//===-- MipsTargetStreamer.cpp - Mips Target Streamer Methods -------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file provides Mips specific target streamer methods. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "MCTargetDesc/MipsABIInfo.h" #include "MipsTargetStreamer.h" #include "InstPrinter/MipsInstPrinter.h" #include "MipsELFStreamer.h" #include "MipsMCExpr.h" #include "MipsMCTargetDesc.h" #include "MipsTargetObjectFile.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCSectionELF.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCSubtargetInfo.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCSymbolELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/ELF.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h" using namespace llvm; namespace { static cl::opt RoundSectionSizes( "mips-round-section-sizes", cl::init(false), cl::desc("Round section sizes up to the section alignment"), cl::Hidden); } // end anonymous namespace MipsTargetStreamer::MipsTargetStreamer(MCStreamer &S) : MCTargetStreamer(S), ModuleDirectiveAllowed(true) { GPRInfoSet = FPRInfoSet = FrameInfoSet = false; } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMicroMips() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMicroMips() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::setUsesMicroMips() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips16() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMips16() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetReorder() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoReorder() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMacro() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMacro() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMsa() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMsa() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetAt() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetAtWithArg(unsigned RegNo) { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoAt() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveEnd(StringRef Name) {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveEnt(const MCSymbol &Symbol) {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveAbiCalls() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveNaN2008() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveNaNLegacy() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveOptionPic0() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveOptionPic2() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveInsn() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitFrame(unsigned StackReg, unsigned StackSize, unsigned ReturnReg) {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitMask(unsigned CPUBitmask, int CPUTopSavedRegOff) {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitFMask(unsigned FPUBitmask, int FPUTopSavedRegOff) { } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetArch(StringRef Arch) { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips0() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips1() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips2() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips3() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips4() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips5() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R2() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R3() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R5() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R6() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R2() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R3() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R5() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R6() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetPop() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetPush() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetSoftFloat() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetHardFloat() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetDsp() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoDsp() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveCpLoad(unsigned RegNo) {} bool MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveCpRestore( int Offset, function_ref GetATReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { forbidModuleDirective(); return true; } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveCpsetup(unsigned RegNo, int RegOrOffset, const MCSymbol &Sym, bool IsReg) { } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveCpreturn(unsigned SaveLocation, bool SaveLocationIsRegister) {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleFP() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleOddSPReg() { if (!ABIFlagsSection.OddSPReg && !ABIFlagsSection.Is32BitABI) report_fatal_error("+nooddspreg is only valid for