//===-- PlatformRemoteGDBServer.cpp -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/lldb-python.h" #include "PlatformRemoteGDBServer.h" #include "lldb/Host/Config.h" // C++ Includes // Other libraries and framework includes // Project includes #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h" #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h" #include "lldb/Core/Error.h" #include "lldb/Core/Log.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h" #include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h" #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h" #include "lldb/Host/ConnectionFileDescriptor.h" #include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h" #include "lldb/Host/Host.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; static bool g_initialized = false; void PlatformRemoteGDBServer::Initialize () { if (g_initialized == false) { g_initialized = true; PluginManager::RegisterPlugin (PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetPluginNameStatic(), PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetDescriptionStatic(), PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CreateInstance); } } void PlatformRemoteGDBServer::Terminate () { if (g_initialized) { g_initialized = false; PluginManager::UnregisterPlugin (PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CreateInstance); } } PlatformSP PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CreateInstance (bool force, const lldb_private::ArchSpec *arch) { bool create = force; if (!create) { create = !arch->TripleVendorWasSpecified() && !arch->TripleOSWasSpecified(); } if (create) return PlatformSP(new PlatformRemoteGDBServer()); return PlatformSP(); } lldb_private::ConstString PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetPluginNameStatic() { static ConstString g_name("remote-gdb-server"); return g_name; } const char * PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetDescriptionStatic() { return "A platform that uses the GDB remote protocol as the communication transport."; } const char * PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetDescription () { if (m_platform_description.empty()) { if (IsConnected()) { // Send the get description packet } } if (!m_platform_description.empty()) return m_platform_description.c_str(); return GetDescriptionStatic(); } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::ResolveExecutable (const ModuleSpec &module_spec, lldb::ModuleSP &exe_module_sp, const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr) { Error error; //error.SetErrorString ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::ResolveExecutable() is unimplemented"); if (m_gdb_client.GetFileExists(module_spec.GetFileSpec())) return error; // TODO: get the remote end to somehow resolve this file error.SetErrorString("file not found on remote end"); return error; } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetFileWithUUID (const FileSpec &platform_file, const UUID *uuid_ptr, FileSpec &local_file) { // Default to the local case local_file = platform_file; return Error(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Default Constructor //------------------------------------------------------------------ PlatformRemoteGDBServer::PlatformRemoteGDBServer () : Platform(false), // This is a remote platform m_gdb_client(true) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Destructor. /// /// The destructor is virtual since this class is designed to be /// inherited from by the plug-in instance. //------------------------------------------------------------------ PlatformRemoteGDBServer::~PlatformRemoteGDBServer() { } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetSupportedArchitectureAtIndex (uint32_t idx, ArchSpec &arch) { return false; } size_t PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetSoftwareBreakpointTrapOpcode (Target &target, BreakpointSite *bp_site) { // This isn't needed if the z/Z packets are supported in the GDB remote // server. But we might need a packet to detect this. return 0; } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetRemoteOSVersion () { uint32_t major, minor, update; if (m_gdb_client.GetOSVersion (major, minor, update)) { m_major_os_version = major; m_minor_os_version = minor; m_update_os_version = update; return true; } return false; } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetRemoteOSBuildString (std::string &s) { return m_gdb_client.GetOSBuildString (s); } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetRemoteOSKernelDescription (std::string &s) { return m_gdb_client.GetOSKernelDescription (s); } // Remote Platform subclasses need to override this function ArchSpec PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetRemoteSystemArchitecture () { return m_gdb_client.GetSystemArchitecture(); } lldb_private::ConstString PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetRemoteWorkingDirectory() { if (IsConnected()) { Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); std::string cwd; if (m_gdb_client.GetWorkingDir(cwd)) { ConstString