//===--- Options.td - Options for clang -----------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file defines the options accepted by clang. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Include the common option parsing interfaces. include "llvm/Option/OptParser.td" ///////// // Flags // DriverOption - The option is a "driver" option, and should not be forwarded // to other tools. def DriverOption : OptionFlag; // LinkerInput - The option is a linker input. def LinkerInput : OptionFlag; // NoArgumentUnused - Don't report argument unused warnings for this option; this // is useful for options like -static or -dynamic which a user may always end up // passing, even if the platform defaults to (or only supports) that option. def NoArgumentUnused : OptionFlag; // Unsupported - The option is unsupported, and the driver will reject command // lines that use it. def Unsupported : OptionFlag; // Ignored - The option is unsupported, and the driver will silently ignore it. def Ignored : OptionFlag; // CoreOption - This is considered a "core" Clang option, available in both // clang and clang-cl modes. def CoreOption : OptionFlag; // CLOption - This is a cl.exe compatibility option. Options with this flag // are made available when the driver is running in CL compatibility mode. def CLOption : OptionFlag; // CC1Option - This option should be accepted by clang -cc1. def CC1Option : OptionFlag; // CC1AsOption - This option should be accepted by clang -cc1as. def CC1AsOption : OptionFlag; // NoDriverOption - This option should not be accepted by the driver. def NoDriverOption : OptionFlag; // A short name to show in documentation. The name will be interpreted as rST. class DocName { string DocName = name; } // A brief description to show in documentation, interpreted as rST. class DocBrief { code DocBrief = descr; } // Indicates that this group should be flattened into its parent when generating // documentation. class DocFlatten { bit DocFlatten = 1; } // Indicates that this warning is ignored, but accepted with a warning for // GCC compatibility. class IgnoredGCCCompat : Flags<[HelpHidden]> {} ///////// // Groups def Action_Group : OptionGroup<"">, DocName<"Actions">, DocBrief<[{The action to perform on the input.}]>; // Meta-group for options which are only used for compilation, // and not linking etc. def CompileOnly_Group : OptionGroup<"">, DocName<"Compilation flags">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling the behavior of Clang during compilation. These flags have no effect during actions that do not perform compilation.}]>; def Preprocessor_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Preprocessor flags">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling the behavior of the Clang preprocessor.}]>; def IncludePath_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Include path management">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling how ``#include``\s are resolved to files.}]>; def I_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def i_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def clang_i_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def M_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Dependency file generation">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling generation of a dependency file for ``make``-like build systems.}]>; def d_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Dumping preprocessor state">, DocBrief<[{ Flags allowing the state of the preprocessor to be dumped in various ways.}]>; def Diag_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Diagnostic flags">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling which warnings, errors, and remarks Clang will generate. See the :doc:`full list of warning and remark flags `.}]>; def R_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def R_value_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def W_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def W_value_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def f_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Target-independent compilation options">; def f_clang_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def pedantic_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def opencl_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"OpenCL flags">; def m_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Target-dependent compilation options">; // Feature groups - these take command line options that correspond directly to // target specific features and can be translated directly from command line // options. def m_aarch64_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"AARCH64">; def m_amdgpu_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"AMDGPU">; def m_arm_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"ARM">; def m_hexagon_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Hexagon">; // The features added by this group will not be added to target features. // These are explicitly handled. def m_hexagon_Features_HVX_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Hexagon">; def m_mips_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"MIPS">; def m_ppc_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"PowerPC">; def m_wasm_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"WebAssembly">; def m_x86_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, Flags<[CoreOption]>, DocName<"X86">; def m_riscv_Features_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"RISCV">; def m_libc_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, Flags<[HelpHidden]>; def O_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Optimization level">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling how much optimization should be performed.