//===--- Format.cpp - Format C++ code -------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file /// \brief This file implements functions declared in Format.h. This will be /// split into separate files as we go. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Format/Format.h" #include "AffectedRangeManager.h" #include "ContinuationIndenter.h" #include "FormatTokenLexer.h" #include "SortJavaScriptImports.h" #include "TokenAnalyzer.h" #include "TokenAnnotator.h" #include "UnwrappedLineFormatter.h" #include "UnwrappedLineParser.h" #include "WhitespaceManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h" #include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/VirtualFileSystem.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h" #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/Regex.h" #include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h" #include #include #include #define DEBUG_TYPE "format-formatter" using clang::format::FormatStyle; LLVM_YAML_IS_FLOW_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(std::string) LLVM_YAML_IS_SEQUENCE_VECTOR(clang::format::FormatStyle::IncludeCategory) namespace llvm { namespace yaml { template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::LanguageKind &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Cpp", FormatStyle::LK_Cpp); IO.enumCase(Value, "Java", FormatStyle::LK_Java); IO.enumCase(Value, "JavaScript", FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript); IO.enumCase(Value, "ObjC", FormatStyle::LK_ObjC); IO.enumCase(Value, "Proto", FormatStyle::LK_Proto); IO.enumCase(Value, "TableGen", FormatStyle::LK_TableGen); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::LanguageStandard &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Cpp03", FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03); IO.enumCase(Value, "C++03", FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03); IO.enumCase(Value, "Cpp11", FormatStyle::LS_Cpp11); IO.enumCase(Value, "C++11", FormatStyle::LS_Cpp11); IO.enumCase(Value, "Auto", FormatStyle::LS_Auto); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::UseTabStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Never", FormatStyle::UT_Never); IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::UT_Never); IO.enumCase(Value, "Always", FormatStyle::UT_Always); IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::UT_Always); IO.enumCase(Value, "ForIndentation", FormatStyle::UT_ForIndentation); IO.enumCase(Value, "ForContinuationAndIndentation", FormatStyle::UT_ForContinuationAndIndentation); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::JavaScriptQuoteStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Leave", FormatStyle::JSQS_Leave); IO.enumCase(Value, "Single", FormatStyle::JSQS_Single); IO.enumCase(Value, "Double", FormatStyle::JSQS_Double); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::ShortFunctionStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "None", FormatStyle::SFS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::SFS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "All", FormatStyle::SFS_All); IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::SFS_All); IO.enumCase(Value, "Inline", FormatStyle::SFS_Inline); IO.enumCase(Value, "Empty", FormatStyle::SFS_Empty); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::BinaryOperatorStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "All", FormatStyle::BOS_All); IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::BOS_All); IO.enumCase(Value, "None", FormatStyle::BOS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::BOS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "NonAssignment", FormatStyle::BOS_NonAssignment); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::BraceBreakingStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Attach", FormatStyle::BS_Attach); IO.enumCase(Value, "Linux", FormatStyle::BS_Linux); IO.enumCase(Value, "Mozilla", FormatStyle::BS_Mozilla); IO.enumCase(Value, "Stroustrup", FormatStyle::BS_Stroustrup); IO.enumCase(Value, "Allman", FormatStyle::BS_Allman); IO.enumCase(Value, "GNU", FormatStyle::BS_GNU); IO.enumCase(Value, "WebKit", FormatStyle::BS_WebKit); IO.enumCase(Value, "Custom", FormatStyle::BS_Custom); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::ReturnTypeBreakingStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "None", FormatStyle::RTBS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "All", FormatStyle::RTBS_All); IO.enumCase(Value, "TopLevel", FormatStyle::RTBS_TopLevel); IO.enumCase(Value, "TopLevelDefinitions", FormatStyle::RTBS_TopLevelDefinitions); IO.enumCase(Value, "AllDefinitions", FormatStyle::RTBS_AllDefinitions); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::DefinitionReturnTypeBreakingStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "None", FormatStyle::DRTBS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "All", FormatStyle::DRTBS_All); IO.enumCase(Value, "TopLevel", FormatStyle::DRTBS_TopLevel); // For backward compatibility. IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::DRTBS_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::DRTBS_All); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::NamespaceIndentationKind &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "None", FormatStyle::NI_None); IO.enumCase(Value, "Inner", FormatStyle::NI_Inner); IO.enumCase(Value, "All", FormatStyle::NI_All); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::BracketAlignmentStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Align", FormatStyle::BAS_Align); IO.enumCase(Value, "DontAlign", FormatStyle::BAS_DontAlign); IO.enumCase(Value, "AlwaysBreak", FormatStyle::BAS_AlwaysBreak); // For backward compatibility. IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::BAS_Align); IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::BAS_DontAlign); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::PointerAlignmentStyle &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Middle", FormatStyle::PAS_Middle); IO.enumCase(Value, "Left", FormatStyle::PAS_Left); IO.enumCase(Value, "Right", FormatStyle::PAS_Right); // For backward compatibility. IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::PAS_Left); IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::PAS_Right); } }; template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits { static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::SpaceBeforeParensOptions &Value) { IO.enumCase(Value, "Never", FormatStyle::SBPO_Never); IO.enumCase(Value, "ControlStatements", FormatStyle::SBPO_ControlStatements); IO.enumCase(Value, "Always", FormatStyle::SBPO_Always); // For backward compatibility. IO.enumCase(Value, "false", FormatStyle::SBPO_Never); IO.enumCase(Value, "true", FormatStyle::SBPO_ControlStatements); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &IO, FormatStyle &Style) { // When reading, read the language first, we need it for getPredefinedStyle. IO.mapOptional("Language", Style.Language); if (IO.outputting()) { StringRef StylesArray[] = {"LLVM", "Google", "Chromium", "Mozilla", "WebKit", "GNU"}; ArrayRef Styles(StylesArray); for (size_t i = 0, e = Styles.size(); i < e; ++i) { StringRef StyleName(Styles[i]); FormatStyle PredefinedStyle; if (getPredefinedStyle(StyleName, Style.Language, &PredefinedStyle) && Style == PredefinedStyle) { IO.mapOptional("# BasedOnStyle", StyleName); break; } } } else { StringRef BasedOnStyle; IO.mapOptional("BasedOnStyle", BasedOnStyle); if (!BasedOnStyle.empty()) { FormatStyle::LanguageKind OldLanguage = Style.Language; FormatStyle::LanguageKind Language = ((FormatStyle *)IO.getContext())->Language; if (!getPredefinedStyle(BasedOnStyle, Language, &Style)) { IO.setError(Twine("Unknown value for BasedOnStyle: ", BasedOnStyle)); return; } Style.Language = OldLanguage; } } // For backward compatibility. if (!IO.outputting()) { IO.mapOptional("DerivePointerBinding", Style.DerivePointerAlignment); IO.mapOptional("IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType", Style.IndentWrappedFunctionNames); IO.mapOptional("PointerBindsToType", Style.PointerAlignment); IO.mapOptional("SpaceAfterControlStatementKeyword", Style.SpaceBeforeParens); } IO.mapOptional("AccessModifierOffset", Style.AccessModifierOffset); IO.mapOptional("AlignAfterOpenBracket", Style.AlignAfterOpenBracket); IO.mapOptional("AlignConsecutiveAssignments", Style.AlignConsecutiveAssignments); IO.mapOptional("AlignConsecutiveDeclarations", Style.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations); IO.mapOptional("AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft", Style.AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft); IO.mapOptional("AlignOperands", Style.AlignOperands); IO.mapOptional("AlignTrailingComments", Style.AlignTrailingComments); IO.mapOptional("AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine", Style.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine); IO.mapOptional("AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine", Style.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine); IO.mapOptional("AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine", Style.AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine); IO.mapOptional("AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine", Style.