//===-- Target.cpp ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangASTSource.h" #include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangModulesDeclVendor.h" #include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Clang/ClangPersistentVariables.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointIDList.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolver.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverAddress.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileLine.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverFileRegex.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverName.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointResolverScripted.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/Watchpoint.h" #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h" #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h" #include "lldb/Core/SearchFilter.h" #include "lldb/Core/Section.h" #include "lldb/Core/SourceManager.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h" #include "lldb/Core/StructuredDataImpl.h" #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h" #include "lldb/Expression/REPL.h" #include "lldb/Expression/UserExpression.h" #include "lldb/Host/Host.h" #include "lldb/Host/PosixApi.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupWatchpoint.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValues.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/Property.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/Symbol.h" #include "lldb/Target/Language.h" #include "lldb/Target/LanguageRuntime.h" #include "lldb/Target/ObjCLanguageRuntime.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/SectionLoadList.h" #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h" #include "lldb/Target/SystemRuntime.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" #include "lldb/Target/ThreadSpec.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Event.h" #include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h" #include "lldb/Utility/LLDBAssert.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h" #include "lldb/Utility/State.h" #include "lldb/Utility/StreamString.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Timer.h" #include using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds EvaluateExpressionOptions::default_timeout; Target::Arch::Arch(const ArchSpec &spec) : m_spec(spec), m_plugin_up(PluginManager::CreateArchitectureInstance(spec)) {} const Target::Arch& Target::Arch::operator=(const ArchSpec &spec) { m_spec = spec; m_plugin_up = PluginManager::CreateArchitectureInstance(spec); return *this; } ConstString &Target::GetStaticBroadcasterClass() { static ConstString class_name("lldb.target"); return class_name; } Target::Target(Debugger &debugger, const ArchSpec &target_arch, const lldb::PlatformSP &platform_sp, bool is_dummy_target) : TargetProperties(this), Broadcaster(debugger.GetBroadcasterManager(), Target::GetStaticBroadcasterClass().AsCString()), ExecutionContextScope(), m_debugger(debugger), m_platform_sp(platform_sp), m_mutex(), m_arch(target_arch), m_images(this), m_section_load_history(), m_breakpoint_list(false), m_internal_breakpoint_list(true), m_watchpoint_list(), m_process_sp(), m_search_filter_sp(), m_image_search_paths(ImageSearchPathsChanged, this), m_ast_importer_sp(), m_source_manager_ap(), m_stop_hooks(), m_stop_hook_next_id(0), m_valid(true), m_suppress_stop_hooks(false), m_is_dummy_target(is_dummy_target), m_stats_storage(static_cast(StatisticKind::StatisticMax)) { SetEventName(eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged, "breakpoint-changed"); SetEventName(eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded, "modules-loaded"); SetEventName(eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded, "modules-unloaded"); SetEventName(eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged, "watchpoint-changed"); SetEventName(eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded, "symbols-loaded"); CheckInWithManager(); Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_OBJECT)); if (log) log->Printf("%p Target::Target()", static_cast(this)); if (target_arch.IsValid()) { LogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_TARGET, "Target::Target created with architecture %s (%s)", target_arch.GetArchitectureName(), target_arch.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str()); } } Target::~Target() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_OBJECT)); if (log) log->Printf("%p Target::~Target()", static_cast(this)); DeleteCurrentProcess(); } void Target::PrimeFromDummyTarget(Target *target) { if (!target) return; m_stop_hooks = target->m_stop_hooks; for (BreakpointSP breakpoint_sp : target->m_breakpoint_list.Breakpoints()) { if (breakpoint_sp->IsInternal()) continue; BreakpointSP new_bp(new Breakpoint(*this, *breakpoint_sp.get())); AddBreakpoint(new_bp, false); } for (auto bp_name_entry : target->m_breakpoint_names) { BreakpointName *new_bp_name = new BreakpointName(*bp_name_entry.second); AddBreakpointName(new_bp_name); } } void Target::Dump(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) { // s->Printf("%.*p: ", (int)sizeof(void*) * 2, this); if (description_level != lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief) { s->Indent(); s->PutCString("Target\n"); s->IndentMore(); m_images.Dump(s); m_breakpoint_list.Dump(s); m_internal_breakpoint_list.Dump(s); s->IndentLess(); } else { Module *exe_module = GetExecutableModulePointer(); if (exe_module) s->PutCString(exe_module->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetCString()); else s->PutCString("No executable module."); } } void Target::CleanupProcess() { // Do any cleanup of the target we need to do between process instances. // NB It is better to do this before destroying the process in case the // clean up needs some help from the process. m_breakpoint_list.ClearAllBreakpointSites(); m_internal_breakpoint_list.ClearAllBreakpointSites(); // Disable watchpoints just on the debugger side. std::unique_lock lock; this->GetWatchpointList().GetListMutex(lock); DisableAllWatchpoints(false); ClearAllWatchpointHitCounts(); ClearAllWatchpointHistoricValues(); } void Target::DeleteCurrentProcess() { if (m_process_sp) { m_section_load_history.Clear(); if (m_process_sp->IsAlive()) m_process_sp->Destroy(false); m_process_sp->Finalize(); CleanupProcess(); m_process_sp.reset(); } } const lldb::ProcessSP &Target::CreateProcess(ListenerSP listener_sp, llvm::StringRef plugin_name, const FileSpec *crash_file) { if (!listener_sp) listener_sp = GetDebugger().GetListener(); DeleteCurrentProcess(); m_process_sp = Process::FindPlugin(shared_from_this(), plugin_name, listener_sp, crash_file); return m_process_sp; } const lldb::ProcessSP &Target::GetProcessSP() const { return m_process_sp; } lldb::REPLSP Target::GetREPL(Status &err, lldb::LanguageType language, const char *repl_options, bool can_create) { if (language == eLanguageTypeUnknown) { std::set repl_languages; Language::GetLanguagesSupportingREPLs(repl_languages); if (repl_languages.size() == 1) { language = *repl_languages.begin(); } else if (repl_languages.size() == 0) { err.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "LLDB isn't configured with REPL support for any languages."); return REPLSP(); } else { err.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Multiple possible REPL languages. Please specify a language."); return REPLSP(); } } REPLMap::iterator pos = m_repl_map.find(language); if (pos != m_repl_map.end()) { return pos->second; } if (!can_create) { err.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Couldn't find an existing REPL for %s, and can't create a new one", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language)); return lldb::REPLSP(); } Debugger *const debugger = nullptr; lldb::REPLSP ret = REPL::Create(err, language, debugger, this, repl_options); if (ret) { m_repl_map[language] = ret; return m_repl_map[language]; } if (err.Success()) { err.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Couldn't create a REPL for %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language)); } return lldb::REPLSP(); } void Target::SetREPL(lldb::LanguageType language, lldb::REPLSP repl_sp) { lldbassert(!m_repl_map.count(language)); m_repl_map[language] = repl_sp; } void Target::Destroy() { std::lock_guard guard(m_mutex); m_valid = false; DeleteCurrentProcess(); m_platform_sp.reset(); m_arch = ArchSpec(); ClearModules(true); m_section_load_history.Clear(); const bool notify = false; m_breakpoint_list.RemoveAll(notify); m_internal_breakpoint_list.RemoveAll(notify); m_last_created_breakpoint.reset(); m_last_created_watchpoint.reset(); m_search_filter_sp.reset(); m_image_search_paths.Clear(notify); m_stop_hooks.clear(); m_stop_hook_next_id = 0; m_suppress_stop_hooks = false; } BreakpointList &Target::GetBreakpointList(bool internal) { if (internal) return m_internal_breakpoint_list; else return m_breakpoint_list; } const BreakpointList &Target::GetBreakpointList(bool internal) const { if (internal) return m_internal_breakpoint_list; else return m_breakpoint_list; } BreakpointSP Target::GetBreakpointByID(break_id_t break_id) { BreakpointSP bp_sp; if (LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id)) bp_sp = m_internal_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(break_id); else bp_sp = m_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(break_id); return bp_sp; } BreakpointSP Target::CreateSourceRegexBreakpoint( const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *source_file_spec_list, const std::unordered_set &function_names, RegularExpression &source_regex, bool internal, bool hardware, LazyBool move_to_nearest_code) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp(GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( containingModules, source_file_spec_list)); if (move_to_nearest_code == eLazyBoolCalculate) move_to_nearest_code = GetMoveToNearestCode() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo; BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(new BreakpointResolverFileRegex( nullptr, source_regex, function_names, !static_cast(move_to_nearest_code))); return CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, true); } BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint(const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line_no, uint32_t column, lldb::addr_t offset, LazyBool check_inlines, LazyBool skip_prologue, bool internal, bool hardware, LazyBool move_to_nearest_code) { FileSpec remapped_file; if (!GetSourcePathMap().ReverseRemapPath(file, remapped_file)) remapped_file = file; if (check_inlines == eLazyBoolCalculate) { const InlineStrategy inline_strategy = GetInlineStrategy(); switch (inline_strategy) { case eInlineBreakpointsNever: check_inlines = eLazyBoolNo; break; case eInlineBreakpointsHeaders: if (remapped_file.IsSourceImplementationFile()) check_inlines = eLazyBoolNo; else check_inlines = eLazyBoolYes; break; case eInlineBreakpointsAlways: check_inlines = eLazyBoolYes; break; } } SearchFilterSP filter_sp; if (check_inlines == eLazyBoolNo) { // Not checking for inlines, we are looking only for matching compile units FileSpecList compile_unit_list; compile_unit_list.Append(remapped_file); filter_sp = GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList(containingModules, &compile_unit_list); } else { filter_sp = GetSearchFilterForModuleList(containingModules); } if (skip_prologue == eLazyBoolCalculate) skip_prologue = GetSkipPrologue() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo; if (move_to_nearest_code == eLazyBoolCalculate) move_to_nearest_code = GetMoveToNearestCode() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo; BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(new BreakpointResolverFileLine( nullptr, remapped_file, line_no, column, offset, check_inlines, skip_prologue, !static_cast(move_to_nearest_code))); return CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, true); } BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint(lldb::addr_t addr, bool internal, bool hardware) { Address so_addr; // Check for any reason we want to move this breakpoint to other address. addr = GetBreakableLoadAddress(addr); // Attempt to resolve our load address if possible, though it is ok if it // doesn't resolve to section/offset. // Try and resolve as a load address if possible GetSectionLoadList().ResolveLoadAddress(addr, so_addr); if (!so_addr.IsValid()) { // The address didn't resolve, so just set this as an absolute address so_addr.SetOffset(addr); } BreakpointSP bp_sp(CreateBreakpoint(so_addr, internal, hardware)); return bp_sp; } BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint(const Address &addr, bool internal, bool hardware) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp( new SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches(shared_from_this())); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp( new BreakpointResolverAddress(nullptr, addr)); return CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, false); } lldb::BreakpointSP Target::CreateAddressInModuleBreakpoint(lldb::addr_t file_addr, bool internal, const FileSpec *file_spec, bool request_hardware) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp( new SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches(shared_from_this())); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp( new BreakpointResolverAddress(nullptr, file_addr, file_spec)); return CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, request_hardware, false); } BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint( const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *containingSourceFiles, const char *func_name, FunctionNameType func_name_type_mask, LanguageType language, lldb::addr_t offset, LazyBool skip_prologue, bool internal, bool hardware) { BreakpointSP bp_sp; if (func_name) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp(GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( containingModules, containingSourceFiles)); if (skip_prologue == eLazyBoolCalculate) skip_prologue = GetSkipPrologue() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo; if (language == lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown) language = GetLanguage(); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(new BreakpointResolverName( nullptr, func_name, func_name_type_mask, language, Breakpoint::Exact, offset, skip_prologue)); bp_sp = CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, true); } return bp_sp; } lldb::BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint(const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *containingSourceFiles, const std::vector &func_names, FunctionNameType func_name_type_mask, LanguageType language, lldb::addr_t offset, LazyBool skip_prologue, bool internal, bool hardware) { BreakpointSP bp_sp; size_t num_names = func_names.size(); if (num_names > 0) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp(GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( containingModules, containingSourceFiles)); if (skip_prologue == eLazyBoolCalculate) skip_prologue = GetSkipPrologue() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo; if (language == lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown) language = GetLanguage(); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp( new BreakpointResolverName(nullptr, func_names, func_name_type_mask, language, offset, skip_prologue)); bp_sp = CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, true); } return bp_sp; } BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint(const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *containingSourceFiles, const char *func_names[], size_t num_names, FunctionNameType func_name_type_mask, LanguageType language, lldb::addr_t offset, LazyBool skip_prologue, bool internal, bool hardware) { BreakpointSP bp_sp; if (num_names > 0) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp(GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( containingModules, containingSourceFiles)); if (skip_prologue == eLazyBoolCalculate) { if (offset == 0) skip_prologue = GetSkipPrologue() ? eLazyBoolYes : eLazyBoolNo; else skip_prologue = eLazyBoolNo; } if (language == lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown) language = GetLanguage(); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(new BreakpointResolverName( nullptr, func_names, num_names, func_name_type_mask, language, offset, skip_prologue)); resolver_sp->SetOffset(offset); bp_sp = CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, true); } return bp_sp; } SearchFilterSP Target::GetSearchFilterForModule(const FileSpec *containingModule) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp; if (containingModule != nullptr) { // TODO: We should look into sharing module based search filters // across many breakpoints like we do for the simple target based one filter_sp.reset( new SearchFilterByModule(shared_from_this(), *containingModule)); } else { if (!m_search_filter_sp) m_search_filter_sp.reset( new SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches(shared_from_this())); filter_sp = m_search_filter_sp; } return filter_sp; } SearchFilterSP Target::GetSearchFilterForModuleList(const FileSpecList *containingModules) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp; if (containingModules && containingModules->GetSize() != 0) { // TODO: We should