key); fido_blob_reset(&body); return r; } int fido_dev_largeblob_remove(fido_dev_t *dev, const unsigned char *key_ptr, size_t key_len, const char *pin) { fido_blob_t key; int r; memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key)); if (key_len != 32) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid key len %zu", __func__, key_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if (fido_blob_set(&key, key_ptr, key_len) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_set", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } if ((r = largeblob_drop(dev, &key, pin)) != FIDO_OK) fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_drop", __func__); fido_blob_reset(&key); return r; } int fido_dev_largeblob_get_array(fido_dev_t *dev, unsigned char **cbor_ptr, size_t *cbor_len) { cbor_item_t *item = NULL; fido_blob_t cbor; int r; memset(&cbor, 0, sizeof(cbor)); if (cbor_ptr == NULL || cbor_len == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid cbor_ptr=%p, cbor_len=%p", __func__, (const void *)cbor_ptr, (const void *)cbor_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } *cbor_ptr = NULL; *cbor_len = 0; if ((r = largeblob_get_array(dev, &item)) != FIDO_OK) { fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_get_array", __func__); return r; } if (fido_blob_serialise(&cbor, item) < 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: fido_blob_serialise", __func__); r = FIDO_ERR_INTERNAL; } else { *cbor_ptr = cbor.ptr; *cbor_len = cbor.len; } cbor_decref(&item); return r; } int fido_dev_largeblob_set_array(fido_dev_t *dev, const unsigned char *cbor_ptr, size_t cbor_len, const char *pin) { cbor_item_t *item = NULL; struct cbor_load_result cbor_result; int r; if (cbor_ptr == NULL || cbor_len == 0) { fido_log_debug("%s: invalid cbor_ptr=%p, cbor_len=%zu", __func__, (const void *)cbor_ptr, cbor_len); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if ((item = cbor_load(cbor_ptr, cbor_len, &cbor_result)) == NULL) { fido_log_debug("%s: cbor_load", __func__); return FIDO_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } if ((r = largeblob_set_array(dev, item, pin)) != FIDO_OK) fido_log_debug("%s: largeblob_set_array", __func__); cbor_decref(&item); return r; }