//===-- MICmnResources.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// //++ // File: MICmnResources.cpp // // Overview: CMICmnResources implementation. // // Environment: Compilers: Visual C++ 12. // gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu9) 4.8.1 // Libraries: See MIReadmetxt. // // Copyright: None. //-- // Third party headers #include "assert.h" // In-house headers: #include "MICmnResources.h" // Instantiations: const CMICmnResources::SRsrcTextData CMICmnResources::ms_pResourceId2TextData[] = { {IDS_PROJNAME, "LLDB Machine Interface Driver (MI) All rights reserved"}, {IDS_MI_VERSION_DESCRIPTION_DEBUG, "Version: (Debug)"}, // See version history in MIDriverMain.cpp {IDS_MI_VERSION_DESCRIPTION, "Version:"}, {IDS_MI_APPNAME_SHORT, "MI"}, {IDS_MI_APPNAME_LONG, "Machine Interface Driver"}, {IDS_MI_APP_FILEPATHNAME, "Application: %s"}, {IDS_MI_APP_ARGS, "Command line args: "}, {IDE_MI_VERSION_GDB, "Version: GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4 \n(This is a MI stub on top of LLDB and not GDB)\nAll rights reserved.\n"}, // *** Eclipse needs this // exactly!! {IDS_UTIL_FILE_ERR_INVALID_PATHNAME, "File Handler. Invalid file name path"}, {IDS_UTIL_FILE_ERR_OPENING_FILE, "File Handler. Error %s opening '%s'"}, {IDS_UTIL_FILE_ERR_OPENING_FILE_UNKNOWN, "File Handler. Unknown error opening '%s'"}, {IDE_UTIL_FILE_ERR_WRITING_FILE, "File Handler. Error %s writing '%s'"}, {IDE_UTIL_FILE_ERR_WRITING_NOTOPEN, "File Handler. File '%s' not open for write"}, {IDS_RESOURCES_ERR_STRING_NOT_FOUND, "Resources. String (%d) not found in resources"}, {IDS_RESOURCES_ERR_STRING_TABLE_INVALID, "Resources. String resource table is not set up"}, {IDS_MI_CLIENT_MSG, "Client message: \"%s\""}, {IDS_LOG_MSG_CREATION_DATE, "Creation date %s time %s%s"}, {IDS_LOG_MSG_FILE_LOGGER_PATH, "File logger path: %s%s"}, {IDS_LOG_MSG_VERSION, "Version: %s%s"}, {IDS_LOG_ERR_FILE_LOGGER_DISABLED, "Log. File logger temporarily disabled due to file error '%s'"}, {IDS_LOG_MEDIUM_ERR_INIT, "Log. Medium '%s' initialise failed. %s"}, {IDS_LOG_MEDIUM_ERR_WRITE_ANY, "Log. Failed to write log data to any medium."}, {IDS_LOG_MEDIUM_ERR_WRITE_MEDIUMFAIL, "Log. One or mediums failed writing log data."}, {IDS_MEDIUMFILE_NAME, "File"}, {IDS_MEDIUMFILE_ERR_INVALID_PATH, ""}, {IDS_MEDIUMFILE_ERR_FILE_HEADER, ""}, {IDS_MEDIUMFILE_NAME_LOG, "File medium. %s"}, {IDE_MEDIUMFILE_ERR_GET_FILE_PATHNAME_SYS, "File Medium. Failed to retrieve the system/executable path for the Log file"}, {IDE_OS_ERR_UNKNOWN, "Unknown OS error"}, {IDE_OS_ERR_RETRIEVING, "Unabled to retrieve OS error message"}, {IDS_DRIVERMGR_DRIVER_ERR_INIT, "Driver Manager. Driver '%s' (ID:'%s') initialise failed. %s"}, {IDE_MEDIUMSTDERR_NAME, "Stderr"}, {IDE_MEDIUMSTDOUT_NAME, "Stdout"}, {IDE_MI_APP_EXIT_OK, "Program exited OK"}, {IDE_MI_APP_EXIT_WITH_PROBLEM, "Program exited with a problem, see '%s' file"}, {IDE_MI_APP_EXIT_WITH_PROBLEM_NO_LOG, "Program exited with a problem, the application's log file '%s' was disabled"}, {IDE_MI_APP_DESCRIPTION, "Description:\nThe Machine Interface Driver (MI Driver) is a stand alone executable\nthat either be used via " "a client i.e. Eclipse or directly from the command\nline. It processes MI commands, actions those commands " "using the internal\ndebugger then forms MI response formatted text which is returned to the\nclient."}, {IDE_MI_APP_INFORMATION, "Information:\nCurrent limitations. The MI Driver currently only handles remote target\ndebugging. Local " "debugging has not been implemented. The MI Driver has\nbeen designed primarily to be used with Eclipse Juno " "and a custom plugin.\nThe custom plugin is not necessary to operate the MI Driver."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_USAGE, "\nMI driver usage:\n\n\tlldb-mi [--longOption] [-s hortOption] [executeable]\n\n[] = optional argument."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_HELP, "-h\n--help\n\tPrints out usage information for the MI debugger. Exit the MI\n\tDriver immediately."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_VERSION, "--version\n\tPrints out GNU (gdb) version information. Exit the MI Driver\n\timmediately."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_VERSION_LONG, "--versionLong\n\tPrints out MI Driver version information. Exit the MI Driver\n\timmediately."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_INTERPRETER, "--interpreter\n\tUse the MI Driver for the debugger (MI mode)(Default is the\n\tLLDB driver). Any LLDB " "command line options are ignored even\n\tif the MI Driver falls through to the LLDB driver. " "(Depends\n\ton the build configuration see MICmnConfig.h)\n\tNormally specified by the driver client " "i.e. Eclipse.