//===--------------------- TimelineView.cpp ---------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// \brief /// /// This file implements the TimelineView interface. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "TimelineView.h" using namespace llvm; namespace mca { void TimelineView::initialize(unsigned MaxIterations) { unsigned NumInstructions = AsmSequence.getNumIterations() * AsmSequence.size(); if (!MaxIterations) MaxIterations = DEFAULT_ITERATIONS; unsigned NumEntries = std::min(NumInstructions, MaxIterations * AsmSequence.size()); Timeline.resize(NumEntries); TimelineViewEntry NullTVEntry = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; std::fill(Timeline.begin(), Timeline.end(), NullTVEntry); WaitTime.resize(AsmSequence.size()); WaitTimeEntry NullWTEntry = {0, 0, 0, 0}; std::fill(WaitTime.begin(), WaitTime.end(), NullWTEntry); } void TimelineView::onEvent(const HWInstructionEvent &Event) { const unsigned Index = Event.IR.getSourceIndex(); if (CurrentCycle >= MaxCycle || Index >= Timeline.size()) return; switch (Event.Type) { case HWInstructionEvent::Retired: { TimelineViewEntry &TVEntry = Timeline[Index]; TVEntry.CycleRetired = CurrentCycle; // Update the WaitTime entry which corresponds to this Index. WaitTimeEntry &WTEntry = WaitTime[Index % AsmSequence.size()]; WTEntry.Executions++; WTEntry.CyclesSpentInSchedulerQueue += TVEntry.CycleIssued - TVEntry.CycleDispatched; assert(TVEntry.CycleDispatched <= TVEntry.CycleReady); WTEntry.CyclesSpentInSQWhileReady += TVEntry.CycleIssued - TVEntry.CycleReady; WTEntry.CyclesSpentAfterWBAndBeforeRetire += (TVEntry.CycleRetired - 1) - TVEntry.CycleExecuted; break; } case HWInstructionEvent::Ready: Timeline[Index].CycleReady = CurrentCycle; break; case HWInstructionEvent::Issued: Timeline[Index].CycleIssued = CurrentCycle; break; case HWInstructionEvent::Executed: Timeline[Index].CycleExecuted = CurrentCycle; break; case HWInstructionEvent::Dispatched: Timeline[Index].CycleDispatched = CurrentCycle; break; default: return; } LastCycle = std::max(LastCycle, CurrentCycle); } void TimelineView::printWaitTimeEntry(formatted_raw_ostream &OS, const WaitTimeEntry &Entry, unsigned SourceIndex) const { OS << SourceIndex << '.'; OS.PadToColumn(7); if (Entry.Executions == 0) { OS << "- - - - "; } else { double AverageTime1, AverageTime2, AverageTime3; unsigned Executions = Entry.Executions; AverageTime1 = (double)Entry.CyclesSpentInSchedulerQueue / Executions; AverageTime2 = (double)Entry.CyclesSpentInSQWhileReady / Executions; AverageTime3 = (double)Entry.CyclesSpentAfterWBAndBeforeRetire / Executions; OS << Executions; OS.PadToColumn(13); OS << format("%.1f", floor((AverageTime1 * 10) + 0.5) / 10); OS.PadToColumn(20); OS << format("%.1f", floor((AverageTime2 * 10) + 0.5) / 10); OS.PadToColumn(27); OS << format("%.1f", floor((AverageTime3 * 10) + 0.5) / 10); OS.PadToColumn(34); } } void TimelineView::printAverageWaitTimes(raw_ostream &OS) const { if (WaitTime.empty()) return; std::string Buffer; raw_string_ostream TempStream(Buffer); formatted_raw_ostream FOS(TempStream); FOS << "\n\nAverage Wait times (based on the timeline view):\n" << "[0]: Executions\n" << "[1]: Average time spent waiting in a scheduler's queue\n" << "[2]: Average time spent waiting in a scheduler's queue while ready\n" << "[3]: Average time elapsed from WB until retire stage\n\n"; FOS << " [0] [1] [2] [3]\n"; // Use a different string stream for the instruction. std::string Instruction; raw_string_ostream