//===-- DumpDataExtractor.cpp -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Core/DumpDataExtractor.h" #include "lldb/lldb-defines.h" // for LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS #include "lldb/lldb-forward.h" // for TargetSP, DisassemblerSP #include "lldb/Core/Address.h" // for Address #include "lldb/Core/Disassembler.h" #include "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h" // for ModuleList #include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h" #include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h" #include "lldb/Target/SectionLoadList.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Utility/DataExtractor.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h" #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h" // for ASTContext #include "clang/AST/CanonicalType.h" // for CanQualType #include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h" // for APFloat, APFloatBase:... #include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h" // for APInt #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" // for ArrayRef #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h" // for SmallVector #include // for numeric_limits, numer... #include // for shared_ptr #include // for string, basic_string #include // for assert #include // for isprint #include // for PRIu64, PRIx64, PRIX64 #include // for ldexpf #include #include using namespace lldb_private; using namespace lldb; #define NON_PRINTABLE_CHAR '.' static float half2float(uint16_t half) { union { float f; uint32_t u; } u; int32_t v = (int16_t)half; if (0 == (v & 0x7c00)) { u.u = v & 0x80007FFFU; return u.f * ldexpf(1, 125); } v <<= 13; u.u = v | 0x70000000U; return u.f * ldexpf(1, -112); } static bool GetAPInt(const DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t *offset_ptr, lldb::offset_t byte_size, llvm::APInt &result) { llvm::SmallVector uint64_array; lldb::offset_t bytes_left = byte_size; uint64_t u64; const lldb::ByteOrder byte_order = data.GetByteOrder(); if (byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderLittle) { while (bytes_left > 0) { if (bytes_left >= 8) { u64 = data.GetU64(offset_ptr); bytes_left -= 8; } else { u64 = data.GetMaxU64(offset_ptr, (uint32_t)bytes_left); bytes_left = 0; } uint64_array.push_back(u64); } result = llvm::APInt(byte_size * 8, llvm::ArrayRef(uint64_array)); return true; } else if (byte_order == lldb::eByteOrderBig) { lldb::offset_t be_offset = *offset_ptr + byte_size; lldb::offset_t temp_offset; while (bytes_left > 0) { if (bytes_left >= 8) { be_offset -= 8; temp_offset = be_offset; u64 = data.GetU64(&temp_offset); bytes_left -= 8; } else { be_offset -= bytes_left; temp_offset = be_offset; u64 = data.GetMaxU64(&temp_offset, (uint32_t)bytes_left); bytes_left = 0; } uint64_array.push_back(u64); } *offset_ptr += byte_size; result = llvm::APInt(byte_size * 8, llvm::ArrayRef(uint64_array)); return true; } return false; } static lldb::offset_t DumpAPInt(Stream *s, const DataExtractor &data, lldb::offset_t offset, lldb::offset_t byte_size, bool is_signed, unsigned radix) { llvm::APInt apint; if (GetAPInt(data, &offset, byte_size, apint)) { std::string apint_str(apint.toString(radix, is_signed)); switch (radix) { case 2: s->Write("0b", 2); break; case 8: s->Write("0", 1); break; case 10: break; } s->Write(apint_str.c_str(), apint_str.size()); } return offset; } lldb::offset_t lldb_private::DumpDataExtractor( const DataExtractor &DE, Stream *s, offset_t start_offset, lldb::Format item_format, size_t item_byte_size, size_t item_count, size_t num_per_line, uint64_t base_addr, uint32_t item_bit_size, // If zero, this is not a bitfield value, if // non-zero, the value is a bitfield uint32_t item_bit_offset, // If "item_bit_size" is non-zero, this is the // shift amount to apply to a bitfield ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope) { if (s == nullptr) return start_offset; if (item_format == eFormatPointer) { if (item_byte_size != 4 && item_byte_size != 8) item_byte_size = s->GetAddressByteSize(); } offset_t offset = start_offset; if (item_format == eFormatInstruction) { TargetSP target_sp; if (exe_scope) target_sp = exe_scope->CalculateTarget(); if (target_sp) { DisassemblerSP