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine); IO.mapOptional("AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine", Style.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine); IO.mapOptional("AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine", Style.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine); IO.mapOptional("AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType", Style.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType); IO.mapOptional("AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType", Style.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType); // If AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType was specified but // AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType was not, initialize the latter from the // former for backwards compatibility. if (Style.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType != FormatStyle::DRTBS_None && Style.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType == FormatStyle::RTBS_None) { if (Style.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType == FormatStyle::DRTBS_All) Style.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType = FormatStyle::RTBS_AllDefinitions; else if (Style.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType == FormatStyle::DRTBS_TopLevel) Style.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType = FormatStyle::RTBS_TopLevelDefinitions; } IO.mapOptional("AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings", Style.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings); IO.mapOptional("AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations", Style.AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations); IO.mapOptional("BinPackArguments", Style.BinPackArguments); IO.mapOptional("BinPackParameters", Style.BinPackParameters); IO.mapOptional("BraceWrapping", Style.BraceWrapping); IO.mapOptional("BreakBeforeBinaryOperators", Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators); IO.mapOptional("BreakBeforeBraces", Style.BreakBeforeBraces); IO.mapOptional("BreakBeforeTernaryOperators", Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators); IO.mapOptional("BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma", Style.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma); IO.mapOptional("BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations", Style.BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations); IO.mapOptional("BreakStringLiterals", Style.BreakStringLiterals); IO.mapOptional("ColumnLimit", Style.ColumnLimit); IO.mapOptional("CommentPragmas", Style.CommentPragmas); IO.mapOptional("ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine", Style.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine); IO.mapOptional("ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth", Style.ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth); IO.mapOptional("ContinuationIndentWidth", Style.ContinuationIndentWidth); IO.mapOptional("Cpp11BracedListStyle", Style.Cpp11BracedListStyle); IO.mapOptional("DerivePointerAlignment", Style.DerivePointerAlignment); IO.mapOptional("DisableFormat", Style.DisableFormat); IO.mapOptional("ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking", Style.ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking); IO.mapOptional("ForEachMacros", Style.ForEachMacros); IO.mapOptional("IncludeCategories", Style.IncludeCategories); IO.mapOptional("IncludeIsMainRegex", Style.IncludeIsMainRegex); IO.mapOptional("IndentCaseLabels", Style.IndentCaseLabels); IO.mapOptional("IndentWidth", Style.IndentWidth); IO.mapOptional("IndentWrappedFunctionNames", Style.IndentWrappedFunctionNames); IO.mapOptional("JavaScriptQuotes", Style.JavaScriptQuotes); IO.mapOptional("JavaScriptWrapImports", Style.JavaScriptWrapImports); IO.mapOptional("KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks", Style.KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks); IO.mapOptional("MacroBlockBegin", Style.MacroBlockBegin); IO.mapOptional("MacroBlockEnd", Style.MacroBlockEnd); IO.mapOptional("MaxEmptyLinesToKeep", Style.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep); IO.mapOptional("NamespaceIndentation", Style.NamespaceIndentation); IO.mapOptional("ObjCBlockIndentWidth", Style.ObjCBlockIndentWidth); IO.mapOptional("ObjCSpaceAfterProperty", Style.ObjCSpaceAfterProperty); IO.mapOptional("ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList", Style.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList); IO.mapOptional("PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter", Style.PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter); IO.mapOptional("PenaltyBreakComment", Style.PenaltyBreakComment); IO.mapOptional("PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess", Style.PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess); IO.mapOptional("PenaltyBreakString", Style.PenaltyBreakString); IO.mapOptional("PenaltyExcessCharacter", Style.PenaltyExcessCharacter); IO.mapOptional("PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine", Style.PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine); IO.mapOptional("PointerAlignment", Style.PointerAlignment); IO.mapOptional("ReflowComments", Style.ReflowComments); IO.mapOptional("SortIncludes", Style.SortIncludes); IO.mapOptional("SpaceAfterCStyleCast", Style.SpaceAfterCStyleCast); IO.mapOptional("SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword", Style.SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword); IO.mapOptional("SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators", Style.SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators); IO.mapOptional("SpaceBeforeParens", Style.SpaceBeforeParens); IO.mapOptional("SpaceInEmptyParentheses", Style.SpaceInEmptyParentheses); IO.mapOptional("SpacesBeforeTrailingComments", Style.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments); IO.mapOptional("SpacesInAngles", Style.SpacesInAngles); IO.mapOptional("SpacesInContainerLiterals", Style.SpacesInContainerLiterals); IO.mapOptional("SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses", Style.SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses); IO.mapOptional("SpacesInParentheses", Style.SpacesInParentheses); IO.mapOptional("SpacesInSquareBrackets", Style.SpacesInSquareBrackets); IO.mapOptional("Standard", Style.Standard); IO.mapOptional("TabWidth", Style.TabWidth); IO.mapOptional("UseTab", Style.UseTab); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &IO, FormatStyle::BraceWrappingFlags &Wrapping) { IO.mapOptional("AfterClass", Wrapping.AfterClass); IO.mapOptional("AfterControlStatement", Wrapping.AfterControlStatement); IO.mapOptional("AfterEnum", Wrapping.AfterEnum); IO.mapOptional("AfterFunction", Wrapping.AfterFunction); IO.mapOptional("AfterNamespace", Wrapping.AfterNamespace); IO.mapOptional("AfterObjCDeclaration", Wrapping.AfterObjCDeclaration); IO.mapOptional("AfterStruct", Wrapping.AfterStruct); IO.mapOptional("AfterUnion", Wrapping.AfterUnion); IO.mapOptional("BeforeCatch", Wrapping.BeforeCatch); IO.mapOptional("BeforeElse", Wrapping.BeforeElse); IO.mapOptional("IndentBraces", Wrapping.IndentBraces); } }; template <> struct MappingTraits { static void mapping(IO &IO, FormatStyle::IncludeCategory &Category) { IO.mapOptional("Regex", Category.Regex); IO.mapOptional("Priority", Category.Priority); } }; // Allows to read vector while keeping default values. // IO.getContext() should contain a pointer to the FormatStyle structure, that // will be used to get default values for missing keys. // If the first element has no Language specified, it will be treated as the // default one for the following elements. template <> struct DocumentListTraits> { static size_t size(IO &IO, std::vector &Seq) { return Seq.size(); } static FormatStyle &element(IO &IO, std::vector &Seq, size_t Index) { if (Index >= Seq.size()) { assert(Index == Seq.size()); FormatStyle Template; if (Seq.size() > 0 && Seq[0].Language == FormatStyle::LK_None) { Template = Seq[0]; } else { Template = *((const FormatStyle *)IO.getContext()); Template.Language = FormatStyle::LK_None; } Seq.resize(Index + 1, Template); } return Seq[Index]; } }; } // namespace yaml } // namespace llvm namespace clang { namespace format { const std::error_category &getParseCategory() { static ParseErrorCategory C; return C; } std::error_code make_error_code(ParseError e) { return std::error_code(static_cast(e), getParseCategory()); } const char *ParseErrorCategory::name() const noexcept { return "clang-format.parse_error"; } std::string ParseErrorCategory::message(int EV) const { switch (static_cast(EV)) { case ParseError::Success: return "Success"; case ParseError::Error: return "Invalid argument"; case ParseError::Unsuitable: return "Unsuitable"; } llvm_unreachable("unexpected parse error"); } static FormatStyle expandPresets(const FormatStyle &Style) { if (Style.BreakBeforeBraces == FormatStyle::BS_Custom) return Style; FormatStyle Expanded = Style; Expanded.BraceWrapping = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}; switch (Style.BreakBeforeBraces) { case