O32"); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleSoftFloat() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleHardFloat() {} void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetFp( MipsABIFlagsSection::FpABIKind Value) { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetOddSPReg() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoOddSPReg() { forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitR(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { MCInst TmpInst; TmpInst.setOpcode(Opcode); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Reg0)); TmpInst.setLoc(IDLoc); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, *STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitRX(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, MCOperand Op1, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { MCInst TmpInst; TmpInst.setOpcode(Opcode); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Reg0)); TmpInst.addOperand(Op1); TmpInst.setLoc(IDLoc); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, *STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitRI(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, int32_t Imm, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitRX(Opcode, Reg0, MCOperand::createImm(Imm), IDLoc, STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitRR(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, unsigned Reg1, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitRX(Opcode, Reg0, MCOperand::createReg(Reg1), IDLoc, STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitII(unsigned Opcode, int16_t Imm1, int16_t Imm2, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { MCInst TmpInst; TmpInst.setOpcode(Opcode); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createImm(Imm1)); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createImm(Imm2)); TmpInst.setLoc(IDLoc); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, *STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitRRX(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, unsigned Reg1, MCOperand Op2, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { MCInst TmpInst; TmpInst.setOpcode(Opcode); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Reg0)); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Reg1)); TmpInst.addOperand(Op2); TmpInst.setLoc(IDLoc); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, *STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitRRR(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, unsigned Reg1, unsigned Reg2, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitRRX(Opcode, Reg0, Reg1, MCOperand::createReg(Reg2), IDLoc, STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitRRI(unsigned Opcode, unsigned Reg0, unsigned Reg1, int16_t Imm, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitRRX(Opcode, Reg0, Reg1, MCOperand::createImm(Imm), IDLoc, STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitAddu(unsigned DstReg, unsigned SrcReg, unsigned TrgReg, bool Is64Bit, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitRRR(Is64Bit ? Mips::DADDu : Mips::ADDu, DstReg, SrcReg, TrgReg, SMLoc(), STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitDSLL(unsigned DstReg, unsigned SrcReg, int16_t ShiftAmount, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { if (ShiftAmount >= 32) { emitRRI(Mips::DSLL32, DstReg, SrcReg, ShiftAmount - 32, IDLoc, STI); return; } emitRRI(Mips::DSLL, DstReg, SrcReg, ShiftAmount, IDLoc, STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitEmptyDelaySlot(bool hasShortDelaySlot, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { if (hasShortDelaySlot) emitRR(Mips::MOVE16_MM, Mips::ZERO, Mips::ZERO, IDLoc, STI); else emitRRI(Mips::SLL, Mips::ZERO, Mips::ZERO, 0, IDLoc, STI); } void MipsTargetStreamer::emitNop(SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitRRI(Mips::SLL, Mips::ZERO, Mips::ZERO, 0, IDLoc, STI); } /// Emit the $gp restore operation for .cprestore. void MipsTargetStreamer::emitGPRestore(int Offset, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { emitLoadWithImmOffset(Mips::LW, Mips::GP, Mips::SP, Offset, Mips::GP, IDLoc, STI); } /// Emit a store instruction with an immediate offset. void MipsTargetStreamer::emitStoreWithImmOffset( unsigned Opcode, unsigned SrcReg, unsigned BaseReg, int64_t Offset, function_ref GetATReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { if (isInt<16>(Offset)) { emitRRI(Opcode, SrcReg, BaseReg, Offset, IDLoc, STI); return; } // sw $8, offset($8) => lui $at, %hi(offset) // add $at, $at, $8 // sw $8, %lo(offset)($at) unsigned ATReg = GetATReg(); if (!ATReg) return; unsigned LoOffset = Offset & 0x0000ffff; unsigned HiOffset = (Offset & 0xffff0000) >> 16; // If msb of LoOffset is 1(negative number) we must increment HiOffset // to account for the sign-extension of the low part. if (LoOffset & 0x8000) HiOffset++; // Generate the base address in