//===- LLVMOutputStyle.cpp ------------------------------------ *- C++ --*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "LLVMOutputStyle.h" #include "C13DebugFragmentVisitor.h" #include "CompactTypeDumpVisitor.h" #include "StreamUtil.h" #include "llvm-pdbdump.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CVTypeDumper.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CVTypeVisitor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/EnumTables.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/Line.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/ModuleDebugFileChecksumFragment.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/ModuleDebugFragmentVisitor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/ModuleDebugInlineeLinesFragment.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/ModuleDebugLineFragment.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/ModuleDebugUnknownFragment.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/SymbolDumper.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeDatabaseVisitor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeDeserializer.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeDumpVisitor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/TypeVisitorCallbackPipeline.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/MSF/MappedBlockStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiModuleDescriptor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/DbiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/EnumTables.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/GlobalsStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/ISectionContribVisitor.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/InfoStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/ModuleDebugStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PDBFile.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/PublicsStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/RawError.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiHashing.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/Native/TpiStream.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBExtras.h" #include "llvm/Object/COFF.h" #include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h" #include using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::codeview; using namespace llvm::msf; using namespace llvm::pdb; namespace { struct PageStats { explicit PageStats(const BitVector &FreePages) : Upm(FreePages), ActualUsedPages(FreePages.size()), MultiUsePages(FreePages.size()), UseAfterFreePages(FreePages.size()) { const_cast(Upm).flip(); // To calculate orphaned pages, we start with the set of pages that the // MSF thinks are used. Each time we find one that actually *is* used, // we unset it. Whichever bits remain set at the end are orphaned. OrphanedPages = Upm; } // The inverse of the MSF File's copy of the Fpm. The basis for which we // determine the allocation status of each page. const BitVector Upm; // Pages which are marked as used in the FPM and are used at least once. BitVector ActualUsedPages; // Pages which are marked as used in the FPM but are used more than once. BitVector MultiUsePages; // Pages which are marked as used in the FPM but are not used at all. BitVector OrphanedPages; // Pages which are marked free in the FPM but are used. BitVector UseAfterFreePages; }; class C13RawVisitor : public C13DebugFragmentVisitor { public: C13RawVisitor(ScopedPrinter &P, PDBFile &F, TypeDatabase &IPI) : C13DebugFragmentVisitor(F), P(P), IPI(IPI) {} Error handleLines() override { if (Lines.empty()) return Error::success(); DictScope DD(P, "Lines"); for (const auto &Fragment : Lines) { DictScope DDD(P, "Block"); P.printNumber("RelocSegment", Fragment.header()->RelocSegment); P.printNumber("RelocOffset", Fragment.header()->RelocOffset); P.printNumber("CodeSize", Fragment.header()->CodeSize); P.printBoolean("HasColumns", Fragment.hasColumnInfo()); for (const auto &L : Fragment) { DictScope DDDD(P, "Lines"); if (auto EC = printFileName("FileName", L.NameIndex)) return EC; for (const auto &N : L.LineNumbers) { DictScope DDD(P, "Line"); LineInfo LI(N.Flags); P.printNumber("Offset", N.Offset); if (LI.isAlwaysStepInto()) P.printString("StepInto", StringRef("Always")); else if (LI.isNeverStepInto()) P.printString("StepInto", StringRef("Never")); else P.printNumber("LineNumberStart", LI.getStartLine()); P.printNumber("EndDelta", LI.getLineDelta()); P.printBoolean("IsStatement", LI.isStatement()); } for (const auto &C : L.Columns) { DictScope DDD(P, "Column"); P.printNumber("Start", C.StartColumn); P.printNumber("End", C.EndColumn); } } } return Error::success(); } Error handleFileChecksums() override { if (!Checksums.hasValue()) return Error::success(); DictScope DD(P, "FileChecksums"); for (const auto &CS : *Checksums) { DictScope DDD(P, "Checksum"); if (auto Result = getNameFromStringTable(CS.FileNameOffset)) P.printString("FileName", *Result); else return Result.takeError(); P.printEnum("Kind", uint8_t(CS.Kind), getFileChecksumNames()); P.printBinaryBlock("Checksum", CS.Checksum); } return Error::success(); } Error handleInlineeLines() override { if (InlineeLines.empty()) return Error::success(); DictScope D(P, "InlineeLines"); for (const auto &IL : InlineeLines) { P.printBoolean("HasExtraFiles", IL.hasExtraFiles()); ListScope LS(P, "Lines"); for (const auto &L : IL) { DictScope DDD(P, "Inlinee"); if (auto EC = printFileName("FileName", L.Header->FileID)) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpTypeRecord("Function", IPI, L.Header->Inlinee)) return EC; P.printNumber("SourceLine", L.Header->SourceLineNum); if (IL.hasExtraFiles()) { ListScope DDDD(P, "ExtraFiles"); for (const auto &EF : L.ExtraFiles) { if (auto EC = printFileName("File", EF)) return EC; } } } } return Error::success(); } private: Error dumpTypeRecord(StringRef Label, TypeDatabase &DB, TypeIndex Index) { CompactTypeDumpVisitor CTDV(DB, Index, &P); CVTypeVisitor Visitor(CTDV); DictScope D(P, Label); if (DB.containsTypeIndex(Index)) { CVType &Type = DB.getTypeRecord(Index); if (auto EC = Visitor.visitTypeRecord(Type)) return EC; } else { P.printString( llvm::formatv("Index: {0:x} (unknown function)", Index.getIndex()) .str()); } return Error::success(); } Error printFileName(StringRef Label, uint32_t Offset) { if (auto Result = getNameFromChecksumsBuffer(Offset)) { P.printString(Label, *Result); return Error::success(); } else return Result.takeError(); } ScopedPrinter &P; TypeDatabase &IPI; }; } static void recordKnownUsedPage(PageStats &Stats, uint32_t UsedIndex) { if (Stats.Upm.test(UsedIndex)) { if (Stats.ActualUsedPages.test(UsedIndex)) Stats.MultiUsePages.set(UsedIndex); Stats.ActualUsedPages.set(UsedIndex); Stats.OrphanedPages.reset(UsedIndex); } else { // The MSF doesn't think this page is used, but it is. Stats.UseAfterFreePages.set(UsedIndex); } } static void printSectionOffset(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SectionOffset &Off) { OS << Off.Off << ", " << Off.Isect; } LLVMOutputStyle::LLVMOutputStyle(PDBFile &File) : File(File), P(outs()) {} Error LLVMOutputStyle::dump() { if (auto EC = dumpFileHeaders()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpStreamSummary()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpFreePageMap()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpStreamBlocks()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpBlockRanges()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpStreamBytes()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpStringTable()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpInfoStream()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpTpiStream(StreamTPI)) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpTpiStream(StreamIPI)) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpDbiStream()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpSectionContribs()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpSectionMap()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpGlobalsStream()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpPublicsStream()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpSectionHeaders()) return EC; if (auto EC = dumpFpoStream()) return EC; flush(); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpFileHeaders() { if (!opts::raw::DumpHeaders) return Error::success(); DictScope