\n\tCannot specify an executable with this option, use --executable."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_EXECUTEABLE, "--executable\n\tUse the MI Driver in MI mode for the debugging the specified\n\texecutable. Any LLDB " "command line options are ignored even\n\tif the MI Driver falls through to the LLDB driver. " "(Depends\n\ton the build configuration see MICmnConfig.h)\n\tNormally specified from the command line."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_NO_APP_LOG, "--noLog\n\tUse this argument to tell the MI Driver not to update it's log\n\tfile '%s'."}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_EXAMPLE, "Example MI command:\n\t3-info-gdb-mi-command gdb-set\n\t3^done,command={exists=\"true\"}"}, {IDE_MI_APP_ARG_EXECUTABLE, "executable (NOT IMPLEMENTED)\n\tThe file path to the executable i.e. '\"C:\\My Dev\\foo.exe\"'."}, {IDS_STDIN_ERR_INVALID_PROMPT, "Stdin. Invalid prompt description '%s'"}, {IDS_STDIN_ERR_THREAD_CREATION_FAILED, "Stdin. Thread creation failed '%s'"}, {IDS_STDIN_ERR_THREAD_DELETE, "Stdin. Thread failed to delete '%s'"}, {IDS_STDIN_ERR_CHKING_BYTE_AVAILABLE, "Stdin. Peeking on stdin stream '%s'"}, {IDS_STDIN_INPUT_CTRL_CHARS, "Stdin. Receive characters not handled as a command: "}, {IDS_CMD_QUIT_HELP, "MI Driver Command: quit\n\tExit the MI Driver application."}, {IDS_THREADMGR_ERR_THREAD_ID_INVALID, "Thread Mgr. Thread ID '%s' is not valid"}, {IDS_THREADMGR_ERR_THREAD_FAIL_CREATE, "Thread Mgr: Failed to create thread '%s'"}, {IDS_THREADMGR_ERR_THREAD_ID_NOT_FOUND, "Thread Mgr: Thread with ID '%s' not found"}, {IDS_THREADMGR_ERR_THREAD_STILL_ALIVE, "Thread Mgr: The thread(s) are still alive at Thread Mgr shutdown: %s"}, {IDS_FALLTHRU_DRIVER_CMD_RECEIVED, "Fall Thru Driver. Received command '%s'. Is was %shandled"}, {IDS_CMDFACTORY_ERR_INVALID_CMD_NAME, "Command factory. MI command name '%s' is invalid"}, {IDS_CMDFACTORY_ERR_INVALID_CMD_CR8FN, "Command factory. Command creation function invalid for command '%s'. Does function exist? Pointer assigned to it?"}, {IDS_CMDFACTORY_ERR_CMD_NOT_REGISTERED, "Command factory. Command '%s' not registered"}, {IDS_CMDFACTORY_ERR_CMD_ALREADY_REGED, "Command factory. Command '%s' by that name already registered"}, {IDS_CMDMGR_ERR_CMD_FAILED_CREATE, "Command manager. Command creation failed. %s"}, {IDS_CMDMGR_ERR_CMD_INVOKER, "Command manager. %s "}, {IDS_PROCESS_SIGNAL_RECEIVED, "Process signal. Application received signal '%s' (%d)"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOG, "Log. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_RESOURCES, "Resources. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_INIT, "Driver. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDIN, "Stdin. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDIN_OSHANDLER, "Stdin. The OS specific stdin stream handler has not been specified for this OS"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_OS_STDIN_HANDLER, "Stdin handler. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDOUT, "Stdout. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_STREAMSTDERR, "Stderr. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_FALLTHRUDRIVER, "Fall Through Driver. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_THREADMGR, "Thread Mgr. Error occurred during initialisation %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDINTERPRETER, "Command interpreter. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDMGR, "Command manager. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDFACTORY, "Command factory. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDINVOKER, "Command invoker. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CMDMONITOR, "Command monitor. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LLDBDEBUGGER, "LLDB Debugger. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_DRIVERMGR, "Driver manager. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_DRIVER, "Driver. %s"}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_OUTOFBANDHANDLER, "Out-of-band handler. %s "}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_DEBUGSESSIONINFO, "LLDB debug session info. %s "}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_THREADMANAGER, "Unable to init thread manager."}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_CLIENT_USING_DRIVER, "Initialising the client to this driver failed."