param( [string]$CMakePath = "C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe", [string]$GitPath = "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe", [string]$SevenZPath = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe", [string]$GPGPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe", [string]$WinSDK = "", [string]$Fido2Flags = "" ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # LibreSSL coordinates. New-Variable -Name 'LIBRESSL_URL' ` -Value '' -Option Constant New-Variable -Name 'LIBRESSL' -Value 'libressl-3.2.5' -Option Constant # libcbor coordinates. New-Variable -Name 'LIBCBOR' -Value 'libcbor-0.8.0' -Option Constant New-Variable -Name 'LIBCBOR_BRANCH' -Value 'v0.8.0' -Option Constant New-Variable -Name 'LIBCBOR_GIT' -Value '' ` -Option Constant # zlib coordinates. New-Variable -Name 'ZLIB' -Value 'zlib-1.2.11' -Option Constant New-Variable -Name 'ZLIB_BRANCH' -Value 'v1.2.11' -Option Constant New-Variable -Name 'ZLIB_GIT' -Value '' ` -Option Constant # Work directories. New-Variable -Name 'BUILD' -Value "$PSScriptRoot\..\build" -Option Constant New-Variable -Name 'OUTPUT' -Value "$PSScriptRoot\..\output" -Option Constant # Find CMake. $CMake = $(Get-Command cmake -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source) if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CMake)) { $CMake = $CMakePath } # Find Git. $Git = $(Get-Command git -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source) if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Git)) { $Git = $GitPath } # Find 7z. $SevenZ = $(Get-Command 7z -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source) if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SevenZ)) { $SevenZ = $SevenZPath } # Find GPG. $GPG = $(Get-Command gpg -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source) if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GPG)) { $GPG = $GPGPath } # Override CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION if $WinSDK is set. if(-Not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($WinSDK))) { $CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION = "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION='$WinSDK'" } else { $CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION = '' } if(-Not (Test-Path $CMake)) { throw "Unable to find CMake at $CMake" } if(-Not (Test-Path $Git)) { throw "Unable to find Git at $Git" } if(-Not (Test-Path $SevenZ)) { throw "Unable to find 7z at $SevenZ" } if(-Not (Test-Path $GPG)) { throw "Unable to find GPG at $GPG" } Write-Host "Git: $Git" Write-Host "CMake: $CMake" Write-Host "7z: $SevenZ" Write-Host "GPG: $GPG" New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD} New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD}\32 New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD}\32\dynamic New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD}\32\static New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD}\64 New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD}\64\dynamic New-Item -Type Directory ${BUILD}\64\static New-Item -Type Directory ${OUTPUT} New-Item -Type Directory ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win64\Release\v142\dynamic New-Item -Type Directory ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win32\Release\v142\dynamic New-Item -Type Directory ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win64\Release\v142\static New-Item -Type Directory ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win32\Release\v142\static Push-Location ${BUILD} try { if (Test-Path .\${LIBRESSL}) { Remove-Item .\${LIBRESSL} -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } if(-Not (Test-Path .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz -PathType leaf)) { Invoke-WebRequest ${LIBRESSL_URL}/${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz ` -OutFile .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz } if(-Not (Test-Path .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz.asc -PathType leaf)) { Invoke-WebRequest ${LIBRESSL_URL}/${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz.asc ` -OutFile .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz.asc } Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot\libressl.gpg" -Destination "${BUILD}" & $GPG --list-keys & $GPG -v --no-default-keyring --keyring ./libressl.gpg ` --verify .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz.asc .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { throw "GPG signature verification failed" } & $SevenZ e .\${LIBRESSL}.tar.gz & $SevenZ x .\${LIBRESSL}.tar Remove-Item -Force .\${LIBRESSL}.tar if(-Not (Test-Path .\${LIBCBOR})) { Write-Host "Cloning ${LIBCBOR}..." & $Git clone --branch ${LIBCBOR_BRANCH} ${LIBCBOR_GIT} ` .\${LIBCBOR} } if(-Not (Test-Path .\${ZLIB})) { Write-Host "Cloning ${ZLIB}..." & $Git clone --branch ${ZLIB_BRANCH} ${ZLIB_GIT} ` .\${ZLIB} } } catch { throw "Failed to fetch and verify dependencies" } finally { Pop-Location } Function Build(${OUTPUT}, ${GENERATOR}, ${ARCH}, ${SHARED}, ${FLAGS}) { if (-Not (Test-Path .\${LIBRESSL})) { New-Item -Type Directory .\${LIBRESSL} -ErrorAction Stop } Push-Location .\${LIBRESSL} & $CMake ..\..\..\${LIBRESSL} -G "${GENERATOR}" -A "${ARCH}" ` -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS="${SHARED}" -DLIBRESSL_TESTS=OFF ` -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="${FLAGS} /Zi /guard:cf /sdl" ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${OUTPUT}" "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}" & $CMake --build . --config Release --verbose & $CMake --build . --config Release --target install --verbose Pop-Location if (-Not (Test-Path .