look into sharing module based search filters // across many breakpoints like we do for the simple target based one filter_sp.reset( new SearchFilterByModuleList(shared_from_this(), *containingModules)); } else { if (!m_search_filter_sp) m_search_filter_sp.reset( new SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches(shared_from_this())); filter_sp = m_search_filter_sp; } return filter_sp; } SearchFilterSP Target::GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *containingSourceFiles) { if (containingSourceFiles == nullptr || containingSourceFiles->GetSize() == 0) return GetSearchFilterForModuleList(containingModules); SearchFilterSP filter_sp; if (containingModules == nullptr) { // We could make a special "CU List only SearchFilter". Better yet was if // these could be composable, but that will take a little reworking. filter_sp.reset(new SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU( shared_from_this(), FileSpecList(), *containingSourceFiles)); } else { filter_sp.reset(new SearchFilterByModuleListAndCU( shared_from_this(), *containingModules, *containingSourceFiles)); } return filter_sp; } BreakpointSP Target::CreateFuncRegexBreakpoint( const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *containingSourceFiles, RegularExpression &func_regex, lldb::LanguageType requested_language, LazyBool skip_prologue, bool internal, bool hardware) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp(GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( containingModules, containingSourceFiles)); bool skip = (skip_prologue == eLazyBoolCalculate) ? GetSkipPrologue() : static_cast(skip_prologue); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(new BreakpointResolverName( nullptr, func_regex, requested_language, 0, skip)); return CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, hardware, true); } lldb::BreakpointSP Target::CreateExceptionBreakpoint(enum lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp, bool internal, Args *additional_args, Status *error) { BreakpointSP exc_bkpt_sp = LanguageRuntime::CreateExceptionBreakpoint( *this, language, catch_bp, throw_bp, internal); if (exc_bkpt_sp && additional_args) { Breakpoint::BreakpointPreconditionSP precondition_sp = exc_bkpt_sp->GetPrecondition(); if (precondition_sp && additional_args) { if (error) *error = precondition_sp->ConfigurePrecondition(*additional_args); else precondition_sp->ConfigurePrecondition(*additional_args); } } return exc_bkpt_sp; } lldb::BreakpointSP Target::CreateScriptedBreakpoint(const llvm::StringRef class_name, const FileSpecList *containingModules, const FileSpecList *containingSourceFiles, bool internal, bool request_hardware, StructuredData::ObjectSP extra_args_sp, Status *creation_error) { SearchFilterSP filter_sp; lldb::SearchDepth depth = lldb::eSearchDepthTarget; bool has_files = containingSourceFiles && containingSourceFiles->GetSize() > 0; bool has_modules = containingModules && containingModules->GetSize() > 0; if (has_files && has_modules) { filter_sp = GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( containingModules, containingSourceFiles); } else if (has_files) { filter_sp = GetSearchFilterForModuleAndCUList( nullptr, containingSourceFiles); } else if (has_modules) { filter_sp = GetSearchFilterForModuleList(containingModules); } else { filter_sp.reset(new SearchFilterForUnconstrainedSearches(shared_from_this())); } StructuredDataImpl *extra_args_impl = new StructuredDataImpl(); if (extra_args_sp) extra_args_impl->SetObjectSP(extra_args_sp); BreakpointResolverSP resolver_sp(new BreakpointResolverScripted(nullptr, class_name, depth, extra_args_impl, *GetDebugger().GetCommandInterpreter() .GetScriptInterpreter())); return CreateBreakpoint(filter_sp, resolver_sp, internal, false, true); } BreakpointSP Target::CreateBreakpoint(SearchFilterSP &filter_sp, BreakpointResolverSP &resolver_sp, bool internal, bool request_hardware, bool resolve_indirect_symbols) { BreakpointSP bp_sp; if (filter_sp && resolver_sp) { const bool hardware = request_hardware || GetRequireHardwareBreakpoints(); bp_sp.reset(new Breakpoint(*this, filter_sp, resolver_sp, hardware, resolve_indirect_symbols)); resolver_sp->SetBreakpoint(bp_sp.get()); AddBreakpoint(bp_sp, internal); } return bp_sp; } void Target::AddBreakpoint(lldb::BreakpointSP bp_sp, bool internal) { if (!bp_sp) return; if (internal) m_internal_breakpoint_list.Add(bp_sp, false); else m_breakpoint_list.Add(bp_sp, true); Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) { StreamString s; bp_sp->GetDescription(&s, lldb::eDescriptionLevelVerbose); log->Printf("Target::%s (internal = %s) => break_id = %s\n", __FUNCTION__, bp_sp->IsInternal() ? "yes" : "no", s.GetData()); } bp_sp->ResolveBreakpoint(); if (!internal) { m_last_created_breakpoint = bp_sp; } } void Target::AddNameToBreakpoint(BreakpointID &id, const char *name, Status &error) { BreakpointSP bp_sp = m_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(id.GetBreakpointID()); if (!bp_sp) { StreamString s; id.GetDescription(&s, eDescriptionLevelBrief); error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Could not find breakpoint %s", s.GetData()); return; } AddNameToBreakpoint(bp_sp, name, error); } void Target::AddNameToBreakpoint(BreakpointSP &bp_sp, const char *name, Status &error) { if (!bp_sp) return; BreakpointName *bp_name = FindBreakpointName(ConstString(name), true, error); if (!bp_name) return; bp_name->ConfigureBreakpoint(bp_sp); bp_sp->AddName(name); } void Target::AddBreakpointName(BreakpointName *bp_name) { m_breakpoint_names.insert(std::make_pair(bp_name->GetName(), bp_name)); } BreakpointName *Target::FindBreakpointName(const ConstString &name, bool can_create, Status &error) { BreakpointID::StringIsBreakpointName(name.GetStringRef(), error); if (!error.Success()) return nullptr; BreakpointNameList::iterator iter = m_breakpoint_names.find(name); if (iter == m_breakpoint_names.end()) { if (!can_create) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Breakpoint name \"%s\" doesn't exist and " "can_create is false.", name.AsCString()); return nullptr; } iter = m_breakpoint_names.insert(std::make_pair(name, new BreakpointName(name))) .first; } return (iter->second); } void Target::DeleteBreakpointName(const ConstString &name) { BreakpointNameList::iterator iter = m_breakpoint_names.find(name); if (iter != m_breakpoint_names.end()) { const char *name_cstr = name.AsCString(); m_breakpoint_names.erase(iter); for (auto bp_sp : m_breakpoint_list.Breakpoints()) bp_sp->RemoveName(name_cstr); } } void Target::RemoveNameFromBreakpoint(lldb::BreakpointSP &bp_sp, const ConstString &name) { bp_sp->RemoveName(name.AsCString()); } void Target::ConfigureBreakpointName(BreakpointName &bp_name, const BreakpointOptions &new_options, const BreakpointName::Permissions &new_permissions) { bp_name.GetOptions().CopyOverSetOptions(new_options); bp_name.GetPermissions().MergeInto(new_permissions); ApplyNameToBreakpoints(bp_name); } void Target::ApplyNameToBreakpoints(BreakpointName &bp_name) { BreakpointList bkpts_with_name(false); m_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointsByName(bp_name.GetName().AsCString(), bkpts_with_name); for (auto bp_sp : bkpts_with_name.Breakpoints()) bp_name.ConfigureBreakpoint(bp_sp); } void Target::GetBreakpointNames(std::vector &names) { names.clear(); for (auto bp_name : m_breakpoint_names) { names.push_back(bp_name.first.AsCString()); } llvm::sort(names.begin(), names.end()); } bool Target::ProcessIsValid() { return (m_process_sp && m_process_sp->IsAlive()); } static bool CheckIfWatchpointsSupported(Target *target, Status &error) { uint32_t num_supported_hardware_watchpoints; Status rc = target->GetProcessSP()->GetWatchpointSupportInfo( num_supported_hardware_watchpoints); // If unable to determine the # of watchpoints available, // assume they are supported. if (rc.Fail()) return true; if (num_supported_hardware_watchpoints == 0) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Target supports (%u) hardware watchpoint slots.\n", num_supported_hardware_watchpoints); return false; } return true; } // See also Watchpoint::SetWatchpointType(uint32_t type) and the // OptionGroupWatchpoint::WatchType enum type. WatchpointSP Target::CreateWatchpoint(lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, const CompilerType *type, uint32_t kind, Status &error) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (addr = 0x%8.8" PRIx64 " size = %" PRIu64 " type = %u)\n", __FUNCTION__, addr, (uint64_t)size, kind); WatchpointSP wp_sp; if (!ProcessIsValid()) { error.SetErrorString("process is not alive"); return wp_sp; } if (addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS || size == 0) { if (size == 0) error.SetErrorString("cannot set a watchpoint with watch_size of 0"); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid watch address: %" PRIu64, addr); return wp_sp; } if (!LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_IS_VALID(kind)) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid watchpoint type: %d", kind); } if (!CheckIfWatchpointsSupported(this, error)) return wp_sp; // Currently we only support one watchpoint per address, with total number of // watchpoints limited by the hardware which the inferior is running on. // Grab the list mutex while doing operations. const bool notify = false; // Don't notify about all the state changes we do // on creating the watchpoint. std::unique_lock lock; this->GetWatchpointList().GetListMutex(lock); WatchpointSP matched_sp = m_watchpoint_list.FindByAddress(addr); if (matched_sp) { size_t old_size = matched_sp->GetByteSize(); uint32_t old_type = (matched_sp->WatchpointRead() ? LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_READ : 0) | (matched_sp->WatchpointWrite() ? LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_WRITE : 0); // Return the existing watchpoint if both size and type match. if (size == old_size && kind == old_type) { wp_sp = matched_sp; wp_sp->SetEnabled(false, notify); } else { // Nil the matched watchpoint; we will be creating a new one. m_process_sp->DisableWatchpoint(matched_sp.get(), notify); m_watchpoint_list.Remove(matched_sp->GetID(), true); } } if (!wp_sp) { wp_sp.reset(new Watchpoint(*this, addr, size, type)); wp_sp->SetWatchpointType(kind, notify); m_watchpoint_list.Add(wp_sp, true); } error = m_process_sp->EnableWatchpoint(wp_sp.get(), notify); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (creation of watchpoint %s with id = %u)\n", __FUNCTION__, error.Success() ? "succeeded" : "failed", wp_sp->GetID()); if (error.Fail()) { // Enabling the watchpoint on the device side failed. Remove the said // watchpoint from the list maintained by the target instance. m_watchpoint_list.Remove(wp_sp->GetID(), true); // See if we could provide more helpful error message. if (!OptionGroupWatchpoint::IsWatchSizeSupported(size)) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "watch size of %" PRIu64 " is not supported", (uint64_t)size); wp_sp.reset(); } else m_last_created_watchpoint = wp_sp; return wp_sp; } void Target::RemoveAllowedBreakpoints () { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s \n", __FUNCTION__); m_breakpoint_list.RemoveAllowed(true); m_last_created_breakpoint.reset(); } void Target::RemoveAllBreakpoints(bool internal_also) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (internal_also = %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, internal_also ? "yes" : "no"); m_breakpoint_list.RemoveAll(true); if (internal_also) m_internal_breakpoint_list.RemoveAll(false); m_last_created_breakpoint.reset(); } void Target::DisableAllBreakpoints(bool internal_also) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (internal_also = %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, internal_also ? "yes" : "no"); m_breakpoint_list.SetEnabledAll(false); if (internal_also) m_internal_breakpoint_list.SetEnabledAll(false); } void Target::DisableAllowedBreakpoints() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s", __FUNCTION__); m_breakpoint_list.SetEnabledAllowed(false); } void Target::EnableAllBreakpoints(bool internal_also) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (internal_also = %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, internal_also ? "yes" : "no"); m_breakpoint_list.SetEnabledAll(true); if (internal_also) m_internal_breakpoint_list.SetEnabledAll(true); } void Target::EnableAllowedBreakpoints() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s", __FUNCTION__); m_breakpoint_list.SetEnabledAllowed(true); } bool Target::RemoveBreakpointByID(break_id_t break_id) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (break_id = %i, internal = %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, break_id, LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id) ? "yes" : "no"); if (DisableBreakpointByID(break_id)) { if (LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id)) m_internal_breakpoint_list.Remove(break_id, false); else { if (m_last_created_breakpoint) { if (m_last_created_breakpoint->GetID() == break_id) m_last_created_breakpoint.reset(); } m_breakpoint_list.Remove(break_id, true); } return true; } return false; } bool Target::DisableBreakpointByID(break_id_t break_id) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (break_id = %i, internal = %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, break_id, LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id) ? "yes" : "no"); BreakpointSP bp_sp; if (LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id)) bp_sp = m_internal_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(break_id); else bp_sp = m_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(break_id); if (bp_sp) { bp_sp->SetEnabled(false); return true; } return false; } bool Target::EnableBreakpointByID(break_id_t break_id) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_BREAKPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (break_id = %i, internal = %s)\n", __FUNCTION__, break_id, LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id) ? "yes" : "no"); BreakpointSP bp_sp; if (LLDB_BREAK_ID_IS_INTERNAL(break_id)) bp_sp = m_internal_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(break_id); else bp_sp = m_breakpoint_list.FindBreakpointByID(break_id); if (bp_sp) { bp_sp->SetEnabled(true); return true; } return false; } Status Target::SerializeBreakpointsToFile(const FileSpec &file, const BreakpointIDList &bp_ids, bool append) { Status error; if (!file) { error.SetErrorString("Invalid FileSpec."); return error; } std::string path(file.GetPath()); StructuredData::ObjectSP input_data_sp; StructuredData::ArraySP break_store_sp; StructuredData::Array *break_store_ptr = nullptr; if (append) { input_data_sp = StructuredData::ParseJSONFromFile(file, error); if (error.Success()) { break_store_ptr = input_data_sp->GetAsArray(); if (!break_store_ptr) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Tried to append to invalid input file %s", path.c_str()); return error; } } } if (!break_store_ptr) { break_store_sp.reset(new StructuredData::Array()); break_store_ptr = break_store_sp.get(); } StreamFile out_file(path.c_str(), File::OpenOptions::eOpenOptionTruncate | File::OpenOptions::eOpenOptionWrite | File::OpenOptions::eOpenOptionCanCreate | File::OpenOptions::eOpenOptionCloseOnExec, lldb::eFilePermissionsFileDefault); if (!out_file.GetFile().IsValid()) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Unable to open output file: %s.", path.c_str()); return error; } std::unique_lock lock; GetBreakpointList().GetListMutex(lock); if (bp_ids.GetSize() == 0) { const BreakpointList &breakpoints = GetBreakpointList(); size_t num_breakpoints = breakpoints.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_breakpoints; i++) { Breakpoint *bp = breakpoints.GetBreakpointAtIndex(i).get(); StructuredData::ObjectSP bkpt_save_sp = bp->SerializeToStructuredData(); // If a breakpoint can't serialize it, just ignore it for now: if (bkpt_save_sp) break_store_ptr->AddItem(bkpt_save_sp); } } else { std::unordered_set processed_bkpts; const size_t count = bp_ids.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BreakpointID cur_bp_id = bp_ids.GetBreakpointIDAtIndex(i); lldb::break_id_t bp_id = cur_bp_id.GetBreakpointID(); if (bp_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID) { // Only do each breakpoint once: std::pair::iterator, bool> insert_result = processed_bkpts.insert(bp_id); if (!insert_result.second) continue; Breakpoint *bp = GetBreakpointByID(bp_id).get(); StructuredData::ObjectSP bkpt_save_sp = bp->SerializeToStructuredData(); // If the user explicitly asked to serialize a breakpoint, and we // can't, then raise an error: if (!bkpt_save_sp) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Unable to serialize breakpoint %d", bp_id); return error; } break_store_ptr->AddItem(bkpt_save_sp); } } } break_store_ptr->Dump(out_file, false); out_file.PutChar('\n'); return error; } Status Target::CreateBreakpointsFromFile(const FileSpec &file, BreakpointIDList &new_bps) { std::vector no_names; return CreateBreakpointsFromFile(file, no_names, new_bps); } Status Target::CreateBreakpointsFromFile(const FileSpec &file, std::vector &names, BreakpointIDList &new_bps) { std::unique_lock lock; GetBreakpointList().GetListMutex(lock); Status error; StructuredData::ObjectSP input_data_sp = StructuredData::ParseJSONFromFile(file, error); if (!error.Success()) { return error; } else if (!input_data_sp || !input_data_sp->IsValid()) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Invalid JSON from input file: %s.", file.GetPath().c_str()); return error; } StructuredData::Array *bkpt_array = input_data_sp->GetAsArray(); if (!bkpt_array) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Invalid breakpoint data from input file: %s.", file.GetPath().c_str()); return error; } size_t num_bkpts = bkpt_array->GetSize(); size_t num_names = names.