//===--- StmtPrinter.cpp - Printing implementation for Stmt ASTs ----------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file implements the Stmt::dumpPretty/Stmt::printPretty methods, which // pretty print the AST back out to C code. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h" #include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h" #include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h" #include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h" #include "clang/AST/PrettyPrinter.h" #include "llvm/Support/Format.h" #include "clang/AST/Expr.h" #include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h" using namespace clang; //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // StmtPrinter Visitor //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// namespace { class StmtPrinter : public StmtVisitor { llvm::raw_ostream &OS; ASTContext &Context; unsigned IndentLevel; clang::PrinterHelper* Helper; PrintingPolicy Policy; public: StmtPrinter(llvm::raw_ostream &os, ASTContext &C, PrinterHelper* helper, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, unsigned Indentation = 0) : OS(os), Context(C), IndentLevel(Indentation), Helper(helper), Policy(Policy) {} void PrintStmt(Stmt *S) { PrintStmt(S, Policy.Indentation); } void PrintStmt(Stmt *S, int SubIndent) { IndentLevel += SubIndent; if (S && isa(S)) { // If this is an expr used in a stmt context, indent and newline it. Indent(); Visit(S); OS << ";\n"; } else if (S) { Visit(S); } else { Indent() << "<<>>\n"; } IndentLevel -= SubIndent; } void PrintRawCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt *S); void PrintRawDecl(Decl *D); void PrintRawDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S); void PrintRawIfStmt(IfStmt *If); void PrintRawCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt *Catch); void PrintCallArgs(CallExpr *E); void PrintRawSEHExceptHandler(SEHExceptStmt *S); void PrintRawSEHFinallyStmt(SEHFinallyStmt *S); void PrintExpr(Expr *E) { if (E) Visit(E); else OS << ""; } llvm::raw_ostream &Indent(int Delta = 0) { for (int i = 0, e = IndentLevel+Delta; i < e; ++i) OS << " "; return OS; } void Visit(Stmt* S) { if (Helper && Helper->handledStmt(S,OS)) return; else StmtVisitor::Visit(S); } void VisitStmt(Stmt *Node) LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED { Indent() << "<>\n"; } void VisitExpr(Expr *Node) LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED { OS << "<>"; } void VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(CXXNamedCastExpr *Node); #define ABSTRACT_STMT(CLASS) #define STMT(CLASS, PARENT) \ void Visit##CLASS(CLASS *Node); #include "clang/AST/StmtNodes.inc" }; } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Stmt printing methods. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// PrintRawCompoundStmt - Print a compound stmt without indenting the {, and /// with no newline after the }. void StmtPrinter::PrintRawCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt *Node) { OS << "{\n"; for (CompoundStmt::body_iterator I = Node->body_begin(), E = Node->body_end(); I != E; ++I) PrintStmt(*I); Indent() << "}"; } void StmtPrinter::PrintRawDecl(Decl *D) { D->print(OS, Policy, IndentLevel); } void StmtPrinter::PrintRawDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S) { DeclStmt::decl_iterator Begin = S->decl_begin(), End = S->decl_end(); llvm::SmallVector Decls; for ( ; Begin != End; ++Begin) Decls.push_back(*Begin); Decl::printGroup(Decls.data(), Decls.size(), OS, Policy, IndentLevel); } void StmtPrinter::VisitNullStmt(NullStmt *Node) { Indent() << ";\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitDeclStmt(DeclStmt *Node) { Indent(); PrintRawDeclStmt(Node); OS << ";\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt *Node) { Indent(); PrintRawCompoundStmt(Node); OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCaseStmt(CaseStmt *Node) { Indent(-1) << "case "; PrintExpr(Node->getLHS()); if (Node->getRHS()) { OS << " ... "; PrintExpr(Node->getRHS()); } OS << ":\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getSubStmt(), 0); } void StmtPrinter::VisitDefaultStmt(DefaultStmt *Node) { Indent(-1) << "default:\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getSubStmt(), 0); } void StmtPrinter::VisitLabelStmt(LabelStmt *Node) { Indent(-1) << Node->getName() << ":\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getSubStmt(), 0); } void StmtPrinter::PrintRawIfStmt(IfStmt *If) { OS << "if ("; PrintExpr(If->getCond()); OS << ')'; if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(If->getThen())) { OS << ' '; PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << (If->getElse() ? ' ' : '\n'); } else { OS << '\n'; PrintStmt(If->getThen()); if (If->getElse()) Indent(); } if (Stmt *Else = If->getElse()) { OS << "else"; if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(Else)) { OS << ' '; PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << '\n'; } else if (IfStmt *ElseIf = dyn_cast(Else)) { OS << ' '; PrintRawIfStmt(ElseIf); } else { OS << '\n'; PrintStmt(If->getElse()); } } } void StmtPrinter::VisitIfStmt(IfStmt *If) { Indent(); PrintRawIfStmt(If); } void