//===--- CompilationDatabase.cpp - ----------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file contains multiple implementations for CompilationDatabases. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h" #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/system_error.h" #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_COMPILATION_DATABASE #include "CustomCompilationDatabase.h" #endif namespace clang { namespace tooling { namespace { /// \brief A parser for escaped strings of command line arguments. /// /// Assumes \-escaping for quoted arguments (see the documentation of /// unescapeCommandLine(...)). class CommandLineArgumentParser { public: CommandLineArgumentParser(StringRef CommandLine) : Input(CommandLine), Position(Input.begin()-1) {} std::vector parse() { bool HasMoreInput = true; while (HasMoreInput && nextNonWhitespace()) { std::string Argument; HasMoreInput = parseStringInto(Argument); CommandLine.push_back(Argument); } return CommandLine; } private: // All private methods return true if there is more input available. bool parseStringInto(std::string &String) { do { if (*Position == '"') { if (!parseQuotedStringInto(String)) return false; } else { if (!parseFreeStringInto(String)) return false; } } while (*Position != ' '); return true; } bool parseQuotedStringInto(std::string &String) { if (!next()) return false; while (*Position != '"') { if (!skipEscapeCharacter()) return false; String.push_back(*Position); if (!next()) return false; } return next(); } bool parseFreeStringInto(std::string &String) { do { if (!skipEscapeCharacter()) return false; String.push_back(*Position); if (!next()) return false; } while (*Position != ' ' && *Position != '"'); return true; } bool skipEscapeCharacter() { if (*Position == '\\') { return next(); } return true; } bool nextNonWhitespace() { do { if (!next()) return false; } while (*Position == ' '); return true; } bool next() { ++Position; return Position != Input.end(); } const StringRef Input; StringRef::iterator Position; std::vector CommandLine; }; std::vector unescapeCommandLine( StringRef EscapedCommandLine) { CommandLineArgumentParser parser(EscapedCommandLine); return parser.parse(); } } // end namespace CompilationDatabase::~CompilationDatabase() {} CompilationDatabase * CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(StringRef BuildDirectory, std::string &ErrorMessage) { llvm::SmallString<1024> JSONDatabasePath(BuildDirectory); llvm::sys::path::append(JSONDatabasePath, "compile_commands.json"); llvm::OwningPtr Database( JSONCompilationDatabase::loadFromFile(JSONDatabasePath, ErrorMessage)); if (!Database) { return NULL; } return Database.take(); } static CompilationDatabase * findCompilationDatabaseFromDirectory(StringRef Directory) { #ifdef USE_CUSTOM_COMPILATION_DATABASE if (CompilationDatabase *DB = ::clang::tooling::findCompilationDatabaseForDirectory(Directory)) return DB; #endif while (!Directory.empty()) { std::string LoadErrorMessage; if (CompilationDatabase *DB = CompilationDatabase::loadFromDirectory(Directory, LoadErrorMessage)) return DB; Directory = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(Directory); } return NULL; } CompilationDatabase * CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromSource(StringRef SourceFile, std::string &ErrorMessage) { llvm::SmallString<1024> AbsolutePath(getAbsolutePath(SourceFile)); StringRef Directory = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(AbsolutePath); CompilationDatabase *DB = findCompilationDatabaseFromDirectory(Directory); if (!DB) ErrorMessage = ("Could not auto-detect compilation database for file \"" + SourceFile + "\"").str(); return DB; } CompilationDatabase * CompilationDatabase::autoDetectFromDirectory(StringRef SourceDir, std::string &ErrorMessage) { llvm::SmallString<1024> AbsolutePath(getAbsolutePath(SourceDir)); CompilationDatabase *DB = findCompilationDatabaseFromDirectory(AbsolutePath); if (!DB) ErrorMessage = ("Could not auto-detect compilation database from directory \"" + SourceDir + "\"").str(); return DB; } FixedCompilationDatabase * FixedCompilationDatabase::loadFromCommandLine(int &Argc, const char **Argv, Twine Directory) { const char **DoubleDash = std::find(Argv, Argv + Argc, StringRef("--")); if (DoubleDash == Argv + Argc) return NULL; std::vector CommandLine(DoubleDash + 1, Argv + Argc); Argc = DoubleDash - Argv; return new FixedCompilationDatabase(Directory, CommandLine); } FixedCompilationDatabase:: FixedCompilationDatabase(Twine Directory, ArrayRef CommandLine) { std::vector