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bkpts; i++) { StructuredData::ObjectSP bkpt_object_sp = bkpt_array->GetItemAtIndex(i); // Peel off the breakpoint key, and feed the rest to the Breakpoint: StructuredData::Dictionary *bkpt_dict = bkpt_object_sp->GetAsDictionary(); if (!bkpt_dict) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Invalid breakpoint data for element %zu from input file: %s.", i, file.GetPath().c_str()); return error; } StructuredData::ObjectSP bkpt_data_sp = bkpt_dict->GetValueForKey(Breakpoint::GetSerializationKey()); if (num_names && !Breakpoint::SerializedBreakpointMatchesNames(bkpt_data_sp, names)) continue; BreakpointSP bkpt_sp = Breakpoint::CreateFromStructuredData(*this, bkpt_data_sp, error); if (!error.Success()) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Error restoring breakpoint %zu from %s: %s.", i, file.GetPath().c_str(), error.AsCString()); return error; } new_bps.AddBreakpointID(BreakpointID(bkpt_sp->GetID())); } return error; } // The flag 'end_to_end', default to true, signifies that the operation is // performed end to end, for both the debugger and the debuggee. // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list for end // to end operations. bool Target::RemoveAllWatchpoints(bool end_to_end) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (!end_to_end) { m_watchpoint_list.RemoveAll(true); return true; } // Otherwise, it's an end to end operation. if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; size_t num_watchpoints = m_watchpoint_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.GetByIndex(i); if (!wp_sp) return false; Status rc = m_process_sp->DisableWatchpoint(wp_sp.get()); if (rc.Fail()) return false; } m_watchpoint_list.RemoveAll(true); m_last_created_watchpoint.reset(); return true; // Success! } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list for end // to end operations. bool Target::DisableAllWatchpoints(bool end_to_end) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (!end_to_end) { m_watchpoint_list.SetEnabledAll(false); return true; } // Otherwise, it's an end to end operation. if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; size_t num_watchpoints = m_watchpoint_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.GetByIndex(i); if (!wp_sp) return false; Status rc = m_process_sp->DisableWatchpoint(wp_sp.get()); if (rc.Fail()) return false; } return true; // Success! } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list for end // to end operations. bool Target::EnableAllWatchpoints(bool end_to_end) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (!end_to_end) { m_watchpoint_list.SetEnabledAll(true); return true; } // Otherwise, it's an end to end operation. if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; size_t num_watchpoints = m_watchpoint_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.GetByIndex(i); if (!wp_sp) return false; Status rc = m_process_sp->EnableWatchpoint(wp_sp.get()); if (rc.Fail()) return false; } return true; // Success! } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list. bool Target::ClearAllWatchpointHitCounts() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s\n", __FUNCTION__); size_t num_watchpoints = m_watchpoint_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.GetByIndex(i); if (!wp_sp) return false; wp_sp->ResetHitCount(); } return true; // Success! } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list. bool Target::ClearAllWatchpointHistoricValues() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s\n", __FUNCTION__); size_t num_watchpoints = m_watchpoint_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.GetByIndex(i); if (!wp_sp) return false; wp_sp->ResetHistoricValues(); } return true; // Success! } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list during // these operations. bool Target::IgnoreAllWatchpoints(uint32_t ignore_count) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; size_t num_watchpoints = m_watchpoint_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_watchpoints; ++i) { WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.GetByIndex(i); if (!wp_sp) return false; wp_sp->SetIgnoreCount(ignore_count); } return true; // Success! } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list. bool Target::DisableWatchpointByID(lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (watch_id = %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, watch_id); if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.FindByID(watch_id); if (wp_sp) { Status rc = m_process_sp->DisableWatchpoint(wp_sp.get()); if (rc.Success()) return true; // Else, fallthrough. } return false; } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list. bool Target::EnableWatchpointByID(lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (watch_id = %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, watch_id); if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.FindByID(watch_id); if (wp_sp) { Status rc = m_process_sp->EnableWatchpoint(wp_sp.get()); if (rc.Success()) return true; // Else, fallthrough. } return false; } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list. bool Target::RemoveWatchpointByID(lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (watch_id = %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, watch_id); WatchpointSP watch_to_remove_sp = m_watchpoint_list.FindByID(watch_id); if (watch_to_remove_sp == m_last_created_watchpoint) m_last_created_watchpoint.reset(); if (DisableWatchpointByID(watch_id)) { m_watchpoint_list.Remove(watch_id, true); return true; } return false; } // Assumption: Caller holds the list mutex lock for m_watchpoint_list. bool Target::IgnoreWatchpointByID(lldb::watch_id_t watch_id, uint32_t ignore_count) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_WATCHPOINTS)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s (watch_id = %i)\n", __FUNCTION__, watch_id); if (!ProcessIsValid()) return false; WatchpointSP wp_sp = m_watchpoint_list.FindByID(watch_id); if (wp_sp) { wp_sp->SetIgnoreCount(ignore_count); return true; } return false; } ModuleSP Target::GetExecutableModule() { // search for the first executable in the module list for (size_t i = 0; i < m_images.GetSize(); ++i) { ModuleSP module_sp = m_images.GetModuleAtIndex(i); lldb_private::ObjectFile *obj = module_sp->GetObjectFile(); if (obj == nullptr) continue; if (obj->GetType() == ObjectFile::Type::eTypeExecutable) return module_sp; } // as fall back return the first module loaded return m_images.GetModuleAtIndex(0); } Module *Target::GetExecutableModulePointer() { return GetExecutableModule().get(); } static void LoadScriptingResourceForModule(const ModuleSP &module_sp, Target *target) { Status error; StreamString feedback_stream; if (module_sp && !module_sp->LoadScriptingResourceInTarget(target, error, &feedback_stream)) { if (error.AsCString()) target->GetDebugger().GetErrorFile()->Printf( "unable to load scripting data for module %s - error reported was " "%s\n", module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFileNameStrippingExtension().GetCString(), error.AsCString()); } if (feedback_stream.GetSize()) target->GetDebugger().GetErrorFile()->Printf("%s\n", feedback_stream.GetData()); } void Target::ClearModules(bool delete_locations) { ModulesDidUnload(m_images, delete_locations); m_section_load_history.Clear(); m_images.Clear(); m_scratch_type_system_map.Clear(); m_ast_importer_sp.reset(); } void Target::DidExec() { // When a process exec's we need to know about it so we can do some cleanup. m_breakpoint_list.RemoveInvalidLocations(m_arch.GetSpec()); m_internal_breakpoint_list.RemoveInvalidLocations(m_arch.GetSpec()); } void Target::SetExecutableModule(ModuleSP &executable_sp, LoadDependentFiles load_dependent_files) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_TARGET)); ClearModules(false); if (executable_sp) { static Timer::Category func_cat(LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); Timer scoped_timer(func_cat, "Target::SetExecutableModule (executable = '%s')", executable_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath().c_str()); m_images.Append(executable_sp); // The first image is our executable file // If we haven't set an architecture yet, reset our architecture based on // what we found in the executable module. if (!m_arch.GetSpec().IsValid()) { m_arch = executable_sp->GetArchitecture(); LLDB_LOG(log, "setting architecture to {0} ({1}) based on executable file", m_arch.GetSpec().GetArchitectureName(), m_arch.GetSpec().GetTriple().getTriple()); } FileSpecList dependent_files; ObjectFile *executable_objfile = executable_sp->GetObjectFile(); bool load_dependents = true; switch (load_dependent_files) { case eLoadDependentsDefault: load_dependents = executable_sp->IsExecutable(); break; case eLoadDependentsYes: load_dependents = true; break; case eLoadDependentsNo: load_dependents = false; break; } if (executable_objfile && load_dependents) { executable_objfile->GetDependentModules(dependent_files); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dependent_files.GetSize(); i++) { FileSpec dependent_file_spec( dependent_files.GetFileSpecPointerAtIndex(i)); FileSpec platform_dependent_file_spec; if (m_platform_sp) m_platform_sp->GetFileWithUUID(dependent_file_spec, nullptr, platform_dependent_file_spec); else platform_dependent_file_spec = dependent_file_spec; ModuleSpec module_spec(platform_dependent_file_spec, m_arch.GetSpec()); ModuleSP image_module_sp(GetSharedModule(module_spec)); if (image_module_sp) { ObjectFile *objfile = image_module_sp->GetObjectFile(); if (objfile) objfile->GetDependentModules(dependent_files); } } } } } bool Target::SetArchitecture(const ArchSpec &arch_spec, bool set_platform) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_TARGET)); bool missing_local_arch = !m_arch.GetSpec().IsValid(); bool replace_local_arch = true; bool compatible_local_arch = false; ArchSpec other(arch_spec); // Changing the architecture might mean that the currently selected platform // isn't compatible. Set the platform correctly if we are asked to do so, // otherwise assume the user will set the platform manually. if (set_platform) { if (other.IsValid()) { auto platform_sp = GetPlatform(); if (!platform_sp || !platform_sp->IsCompatibleArchitecture(other, false, nullptr)) { ArchSpec platform_arch; auto arch_platform_sp = Platform::GetPlatformForArchitecture(other, &platform_arch); if (arch_platform_sp) { SetPlatform(arch_platform_sp); if (platform_arch.IsValid()) other = platform_arch; } } } } if (!missing_local_arch) { if (m_arch.GetSpec().IsCompatibleMatch(arch_spec)) { other.MergeFrom(m_arch.GetSpec()); if (m_arch.GetSpec().IsCompatibleMatch(other)) { compatible_local_arch = true; bool arch_changed, vendor_changed, os_changed, os_ver_changed, env_changed; m_arch.GetSpec().PiecewiseTripleCompare(other, arch_changed, vendor_changed, os_changed, os_ver_changed, env_changed); if (!arch_changed && !vendor_changed && !os_changed && !env_changed) replace_local_arch = false; } } } if (compatible_local_arch || missing_local_arch) { // If we haven't got a valid arch spec, or the architectures are compatible // update the architecture, unless the one we already have is more // specified if (replace_local_arch) m_arch = other; LLDB_LOG(log, "set architecture to {0} ({1})", m_arch.GetSpec().GetArchitectureName(), m_arch.GetSpec().GetTriple().getTriple()); return true; } // If we have an executable file, try to reset the executable to the desired // architecture if (log) log->Printf("Target::SetArchitecture changing architecture to %s (%s)", arch_spec.GetArchitectureName(), arch_spec.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str()); m_arch = other; ModuleSP executable_sp = GetExecutableModule(); ClearModules(true); // Need to do something about unsetting breakpoints. if (executable_sp) { if (log) log->Printf("Target::SetArchitecture Trying to select executable file " "architecture %s (%s)", arch_spec.GetArchitectureName(), arch_spec.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str()); ModuleSpec module_spec(executable_sp->GetFileSpec(), other); Status error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(module_spec, executable_sp, &GetExecutableSearchPaths(), nullptr, nullptr); if (!error.Fail() && executable_sp) { SetExecutableModule(executable_sp, eLoadDependentsYes); return true; } } return false; } bool Target::MergeArchitecture(const ArchSpec &arch_spec) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_TARGET)); if (arch_spec.IsValid()) { if (m_arch.GetSpec().IsCompatibleMatch(arch_spec)) { // The current target arch is compatible with "arch_spec", see if we can // improve our current architecture using bits from "arch_spec" if (log) log->Printf("Target::MergeArchitecture target has arch %s, merging with " "arch %s", m_arch.GetSpec().GetTriple().getTriple().c_str(), arch_spec.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str()); // Merge bits from arch_spec into "merged_arch" and set our architecture ArchSpec merged_arch(m_arch.GetSpec()); merged_arch.MergeFrom(arch_spec); return SetArchitecture(merged_arch); } else { // The new architecture is different, we just need to replace it return SetArchitecture(arch_spec); } } return false; } void Target::WillClearList(const ModuleList &module_list) {} void Target::ModuleAdded(const ModuleList &module_list, const ModuleSP &module_sp) { // A module is being added to this target for the first time if (m_valid) { ModuleList my_module_list; my_module_list.Append(module_sp); LoadScriptingResourceForModule(module_sp, this); ModulesDidLoad(my_module_list); } } void Target::ModuleRemoved(const ModuleList &module_list, const ModuleSP &module_sp) { // A module is being removed from this target. if (m_valid) { ModuleList my_module_list; my_module_list.Append(module_sp); ModulesDidUnload(my_module_list, false); } } void Target::ModuleUpdated(const ModuleList &module_list, const ModuleSP &old_module_sp, const ModuleSP &new_module_sp) { // A module is replacing an already added module if (m_valid) { m_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpointsWhenModuleIsReplaced(old_module_sp, new_module_sp); m_internal_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpointsWhenModuleIsReplaced( old_module_sp, new_module_sp); } } void Target::ModulesDidLoad(ModuleList &module_list) { if (m_valid && module_list.GetSize()) { m_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpoints(module_list, true, false); m_internal_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpoints(module_list, true, false); if (m_process_sp) { m_process_sp->ModulesDidLoad(module_list); } BroadcastEvent(eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded, new TargetEventData(this->shared_from_this(), module_list)); } } void Target::SymbolsDidLoad(ModuleList &module_list) { if (m_valid && module_list.GetSize()) { if (m_process_sp) { LanguageRuntime *runtime = m_process_sp->GetLanguageRuntime(lldb::eLanguageTypeObjC); if (runtime) { ObjCLanguageRuntime *objc_runtime = (ObjCLanguageRuntime *)runtime; objc_runtime->SymbolsDidLoad(module_list); } } m_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpoints(module_list, true, false); m_internal_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpoints(module_list, true, false); BroadcastEvent(eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded, new TargetEventData(this->shared_from_this(), module_list)); } } void Target::ModulesDidUnload(ModuleList &module_list, bool delete_locations) { if (m_valid && module_list.GetSize()) { UnloadModuleSections(module_list); m_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpoints(module_list, false, delete_locations); m_internal_breakpoint_list.UpdateBreakpoints(module_list, false, delete_locations); BroadcastEvent(eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded, new TargetEventData(this->shared_from_this(), module_list)); } } bool Target::ModuleIsExcludedForUnconstrainedSearches( const FileSpec &module_file_spec) { if (GetBreakpointsConsultPlatformAvoidList()) { ModuleList matchingModules; ModuleSpec module_spec(module_file_spec); size_t num_modules = GetImages().FindModules(module_spec, matchingModules); // If there is more than one module for this file spec, only return true if // ALL the modules are on the // black list. if (num_modules > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_modules; i++) { if (!ModuleIsExcludedForUnconstrainedSearches( matchingModules.GetModuleAtIndex(i))) return false; } return true; } } return false; } bool Target::ModuleIsExcludedForUnconstrainedSearches( const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) { if (GetBreakpointsConsultPlatformAvoidList()) { if (m_platform_sp) return m_platform_sp->ModuleIsExcludedForUnconstrainedSearches(*this, module_sp); } return false; } size_t Target::ReadMemoryFromFileCache(const Address &addr, void *dst, size_t dst_len, Status &error) { SectionSP section_sp(addr.GetSection()); if (section_sp) { // If the contents of this section are encrypted, the