InstrStream(Instruction); for (unsigned I = 0, E = WaitTime.size(); I < E; ++I) { printWaitTimeEntry(FOS, WaitTime[I], I); // Append the instruction info at the end of the line. const MCInst &Inst = AsmSequence.getMCInstFromIndex(I); MCIP.printInst(&Inst, InstrStream, "", STI); InstrStream.flush(); // Consume any tabs or spaces at the beginning of the string. StringRef Str(Instruction); Str = Str.ltrim(); FOS << " " << Str << '\n'; FOS.flush(); Instruction = ""; OS << Buffer; Buffer = ""; } } void TimelineView::printTimelineViewEntry(formatted_raw_ostream &OS, const TimelineViewEntry &Entry, unsigned Iteration, unsigned SourceIndex) const { if (Iteration == 0 && SourceIndex == 0) OS << '\n'; OS << '[' << Iteration << ',' << SourceIndex << ']'; OS.PadToColumn(10); for (unsigned I = 0, E = Entry.CycleDispatched; I < E; ++I) OS << ((I % 5 == 0) ? '.' : ' '); OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::Dispatched; if (Entry.CycleDispatched != Entry.CycleExecuted) { // Zero latency instructions have the same value for CycleDispatched, // CycleIssued and CycleExecuted. for (unsigned I = Entry.CycleDispatched + 1, E = Entry.CycleIssued; I < E; ++I) OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::Waiting; if (Entry.CycleIssued == Entry.CycleExecuted) OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::DisplayChar::Executed; else { if (Entry.CycleDispatched != Entry.CycleIssued) OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::Executing; for (unsigned I = Entry.CycleIssued + 1, E = Entry.CycleExecuted; I < E; ++I) OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::Executing; OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::Executed; } } for (unsigned I = Entry.CycleExecuted + 1, E = Entry.CycleRetired; I < E; ++I) OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::RetireLag; OS << TimelineView::DisplayChar::Retired; // Skip other columns. for (unsigned I = Entry.CycleRetired + 1, E = LastCycle; I <= E; ++I) OS << ((I % 5 == 0 || I == LastCycle) ? '.' : ' '); } static void printTimelineHeader(formatted_raw_ostream &OS, unsigned Cycles) { OS << "\n\nTimeline view:\n"; if (Cycles >= 10) { OS.PadToColumn(10); for (unsigned I = 0; I <= Cycles; ++I) { if (((I / 10) & 1) == 0) OS << ' '; else OS << I % 10; } OS << '\n'; } OS << "Index"; OS.PadToColumn(10); for (unsigned I = 0; I <= Cycles; ++I) { if (((I / 10) & 1) == 0) OS << I % 10; else OS << ' '; } OS << '\n'; } void TimelineView::printTimeline(raw_ostream &OS) const { std::string Buffer; raw_string_ostream StringStream(Buffer); formatted_raw_ostream FOS(StringStream); printTimelineHeader(FOS, LastCycle); FOS.flush(); OS << Buffer; // Use a different string stream for the instruction. std::string Instruction; raw_string_ostream InstrStream(Instruction); for (unsigned I = 0, E = Timeline.size(); I < E; ++I) { Buffer = ""; const TimelineViewEntry &Entry = Timeline[I]; if (Entry.CycleRetired == 0) return; unsigned Iteration = I / AsmSequence.size(); unsigned SourceIndex = I % AsmSequence.size(); printTimelineViewEntry(FOS, Entry, Iteration, SourceIndex); // Append the instruction info at the end of the line. const MCInst &Inst = AsmSequence.getMCInstFromIndex(I); MCIP.printInst(&Inst, InstrStream, "", STI); InstrStream.flush(); // Consume any tabs or spaces at the beginning of the string. StringRef Str(Instruction); Str = Str.ltrim(); FOS << " " << Str << '\n'; FOS.flush(); Instruction = ""; OS << Buffer; } } } // namespace mca