//===-- BreakpointResolver.cpp ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolver.h" // C Includes // C++ Includes // Other libraries and framework includes // Project includes #include "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h" // Have to include the other breakpoint resolver types here so the static create // from StructuredData can call them. #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverAddress.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileLine.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileRegex.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverName.h" #include "lldb/Core/Address.h" #include "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h" #include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h" #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h" using namespace lldb_private; using namespace lldb; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // BreakpointResolver: //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *BreakpointResolver::g_ty_to_name[] = {"FileAndLine", "Address", "SymbolName", "SourceRegex", "Exception", "Unknown"}; const char *BreakpointResolver::g_option_names[static_cast( BreakpointResolver::OptionNames::LastOptionName)] = { "AddressOffset", "Exact", "FileName", "Inlines", "Language", "LineNumber", "ModuleName", "NameMask", "Offset", "Regex", "SectionName", "SkipPrologue", "SymbolNames"}; const char *BreakpointResolver::ResolverTyToName(enum ResolverTy type) { if (type > LastKnownResolverType) return g_ty_to_name[UnknownResolver]; return g_ty_to_name[type]; } BreakpointResolver::ResolverTy BreakpointResolver::NameToResolverTy(llvm::StringRef name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < LastKnownResolverType; i++) { if (name == g_ty_to_name[i]) return (ResolverTy)i; } return UnknownResolver; } BreakpointResolver::BreakpointResolver(Breakpoint *bkpt, const unsigned char resolverTy, lldb::addr_t offset) : m_breakpoint(bkpt), m_offset(offset), SubclassID(resolverTy) {} BreakpointResolver::~BreakpointResolver() {} BreakpointResolverSP BreakpointResolver::CreateFromStructuredData( const StructuredData::Dictionary &resolver_dict, Status &error) { BreakpointResolverSP result_sp; if (!resolver_dict.IsValid()) { error.SetErrorString("Can't deserialize from an invalid data object."); return result_sp; } llvm::StringRef subclass_name; bool success = resolver_dict.GetValueForKeyAsString( GetSerializationSubclassKey(), subclass_name); if (!success) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Resolver data missing subclass resolver key"); return result_sp; } ResolverTy resolver_type = NameToResolverTy(subclass_name); if (resolver_type == UnknownResolver) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormatv("Unknown resolver type: {0}.", subclass_name); return result_sp; } StructuredData::Dictionary *subclass_options = nullptr; success = resolver_dict.GetValueForKeyAsDictionary( GetSerializationSubclassOptionsKey(), subclass_options); if (!success || !subclass_options || !subclass_options->IsValid()) { error.SetErrorString("Resolver data missing subclass options key."); return result_sp; } lldb::addr_t offset; success = subclass_options->GetValueForKeyAsInteger( GetKey(OptionNames::Offset), offset); if (!success) { error.SetErrorString("Resolver data missing offset options key."); return result_sp; } BreakpointResolver *resolver; switch (resolver_type) { case FileLineResolver: resolver = BreakpointResolverFileLine::CreateFromStructuredData( nullptr, *subclass_options, error); break; case AddressResolver: resolver = BreakpointResolverAddress::CreateFromStructuredData( nullptr, *subclass_options, error); break; case NameResolver: resolver = BreakpointResolverName::CreateFromStructuredData( nullptr, *subclass_options, error); break; case FileRegexResolver: resolver = BreakpointResolverFileRegex::CreateFromStructuredData( nullptr, *subclass_options, error); break; case ExceptionResolver: error.SetErrorString("Exception resolvers are hard."); break; default: llvm_unreachable("Should never get an unresolvable resolver type."); } if (!error.Success()) { return result_sp; } else { // Add on the global offset option: resolver->SetOffset(offset); return BreakpointResolverSP(resolver); } } StructuredData::DictionarySP BreakpointResolver::WrapOptionsDict( StructuredData::DictionarySP options_dict_sp) { if (!options_dict_sp || !options_dict_sp->IsValid()) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); StructuredData::DictionarySP type_dict_sp(new StructuredData::Dictionary()); type_dict_sp->AddStringItem(GetSerializationSubclassKey(), GetResolverName()); type_dict_sp->AddItem(GetSerializationSubclassOptionsKey(), options_dict_sp); // Add the m_offset to the dictionary: options_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem(GetKey(OptionNames::Offset), m_offset); return type_dict_sp; } void BreakpointResolver::SetBreakpoint(Breakpoint *bkpt) { m_breakpoint = bkpt; } void BreakpointResolver::ResolveBreakpointInModules(SearchFilter &filter, ModuleList &modules) { filter.SearchInModuleList(*this, modules); } void BreakpointResolver::ResolveBreakpoint(SearchFilter &filter) { filter.Search(*this); } void BreakpointResolver::SetSCMatchesByLine(SearchFilter &filter, SymbolContextList &sc_list, bool skip_prologue, llvm::StringRef log_ident) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); while (sc_list.GetSize() > 0) { SymbolContextList tmp_sc_list; unsigned current_idx = 0; SymbolContext sc; bool first_entry = true; FileSpec match_file_spec; FileSpec match_original_file_spec; uint32_t closest_line_number = UINT32_MAX; // Pull out the first entry, and all the others that match its file spec, // and stuff them in the tmp list. while (current_idx < sc_list.GetSize()) { bool matches; sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(current_idx, sc); if (first_entry) { match_file_spec = sc.line_entry.file; match_original_file_spec = sc.line_entry.original_file; matches = true; first_entry = false; } else matches = ((sc.line_entry.file == match_file_spec) || (sc.line_entry.original_file == match_original_file_spec)); if (matches) { tmp_sc_list.Append(sc); sc_list.RemoveContextAtIndex(current_idx); // ResolveSymbolContext will always return a number that is >= the line // number you pass in. // So the smaller line number is always better. if (sc.line_entry.line < closest_line_number) closest_line_number = sc.line_entry.line; } else current_idx++; } // Okay, we've found the closest line number match, now throw away all the // others: current_idx = 0; while (current_idx < tmp_sc_list.GetSize()) { if (tmp_sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(current_idx, sc)) { if (sc.line_entry.line != closest_line_number) tmp_sc_list.RemoveContextAtIndex(current_idx); else current_idx++; } } // Next go through and see if there are line table entries that are // contiguous, and if so keep only the // first of the contiguous range: current_idx = 0; std::map blocks_with_breakpoints; while (current_idx < tmp_sc_list.GetSize()) { if (tmp_sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(current_idx, sc)) { if (blocks_with_breakpoints.find(sc.block) != blocks_with_breakpoints.end()) tmp_sc_list.RemoveContextAtIndex(current_idx); else { blocks_with_breakpoints.insert(std::pair( sc.block, sc.line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress().GetFileAddress())); current_idx++; } } } // and make breakpoints out of the closest line number match. uint32_t tmp_sc_list_size = tmp_sc_list.GetSize(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tmp_sc_list_size; i++) { if (tmp_sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc)) { Address line_start = sc.line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress(); if (line_start.IsValid()) { if (filter.AddressPasses(line_start)) { // If the line number is before the prologue end, move it there... bool skipped_prologue = false; if (skip_prologue) { if (sc.function) { Address prologue_addr( sc.function->GetAddressRange().GetBaseAddress()); if (prologue_addr.IsValid() && (line_start == prologue_addr)) { const uint32_t prologue_byte_size = sc.function->GetPrologueByteSize(); if (prologue_byte_size) { prologue_addr.Slide(prologue_byte_size); if (filter.AddressPasses(prologue_addr)) { skipped_prologue = true; line_start = prologue_addr; } } } } } BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp(AddLocation(line_start)); if (log && bp_loc_sp && !m_breakpoint->IsInternal()) { StreamString s; bp_loc_sp->GetDescription(&s, lldb::eDescriptionLevelVerbose); log->Printf("Added location (skipped prologue: %s): %s \n", skipped_prologue ? "yes" : "no", s.GetData()); } } else if (log) { log->Printf("Breakpoint %s at file address 0x%" PRIx64 " didn't pass the filter.\n", log_ident.str().c_str(), line_start.GetFileAddress()); } } else { if (log) log->Printf( "error: Unable to set breakpoint %s at file address 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", log_ident.str().c_str(), line_start.GetFileAddress()); } } } } } BreakpointLocationSP BreakpointResolver::AddLocation(Address loc_addr, bool *new_location) { loc_addr.Slide(m_offset); return m_breakpoint->AddLocation(loc_addr, new_location); } void BreakpointResolver::SetOffset(lldb::addr_t offset) { // There may already be an offset, so we are actually adjusting location // addresses by the difference. // lldb::addr_t slide = offset - m_offset; // FIXME: We should go fix up all the already set locations for the new slide. m_offset = offset; }