on-disk file is // unusable. Read only from live memory. if (section_sp->IsEncrypted()) { error.SetErrorString("section is encrypted"); return 0; } ModuleSP module_sp(section_sp->GetModule()); if (module_sp) { ObjectFile *objfile = section_sp->GetModule()->GetObjectFile(); if (objfile) { size_t bytes_read = objfile->ReadSectionData( section_sp.get(), addr.GetOffset(), dst, dst_len); if (bytes_read > 0) return bytes_read; else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("error reading data from section %s", section_sp->GetName().GetCString()); } else error.SetErrorString("address isn't from a object file"); } else error.SetErrorString("address isn't in a module"); } else error.SetErrorString("address doesn't contain a section that points to a " "section in a object file"); return 0; } size_t Target::ReadMemory(const Address &addr, bool prefer_file_cache, void *dst, size_t dst_len, Status &error, lldb::addr_t *load_addr_ptr) { error.Clear(); // if we end up reading this from process memory, we will fill this with the // actual load address if (load_addr_ptr) *load_addr_ptr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; size_t bytes_read = 0; addr_t load_addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; addr_t file_addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; Address resolved_addr; if (!addr.IsSectionOffset()) { SectionLoadList §ion_load_list = GetSectionLoadList(); if (section_load_list.IsEmpty()) { // No sections are loaded, so we must assume we are not running yet and // anything we are given is a file address. file_addr = addr.GetOffset(); // "addr" doesn't have a section, so its // offset is the file address m_images.ResolveFileAddress(file_addr, resolved_addr); } else { // We have at least one section loaded. This can be because we have // manually loaded some sections with "target modules load ..." or // because we have have a live process that has sections loaded through // the dynamic loader load_addr = addr.GetOffset(); // "addr" doesn't have a section, so its // offset is the load address section_load_list.ResolveLoadAddress(load_addr, resolved_addr); } } if (!resolved_addr.IsValid()) resolved_addr = addr; if (prefer_file_cache) { bytes_read = ReadMemoryFromFileCache(resolved_addr, dst, dst_len, error); if (bytes_read > 0) return bytes_read; } if (ProcessIsValid()) { if (load_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) load_addr = resolved_addr.GetLoadAddress(this); if (load_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { ModuleSP addr_module_sp(resolved_addr.GetModule()); if (addr_module_sp && addr_module_sp->GetFileSpec()) error.SetErrorStringWithFormatv( "{0:F}[{1:x+}] can't be resolved, {0:F} is not currently loaded", addr_module_sp->GetFileSpec(), resolved_addr.GetFileAddress()); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("0x%" PRIx64 " can't be resolved", resolved_addr.GetFileAddress()); } else { bytes_read = m_process_sp->ReadMemory(load_addr, dst, dst_len, error); if (bytes_read != dst_len) { if (error.Success()) { if (bytes_read == 0) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "read memory from 0x%" PRIx64 " failed", load_addr); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "only %" PRIu64 " of %" PRIu64 " bytes were read from memory at 0x%" PRIx64, (uint64_t)bytes_read, (uint64_t)dst_len, load_addr); } } if (bytes_read) { if (load_addr_ptr) *load_addr_ptr = load_addr; return bytes_read; } // If the address is not section offset we have an address that doesn't // resolve to any address in any currently loaded shared libraries and we // failed to read memory so there isn't anything more we can do. If it is // section offset, we might be able to read cached memory from the object // file. if (!resolved_addr.IsSectionOffset()) return 0; } } if (!prefer_file_cache && resolved_addr.IsSectionOffset()) { // If we didn't already try and read from the object file cache, then try // it after failing to read from the process. return ReadMemoryFromFileCache(resolved_addr, dst, dst_len, error); } return 0; } size_t Target::ReadCStringFromMemory(const Address &addr, std::string &out_str, Status &error) { char buf[256]; out_str.clear(); addr_t curr_addr = addr.GetLoadAddress(this); Address address(addr); while (1) { size_t length = ReadCStringFromMemory(address, buf, sizeof(buf), error); if (length == 0) break; out_str.append(buf, length); // If we got "length - 1" bytes, we didn't get the whole C string, we need // to read some more characters if (length == sizeof(buf) - 1) curr_addr += length; else break; address = Address(curr_addr); } return out_str.size(); } size_t Target::ReadCStringFromMemory(const Address &addr, char *dst, size_t dst_max_len, Status &result_error) { size_t total_cstr_len = 0; if (dst && dst_max_len) { result_error.Clear(); // NULL out everything just to be safe memset(dst, 0, dst_max_len); Status error; addr_t curr_addr = addr.GetLoadAddress(this); Address address(addr); // We could call m_process_sp->GetMemoryCacheLineSize() but I don't think // this really needs to be tied to the memory cache subsystem's cache line // size, so leave this as a fixed constant. const size_t cache_line_size = 512; size_t bytes_left = dst_max_len - 1; char *curr_dst = dst; while (bytes_left > 0) { addr_t cache_line_bytes_left = cache_line_size - (curr_addr % cache_line_size); addr_t bytes_to_read = std::min(bytes_left, cache_line_bytes_left); size_t bytes_read = ReadMemory(address, false, curr_dst, bytes_to_read, error); if (bytes_read == 0) { result_error = error; dst[total_cstr_len] = '\0'; break; } const size_t len = strlen(curr_dst); total_cstr_len += len; if (len < bytes_to_read) break; curr_dst += bytes_read; curr_addr += bytes_read; bytes_left -= bytes_read; address = Address(curr_addr); } } else { if (dst == nullptr) result_error.SetErrorString("invalid arguments"); else result_error.Clear(); } return total_cstr_len; } size_t Target::ReadScalarIntegerFromMemory(const Address &addr, bool prefer_file_cache, uint32_t byte_size, bool is_signed, Scalar &scalar, Status &error) { uint64_t uval; if (byte_size <= sizeof(uval)) { size_t bytes_read = ReadMemory(addr, prefer_file_cache, &uval, byte_size, error); if (bytes_read == byte_size) { DataExtractor data(&uval, sizeof(uval), m_arch.GetSpec().GetByteOrder(), m_arch.GetSpec().GetAddressByteSize()); lldb::offset_t offset = 0; if (byte_size <= 4) scalar = data.GetMaxU32(&offset, byte_size); else scalar = data.GetMaxU64(&offset, byte_size); if (is_signed) scalar.SignExtend(byte_size * 8); return bytes_read; } } else { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "byte size of %u is too large for integer scalar type", byte_size); } return 0; } uint64_t Target::ReadUnsignedIntegerFromMemory(const Address &addr, bool prefer_file_cache, size_t integer_byte_size, uint64_t fail_value, Status &error) { Scalar scalar; if (ReadScalarIntegerFromMemory(addr, prefer_file_cache, integer_byte_size, false, scalar, error)) return scalar.ULongLong(fail_value); return fail_value; } bool Target::ReadPointerFromMemory(const Address &addr, bool prefer_file_cache, Status &error, Address &pointer_addr) { Scalar scalar; if (ReadScalarIntegerFromMemory(addr, prefer_file_cache, m_arch.GetSpec().GetAddressByteSize(), false, scalar, error)) { addr_t pointer_vm_addr = scalar.ULongLong(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS); if (pointer_vm_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { SectionLoadList §ion_load_list = GetSectionLoadList(); if (section_load_list.IsEmpty()) { // No sections are loaded, so we must assume we are not running yet and // anything we are given is a file address. m_images.ResolveFileAddress(pointer_vm_addr, pointer_addr); } else { // We have at least one section loaded. This can be because we have // manually loaded some sections with "target modules load ..." or // because we have have a live process that has sections loaded through // the dynamic loader section_load_list.ResolveLoadAddress(pointer_vm_addr, pointer_addr); } // We weren't able to resolve the pointer value, so just return an // address with no section if (!pointer_addr.IsValid()) pointer_addr.SetOffset(pointer_vm_addr); return true; } } return false; } ModuleSP Target::GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, Status *error_ptr) { ModuleSP module_sp; Status error; // First see if we already have this module in our module list. If we do, // then we're done, we don't need to consult the shared modules list. But // only do this if we are passed a UUID. if (module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid()) module_sp = m_images.FindFirstModule(module_spec); if (!module_sp) { ModuleSP old_module_sp; // This will get filled in if we have a new version // of the library bool did_create_module = false; // If there are image search path entries, try to use them first to acquire // a suitable image. if (m_image_search_paths.GetSize()) { ModuleSpec transformed_spec(module_spec); if (m_image_search_paths.RemapPath( module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory(), transformed_spec.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory())) { transformed_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename() = module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename(); error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(transformed_spec, module_sp, &GetExecutableSearchPaths(), &old_module_sp, &did_create_module); } } if (!module_sp) { // If we have a UUID, we can check our global shared module list in case // we already have it. If we don't have a valid UUID, then we can't since // the path in "module_spec" will be a platform path, and we will need to // let the platform find that file. For example, we could be asking for // "/usr/lib/dyld" and if we do not have a UUID, we don't want to pick // the local copy of "/usr/lib/dyld" since our platform could be a remote // platform that has its own "/usr/lib/dyld" in an SDK or in a local file // cache. if (module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid()) { // We have a UUID, it is OK to check the global module list... error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(module_spec, module_sp, &GetExecutableSearchPaths(), &old_module_sp, &did_create_module); } if (!module_sp) { // The platform is responsible for finding and caching an appropriate // module in the shared module cache. if (m_platform_sp) { error = m_platform_sp->GetSharedModule( module_spec, m_process_sp.get(), module_sp, &GetExecutableSearchPaths(), &old_module_sp, &did_create_module); } else { error.SetErrorString("no platform is currently set"); } } } // We found a module that wasn't in our target list. Let's make sure that // there wasn't an equivalent module in the list already, and if there was, // let's remove it. if (module_sp) { ObjectFile *objfile = module_sp->GetObjectFile(); if (objfile) { switch (objfile->GetType()) { case ObjectFile::eTypeCoreFile: /// A core file that has a checkpoint of /// a program's execution state case ObjectFile::eTypeExecutable: /// A normal executable case ObjectFile::eTypeDynamicLinker: /// The platform's dynamic linker /// executable case ObjectFile::eTypeObjectFile: /// An intermediate object file case ObjectFile::eTypeSharedLibrary: /// A shared library that can be /// used during execution break; case ObjectFile::eTypeDebugInfo: /// An object file that contains only /// debug information if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorString("debug info files aren't valid target " "modules, please specify an executable"); return ModuleSP(); case ObjectFile::eTypeStubLibrary: /// A library that can be linked /// against but not used for /// execution if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorString("stub libraries aren't valid target " "modules, please specify an executable"); return ModuleSP(); default: if (error_ptr) error_ptr->SetErrorString( "unsupported file type, please specify an executable"); return ModuleSP(); } // GetSharedModule is not guaranteed to find the old shared module, for // instance in the common case where you pass in the UUID, it is only // going to find the one module matching the UUID. In fact, it has no // good way to know what the "old module" relevant to this target is, // since there might be many copies of a module with this file spec in // various running debug sessions, but only one of them will belong to // this target. So let's remove the UUID from the module list, and look // in the target's module list. Only do this if there is SOMETHING else // in the module spec... if (!old_module_sp) { if (module_spec.GetUUID().IsValid() && !module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename().IsEmpty() && !module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory().IsEmpty()) { ModuleSpec module_spec_copy(module_spec.GetFileSpec()); module_spec_copy.GetUUID().Clear(); ModuleList found_modules; size_t num_found = m_images.FindModules(module_spec_copy, found_modules); if (num_found == 1) { old_module_sp = found_modules.GetModuleAtIndex(0); } } } // Preload symbols outside of any lock, so hopefully we can do this for // each library in parallel. if (GetPreloadSymbols()) module_sp->PreloadSymbols(); if (old_module_sp && m_images.GetIndexForModule(old_module_sp.get()) != LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32) { m_images.ReplaceModule(old_module_sp, module_sp); Module *old_module_ptr = old_module_sp.get(); old_module_sp.reset(); ModuleList::RemoveSharedModuleIfOrphaned(old_module_ptr); } else m_images.Append(module_sp); } else module_sp.reset(); } } if (error_ptr) *error_ptr = error; return module_sp; } TargetSP Target::CalculateTarget() { return shared_from_this(); } ProcessSP Target::CalculateProcess() { return m_process_sp; } ThreadSP Target::CalculateThread() { return ThreadSP(); } StackFrameSP Target::CalculateStackFrame() { return StackFrameSP(); } void Target::CalculateExecutionContext(ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) { exe_ctx.Clear(); exe_ctx.SetTargetPtr(this); } PathMappingList &Target::GetImageSearchPathList() { return m_image_search_paths; } void Target::ImageSearchPathsChanged(const PathMappingList &path_list, void *baton) { Target *target = (Target *)baton; ModuleSP exe_module_sp(target->GetExecutableModule()); if (exe_module_sp) target->SetExecutableModule(exe_module_sp, eLoadDependentsYes); } TypeSystem *Target::GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(Status *error, lldb::LanguageType language, bool create_on_demand) { if (!m_valid) return nullptr; if (error) { error->Clear(); } if (language == eLanguageTypeMipsAssembler // GNU AS and LLVM use it for all // assembly code || language == eLanguageTypeUnknown) { std::set languages_for_types; std::set languages_for_expressions; Language::GetLanguagesSupportingTypeSystems(languages_for_types, languages_for_expressions); if (languages_for_expressions.count(eLanguageTypeC)) { language = eLanguageTypeC; // LLDB's default. Override by setting the // target language. } else { if (languages_for_expressions.empty()) { return nullptr; } else { language = *languages_for_expressions.begin(); } } } return m_scratch_type_system_map.GetTypeSystemForLanguage(language, this, create_on_demand); } PersistentExpressionState * Target::GetPersistentExpressionStateForLanguage(lldb::LanguageType language) { TypeSystem *type_system = GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(nullptr, language, true); if (type_system) { return type_system->GetPersistentExpressionState(); } else { return nullptr; } } UserExpression *Target::GetUserExpressionForLanguage( llvm::StringRef expr, llvm::StringRef prefix, lldb::LanguageType language, Expression::ResultType desired_type, const EvaluateExpressionOptions &options, Status &error) { Status type_system_error; TypeSystem *type_system = GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(&type_system_error, language); UserExpression *user_expr = nullptr; if (!type_system) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Could not find type system for language %s: %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language), type_system_error.AsCString()); return nullptr; } user_expr = type_system->GetUserExpression(expr, prefix, language, desired_type, options); if (!user_expr) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Could not create an expression for language %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language)); return user_expr; } FunctionCaller *Target::GetFunctionCallerForLanguage( lldb::LanguageType language, const CompilerType &return_type, const Address &function_address, const ValueList &arg_value_list, const char *name, Status &error) { Status type_system_error; TypeSystem *type_system = GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(&type_system_error, language); FunctionCaller *persistent_fn = nullptr; if (!type_system) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Could not find type system for language %s: %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language), type_system_error.AsCString()); return persistent_fn; } persistent_fn = type_system->GetFunctionCaller(return_type, function_address, arg_value_list, name); if (!persistent_fn) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Could not create an expression for language %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language)); return persistent_fn; } UtilityFunction * Target::GetUtilityFunctionForLanguage(const