FormatStyle::BS_Linux: Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterClass = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterNamespace = true; break; case FormatStyle::BS_Mozilla: Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterClass = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterEnum = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterStruct = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterUnion = true; break; case FormatStyle::BS_Stroustrup: Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeCatch = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeElse = true; break; case FormatStyle::BS_Allman: Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterClass = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterControlStatement = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterEnum = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterNamespace = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterObjCDeclaration = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterStruct = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeCatch = true; Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeElse = true; break; case FormatStyle::BS_GNU: Expanded.BraceWrapping = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true}; break; case FormatStyle::BS_WebKit: Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterFunction = true; break; default: break; } return Expanded; } FormatStyle getLLVMStyle() { FormatStyle LLVMStyle; LLVMStyle.Language = FormatStyle::LK_Cpp; LLVMStyle.AccessModifierOffset = -2; LLVMStyle.AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft = false; LLVMStyle.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_Align; LLVMStyle.AlignOperands = true; LLVMStyle.AlignTrailingComments = true; LLVMStyle.AlignConsecutiveAssignments = false; LLVMStyle.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations = false; LLVMStyle.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = true; LLVMStyle.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_All; LLVMStyle.AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine = false; LLVMStyle.AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine = false; LLVMStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false; LLVMStyle.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine = false; LLVMStyle.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType = FormatStyle::RTBS_None; LLVMStyle.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType = FormatStyle::DRTBS_None; LLVMStyle.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings = false; LLVMStyle.AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations = false; LLVMStyle.BinPackParameters = true; LLVMStyle.BinPackArguments = true; LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = FormatStyle::BOS_None; LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators = true; LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Attach; LLVMStyle.BraceWrapping = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}; LLVMStyle.BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations = false; LLVMStyle.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma = false; LLVMStyle.BreakStringLiterals = true; LLVMStyle.ColumnLimit = 80; LLVMStyle.CommentPragmas = "^ IWYU pragma:"; LLVMStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = false; LLVMStyle.ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth = 4; LLVMStyle.ContinuationIndentWidth = 4; LLVMStyle.Cpp11BracedListStyle = true; LLVMStyle.DerivePointerAlignment = false; LLVMStyle.ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking = false; LLVMStyle.ForEachMacros.push_back("foreach"); LLVMStyle.ForEachMacros.push_back("Q_FOREACH"); LLVMStyle.ForEachMacros.push_back("BOOST_FOREACH"); LLVMStyle.IncludeCategories = {{"^\"(llvm|llvm-c|clang|clang-c)/", 2}, {"^(<|\"(gtest|isl|json)/)", 3}, {".*", 1}}; LLVMStyle.IncludeIsMainRegex = "$"; LLVMStyle.IndentCaseLabels = false; LLVMStyle.IndentWrappedFunctionNames = false; LLVMStyle.IndentWidth = 2; LLVMStyle.JavaScriptQuotes = FormatStyle::JSQS_Leave; LLVMStyle.JavaScriptWrapImports = true; LLVMStyle.TabWidth = 8; LLVMStyle.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 1; LLVMStyle.KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks = true; LLVMStyle.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_None; LLVMStyle.ObjCBlockIndentWidth = 2; LLVMStyle.ObjCSpaceAfterProperty = false; LLVMStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = true; LLVMStyle.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Right; LLVMStyle.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments = 1; LLVMStyle.Standard = FormatStyle::LS_Cpp11; LLVMStyle.UseTab = FormatStyle::UT_Never; LLVMStyle.JavaScriptQuotes = FormatStyle::JSQS_Leave; LLVMStyle.ReflowComments = true; LLVMStyle.SpacesInParentheses = false; LLVMStyle.SpacesInSquareBrackets = false; LLVMStyle.SpaceInEmptyParentheses = false; LLVMStyle.SpacesInContainerLiterals = true; LLVMStyle.SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses = false; LLVMStyle.SpaceAfterCStyleCast = false; LLVMStyle.SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword = true; LLVMStyle.SpaceBeforeParens = FormatStyle::SBPO_ControlStatements; LLVMStyle.SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators = true; LLVMStyle.SpacesInAngles = false; LLVMStyle.PenaltyBreakComment = 300; LLVMStyle.PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess = 120; LLVMStyle.PenaltyBreakString = 1000; LLVMStyle.PenaltyExcessCharacter = 1000000; LLVMStyle.PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine = 60; LLVMStyle.PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter = 19; LLVMStyle.DisableFormat = false; LLVMStyle.SortIncludes = true; return LLVMStyle; } FormatStyle getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LanguageKind Language) { FormatStyle GoogleStyle = getLLVMStyle(); GoogleStyle.Language = Language; GoogleStyle.AccessModifierOffset = -1; GoogleStyle.AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft = true; GoogleStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = true; GoogleStyle.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine = true; GoogleStyle.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings = true; GoogleStyle.AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations = true; GoogleStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine = true; GoogleStyle.DerivePointerAlignment = true; GoogleStyle.IncludeCategories = {{"^<.*\\.h>", 1}, {"^<.*", 2}, {".*", 3}}; GoogleStyle.IncludeIsMainRegex = "([-_](test|unittest))?$"; GoogleStyle.IndentCaseLabels = true; GoogleStyle.KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks = false; GoogleStyle.ObjCSpaceAfterProperty = false; GoogleStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = false; GoogleStyle.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left; GoogleStyle.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments = 2; GoogleStyle.Standard = FormatStyle::LS_Auto; GoogleStyle.PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine = 200; GoogleStyle.PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter = 1; if (Language == FormatStyle::LK_Java) { GoogleStyle.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_DontAlign; GoogleStyle.AlignOperands = false; GoogleStyle.AlignTrailingComments = false; GoogleStyle.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_Empty; GoogleStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false; GoogleStyle.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings = false; GoogleStyle.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = FormatStyle::BOS_NonAssignment; GoogleStyle.ColumnLimit = 100; GoogleStyle.SpaceAfterCStyleCast = true; GoogleStyle.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments = 1; } else if (Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript) { GoogleStyle.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_AlwaysBreak; GoogleStyle.AlignOperands = false; GoogleStyle.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_Empty; GoogleStyle.AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings = false; GoogleStyle.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators = false; GoogleStyle.CommentPragmas = "(taze:|@(export|requirecss|return|returns|see|visibility)) "; GoogleStyle.MaxEmptyLinesToKeep = 3; GoogleStyle.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_All; GoogleStyle.SpacesInContainerLiterals = false; GoogleStyle.JavaScriptQuotes = FormatStyle::JSQS_Single; GoogleStyle.JavaScriptWrapImports = false; } else if (Language == FormatStyle::LK_Proto) { GoogleStyle.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_None; GoogleStyle.SpacesInContainerLiterals = false; } else if (Language == FormatStyle::LK_ObjC) { GoogleStyle.ColumnLimit = 100; } return GoogleStyle; } FormatStyle getChromiumStyle(FormatStyle::LanguageKind Language) { FormatStyle ChromiumStyle = getGoogleStyle(Language); if (Language == FormatStyle::LK_Java) { ChromiumStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = true; ChromiumStyle.BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations = true; ChromiumStyle.ContinuationIndentWidth = 8; ChromiumStyle.IndentWidth = 4; } else if (Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript) { ChromiumStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false; ChromiumStyle.