disassembler_sp(Disassembler::FindPlugin( target_sp->GetArchitecture(), target_sp->GetDisassemblyFlavor(), nullptr)); if (disassembler_sp) { lldb::addr_t addr = base_addr + start_offset; lldb_private::Address so_addr; bool data_from_file = true; if (target_sp->GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress(addr, so_addr)) { data_from_file = false; } else { if (target_sp->GetSectionLoadList().IsEmpty() || !target_sp->GetImages().ResolveFileAddress(addr, so_addr)) so_addr.SetRawAddress(addr); } size_t bytes_consumed = disassembler_sp->DecodeInstructions( so_addr, DE, start_offset, item_count, false, data_from_file); if (bytes_consumed) { offset += bytes_consumed; const bool show_address = base_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; const bool show_bytes = true; ExecutionContext exe_ctx; exe_scope->CalculateExecutionContext(exe_ctx); disassembler_sp->GetInstructionList().Dump(s, show_address, show_bytes, &exe_ctx); } } } else s->Printf("invalid target"); return offset; } if ((item_format == eFormatOSType || item_format == eFormatAddressInfo) && item_byte_size > 8) item_format = eFormatHex; lldb::offset_t line_start_offset = start_offset; for (uint32_t count = 0; DE.ValidOffset(offset) && count < item_count; ++count) { if ((count % num_per_line) == 0) { if (count > 0) { if (item_format == eFormatBytesWithASCII && offset > line_start_offset) { s->Printf("%*s", static_cast( (num_per_line - (offset - line_start_offset)) * 3 + 2), ""); DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, line_start_offset, eFormatCharPrintable, 1, offset - line_start_offset, SIZE_MAX, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); } s->EOL(); } if (base_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) s->Printf("0x%8.8" PRIx64 ": ", (uint64_t)(base_addr + (offset - start_offset) / DE.getTargetByteSize())); line_start_offset = offset; } else if (item_format != eFormatChar && item_format != eFormatCharPrintable && item_format != eFormatCharArray && count > 0) { s->PutChar(' '); } switch (item_format) { case eFormatBoolean: if (item_byte_size <= 8) s->Printf("%s", DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset) ? "true" : "false"); else { s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64 ") for boolean format", (uint64_t)item_byte_size); return offset; } break; case eFormatBinary: if (item_byte_size <= 8) { uint64_t uval64 = DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset); // Avoid std::bitset<64>::to_string() since it is missing in // earlier C++ libraries std::string binary_value(64, '0'); std::bitset<64> bits(uval64); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 64; ++i) if (bits[i]) binary_value[64 - 1 - i] = '1'; if (item_bit_size > 0) s->Printf("0b%s", binary_value.c_str() + 64 - item_bit_size); else if (item_byte_size > 0 && item_byte_size <= 8) s->Printf("0b%s", binary_value.c_str() + 64 - item_byte_size * 8); } else { const bool is_signed = false; const unsigned radix = 2; offset = DumpAPInt(s, DE, offset, item_byte_size, is_signed, radix); } break; case eFormatBytes: case eFormatBytesWithASCII: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < item_byte_size; ++i) { s->Printf("%2.2x", DE.GetU8(&offset)); } // Put an extra space between the groups of bytes if more than one // is being dumped in a group (item_byte_size is more than 1). if (item_byte_size > 1) s->PutChar(' '); break; case eFormatChar: case eFormatCharPrintable: case eFormatCharArray: { // If we are only printing one character surround it with single // quotes if (item_count == 1 && item_format == eFormatChar) s->PutChar('\''); const uint64_t ch = DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset); if (isprint(ch)) s->Printf("%c", (char)ch); else if (item_format != eFormatCharPrintable) { switch (ch) { case '\033': s->Printf("\\e"); break; case '\a': s->Printf("\\a"); break; case '\b': s->Printf("\\b"); break; case '\f': s->Printf("\\f"); break; case '\n': s->Printf("\\n"); break; case '\r': s->Printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': s->Printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': s->Printf("\\v"); break; case '\0': s->Printf("\\0"); break; default: if (item_byte_size == 1) s->Printf("\\x%2.2x", (uint8_t)ch); else s->Printf("%" PRIu64, ch); break; } } else { s->PutChar(NON_PRINTABLE_CHAR); } // If we are only printing one character surround it with single quotes if (item_count == 1 && item_format == eFormatChar) s->PutChar('\''); } break; case eFormatEnum: // Print enum value as a signed integer when we don't get // the enum type case eFormatDecimal: if (item_byte_size <= 8) s->Printf("%" PRId64, DE.GetMaxS64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset)); else { const bool is_signed = true; const unsigned radix = 10; offset = DumpAPInt(s, DE, offset, item_byte_size, is_signed, radix); } break; case eFormatUnsigned: if (item_byte_size <= 8) s->Printf("%" PRIu64, DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset)); else { const bool is_signed = false; const unsigned radix = 10; offset = DumpAPInt(s, DE, offset, item_byte_size, is_signed, radix); } break; case eFormatOctal: if (item_byte_size <= 8) s->Printf("0%" PRIo64, DE.GetMaxS64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset)); else { const bool is_signed = false; const unsigned radix = 8; offset = DumpAPInt(s, DE, offset, item_byte_size, is_signed, radix); } break; case eFormatOSType: { uint64_t uval64 = DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset); s->PutChar('\''); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < item_byte_size; ++i) { uint8_t ch = (uint8_t)(uval64 >> ((item_byte_size - i - 1) * 8)); if (isprint(ch)) s->Printf("%c", ch); else { switch (ch) { case '\033': s->Printf("\\e"); break; case '\a': s->Printf("\\a"); break; case '\b': s->Printf("\\b"); break; case '\f': s->Printf("\\f"); break; case '\n': s->Printf("\\n"); break; case '\r': s->Printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': s->Printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': s->Printf("\\v"); break; case '\0': s->Printf("\\0"); break; default: s->Printf("\\x%2.2x", ch); break; } } } s->PutChar('\''); } break; case eFormatCString: { const char *cstr = DE.GetCStr(&offset); if (!cstr) { s->Printf("NULL"); offset = LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET; } else { s->PutChar('\"'); while (const char c = *cstr) { if (isprint(c)) { s->PutChar(c); } else { switch (c) { case '\033': s->Printf("\\e"); break; case '\a': s->Printf("\\a"); break; case '\b': s->Printf("\\b"); break; case '\f': s->Printf("\\f"); break; case '\n': s->Printf("\\n"); break; case '\r': s->Printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': s->Printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': s->Printf("\\v"); break; default: s->Printf("\\x%2.2x", c); break; } } ++cstr; } s->PutChar('\"'); } } break; case eFormatPointer: s->Address(DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset), sizeof(addr_t)); break; case eFormatComplexInteger: { size_t complex_int_byte_size = item_byte_size / 2; if (complex_int_byte_size > 0 && complex_int_byte_size <= 8) { s->Printf("%" PRIu64, DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, complex_int_byte_size, 0, 0)); s->Printf(" + %" PRIu64 "i", DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, complex_int_byte_size, 0, 0)); } else { s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64 ") for complex integer format", (uint64_t)item_byte_size); return offset; } } break; case eFormatComplex: if (sizeof(float) * 2 == item_byte_size) { float f32_1 = DE.GetFloat(&offset); float f32_2 = DE.GetFloat(&offset); s->Printf("%g + %gi", f32_1, f32_2); break; } else if (sizeof(double) * 2 == item_byte_size) { double d64_1 = DE.GetDouble(&offset); double d64_2 = DE.GetDouble(&offset); s->Printf("%lg + %lgi", d64_1, d64_2); break; } else if (sizeof(long double) * 2 == item_byte_size) { long double ld64_1 = DE.GetLongDouble(&offset); long double ld64_2 = DE.GetLongDouble(&offset); s->Printf("%Lg + %Lgi", ld64_1, ld64_2); break; } else { s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64 ") for complex float format", (uint64_t)item_byte_size); return offset; } break; default: case eFormatDefault: case eFormatHex: case eFormatHexUppercase: { bool wantsuppercase = (item_format == eFormatHexUppercase); switch (item_byte_size) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: s->Printf(wantsuppercase ? "0x%*.*" PRIX64 : "0x%*.