char *text, lldb::LanguageType language, const char *name, Status &error) { Status type_system_error; TypeSystem *type_system = GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(&type_system_error, language); UtilityFunction *utility_fn = nullptr; if (!type_system) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Could not find type system for language %s: %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language), type_system_error.AsCString()); return utility_fn; } utility_fn = type_system->GetUtilityFunction(text, name); if (!utility_fn) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "Could not create an expression for language %s", Language::GetNameForLanguageType(language)); return utility_fn; } ClangASTContext *Target::GetScratchClangASTContext(bool create_on_demand) { if (m_valid) { if (TypeSystem *type_system = GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage( nullptr, eLanguageTypeC, create_on_demand)) return llvm::dyn_cast(type_system); } return nullptr; } ClangASTImporterSP Target::GetClangASTImporter() { if (m_valid) { if (!m_ast_importer_sp) { m_ast_importer_sp.reset(new ClangASTImporter()); } return m_ast_importer_sp; } return ClangASTImporterSP(); } void Target::SettingsInitialize() { Process::SettingsInitialize(); } void Target::SettingsTerminate() { Process::SettingsTerminate(); } FileSpecList Target::GetDefaultExecutableSearchPaths() { TargetPropertiesSP properties_sp(Target::GetGlobalProperties()); if (properties_sp) return properties_sp->GetExecutableSearchPaths(); return FileSpecList(); } FileSpecList Target::GetDefaultDebugFileSearchPaths() { TargetPropertiesSP properties_sp(Target::GetGlobalProperties()); if (properties_sp) return properties_sp->GetDebugFileSearchPaths(); return FileSpecList(); } FileSpecList Target::GetDefaultClangModuleSearchPaths() { TargetPropertiesSP properties_sp(Target::GetGlobalProperties()); if (properties_sp) return properties_sp->GetClangModuleSearchPaths(); return FileSpecList(); } ArchSpec Target::GetDefaultArchitecture() { TargetPropertiesSP properties_sp(Target::GetGlobalProperties()); if (properties_sp) return properties_sp->GetDefaultArchitecture(); return ArchSpec(); } void Target::SetDefaultArchitecture(const ArchSpec &arch) { TargetPropertiesSP properties_sp(Target::GetGlobalProperties()); if (properties_sp) { LogIfAnyCategoriesSet( LIBLLDB_LOG_TARGET, "Target::SetDefaultArchitecture setting target's " "default architecture to %s (%s)", arch.GetArchitectureName(), arch.GetTriple().getTriple().c_str()); return properties_sp->SetDefaultArchitecture(arch); } } Target *Target::GetTargetFromContexts(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx_ptr, const SymbolContext *sc_ptr) { // The target can either exist in the "process" of ExecutionContext, or in // the "target_sp" member of SymbolContext. This accessor helper function // will get the target from one of these locations. Target *target = nullptr; if (sc_ptr != nullptr) target = sc_ptr->target_sp.get(); if (target == nullptr && exe_ctx_ptr) target = exe_ctx_ptr->GetTargetPtr(); return target; } ExpressionResults Target::EvaluateExpression( llvm::StringRef expr, ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, lldb::ValueObjectSP &result_valobj_sp, const EvaluateExpressionOptions &options, std::string *fixed_expression) { result_valobj_sp.reset(); ExpressionResults execution_results = eExpressionSetupError; if (expr.empty()) return execution_results; // We shouldn't run stop hooks in expressions. Be sure to reset this if you // return anywhere within this function. bool old_suppress_value = m_suppress_stop_hooks; m_suppress_stop_hooks = true; ExecutionContext exe_ctx; if (exe_scope) { exe_scope->CalculateExecutionContext(exe_ctx); } else if (m_process_sp) { m_process_sp->CalculateExecutionContext(exe_ctx); } else { CalculateExecutionContext(exe_ctx); } // Make sure we aren't just trying to see the value of a persistent variable // (something like "$0") lldb::ExpressionVariableSP persistent_var_sp; // Only check for persistent variables the expression starts with a '$' if (expr[0] == '$') persistent_var_sp = GetScratchTypeSystemForLanguage(nullptr, eLanguageTypeC) ->GetPersistentExpressionState() ->GetVariable(expr); if (persistent_var_sp) { result_valobj_sp = persistent_var_sp->GetValueObject(); execution_results = eExpressionCompleted; } else { llvm::StringRef prefix = GetExpressionPrefixContents(); Status error; execution_results = UserExpression::Evaluate(exe_ctx, options, expr, prefix, result_valobj_sp, error, 0, // Line Number fixed_expression); } m_suppress_stop_hooks = old_suppress_value; return execution_results; } lldb::ExpressionVariableSP Target::GetPersistentVariable(const ConstString &name) { lldb::ExpressionVariableSP variable_sp; m_scratch_type_system_map.ForEach( [name, &variable_sp](TypeSystem *type_system) -> bool { if (PersistentExpressionState *persistent_state = type_system->GetPersistentExpressionState()) { variable_sp = persistent_state->GetVariable(name); if (variable_sp) return false; // Stop iterating the ForEach } return true; // Keep iterating the ForEach }); return variable_sp; } lldb::addr_t Target::GetPersistentSymbol(const ConstString &name) { lldb::addr_t address = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; m_scratch_type_system_map.ForEach( [name, &address](TypeSystem *type_system) -> bool { if (PersistentExpressionState *persistent_state = type_system->GetPersistentExpressionState()) { address = persistent_state->LookupSymbol(name); if (address != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) return false; // Stop iterating the ForEach } return true; // Keep iterating the ForEach }); return address; } lldb::addr_t Target::GetCallableLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t load_addr, AddressClass addr_class) const { auto arch_plugin = GetArchitecturePlugin(); return arch_plugin ? arch_plugin->GetCallableLoadAddress(load_addr, addr_class) : load_addr; } lldb::addr_t Target::GetOpcodeLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t load_addr, AddressClass addr_class) const { auto arch_plugin = GetArchitecturePlugin(); return arch_plugin ? arch_plugin->GetOpcodeLoadAddress(load_addr, addr_class) : load_addr; } lldb::addr_t Target::GetBreakableLoadAddress(lldb::addr_t addr) { auto arch_plugin = GetArchitecturePlugin(); return arch_plugin ? arch_plugin->GetBreakableLoadAddress(addr, *this) : addr; } SourceManager &Target::GetSourceManager() { if (!m_source_manager_ap) m_source_manager_ap.reset(new SourceManager(shared_from_this())); return *m_source_manager_ap; } ClangModulesDeclVendor *Target::GetClangModulesDeclVendor() { static std::mutex s_clang_modules_decl_vendor_mutex; // If this is contended // we can make it // per-target { std::lock_guard guard(s_clang_modules_decl_vendor_mutex); if (!m_clang_modules_decl_vendor_ap) { m_clang_modules_decl_vendor_ap.reset( ClangModulesDeclVendor::Create(*this)); } } return m_clang_modules_decl_vendor_ap.get(); } Target::StopHookSP Target::CreateStopHook() { lldb::user_id_t new_uid = ++m_stop_hook_next_id; Target::StopHookSP stop_hook_sp(new StopHook(shared_from_this(), new_uid)); m_stop_hooks[new_uid] = stop_hook_sp; return stop_hook_sp; } bool Target::RemoveStopHookByID(lldb::user_id_t user_id) { size_t num_removed = m_stop_hooks.erase(user_id); return (num_removed != 0); } void Target::RemoveAllStopHooks() { m_stop_hooks.clear(); } Target::StopHookSP Target::GetStopHookByID(lldb::user_id_t user_id) { StopHookSP found_hook; StopHookCollection::iterator specified_hook_iter; specified_hook_iter = m_stop_hooks.find(user_id); if (specified_hook_iter != m_stop_hooks.end()) found_hook = (*specified_hook_iter).second; return found_hook; } bool Target::SetStopHookActiveStateByID(lldb::user_id_t user_id, bool active_state) { StopHookCollection::iterator specified_hook_iter; specified_hook_iter = m_stop_hooks.find(user_id); if (specified_hook_iter == m_stop_hooks.end()) return false; (*specified_hook_iter).second->SetIsActive(active_state); return true; } void Target::SetAllStopHooksActiveState(bool active_state) { StopHookCollection::iterator pos, end = m_stop_hooks.end(); for (pos = m_stop_hooks.begin(); pos != end; pos++) { (*pos).second->SetIsActive(active_state); } } void Target::RunStopHooks() { if (m_suppress_stop_hooks) return; if (!m_process_sp) return; // Somebody might have restarted the process: if (m_process_sp->GetState() != eStateStopped) return; // make sure we check that we are not stopped // because of us running a user expression since in that case we do not want // to run the stop-hooks if (m_process_sp->GetModIDRef().IsLastResumeForUserExpression()) return; if (m_stop_hooks.empty()) return; StopHookCollection::iterator pos, end = m_stop_hooks.end(); // If there aren't any active stop hooks, don't bother either: bool any_active_hooks = false; for (pos = m_stop_hooks.begin(); pos != end; pos++) { if ((*pos).second->IsActive()) { any_active_hooks = true; break; } } if (!any_active_hooks) return; CommandReturnObject result; std::vector exc_ctx_with_reasons; std::vector sym_ctx_with_reasons; ThreadList &cur_threadlist = m_process_sp->GetThreadList(); size_t num_threads = cur_threadlist.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { lldb::ThreadSP cur_thread_sp = cur_threadlist.GetThreadAtIndex(i); if (cur_thread_sp->ThreadStoppedForAReason()) { lldb::StackFrameSP cur_frame_sp = cur_thread_sp->GetStackFrameAtIndex(0); exc_ctx_with_reasons.push_back(ExecutionContext( m_process_sp.get(), cur_thread_sp.get(), cur_frame_sp.get())); sym_ctx_with_reasons.push_back( cur_frame_sp->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextEverything)); } } // If no threads stopped for a reason, don't run the stop-hooks. size_t num_exe_ctx = exc_ctx_with_reasons.size(); if (num_exe_ctx == 0) return; result.SetImmediateOutputStream(m_debugger.GetAsyncOutputStream()); result.SetImmediateErrorStream(m_debugger.GetAsyncErrorStream()); bool keep_going = true; bool hooks_ran = false; bool print_hook_header = (m_stop_hooks.size() != 1); bool print_thread_header = (num_exe_ctx != 1); for (pos = m_stop_hooks.begin(); keep_going && pos != end; pos++) { // result.Clear(); StopHookSP cur_hook_sp = (*pos).second; if (!cur_hook_sp->IsActive()) continue; bool any_thread_matched = false; for (size_t i = 0; keep_going && i < num_exe_ctx; i++) { if ((cur_hook_sp->GetSpecifier() == nullptr || cur_hook_sp->GetSpecifier()->SymbolContextMatches( sym_ctx_with_reasons[i])) && (cur_hook_sp->GetThreadSpecifier() == nullptr || cur_hook_sp->GetThreadSpecifier()->ThreadPassesBasicTests( exc_ctx_with_reasons[i].GetThreadRef()))) { if (!hooks_ran) { hooks_ran = true; } if (print_hook_header && !any_thread_matched) { const char *cmd = (cur_hook_sp->GetCommands().GetSize() == 1 ? cur_hook_sp->GetCommands().GetStringAtIndex(0) : nullptr); if (cmd) result.AppendMessageWithFormat("\n- Hook %" PRIu64 " (%s)\n", cur_hook_sp->GetID(), cmd); else result.AppendMessageWithFormat("\n- Hook %" PRIu64 "\n", cur_hook_sp->GetID()); any_thread_matched = true; } if (print_thread_header) result.AppendMessageWithFormat( "-- Thread %d\n", exc_ctx_with_reasons[i].GetThreadPtr()->GetIndexID()); CommandInterpreterRunOptions options; options.SetStopOnContinue(true); options.SetStopOnError(true); options.SetEchoCommands(false); options.SetPrintResults(true); options.SetAddToHistory(false); GetDebugger().GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommands( cur_hook_sp->GetCommands(), &exc_ctx_with_reasons[i], options, result); // If the command started the target going again, we should bag out of // running the stop hooks. if ((result.GetStatus() == eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult) || (result.GetStatus() == eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult)) { // But only complain if there were more stop hooks to do: StopHookCollection::iterator tmp = pos; if (++tmp != end) result.AppendMessageWithFormat("\nAborting stop hooks, hook %" PRIu64 " set the program running.\n", cur_hook_sp->GetID()); keep_going = false; } } } } result.GetImmediateOutputStream()->Flush(); result.GetImmediateErrorStream()->Flush(); } const TargetPropertiesSP &Target::GetGlobalProperties() { // NOTE: intentional leak so we don't crash if global destructor chain gets // called as other threads still use the result of this function static TargetPropertiesSP *g_settings_sp_ptr = new TargetPropertiesSP(new TargetProperties(nullptr)); return *g_settings_sp_ptr; } Status Target::Install(ProcessLaunchInfo *launch_info) { Status error; PlatformSP platform_sp(GetPlatform()); if (platform_sp) { if (platform_sp->IsRemote()) { if (platform_sp->IsConnected()) { // Install all files that have an install path, and always install the // main executable when connected to a remote platform const ModuleList &modules = GetImages(); const size_t num_images = modules.GetSize(); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_images; ++idx) { ModuleSP module_sp(modules.GetModuleAtIndex(idx)); if (module_sp) { const bool is_main_executable = module_sp == GetExecutableModule(); FileSpec local_file(module_sp->GetFileSpec()); if (local_file) { FileSpec remote_file(module_sp->GetRemoteInstallFileSpec()); if (!remote_file) { if (is_main_executable) // TODO: add setting for always // installing main executable??? { // Always install the main executable remote_file = platform_sp->GetRemoteWorkingDirectory(); remote_file.AppendPathComponent( module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetCString()); } } if (remote_file) { error = platform_sp->Install(local_file, remote_file); if (error.Success()) { module_sp->SetPlatformFileSpec(remote_file); if (is_main_executable) { platform_sp->SetFilePermissions(remote_file, 0700); if (launch_info) launch_info->SetExecutableFile(remote_file, false); } } else break; } } } } } } } return error; } bool Target::ResolveLoadAddress(addr_t load_addr, Address &so_addr, uint32_t stop_id) { return m_section_load_history.ResolveLoadAddress(stop_id, load_addr, so_addr); } bool Target::ResolveFileAddress(lldb::addr_t file_addr, Address &resolved_addr) { return m_images.ResolveFileAddress(file_addr, resolved_addr); } bool Target::SetSectionLoadAddress(const SectionSP §ion_sp, addr_t new_section_load_addr, bool warn_multiple) { const addr_t old_section_load_addr = m_section_load_history.GetSectionLoadAddress( SectionLoadHistory::eStopIDNow, section_sp); if (old_section_load_addr != new_section_load_addr) { uint32_t stop_id = 0; ProcessSP process_sp(GetProcessSP()); if (process_sp) stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID(); else stop_id = m_section_load_history.GetLastStopID(); if (m_section_load_history.SetSectionLoadAddress( stop_id, section_sp, new_section_load_addr, warn_multiple)) return true; // Return true if the section load address was changed... } return false; // Return false to indicate nothing changed } size_t Target::UnloadModuleSections(const ModuleList &module_list) { size_t section_unload_count = 0; size_t num_modules = module_list.GetSize(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_modules; ++i) { section_unload_count += UnloadModuleSections(module_list.GetModuleAtIndex(i)); } return section_unload_count; } size_t Target::UnloadModuleSections(const lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) { uint32_t stop_id = 0; ProcessSP process_sp(GetProcessSP()); if (process_sp) stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID(); else stop_id = m_section_load_history.GetLastStopID(); SectionList *sections = module_sp->GetSectionList(); size_t section_unload_count = 0; if (sections) { const uint32_t num_sections = sections->GetNumSections(0); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_sections; ++i) { section_unload_count += m_section_load_history.SetSectionUnloaded( stop_id, sections->GetSectionAtIndex(i)); } } return section_unload_count; } bool Target::SetSectionUnloaded(const lldb::SectionSP §ion_sp) { uint32_t stop_id = 0; ProcessSP process_sp(GetProcessSP()); if (process_sp) stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID(); else stop_id = m_section_load_history.GetLastStopID(); return m_section_load_history.SetSectionUnloaded(stop_id, section_sp); } bool Target::SetSectionUnloaded(const lldb::SectionSP §ion_sp, addr_t load_addr) { uint32_t stop_id = 0; ProcessSP process_sp(GetProcessSP()); if (process_sp) stop_id = process_sp->GetStopID(); else stop_id = m_section_load_history.GetLastStopID(); return m_section_load_history.SetSectionUnloaded(stop_id, section_sp, load_addr); } void Target::ClearAllLoadedSections() { m_section_load_history.Clear(); } Status Target::Launch(ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info, Stream *stream) { Status error; Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_TARGET)); if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s() called for %s", __FUNCTION__, launch_info.GetExecutableFile().GetPath().c_str()); StateType state = eStateInvalid; // Scope to temporarily get the process state in case someone has manually // remotely connected already to a process and we can skip the platform // launching. { ProcessSP process_sp(GetProcessSP()); if (process_sp) { state = process_sp->GetState(); if (log) log->Printf( "Target::%s the process exists, and its current state is %s", __FUNCTION__, StateAsCString(state)); } else { if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s the process instance doesn't currently