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine = false; } else { ChromiumStyle.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = false; ChromiumStyle.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_Inline; ChromiumStyle.AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine = false; ChromiumStyle.AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine = false; ChromiumStyle.BinPackParameters = false; ChromiumStyle.DerivePointerAlignment = false; } ChromiumStyle.SortIncludes = false; return ChromiumStyle; } FormatStyle getMozillaStyle() { FormatStyle MozillaStyle = getLLVMStyle(); MozillaStyle.AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine = false; MozillaStyle.AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine = FormatStyle::SFS_Inline; MozillaStyle.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType = FormatStyle::RTBS_TopLevel; MozillaStyle.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType = FormatStyle::DRTBS_TopLevel; MozillaStyle.AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations = true; MozillaStyle.BinPackParameters = false; MozillaStyle.BinPackArguments = false; MozillaStyle.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Mozilla; MozillaStyle.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma = true; MozillaStyle.ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth = 2; MozillaStyle.ContinuationIndentWidth = 2; MozillaStyle.Cpp11BracedListStyle = false; MozillaStyle.IndentCaseLabels = true; MozillaStyle.ObjCSpaceAfterProperty = true; MozillaStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList = false; MozillaStyle.PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine = 200; MozillaStyle.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left; MozillaStyle.SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword = false; return MozillaStyle; } FormatStyle getWebKitStyle() { FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle(); Style.AccessModifierOffset = -4; Style.AlignAfterOpenBracket = FormatStyle::BAS_DontAlign; Style.AlignOperands = false; Style.AlignTrailingComments = false; Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = FormatStyle::BOS_All; Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_WebKit; Style.BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma = true; Style.Cpp11BracedListStyle = false; Style.ColumnLimit = 0; Style.IndentWidth = 4; Style.NamespaceIndentation = FormatStyle::NI_Inner; Style.ObjCBlockIndentWidth = 4; Style.ObjCSpaceAfterProperty = true; Style.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Left; return Style; } FormatStyle getGNUStyle() { FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle(); Style.AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType = FormatStyle::DRTBS_All; Style.AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType = FormatStyle::RTBS_AllDefinitions; Style.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = FormatStyle::BOS_All; Style.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_GNU; Style.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators = true; Style.Cpp11BracedListStyle = false; Style.ColumnLimit = 79; Style.SpaceBeforeParens = FormatStyle::SBPO_Always; Style.Standard = FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03; return Style; } FormatStyle getNoStyle() { FormatStyle NoStyle = getLLVMStyle(); NoStyle.DisableFormat = true; NoStyle.SortIncludes = false; return NoStyle; } bool getPredefinedStyle(StringRef Name, FormatStyle::LanguageKind Language, FormatStyle *Style) { if (Name.equals_lower("llvm")) { *Style = getLLVMStyle(); } else if (Name.equals_lower("chromium")) { *Style = getChromiumStyle(Language); } else if (Name.equals_lower("mozilla")) { *Style = getMozillaStyle(); } else if (Name.equals_lower("google")) { *Style = getGoogleStyle(Language); } else if (Name.equals_lower("webkit")) { *Style = getWebKitStyle(); } else if (Name.equals_lower("gnu")) { *Style = getGNUStyle(); } else if (Name.equals_lower("none")) { *Style = getNoStyle(); } else { return false; } Style->Language = Language; return true; } std::error_code parseConfiguration(StringRef Text, FormatStyle *Style) { assert(Style); FormatStyle::LanguageKind Language = Style->Language; assert(Language != FormatStyle::LK_None); if (Text.trim().empty()) return make_error_code(ParseError::Error); std::vector Styles; llvm::yaml::Input Input(Text); // DocumentListTraits> uses the context to get default // values for the fields, keys for which are missing from the configuration. // Mapping also uses the context to get the language to find the correct // base style. Input.setContext(Style); Input >> Styles; if (Input.error()) return Input.error(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < Styles.size(); ++i) { // Ensures that only the first configuration can skip the Language option. if (Styles[i].Language == FormatStyle::LK_None && i != 0) return make_error_code(ParseError::Error); // Ensure that each language is configured at most once. for (unsigned j = 0; j < i; ++j) { if (Styles[i].Language == Styles[j].Language) { DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Duplicate languages in the config file on positions " << j << " and " << i << "\n"); return make_error_code(ParseError::Error); } } } // Look for a suitable configuration starting from the end, so we can // find the configuration for the specific language first, and the default // configuration (which can only be at slot 0) after it. for (int i = Styles.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (Styles[i].Language == Language || Styles[i].Language == FormatStyle::LK_None) { *Style = Styles[i]; Style->Language = Language; return make_error_code(ParseError::Success); } } return make_error_code(ParseError::Unsuitable); } std::string configurationAsText(const FormatStyle &Style) { std::string Text; llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(Text); llvm::yaml::Output Output(Stream); // We use the same mapping method for input and output, so we need a non-const // reference here. FormatStyle NonConstStyle = expandPresets(Style); Output << NonConstStyle; return Stream.str(); } namespace { class JavaScriptRequoter : public TokenAnalyzer { public: JavaScriptRequoter(const Environment &Env, const FormatStyle &Style) : TokenAnalyzer(Env, Style) {} tooling::Replacements analyze(TokenAnnotator &Annotator, SmallVectorImpl &AnnotatedLines, FormatTokenLexer &Tokens) override { AffectedRangeMgr.computeAffectedLines(AnnotatedLines.begin(), AnnotatedLines.end()); tooling::Replacements Result; requoteJSStringLiteral(AnnotatedLines, Result); return Result; } private: // Replaces double/single-quoted string literal as appropriate, re-escaping // the contents in the process. void requoteJSStringLiteral(SmallVectorImpl &Lines, tooling::Replacements &Result) { for (AnnotatedLine *Line : Lines) { requoteJSStringLiteral(Line->Children, Result); if (!Line->Affected) continue; for (FormatToken *FormatTok = Line->First; FormatTok; FormatTok = FormatTok->Next) { StringRef Input = FormatTok->TokenText; if (FormatTok->Finalized || !FormatTok->isStringLiteral() || // NB: testing for not starting with a double quote to avoid // breaking `template strings`. (Style.JavaScriptQuotes == FormatStyle::JSQS_Single && !Input.startswith("\"")) || (Style.JavaScriptQuotes == FormatStyle::JSQS_Double && !Input.startswith("\'"))) continue; // Change start and end quote. bool IsSingle = Style.JavaScriptQuotes == FormatStyle::JSQS_Single; SourceLocation Start = FormatTok->Tok.getLocation(); auto Replace = [&](SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length, StringRef ReplacementText) { auto Err = Result.add(tooling::Replacement( Env.getSourceManager(), Start, Length, ReplacementText)); // FIXME: handle error. For now, print error message and skip the // replacement for release version. if (Err) { llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n"; assert(false); } }; Replace(Start, 1, IsSingle ? "'" : "\""); Replace(FormatTok->Tok.getEndLoc().getLocWithOffset(-1), 1, IsSingle ? "'" : "\""); // Escape internal quotes. bool Escaped = false; for (size_t i = 1; i < Input.size() - 1; i++) { switch (Input[i]) { case '\\': if (!Escaped && i + 1 < Input.size() && ((IsSingle && Input[i + 1] == '"') || (!IsSingle && Input[i + 1] == '\''))) { // Remove this \, it's escaping a " or ' that no longer needs // escaping Replace(Start.getLocWithOffset(i), 1, ""); continue; } Escaped = !Escaped; break; case '\"': case '\'': if (!Escaped && IsSingle == (Input[i] == '\'')) { // Escape the quote. Replace(Start.getLocWithOffset(i), 0, "\\"); } Escaped = false; break; default: Escaped = false; break; } } } } } }; class Formatter : public TokenAnalyzer { public: Formatter(const Environment &Env, const FormatStyle &Style, bool *IncompleteFormat) : TokenAnalyzer(Env, Style), IncompleteFormat(IncompleteFormat) {} tooling::Replacements analyze(TokenAnnotator &Annotator, SmallVectorImpl &AnnotatedLines, FormatTokenLexer &Tokens) override { tooling::Replacements Result; deriveLocalStyle(AnnotatedLines); AffectedRangeMgr.computeAffectedLines(AnnotatedLines.begin(), AnnotatedLines.end()); for (unsigned i = 0, e = AnnotatedLines.size(); i != e; ++i) { Annotator.calculateFormattingInformation(*AnnotatedLines[i]); } Annotator.setCommentLineLevels(AnnotatedLines); WhitespaceManager Whitespaces( Env.getSourceManager(), Style, inputUsesCRLF(Env.getSourceManager().getBufferData(Env.getFileID()))); ContinuationIndenter Indenter(Style, Tokens.getKeywords(), Env.getSourceManager(), Whitespaces, Encoding, BinPackInconclusiveFunctions); UnwrappedLineFormatter(&Indenter, &Whitespaces, Style, Tokens.getKeywords(), IncompleteFormat) .format(AnnotatedLines); for (const auto &R : Whitespaces.generateReplacements()) if (Result.add(R)) return Result; return Result; } private: static bool inputUsesCRLF(StringRef Text) { return Text.count('\r') * 2 > Text.count('\n'); } bool hasCpp03IncompatibleFormat(const SmallVectorImpl &Lines) { for (const AnnotatedLine *Line : Lines) { if (hasCpp03IncompatibleFormat(Line->Children)) return true; for (FormatToken *Tok = Line->First->Next; Tok; Tok = Tok->Next) { if (Tok->WhitespaceRange.getBegin() == Tok->WhitespaceRange.getEnd()) { if (Tok->is(tok::coloncolon) && Tok->Previous->is(TT_TemplateOpener)) return true; if (Tok->is(TT_TemplateCloser) && Tok->Previous->is(TT_TemplateCloser)) return true; } } } return false; } int countVariableAlignments(const SmallVectorImpl &Lines) { int AlignmentDiff = 0; for (const AnnotatedLine *Line : Lines) { AlignmentDiff += countVariableAlignments(Line->Children); for (FormatToken *Tok = Line->First; Tok && Tok->Next; Tok = Tok->Next) { if (!Tok->is(TT_PointerOrReference)) continue; bool SpaceBefore = Tok->WhitespaceRange.getBegin() != Tok->WhitespaceRange.getEnd(); bool SpaceAfter = Tok->Next->WhitespaceRange.getBegin() != Tok->Next->WhitespaceRange.getEnd(); if (SpaceBefore && !SpaceAfter) ++AlignmentDiff; if (!SpaceBefore && SpaceAfter) --AlignmentDiff; } } return AlignmentDiff; } void deriveLocalStyle(const SmallVectorImpl &AnnotatedLines) { bool HasBinPackedFunction = false; bool HasOnePerLineFunction = false; for (unsigned i = 0, e = AnnotatedLines.size(); i != e; ++i) { if (!AnnotatedLines[i]->First->Next) continue; FormatToken *Tok = AnnotatedLines[i]->First->Next; while (Tok->Next) { if (Tok->PackingKind == PPK_BinPacked) HasBinPackedFunction = true; if (Tok->PackingKind == PPK_OnePerLine) HasOnePerLineFunction = true; Tok = Tok->Next; } } if (Style.DerivePointerAlignment) Style.PointerAlignment = countVariableAlignments(AnnotatedLines) <= 0 ? FormatStyle::PAS_Left : FormatStyle::PAS_Right; if (Style.Standard == FormatStyle::LS_Auto) Style.Standard = hasCpp03IncompatibleFormat(AnnotatedLines) ? FormatStyle::LS_Cpp11 : FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03; BinPackInconclusiveFunctions = HasBinPackedFunction || !HasOnePerLineFunction; } bool BinPackInconclusiveFunctions; bool *IncompleteFormat; }; // This class clean up the erroneous/redundant code around the given ranges in // file. class Cleaner : public TokenAnalyzer { public: Cleaner(const Environment &Env, const FormatStyle &Style) : TokenAnalyzer(Env, Style), DeletedTokens(FormatTokenLess(Env.getSourceManager())) {} // FIXME: eliminate unused parameters. tooling::Replacements analyze(TokenAnnotator &Annotator, SmallVectorImpl &AnnotatedLines, FormatTokenLexer &Tokens) override { // FIXME: in the current implementation the granularity of affected range // is an annotated line. However, this is not sufficient. Furthermore, // redundant code introduced by replacements does not necessarily // intercept with ranges of replacements that result in the redundancy. // To determine if some redundant code is actually introduced by // replacements(e.g. deletions), we need to come up with a more // sophisticated way of computing affected ranges. AffectedRangeMgr.computeAffectedLines(AnnotatedLines.begin(), AnnotatedLines.end()); checkEmptyNamespace(AnnotatedLines); for (auto &Line : AnnotatedLines) { if (Line->Affected) { cleanupRight(Line->First, tok::comma, tok::comma); cleanupRight(Line->First, TT_CtorInitializerColon, tok::comma); cleanupRight(Line->First, tok::l_paren, tok::comma); cleanupLeft(Line->First, tok::comma, tok::r_paren); cleanupLeft(Line->First, TT_CtorInitializerComma, tok::l_brace); cleanupLeft(Line->First, TT_CtorInitializerColon, tok::l_brace); cleanupLeft(Line->First, TT_CtorInitializerColon, tok::equal); } } return generateFixes(); } private: bool containsOnlyComments(const AnnotatedLine &Line) { for (FormatToken *Tok = Line.First; Tok != nullptr; Tok = Tok->Next) { if (Tok->isNot(tok::comment)) return false; } return true; } // Iterate through all lines and remove any empty (nested) namespaces. void checkEmptyNamespace(SmallVectorImpl &AnnotatedLines) { std::set DeletedLines; for (unsigned i = 0, e = AnnotatedLines.size(); i != e; ++i) { auto &Line = *AnnotatedLines[i]; if (Line.startsWith(tok::kw_namespace) || Line.startsWith(tok::kw_inline, tok::kw_namespace)) { checkEmptyNamespace(AnnotatedLines, i, i, DeletedLines); } } for (auto Line : DeletedLines) { FormatToken *Tok = AnnotatedLines[Line]->First; while (Tok) { deleteToken(Tok); Tok = Tok->Next; } } } // The function checks if the namespace, which starts from \p CurrentLine, and // its nested namespaces are empty and delete them if they are empty. It also // sets \p NewLine to the last line checked. // Returns true if the current namespace is empty. bool checkEmptyNamespace(SmallVectorImpl &AnnotatedLines, unsigned CurrentLine, unsigned &NewLine, std::set &DeletedLines) { unsigned InitLine = CurrentLine, End = AnnotatedLines.size(); if (Style.BraceWrapping.AfterNamespace) { // If the left brace is in a new line, we should consume it first so that // it does not make the namespace non-empty. // FIXME: error handling if there is no left brace. if (!AnnotatedLines[++CurrentLine]->startsWith(tok::l_brace)) { NewLine = CurrentLine; return false; } } else if (!AnnotatedLines[CurrentLine]->endsWith(tok::l_brace)) { return false; } while (++CurrentLine < End) { if (AnnotatedLines[CurrentLine]->startsWith(tok::r_brace)) break; if (AnnotatedLines[CurrentLine]->startsWith(tok::kw_namespace) || AnnotatedLines[CurrentLine]->startsWith(tok::kw_inline, tok::kw_namespace)) { if (!checkEmptyNamespace(AnnotatedLines, CurrentLine, NewLine, DeletedLines)) return false; CurrentLine = NewLine; continue; } if (containsOnlyComments(*AnnotatedLines[CurrentLine])) continue; // If there is anything other than comments or nested namespaces in the // current namespace, the namespace cannot be empty. NewLine = CurrentLine; return false; } NewLine = CurrentLine; if (CurrentLine >= End) return false; // Check if the empty namespace is actually affected by changed ranges. if (!AffectedRangeMgr.affectsCharSourceRange(CharSourceRange::getCharRange( AnnotatedLines[InitLine]->First->Tok.getLocation(), AnnotatedLines[CurrentLine]->Last->Tok.getEndLoc()))) return false; for (unsigned i = InitLine; i <= CurrentLine; ++i) { DeletedLines.insert(i); } return true; } // Checks pairs {start, start->next},..., {end->previous, end} and deletes one // of the token in the pair if the left token has \p LK token kind and the // right token has \p RK token kind. If \p DeleteLeft is true, the left token // is deleted on match; otherwise, the right token is deleted. template void cleanupPair(FormatToken *Start, LeftKind LK, RightKind RK, bool DeleteLeft) { auto NextNotDeleted = [this](const FormatToken &Tok) -> FormatToken * { for (auto *Res = Tok.Next; Res; Res = Res->Next) if (!Res->is(tok::comment) && DeletedTokens.find(Res) == DeletedTokens.end()) return Res; return nullptr; }; for (auto *Left = Start; Left;) { auto *Right = NextNotDeleted(*Left); if (!Right) break; if (Left->is(LK) && Right->is(RK)) { deleteToken(DeleteLeft ? Left : Right); for (auto *Tok = Left->Next; Tok && Tok != Right; Tok = Tok->Next) deleteToken(Tok); // If the right token is deleted, we should keep the left token // unchanged and pair it with the new right token. if (!DeleteLeft) continue; } Left = Right; } } template void cleanupLeft(FormatToken *Start, LeftKind LK, RightKind RK) { cleanupPair(Start, LK, RK, /*DeleteLeft=*/true); } template void cleanupRight(FormatToken *Start, LeftKind LK, RightKind RK) { cleanupPair(Start, LK, RK, /*DeleteLeft=*/false); } // Delete the given token. inline void deleteToken(FormatToken *Tok) { if (Tok) DeletedTokens.insert(Tok); } tooling::Replacements generateFixes() { tooling::Replacements Fixes; std::vector Tokens; std::copy(DeletedTokens.begin(), DeletedTokens.end(), std::back_inserter(Tokens)); // Merge multiple continuous token deletions into one big deletion so that // the number of replacements can be reduced. This makes computing affected // ranges more efficient when we run reformat on the changed code. unsigned Idx = 0; while (Idx < Tokens.size()) { unsigned St = Idx, End = Idx; while ((End + 1) < Tokens.size() && Tokens[End]->Next == Tokens[End + 1]) { End++; } auto SR = CharSourceRange::getCharRange(Tokens[St]->Tok.getLocation(), Tokens[End]->Tok.getEndLoc()); auto Err = Fixes.add(tooling::Replacement(Env.getSourceManager(), SR, "")); // FIXME: better error handling. for now just print error message and skip // for the release version. if (Err) { llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n"; assert(false && "Fixes must not conflict!"); } Idx = End + 1; } return Fixes; } // Class for less-than inequality comparason for the set `RedundantTokens`. // We store tokens in the order they appear in the translation unit so that // we do not need to sort them in `generateFixes()`. struct FormatTokenLess { FormatTokenLess(const SourceManager &SM) : SM(SM) {} bool operator()(const FormatToken *LHS, const FormatToken *RHS) const { return SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(LHS->Tok.getLocation(), RHS->Tok.getLocation()); } const SourceManager &SM; }; // Tokens to be deleted. std::set DeletedTokens; }; struct IncludeDirective { StringRef Filename; StringRef Text; unsigned Offset; int Category; }; } // end anonymous namespace // Determines whether 'Ranges' intersects with ('Start', 'End'). static bool affectsRange(ArrayRef Ranges, unsigned Start, unsigned End) { for (auto Range : Ranges) { if (Range.getOffset() < End && Range.getOffset() + Range.getLength() > Start) return true; } return false; } // Returns a pair (Index, OffsetToEOL) describing the position of the cursor // before sorting/deduplicating. Index is the index of the include under the // cursor in the original set of includes. If this include has duplicates, it is // the index of the first of the duplicates as the others are going to be // removed. OffsetToEOL describes the cursor's position relative to the end of // its current line. // If `Cursor` is not on any #include, `Index` will be UINT_MAX. static std::pair FindCursorIndex(const SmallVectorImpl &Includes, const SmallVectorImpl &Indices, unsigned Cursor) { unsigned CursorIndex = UINT_MAX; unsigned OffsetToEOL = 0; for (int i = 0, e = Includes.size(); i != e; ++i) { unsigned Start = Includes[Indices[i]].Offset; unsigned End = Start + Includes[Indices[i]].Text.size(); if (!(Cursor >= Start && Cursor < End)) continue; CursorIndex = Indices[i]; OffsetToEOL = End - Cursor; // Put the cursor on the only remaining #include among the duplicate // #includes. while (--i >= 0 && Includes[CursorIndex].Text == Includes[Indices[i]].Text) CursorIndex = i; break; } return std::make_pair(CursorIndex, OffsetToEOL); } // Sorts and deduplicate a block of includes given by 'Includes' alphabetically // adding the necessary replacement to 'Replaces'. 'Includes' must be in strict // source order. // #include directives with the same text will be deduplicated, and only the // first #include in the duplicate #includes remains. If the `Cursor` is // provided and put on a deleted #include, it will be moved to the remaining // #include in the duplicate #includes. static void sortCppIncludes(const FormatStyle &Style, const SmallVectorImpl &Includes, ArrayRef Ranges, StringRef FileName, tooling::Replacements &Replaces, unsigned *Cursor) { unsigned IncludesBeginOffset = Includes.front().Offset; unsigned IncludesEndOffset = Includes.back().Offset + Includes.back().Text.size(); unsigned IncludesBlockSize = IncludesEndOffset - IncludesBeginOffset; if (!affectsRange(Ranges, IncludesBeginOffset, IncludesEndOffset)) return; SmallVector Indices; for (unsigned i = 0, e = Includes.size(); i != e; ++i) Indices.push_back(i); std::stable_sort( Indices.begin(), Indices.end(), [&](unsigned LHSI, unsigned RHSI) { return std::tie(Includes[LHSI].Category, Includes[LHSI].Filename) < std::tie(Includes[RHSI].Category, Includes[RHSI].Filename); }); // The index of the include on which the cursor will be put after // sorting/deduplicating. unsigned CursorIndex; // The offset from cursor to the end of line. unsigned CursorToEOLOffset; if (Cursor) std::tie(CursorIndex, CursorToEOLOffset) = FindCursorIndex(Includes, Indices, *Cursor); // Deduplicate #includes. Indices.erase(std::unique(Indices.begin(), Indices.end(), [&](unsigned LHSI, unsigned RHSI) { return Includes[LHSI].Text == Includes[RHSI].Text; }), Indices.end()); // If the #includes are out of order, we generate a single replacement fixing // the entire block. Otherwise, no replacement is generated. if (Indices.size() == Includes.size() && std::is_sorted(Indices.begin(), Indices.end())) return; std::string result; for (unsigned Index : Indices) { if (!result.empty()) result += "\n"; result += Includes[Index].Text; if (Cursor && CursorIndex == Index) *Cursor = IncludesBeginOffset + result.size() - CursorToEOLOffset; } auto Err = Replaces.add(tooling::Replacement( FileName, Includes.front().Offset, IncludesBlockSize, result)); // FIXME: better error handling. For now, just skip the replacement for the // release version. if (Err) { llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n"; assert(false); } } namespace { // This class manages priorities of #include categories and calculates // priorities for headers. class IncludeCategoryManager { public: IncludeCategoryManager(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef FileName) : Style(Style), FileName(FileName) { FileStem = llvm::sys::path::stem(FileName); for (const auto &Category : Style.IncludeCategories) CategoryRegexs.emplace_back(Category.Regex); IsMainFile = FileName.endswith(".c") || FileName.endswith(".cc") || FileName.endswith(".cpp") || FileName.endswith(".c++") || FileName.endswith(".cxx") || FileName.endswith(".m") || FileName.endswith(".mm"); } // Returns the priority of the category which \p IncludeName belongs to. // If \p CheckMainHeader is true and \p IncludeName is a main header, returns // 0. Otherwise, returns the priority of the matching category or INT_MAX. int getIncludePriority(StringRef IncludeName, bool CheckMainHeader) { int Ret = INT_MAX; for (unsigned i = 0, e = CategoryRegexs.size(); i != e; ++i) if (CategoryRegexs[i].match(IncludeName)) { Ret = Style.IncludeCategories[i].Priority; break; } if (CheckMainHeader && IsMainFile && Ret > 0 && isMainHeader(IncludeName)) Ret = 0; return Ret; } private: bool isMainHeader(StringRef IncludeName) const { if (!IncludeName.startswith("\"")) return false; StringRef HeaderStem = llvm::sys::path::stem(IncludeName.drop_front(1).drop_back(1)); if (FileStem.startswith(HeaderStem)) { llvm::Regex MainIncludeRegex( (HeaderStem + Style.IncludeIsMainRegex).str()); if (MainIncludeRegex.match(FileStem)) return true; } return false; } const FormatStyle &Style; bool IsMainFile; StringRef FileName; StringRef FileStem; SmallVector CategoryRegexs; }; const char IncludeRegexPattern[] = R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*(import|include)[^"<]*(["<][^">]*[">]))"; } // anonymous namespace tooling::Replacements sortCppIncludes(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef Ranges, StringRef FileName, tooling::Replacements &Replaces, unsigned *Cursor) { unsigned Prev = 0; unsigned SearchFrom = 0; llvm::Regex IncludeRegex(IncludeRegexPattern); SmallVector Matches; SmallVector IncludesInBlock; // In compiled files, consider the first #include to be the main #include of // the file if it is not a system #include. This ensures that the header // doesn't have hidden dependencies // (http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html#include-style). // // FIXME: Do some sanity checking, e.g. edit distance of the base name, to fix // cases where the first #include is unlikely to be the main header. IncludeCategoryManager Categories(Style, FileName); bool FirstIncludeBlock = true; bool MainIncludeFound = false; bool FormattingOff = false; for (;;) { auto Pos = Code.find('\n', SearchFrom); StringRef Line = Code.substr(Prev, (Pos != StringRef::npos ? Pos : Code.size()) - Prev); StringRef Trimmed = Line.trim(); if (Trimmed == "// clang-format off") FormattingOff = true; else if (Trimmed == "// clang-format on") FormattingOff = false; if (!FormattingOff && !Line.endswith("\\")) { if (IncludeRegex.match(Line, &Matches)) { StringRef IncludeName = Matches[2]; int Category = Categories.getIncludePriority( IncludeName, /*CheckMainHeader=*/!MainIncludeFound && FirstIncludeBlock); if (Category == 0) MainIncludeFound = true; IncludesInBlock.push_back({IncludeName, Line, Prev, Category}); } else if (!IncludesInBlock.empty()) { sortCppIncludes(Style, IncludesInBlock, Ranges, FileName, Replaces, Cursor); IncludesInBlock.clear(); FirstIncludeBlock = false; } Prev = Pos + 1; } if (Pos == StringRef::npos || Pos + 1 == Code.size()) break; SearchFrom = Pos + 1; } if (!IncludesInBlock.empty()) sortCppIncludes(Style, IncludesInBlock, Ranges, FileName, Replaces, Cursor); return Replaces; } tooling::Replacements sortIncludes(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef Ranges, StringRef FileName, unsigned *Cursor) { tooling::Replacements Replaces; if (!Style.SortIncludes) return Replaces; if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LanguageKind::LK_JavaScript) return sortJavaScriptImports(Style, Code, Ranges, FileName); sortCppIncludes(Style, Code, Ranges, FileName, Replaces, Cursor); return Replaces; } template static llvm::Expected processReplacements(T ProcessFunc, StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const FormatStyle &Style) { if (Replaces.empty()) return