}]>; def DebugInfo_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Debug information generation">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling how much and what kind of debug information should be generated.}]>; def g_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Kind and level of debug information">; def gN_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Debug level">; def ggdbN_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def gTune_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Debugger to tune debug information for">; def g_flags_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocName<"Debug information flags">; def StaticAnalyzer_Group : OptionGroup<"">, DocName<"Static analyzer flags">, DocBrief<[{ Flags controlling the behavior of the Clang Static Analyzer.}]>; // gfortran options that we recognize in the driver and pass along when // invoking GCC to compile Fortran code. def gfortran_Group : OptionGroup<"">, DocName<"Fortran compilation flags">, DocBrief<[{ Flags that will be passed onto the ``gfortran`` compiler when Clang is given a Fortran input.}]>; def Link_Group : OptionGroup<"">, DocName<"Linker flags">, DocBrief<[{Flags that are passed on to the linker}]>; def T_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def u_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, DocFlatten; def reserved_lib_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Flags<[Unsupported]>; // Temporary groups for clang options which we know we don't support, // but don't want to verbosely warn the user about. def clang_ignored_f_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, Flags<[Ignored]>; def clang_ignored_m_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, Flags<[Ignored]>; // Group for clang options in the process of deprecation. // Please include the version that deprecated the flag as comment to allow // easier garbage collection. def clang_ignored_legacy_options_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, Flags<[Ignored]>; // Retired with clang-5.0 def : Flag<["-"], "fslp-vectorize-aggressive">, Group; def : Flag<["-"], "fno-slp-vectorize-aggressive">, Group; // Group that ignores all gcc optimizations that won't be implemented def clang_ignored_gcc_optimization_f_Group : OptionGroup< "">, Group, Flags<[Ignored]>; ///////// // Options // The internal option ID must be a valid C++ identifier and results in a // clang::driver::options::OPT_XX enum constant for XX. // // We want to unambiguously be able to refer to options from the driver source // code, for this reason the option name is mangled into an ID. This mangling // isn't guaranteed to have an inverse, but for practical purposes it does. // // The mangling scheme is to ignore the leading '-', and perform the following // substitutions: // _ => __ // - => _ // / => _SLASH // # => _HASH // ? => _QUESTION // , => _COMMA // = => _EQ // C++ => CXX // . => _ // Developer Driver Options def internal_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Flags<[HelpHidden]>; def internal_driver_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, HelpText<"DRIVER OPTIONS">; def internal_debug_Group : OptionGroup<"">, Group, HelpText<"DEBUG/DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS">; class InternalDriverOpt : Group, Flags<[DriverOption, HelpHidden]>; def driver_mode : Joined<["--"], "driver-mode=">, Group, Flags<[CoreOption, DriverOption, HelpHidden]>, HelpText<"Set the driver mode to either 'gcc', 'g++', 'cpp', or 'cl'">; def rsp_quoting : Joined<["--"], "rsp-quoting=">, Group, Flags<[CoreOption, DriverOption, HelpHidden]>, HelpText<"Set the rsp quoting to either 'posix', or 'windows'">; def ccc_gcc_name : Separate<["-"], "ccc-gcc-name">, InternalDriverOpt, HelpText<"Name for native GCC compiler">, MetaVarName<"">; class InternalDebugOpt : Group, Flags<[DriverOption, HelpHidden, CoreOption]>; def ccc_install_dir : Separate<["-"], "ccc-install-dir">, InternalDebugOpt, HelpText<"Simulate installation in the given directory">; def ccc_print_phases : Flag<["-"], "ccc-print-phases">, InternalDebugOpt, HelpText<"Dump list of actions to perform">; def ccc_print_bindings : Flag<["-"], "ccc-print-bindings">, InternalDebugOpt, HelpText<"Show bindings of tools to actions">; def ccc_arcmt_check : Flag<["-"], "ccc-arcmt-check">, InternalDriverOpt, HelpText<"Check for ARC migration issues that need manual handling">; def ccc_arcmt_modify : Flag<["-"], "ccc-arcmt-modify">, InternalDriverOpt, HelpText<"Apply modifications to files to conform to ARC">; def ccc_arcmt_migrate : Separate<["-"], "ccc-arcmt-migrate">, InternalDriverOpt, HelpText<"Apply modifications and produces temporary files that conform to ARC">; def arcmt_migrate_report_output : Separate<["-"], "arcmt-migrate-report-output">, HelpText<"Output path for the plist report">, Flags<[CC1Option]>; def arcmt_migrate_emit_arc_errors : Flag<["-"], "arcmt-migrate-emit-errors">, HelpText<"Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them">, Flags<[CC1Option]>; def gen_reproducer: Flag<["-"], "gen-reproducer">, InternalDebugOpt, HelpText<"Auto-generates preprocessed source files and a reproduction script">; def _migrate : Flag<["--"], "migrate">, Flags<[DriverOption]>, HelpText<"Run the migrator">; def ccc_objcmt_migrate : Separate<["-"], "ccc-objcmt-migrate">, InternalDriverOpt, HelpText<"Apply modifications and produces temporary files to migrate to " "modern ObjC syntax">; def objcmt_migrate_literals : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-literals">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to modern ObjC literals">; def objcmt_migrate_subscripting : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-subscripting">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting">; def objcmt_migrate_property : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-property">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to modern ObjC property">; def objcmt_migrate_all : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-all">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to modern ObjC">; def objcmt_migrate_readonly_property : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-readonly-property">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property">; def objcmt_migrate_readwrite_property : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-readwrite-property">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property">; def objcmt_migrate_property_dot_syntax : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-property-dot-syntax">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax">; def objcmt_migrate_annotation : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-annotation">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to property and method annotations">; def objcmt_migrate_instancetype : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-instancetype">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type">; def objcmt_migrate_nsmacros : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-ns-macros">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to NS_ENUM/NS_OPTIONS macros">; def objcmt_migrate_protocol_conformance : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-protocol-conformance">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes">; def objcmt_atomic_property : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-atomic-property">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Make migration to 'atomic' properties">; def objcmt_returns_innerpointer_property : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-returns-innerpointer-property">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to annotate property with NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER">; def objcmt_ns_nonatomic_iosonly: Flag<["-"], "objcmt-ns-nonatomic-iosonly">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to use NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute">; def objcmt_migrate_designated_init : Flag<["-"], "objcmt-migrate-designated-init">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Enable migration to infer NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for initializer methods">; def objcmt_whitelist_dir_path: Joined<["-"], "objcmt-whitelist-dir-path=">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path">; // The misspelt "white-list" [sic] alias is due for removal. def : Joined<["-"], "objcmt-white-list-dir-path=">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, Alias; // Make sure all other -ccc- options are rejected. def ccc_ : Joined<["-"], "ccc-">, Group, Flags<[Unsupported]>; // Standard Options def _HASH_HASH_HASH : Flag<["-"], "###">, Flags<[DriverOption, CoreOption]>, HelpText<"Print (but do not run) the commands to run for this compilation">; def _DASH_DASH : Option<["--"], "", KIND_REMAINING_ARGS>, Flags<[DriverOption, CoreOption]>; def A : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "A">, Flags<[RenderJoined]>, Group; def B : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "B">, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Add to search path for binaries and object files used implicitly">; def CC : Flag<["-"], "CC">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, Group, HelpText<"Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output">; def C : Flag<["-"], "C">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, Group, HelpText<"Include comments in preprocessed output">; def D : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "D">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, MetaVarName<"=">, HelpText<"Define to (or 1 if omitted)">; def E : Flag<["-"], "E">, Flags<[DriverOption,CC1Option]>, Group, HelpText<"Only run the preprocessor">; def F : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "F">, Flags<[RenderJoined,CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Add directory to framework include search path">; def G : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "G">, Flags<[DriverOption]>, Group, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Put objects of at most bytes " "into small data section (MIPS / Hexagon)">; def G_EQ : Joined<["-"], "G=">, Flags<[DriverOption]>, Group, Alias; def H : Flag<["-"], "H">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, Group, HelpText<"Show header includes and nesting depth">; def I_ : Flag<["-"], "I-">, Group, HelpText<"Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and " "remove current directory from include path">; def I : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "I">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option,CC1AsOption]>, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Add directory to include search path">; def L : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "L">, Flags<[RenderJoined]>, Group, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Add directory to library search path">; def MD : Flag<["-"], "MD">, Group, HelpText<"Write a depfile containing user and system headers">; def MMD : Flag<["-"], "MMD">, Group, HelpText<"Write a depfile containing user headers">; def M : Flag<["-"], "M">, Group, HelpText<"Like -MD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default">; def MM : Flag<["-"], "MM">, Group, HelpText<"Like -MMD, but also implies -E and writes to stdout by default">; def MF : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "MF">, Group, HelpText<"Write depfile output from -MMD, -MD, -MM, or -M to ">, MetaVarName<"">; def MG : Flag<["-"], "MG">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Add missing headers to depfile">; def MJ : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "MJ">, Group, HelpText<"Write a compilation database entry per input">; def MP : Flag<["-"], "MP">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Create phony target for each dependency (other than main file)">; def MQ : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "MQ">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Specify name of main file output to quote in depfile">; def MT : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "MT">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Specify name of main file output in depfile">; def MV : Flag<["-"], "MV">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Use NMake/Jom format for the depfile">; def Mach : Flag<["-"], "Mach">, Group; def O0 : Flag<["-"], "O0">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option, HelpHidden]>; def O4 : Flag<["-"], "O4">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option, HelpHidden]>; def ObjCXX : Flag<["-"], "ObjC++">, Flags<[DriverOption]>, HelpText<"Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs">; def ObjC : Flag<["-"], "ObjC">, Flags<[DriverOption]>, HelpText<"Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs">; def O : Joined<["-"], "O">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>; def O_flag : Flag<["-"], "O">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, Alias, AliasArgs<["2"]>; def Ofast : Joined<["-"], "Ofast">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>; def P : Flag<["-"], "P">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, Group, HelpText<"Disable linemarker output in -E mode">; def Qy : Flag<["-"], "Qy">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Emit metadata containing compiler name and version">; def Qn : Flag<["-"], "Qn">, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version">; def : Flag<["-"], "fident">, Group, Alias, Flags<[CC1Option]>; def : Flag<["-"], "fno-ident">, Group, Alias, Flags<[CC1Option]>; def Qunused_arguments : Flag<["-"], "Qunused-arguments">, Flags<[DriverOption, CoreOption]>, HelpText<"Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments">; def Q : Flag<["-"], "Q">, IgnoredGCCCompat; def Rpass_EQ : Joined<["-"], "Rpass=">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Report transformations performed by optimization passes whose " "name matches the given POSIX regular expression">; def Rpass_missed_EQ : Joined<["-"], "Rpass-missed=">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose " "name matches the given POSIX regular expression">; def Rpass_analysis_EQ : Joined<["-"], "Rpass-analysis=">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option]>, HelpText<"Report transformation analysis from optimization passes whose " "name matches the given POSIX regular expression">; def R_Joined : Joined<["-"], "R">, Group, Flags<[CC1Option, CoreOption]>, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Enable the specified remark">; def S : Flag<["-"], "S">, Flags<[DriverOption,CC1Option]>, Group, HelpText<"Only run preprocess and compilation steps">; def Tbss : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "Tbss">, Group, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Set starting address of BSS to ">; def Tdata : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "Tdata">, Group, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Set starting address of DATA to ">; def Ttext : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "Ttext">, Group, MetaVarName<"">, HelpText<"Set starting address of TEXT to ">; def T : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "T">, Group, MetaVarName<"