\${LIBCBOR})) { New-Item -Type Directory .\${LIBCBOR} -ErrorAction Stop } Push-Location .\${LIBCBOR} & $CMake ..\..\..\${LIBCBOR} -G "${GENERATOR}" -A "${ARCH}" ` -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS="${SHARED}" ` -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="${FLAGS} /Zi /guard:cf /sdl" ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${OUTPUT}" "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}" & $CMake --build . --config Release --verbose & $CMake --build . --config Release --target install --verbose Pop-Location if(-Not (Test-Path .\${ZLIB})) { New-Item -Type Directory .\${ZLIB} -ErrorAction Stop } Push-Location .\${ZLIB} & $CMake ..\..\..\${ZLIB} -G "${GENERATOR}" -A "${ARCH}" ` -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS="${SHARED}" ` -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="${FLAGS} /Zi /guard:cf /sdl" ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${OUTPUT}" "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}" & $CMake --build . --config Release --verbose & $CMake --build . --config Release --target install --verbose Pop-Location & $CMake ..\..\.. -G "${GENERATOR}" -A "${ARCH}" ` -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS="${SHARED}" ` -DCBOR_INCLUDE_DIRS="${OUTPUT}\include" ` -DCBOR_LIBRARY_DIRS="${OUTPUT}\lib" ` -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS="${OUTPUT}\include" ` -DZLIB_LIBRARY_DIRS="${OUTPUT}\lib" ` -DCRYPTO_INCLUDE_DIRS="${OUTPUT}\include" ` -DCRYPTO_LIBRARY_DIRS="${OUTPUT}\lib" ` -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="${FLAGS} /Zi /guard:cf /sdl ${Fido2Flags}" ` -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${OUTPUT}" "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}" & $CMake --build . --config Release --verbose & $CMake --build . --config Release --target install --verbose if ("${SHARED}" -eq "ON") { "cbor.dll", "crypto-46.dll", "zlib1.dll" | %{ Copy-Item "${OUTPUT}\bin\$_" ` -Destination "examples\Release" } } } Function Package-Headers() { Copy-Item "${OUTPUT}\64\dynamic\include" -Destination "${OUTPUT}\pkg" ` -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop } Function Package-Dynamic(${SRC}, ${DEST}) { Copy-Item "${SRC}\bin\cbor.dll" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\lib\cbor.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\bin\zlib1.dll" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\lib\zlib.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\bin\crypto-46.dll" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\lib\crypto-46.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\bin\fido2.dll" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\lib\fido2.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop } Function Package-Static(${SRC}, ${DEST}) { Copy-Item "${SRC}/lib/cbor.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}/lib/zlib.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}/lib/crypto-46.lib" "${DEST}" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}/lib/fido2_static.lib" "${DEST}/fido2.lib" ` -ErrorAction Stop } Function Package-PDBs(${SRC}, ${DEST}) { Copy-Item "${SRC}\${LIBRESSL}\crypto\crypto.dir\Release\vc142.pdb" ` "${DEST}\crypto-46.pdb" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\${LIBCBOR}\src\cbor.dir\Release\vc142.pdb" ` "${DEST}\cbor.pdb" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\${ZLIB}\zlib.dir\Release\vc142.pdb" ` "${DEST}\zlib.pdb" -ErrorAction Stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\src\fido2_shared.dir\Release\vc142.pdb" ` "${DEST}\fido2.pdb" -ErrorAction Stop } Function Package-Tools(${SRC}, ${DEST}) { Copy-Item "${SRC}\tools\Release\fido2-assert.exe" ` "${DEST}\fido2-assert.exe" -ErrorAction stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\tools\Release\fido2-cred.exe" ` "${DEST}\fido2-cred.exe" -ErrorAction stop Copy-Item "${SRC}\tools\Release\fido2-token.exe" ` "${DEST}\fido2-token.exe" -ErrorAction stop } Push-Location ${BUILD}\64\dynamic Build ${OUTPUT}\64\dynamic "Visual Studio 16 2019" "x64" "ON" "/MD" Pop-Location Push-Location ${BUILD}\32\dynamic Build ${OUTPUT}\32\dynamic "Visual Studio 16 2019" "Win32" "ON" "/MD" Pop-Location Push-Location ${BUILD}\64\static Build ${OUTPUT}\64\static "Visual Studio 16 2019" "x64" "OFF" "/MT" Pop-Location Push-Location ${BUILD}\32\static Build ${OUTPUT}\32\static "Visual Studio 16 2019" "Win32" "OFF" "/MT" Pop-Location Package-Headers Package-Dynamic ${OUTPUT}\64\dynamic ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win64\Release\v142\dynamic Package-PDBs ${BUILD}\64\dynamic ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win64\Release\v142\dynamic Package-Tools ${BUILD}\64\dynamic ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win64\Release\v142\dynamic Package-Dynamic ${OUTPUT}\32\dynamic ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win32\Release\v142\dynamic Package-PDBs ${BUILD}\32\dynamic ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win32\Release\v142\dynamic Package-Tools ${BUILD}\32\dynamic ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win32\Release\v142\dynamic Package-Static ${OUTPUT}\64\static ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win64\Release\v142\static Package-Static ${OUTPUT}\32\static ${OUTPUT}\pkg\Win32\Release\v142\static