tooling::Replacements(); auto NewCode = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces); if (!NewCode) return NewCode.takeError(); std::vector ChangedRanges = Replaces.getAffectedRanges(); StringRef FileName = Replaces.begin()->getFilePath(); tooling::Replacements FormatReplaces = ProcessFunc(Style, *NewCode, ChangedRanges, FileName); return Replaces.merge(FormatReplaces); } llvm::Expected formatReplacements(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const FormatStyle &Style) { // We need to use lambda function here since there are two versions of // `sortIncludes`. auto SortIncludes = [](const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, std::vector Ranges, StringRef FileName) -> tooling::Replacements { return sortIncludes(Style, Code, Ranges, FileName); }; auto SortedReplaces = processReplacements(SortIncludes, Code, Replaces, Style); if (!SortedReplaces) return SortedReplaces.takeError(); // We need to use lambda function here since there are two versions of // `reformat`. auto Reformat = [](const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, std::vector Ranges, StringRef FileName) -> tooling::Replacements { return reformat(Style, Code, Ranges, FileName); }; return processReplacements(Reformat, Code, *SortedReplaces, Style); } namespace { inline bool isHeaderInsertion(const tooling::Replacement &Replace) { return Replace.getOffset() == UINT_MAX && Replace.getLength() == 0 && llvm::Regex(IncludeRegexPattern).match(Replace.getReplacementText()); } inline bool isHeaderDeletion(const tooling::Replacement &Replace) { return Replace.getOffset() == UINT_MAX && Replace.getLength() == 1; } // Returns the offset after skipping a sequence of tokens, matched by \p // GetOffsetAfterSequence, from the start of the code. // \p GetOffsetAfterSequence should be a function that matches a sequence of // tokens and returns an offset after the sequence. unsigned getOffsetAfterTokenSequence( StringRef FileName, StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style, std::function GetOffsetAfterSequense) { std::unique_ptr Env = Environment::CreateVirtualEnvironment(Code, FileName, /*Ranges=*/{}); const SourceManager &SourceMgr = Env->getSourceManager(); Lexer Lex(Env->getFileID(), SourceMgr.getBuffer(Env->getFileID()), SourceMgr, getFormattingLangOpts(Style)); Token Tok; // Get the first token. Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok); return GetOffsetAfterSequense(SourceMgr, Lex, Tok); } // Check if a sequence of tokens is like "# ". If it is, // \p Tok will be the token after this directive; otherwise, it can be any token // after the given \p Tok (including \p Tok). bool checkAndConsumeDirectiveWithName(Lexer &Lex, StringRef Name, Token &Tok) { bool Matched = Tok.is(tok::hash) && !Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok) && Tok.is(tok::raw_identifier) && Tok.getRawIdentifier() == Name && !Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok) && Tok.is(tok::raw_identifier); if (Matched) Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok); return Matched; } void skipComments(Lexer &Lex, Token &Tok) { while (Tok.is(tok::comment)) if (Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok)) return; } // Returns the offset after header guard directives and any comments // before/after header guards. If no header guard presents in the code, this // will returns the offset after skipping all comments from the start of the // code. unsigned getOffsetAfterHeaderGuardsAndComments(StringRef FileName, StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style) { return getOffsetAfterTokenSequence( FileName, Code, Style, [](const SourceManager &SM, Lexer &Lex, Token Tok) { skipComments(Lex, Tok); unsigned InitialOffset = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation()); if (checkAndConsumeDirectiveWithName(Lex, "ifndef", Tok)) { skipComments(Lex, Tok); if (checkAndConsumeDirectiveWithName(Lex, "define", Tok)) return SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation()); } return InitialOffset; }); } // Check if a sequence of tokens is like // "#include ("header.h" | )". // If it is, \p Tok will be the token after this directive; otherwise, it can be // any token after the given \p Tok (including \p Tok). bool checkAndConsumeInclusiveDirective(Lexer &Lex, Token &Tok) { auto Matched = [&]() { Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok); return true; }; if (Tok.is(tok::hash) && !Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok) && Tok.is(tok::raw_identifier) && Tok.getRawIdentifier() == "include") { if (Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok)) return false; if (Tok.is(tok::string_literal)) return Matched(); if (Tok.is(tok::less)) { while (!Lex.LexFromRawLexer(Tok) && Tok.isNot(tok::greater)) { } if (Tok.is(tok::greater)) return Matched(); } } return false; } // Returns the offset of the last #include directive after which a new // #include can be inserted. This ignores #include's after the #include block(s) // in the beginning of a file to avoid inserting headers into code sections // where new #include's should not be added by default. // These code sections include: // - raw string literals (containing #include). // - #if blocks. // - Special #include's among declarations (e.g. functions). // // If no #include after which a new #include can be inserted, this returns the // offset after skipping all comments from the start of the code. // Inserting after an #include is not allowed if it comes after code that is not // #include (e.g. pre-processing directive that is not #include, declarations). unsigned getMaxHeaderInsertionOffset(StringRef FileName, StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style) { return getOffsetAfterTokenSequence( FileName, Code, Style, [](const SourceManager &SM, Lexer &Lex, Token Tok) { skipComments(Lex, Tok); unsigned MaxOffset = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation()); while (checkAndConsumeInclusiveDirective(Lex, Tok)) MaxOffset = SM.getFileOffset(Tok.getLocation()); return MaxOffset; }); } bool isDeletedHeader(llvm::StringRef HeaderName, const std::set &HeadersToDelete) { return HeadersToDelete.count(HeaderName) || HeadersToDelete.count(HeaderName.trim("\"<>")); } // FIXME: insert empty lines between newly created blocks. tooling::Replacements fixCppIncludeInsertions(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const FormatStyle &Style) { if (Style.Language != FormatStyle::LanguageKind::LK_Cpp) return Replaces; tooling::Replacements HeaderInsertions; std::set HeadersToDelete; tooling::Replacements Result; for (const auto &R : Replaces) { if (isHeaderInsertion(R)) { // Replacements from \p Replaces must be conflict-free already, so we can // simply consume the error. llvm::consumeError(HeaderInsertions.add(R)); } else if (isHeaderDeletion(R)) { HeadersToDelete.insert(R.getReplacementText()); } else if (R.getOffset() == UINT_MAX) { llvm::errs() << "Insertions other than header #include insertion are " "not supported! " << R.getReplacementText() << "\n"; } else { llvm::consumeError(Result.add(R)); } } if (HeaderInsertions.empty() && HeadersToDelete.empty()) return Replaces; llvm::Regex IncludeRegex(IncludeRegexPattern); llvm::Regex DefineRegex(R"(^[\t\ ]*#[\t\ ]*define[\t\ ]*[^\\]*$)"); SmallVector Matches; StringRef FileName = Replaces.begin()->getFilePath(); IncludeCategoryManager Categories(Style, FileName); // Record the offset of the end of the last include in each category. std::map CategoryEndOffsets; // All possible priorities. // Add 0 for main header and INT_MAX for headers that are not in any category. std::set Priorities = {0, INT_MAX}; for (const auto &Category : Style.IncludeCategories) Priorities.insert(Category.Priority); int FirstIncludeOffset = -1; // All new headers should be inserted after this offset. unsigned MinInsertOffset = getOffsetAfterHeaderGuardsAndComments(FileName, Code, Style); StringRef TrimmedCode = Code.drop_front(MinInsertOffset); // Max insertion offset in the original code. unsigned MaxInsertOffset = MinInsertOffset + getMaxHeaderInsertionOffset(FileName, TrimmedCode, Style); SmallVector Lines; TrimmedCode.split(Lines, '\n'); unsigned Offset = MinInsertOffset; unsigned NextLineOffset; std::set ExistingIncludes; for (auto Line : Lines) { NextLineOffset = std::min(Code.size(), Offset + Line.size() + 1); if (IncludeRegex.match(Line, &Matches)) { // The header name with quotes or angle brackets. StringRef IncludeName = Matches[2]; ExistingIncludes.insert(IncludeName); // Only record the offset of current #include if we can insert after it. if (Offset <= MaxInsertOffset) { int Category = Categories.getIncludePriority( IncludeName, /*CheckMainHeader=*/FirstIncludeOffset < 0); CategoryEndOffsets[Category] = NextLineOffset; if (FirstIncludeOffset < 0) FirstIncludeOffset = Offset; } if (isDeletedHeader(IncludeName, HeadersToDelete)) { // If this is the last line without trailing newline, we need to make // sure we don't delete across the file boundary. unsigned Length = std::min(Line.size() + 1, Code.size() - Offset); llvm::Error Err = Result.add(tooling::Replacement(FileName, Offset, Length, "")); if (Err) { // Ignore the deletion on conflict. llvm::errs() << "Failed to add header deletion