exist.", __FUNCTION__); } } launch_info.GetFlags().Set(eLaunchFlagDebug); // Get the value of synchronous execution here. If you wait till after you // have started to run, then you could have hit a breakpoint, whose command // might switch the value, and then you'll pick up that incorrect value. Debugger &debugger = GetDebugger(); const bool synchronous_execution = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetSynchronous(); PlatformSP platform_sp(GetPlatform()); FinalizeFileActions(launch_info); if (state == eStateConnected) { if (launch_info.GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY)) { error.SetErrorString( "can't launch in tty when launching through a remote connection"); return error; } } if (!launch_info.GetArchitecture().IsValid()) launch_info.GetArchitecture() = GetArchitecture(); // If we're not already connected to the process, and if we have a platform // that can launch a process for debugging, go ahead and do that here. if (state != eStateConnected && platform_sp && platform_sp->CanDebugProcess()) { if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s asking the platform to debug the process", __FUNCTION__); // If there was a previous process, delete it before we make the new one. // One subtle point, we delete the process before we release the reference // to m_process_sp. That way even if we are the last owner, the process // will get Finalized before it gets destroyed. DeleteCurrentProcess(); m_process_sp = GetPlatform()->DebugProcess(launch_info, debugger, this, error); } else { if (log) log->Printf("Target::%s the platform doesn't know how to debug a " "process, getting a process plugin to do this for us.", __FUNCTION__); if (state == eStateConnected) { assert(m_process_sp); } else { // Use a Process plugin to construct the process. const char *plugin_name = launch_info.GetProcessPluginName(); CreateProcess(launch_info.GetListener(), plugin_name, nullptr); } // Since we didn't have a platform launch the process, launch it here. if (m_process_sp) error = m_process_sp->Launch(launch_info); } if (!m_process_sp) { if (error.Success()) error.SetErrorString("failed to launch or debug process"); return error; } if (error.Success()) { if (synchronous_execution || !launch_info.GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry)) { ListenerSP hijack_listener_sp(launch_info.GetHijackListener()); if (!hijack_listener_sp) { hijack_listener_sp = Listener::MakeListener("lldb.Target.Launch.hijack"); launch_info.SetHijackListener(hijack_listener_sp); m_process_sp->HijackProcessEvents(hijack_listener_sp); } StateType state = m_process_sp->WaitForProcessToStop( llvm::None, nullptr, false, hijack_listener_sp, nullptr); if (state == eStateStopped) { if (!launch_info.GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry)) { if (synchronous_execution) { error = m_process_sp->PrivateResume(); if (error.Success()) { state = m_process_sp->WaitForProcessToStop( llvm::None, nullptr, true, hijack_listener_sp, stream); const bool must_be_alive = false; // eStateExited is ok, so this must be false if (!StateIsStoppedState(state, must_be_alive)) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("process isn't stopped: %s", StateAsCString(state)); } } } else { m_process_sp->RestoreProcessEvents(); error = m_process_sp->PrivateResume(); } if (!error.Success()) { Status error2; error2.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "process resume at entry point failed: %s", error.AsCString()); error = error2; } } } else if (state == eStateExited) { bool with_shell = !!launch_info.GetShell(); const int exit_status = m_process_sp->GetExitStatus(); const char *exit_desc = m_process_sp->GetExitDescription(); #define LAUNCH_SHELL_MESSAGE \ "\n'r' and 'run' are aliases that default to launching through a " \ "shell.\nTry launching without going through a shell by using 'process " \ "launch'." if (exit_desc && exit_desc[0]) { if (with_shell) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "process exited with status %i (%s)" LAUNCH_SHELL_MESSAGE, exit_status, exit_desc); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("process exited with status %i (%s)", exit_status, exit_desc); } else { if (with_shell) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "process exited with status %i" LAUNCH_SHELL_MESSAGE, exit_status); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("process exited with status %i", exit_status); } } else { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "initial process state wasn't stopped: %s", StateAsCString(state)); } } m_process_sp->RestoreProcessEvents(); } else { Status error2; error2.SetErrorStringWithFormat("process launch failed: %s", error.AsCString()); error = error2; } return error; } Status Target::Attach(ProcessAttachInfo &attach_info, Stream *stream) { auto state = eStateInvalid; auto process_sp = GetProcessSP(); if (process_sp) { state = process_sp->GetState(); if (process_sp->IsAlive() && state != eStateConnected) { if (state == eStateAttaching) return Status("process attach is in progress"); return Status("a process is already being debugged"); } } const ModuleSP old_exec_module_sp = GetExecutableModule(); // If no process info was specified, then use the target executable name as // the process to attach to by default if (!attach_info.ProcessInfoSpecified()) { if (old_exec_module_sp) attach_info.GetExecutableFile().GetFilename() = old_exec_module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec().GetFilename(); if (!attach_info.ProcessInfoSpecified()) { return Status("no process specified, create a target with a file, or " "specify the --pid or --name"); } } const auto platform_sp = GetDebugger().GetPlatformList().GetSelectedPlatform(); ListenerSP hijack_listener_sp; const bool async = attach_info.GetAsync(); if (!async) { hijack_listener_sp = Listener::MakeListener("lldb.Target.Attach.attach.hijack"); attach_info.SetHijackListener(hijack_listener_sp); } Status error; if (state != eStateConnected && platform_sp != nullptr && platform_sp->CanDebugProcess()) { SetPlatform(platform_sp); process_sp = platform_sp->Attach(attach_info, GetDebugger(), this, error); } else { if (state != eStateConnected) { const char *plugin_name = attach_info.GetProcessPluginName(); process_sp = CreateProcess(attach_info.GetListenerForProcess(GetDebugger()), plugin_name, nullptr); if (process_sp == nullptr) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "failed to create process using plugin %s", (plugin_name) ? plugin_name : "null"); return error; } } if (hijack_listener_sp) process_sp->HijackProcessEvents(hijack_listener_sp); error = process_sp->Attach(attach_info); } if (error.Success() && process_sp) { if (async) { process_sp->RestoreProcessEvents(); } else { state = process_sp->WaitForProcessToStop( llvm::None, nullptr, false, attach_info.GetHijackListener(), stream); process_sp->RestoreProcessEvents(); if (state != eStateStopped) { const char *exit_desc = process_sp->GetExitDescription(); if (exit_desc) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("%s", exit_desc); else error.SetErrorString( "process did not stop (no such process or permission problem?)"); process_sp->Destroy(false); } } } return error; } void Target::FinalizeFileActions(ProcessLaunchInfo &info) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PROCESS)); // Finalize the file actions, and if none were given, default to opening up a // pseudo terminal PlatformSP platform_sp = GetPlatform(); const bool default_to_use_pty = m_platform_sp ? m_platform_sp->IsHost() : false; LLDB_LOG( log, "have platform={0}, platform_sp->IsHost()={1}, default_to_use_pty={2}", bool(platform_sp), platform_sp ? (platform_sp->IsHost() ? "true" : "false") : "n/a", default_to_use_pty); // If nothing for stdin or stdout or stderr was specified, then check the // process for any default settings that were set with "settings set" if (info.GetFileActionForFD(STDIN_FILENO) == nullptr || info.GetFileActionForFD(STDOUT_FILENO) == nullptr || info.GetFileActionForFD(STDERR_FILENO) == nullptr) { LLDB_LOG(log, "at least one of stdin/stdout/stderr was not set, evaluating " "default handling"); if (info.GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY)) { // Do nothing, if we are launching in a remote terminal no file actions // should be done at all. return; } if (info.GetFlags().Test(eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO)) { LLDB_LOG(log, "eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO set, adding suppression action " "for stdin, stdout and stderr"); info.AppendSuppressFileAction(STDIN_FILENO, true, false); info.AppendSuppressFileAction(STDOUT_FILENO, false, true); info.AppendSuppressFileAction(STDERR_FILENO, false, true); } else { // Check for any values that might have gotten set with any of: (lldb) // settings set target.input-path (lldb) settings set target.output-path // (lldb) settings set target.error-path FileSpec in_file_spec; FileSpec out_file_spec; FileSpec err_file_spec; // Only override with the target settings if we don't already have an // action for in, out or error if (info.GetFileActionForFD(STDIN_FILENO) == nullptr) in_file_spec = GetStandardInputPath(); if (info.GetFileActionForFD(STDOUT_FILENO) == nullptr) out_file_spec = GetStandardOutputPath(); if (info.GetFileActionForFD(STDERR_FILENO) == nullptr) err_file_spec = GetStandardErrorPath(); LLDB_LOG(log, "target stdin='{0}', target stdout='{1}', stderr='{1}'", in_file_spec, out_file_spec, err_file_spec); if (in_file_spec) { info.AppendOpenFileAction(STDIN_FILENO, in_file_spec, true, false); LLDB_LOG(log, "appended stdin open file action for {0}", in_file_spec); } if (out_file_spec) { info.AppendOpenFileAction(STDOUT_FILENO, out_file_spec, false, true); LLDB_LOG(log, "appended stdout open file action for {0}", out_file_spec); } if (err_file_spec) { info.AppendOpenFileAction(STDERR_FILENO, err_file_spec, false, true); LLDB_LOG(log, "appended stderr open file action for {0}", err_file_spec); } if (default_to_use_pty && (!in_file_spec || !out_file_spec || !err_file_spec)) { llvm::Error Err = info.SetUpPtyRedirection(); LLDB_LOG_ERROR(log, std::move(Err), "SetUpPtyRedirection failed: {0}"); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Target::StopHook //-------------------------------------------------------------- Target::StopHook::StopHook(lldb::TargetSP target_sp, lldb::user_id_t uid) : UserID(uid), m_target_sp(target_sp), m_commands(), m_specifier_sp(), m_thread_spec_ap(), m_active(true) {} Target::StopHook::StopHook(const StopHook &rhs) : UserID(rhs.GetID()), m_target_sp(rhs.m_target_sp), m_commands(rhs.m_commands), m_specifier_sp(rhs.m_specifier_sp), m_thread_spec_ap(), m_active(rhs.m_active) { if (rhs.m_thread_spec_ap) m_thread_spec_ap.reset(new ThreadSpec(*rhs.m_thread_spec_ap.get())); } Target::StopHook::~StopHook() = default; void Target::StopHook::SetSpecifier(SymbolContextSpecifier *specifier) { m_specifier_sp.reset(specifier); } void Target::StopHook::SetThreadSpecifier(ThreadSpec *specifier) { m_thread_spec_ap.reset(specifier); } void Target::StopHook::GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level) const { int indent_level = s->GetIndentLevel(); s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level + 2); s->Printf("Hook: %" PRIu64 "\n", GetID()); if (m_active) s->Indent("State: enabled\n"); else s->Indent("State: disabled\n"); if (m_specifier_sp) { s->Indent(); s->PutCString("Specifier:\n"); s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level + 4); m_specifier_sp->GetDescription(s, level); s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level + 2); } if (m_thread_spec_ap) { StreamString tmp; s->Indent("Thread:\n"); m_thread_spec_ap->GetDescription(&tmp, level); s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level + 4); s->Indent(tmp.GetString()); s->PutCString("\n"); s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level + 2); } s->Indent("Commands: \n"); s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level + 4); uint32_t num_commands = m_commands.GetSize(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_commands; i++) { s->Indent(m_commands.GetStringAtIndex(i)); s->PutCString("\n"); } s->SetIndentLevel(indent_level); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // class TargetProperties //-------------------------------------------------------------- // clang-format off static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_dynamic_value_types[] = { {eNoDynamicValues, "no-dynamic-values", "Don't calculate the dynamic type of values"}, {eDynamicCanRunTarget, "run-target", "Calculate the dynamic type of values " "even if you have to run the target."}, {eDynamicDontRunTarget, "no-run-target", "Calculate the dynamic type of values, but don't run the target."} }; OptionEnumValues lldb_private::GetDynamicValueTypes() { return OptionEnumValues(g_dynamic_value_types); } static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_inline_breakpoint_enums[] = { {eInlineBreakpointsNever, "never", "Never look for inline breakpoint " "locations (fastest). This setting " "should only be used if you know that " "no inlining occurs in your programs."}, {eInlineBreakpointsHeaders, "headers", "Only check for inline breakpoint locations when setting breakpoints in " "header files, but not when setting breakpoint in implementation source " "files (default)."}, {eInlineBreakpointsAlways, "always", "Always look for inline breakpoint locations when setting file and line " "breakpoints (slower but most accurate)."} }; typedef enum x86DisassemblyFlavor { eX86DisFlavorDefault, eX86DisFlavorIntel, eX86DisFlavorATT } x86DisassemblyFlavor; static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_x86_dis_flavor_value_types[] = { {eX86DisFlavorDefault, "default", "Disassembler default (currently att)."}, {eX86DisFlavorIntel, "intel", "Intel disassembler flavor."}, {eX86DisFlavorATT, "att", "AT&T disassembler flavor."} }; static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_hex_immediate_style_values[] = { {Disassembler::eHexStyleC, "c", "C-style (0xffff)."}, {Disassembler::eHexStyleAsm, "asm", "Asm-style (0ffffh)."} }; static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_load_script_from_sym_file_values[] = { {eLoadScriptFromSymFileTrue, "true", "Load debug scripts inside symbol files"}, {eLoadScriptFromSymFileFalse, "false", "Do not load debug scripts inside symbol files."}, {eLoadScriptFromSymFileWarn, "warn", "Warn about debug scripts inside symbol files but do not load them."} }; static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_load_current_working_dir_lldbinit_values[] = { {eLoadCWDlldbinitTrue, "true", "Load .lldbinit files from current directory"}, {eLoadCWDlldbinitFalse, "false", "Do not load .lldbinit files from current directory"}, {eLoadCWDlldbinitWarn, "warn", "Warn about loading .lldbinit files from current directory"} }; static constexpr OptionEnumValueElement g_memory_module_load_level_values[] = { {eMemoryModuleLoadLevelMinimal, "minimal", "Load minimal information when loading modules from memory. Currently " "this setting loads sections only."}, {eMemoryModuleLoadLevelPartial, "partial", "Load partial information when loading modules from memory. Currently " "this setting loads sections and function bounds."}, {eMemoryModuleLoadLevelComplete, "complete", "Load complete information when loading modules from memory. Currently " "this setting loads sections and all symbols."} }; static constexpr PropertyDefinition g_properties[] = { {"default-arch", OptionValue::eTypeArch, true, 0, nullptr, {}, "Default architecture to choose, when there's a choice."}, {"move-to-nearest-code", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Move breakpoints to nearest code."}, {"language", OptionValue::eTypeLanguage, false, eLanguageTypeUnknown, nullptr, {}, "The language to use when interpreting expressions entered in commands."}, {"expr-prefix", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Path to a file containing expressions to be prepended to all " "expressions."}, {"prefer-dynamic-value", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eDynamicDontRunTarget, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_dynamic_value_types), "Should printed values be shown as their dynamic value."}, {"enable-synthetic-value", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Should synthetic values be used by default whenever available."}, {"skip-prologue", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Skip function prologues when setting breakpoints by name."}, {"source-map", OptionValue::eTypePathMap, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Source path remappings are used to track the change of location between " "a source file when built, and " "where it exists on the current system. It consists of an array of " "duples, the first element of each duple is " "some part (starting at the root) of the path to the file when it was " "built, " "and the second is where the remainder of the original build hierarchy is " "rooted on the local system. " "Each element of the array is checked in order and the first one that " "results in a match wins."}, {"exec-search-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Executable search paths to use when locating executable files " "whose paths don't match the local file system."}, {"debug-file-search-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "List of directories to be searched when locating debug symbol files. " "See also symbols.enable-external-lookup."