ToolCommandLine(1, "clang-tool"); ToolCommandLine.insert(ToolCommandLine.end(), CommandLine.begin(), CommandLine.end()); CompileCommands.push_back(CompileCommand(Directory, ToolCommandLine)); } std::vector FixedCompilationDatabase::getCompileCommands(StringRef FilePath) const { std::vector Result(CompileCommands); Result[0].CommandLine.push_back(FilePath); return Result; } std::vector FixedCompilationDatabase::getAllFiles() const { return std::vector(); } JSONCompilationDatabase * JSONCompilationDatabase::loadFromFile(StringRef FilePath, std::string &ErrorMessage) { llvm::OwningPtr DatabaseBuffer; llvm::error_code Result = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(FilePath, DatabaseBuffer); if (Result != 0) { ErrorMessage = "Error while opening JSON database: " + Result.message(); return NULL; } llvm::OwningPtr Database( new JSONCompilationDatabase(DatabaseBuffer.take())); if (!Database->parse(ErrorMessage)) return NULL; return Database.take(); } JSONCompilationDatabase * JSONCompilationDatabase::loadFromBuffer(StringRef DatabaseString, std::string &ErrorMessage) { llvm::OwningPtr DatabaseBuffer( llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(DatabaseString)); llvm::OwningPtr Database( new JSONCompilationDatabase(DatabaseBuffer.take())); if (!Database->parse(ErrorMessage)) return NULL; return Database.take(); } std::vector JSONCompilationDatabase::getCompileCommands(StringRef FilePath) const { llvm::SmallString<128> NativeFilePath; llvm::sys::path::native(FilePath, NativeFilePath); llvm::StringMap< std::vector >::const_iterator CommandsRefI = IndexByFile.find(NativeFilePath); if (CommandsRefI == IndexByFile.end()) return std::vector(); const std::vector &CommandsRef = CommandsRefI->getValue(); std::vector Commands; for (int I = 0, E = CommandsRef.size(); I != E; ++I) { llvm::SmallString<8> DirectoryStorage; llvm::SmallString<1024> CommandStorage; Commands.push_back(CompileCommand( // FIXME: Escape correctly: CommandsRef[I].first->getValue(DirectoryStorage), unescapeCommandLine(CommandsRef[I].second->getValue(CommandStorage)))); } return Commands; } std::vector JSONCompilationDatabase::getAllFiles() const { std::vector Result; llvm::StringMap< std::vector >::const_iterator CommandsRefI = IndexByFile.begin(); const llvm::StringMap< std::vector >::const_iterator CommandsRefEnd = IndexByFile.end(); for (; CommandsRefI != CommandsRefEnd; ++CommandsRefI) { Result.push_back(CommandsRefI->first().str()); } return Result; } bool JSONCompilationDatabase::parse(std::string &ErrorMessage) { llvm::yaml::document_iterator I = YAMLStream.begin(); if (I == YAMLStream.end()) { ErrorMessage = "Error while parsing YAML."; return false; } llvm::yaml::Node *Root = I->getRoot(); if (Root == NULL) { ErrorMessage = "Error while parsing YAML."; return false; } llvm::yaml::SequenceNode *Array = llvm::dyn_cast(Root); if (Array == NULL) { ErrorMessage = "Expected array."; return false; } for (llvm::yaml::SequenceNode::iterator AI = Array->begin(), AE = Array->end(); AI != AE; ++AI) { llvm::yaml::MappingNode *Object = llvm::dyn_cast(&*AI); if (Object == NULL) { ErrorMessage = "Expected object."; return false; } llvm::yaml::ScalarNode *Directory = NULL; llvm::yaml::ScalarNode *Command = NULL; llvm::yaml::ScalarNode *File = NULL; for (llvm::yaml::MappingNode::iterator KVI = Object->begin(), KVE = Object->end(); KVI != KVE; ++KVI) { llvm::yaml::Node *Value = (*KVI).getValue(); if (Value == NULL) { ErrorMessage = "Expected value."; return false; } llvm::yaml::ScalarNode *ValueString = llvm::dyn_cast(Value); if (ValueString == NULL) { ErrorMessage = "Expected string as value."; return false; } llvm::yaml::ScalarNode *KeyString = llvm::dyn_cast((*KVI).getKey()); if (KeyString == NULL) { ErrorMessage = "Expected strings as key."; return false; } llvm::SmallString<8> KeyStorage; if (KeyString->getValue(KeyStorage) == "directory") { Directory = ValueString; } else if (KeyString->getValue(KeyStorage) == "command") { Command = ValueString; } else if (KeyString->getValue(KeyStorage) == "file") { File = ValueString; } else { ErrorMessage = ("Unknown key: \"" + KeyString->getRawValue() + "\"").str(); return false; } } if (!File) { ErrorMessage = "Missing key: \"file\"."; return false; } if (!Command) { ErrorMessage = "Missing key: \"command\"."; return false; } if (!Directory) { ErrorMessage = "Missing key: \"directory\"."; return false; } llvm::SmallString<8> FileStorage; llvm::SmallString<128> NativeFilePath; llvm::sys::path::native(File->getValue(FileStorage), NativeFilePath); IndexByFile[NativeFilePath].push_back( CompileCommandRef(Directory, Command)); } return true; } } // end namespace tooling } // end namespace clang