ATReg. emitRI(Mips::LUi, ATReg, HiOffset, IDLoc, STI); if (BaseReg != Mips::ZERO) emitRRR(Mips::ADDu, ATReg, ATReg, BaseReg, IDLoc, STI); // Emit the store with the adjusted base and offset. emitRRI(Opcode, SrcReg, ATReg, LoOffset, IDLoc, STI); } /// Emit a store instruction with an symbol offset. Symbols are assumed to be /// out of range for a simm16 will be expanded to appropriate instructions. void MipsTargetStreamer::emitStoreWithSymOffset( unsigned Opcode, unsigned SrcReg, unsigned BaseReg, MCOperand &HiOperand, MCOperand &LoOperand, unsigned ATReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { // sw $8, sym => lui $at, %hi(sym) // sw $8, %lo(sym)($at) // Generate the base address in ATReg. emitRX(Mips::LUi, ATReg, HiOperand, IDLoc, STI); if (BaseReg != Mips::ZERO) emitRRR(Mips::ADDu, ATReg, ATReg, BaseReg, IDLoc, STI); // Emit the store with the adjusted base and offset. emitRRX(Opcode, SrcReg, ATReg, LoOperand, IDLoc, STI); } /// Emit a load instruction with an immediate offset. DstReg and TmpReg are /// permitted to be the same register iff DstReg is distinct from BaseReg and /// DstReg is a GPR. It is the callers responsibility to identify such cases /// and pass the appropriate register in TmpReg. void MipsTargetStreamer::emitLoadWithImmOffset(unsigned Opcode, unsigned DstReg, unsigned BaseReg, int64_t Offset, unsigned TmpReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { if (isInt<16>(Offset)) { emitRRI(Opcode, DstReg, BaseReg, Offset, IDLoc, STI); return; } // 1) lw $8, offset($9) => lui $8, %hi(offset) // add $8, $8, $9 // lw $8, %lo(offset)($9) // 2) lw $8, offset($8) => lui $at, %hi(offset) // add $at, $at, $8 // lw $8, %lo(offset)($at) unsigned LoOffset = Offset & 0x0000ffff; unsigned HiOffset = (Offset & 0xffff0000) >> 16; // If msb of LoOffset is 1(negative number) we must increment HiOffset // to account for the sign-extension of the low part. if (LoOffset & 0x8000) HiOffset++; // Generate the base address in TmpReg. emitRI(Mips::LUi, TmpReg, HiOffset, IDLoc, STI); if (BaseReg != Mips::ZERO) emitRRR(Mips::ADDu, TmpReg, TmpReg, BaseReg, IDLoc, STI); // Emit the load with the adjusted base and offset. emitRRI(Opcode, DstReg, TmpReg, LoOffset, IDLoc, STI); } /// Emit a load instruction with an symbol offset. Symbols are assumed to be /// out of range for a simm16 will be expanded to appropriate instructions. /// DstReg and TmpReg are permitted to be the same register iff DstReg is a /// GPR. It is the callers responsibility to identify such cases and pass the /// appropriate register in TmpReg. void MipsTargetStreamer::emitLoadWithSymOffset(unsigned Opcode, unsigned DstReg, unsigned BaseReg, MCOperand &HiOperand, MCOperand &LoOperand, unsigned TmpReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { // 1) lw $8, sym => lui $8, %hi(sym) // lw $8, %lo(sym)($8) // 2) ldc1 $f0, sym => lui $at, %hi(sym) // ldc1 $f0, %lo(sym)($at) // Generate the base address in TmpReg. emitRX(Mips::LUi, TmpReg, HiOperand, IDLoc, STI); if (BaseReg != Mips::ZERO) emitRRR(Mips::ADDu, TmpReg, TmpReg, BaseReg, IDLoc, STI); // Emit the load with the adjusted base and offset. emitRRX(Opcode, DstReg, TmpReg, LoOperand, IDLoc, STI); } MipsTargetAsmStreamer::MipsTargetAsmStreamer(MCStreamer &S, formatted_raw_ostream &OS) : MipsTargetStreamer(S), OS(OS) {} void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMicroMips() { OS << "\t.set\tmicromips\n"; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMicroMips() { OS << "\t.set\tnomicromips\n"; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips16() { OS << "\t.set\tmips16\n"; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMips16() { OS << "\t.set\tnomips16\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMips16(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetReorder() { OS << "\t.set\treorder\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetReorder(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoReorder() { OS << "\t.set\tnoreorder\n"; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMacro() { OS << "\t.set\tmacro\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMacro(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMacro() { OS << "\t.set\tnomacro\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMacro(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMsa() { OS << "\t.set\tmsa\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMsa(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMsa() { OS << "\t.set\tnomsa\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMsa(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetAt() { OS << "\t.set\tat\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetAt(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetAtWithArg(unsigned RegNo) { OS << "\t.set\tat=$" << Twine(RegNo) << "\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetAtWithArg(RegNo); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoAt() { OS << "\t.set\tnoat\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoAt(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveEnd(StringRef Name) { OS << "\t.end\t" << Name << '\n'; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveEnt(const MCSymbol &Symbol) { OS << "\t.ent\t" << Symbol.getName() << '\n'; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveAbiCalls() { OS << "\t.abicalls\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveNaN2008() { OS << "\t.nan\t2008\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveNaNLegacy() { OS << "\t.nan\tlegacy\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveOptionPic0() { OS << "\t.option\tpic0\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveOptionPic2() { OS << "\t.option\tpic2\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveInsn() { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveInsn(); OS << "\t.insn\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitFrame(unsigned StackReg, unsigned StackSize, unsigned ReturnReg) { OS << "\t.frame\t$" << StringRef(MipsInstPrinter::getRegisterName(StackReg)).lower() << "," << StackSize << ",$" << StringRef(MipsInstPrinter::getRegisterName(ReturnReg)).lower() << '\n'; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetArch(StringRef Arch) { OS << "\t.set arch=" << Arch << "\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetArch(Arch); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips0() { OS << "\t.set\tmips0\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips0(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips1() { OS << "\t.set\tmips1\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips1(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips2() { OS << "\t.set\tmips2\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips2(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips3() { OS << "\t.set\tmips3\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips3(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips4() { OS << "\t.set\tmips4\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips4(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips5() { OS << "\t.set\tmips5\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips5(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32() { OS << "\t.set\tmips32\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R2() { OS << "\t.set\tmips32r2\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R2(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R3() { OS << "\t.set\tmips32r3\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R3(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R5() { OS << "\t.set\tmips32r5\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R5(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R6() { OS << "\t.set\tmips32r6\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips32R6(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64() { OS << "\t.set\tmips64\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R2() { OS << "\t.set\tmips64r2\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R2(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R3() { OS << "\t.set\tmips64r3\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R3(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R5() { OS << "\t.set\tmips64r5\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R5(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R6() { OS << "\t.set\tmips64r6\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips64R6(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetDsp() { OS << "\t.set\tdsp\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetDsp(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoDsp() { OS << "\t.set\tnodsp\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoDsp(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetPop() { OS << "\t.set\tpop\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetPop(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetPush() { OS << "\t.set\tpush\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetPush(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetSoftFloat() { OS << "\t.set\tsoftfloat\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetSoftFloat(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetHardFloat() { OS << "\t.set\thardfloat\n"; MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetHardFloat(); } // Print a 32 bit hex number with all numbers. static void printHex32(unsigned Value, raw_ostream &OS) { OS << "0x"; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) OS.write_hex((Value & (0xF << (i * 4))) >> (i * 4)); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitMask(unsigned CPUBitmask, int CPUTopSavedRegOff) { OS << "\t.mask \t"; printHex32(CPUBitmask, OS); OS << ',' << CPUTopSavedRegOff << '\n'; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitFMask(unsigned