StmtPrinter::VisitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *Node) { Indent() << "switch ("; PrintExpr(Node->getCond()); OS << ")"; // Pretty print compoundstmt bodies (very common). if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(Node->getBody())) { OS << " "; PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << "\n"; } else { OS << "\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getBody()); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitWhileStmt(WhileStmt *Node) { Indent() << "while ("; PrintExpr(Node->getCond()); OS << ")\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getBody()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitDoStmt(DoStmt *Node) { Indent() << "do "; if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(Node->getBody())) { PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << " "; } else { OS << "\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getBody()); Indent(); } OS << "while ("; PrintExpr(Node->getCond()); OS << ");\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitForStmt(ForStmt *Node) { Indent() << "for ("; if (Node->getInit()) { if (DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast(Node->getInit())) PrintRawDeclStmt(DS); else PrintExpr(cast(Node->getInit())); } OS << ";"; if (Node->getCond()) { OS << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getCond()); } OS << ";"; if (Node->getInc()) { OS << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getInc()); } OS << ") "; if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(Node->getBody())) { PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << "\n"; } else { OS << "\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getBody()); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCForCollectionStmt(ObjCForCollectionStmt *Node) { Indent() << "for ("; if (DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast(Node->getElement())) PrintRawDeclStmt(DS); else PrintExpr(cast(Node->getElement())); OS << " in "; PrintExpr(Node->getCollection()); OS << ") "; if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(Node->getBody())) { PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << "\n"; } else { OS << "\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getBody()); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXForRangeStmt(CXXForRangeStmt *Node) { Indent() << "for ("; PrintingPolicy SubPolicy(Policy); SubPolicy.SuppressInitializers = true; Node->getLoopVariable()->print(OS, SubPolicy, IndentLevel); OS << " : "; PrintExpr(Node->getRangeInit()); OS << ") {\n"; PrintStmt(Node->getBody()); Indent() << "}\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitGotoStmt(GotoStmt *Node) { Indent() << "goto " << Node->getLabel()->getName() << ";\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitIndirectGotoStmt(IndirectGotoStmt *Node) { Indent() << "goto *"; PrintExpr(Node->getTarget()); OS << ";\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitContinueStmt(ContinueStmt *Node) { Indent() << "continue;\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitBreakStmt(BreakStmt *Node) { Indent() << "break;\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt *Node) { Indent() << "return"; if (Node->getRetValue()) { OS << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getRetValue()); } OS << ";\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitAsmStmt(AsmStmt *Node) { Indent() << "asm "; if (Node->isVolatile()) OS << "volatile "; OS << "("; VisitStringLiteral(Node->getAsmString()); // Outputs if (Node->getNumOutputs() != 0 || Node->getNumInputs() != 0 || Node->getNumClobbers() != 0) OS << " : "; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumOutputs(); i != e; ++i) { if (i != 0) OS << ", "; if (!Node->getOutputName(i).empty()) { OS << '['; OS << Node->getOutputName(i); OS << "] "; } VisitStringLiteral(Node->getOutputConstraintLiteral(i)); OS << " "; Visit(Node->getOutputExpr(i)); } // Inputs if (Node->getNumInputs() != 0 || Node->getNumClobbers() != 0) OS << " : "; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumInputs(); i != e; ++i) { if (i != 0) OS << ", "; if (!Node->getInputName(i).empty()) { OS << '['; OS << Node->getInputName(i); OS << "] "; } VisitStringLiteral(Node->getInputConstraintLiteral(i)); OS << " "; Visit(Node->getInputExpr(i)); } // Clobbers if (Node->getNumClobbers() != 0) OS << " : "; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumClobbers(); i != e; ++i) { if (i != 0) OS << ", "; VisitStringLiteral(Node->getClobber(i)); } OS << ");\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCAtTryStmt(ObjCAtTryStmt *Node) { Indent() << "@try"; if (CompoundStmt *TS = dyn_cast(Node->getTryBody())) { PrintRawCompoundStmt(TS); OS << "\n"; } for (unsigned I = 0, N = Node->getNumCatchStmts(); I != N; ++I) { ObjCAtCatchStmt *catchStmt = Node->getCatchStmt(I); Indent() << "@catch("; if (catchStmt->getCatchParamDecl()) { if (Decl *DS = catchStmt->getCatchParamDecl()) PrintRawDecl(DS); } OS << ")"; if (CompoundStmt *CS = dyn_cast(catchStmt->getCatchBody())) { PrintRawCompoundStmt(CS); OS << "\n"; } } if (ObjCAtFinallyStmt *FS = static_cast( Node->getFinallyStmt())) { Indent() << "@finally"; PrintRawCompoundStmt(dyn_cast(FS->getFinallyBody())); OS << "\n"; } } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCAtFinallyStmt(ObjCAtFinallyStmt *Node) { } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCAtCatchStmt (ObjCAtCatchStmt *Node) { Indent() << "@catch (...) { /* todo */ } \n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCAtThrowStmt(ObjCAtThrowStmt *Node) { Indent() << "@throw"; if (Node->getThrowExpr()) { OS << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getThrowExpr()); } OS << ";\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCAtSynchronizedStmt(ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt *Node) { Indent() << "@synchronized ("; PrintExpr(Node->getSynchExpr()); OS << ")"; PrintRawCompoundStmt(Node->getSynchBody()); OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::PrintRawCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt *Node) { OS << "catch ("; if (Decl *ExDecl = Node->getExceptionDecl()) PrintRawDecl(ExDecl); else OS << "..."; OS << ") "; PrintRawCompoundStmt(cast(Node->getHandlerBlock())); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXCatchStmt(CXXCatchStmt *Node) { Indent(); PrintRawCXXCatchStmt(Node); OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXTryStmt(CXXTryStmt *Node) { Indent() << "try "; PrintRawCompoundStmt(Node->getTryBlock()); for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumHandlers(); i < e; ++i) { OS << " "; PrintRawCXXCatchStmt(Node->getHandler(i)); } OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitSEHTryStmt(SEHTryStmt *Node) { Indent() << (Node->getIsCXXTry() ? "try " : "__try "); PrintRawCompoundStmt(Node->getTryBlock()); SEHExceptStmt *E = Node->getExceptHandler(); SEHFinallyStmt *F = Node->getFinallyHandler(); if(E) PrintRawSEHExceptHandler(E); else { assert(F && "Must have a finally block..."); PrintRawSEHFinallyStmt(F); } OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::PrintRawSEHFinallyStmt(SEHFinallyStmt *Node) { OS << "__finally "; PrintRawCompoundStmt(Node->getBlock()); OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::PrintRawSEHExceptHandler(SEHExceptStmt *Node) { OS << "__except ("; VisitExpr(Node->getFilterExpr()); OS << ")\n"; PrintRawCompoundStmt(Node->getBlock()); OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitSEHExceptStmt(SEHExceptStmt *Node) { Indent(); PrintRawSEHExceptHandler(Node); OS << "\n"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitSEHFinallyStmt(SEHFinallyStmt *Node) { Indent(); PrintRawSEHFinallyStmt(Node); OS << "\n"; } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Expr printing methods. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// void StmtPrinter::VisitDeclRefExpr(DeclRefExpr *Node) { if (NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node->getQualifier()) Qualifier->print(OS, Policy); OS << Node->getNameInfo(); if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) OS << TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList( Node->getTemplateArgs(), Node->getNumTemplateArgs(), Policy); } void StmtPrinter::VisitDependentScopeDeclRefExpr( DependentScopeDeclRefExpr *Node) { if (NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node->getQualifier()) Qualifier->print(OS, Policy); OS << Node->getNameInfo(); if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) OS << TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList( Node->getTemplateArgs(), Node->getNumTemplateArgs(), Policy); } void StmtPrinter::VisitUnresolvedLookupExpr(UnresolvedLookupExpr *Node) { if (Node->getQualifier()) Node->getQualifier()->print(OS, Policy); OS << Node->getNameInfo(); if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) OS << TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList( Node->getTemplateArgs(), Node->getNumTemplateArgs(), Policy); } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCIvarRefExpr(ObjCIvarRefExpr *Node) { if (Node->getBase()) { PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); OS << (Node->isArrow() ? "->" : "."); } OS << Node->getDecl(); } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCPropertyRefExpr(ObjCPropertyRefExpr *Node) { if (Node->isSuperReceiver()) OS << "super."; else if (Node->getBase()) { PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); OS << "."; } if (Node->isImplicitProperty()) OS << Node->getImplicitPropertyGetter()->getSelector().getAsString(); else OS << Node->getExplicitProperty()->getName(); } void StmtPrinter::VisitPredefinedExpr(PredefinedExpr *Node) { switch (Node->getIdentType()) { default: assert(0 && "unknown case"); case PredefinedExpr::Func: OS << "__func__"; break; case PredefinedExpr::Function: OS << "__FUNCTION__"; break; case PredefinedExpr::PrettyFunction: OS << "__PRETTY_FUNCTION__"; break; } } void StmtPrinter::VisitCharacterLiteral(CharacterLiteral *Node) { unsigned value = Node->getValue(); if (Node->isWide()) OS << "L"; switch (value) { case '\\': OS << "'\\\\'"; break; case '\'': OS << "'\\''"; break; case '\a': // TODO: K&R: the meaning of '\\a' is different in traditional C OS << "'\\a'"; break; case '\b': OS << "'\\b'"; break; // Nonstandard escape sequence. /*case '\e': OS << "'\\e'"; break;*/ case '\f': OS << "'\\f'"; break; case '\n': OS << "'\\n'"; break; case '\r': OS << "'\\r'"; break; case '\t': OS << "'\\t'"; break; case '\v': OS << "'\\v'"; break; default: if (value < 256 && isprint(value)) { OS << "'" << (char)value << "'"; } else if (value < 256) { OS << "'\\x" << llvm::format("%x", value) << "'"; } else { // FIXME what to really do here? OS << value; } } } void StmtPrinter::VisitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteral *Node) { bool isSigned = Node->getType()->isSignedIntegerType(); OS << Node->getValue().toString(10, isSigned); // Emit suffixes. Integer literals are always a builtin integer type. switch (Node->getType()->getAs()->getKind()) { default: assert(0 && "Unexpected type for integer literal!"); case BuiltinType::Int: break; // no suffix. case BuiltinType::UInt: OS << 'U'; break; case BuiltinType::Long: OS << 'L'; break; case BuiltinType::ULong: OS << "UL"; break; case BuiltinType::LongLong: OS << "LL"; break; case BuiltinType::ULongLong: OS << "ULL"; break; } } void StmtPrinter::VisitFloatingLiteral(FloatingLiteral *Node) { // FIXME: print value more precisely. OS << Node->getValueAsApproximateDouble(); } void StmtPrinter::VisitImaginaryLiteral(ImaginaryLiteral *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); OS << "i"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitStringLiteral(StringLiteral *Str) { if (Str->isWide()) OS << 'L'; OS << '"'; // FIXME: this doesn't print wstrings right. llvm::StringRef StrData = Str->getString(); for (llvm::StringRef::iterator I = StrData.begin(), E = StrData.end(); I != E; ++I) { unsigned char Char = *I; switch (Char) { default: if (isprint(Char)) OS << (char)Char; else // Output anything hard as an octal escape. OS << '\\' << (char)('0'+ ((Char >> 6) & 7)) << (char)('0'+ ((Char >> 3) & 7)) << (char)('0'+ ((Char >> 0) & 7)); break; // Handle some common non-printable cases to make dumps prettier. case '\\': OS << "\\\\"; break; case '"': OS << "\\\""; break; case '\n': OS << "\\n"; break; case '\t': OS << "\\t"; break; case '\a': OS << "\\a"; break; case '\b': OS << "\\b"; break; } } OS << '"'; } void StmtPrinter::VisitParenExpr(ParenExpr *Node) { OS << "("; PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitUnaryOperator(UnaryOperator *Node) { if (!Node->isPostfix()) { OS << UnaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Node->getOpcode()); // Print a space if this is an "identifier operator" like __real, or if // it might be concatenated incorrectly like '+'. switch (Node->getOpcode()) { default: break; case UO_Real: case UO_Imag: case UO_Extension: OS << ' '; break; case UO_Plus: case UO_Minus: if (isa(Node->getSubExpr())) OS << ' '; break; } } PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); if (Node->isPostfix()) OS << UnaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Node->getOpcode()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitOffsetOfExpr(OffsetOfExpr *Node) { OS << "__builtin_offsetof("; OS << Node->getTypeSourceInfo()->getType().getAsString(Policy) << ", "; bool PrintedSomething = false; for (unsigned i = 0, n = Node->getNumComponents(); i < n; ++i) { OffsetOfExpr::OffsetOfNode ON = Node->getComponent(i); if (ON.getKind() == OffsetOfExpr::OffsetOfNode::Array) { // Array node OS << "["; PrintExpr(Node->getIndexExpr(ON.getArrayExprIndex())); OS << "]"; PrintedSomething = true; continue; } // Skip implicit base indirections. if (ON.getKind() == OffsetOfExpr::OffsetOfNode::Base) continue; // Field or identifier node. IdentifierInfo *Id = ON.getFieldName(); if (!Id) continue; if (PrintedSomething) OS << "."; else PrintedSomething = true; OS << Id->getName(); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitUnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr(UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr *Node){ switch(Node->getKind()) { case UETT_SizeOf: OS << "sizeof"; break; case UETT_AlignOf: OS << "__alignof"; break; case UETT_VecStep: OS << "vec_step"; break; } if (Node->isArgumentType()) OS << "(" << Node->getArgumentType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; else { OS << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getArgumentExpr()); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitGenericSelectionExpr(GenericSelectionExpr *Node) { OS << "_Generic("; PrintExpr(Node->getControllingExpr()); for (unsigned i = 0; i != Node->getNumAssocs(); ++i) { OS << ", "; QualType T = Node->getAssocType(i); if (T.isNull()) OS << "default"; else OS << T.getAsString(Policy); OS << ": "; PrintExpr(Node->getAssocExpr(i)); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitArraySubscriptExpr(ArraySubscriptExpr *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getLHS()); OS << "["; PrintExpr(Node->getRHS()); OS << "]"; } void StmtPrinter::PrintCallArgs(CallExpr *Call) { for (unsigned i = 0, e = Call->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) { if (isa(Call->getArg(i))) { // Don't print any defaulted arguments break; } if (i) OS << ", "; PrintExpr(Call->getArg(i)); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitCallExpr(CallExpr *Call) { PrintExpr(Call->getCallee()); OS << "("; PrintCallArgs(Call); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitMemberExpr(MemberExpr *Node) { // FIXME: Suppress printing implicit bases (like "this") PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); if (FieldDecl *FD = dyn_cast(Node->getMemberDecl())) if (FD->isAnonymousStructOrUnion()) return; OS << (Node->isArrow() ? "->" : "."); if (NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node->getQualifier()) Qualifier->print(OS, Policy); OS << Node->getMemberNameInfo(); if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) OS << TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList( Node->getTemplateArgs(), Node->getNumTemplateArgs(), Policy); } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCIsaExpr(ObjCIsaExpr *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); OS << (Node->isArrow() ? "->isa" : ".isa"); } void StmtPrinter::VisitExtVectorElementExpr(ExtVectorElementExpr *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); OS << "."; OS << Node->getAccessor().getName(); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCStyleCastExpr(CStyleCastExpr *Node) { OS << "(" << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCompoundLiteralExpr(CompoundLiteralExpr *Node) { OS << "(" << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; PrintExpr(Node->getInitializer()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitImplicitCastExpr(ImplicitCastExpr *Node) { // No need to print anything, simply forward to the sub expression. PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getLHS()); OS << " " << BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Node->getOpcode()) << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getRHS()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCompoundAssignOperator(CompoundAssignOperator *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getLHS()); OS << " " << BinaryOperator::getOpcodeStr(Node->getOpcode()) << " "; PrintExpr(Node->getRHS()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitConditionalOperator(ConditionalOperator *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getCond()); OS << " ? "; PrintExpr(Node->getLHS()); OS << " : "; PrintExpr(Node->getRHS()); } // GNU extensions. void StmtPrinter::VisitBinaryConditionalOperator(BinaryConditionalOperator *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getCommon()); OS << " ?: "; PrintExpr(Node->getFalseExpr()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitAddrLabelExpr(AddrLabelExpr *Node) { OS << "&&" << Node->getLabel()->getName(); } void StmtPrinter::VisitStmtExpr(StmtExpr *E) { OS << "("; PrintRawCompoundStmt(E->getSubStmt()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitChooseExpr(ChooseExpr *Node) { OS << "__builtin_choose_expr("; PrintExpr(Node->getCond()); OS << ", "; PrintExpr(Node->getLHS()); OS << ", "; PrintExpr(Node->getRHS()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitGNUNullExpr(GNUNullExpr *) { OS << "__null"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitShuffleVectorExpr(ShuffleVectorExpr *Node) { OS << "__builtin_shufflevector("; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumSubExprs(); i != e; ++i) { if (i) OS << ", "; PrintExpr(Node->getExpr(i)); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitInitListExpr(InitListExpr* Node) { if (Node->getSyntacticForm()) { Visit(Node->getSyntacticForm()); return; } OS << "{ "; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumInits(); i != e; ++i) { if (i) OS << ", "; if (Node->getInit(i)) PrintExpr(Node->getInit(i)); else OS << "0"; } OS << " }"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitParenListExpr(ParenListExpr* Node) { OS << "( "; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Node->getNumExprs(); i != e; ++i) { if (i) OS << ", "; PrintExpr(Node->getExpr(i)); } OS << " )"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitDesignatedInitExpr(DesignatedInitExpr *Node) { for (DesignatedInitExpr::designators_iterator D = Node->designators_begin(), DEnd = Node->designators_end(); D != DEnd; ++D) { if (D->isFieldDesignator()) { if (D->getDotLoc().isInvalid()) OS << D->getFieldName()->getName() << ":"; else OS << "." << D->getFieldName()->getName(); } else { OS << "["; if (D->isArrayDesignator()) { PrintExpr(Node->getArrayIndex(*D)); } else { PrintExpr(Node->getArrayRangeStart(*D)); OS << " ... "; PrintExpr(Node->getArrayRangeEnd(*D)); } OS << "]"; } } OS << " = "; PrintExpr(Node->getInit()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitImplicitValueInitExpr(ImplicitValueInitExpr *Node) { if (Policy.LangOpts.CPlusPlus) OS << "/*implicit*/" << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy) << "()"; else { OS << "/*implicit*/(" << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; if (Node->getType()->isRecordType()) OS << "{}"; else OS << 0; } } void StmtPrinter::VisitVAArgExpr(VAArgExpr *Node) { OS << "__builtin_va_arg("; PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); OS << ", "; OS << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy); OS << ")"; } // C++ void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXOperatorCallExpr(CXXOperatorCallExpr *Node) { const char *OpStrings[NUM_OVERLOADED_OPERATORS] = { "", #define