//===--- Diagnostic.td - C Language Family Diagnostic Handling ------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines the TableGen core definitions for the diagnostics // and diagnostic control. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Define the diagnostic severities. class Severity { string Name = N; } def SEV_Ignored : Severity<"Ignored">; def SEV_Remark : Severity<"Remark">; def SEV_Warning : Severity<"Warning">; def SEV_Error : Severity<"Error">; def SEV_Fatal : Severity<"Fatal">; // Define the diagnostic classes. class DiagClass; def CLASS_NOTE : DiagClass; def CLASS_REMARK : DiagClass; def CLASS_WARNING : DiagClass; def CLASS_EXTENSION : DiagClass; def CLASS_ERROR : DiagClass; // Responses to a diagnostic in a SFINAE context. class SFINAEResponse; def SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure : SFINAEResponse; def SFINAE_Suppress : SFINAEResponse; def SFINAE_Report : SFINAEResponse; def SFINAE_AccessControl : SFINAEResponse; // Diagnostic Categories. These can be applied to groups or individual // diagnostics to specify a category. class DiagCategory { string CategoryName = Name; } // Diagnostic Groups. class DiagGroup subgroups = []> { string GroupName = Name; list SubGroups = subgroups; string CategoryName = ""; code Documentation = [{}]; } class InGroup { DiagGroup Group = G; } //class IsGroup { DiagGroup Group = DiagGroup; } // This defines documentation for diagnostic groups. include "DiagnosticDocs.td" // This defines all of the named diagnostic categories. include "DiagnosticCategories.td" // This defines all of the named diagnostic groups. include "DiagnosticGroups.td" // All diagnostics emitted by the compiler are an indirect subclass of this. class Diagnostic { /// Component is specified by the file with a big let directive. string Component = ?; string Text = text; DiagClass Class = DC; SFINAEResponse SFINAE = SFINAE_Suppress; bit AccessControl = 0; bit WarningNoWerror = 0; bit ShowInSystemHeader = 0; Severity DefaultSeverity = defaultmapping; DiagGroup Group; string CategoryName = ""; } class SFINAEFailure { SFINAEResponse SFINAE = SFINAE_SubstitutionFailure; } class NoSFINAE { SFINAEResponse SFINAE = SFINAE_Report; } class AccessControl { SFINAEResponse SFINAE = SFINAE_AccessControl; } class ShowInSystemHeader { bit ShowInSystemHeader = 1; } class SuppressInSystemHeader { bit ShowInSystemHeader = 0; } // FIXME: ExtWarn and Extension should also be SFINAEFailure by default. class Error : Diagnostic, SFINAEFailure { bit ShowInSystemHeader = 1; } class Warning : Diagnostic; class Remark : Diagnostic; class Extension : Diagnostic; class ExtWarn : Diagnostic; class Note : Diagnostic; class DefaultIgnore { Severity DefaultSeverity = SEV_Ignored; } class DefaultWarn { Severity DefaultSeverity = SEV_Warning; } class DefaultError { Severity DefaultSeverity = SEV_Error; } class DefaultFatal { Severity DefaultSeverity = SEV_Fatal; } class DefaultWarnNoWerror { bit WarningNoWerror = 1; } class DefaultRemark { Severity DefaultSeverity = SEV_Remark; } // Definitions for Diagnostics. include "DiagnosticASTKinds.td" include "DiagnosticAnalysisKinds.td" include "DiagnosticCommentKinds.td" include "DiagnosticCommonKinds.td" include "DiagnosticDriverKinds.td" include "DiagnosticFrontendKinds.td" include "DiagnosticLexKinds.td" include "DiagnosticParseKinds.td" include "DiagnosticSemaKinds.td" include "DiagnosticSerializationKinds.td"