FPUBitmask, int FPUTopSavedRegOff) { OS << "\t.fmask\t"; printHex32(FPUBitmask, OS); OS << "," << FPUTopSavedRegOff << '\n'; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveCpLoad(unsigned RegNo) { OS << "\t.cpload\t$" << StringRef(MipsInstPrinter::getRegisterName(RegNo)).lower() << "\n"; forbidModuleDirective(); } bool MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveCpRestore( int Offset, function_ref GetATReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveCpRestore(Offset, GetATReg, IDLoc, STI); OS << "\t.cprestore\t" << Offset << "\n"; return true; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveCpsetup(unsigned RegNo, int RegOrOffset, const MCSymbol &Sym, bool IsReg) { OS << "\t.cpsetup\t$" << StringRef(MipsInstPrinter::getRegisterName(RegNo)).lower() << ", "; if (IsReg) OS << "$" << StringRef(MipsInstPrinter::getRegisterName(RegOrOffset)).lower(); else OS << RegOrOffset; OS << ", "; OS << Sym.getName(); forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveCpreturn(unsigned SaveLocation, bool SaveLocationIsRegister) { OS << "\t.cpreturn"; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleFP() { OS << "\t.module\tfp="; OS << ABIFlagsSection.getFpABIString(ABIFlagsSection.getFpABI()) << "\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetFp( MipsABIFlagsSection::FpABIKind Value) { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetFp(Value); OS << "\t.set\tfp="; OS << ABIFlagsSection.getFpABIString(Value) << "\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleOddSPReg() { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleOddSPReg(); OS << "\t.module\t" << (ABIFlagsSection.OddSPReg ? "" : "no") << "oddspreg\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetOddSPReg() { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetOddSPReg(); OS << "\t.set\toddspreg\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoOddSPReg() { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoOddSPReg(); OS << "\t.set\tnooddspreg\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleSoftFloat() { OS << "\t.module\tsoftfloat\n"; } void MipsTargetAsmStreamer::emitDirectiveModuleHardFloat() { OS << "\t.module\thardfloat\n"; } // This part is for ELF object output. MipsTargetELFStreamer::MipsTargetELFStreamer(MCStreamer &S, const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) : MipsTargetStreamer(S), MicroMipsEnabled(false), STI(STI) { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); // It's possible that MCObjectFileInfo isn't fully initialized at this point // due to an initialization order problem where LLVMTargetMachine creates the // target streamer before TargetLoweringObjectFile calls // InitializeMCObjectFileInfo. There doesn't seem to be a single place that // covers all cases so this statement covers most cases and direct object // emission must call setPic() once MCObjectFileInfo has been initialized. The // cases we don't handle here are covered by MipsAsmPrinter. Pic = MCA.getContext().getObjectFileInfo()->isPositionIndependent(); const FeatureBitset &Features = STI.getFeatureBits(); // Set the header flags that we can in the constructor. // FIXME: This is a fairly terrible hack. We set the rest // of these in the destructor. The problem here is two-fold: // // a: Some of the eflags can be set/reset by directives. // b: There aren't any usage paths that initialize the ABI // pointer until after we initialize either an assembler // or the target machine. // We can fix this by making the target streamer construct // the ABI, but this is fraught with wide ranging dependency // issues as well. unsigned EFlags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); // FIXME: Fix a dependency issue by instantiating the ABI object to some // default based off the triple. The triple doesn't describe the target // fully, but any external user of the API that uses the MCTargetStreamer // would otherwise crash on assertion failure. ABI = MipsABIInfo( STI.getTargetTriple().getArch() == Triple::ArchType::mipsel || STI.getTargetTriple().getArch() == Triple::ArchType::mips ? MipsABIInfo::O32() : MipsABIInfo::N64()); // Architecture if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips64r6]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R6; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips64r2] || Features[Mips::FeatureMips64r3] || Features[Mips::FeatureMips64r5]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_64R2; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips64]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_64; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips5]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_5; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips4]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_4; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips3]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_3; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips32r6]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R6; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips32r2] || Features[Mips::FeatureMips32r3] || Features[Mips::FeatureMips32r5]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_32R2; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips32]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_32; else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips2]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_2; else EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_1; // Machine if (Features[Mips::FeatureCnMips]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON; // Other options. if (Features[Mips::FeatureNaN2008]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_NAN2008; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(EFlags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitLabel(MCSymbol *S) { auto *Symbol = cast(S); getStreamer().getAssembler().registerSymbol(*Symbol); uint8_t Type = Symbol->getType(); if (Type != ELF::STT_FUNC) return; if (isMicroMipsEnabled()) Symbol->setOther(ELF::STO_MIPS_MICROMIPS); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::finish() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); const MCObjectFileInfo &OFI = *MCA.getContext().getObjectFileInfo(); // .bss, .text and .data are always at least 16-byte aligned. MCSection &TextSection = *OFI.getTextSection(); MCA.registerSection(TextSection); MCSection &DataSection = *OFI.getDataSection(); MCA.registerSection(DataSection); MCSection &BSSSection = *OFI.getBSSSection(); MCA.registerSection(BSSSection); TextSection.setAlignment(std::max(16u, TextSection.getAlignment())); DataSection.setAlignment(std::max(16u, DataSection.getAlignment())); BSSSection.setAlignment(std::max(16u, BSSSection.getAlignment())); if (RoundSectionSizes) { // Make sections sizes a multiple of the alignment. This is useful for // verifying the output of IAS against the output of other assemblers but // it's not necessary to produce a correct object and increases section // size. MCStreamer &OS = getStreamer(); for (MCSection &S : MCA) { MCSectionELF &Section = static_cast(S); unsigned Alignment = Section.getAlignment(); if (Alignment) { OS.SwitchSection(&Section); if (Section.UseCodeAlign()) OS.EmitCodeAlignment(Alignment, Alignment); else OS.EmitValueToAlignment(Alignment, 0, 1, Alignment); } } } const FeatureBitset &Features = STI.getFeatureBits(); // Update e_header flags. See the FIXME and comment above in // the constructor for a full rundown on this. unsigned EFlags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); // ABI // N64 does not require any ABI bits. if (getABI().IsO32()) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ABI_O32; else if (getABI().IsN32()) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ABI2; if (Features[Mips::FeatureGP64Bit]) { if (getABI().IsO32()) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_32BITMODE; /* Compatibility Mode */ } else if (Features[Mips::FeatureMips64r2] || Features[Mips::FeatureMips64]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_32BITMODE; // -mplt is not implemented but we should act as if it was // given. if (!Features[Mips::FeatureNoABICalls]) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_CPIC; if (Pic) EFlags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_PIC | ELF::EF_MIPS_CPIC; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(EFlags); // Emit all the option records. // At the moment we are only emitting .Mips.options (ODK_REGINFO) and // .reginfo. MipsELFStreamer &MEF = static_cast(Streamer); MEF.EmitMipsOptionRecords(); emitMipsAbiFlags(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitAssignment(MCSymbol *S, const MCExpr *Value) { auto *Symbol = cast(S); // If on rhs is micromips symbol then mark Symbol as microMips. if (Value->getKind() != MCExpr::SymbolRef) return; const auto &RhsSym = cast( static_cast(Value)->getSymbol()); if (!(RhsSym.getOther() & ELF::STO_MIPS_MICROMIPS)) return; Symbol->setOther(ELF::STO_MIPS_MICROMIPS); } MCELFStreamer &MipsTargetELFStreamer::getStreamer() { return static_cast(Streamer); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMicroMips() { MicroMipsEnabled = true; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoMicroMips() { MicroMipsEnabled = false; forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::setUsesMicroMips() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Flags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_MICROMIPS; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveSetMips16() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Flags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE_M16; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveSetNoReorder() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Flags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_NOREORDER; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveEnd(StringRef