OVERLOADED_OPERATOR(Name,Spelling,Token,Unary,Binary,MemberOnly) \ Spelling, #include "clang/Basic/OperatorKinds.def" }; OverloadedOperatorKind Kind = Node->getOperator(); if (Kind == OO_PlusPlus || Kind == OO_MinusMinus) { if (Node->getNumArgs() == 1) { OS << OpStrings[Kind] << ' '; PrintExpr(Node->getArg(0)); } else { PrintExpr(Node->getArg(0)); OS << ' ' << OpStrings[Kind]; } } else if (Kind == OO_Call) { PrintExpr(Node->getArg(0)); OS << '('; for (unsigned ArgIdx = 1; ArgIdx < Node->getNumArgs(); ++ArgIdx) { if (ArgIdx > 1) OS << ", "; if (!isa(Node->getArg(ArgIdx))) PrintExpr(Node->getArg(ArgIdx)); } OS << ')'; } else if (Kind == OO_Subscript) { PrintExpr(Node->getArg(0)); OS << '['; PrintExpr(Node->getArg(1)); OS << ']'; } else if (Node->getNumArgs() == 1) { OS << OpStrings[Kind] << ' '; PrintExpr(Node->getArg(0)); } else if (Node->getNumArgs() == 2) { PrintExpr(Node->getArg(0)); OS << ' ' << OpStrings[Kind] << ' '; PrintExpr(Node->getArg(1)); } else { assert(false && "unknown overloaded operator"); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXMemberCallExpr(CXXMemberCallExpr *Node) { VisitCallExpr(cast(Node)); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCUDAKernelCallExpr(CUDAKernelCallExpr *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getCallee()); OS << "<<<"; PrintCallArgs(Node->getConfig()); OS << ">>>("; PrintCallArgs(Node); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(CXXNamedCastExpr *Node) { OS << Node->getCastName() << '<'; OS << Node->getTypeAsWritten().getAsString(Policy) << ">("; PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXStaticCastExpr(CXXStaticCastExpr *Node) { VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(Node); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXDynamicCastExpr(CXXDynamicCastExpr *Node) { VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(Node); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXReinterpretCastExpr(CXXReinterpretCastExpr *Node) { VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(Node); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXConstCastExpr(CXXConstCastExpr *Node) { VisitCXXNamedCastExpr(Node); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXTypeidExpr(CXXTypeidExpr *Node) { OS << "typeid("; if (Node->isTypeOperand()) { OS << Node->getTypeOperand().getAsString(Policy); } else { PrintExpr(Node->getExprOperand()); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXUuidofExpr(CXXUuidofExpr *Node) { OS << "__uuidof("; if (Node->isTypeOperand()) { OS << Node->getTypeOperand().getAsString(Policy); } else { PrintExpr(Node->getExprOperand()); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXBoolLiteralExpr(CXXBoolLiteralExpr *Node) { OS << (Node->getValue() ? "true" : "false"); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXNullPtrLiteralExpr(CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr *Node) { OS << "nullptr"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXThisExpr(CXXThisExpr *Node) { OS << "this"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXThrowExpr(CXXThrowExpr *Node) { if (Node->getSubExpr() == 0) OS << "throw"; else { OS << "throw "; PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXDefaultArgExpr(CXXDefaultArgExpr *Node) { // Nothing to print: we picked up the default argument } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXFunctionalCastExpr(CXXFunctionalCastExpr *Node) { OS << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy); OS << "("; PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXBindTemporaryExpr(CXXBindTemporaryExpr *Node) { PrintExpr(Node->getSubExpr()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXTemporaryObjectExpr(CXXTemporaryObjectExpr *Node) { OS << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy); OS << "("; for (CXXTemporaryObjectExpr::arg_iterator Arg = Node->arg_begin(), ArgEnd = Node->arg_end(); Arg != ArgEnd; ++Arg) { if (Arg != Node->arg_begin()) OS << ", "; PrintExpr(*Arg); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXScalarValueInitExpr(CXXScalarValueInitExpr *Node) { if (TypeSourceInfo *TSInfo = Node->getTypeSourceInfo()) OS << TSInfo->getType().getAsString(Policy) << "()"; else OS << Node->getType().getAsString(Policy) << "()"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXNewExpr(CXXNewExpr *E) { if (E->isGlobalNew()) OS << "::"; OS << "new "; unsigned NumPlace = E->getNumPlacementArgs(); if (NumPlace > 0) { OS << "("; PrintExpr(E->getPlacementArg(0)); for (unsigned i = 1; i < NumPlace; ++i) { OS << ", "; PrintExpr(E->getPlacementArg(i)); } OS << ") "; } if (E->isParenTypeId()) OS << "("; std::string TypeS; if (Expr *Size = E->getArraySize()) { llvm::raw_string_ostream s(TypeS); Size->printPretty(s, Context, Helper, Policy); s.flush(); TypeS = "[" + TypeS + "]"; } E->getAllocatedType().getAsStringInternal(TypeS, Policy); OS << TypeS; if (E->isParenTypeId()) OS << ")"; if (E->hasInitializer()) { OS << "("; unsigned NumCons = E->getNumConstructorArgs(); if (NumCons > 0) { PrintExpr(E->getConstructorArg(0)); for (unsigned i = 1; i < NumCons; ++i) { OS << ", "; PrintExpr(E->getConstructorArg(i)); } } OS << ")"; } } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXDeleteExpr(CXXDeleteExpr *E) { if (E->isGlobalDelete()) OS << "::"; OS << "delete "; if (E->isArrayForm()) OS << "[] "; PrintExpr(E->getArgument()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXPseudoDestructorExpr(CXXPseudoDestructorExpr *E) { PrintExpr(E->getBase()); if (E->isArrow()) OS << "->"; else OS << '.'; if (E->getQualifier()) E->getQualifier()->print(OS, Policy); std::string TypeS; if (IdentifierInfo *II = E->getDestroyedTypeIdentifier()) OS << II->getName(); else E->getDestroyedType().getAsStringInternal(TypeS, Policy); OS << TypeS; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXConstructExpr(CXXConstructExpr *E) { for (unsigned i = 0, e = E->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) { if (isa(E->getArg(i))) { // Don't print any defaulted arguments break; } if (i) OS << ", "; PrintExpr(E->getArg(i)); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitExprWithCleanups(ExprWithCleanups *E) { // Just forward to the sub expression. PrintExpr(E->getSubExpr()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXUnresolvedConstructExpr( CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr *Node) { OS << Node->getTypeAsWritten().getAsString(Policy); OS << "("; for (CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr::arg_iterator Arg = Node->arg_begin(), ArgEnd = Node->arg_end(); Arg != ArgEnd; ++Arg) { if (Arg != Node->arg_begin()) OS << ", "; PrintExpr(*Arg); } OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXDependentScopeMemberExpr( CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr *Node) { if (!Node->isImplicitAccess()) { PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); OS << (Node->isArrow() ? "->" : "."); } if (NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node->getQualifier()) Qualifier->print(OS, Policy); else if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) // FIXME: Track use of "template" keyword explicitly? OS << "template "; OS << Node->getMemberNameInfo(); if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) { OS << TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList( Node->getTemplateArgs(), Node->getNumTemplateArgs(), Policy); } } void StmtPrinter::VisitUnresolvedMemberExpr(UnresolvedMemberExpr *Node) { if (!Node->isImplicitAccess()) { PrintExpr(Node->getBase()); OS << (Node->isArrow() ? "->" : "."); } if (NestedNameSpecifier *Qualifier = Node->getQualifier()) Qualifier->print(OS, Policy); // FIXME: this might originally have been written with 'template' OS << Node->getMemberNameInfo(); if (Node->hasExplicitTemplateArgs()) { OS << TemplateSpecializationType::PrintTemplateArgumentList( Node->getTemplateArgs(), Node->getNumTemplateArgs(), Policy); } } static const char *getTypeTraitName(UnaryTypeTrait UTT) { switch (UTT) { case UTT_HasNothrowAssign: return "__has_nothrow_assign"; case UTT_HasNothrowConstructor: return "__has_nothrow_constructor"; case UTT_HasNothrowCopy: return "__has_nothrow_copy"; case UTT_HasTrivialAssign: return "__has_trivial_assign"; case UTT_HasTrivialDefaultConstructor: return "__has_trivial_constructor"; case UTT_HasTrivialCopy: return "__has_trivial_copy"; case UTT_HasTrivialDestructor: return "__has_trivial_destructor"; case UTT_HasVirtualDestructor: return "__has_virtual_destructor"; case UTT_IsAbstract: return "__is_abstract"; case UTT_IsArithmetic: return "__is_arithmetic"; case UTT_IsArray: return "__is_array"; case UTT_IsClass: return "__is_class"; case UTT_IsCompleteType: return "__is_complete_type"; case UTT_IsCompound: return "__is_compound"; case UTT_IsConst: return "__is_const"; case UTT_IsEmpty: return "__is_empty"; case UTT_IsEnum: return "__is_enum"; case UTT_IsFloatingPoint: return "__is_floating_point"; case UTT_IsFunction: return "__is_function"; case UTT_IsFundamental: return "__is_fundamental"; case UTT_IsIntegral: return "__is_integral"; case UTT_IsLiteral: return "__is_literal"; case UTT_IsLvalueReference: return "__is_lvalue_reference"; case UTT_IsMemberFunctionPointer: return "__is_member_function_pointer"; case UTT_IsMemberObjectPointer: return "__is_member_object_pointer"; case UTT_IsMemberPointer: return "__is_member_pointer"; case UTT_IsObject: return "__is_object"; case UTT_IsPOD: return "__is_pod"; case UTT_IsPointer: return "__is_pointer"; case UTT_IsPolymorphic: return "__is_polymorphic"; case UTT_IsReference: return "__is_reference"; case UTT_IsRvalueReference: return "__is_rvalue_reference"; case UTT_IsScalar: return "__is_scalar"; case UTT_IsSigned: return "__is_signed"; case UTT_IsStandardLayout: return "__is_standard_layout"; case UTT_IsTrivial: return "__is_trivial"; case UTT_IsTriviallyCopyable: return "__is_trivially_copyable"; case UTT_IsUnion: return "__is_union"; case UTT_IsUnsigned: return "__is_unsigned"; case UTT_IsVoid: return "__is_void"; case UTT_IsVolatile: return "__is_volatile"; } llvm_unreachable("Type trait not covered by switch statement"); } static const char *getTypeTraitName(BinaryTypeTrait BTT) { switch (BTT) { case BTT_IsBaseOf: return "__is_base_of"; case BTT_IsConvertible: return "__is_convertible"; case BTT_IsSame: return "__is_same"; case BTT_TypeCompatible: return "__builtin_types_compatible_p"; case BTT_IsConvertibleTo: return "__is_convertible_to"; } llvm_unreachable("Binary type trait not covered by switch"); } static const char *getTypeTraitName(ArrayTypeTrait ATT) { switch (ATT) { case ATT_ArrayRank: return "__array_rank"; case ATT_ArrayExtent: return "__array_extent"; } llvm_unreachable("Array type trait not covered by switch"); } static const char *getExpressionTraitName(ExpressionTrait ET) { switch (ET) { case ET_IsLValueExpr: return "__is_lvalue_expr"; case ET_IsRValueExpr: return "__is_rvalue_expr"; } llvm_unreachable("Expression type trait not covered by switch"); } void StmtPrinter::VisitUnaryTypeTraitExpr(UnaryTypeTraitExpr *E) { OS << getTypeTraitName(E->getTrait()) << "(" << E->getQueriedType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitBinaryTypeTraitExpr(BinaryTypeTraitExpr *E) { OS << getTypeTraitName(E->getTrait()) << "(" << E->getLhsType().getAsString(Policy) << "," << E->getRhsType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitArrayTypeTraitExpr(ArrayTypeTraitExpr *E) { OS << getTypeTraitName(E->getTrait()) << "(" << E->getQueriedType().getAsString(Policy) << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitExpressionTraitExpr(ExpressionTraitExpr *E) { OS << getExpressionTraitName(E->getTrait()) << "("; PrintExpr(E->getQueriedExpression()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitCXXNoexceptExpr(CXXNoexceptExpr *E) { OS << "noexcept("; PrintExpr(E->getOperand()); OS << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitPackExpansionExpr(PackExpansionExpr *E) { PrintExpr(E->getPattern()); OS << "..."; } void StmtPrinter::VisitSizeOfPackExpr(SizeOfPackExpr *E) { OS << "sizeof...(" << E->getPack()->getNameAsString() << ")"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitSubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr( SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr *Node) { OS << Node->getParameterPack()->getNameAsString(); } // Obj-C void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCStringLiteral(ObjCStringLiteral *Node) { OS << "@"; VisitStringLiteral(Node->getString()); } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCEncodeExpr(ObjCEncodeExpr *Node) { OS << "@encode(" << Node->getEncodedType().getAsString(Policy) << ')'; } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCSelectorExpr(ObjCSelectorExpr *Node) { OS << "@selector(" << Node->getSelector().getAsString() << ')'; } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCProtocolExpr(ObjCProtocolExpr *Node) { OS << "@protocol(" << Node->getProtocol() << ')'; } void StmtPrinter::VisitObjCMessageExpr(ObjCMessageExpr *Mess) { OS << "["; switch (Mess->getReceiverKind()) { case ObjCMessageExpr::Instance: PrintExpr(Mess->getInstanceReceiver()); break; case ObjCMessageExpr::Class: OS << Mess->getClassReceiver().getAsString(Policy); break; case ObjCMessageExpr::SuperInstance: case ObjCMessageExpr::SuperClass: OS << "Super"; break; } OS << ' '; Selector selector = Mess->getSelector(); if (selector.isUnarySelector()) { OS << selector.getNameForSlot(0); } else { for (unsigned i = 0, e = Mess->getNumArgs(); i != e; ++i) { if (i < selector.getNumArgs()) { if (i > 0) OS << ' '; if (selector.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(i)) OS << selector.getIdentifierInfoForSlot(i)->getName() << ':'; else OS << ":"; } else OS << ", "; // Handle variadic methods. PrintExpr(Mess->getArg(i)); } } OS << "]"; } void StmtPrinter::VisitBlockExpr(BlockExpr *Node) { BlockDecl *BD = Node->getBlockDecl(); OS << "^"; const FunctionType *AFT = Node->getFunctionType(); if (isa(AFT)) { OS << "()"; } else if (!BD->param_empty() || cast(AFT)->isVariadic()) { OS << '('; std::string ParamStr; for (BlockDecl::param_iterator AI = BD->param_begin(), E = BD->param_end(); AI != E; ++AI) { if (AI != BD->param_begin()) OS << ", "; ParamStr = (*AI)->getNameAsString(); (*AI)->getType().getAsStringInternal(ParamStr, Policy); OS << ParamStr; } const FunctionProtoType *FT = cast(AFT); if (FT->isVariadic()) { if (!BD->param_empty()) OS << ", "; OS << "..."; } OS << ')'; } } void StmtPrinter::VisitBlockDeclRefExpr(BlockDeclRefExpr *Node) { OS << Node->getDecl(); } void StmtPrinter::VisitOpaqueValueExpr(OpaqueValueExpr *Node) {} void StmtPrinter::VisitAsTypeExpr(AsTypeExpr *Node) { OS << "__builtin_astype("; PrintExpr(Node->getSrcExpr()); OS << ", " << Node->getType().getAsString(); OS << ")"; } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Stmt method implementations //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// void Stmt::dumpPretty(ASTContext& Context) const { printPretty(llvm::errs(), Context, 0, PrintingPolicy(Context.getLangOptions())); } void Stmt::printPretty(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, ASTContext& Context, PrinterHelper* Helper, const PrintingPolicy &Policy, unsigned Indentation) const { if (this == 0) { OS << ""; return; } if (Policy.Dump && &Context) { dump(OS, Context.getSourceManager()); return; } StmtPrinter P(OS, Context, Helper, Policy, Indentation); P.Visit(const_cast(this)); } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // PrinterHelper //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Implement virtual destructor. PrinterHelper::~PrinterHelper() {}