}, {"clang-module-search-paths", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpecList, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "List of directories to be searched when locating modules for Clang."}, {"auto-import-clang-modules", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Automatically load Clang modules referred to by the program."}, {"auto-apply-fixits", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Automatically apply fix-it hints to expressions."}, {"notify-about-fixits", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Print the fixed expression text."}, {"save-jit-objects", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, false, nullptr, {}, "Save intermediate object files generated by the LLVM JIT"}, {"max-children-count", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, false, 256, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of children to expand in any level of depth."}, {"max-string-summary-length", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, false, 1024, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of characters to show when using %s in summary strings."}, {"max-memory-read-size", OptionValue::eTypeSInt64, false, 1024, nullptr, {}, "Maximum number of bytes that 'memory read' will fetch before " "--force must be specified."}, {"breakpoints-use-platform-avoid-list", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Consult the platform module avoid list when " "setting non-module specific breakpoints."}, {"arg0", OptionValue::eTypeString, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "The first argument passed to the program in the argument array which can " "be different from the executable itself."}, {"run-args", OptionValue::eTypeArgs, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "A list containing all the arguments to be passed to the executable when " "it is run. Note that this does NOT include the argv[0] which is in " "target.arg0."}, {"env-vars", OptionValue::eTypeDictionary, false, OptionValue::eTypeString, nullptr, {}, "A list of all the environment variables to be passed " "to the executable's environment, and their values."}, {"inherit-env", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Inherit the environment from the process that is running LLDB."}, {"input-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "The file/path to be used by the executable program for reading its " "standard input."}, {"output-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "The file/path to be used by the executable program for writing its " "standard output."}, {"error-path", OptionValue::eTypeFileSpec, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "The file/path to be used by the executable program for writing its " "standard error."}, {"detach-on-error", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "debugserver will detach (rather than killing) a process if it " "loses connection with lldb."}, {"preload-symbols", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Enable loading of symbol tables before they are needed."}, {"disable-aslr", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Disable Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)"}, {"disable-stdio", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, false, nullptr, {}, "Disable stdin/stdout for process (e.g. for a GUI application)"}, {"inline-breakpoint-strategy", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eInlineBreakpointsAlways, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_inline_breakpoint_enums), "The strategy to use when settings breakpoints by file and line. " "Breakpoint locations can end up being inlined by the compiler, so that a " "compile unit 'a.c' might contain an inlined function from another source " "file. " "Usually this is limited to breakpoint locations from inlined functions " "from header or other include files, or more accurately " "non-implementation source files. " "Sometimes code might #include implementation files and cause inlined " "breakpoint locations in inlined implementation files. " "Always checking for inlined breakpoint locations can be expensive " "(memory and time), so if you have a project with many headers " "and find that setting breakpoints is slow, then you can change this " "setting to headers. " "This setting allows you to control exactly which strategy is used when " "setting " "file and line breakpoints."}, // FIXME: This is the wrong way to do per-architecture settings, but we // don't have a general per architecture settings system in place yet. {"x86-disassembly-flavor", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eX86DisFlavorDefault, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_x86_dis_flavor_value_types), "The default disassembly flavor to use for x86 or x86-64 targets."}, {"use-hex-immediates", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Show immediates in disassembly as hexadecimal."}, {"hex-immediate-style", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, Disassembler::eHexStyleC, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_hex_immediate_style_values), "Which style to use for printing hexadecimal disassembly values."}, {"use-fast-stepping", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, true, nullptr, {}, "Use a fast stepping algorithm based on running from branch to " "branch rather than instruction single-stepping."}, {"load-script-from-symbol-file", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eLoadScriptFromSymFileWarn, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_load_script_from_sym_file_values), "Allow LLDB to load scripting resources embedded in symbol files when " "available."}, {"load-cwd-lldbinit", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eLoadCWDlldbinitWarn, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_load_current_working_dir_lldbinit_values), "Allow LLDB to .lldbinit files from the current directory automatically."}, {"memory-module-load-level", OptionValue::eTypeEnum, false, eMemoryModuleLoadLevelComplete, nullptr, OptionEnumValues(g_memory_module_load_level_values), "Loading modules from memory can be slow as reading the symbol tables and " "other data can take a long time depending on your connection to the " "debug target. " "This setting helps users control how much information gets loaded when " "loading modules from memory." "'complete' is the default value for this setting which will load all " "sections and symbols by reading them from memory (slowest, most " "accurate). " "'partial' will load sections and attempt to find function bounds without " "downloading the symbol table (faster, still accurate, missing symbol " "names). " "'minimal' is the fastest setting and will load section data with no " "symbols, but should rarely be used as stack frames in these memory " "regions will be inaccurate and not provide any context (fastest). "}, {"display-expression-in-crashlogs", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, false, nullptr, {}, "Expressions that crash will show up in crash logs if " "the host system supports executable specific crash log " "strings and this setting is set to true."}, {"trap-handler-names", OptionValue::eTypeArray, true, OptionValue::eTypeString, nullptr, {}, "A list of trap handler function names, e.g. a common Unix user process " "one is _sigtramp."}, {"display-runtime-support-values", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, false, nullptr, {}, "If true, LLDB will show variables that are meant to " "support the operation of a language's runtime support."}, {"display-recognized-arguments", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, false, nullptr, {}, "Show recognized arguments in variable listings by default."}, {"non-stop-mode", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Disable lock-step debugging, instead control threads independently."}, {"require-hardware-breakpoint", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, false, 0, nullptr, {}, "Require all breakpoints to be hardware breakpoints."}}; // clang-format on enum { ePropertyDefaultArch, ePropertyMoveToNearestCode, ePropertyLanguage, ePropertyExprPrefix, ePropertyPreferDynamic, ePropertyEnableSynthetic, ePropertySkipPrologue, ePropertySourceMap, ePropertyExecutableSearchPaths, ePropertyDebugFileSearchPaths, ePropertyClangModuleSearchPaths, ePropertyAutoImportClangModules, ePropertyAutoApplyFixIts, ePropertyNotifyAboutFixIts, ePropertySaveObjects, ePropertyMaxChildrenCount, ePropertyMaxSummaryLength, ePropertyMaxMemReadSize, ePropertyBreakpointUseAvoidList, ePropertyArg0, ePropertyRunArgs, ePropertyEnvVars, ePropertyInheritEnv, ePropertyInputPath, ePropertyOutputPath, ePropertyErrorPath, ePropertyDetachOnError, ePropertyPreloadSymbols, ePropertyDisableASLR, ePropertyDisableSTDIO, ePropertyInlineStrategy, ePropertyDisassemblyFlavor, ePropertyUseHexImmediates, ePropertyHexImmediateStyle, ePropertyUseFastStepping, ePropertyLoadScriptFromSymbolFile, ePropertyLoadCWDlldbinitFile, ePropertyMemoryModuleLoadLevel, ePropertyDisplayExpressionsInCrashlogs, ePropertyTrapHandlerNames, ePropertyDisplayRuntimeSupportValues, ePropertyDisplayRecognizedArguments, ePropertyNonStopModeEnabled, ePropertyRequireHardwareBreakpoints, ePropertyExperimental, }; class TargetOptionValueProperties : public OptionValueProperties { public: TargetOptionValueProperties(const ConstString &name) : OptionValueProperties(name), m_target(nullptr), m_got_host_env(false) {} // This constructor is used when creating TargetOptionValueProperties when it // is part of a new lldb_private::Target instance. It will copy all current // global property values as needed TargetOptionValueProperties(Target *target, const TargetPropertiesSP &target_properties_sp) : OptionValueProperties(*target_properties_sp->GetValueProperties()), m_target(target), m_got_host_env(false) {} const Property *GetPropertyAtIndex(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, bool will_modify, uint32_t idx) const override { // When getting the value for a key from the target options, we will always // try and grab the setting from the current target if there is one. Else // we just use the one from this instance. if (idx == ePropertyEnvVars) GetHostEnvironmentIfNeeded(); if (exe_ctx) { Target *target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr(); if (target) { TargetOptionValueProperties *target_properties = static_cast( target->GetValueProperties().get()); if (this != target_properties) return target_properties->ProtectedGetPropertyAtIndex(idx); } } return ProtectedGetPropertyAtIndex(idx); } lldb::TargetSP GetTargetSP() { return m_target->shared_from_this(); } protected: void GetHostEnvironmentIfNeeded() const { if (!m_got_host_env) { if (m_target) { m_got_host_env = true; const uint32_t idx = ePropertyInheritEnv; if (GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0)) { PlatformSP platform_sp(m_target->GetPlatform()); if (platform_sp) { Environment env = platform_sp->GetEnvironment(); OptionValueDictionary *env_dict = GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueDictionary(nullptr, ePropertyEnvVars); if (env_dict) { const bool can_replace = false; for (const auto &KV : env) { // Don't allow existing keys to be replaced with ones we get // from the platform environment env_dict->SetValueForKey( ConstString(KV.first()), OptionValueSP(new OptionValueString(KV.second.c_str())), can_replace); } } } } } } } Target *m_target; mutable bool m_got_host_env; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TargetProperties //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static constexpr PropertyDefinition g_experimental_properties[]{ {"inject-local-vars", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, true, nullptr, {}, "If true, inject local variables explicitly into the expression text. " "This will fix symbol resolution when there are name collisions between " "ivars and local variables. " "But it can make expressions run much more slowly."}, {"use-modern-type-lookup", OptionValue::eTypeBoolean, true, false, nullptr, {}, "If true, use Clang's modern type lookup infrastructure."}}; enum { ePropertyInjectLocalVars = 0, ePropertyUseModernTypeLookup }; class TargetExperimentalOptionValueProperties : public OptionValueProperties { public: TargetExperimentalOptionValueProperties() : OptionValueProperties( ConstString(Properties::GetExperimentalSettingsName())) {} }; TargetExperimentalProperties::TargetExperimentalProperties() : Properties(OptionValuePropertiesSP( new TargetExperimentalOptionValueProperties())) { m_collection_sp->Initialize(g_experimental_properties); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TargetProperties //---------------------------------------------------------------------- TargetProperties::TargetProperties(Target *target) : Properties(), m_launch_info() { if (target) { m_collection_sp.reset( new TargetOptionValueProperties(target, Target::GetGlobalProperties())); // Set callbacks to update launch_info whenever "settins set" updated any // of these properties m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyArg0, TargetProperties::Arg0ValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyRunArgs, TargetProperties::RunArgsValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyEnvVars, TargetProperties::EnvVarsValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyInputPath, TargetProperties::InputPathValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyOutputPath, TargetProperties::OutputPathValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyErrorPath, TargetProperties::ErrorPathValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyDetachOnError, TargetProperties::DetachOnErrorValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyDisableASLR, TargetProperties::DisableASLRValueChangedCallback, this); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback( ePropertyDisableSTDIO, TargetProperties::DisableSTDIOValueChangedCallback, this); m_experimental_properties_up.reset(new TargetExperimentalProperties()); m_collection_sp->AppendProperty( ConstString(Properties::GetExperimentalSettingsName()), ConstString("Experimental settings - setting these won't produce " "errors if the setting is not present."), true, m_experimental_properties_up->GetValueProperties()); // Update m_launch_info once it was created Arg0ValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); RunArgsValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); // EnvVarsValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); // FIXME: cause segfault in // Target::GetPlatform() InputPathValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); OutputPathValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); ErrorPathValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); DetachOnErrorValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); DisableASLRValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); DisableSTDIOValueChangedCallback(this, nullptr); } else { m_collection_sp.reset( new TargetOptionValueProperties(ConstString("target"))); m_collection_sp->Initialize(g_properties); m_experimental_properties_up.reset(new TargetExperimentalProperties()); m_collection_sp->AppendProperty( ConstString(Properties::GetExperimentalSettingsName()), ConstString("Experimental settings - setting these won't produce " "errors if the setting is not present."), true, m_experimental_properties_up->GetValueProperties()); m_collection_sp->AppendProperty( ConstString("process"), ConstString("Settings specific to processes."), true, Process::GetGlobalProperties()->GetValueProperties()); } } TargetProperties::~TargetProperties() = default; bool TargetProperties::GetInjectLocalVariables( ExecutionContext *exe_ctx) const { const Property *exp_property = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndex( exe_ctx, false, ePropertyExperimental); OptionValueProperties *exp_values = exp_property->GetValue()->GetAsProperties(); if (exp_values) return exp_values->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( exe_ctx, ePropertyInjectLocalVars, true); else return true; } void TargetProperties::SetInjectLocalVariables(ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, bool b) { const Property *exp_property = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndex(exe_ctx, true, ePropertyExperimental); OptionValueProperties *exp_values = exp_property->GetValue()->GetAsProperties(); if (exp_values) exp_values->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(exe_ctx, ePropertyInjectLocalVars, true); } bool TargetProperties::GetUseModernTypeLookup() const { const Property *exp_property = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndex( nullptr, false, ePropertyExperimental); OptionValueProperties *exp_values = exp_property->GetValue()->GetAsProperties(); if (exp_values) return exp_values->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, ePropertyUseModernTypeLookup, true); else return true; } ArchSpec TargetProperties::GetDefaultArchitecture() const { OptionValueArch *value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueArch( nullptr, ePropertyDefaultArch); if (value) return value->GetCurrentValue(); return ArchSpec(); } void TargetProperties::SetDefaultArchitecture(const ArchSpec &arch) { OptionValueArch *value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueArch( nullptr, ePropertyDefaultArch); if (value) return value->SetCurrentValue(arch, true); } bool