Name) { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); MCContext &Context = MCA.getContext(); MCStreamer &OS = getStreamer(); MCSectionELF *Sec = Context.getELFSection(".pdr", ELF::SHT_PROGBITS, 0); MCSymbol *Sym = Context.getOrCreateSymbol(Name); const MCSymbolRefExpr *ExprRef = MCSymbolRefExpr::create(Sym, MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None, Context); MCA.registerSection(*Sec); Sec->setAlignment(4); OS.PushSection(); OS.SwitchSection(Sec); OS.EmitValueImpl(ExprRef, 4); OS.EmitIntValue(GPRInfoSet ? GPRBitMask : 0, 4); // reg_mask OS.EmitIntValue(GPRInfoSet ? GPROffset : 0, 4); // reg_offset OS.EmitIntValue(FPRInfoSet ? FPRBitMask : 0, 4); // fpreg_mask OS.EmitIntValue(FPRInfoSet ? FPROffset : 0, 4); // fpreg_offset OS.EmitIntValue(FrameInfoSet ? FrameOffset : 0, 4); // frame_offset OS.EmitIntValue(FrameInfoSet ? FrameReg : 0, 4); // frame_reg OS.EmitIntValue(FrameInfoSet ? ReturnReg : 0, 4); // return_reg // The .end directive marks the end of a procedure. Invalidate // the information gathered up until this point. GPRInfoSet = FPRInfoSet = FrameInfoSet = false; OS.PopSection(); // .end also implicitly sets the size. MCSymbol *CurPCSym = Context.createTempSymbol(); OS.EmitLabel(CurPCSym); const MCExpr *Size = MCBinaryExpr::createSub( MCSymbolRefExpr::create(CurPCSym, MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None, Context), ExprRef, Context); // The ELFObjectWriter can determine the absolute size as it has access to // the layout information of the assembly file, so a size expression rather // than an absolute value is ok here. static_cast(Sym)->setSize(Size); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveEnt(const MCSymbol &Symbol) { GPRInfoSet = FPRInfoSet = FrameInfoSet = false; // .ent also acts like an implicit '.type symbol, STT_FUNC' static_cast(Symbol).setType(ELF::STT_FUNC); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveAbiCalls() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Flags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_CPIC | ELF::EF_MIPS_PIC; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveNaN2008() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Flags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_NAN2008; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveNaNLegacy() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Flags &= ~ELF::EF_MIPS_NAN2008; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveOptionPic0() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); // This option overrides other PIC options like -KPIC. Pic = false; Flags &= ~ELF::EF_MIPS_PIC; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveOptionPic2() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); unsigned Flags = MCA.getELFHeaderEFlags(); Pic = true; // NOTE: We are following the GAS behaviour here which means the directive // 'pic2' also sets the CPIC bit in the ELF header. This is different from // what is stated in the SYSV ABI which consider the bits EF_MIPS_PIC and // EF_MIPS_CPIC to be mutually exclusive. Flags |= ELF::EF_MIPS_PIC | ELF::EF_MIPS_CPIC; MCA.setELFHeaderEFlags(Flags); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveInsn() { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveInsn(); MipsELFStreamer &MEF = static_cast(Streamer); MEF.createPendingLabelRelocs(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitFrame(unsigned StackReg, unsigned StackSize, unsigned ReturnReg_) { MCContext &Context = getStreamer().getAssembler().getContext(); const MCRegisterInfo *RegInfo = Context.getRegisterInfo(); FrameInfoSet = true; FrameReg = RegInfo->getEncodingValue(StackReg); FrameOffset = StackSize; ReturnReg = RegInfo->getEncodingValue(ReturnReg_); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitMask(unsigned CPUBitmask, int CPUTopSavedRegOff) { GPRInfoSet = true; GPRBitMask = CPUBitmask; GPROffset = CPUTopSavedRegOff; } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitFMask(unsigned FPUBitmask, int FPUTopSavedRegOff) { FPRInfoSet = true; FPRBitMask = FPUBitmask; FPROffset = FPUTopSavedRegOff; } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveCpLoad(unsigned RegNo) { // .cpload $reg // This directive expands to: // lui $gp, %hi(_gp_disp) // addui $gp, $gp, %lo(_gp_disp) // addu $gp, $gp, $reg // when support for position independent code is enabled. if (!Pic || (getABI().IsN32() || getABI().IsN64())) return; // There's a GNU extension controlled by -mno-shared that allows // locally-binding symbols to be accessed using absolute addresses. // This is currently not supported. When supported -mno-shared makes // .cpload expand to: // lui $gp, %hi(__gnu_local_gp) // addiu $gp, $gp, %lo(__gnu_local_gp) StringRef SymName("_gp_disp"); MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); MCSymbol *GP_Disp = MCA.getContext().getOrCreateSymbol(SymName); MCA.registerSymbol(*GP_Disp); MCInst TmpInst; TmpInst.setOpcode(Mips::LUi); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); const MCExpr *HiSym = MipsMCExpr::create( MipsMCExpr::MEK_HI, MCSymbolRefExpr::create("_gp_disp", MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None, MCA.getContext()), MCA.getContext()); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createExpr(HiSym)); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, STI); TmpInst.clear(); TmpInst.setOpcode(Mips::ADDiu); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); const MCExpr *LoSym = MipsMCExpr::create( MipsMCExpr::MEK_LO, MCSymbolRefExpr::create("_gp_disp", MCSymbolRefExpr::VK_None, MCA.getContext()), MCA.getContext()); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createExpr(LoSym)); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, STI); TmpInst.clear(); TmpInst.setOpcode(Mips::ADDu); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); TmpInst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(RegNo)); getStreamer().EmitInstruction(TmpInst, STI); forbidModuleDirective(); } bool MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveCpRestore( int Offset, function_ref GetATReg, SMLoc IDLoc, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) { MipsTargetStreamer::emitDirectiveCpRestore(Offset, GetATReg, IDLoc, STI); // .cprestore offset // When PIC mode is enabled and the O32 ABI is used, this directive expands // to: // sw $gp, offset($sp) // and adds a corresponding LW after every JAL. // Note that .cprestore is ignored if used with the N32 and N64 ABIs or if it // is used in non-PIC mode. if (!Pic || (getABI().IsN32() || getABI().IsN64())) return true; // Store the $gp on the stack. emitStoreWithImmOffset(Mips::SW, Mips::GP, Mips::SP, Offset, GetATReg, IDLoc, STI); return true; } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveCpsetup(unsigned RegNo, int RegOrOffset, const MCSymbol &Sym, bool IsReg) { // Only N32 and N64 emit anything for .cpsetup iff PIC is set. if (!Pic || !(getABI().IsN32() || getABI().IsN64())) return; forbidModuleDirective(); MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); MCInst Inst; // Either store the old $gp in a register or on the stack if (IsReg) { // move $save, $gpreg emitRRR(Mips::OR64, RegOrOffset, Mips::GP, Mips::ZERO, SMLoc(), &STI); } else { // sd $gpreg, offset($sp) emitRRI(Mips::SD, Mips::GP, Mips::SP, RegOrOffset, SMLoc(), &STI); } if (getABI().IsN32()) { MCSymbol *GPSym = MCA.getContext().getOrCreateSymbol("__gnu_local_gp"); const MipsMCExpr *HiExpr = MipsMCExpr::create( MipsMCExpr::MEK_HI, MCSymbolRefExpr::create(GPSym, MCA.getContext()), MCA.getContext()); const MipsMCExpr *LoExpr = MipsMCExpr::create( MipsMCExpr::MEK_LO, MCSymbolRefExpr::create(GPSym, MCA.getContext()), MCA.getContext()); // lui $gp, %hi(__gnu_local_gp) emitRX(Mips::LUi, Mips::GP, MCOperand::createExpr(HiExpr), SMLoc(), &STI); // addiu $gp, $gp, %lo(__gnu_local_gp) emitRRX(Mips::ADDiu, Mips::GP, Mips::GP, MCOperand::createExpr(LoExpr), SMLoc(), &STI); return; } const MipsMCExpr *HiExpr = MipsMCExpr::createGpOff( MipsMCExpr::MEK_HI, MCSymbolRefExpr::create(&Sym, MCA.getContext()), MCA.getContext()); const MipsMCExpr *LoExpr = MipsMCExpr::createGpOff( MipsMCExpr::MEK_LO, MCSymbolRefExpr::create(&Sym, MCA.getContext()), MCA.getContext()); // lui $gp, %hi(%neg(%gp_rel(funcSym))) emitRX(Mips::LUi, Mips::GP, MCOperand::createExpr(HiExpr), SMLoc(), &STI); // addiu $gp, $gp, %lo(%neg(%gp_rel(funcSym))) emitRRX(Mips::ADDiu, Mips::GP, Mips::GP, MCOperand::createExpr(LoExpr), SMLoc(), &STI); // daddu $gp, $gp, $funcreg emitRRR(Mips::DADDu, Mips::GP, Mips::GP, RegNo, SMLoc(), &STI); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitDirectiveCpreturn(unsigned SaveLocation, bool SaveLocationIsRegister) { // Only N32 and N64 emit anything for .cpreturn iff PIC is set. if (!Pic || !(getABI().IsN32() || getABI().IsN64())) return; MCInst Inst; // Either restore the old $gp from a register or on the stack if (SaveLocationIsRegister) { Inst.setOpcode(Mips::OR); Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(SaveLocation)); Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::ZERO)); } else { Inst.setOpcode(Mips::LD); Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::GP)); Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::createReg(Mips::SP)); Inst.addOperand(MCOperand::createImm(SaveLocation)); } getStreamer().EmitInstruction(Inst, STI); forbidModuleDirective(); } void MipsTargetELFStreamer::emitMipsAbiFlags() { MCAssembler &MCA = getStreamer().getAssembler(); MCContext &Context = MCA.getContext(); MCStreamer &OS = getStreamer(); MCSectionELF *Sec = Context.getELFSection( ".MIPS.abiflags", ELF::SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS, ELF::SHF_ALLOC, 24, ""); MCA.registerSection(*Sec); Sec->setAlignment(8); OS.SwitchSection(Sec); OS << ABIFlagsSection; }