working_dir(cwd.c_str()); if (log) log->Printf("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetRemoteWorkingDirectory() -> '%s'", working_dir.GetCString()); return working_dir; } else { return ConstString(); } } else { return Platform::GetRemoteWorkingDirectory(); } } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::SetRemoteWorkingDirectory(const lldb_private::ConstString &path) { if (IsConnected()) { // Clear the working directory it case it doesn't get set correctly. This will // for use to re-read it Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); if (log) log->Printf("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::SetRemoteWorkingDirectory('%s')", path.GetCString()); return m_gdb_client.SetWorkingDir(path.GetCString()) == 0; } else return Platform::SetRemoteWorkingDirectory(path); } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::IsConnected () const { return m_gdb_client.IsConnected(); } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::ConnectRemote (Args& args) { Error error; if (IsConnected()) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("the platform is already connected to '%s', execute 'platform disconnect' to close the current connection", GetHostname()); } else { if (args.GetArgumentCount() == 1) { const char *url = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(0); m_gdb_client.SetConnection (new ConnectionFileDescriptor()); const ConnectionStatus status = m_gdb_client.Connect(url, &error); if (status == eConnectionStatusSuccess) { if (m_gdb_client.HandshakeWithServer(&error)) { m_gdb_client.GetHostInfo(); // If a working directory was set prior to connecting, send it down now if (m_working_dir) m_gdb_client.SetWorkingDir(m_working_dir.GetCString()); } else { m_gdb_client.Disconnect(); if (error.Success()) error.SetErrorString("handshake failed"); } } } else { error.SetErrorString ("\"platform connect\" takes a single argument: "); } } return error; } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::DisconnectRemote () { Error error; m_gdb_client.Disconnect(&error); return error; } const char * PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetHostname () { m_gdb_client.GetHostname (m_name); if (m_name.empty()) return NULL; return m_name.c_str(); } const char * PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetUserName (uint32_t uid) { // Try and get a cache user name first const char *cached_user_name = Platform::GetUserName(uid); if (cached_user_name) return cached_user_name; std::string name; if (m_gdb_client.GetUserName(uid, name)) return SetCachedUserName(uid, name.c_str(), name.size()); SetUserNameNotFound(uid); // Negative cache so we don't keep sending packets return NULL; } const char * PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetGroupName (uint32_t gid) { const char *cached_group_name = Platform::GetGroupName(gid); if (cached_group_name) return cached_group_name; std::string name; if (m_gdb_client.GetGroupName(gid, name)) return SetCachedGroupName(gid, name.c_str(), name.size()); SetGroupNameNotFound(gid); // Negative cache so we don't keep sending packets return NULL; } uint32_t PlatformRemoteGDBServer::FindProcesses (const ProcessInstanceInfoMatch &match_info, ProcessInstanceInfoList &process_infos) { return m_gdb_client.FindProcesses (match_info, process_infos); } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetProcessInfo (lldb::pid_t pid, ProcessInstanceInfo &process_info) { return m_gdb_client.GetProcessInfo (pid, process_info); } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::LaunchProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM)); Error error; lldb::pid_t pid = LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID; if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::%s() called", __FUNCTION__); m_gdb_client.SetSTDIN ("/dev/null"); m_gdb_client.SetSTDOUT ("/dev/null"); m_gdb_client.SetSTDERR ("/dev/null"); m_gdb_client.SetDisableASLR (launch_info.GetFlags().Test (eLaunchFlagDisableASLR)); m_gdb_client.SetDetachOnError (launch_info.GetFlags().Test (eLaunchFlagDetachOnError)); const char *working_dir = launch_info.GetWorkingDirectory(); if (working_dir && working_dir[0]) { m_gdb_client.SetWorkingDir (working_dir); } // Send the environment and the program + arguments after we connect const char **envp = launch_info.GetEnvironmentEntries().GetConstArgumentVector(); if (envp) { const char *env_entry; for (int i=0; (env_entry = envp[i]); ++i) { if (m_gdb_client.SendEnvironmentPacket(env_entry) != 0) break; } } ArchSpec arch_spec = launch_info.GetArchitecture(); const char *arch_triple = arch_spec.GetTriple().str().c_str(); m_gdb_client.SendLaunchArchPacket(arch_triple); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::%s() set launch architecture triple to '%s'", __FUNCTION__, arch_triple ? arch_triple : ""); const uint32_t old_packet_timeout = m_gdb_client.SetPacketTimeout (5); int arg_packet_err = m_gdb_client.SendArgumentsPacket (launch_info); m_gdb_client.SetPacketTimeout (old_packet_timeout); if (arg_packet_err == 0) { std::string error_str; if (m_gdb_client.GetLaunchSuccess (error_str)) { pid = m_gdb_client.GetCurrentProcessID (); if (pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) { launch_info.SetProcessID (pid); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::%s() pid %" PRIu64 " launched successfully", __FUNCTION__, pid); } else { if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::%s() launch succeeded but we didn't get a valid process id back!", __FUNCTION__); // FIXME isn't this an error condition? Do we need to set an error here? Check with Greg. } } else { error.SetErrorString (error_str.c_str()); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::%s() launch failed: %s", __FUNCTION__, error.AsCString ()); } } else { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("'A' packet returned an error: %i", arg_packet_err); } return error; } lldb::ProcessSP PlatformRemoteGDBServer::DebugProcess (lldb_private::ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, lldb_private::Debugger &debugger, lldb_private::Target *target, // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one lldb_private::Error &error) { lldb::ProcessSP process_sp; if (IsRemote()) { if (IsConnected()) { lldb::pid_t debugserver_pid = LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID; ArchSpec remote_arch = GetRemoteSystemArchitecture(); llvm::Triple &remote_triple = remote_arch.GetTriple(); uint16_t port = 0; if (remote_triple.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::Apple && remote_triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::IOS) { // When remote debugging to iOS, we use a USB mux that always talks // to localhost, so we will need the remote debugserver to accept connections // only from localhost, no matter what our current hostname is port = m_gdb_client.LaunchGDBserverAndGetPort(debugserver_pid, ""); } else { // All other hosts should use their actual hostname port = m_gdb_client.LaunchGDBserverAndGetPort(debugserver_pid, NULL); } if (port == 0) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("unable to launch a GDB server on '%s'", GetHostname ()); } else { if (target == NULL) { TargetSP new_target_sp; error = debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget (debugger, NULL, NULL, false, NULL, new_target_sp); target = new_target_sp.get(); } else error.Clear(); if (target && error.Success()) { debugger.GetTargetList().SetSelectedTarget(target); // The darwin always currently uses the GDB remote debugger plug-in // so even when debugging locally we are debugging remotely! process_sp = target->CreateProcess (launch_info.GetListenerForProcess(debugger), "gdb-remote", NULL); if (process_sp) { char connect_url[256]; const char *override_hostname = getenv("LLDB_PLATFORM_REMOTE_GDB_SERVER_HOSTNAME"); const char *port_offset_c_str = getenv("LLDB_PLATFORM_REMOTE_GDB_SERVER_PORT_OFFSET"); int port_offset = port_offset_c_str ? ::atoi(port_offset_c_str) : 0; const int connect_url_len = ::snprintf (connect_url, sizeof(connect_url), "connect://%s:%u", override_hostname ? override_hostname : GetHostname (), port + port_offset); assert (connect_url_len < (int)sizeof(connect_url)); error = process_sp->ConnectRemote (NULL, connect_url); // Retry the connect remote one time... if (error.Fail()) error = process_sp->ConnectRemote (NULL, connect_url); if (error.Success()) error = process_sp->Launch(launch_info); else if (debugserver_pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) { printf ("error: connect remote failed (%s)\n", error.AsCString()); m_gdb_client.KillSpawnedProcess(debugserver_pid); } } } } } else { error.SetErrorString("not connected to remote gdb server"); } } return process_sp; } lldb::ProcessSP PlatformRemoteGDBServer::Attach (lldb_private::ProcessAttachInfo &attach_info, Debugger &debugger, Target *target, // Can be NULL, if NULL create a new target, else use existing one Error &error) { lldb::ProcessSP process_sp; if (IsRemote()) { if (IsConnected()) { lldb::pid_t debugserver_pid = LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID; ArchSpec remote_arch = GetRemoteSystemArchitecture(); llvm::Triple &remote_triple = remote_arch.GetTriple(); uint16_t port = 0; if (remote_triple.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::Apple && remote_triple.getOS() == llvm::Triple::IOS) { // When remote debugging to iOS, we use a USB mux that always talks // to localhost, so we will need the remote debugserver to accept connections // only from localhost, no matter what our current hostname is port = m_gdb_client.LaunchGDBserverAndGetPort(debugserver_pid, ""); } else { // All other hosts should use their actual hostname port = m_gdb_client.LaunchGDBserverAndGetPort(debugserver_pid, NULL); } if (port == 0) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat ("unable to launch a GDB server on '%s'", GetHostname ()); } else { if (target == NULL) { TargetSP new_target_sp; error = debugger.GetTargetList().CreateTarget (debugger, NULL, NULL, false, NULL, new_target_sp); target = new_target_sp.get(); } else