}, {IDS_MI_INIT_ERR_LOCAL_DEBUG_SESSION, "Initialising a local debug session failed."}, {IDS_CODE_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "Code. Invalid parameter passed to function '%s'"}, {IDS_CODE_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_NULL_POINTER, "Code. NULL pointer passes as a parameter to function '%s'"}, {IDS_CODE_ERR_INVALID_ENUMERATION_VALUE, "Code. Invalid enumeration value encountered in function '%s'"}, { IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_INVALIDLISTENER, "LLDB Debugger. LLDB Listener is not valid", }, { IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_INVALIDDEBUGGER, "LLDB Debugger. LLDB Debugger is not valid", }, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_CLIENTDRIVER, "LLDB Debugger. CMIDriverBase derived driver needs to be set prior to CMICmnLLDBDDebugger initialisation"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_STARTLISTENER, "LLDB Debugger. Starting listening events for '%s' failed"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_THREADCREATIONFAIL, "LLDB Debugger. Thread creation failed '%s'"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_THREAD_DELETE, "LLDB Debugger. Thread failed to delete '%s'"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_INVALIDBROADCASTER, "LLDB Debugger. Invalid SB broadcaster class name '%s' "}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_INVALIDCLIENTNAME, "LLDB Debugger. Invalid client name '%s' "}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_CLIENTNOTREGISTERD, "LLDB Debugger. Client name '%s' not registered for listening events"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_STOPLISTENER, "LLDB Debugger. Failure occurred stopping event for client '%s' SBBroadcaster '%s'"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_ERR_BROARDCASTER_NAME, "LLDB Debugger. Broardcaster's name '%s' is not valid"}, {IDS_LLDBDEBUGGER_WRN_UNKNOWN_EVENT, "LLDB Debugger. Unhandled event '%s'"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_UNKNOWN_EVENT, "LLDB Out-of-band. Handling event for '%s', an event enumeration '%d' not recognised"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_PROCESS_INVALID, "LLDB Out-of-band. Invalid '%s' in '%s'"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_BRKPT_NOTFOUND, "LLDB Out-of-band. %s. Breakpoint information for breakpoint ID %d not found"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_BRKPT_INFO_GET, "LLDB Out-of-band. %s. Failed to retrieve breakpoint information for for breakpoint ID %d"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_BRKPT_INFO_SET, "LLDB Out-of-band. %s. Failed to set breakpoint information for for breakpoint ID %d"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_FORM_MI_RESPONSE, "LLDB Out-of-band. %s. Failed to form the MI Out-of-band response"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_FRAME_INFO_GET, "LLDB Out-of-band. %s. Failed to retrieve frame information"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_SETNEWDRIVERSTATE, "LLDB Out-of-band. %s. Event handler tried to set new MI Driver running state and failed. %s"}, {IDS_LLDBOUTOFBAND_ERR_BRKPT_CNT_EXCEEDED, "LLDB Out-of-band. '%s'. Number of valid breakpoint exceeded %d. Cannot create new breakpoint with ID %d"}, {IDS_DBGSESSION_ERR_SHARED_DATA_RELEASE, "LLDB debug session info. Release some or all of the data shared across command instances failed"}, {IDS_DBGSESSION_ERR_SHARED_DATA_ADD, "LLDB debug session info. Failed to add '%s' data to the shared data command container"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_LOG, "Log. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHUTDOWN_ERR, "Server shutdown failure. %s"}, {IDE_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_RESOURCES, "Resources. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDE_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_STREAMSTDIN, "Stdin. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_OS_STDIN_HANDLER, "Stdin handler. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_STREAMSTDOUT, "Stdout. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_STREAMSTDERR, "Stderr. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_THREADMGR, "Thread Mgr. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_CMDINTERPRETER, "Command interpreter. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_CMDMGR, "Command manager. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_CMDFACTORY, "Command factory. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_CMDMONITOR, "Command invoker. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_CMDINVOKER, "Command monitor. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_LLDBDEBUGGER, "LLDB Debugger. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_DRIVERMGR, "Driver manager. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_DRIVER, "Driver. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_OUTOFBANDHANDLER, "Out-of-band handler. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDS_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_DEBUGSESSIONINFO, "LLDB debug session info. Error occurred during shutdown. %s"}, {IDE_MI_SHTDWN_ERR_THREADMANAGER, "Unable to shutdown thread manager"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_PARSE_ARGS, "Driver. Driver '%s'. Parse args error '%s'"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_PARSE_ARGS_UNKNOWN, "Driver. Driver '%s'. Parse args error unknown"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_CURRENT_NOT_SET, "Driver. Current working driver has not been set. Call CMIDriverMgr::SetUseThisDriverToDoWork()"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_NON_REGISTERED, "Driver. No suitable drivers registered with the CMIDriverMgr to do work"}, {IDS_DRIVER_SAY_DRIVER_USING, "Driver. Using driver '%s' internally"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_ID_INVALID, "Driver. Driver '%s' invalid ID '%s'"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_FALLTHRU_DRIVER_ERR, "Driver. Fall through driver '%s' (ID:'%s') error '%s'"}, {IDS_DRIVER_CMD_RECEIVED, "Driver. Received command '%s'. It was %shandled%s"}, {IDS_DRIVER_CMD_NOT_IN_FACTORY, ". Command '%s' not in Command Factory"}, { IDS_DRIVER_ERR_DRIVER_STATE_ERROR, "Driver. Driver running state error. Cannot go to next state from present state as not allowed", }, {IDS_DRIVER_WAITING_STDIN_DATA, "Driver. Main thread suspended waiting on Stdin Monitor to resume main thread"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_MAINLOOP, "Driver. Error in do main loop. %s"}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_LOCAL_DEBUG_NOT_IMPL, "Driver. --executable argument given. Local debugging is not implemented."}, {IDS_DRIVER_ERR_LOCAL_DEBUG_INIT, "Driver. --executable argument given. Initialising local debugging failed."}, {IDS_STDOUT_ERR_NOT_ALL_DATA_WRITTEN, "Stdout. Not all data was written to stream. The data '%s'"}, {IDS_STDERR_ERR_NOT_ALL_DATA_WRITTEN, "Stderr. Not all data was written to stream. The data '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_N_OPTIONS_REQUIRED, "Command Args. Missing options, %d or more required"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "Command Args. Option '%s' not found"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_MANDATORY, "Mandatory args not found: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_INVALID, "Invalid args: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_MAN_INVALID, "Mandatory args not found: %s. Invalid args: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_VALIDATION_MISSING_INF, "Args missing additional information: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_CONTEXT_NOT_ALL_EATTEN, "Not all arguments or options were recognised: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ARGS_ERR_PREFIX_MSG, "Command Args. Validation failed. "}, {IDS_VARIANT_ERR_USED_BASECLASS, "Variant container: Variant object used the base class. See CMIUtilVariant"}, {IDS_VARIANT_ERR_MAP_KEY_INVALID, "Variant container: Invalid ID '%s'"}, {IDS_WORD_INVALIDBRKTS, ""}, {IDS_WORD_NONE, "None"}, {IDS_WORD_NOT, "not"}, {IDS_WORD_INVALIDEMPTY, ""}, {IDS_WORD_INVALIDNULLPTR, ""}, {IDS_WORD_UNKNOWNBRKTS, ""}, {IDS_WORD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Not implemented"}, {IDS_WORD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_BRKTS, ""}, {IDS_WORD_UNKNOWNTYPE_BRKTS, ""}, {IDS_WORD_ERR_MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_BRKTS, ""}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_N_OPTIONS_REQUIRED, "Command '%s'. Missing options, %d required"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND, "Command '%s'. Option '%s' not found"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_ARGS, "Command '%s'. %s"}, {IDS_CMD_WRN_ARGS_NOT_HANDLED, "Command '%s'. Warning the following options not handled by the command: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_FNFAILED, "Command '%s'. Fn '%s' failed"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_SHARED_DATA_NOT_FOUND, "Command '%s'. Shared data '%s' not found"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_LLDBPROCESS_DETACH, "Command '%s'. Process detach failed. '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_SETWKDIR, "Command '%s'. Failed to set working directory '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_TARGET, "Command '%s'. Target binary '%s' is invalid. %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_TARGET_CURRENT, "Command '%s'. Current SBTarget is invalid"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_TARGET_TYPE, "Command '%s'. Target type '%s' is not recognised"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_TARGET_PLUGIN, "Command '%s'. Target plugin is invalid. %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_CONNECT_TO_TARGET, "Command '%s'. Error connecting to target: '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_TARGETPLUGINCURRENT, "Command '%s'. Current target plugin is invalid"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Command '%s'. Command not implemented"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_DEPRECATED, "Command '%s'. Command not implemented as it has been deprecated"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_CREATE_TARGET, "Command '%s'. Create target failed: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_BRKPT_LOCATION_FORMAT, "Command '%s'. Incorrect format for breakpoint location '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_BRKPT_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Breakpoint '%s' invalid"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_BRKPT_CNT_EXCEEDED, "Command '%s'. Number of valid breakpoint exceeded %d. Cannot create new breakpoint '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_SOME_ERROR, "Command '%s'. Error: %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_THREAD_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Thread ID invalid"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_THREAD_FRAME_RANGE_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Thread frame range invalid"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_FRAME_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Frame ID invalid"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_VARIABLE_DOESNOTEXIST, "Command '%s'. Variable '%s' does not exist"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_VARIABLE_ENUM_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Invalid enumeration for variable '%s' formatted string '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_VARIABLE_EXPRESSIONPATH, "Command '%s'. Failed to get expression for variable '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_VARIABLE_CREATION_FAILED, "Failed to create variable object for '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_CMD_RUN_BUT_NO_ACTION, ""}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_EVENT_HANDLED_BUT_NO_ACTION, ""}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_DISASM_ADDR_START_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Invalid start value '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_DISASM_ADDR_END_INVALID, "Command '%s'. Invalid end value '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILURE, "Command '%s'. Failed to allocate memory %d bytes"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_LLDB_ERR_NOT_READ_WHOLE_BLK, "Command '%s'. LLDB unable to read entire memory block of %u bytes at address 0x%08x"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_LLDB_ERR_READ_MEM_BYTES, "Command '%s'. Unable to read memory block of %u bytes at address 0x%08x: %s "}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_PROCESS, "Command '%s'. Invalid process during debug session"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INVALID_FORMAT_TYPE, "Command '%s'. Invalid var format type '%s'"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_BRKPT_INFO_OBJ_NOT_FOUND, "Command '%s'. Breakpoint information for breakpoint ID %d not found"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_LLDB_ERR_READ_MEM_BYTES, "Command '%s'. Unable to write memory block of %u bytes at address 0x%08x: %s "}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_LLDB_ERR_NOT_WRITE_WHOLEBLK, "Command '%s'. LLDB unable to write entire memory block of %u bytes at address 0x%08x"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_SET_NEW_DRIVER_STATE, "Command '%s'. Command tried to set new MI Driver running state and failed. %s"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INFO_PRINTFN_NOT_FOUND, "The request '%s' was not recogised, not implemented"}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_INFO_PRINTFN_FAILED, "The request '%s' failed."