*" PRIx64, (int)(2 * item_byte_size), (int)(2 * item_byte_size), DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset)); break; default: { assert(item_bit_size == 0 && item_bit_offset == 0); const uint8_t *bytes = (const uint8_t *)DE.GetData(&offset, item_byte_size); if (bytes) { s->PutCString("0x"); uint32_t idx; if (DE.GetByteOrder() == eByteOrderBig) { for (idx = 0; idx < item_byte_size; ++idx) s->Printf(wantsuppercase ? "%2.2X" : "%2.2x", bytes[idx]); } else { for (idx = 0; idx < item_byte_size; ++idx) s->Printf(wantsuppercase ? "%2.2X" : "%2.2x", bytes[item_byte_size - 1 - idx]); } } } break; } } break; case eFormatFloat: { TargetSP target_sp; bool used_apfloat = false; if (exe_scope) target_sp = exe_scope->CalculateTarget(); if (target_sp) { ClangASTContext *clang_ast = target_sp->GetScratchClangASTContext(); if (clang_ast) { clang::ASTContext *ast = clang_ast->getASTContext(); if (ast) { llvm::SmallVector sv; // Show full precision when printing float values const unsigned format_precision = 0; const unsigned format_max_padding = 100; size_t item_bit_size = item_byte_size * 8; if (item_bit_size == ast->getTypeSize(ast->FloatTy)) { llvm::APInt apint(item_bit_size, DE.GetMaxU64(&offset, item_byte_size)); llvm::APFloat apfloat(ast->getFloatTypeSemantics(ast->FloatTy), apint); apfloat.toString(sv, format_precision, format_max_padding); } else if (item_bit_size == ast->getTypeSize(ast->DoubleTy)) { llvm::APInt apint; if (GetAPInt(DE, &offset, item_byte_size, apint)) { llvm::APFloat apfloat(ast->getFloatTypeSemantics(ast->DoubleTy), apint); apfloat.toString(sv, format_precision, format_max_padding); } } else if (item_bit_size == ast->getTypeSize(ast->LongDoubleTy)) { const auto &semantics = ast->getFloatTypeSemantics(ast->LongDoubleTy); const auto byte_size = (llvm::APFloat::getSizeInBits(semantics) + 7) / 8; llvm::APInt apint; if (GetAPInt(DE, &offset, byte_size, apint)) { llvm::APFloat apfloat(semantics, apint); apfloat.toString(sv, format_precision, format_max_padding); } } else if (item_bit_size == ast->getTypeSize(ast->HalfTy)) { llvm::APInt apint(item_bit_size, DE.GetU16(&offset)); llvm::APFloat apfloat(ast->getFloatTypeSemantics(ast->HalfTy), apint); apfloat.toString(sv, format_precision, format_max_padding); } if (!sv.empty()) { s->Printf("%*.*s", (int)sv.size(), (int)sv.size(), sv.data()); used_apfloat = true; } } } } if (!used_apfloat) { std::ostringstream ss; if (item_byte_size == sizeof(float) || item_byte_size == 2) { float f; if (item_byte_size == 2) { uint16_t half = DE.GetU16(&offset); f = half2float(half); } else { f = DE.GetFloat(&offset); } ss.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10); ss << f; } else if (item_byte_size == sizeof(double)) { ss.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10); ss << DE.GetDouble(&offset); } else if (item_byte_size == sizeof(long double) || item_byte_size == 10) { ss.precision(std::numeric_limits::digits10); ss << DE.GetLongDouble(&offset); } else { s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64 ") for float format", (uint64_t)item_byte_size); return offset; } ss.flush(); s->Printf("%s", ss.str().c_str()); } } break; case eFormatUnicode16: s->Printf("U+%4.4x", DE.GetU16(&offset)); break; case eFormatUnicode32: s->Printf("U+0x%8.8x", DE.GetU32(&offset)); break; case eFormatAddressInfo: { addr_t addr = DE.GetMaxU64Bitfield(&offset, item_byte_size, item_bit_size, item_bit_offset); s->Printf("0x%*.*" PRIx64, (int)(2 * item_byte_size), (int)(2 * item_byte_size), addr); if (exe_scope) { TargetSP target_sp(exe_scope->CalculateTarget()); lldb_private::Address so_addr; if (target_sp) { if (target_sp->GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress(addr, so_addr)) { s->PutChar(' '); so_addr.Dump(s, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleResolvedDescription, Address::DumpStyleModuleWithFileAddress); } else { so_addr.SetOffset(addr); so_addr.Dump(s, exe_scope, Address::DumpStyleResolvedPointerDescription); } } } } break; case eFormatHexFloat: if (sizeof(float) == item_byte_size) { char float_cstr[256]; llvm::APFloat ap_float(DE.GetFloat(&offset)); ap_float.convertToHexString(float_cstr, 0, false, llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven); s->Printf("%s", float_cstr); break; } else if (sizeof(double) == item_byte_size) { char float_cstr[256]; llvm::APFloat ap_float(DE.GetDouble(&offset)); ap_float.convertToHexString(float_cstr, 0, false, llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven); s->Printf("%s", float_cstr); break; } else { s->Printf("error: unsupported byte size (%" PRIu64 ") for hex float format", (uint64_t)item_byte_size); return offset; } break; // please keep the single-item formats below in sync with // FormatManager::GetSingleItemFormat // if you fail to do so, users will start getting different outputs // depending on internal // implementation details they should not care about || case eFormatVectorOfChar: // || s->PutChar('{'); // \/ offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatCharArray, 1, item_byte_size, item_byte_size, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfSInt8: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatDecimal, 1, item_byte_size, item_byte_size, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfUInt8: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatHex, 1, item_byte_size, item_byte_size, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfSInt16: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor( DE, s, offset, eFormatDecimal, sizeof(uint16_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint16_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint16_t), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfUInt16: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatHex, sizeof(uint16_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint16_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint16_t), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfSInt32: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor( DE, s, offset, eFormatDecimal, sizeof(uint32_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint32_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint32_t), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfUInt32: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatHex, sizeof(uint32_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint32_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint32_t), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfSInt64: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor( DE, s, offset, eFormatDecimal, sizeof(uint64_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint64_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint64_t), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfUInt64: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatHex, sizeof(uint64_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint64_t), item_byte_size / sizeof(uint64_t), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfFloat16: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatFloat, 2, item_byte_size / 2, item_byte_size / 2, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfFloat32: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatFloat, 4, item_byte_size / 4, item_byte_size / 4, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfFloat64: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatFloat, 8, item_byte_size / 8, item_byte_size / 8, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; case eFormatVectorOfUInt128: s->PutChar('{'); offset = DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, offset, eFormatHex, 16, item_byte_size / 16, item_byte_size / 16, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); s->PutChar('}'); break; } } if (item_format == eFormatBytesWithASCII && offset > line_start_offset) { s->Printf("%*s", static_cast( (num_per_line - (offset - line_start_offset)) * 3 + 2), ""); DumpDataExtractor(DE, s, line_start_offset, eFormatCharPrintable, 1, offset - line_start_offset, SIZE_MAX, LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, 0, 0); } return offset; // Return the offset at which we ended up } void lldb_private::DumpHexBytes(Stream *s, const void *src, size_t src_len, uint32_t bytes_per_line, lldb::addr_t base_addr) { DataExtractor data(src, src_len, lldb::eByteOrderLittle, 4); DumpDataExtractor(data, s, 0, // Offset into "src" lldb::eFormatBytes, // Dump as hex bytes 1, // Size of each item is 1 for single bytes src_len, // Number of bytes bytes_per_line, // Num bytes per line base_addr, // Base address 0, 0); // Bitfield info }