error.Clear(); if (target && error.Success()) { debugger.GetTargetList().SetSelectedTarget(target); // The darwin always currently uses the GDB remote debugger plug-in // so even when debugging locally we are debugging remotely! process_sp = target->CreateProcess (attach_info.GetListenerForProcess(debugger), "gdb-remote", NULL); if (process_sp) { char connect_url[256]; const char *override_hostname = getenv("LLDB_PLATFORM_REMOTE_GDB_SERVER_HOSTNAME"); const char *port_offset_c_str = getenv("LLDB_PLATFORM_REMOTE_GDB_SERVER_PORT_OFFSET"); int port_offset = port_offset_c_str ? ::atoi(port_offset_c_str) : 0; const int connect_url_len = ::snprintf (connect_url, sizeof(connect_url), "connect://%s:%u", override_hostname ? override_hostname : GetHostname (), port + port_offset); assert (connect_url_len < (int)sizeof(connect_url)); error = process_sp->ConnectRemote (NULL, connect_url); if (error.Success()) error = process_sp->Attach(attach_info); else if (debugserver_pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) { m_gdb_client.KillSpawnedProcess(debugserver_pid); } } } } } else { error.SetErrorString("not connected to remote gdb server"); } } return process_sp; } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::MakeDirectory (const char *path, uint32_t mode) { Error error = m_gdb_client.MakeDirectory(path,mode); Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::MakeDirectory(path='%s', mode=%o) error = %u (%s)", path, mode, error.GetError(), error.AsCString()); return error; } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetFilePermissions (const char *path, uint32_t &file_permissions) { Error error = m_gdb_client.GetFilePermissions(path, file_permissions); Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetFilePermissions(path='%s', file_permissions=%o) error = %u (%s)", path, file_permissions, error.GetError(), error.AsCString()); return error; } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::SetFilePermissions (const char *path, uint32_t file_permissions) { Error error = m_gdb_client.SetFilePermissions(path, file_permissions); Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::SetFilePermissions(path='%s', file_permissions=%o) error = %u (%s)", path, file_permissions, error.GetError(), error.AsCString()); return error; } lldb::user_id_t PlatformRemoteGDBServer::OpenFile (const lldb_private::FileSpec& file_spec, uint32_t flags, uint32_t mode, Error &error) { return m_gdb_client.OpenFile (file_spec, flags, mode, error); } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CloseFile (lldb::user_id_t fd, Error &error) { return m_gdb_client.CloseFile (fd, error); } lldb::user_id_t PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetFileSize (const lldb_private::FileSpec& file_spec) { return m_gdb_client.GetFileSize(file_spec); } uint64_t PlatformRemoteGDBServer::ReadFile (lldb::user_id_t fd, uint64_t offset, void *dst, uint64_t dst_len, Error &error) { return m_gdb_client.ReadFile (fd, offset, dst, dst_len, error); } uint64_t PlatformRemoteGDBServer::WriteFile (lldb::user_id_t fd, uint64_t offset, const void* src, uint64_t src_len, Error &error) { return m_gdb_client.WriteFile (fd, offset, src, src_len, error); } lldb_private::Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::PutFile (const lldb_private::FileSpec& source, const lldb_private::FileSpec& destination, uint32_t uid, uint32_t gid) { return Platform::PutFile(source,destination,uid,gid); } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CreateSymlink (const char *src, // The name of the link is in src const char *dst) // The symlink points to dst { Error error = m_gdb_client.CreateSymlink (src, dst); Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CreateSymlink(src='%s', dst='%s') error = %u (%s)", src, dst, error.GetError(), error.AsCString()); return error; } Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::Unlink (const char *path) { Error error = m_gdb_client.Unlink (path); Log *log = GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM); if (log) log->Printf ("PlatformRemoteGDBServer::Unlink(path='%s') error = %u (%s)", path, error.GetError(), error.AsCString()); return error; } bool PlatformRemoteGDBServer::GetFileExists (const lldb_private::FileSpec& file_spec) { return m_gdb_client.GetFileExists (file_spec); } lldb_private::Error PlatformRemoteGDBServer::RunShellCommand (const char *command, // Shouldn't be NULL const char *working_dir, // Pass NULL to use the current working directory int *status_ptr, // Pass NULL if you don't want the process exit status int *signo_ptr, // Pass NULL if you don't want the signal that caused the process to exit std::string *command_output, // Pass NULL if you don't want the command output uint32_t timeout_sec) // Timeout in seconds to wait for shell program to finish { return m_gdb_client.RunShellCommand (command, working_dir, status_ptr, signo_ptr, command_output, timeout_sec); } void PlatformRemoteGDBServer::CalculateTrapHandlerSymbolNames () { m_trap_handlers.push_back (ConstString ("_sigtramp")); }