//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Define command classes. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// class Command { string Name = name; string EndCommandName = ""; int NumArgs = 0; bit IsInlineCommand = 0; bit IsBlockCommand = 0; bit IsBriefCommand = 0; bit IsReturnsCommand = 0; bit IsParamCommand = 0; bit IsTParamCommand = 0; bit IsDeprecatedCommand = 0; bit IsHeaderfileCommand = 0; bit IsEmptyParagraphAllowed = 0; bit IsVerbatimBlockCommand = 0; bit IsVerbatimBlockEndCommand = 0; bit IsVerbatimLineCommand = 0; bit IsDeclarationCommand = 0; bit IsFunctionDeclarationCommand = 0; bit IsRecordLikeDetailCommand = 0; bit IsRecordLikeDeclarationCommand = 0; } class InlineCommand : Command { let IsInlineCommand = 1; } class BlockCommand : Command { let IsBlockCommand = 1; } class RecordLikeDetailCommand : BlockCommand { let IsRecordLikeDetailCommand = 1; } class VerbatimBlockCommand : Command { let EndCommandName = name; let IsVerbatimBlockCommand = 1; } multiclass VerbatimBlockCommand { def Begin : Command { let EndCommandName = endCommandName; let IsVerbatimBlockCommand = 1; } def End : Command { let IsVerbatimBlockEndCommand = 1; } } class VerbatimLineCommand : Command { let IsVerbatimLineCommand = 1; } class DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand : VerbatimLineCommand { let IsDeclarationCommand = 1; } class FunctionDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand : VerbatimLineCommand { let IsDeclarationCommand = 1; let IsFunctionDeclarationCommand = 1; } class RecordLikeDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand : VerbatimLineCommand { let IsDeclarationCommand = 1; let IsRecordLikeDeclarationCommand = 1; } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // InlineCommand //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// def B : InlineCommand<"b">; def C : InlineCommand<"c">; def P : InlineCommand<"p">; def A : InlineCommand<"a">; def E : InlineCommand<"e">; def Em : InlineCommand<"em">; //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // BlockCommand //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// def Brief : BlockCommand<"brief"> { let IsBriefCommand = 1; } def Short : BlockCommand<"short"> { let IsBriefCommand = 1; } // Opposite of \brief, it is the default in our implementation. def Details : BlockCommand<"details">; def Returns : BlockCommand<"returns"> { let IsReturnsCommand = 1; } def Return : BlockCommand<"return"> { let IsReturnsCommand = 1; } def Result : BlockCommand<"result"> { let IsReturnsCommand = 1; } def Param : BlockCommand<"param"> { let IsParamCommand = 1; } // Doxygen command for template parameter documentation. def Tparam : BlockCommand<"tparam"> { let IsTParamCommand = 1; } // HeaderDoc command for template parameter documentation. def Templatefield : BlockCommand<"templatefield"> { let IsTParamCommand = 1; } def Deprecated : BlockCommand<"deprecated"> { let IsEmptyParagraphAllowed = 1; let IsDeprecatedCommand = 1; } def Headerfile : BlockCommand<"headerfile"> { let IsHeaderfileCommand = 1; } // We don't do any additional semantic analysis for the following // BlockCommands. It might be a good idea to do something extra for them, but // for now we model them as plain BlockCommands. def Attention : BlockCommand<"attention">; def Author : BlockCommand<"author">; def Authors : BlockCommand<"authors">; def Bug : BlockCommand<"bug">; def Copyright : BlockCommand<"copyright">; def Date : BlockCommand<"date">; def Invariant : BlockCommand<"invariant">; def Note : BlockCommand<"note">; def Post : BlockCommand<"post">; def Pre : BlockCommand<"pre">; def Remark : BlockCommand<"remark">; def Remarks : BlockCommand<"remarks">; def Sa : BlockCommand<"sa">; def See : BlockCommand<"see">; def Since : BlockCommand<"since">; def Todo : BlockCommand<"todo">; def Version : BlockCommand<"version">; def Warning : BlockCommand<"warning">; // HeaderDoc commands def ClassDesign : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"classdesign">; def CoClass : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"coclass">; def Dependency : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"dependency">; def Helper : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"helper">; def HelperClass : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"helperclass">; def Helps : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"helps">; def InstanceSize : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"instancesize">; def Ownership : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"ownership">; def Performance : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"performance">; def Security : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"security">; def SuperClass : RecordLikeDetailCommand<"superclass">; //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // VerbatimBlockCommand //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// defm Code : VerbatimBlockCommand<"code", "endcode">; defm Verbatim : VerbatimBlockCommand<"verbatim", "endverbatim">; defm Htmlonly : VerbatimBlockCommand<"htmlonly", "endhtmlonly">; defm Latexonly : VerbatimBlockCommand<"latexonly", "endlatexonly">; defm Xmlonly : VerbatimBlockCommand<"xmlonly", "endxmlonly">; defm Manonly : VerbatimBlockCommand<"manonly", "endmanonly">; defm Rtfonly : VerbatimBlockCommand<"rtfonly", "endrtfonly">; defm Dot : VerbatimBlockCommand<"dot", "enddot">; defm Msc : VerbatimBlockCommand<"msc", "endmsc">; // These three commands have special support in CommentLexer to recognize their // names. def FDollar : VerbatimBlockCommand<"f$">; // Inline LaTeX formula defm FBracket : VerbatimBlockCommand<"f[", "f]">; // Displayed LaTeX formula defm FBrace : VerbatimBlockCommand<"f{", "f}">; // LaTeX environment //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // VerbatimLineCommand //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// def Defgroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"defgroup">; def Ingroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"ingroup">; def Addtogroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"addtogroup">; def Weakgroup : VerbatimLineCommand<"weakgroup">; def Name : VerbatimLineCommand<"name">; def Section : VerbatimLineCommand<"section">; def Subsection : VerbatimLineCommand<"subsection">; def Subsubsection : VerbatimLineCommand<"subsubsection">; def Paragraph : VerbatimLineCommand<"paragraph">; def Mainpage : VerbatimLineCommand<"mainpage">; def Subpage : VerbatimLineCommand<"subpage">; def Ref : VerbatimLineCommand<"ref">; //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Doxygen commands. def Fn : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"fn">; def Namespace : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"namespace">; def Overload : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"overload">; def Property : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"property">; def Typedef : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"typedef">; def Var : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"var">; // HeaderDoc commands. def Class : RecordLikeDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"class">; def Interface : RecordLikeDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"interface">; def Protocol : RecordLikeDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"protocol">; def Struct : RecordLikeDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"struct">; def Union : RecordLikeDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"union">; def Category : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"category">; def Template : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"template">; def Function : FunctionDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"function">; def FunctionGroup : FunctionDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"functiongroup">; def Method : FunctionDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"method">; def MethodGroup : FunctionDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"methodgroup">; def Callback : FunctionDeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"callback">; def Const : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"const">; def Constant : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"constant">; def Enum : DeclarationVerbatimLineCommand<"enum">;