//===-- TypeSummary.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeSummary.h" // C Includes // C++ Includes // Other libraries and framework includes // Project includes #include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h" #include "lldb/lldb-public.h" #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h" #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h" #include "lldb/DataFormatters/ValueObjectPrinter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerType.h" #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; TypeSummaryOptions::TypeSummaryOptions() : m_lang(eLanguageTypeUnknown), m_capping(eTypeSummaryCapped) {} TypeSummaryOptions::TypeSummaryOptions(const TypeSummaryOptions &rhs) : m_lang(rhs.m_lang), m_capping(rhs.m_capping) {} TypeSummaryOptions &TypeSummaryOptions:: operator=(const TypeSummaryOptions &rhs) { m_lang = rhs.m_lang; m_capping = rhs.m_capping; return *this; } lldb::LanguageType TypeSummaryOptions::GetLanguage() const { return m_lang; } lldb::TypeSummaryCapping TypeSummaryOptions::GetCapping() const { return m_capping; } TypeSummaryOptions &TypeSummaryOptions::SetLanguage(lldb::LanguageType lang) { m_lang = lang; return *this; } TypeSummaryOptions & TypeSummaryOptions::SetCapping(lldb::TypeSummaryCapping cap) { m_capping = cap; return *this; } TypeSummaryImpl::TypeSummaryImpl(Kind kind, const TypeSummaryImpl::Flags &flags) : m_flags(flags), m_kind(kind) {} StringSummaryFormat::StringSummaryFormat(const TypeSummaryImpl::Flags &flags, const char *format_cstr) : TypeSummaryImpl(Kind::eSummaryString, flags), m_format_str() { SetSummaryString(format_cstr); } void StringSummaryFormat::SetSummaryString(const char *format_cstr) { m_format.Clear(); if (format_cstr && format_cstr[0]) { m_format_str = format_cstr; m_error = FormatEntity::Parse(format_cstr, m_format); } else { m_format_str.clear(); m_error.Clear(); } } bool StringSummaryFormat::FormatObject(ValueObject *valobj, std::string &retval, const TypeSummaryOptions &options) { if (!valobj) { retval.assign("NULL ValueObject"); return false; } StreamString s; ExecutionContext exe_ctx(valobj->GetExecutionContextRef()); SymbolContext sc; StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr(); if (frame) sc = frame->GetSymbolContext(lldb::eSymbolContextEverything); if (IsOneLiner()) { ValueObjectPrinter printer(valobj, &s, DumpValueObjectOptions()); printer.PrintChildrenOneLiner(HideNames(valobj)); retval = s.GetString(); return true; } else { if (FormatEntity::Format(m_format, s, &sc, &exe_ctx, &sc.line_entry.range.GetBaseAddress(), valobj, false, false)) { retval.assign(s.GetString()); return true; } else { retval.assign("error: summary string parsing error"); return false; } } } std::string StringSummaryFormat::GetDescription() { StreamString sstr; sstr.Printf("`%s`%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", m_format_str.c_str(), m_error.Fail() ? " error: " : "", m_error.Fail() ? m_error.AsCString() : "", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)", !DoesPrintChildren(nullptr) ? "" : " (show children)", !DoesPrintValue(nullptr) ? " (hide value)" : "", IsOneLiner() ? " (one-line printout)" : "", SkipsPointers() ? " (skip pointers)" : "", SkipsReferences() ? " (skip references)" : "", HideNames(nullptr) ? " (hide member names)" : ""); return sstr.GetString(); } CXXFunctionSummaryFormat::CXXFunctionSummaryFormat( const TypeSummaryImpl::Flags &flags, Callback impl, const char *description) : TypeSummaryImpl(Kind::eCallback, flags), m_impl(impl), m_description(description ? description : "") {} bool CXXFunctionSummaryFormat::FormatObject(ValueObject *valobj, std::string &dest, const TypeSummaryOptions &options) { dest.clear(); StreamString stream; if (!m_impl || m_impl(*valobj, stream, options) == false) return false; dest = stream.GetString(); return true; } std::string CXXFunctionSummaryFormat::GetDescription() { StreamString sstr; sstr.Printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)", !DoesPrintChildren(nullptr) ? "" : " (show children)", !DoesPrintValue(nullptr) ? " (hide value)" : "", IsOneLiner() ? " (one-line printout)" : "", SkipsPointers() ? " (skip pointers)" : "", SkipsReferences() ? " (skip references)" : "", HideNames(nullptr) ? " (hide member names)" : "", m_description.c_str()); return sstr.GetString(); } ScriptSummaryFormat::ScriptSummaryFormat(const TypeSummaryImpl::Flags &flags, const char *function_name, const char *python_script) : TypeSummaryImpl(Kind::eScript, flags), m_function_name(), m_python_script(), m_script_function_sp() { if (function_name) m_function_name.assign(function_name); if (python_script) m_python_script.assign(python_script); } bool ScriptSummaryFormat::FormatObject(ValueObject *valobj, std::string &retval, const TypeSummaryOptions &options) { if (!valobj) return false; TargetSP target_sp(valobj->GetTargetSP()); if (!target_sp) { retval.assign("error: no target"); return false; } ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter = target_sp->GetDebugger().GetCommandInterpreter().GetScriptInterpreter(); if (!script_interpreter) { retval.assign("error: no ScriptInterpreter"); return false; } return script_interpreter->GetScriptedSummary( m_function_name.c_str(), valobj->GetSP(), m_script_function_sp, options, retval); } std::string ScriptSummaryFormat::GetDescription() { StreamString sstr; sstr.Printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n ", Cascades() ? "" : " (not cascading)", !DoesPrintChildren(nullptr) ? "" : " (show children)", !DoesPrintValue(nullptr) ? " (hide value)" : "", IsOneLiner() ? " (one-line printout)" : "", SkipsPointers() ? " (skip pointers)" : "", SkipsReferences() ? " (skip references)" : "", HideNames(nullptr) ? " (hide member names)" : ""); if (m_python_script.empty()) { if (m_function_name.empty()) { sstr.PutCString("no backing script"); } else { sstr.PutCString(m_function_name); } } else { sstr.PutCString(m_python_script); } return sstr.GetString(); }