PAM working group ## A.G. Morgan Internet Draft: ## March 24, 1998 Document: draft-morgan-pam-00.txt ## Expires: September 24, 1998 ## Obsoletes: ## ## Pluggable Authentication Modules ## #$ Status of this memo This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." To view the entire list of current Internet-Drafts, please check the "1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow Directories on (Africa), (Northern Europe), (Southern Europe), (Pacific Rim), (US East Coast), or (US West Coast). #$ Abstract This document is concerned with the definition of a general infrastructure for module based authentication. The infrastructure is named Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM for short). #$ Introduction Computers are tools. They provide services to people and other computers (collectively we shall call these "users" entities). In order to provide convenient, reliable and individual service to different entities, it is common for entities to be labelled. Having defined a label as refering to a some specific entity, the label is used for the purpose of protecting and allocating data resources. All modern operating systems have a notion of labelled entities and all modern operating systems face a common problem: how to authenticate the association of a predefined label with applicant entities. There are as many authentication methods as one might care to count. None of them are perfect and none of them are invulnerable. In general, any given authentication method becomes weaker over time. It is common then for new authentication methods to be developed in response to newly discovered weaknesses in the old authentication methods. The problem with reinventing authentication methods is the fact that old applications do not support them. This contributes to an inertia that discourages the overhaul of weakly protected systems. Another problem is that individuals (people) are frequently powerless to layer the protective authentication around their systems. They are forced to rely on single (lowest common denominator) authentication schemes even in situations where this is far from appropriate. PAM, as discussed in this document, is a generalization of the approach first introduced in [#$R#{OSF_RFC_PAM}]. In short, it is a general framework of interfaces that abstract the process of authentication. With PAM, a service provider can custom protect individual services to the level that they deam is appropriate. PAM has nothing explicit to say about transport layer encryption. Within the context of this document encryption and/or compression of data exchanges are application specific (strictly between client and server). #$ Definitions Here we pose the authentication problem as one of configuring defined interfaces between two entities. #$$#{players} Players in the authentication process PAM reserves the following words to specify unique entities in the authentication process: applicant the entity (user) initiating an application for service [PAM associates PAM_RUSER with this requesting user]. arbitrator the entity (user) under who's identity the service application is negotiated and with who's authority service is granted. user the entity (user) who's identity is being authenticated [PAM associates PAM_USER with this identity]. server the application that provides service, or acts as an authenticated gateway to the requested service. This application is completely responsible for the transport layer. PAM makes no assumptions about how data is exchanged between the server and the client. client application providing the direct/primary interface to applicant. This application is completely responsible for transporting client-side data to the server. PAM makes no assumptions about how data is exchanged between the client and the server. module authentication binary that provides server-side support for some authentication method. agent authentication binary that provides client-side support for some authentication method. #$$ Special cases In the previous section (#{players}) we identified the most general selection of authentication participants. In the case of network authentication, it is easy to ascribe identities to the defined players. However, there are special (less general) cases and we recognize them here. The primary authentication step, when a user is directly introduced into a computer system (log's on to a workstation) is a special case. In this situation, the "client" and the "server" are generally one application. Before authenticating such a user, the "applicant" is formally unknown. #$ Defined interfaces Here, we discuss the formal interfaces between the players in the authentication process. #$$#{applicant_client} Applicant <-> client Once the client is invoked, requests to the applicant entity are initiated by the client application. General clients are able to make the following requests to an applicant: echo text echo error prompt for echo'd text input prompt for concealed text input the nature of the interface provided by the client for the benefit of the applicant entity is client specific and not defined by PAM. #$$ Client <-> agent In general, authentication schemes require more modes of exchange than the four defined in the previous section (#{applicant_client}). This provides a role for client-loadable agents. The client and agent exchange binary-messages that can have one of the following forms: client -> agent prompt for binary data packet using a binary packet agent -> client set environment variable get environment variable echo text echo error prompt for echo'd text input prompt for concealed text input The single defined procedure for exchange is that the client first prompts the agent with a binary packet and expects to receive a binary (response) packet in return. Before returning the binary response, the agent may request an arbitrary number of exchanges with the client. #$$ Client <-> server Once the client has established a connection with the server (the nature of the transport protocol is not specified by PAM), the server is reponsible for driving the authentication process. General servers can request the following from the client: (directed to the applicant) echo text echo error prompt for echo'd text response prompt for concealed text response (directed to the appropriate agent) binary prompt for a binary response Client side agents are required to process binary prompts. Their binary responses are passed directly back to the server. #$$ Server <-> module Modules drive the authentication process. The server provides a conversation function with which it encapsulates module-generated requests and exchanges them with the client. General conversation functions can support the following five "conversation" requests: echo text echo error prompt for echo'd text response prompt for concealed text response prompt for binary packet with binary packet The server is responsible for redirecting these requests to the client. #$ C API for defined interfaces #$$ Applicant <-> client No API is defined for this interface. The interface is considered to be specific to the client application. Example applications include terminal login, (X)windows login, machine file transfer applications. #$$ Client <-> agent This interface is concerned with the exchange of "binary prompts". A binary prompt has the following form: { 4 8-bit bytes in network order encoding an unsigened 32 bit integer (length), 4 8-bit bytes in network order encoding an unsigened 32 bit integer (control), "length-4" 8-bit bytes bytes comprising upto 2^32-4 bytes of binary data }. ## [ u32 | u32 | (length-4 bytes) ] ## ## length control data ## The composition of the "data" is not specified. Valid control values are: ##control value | used by | description ## ##------------------------------------------------------------------## ## | | ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_OK | agent | agent is happy ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_FAIL | agent | agent failed ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_BUSY | agent | agent is busy ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_PUTENV | agent | set envvar of client ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_GETENV | agent | want envvar of client ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_GETECHO | agent | echo'd prompt to applicant## ##PAMC_CONTROL_GETNOECHO | agent | secret prompt to applicant## ##PAMC_CONTROL_PUTTEXT | agent | echo text to applicant ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_SELECT | client | client selects named agent## ##PAMC_CONTROL_EXCHANGE | client+agent | data exchange packet ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_DONE | agent | agent has completed ## ##PAMC_CONTROL_EMPTY | agent | agent has no reply ## #$ Security considerations This document is devoted to standardizing authentication infrastructure: everything in this document has implications for security. #$ Contact The email list for discussing issues related to this document is . #$ References [#{OSF_RFC_PAM}] OSF RFC 86.0, "Unified Login with Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)", October 1995 #$ Author's Address Andrew Morgan Email: