## Module `ucl` This lua module allows to parse objects from strings and to store data into ucl objects. It uses `libucl` C library to parse and manipulate with ucl objects. Example: ~~~lua local ucl = require("ucl") local parser = ucl.parser() local res,err = parser:parse_string('{key=value}') if not res then print('parser error: ' .. err) else local obj = parser:get_object() local got = ucl.to_format(obj, 'json') end local table = { str = 'value', num = 100500, null = ucl.null, func = function () return 'huh' end } print(ucl.to_format(table, 'ucl')) -- Output: --[[ num = 100500; str = "value"; null = null; func = "huh"; --]] ~~~ ###Brief content: **Functions**: > [`ucl_object_push_lua(L, obj, allow_array)`](#function-ucl_object_push_lual-obj-allow_array) > [`ucl.to_format(var, format)`](#function-uclto_formatvar-format) **Methods**: > [`parser:parse_file(name)`](#method-parserparse_filename) > [`parser:parse_string(input)`](#method-parserparse_stringinput) > [`parser:get_object()`](#method-parserget_object) ## Functions The module `ucl` defines the following functions. ### Function `ucl_object_push_lua(L, obj, allow_array)` This is a `C` function to push `UCL` object as lua variable. This function converts `obj` to lua representation using the following conversions: - *scalar* values are directly presented by lua objects - *userdata* values are converted to lua function objects using `LUA_REGISTRYINDEX`, this can be used to pass functions from lua to c and vice-versa - *arrays* are converted to lua tables with numeric indices suitable for `ipairs` iterations - *objects* are converted to lua tables with string indices **Parameters:** - `L {lua_State}`: lua state pointer - `obj {ucl_object_t}`: object to push - `allow_array {bool}`: expand implicit arrays (should be true for all but partial arrays) **Returns:** - `{int}`: `1` if an object is pushed to lua Back to [module description](#module-ucl). ### Function `ucl.to_format(var, format)` Converts lua variable `var` to the specified `format`. Formats supported are: - `json` - fine printed json - `json-compact` - compacted json - `config` - fine printed configuration - `ucl` - same as `config` - `yaml` - embedded yaml If `var` contains function, they are called during output formatting and if they return string value, then this value is used for ouptut. **Parameters:** - `var {variant}`: any sort of lua variable (if userdata then metafield `__to_ucl` is searched for output) - `format {string}`: any available format **Returns:** - `{string}`: string representation of `var` in the specific `format`. Example: ~~~lua local table = { str = 'value', num = 100500, null = ucl.null, func = function () return 'huh' end } print(ucl.to_format(table, 'ucl')) -- Output: --[[ num = 100500; str = "value"; null = null; func = "huh"; --]] ~~~ Back to [module description](#module-ucl). ## Methods The module `ucl` defines the following methods. ### Method `parser:parse_file(name)` Parse UCL object from file. **Parameters:** - `name {string}`: filename to parse **Returns:** - `{bool[, string]}`: if res is `true` then file has been parsed successfully, otherwise an error string is also returned Example: ~~~lua local parser = ucl.parser() local res,err = parser:parse_file('/some/file.conf') if not res then print('parser error: ' .. err) else -- Do something with object end ~~~ Back to [module description](#module-ucl). ### Method `parser:parse_string(input)` Parse UCL object from file. **Parameters:** - `input {string}`: string to parse **Returns:** - `{bool[, string]}`: if res is `true` then file has been parsed successfully, otherwise an error string is also returned Back to [module description](#module-ucl). ### Method `parser:get_object()` Get top object from parser and export it to lua representation. **Parameters:** nothing **Returns:** - `{variant or nil}`: ucl object as lua native variable Back to [module description](#module-ucl). Back to [top](#).