}, {IDS_CMD_ERR_GDBSET_OPT_SOLIBSEARCHPATH, "'solib-search-path' requires at least one argument"}}; //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: CMICmnResources constructor. // Type: Method. // Args: None. // Return: None. // Throws: None. //-- CMICmnResources::CMICmnResources(void) : m_nResourceId2TextDataSize(0) { // Do not use this constructor, use Initialize() } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: CMICmnResources destructor. // Type: Overridden. // Args: None. // Return: None. // Throws: None. //-- CMICmnResources::~CMICmnResources(void) { // Do not use this destructor, use Shutdown() } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Initialize the resources and set locality for the server. // Type: Method. // Args: None. // Return: MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded. // MIstatus::failure - Functional failed. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMICmnResources::Initialize(void) { m_clientUsageRefCnt++; if (m_bInitialized) return MIstatus::success; m_bInitialized = ReadResourceStringData(); return m_bInitialized; } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Release resources for *this object. // Type: Method. // Args: None. // Return: MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded. // MIstatus::failure - Functional failed. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMICmnResources::Shutdown(void) { if (--m_clientUsageRefCnt > 0) return MIstatus::success; if (!m_bInitialized) return MIstatus::success; // Tear down resource explicitly m_mapRscrIdToTextData.clear(); m_bInitialized = false; return MIstatus::success; } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Initialize the resources and set locality for the server. // Type: Method. // Args: None. // Return: MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded. // MIstatus::failure - Functional failed. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMICmnResources::ReadResourceStringData(void) { m_nResourceId2TextDataSize = sizeof ms_pResourceId2TextData / sizeof ms_pResourceId2TextData[0]; for (MIuint i = 0; i < m_nResourceId2TextDataSize; i++) { const SRsrcTextData *pRscrData = &ms_pResourceId2TextData[i]; MapPairRscrIdToTextData_t pr(pRscrData->id, pRscrData->pTextData); m_mapRscrIdToTextData.insert(pr); } return MIstatus::success; } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Retrieve the corresponding text assigned to the resource ID. // Type: Method. // Args: vResourceId - (R) MI resource ID. // Return: CMIUtilString - Resource text. // Throws: None. //-- CMIUtilString CMICmnResources::GetString(const MIuint vResourceId) const { CMIUtilString str; const bool bFound = GetStringFromResource(vResourceId, str); MIunused(bFound); assert(bFound); return str; } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Determine the MI resource ID existings. // Type: Method. // Args: vResourceId - (R) MI resource ID. // Return: True - Exists. // False - Not found. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMICmnResources::HasString(const MIuint vResourceId) const { CMIUtilString str; return GetStringFromResource(vResourceId, str); } //++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Retrieve the resource text data for the given resource ID. If a resourse ID // cannot be found and error is given returning the ID of the resource that // cannot be located. // Type: Method. // Args: vResourceId - (R) MI resource ID. // vrwResourceString - (W) Text. // Return: MIstatus::success - Functional succeeded. // MIstatus::failure - Functional failed. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMICmnResources::GetStringFromResource(const MIuint vResourceId, CMIUtilString &vrwResourceString) const { MapRscrIdToTextData_t::const_iterator it = m_mapRscrIdToTextData.find(vResourceId); if (it == m_mapRscrIdToTextData.end()) { // Check this is a static variable init that needs this before we are ready if (!m_bInitialized) { (const_cast(this))->Initialize(); it = m_mapRscrIdToTextData.find(vResourceId); if (it == m_mapRscrIdToTextData.end()) { vrwResourceString = MIRSRC(IDS_RESOURCES_ERR_STRING_TABLE_INVALID); return MIstatus::failure; } } if (it == m_mapRscrIdToTextData.end()) { vrwResourceString = CMIUtilString::Format(MIRSRC(IDS_RESOURCES_ERR_STRING_NOT_FOUND), vResourceId); return MIstatus::failure; } } const MIuint nRsrcId((*it).first); MIunused(nRsrcId); const MIchar *pRsrcData((*it).second); // Return result vrwResourceString = pRsrcData; return MIstatus::success; }