replacement for " << IncludeName << ": " << llvm::toString(std::move(Err)) << "\n"; } } } Offset = NextLineOffset; } // Populate CategoryEndOfssets: // - Ensure that CategoryEndOffset[Highest] is always populated. // - If CategoryEndOffset[Priority] isn't set, use the next higher value that // is set, up to CategoryEndOffset[Highest]. auto Highest = Priorities.begin(); if (CategoryEndOffsets.find(*Highest) == CategoryEndOffsets.end()) { if (FirstIncludeOffset >= 0) CategoryEndOffsets[*Highest] = FirstIncludeOffset; else CategoryEndOffsets[*Highest] = MinInsertOffset; } // By this point, CategoryEndOffset[Highest] is always set appropriately: // - to an appropriate location before/after existing #includes, or // - to right after the header guard, or // - to the beginning of the file. for (auto I = ++Priorities.begin(), E = Priorities.end(); I != E; ++I) if (CategoryEndOffsets.find(*I) == CategoryEndOffsets.end()) CategoryEndOffsets[*I] = CategoryEndOffsets[*std::prev(I)]; bool NeedNewLineAtEnd = !Code.empty() && Code.back() != '\n'; for (const auto &R : HeaderInsertions) { auto IncludeDirective = R.getReplacementText(); bool Matched = IncludeRegex.match(IncludeDirective, &Matches); assert(Matched && "Header insertion replacement must have replacement text " "'#include ...'"); (void)Matched; auto IncludeName = Matches[2]; if (ExistingIncludes.find(IncludeName) != ExistingIncludes.end()) { DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Skip adding existing include : " << IncludeName << "\n"); continue; } int Category = Categories.getIncludePriority(IncludeName, /*CheckMainHeader=*/true); Offset = CategoryEndOffsets[Category]; std::string NewInclude = !IncludeDirective.endswith("\n") ? (IncludeDirective + "\n").str() : IncludeDirective.str(); // When inserting headers at end of the code, also append '\n' to the code // if it does not end with '\n'. if (NeedNewLineAtEnd && Offset == Code.size()) { NewInclude = "\n" + NewInclude; NeedNewLineAtEnd = false; } auto NewReplace = tooling::Replacement(FileName, Offset, 0, NewInclude); auto Err = Result.add(NewReplace); if (Err) { llvm::consumeError(std::move(Err)); unsigned NewOffset = Result.getShiftedCodePosition(Offset); NewReplace = tooling::Replacement(FileName, NewOffset, 0, NewInclude); Result = Result.merge(tooling::Replacements(NewReplace)); } } return Result; } } // anonymous namespace llvm::Expected cleanupAroundReplacements(StringRef Code, const tooling::Replacements &Replaces, const FormatStyle &Style) { // We need to use lambda function here since there are two versions of // `cleanup`. auto Cleanup = [](const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, std::vector Ranges, StringRef FileName) -> tooling::Replacements { return cleanup(Style, Code, Ranges, FileName); }; // Make header insertion replacements insert new headers into correct blocks. tooling::Replacements NewReplaces = fixCppIncludeInsertions(Code, Replaces, Style); return processReplacements(Cleanup, Code, NewReplaces, Style); } tooling::Replacements reformat(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef Ranges, StringRef FileName, bool *IncompleteFormat) { FormatStyle Expanded = expandPresets(Style); if (Expanded.DisableFormat) return tooling::Replacements(); auto Env = Environment::CreateVirtualEnvironment(Code, FileName, Ranges); if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript && Style.JavaScriptQuotes != FormatStyle::JSQS_Leave) { JavaScriptRequoter Requoter(*Env, Expanded); tooling::Replacements Requotes = Requoter.process(); if (!Requotes.empty()) { auto NewCode = applyAllReplacements(Code, Requotes); if (NewCode) { auto NewEnv = Environment::CreateVirtualEnvironment( *NewCode, FileName, tooling::calculateRangesAfterReplacements(Requotes, Ranges)); Formatter Format(*NewEnv, Expanded, IncompleteFormat); return Requotes.merge(Format.process()); } } } Formatter Format(*Env, Expanded, IncompleteFormat); return Format.process(); } tooling::Replacements cleanup(const FormatStyle &Style, StringRef Code, ArrayRef Ranges, StringRef FileName) { std::unique_ptr Env = Environment::CreateVirtualEnvironment(Code, FileName, Ranges); Cleaner Clean(*Env, Style); return Clean.process(); } LangOptions getFormattingLangOpts(const FormatStyle &Style) { LangOptions LangOpts; LangOpts.CPlusPlus = 1; LangOpts.CPlusPlus11 = Style.Standard == FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03 ? 0 : 1; LangOpts.CPlusPlus14 = Style.Standard == FormatStyle::LS_Cpp03 ? 0 : 1; LangOpts.LineComment = 1; bool AlternativeOperators = Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_Cpp; LangOpts.CXXOperatorNames = AlternativeOperators ? 1 : 0; LangOpts.Bool = 1; LangOpts.ObjC1 = 1; LangOpts.ObjC2 = 1; LangOpts.MicrosoftExt = 1; // To get kw___try, kw___finally. LangOpts.DeclSpecKeyword = 1; // To get __declspec. return LangOpts; } const char *StyleOptionHelpDescription = "Coding style, currently supports:\n" " LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit.\n" "Use -style=file to load style configuration from\n" ".clang-format file located in one of the parent\n" "directories of the source file (or current\n" "directory for stdin).\n" "Use -style=\"{key: value, ...}\" to set specific\n" "parameters, e.g.:\n" " -style=\"{BasedOnStyle: llvm, IndentWidth: 8}\""; static FormatStyle::LanguageKind getLanguageByFileName(StringRef FileName) { if (FileName.endswith(".java")) return FormatStyle::LK_Java; if (FileName.endswith_lower(".js") || FileName.endswith_lower(".ts")) return FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript; // JavaScript or TypeScript. if (FileName.endswith(".m") || FileName.endswith(".mm")) return FormatStyle::LK_ObjC; if (FileName.endswith_lower(".proto") || FileName.endswith_lower(".protodevel")) return FormatStyle::LK_Proto; if (FileName.endswith_lower(".td")) return FormatStyle::LK_TableGen; return FormatStyle::LK_Cpp; } FormatStyle getStyle(StringRef StyleName, StringRef FileName, StringRef FallbackStyle, StringRef Code, vfs::FileSystem *FS) { if (!FS) { FS = vfs::getRealFileSystem().get(); } FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle(); Style.Language = getLanguageByFileName(FileName); // This is a very crude detection of whether a header contains ObjC code that // should be improved over time and probably be done on tokens, not one the // bare content of the file. if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_Cpp && FileName.endswith(".h") && (Code.contains("\n- (") || Code.contains("\n+ ("))) Style.Language = FormatStyle::LK_ObjC; if (!getPredefinedStyle(FallbackStyle, Style.Language, &Style)) { llvm::errs() << "Invalid fallback style \"" << FallbackStyle << "\" using LLVM style\n"; return Style; } if (StyleName.startswith("{")) { // Parse YAML/JSON style from the command line. if (std::error_code ec = parseConfiguration(StyleName, &Style)) { llvm::errs() << "Error parsing -style: " << ec.message() << ", using " << FallbackStyle << " style\n"; } return Style; } if (!StyleName.equals_lower("file")) { if (!getPredefinedStyle(StyleName, Style.Language, &Style)) llvm::errs() << "Invalid value for -style, using " << FallbackStyle << " style\n"; return Style; } // Look for .clang-format/_clang-format file in the file's parent directories. SmallString<128> UnsuitableConfigFiles; SmallString<128> Path(FileName); if (std::error_code EC = FS->makeAbsolute(Path)) { llvm::errs() << EC.message() << "\n"; return Style; } for (StringRef Directory = Path; !Directory.empty(); Directory = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(Directory)) { auto Status = FS->status(Directory); if (!Status || Status->getType() != llvm::sys::fs::file_type::directory_file) { continue; } SmallString<128> ConfigFile(Directory); llvm::sys::path::append(ConfigFile, ".clang-format"); DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Trying " << ConfigFile << "...\n"); Status = FS->status(ConfigFile.str()); bool IsFile = Status && (Status->getType() == llvm::sys::fs::file_type::regular_file); if (!IsFile) { // Try _clang-format too, since dotfiles are not commonly used on Windows. ConfigFile = Directory; llvm::sys::path::append(ConfigFile, "_clang-format"); DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Trying " << ConfigFile << "...\n"); Status = FS->status(ConfigFile.str()); IsFile = Status && (Status->getType() == llvm::sys::fs::file_type::regular_file); } if (IsFile) { llvm::ErrorOr> Text = FS->getBufferForFile(ConfigFile.str()); if (std::error_code EC = Text.getError()) { llvm::errs() << EC.message() << "\n"; break; } if (std::error_code ec = parseConfiguration(Text.get()->getBuffer(), &Style)) { if (ec == ParseError::Unsuitable) { if (!UnsuitableConfigFiles.empty()) UnsuitableConfigFiles.append(", "); UnsuitableConfigFiles.append(ConfigFile); continue; } llvm::errs() << "Error reading " << ConfigFile << ": " << ec.message() << "\n"; break; } DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Using configuration file " << ConfigFile << "\n"); return Style; } } if (!UnsuitableConfigFiles.empty()) { llvm::errs() << "Configuration file(s) do(es) not support " << getLanguageName(Style.Language) << ": " << UnsuitableConfigFiles << "\n"; } return Style; } } // namespace format } // namespace clang