TargetProperties::GetMoveToNearestCode() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyMoveToNearestCode; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } lldb::DynamicValueType TargetProperties::GetPreferDynamicValue() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPreferDynamic; return (lldb::DynamicValueType) m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } bool TargetProperties::SetPreferDynamicValue(lldb::DynamicValueType d) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPreferDynamic; return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration(nullptr, idx, d); } bool TargetProperties::GetPreloadSymbols() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPreloadSymbols; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } void TargetProperties::SetPreloadSymbols(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyPreloadSymbols; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } bool TargetProperties::GetDisableASLR() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisableASLR; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } void TargetProperties::SetDisableASLR(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisableASLR; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } bool TargetProperties::GetDetachOnError() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDetachOnError; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } void TargetProperties::SetDetachOnError(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDetachOnError; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } bool TargetProperties::GetDisableSTDIO() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisableSTDIO; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } void TargetProperties::SetDisableSTDIO(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisableSTDIO; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } const char *TargetProperties::GetDisassemblyFlavor() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisassemblyFlavor; const char *return_value; x86DisassemblyFlavor flavor_value = (x86DisassemblyFlavor)m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); return_value = g_x86_dis_flavor_value_types[flavor_value].string_value; return return_value; } InlineStrategy TargetProperties::GetInlineStrategy() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyInlineStrategy; return (InlineStrategy)m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } llvm::StringRef TargetProperties::GetArg0() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyArg0; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsString(nullptr, idx, llvm::StringRef()); } void TargetProperties::SetArg0(llvm::StringRef arg) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyArg0; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsString( nullptr, idx, arg); m_launch_info.SetArg0(arg); } bool TargetProperties::GetRunArguments(Args &args) const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyRunArgs; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsArgs(nullptr, idx, args); } void TargetProperties::SetRunArguments(const Args &args) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyRunArgs; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexFromArgs(nullptr, idx, args); m_launch_info.GetArguments() = args; } Environment TargetProperties::GetEnvironment() const { // TODO: Get rid of the Args intermediate step Args env; const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEnvVars; m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsArgs(nullptr, idx, env); return Environment(env); } void TargetProperties::SetEnvironment(Environment env) { // TODO: Get rid of the Args intermediate step const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEnvVars; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexFromArgs(nullptr, idx, Args(env)); m_launch_info.GetEnvironment() = std::move(env); } bool TargetProperties::GetSkipPrologue() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertySkipPrologue; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } PathMappingList &TargetProperties::GetSourcePathMap() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertySourceMap; OptionValuePathMappings *option_value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValuePathMappings(nullptr, false, idx); assert(option_value); return option_value->GetCurrentValue(); } FileSpecList &TargetProperties::GetExecutableSearchPaths() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyExecutableSearchPaths; OptionValueFileSpecList *option_value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpecList(nullptr, false, idx); assert(option_value); return option_value->GetCurrentValue(); } FileSpecList &TargetProperties::GetDebugFileSearchPaths() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDebugFileSearchPaths; OptionValueFileSpecList *option_value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpecList(nullptr, false, idx); assert(option_value); return option_value->GetCurrentValue(); } FileSpecList &TargetProperties::GetClangModuleSearchPaths() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyClangModuleSearchPaths; OptionValueFileSpecList *option_value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpecList(nullptr, false, idx); assert(option_value); return option_value->GetCurrentValue(); } bool TargetProperties::GetEnableAutoImportClangModules() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyAutoImportClangModules; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetEnableAutoApplyFixIts() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyAutoApplyFixIts; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetEnableNotifyAboutFixIts() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyNotifyAboutFixIts; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetEnableSaveObjects() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertySaveObjects; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetEnableSyntheticValue() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEnableSynthetic; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } uint32_t TargetProperties::GetMaximumNumberOfChildrenToDisplay() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyMaxChildrenCount; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } uint32_t TargetProperties::GetMaximumSizeOfStringSummary() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyMaxSummaryLength; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } uint32_t TargetProperties::GetMaximumMemReadSize() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyMaxMemReadSize; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsSInt64( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } FileSpec TargetProperties::GetStandardInputPath() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyInputPath; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsFileSpec(nullptr, idx); } void TargetProperties::SetStandardInputPath(llvm::StringRef path) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyInputPath; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsString(nullptr, idx, path); } FileSpec TargetProperties::GetStandardOutputPath() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyOutputPath; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsFileSpec(nullptr, idx); } void TargetProperties::SetStandardOutputPath(llvm::StringRef path) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyOutputPath; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsString(nullptr, idx, path); } FileSpec TargetProperties::GetStandardErrorPath() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyErrorPath; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsFileSpec(nullptr, idx); } void TargetProperties::SetStandardErrorPath(llvm::StringRef path) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyErrorPath; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsString(nullptr, idx, path); } LanguageType TargetProperties::GetLanguage() const { OptionValueLanguage *value = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueLanguage( nullptr, ePropertyLanguage); if (value) return value->GetCurrentValue(); return LanguageType(); } llvm::StringRef TargetProperties::GetExpressionPrefixContents() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyExprPrefix; OptionValueFileSpec *file = m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpec(nullptr, false, idx); if (file) { DataBufferSP data_sp(file->GetFileContents()); if (data_sp) return llvm::StringRef( reinterpret_cast(data_sp->GetBytes()), data_sp->GetByteSize()); } return ""; } bool TargetProperties::GetBreakpointsConsultPlatformAvoidList() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyBreakpointUseAvoidList; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetUseHexImmediates() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyUseHexImmediates; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetUseFastStepping() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyUseFastStepping; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool TargetProperties::GetDisplayExpressionsInCrashlogs() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisplayExpressionsInCrashlogs; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } LoadScriptFromSymFile TargetProperties::GetLoadScriptFromSymbolFile() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLoadScriptFromSymbolFile; return (LoadScriptFromSymFile) m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } LoadCWDlldbinitFile TargetProperties::GetLoadCWDlldbinitFile() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLoadCWDlldbinitFile; return (LoadCWDlldbinitFile)m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } Disassembler::HexImmediateStyle TargetProperties::GetHexImmediateStyle() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyHexImmediateStyle; return (Disassembler::HexImmediateStyle) m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } MemoryModuleLoadLevel TargetProperties::GetMemoryModuleLoadLevel() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyMemoryModuleLoadLevel; return (MemoryModuleLoadLevel) m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsEnumeration( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } bool TargetProperties::GetUserSpecifiedTrapHandlerNames(Args &args) const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyTrapHandlerNames; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsArgs(nullptr, idx, args); } void TargetProperties::SetUserSpecifiedTrapHandlerNames(const Args &args) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyTrapHandlerNames; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexFromArgs(nullptr, idx, args); } bool TargetProperties::GetDisplayRuntimeSupportValues() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisplayRuntimeSupportValues; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, false); } void TargetProperties::SetDisplayRuntimeSupportValues(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisplayRuntimeSupportValues; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } bool TargetProperties::GetDisplayRecognizedArguments() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisplayRecognizedArguments; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, false); } void TargetProperties::SetDisplayRecognizedArguments(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyDisplayRecognizedArguments; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } bool TargetProperties::GetNonStopModeEnabled() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyNonStopModeEnabled; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, false); } void TargetProperties::SetNonStopModeEnabled(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyNonStopModeEnabled; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } const ProcessLaunchInfo &TargetProperties::GetProcessLaunchInfo() { m_launch_info.SetArg0(GetArg0()); // FIXME: Arg0 callback doesn't work return m_launch_info; } void TargetProperties::SetProcessLaunchInfo( const ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info) { m_launch_info = launch_info; SetArg0(launch_info.GetArg0()); SetRunArguments(launch_info.GetArguments()); SetEnvironment(launch_info.GetEnvironment()); const FileAction *input_file_action = launch_info.GetFileActionForFD(STDIN_FILENO); if (input_file_action) { SetStandardInputPath(input_file_action->GetPath()); } const FileAction *output_file_action = launch_info.GetFileActionForFD(STDOUT_FILENO); if (output_file_action) { SetStandardOutputPath(output_file_action->GetPath()); } const FileAction *error_file_action = launch_info.GetFileActionForFD(STDERR_FILENO); if (error_file_action) { SetStandardErrorPath(error_file_action->GetPath()); } SetDetachOnError(launch_info.GetFlags().Test(lldb::eLaunchFlagDetachOnError)); SetDisableASLR(launch_info.GetFlags().Test(lldb::eLaunchFlagDisableASLR)); SetDisableSTDIO(launch_info.GetFlags().Test(lldb::eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO)); } bool TargetProperties::GetRequireHardwareBreakpoints() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyRequireHardwareBreakpoints; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } void TargetProperties::SetRequireHardwareBreakpoints(bool b) { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyRequireHardwareBreakpoints; m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean(nullptr, idx, b); } void TargetProperties::Arg0ValueChangedCallback(void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); this_->m_launch_info.SetArg0(this_->GetArg0()); } void TargetProperties::RunArgsValueChangedCallback(void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); Args args; if (this_->GetRunArguments(args)) this_->m_launch_info.GetArguments() = args; } void TargetProperties::EnvVarsValueChangedCallback(void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); this_->m_launch_info.GetEnvironment() = this_->GetEnvironment(); } void TargetProperties::InputPathValueChangedCallback(void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); this_->m_launch_info.AppendOpenFileAction( STDIN_FILENO, this_->GetStandardInputPath(), true, false); } void TargetProperties::OutputPathValueChangedCallback(void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); this_->m_launch_info.AppendOpenFileAction( STDOUT_FILENO, this_->GetStandardOutputPath(), false, true); } void TargetProperties::ErrorPathValueChangedCallback(void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); this_->m_launch_info.AppendOpenFileAction( STDERR_FILENO, this_->GetStandardErrorPath(), false, true); } void TargetProperties::DetachOnErrorValueChangedCallback( void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); if (this_->GetDetachOnError()) this_->m_launch_info.GetFlags().Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagDetachOnError); else this_->m_launch_info.GetFlags().Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagDetachOnError); } void TargetProperties::DisableASLRValueChangedCallback( void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); if (this_->GetDisableASLR()) this_->m_launch_info.GetFlags().Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagDisableASLR); else this_->m_launch_info.GetFlags().Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagDisableASLR); } void TargetProperties::DisableSTDIOValueChangedCallback( void *target_property_ptr, OptionValue *) { TargetProperties *this_ = reinterpret_cast(target_property_ptr); if (this_->GetDisableSTDIO()) this_->m_launch_info.GetFlags().Set(lldb::eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO); else this_->m_launch_info.GetFlags().Clear(lldb::eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Target::TargetEventData //---------------------------------------------------------------------- Target::TargetEventData::TargetEventData(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp) : EventData(), m_target_sp(target_sp), m_module_list() {} Target::TargetEventData::TargetEventData(const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp, const ModuleList &module_list) : EventData(), m_target_sp(target_sp), m_module_list(module_list) {} Target::TargetEventData::~TargetEventData() = default; const ConstString &Target::TargetEventData::GetFlavorString() { static ConstString g_flavor("Target::TargetEventData"); return g_flavor; } void Target::TargetEventData::Dump(Stream *s) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_module_list.GetSize(); ++i) { if (i != 0) *s << ", "; m_module_list.GetModuleAtIndex(i)->GetDescription( s, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief); } } const Target::TargetEventData * Target::TargetEventData::GetEventDataFromEvent(const Event *event_ptr) { if (event_ptr) { const EventData *event_data = event_ptr->GetData(); if (event_data && event_data->GetFlavor() == TargetEventData::GetFlavorString()) return static_cast(event_ptr->GetData()); } return nullptr; } TargetSP Target::TargetEventData::GetTargetFromEvent(const Event *event_ptr) { TargetSP target_sp; const TargetEventData *event_data = GetEventDataFromEvent(event_ptr); if (event_data) target_sp = event_data->m_target_sp; return target_sp; } ModuleList Target::TargetEventData::GetModuleListFromEvent(const Event *event_ptr) { ModuleList module_list; const TargetEventData *event_data = GetEventDataFromEvent(event_ptr); if (event_data) module_list = event_data->m_module_list; return module_list; }