D(P, "FileHeaders"); P.printNumber("BlockSize", File.getBlockSize()); P.printNumber("FreeBlockMap", File.getFreeBlockMapBlock()); P.printNumber("NumBlocks", File.getBlockCount()); P.printNumber("NumDirectoryBytes", File.getNumDirectoryBytes()); P.printNumber("Unknown1", File.getUnknown1()); P.printNumber("BlockMapAddr", File.getBlockMapIndex()); P.printNumber("NumDirectoryBlocks", File.getNumDirectoryBlocks()); // The directory is not contiguous. Instead, the block map contains a // contiguous list of block numbers whose contents, when concatenated in // order, make up the directory. P.printList("DirectoryBlocks", File.getDirectoryBlockArray()); P.printNumber("NumStreams", File.getNumStreams()); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpStreamSummary() { if (!opts::raw::DumpStreamSummary) return Error::success(); if (StreamPurposes.empty()) discoverStreamPurposes(File, StreamPurposes); uint32_t StreamCount = File.getNumStreams(); ListScope L(P, "Streams"); for (uint16_t StreamIdx = 0; StreamIdx < StreamCount; ++StreamIdx) { std::string Label("Stream "); Label += to_string(StreamIdx); std::string Value = "[" + StreamPurposes[StreamIdx] + "] ("; Value += to_string(File.getStreamByteSize(StreamIdx)); Value += " bytes)"; P.printString(Label, Value); } P.flush(); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpFreePageMap() { if (!opts::raw::DumpPageStats) return Error::success(); // Start with used pages instead of free pages because // the number of free pages is far larger than used pages. BitVector FPM = File.getMsfLayout().FreePageMap; PageStats PS(FPM); recordKnownUsedPage(PS, 0); // MSF Super Block uint32_t BlocksPerSection = msf::getFpmIntervalLength(File.getMsfLayout()); uint32_t NumSections = msf::getNumFpmIntervals(File.getMsfLayout()); for (uint32_t I = 0; I < NumSections; ++I) { uint32_t Fpm0 = 1 + BlocksPerSection * I; // 2 Fpm blocks spaced at `getBlockSize()` block intervals recordKnownUsedPage(PS, Fpm0); recordKnownUsedPage(PS, Fpm0 + 1); } recordKnownUsedPage(PS, File.getBlockMapIndex()); // Stream Table for (auto DB : File.getDirectoryBlockArray()) recordKnownUsedPage(PS, DB); // Record pages used by streams. Note that pages for stream 0 // are considered being unused because that's what MSVC tools do. // Stream 0 doesn't contain actual data, so it makes some sense, // though it's a bit confusing to us. for (auto &SE : File.getStreamMap().drop_front(1)) for (auto &S : SE) recordKnownUsedPage(PS, S); dumpBitVector("Msf Free Pages", FPM); dumpBitVector("Orphaned Pages", PS.OrphanedPages); dumpBitVector("Multiply Used Pages", PS.MultiUsePages); dumpBitVector("Use After Free Pages", PS.UseAfterFreePages); return Error::success(); } void LLVMOutputStyle::dumpBitVector(StringRef Name, const BitVector &V) { std::vector Vec; for (uint32_t I = 0, E = V.size(); I != E; ++I) if (V[I]) Vec.push_back(I); P.printList(Name, Vec); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpGlobalsStream() { if (!opts::raw::DumpGlobals) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBGlobalsStream()) { P.printString("Globals Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto Globals = File.getPDBGlobalsStream(); if (!Globals) return Globals.takeError(); DictScope D(P, "Globals Stream"); auto Dbi = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!Dbi) return Dbi.takeError(); P.printNumber("Stream number", Dbi->getGlobalSymbolStreamIndex()); P.printNumber("Number of buckets", Globals->getNumBuckets()); P.printList("Hash Buckets", Globals->getHashBuckets()); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpStreamBlocks() { if (!opts::raw::DumpStreamBlocks) return Error::success(); ListScope L(P, "StreamBlocks"); uint32_t StreamCount = File.getNumStreams(); for (uint32_t StreamIdx = 0; StreamIdx < StreamCount; ++StreamIdx) { std::string Name("Stream "); Name += to_string(StreamIdx); auto StreamBlocks = File.getStreamBlockList(StreamIdx); P.printList(Name, StreamBlocks); } return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpBlockRanges() { if (!opts::raw::DumpBlockRange.hasValue()) return Error::success(); auto &R = *opts::raw::DumpBlockRange; uint32_t Max = R.Max.getValueOr(R.Min); if (Max < R.Min) return make_error( "Invalid block range specified. Max < Min", std::make_error_code(std::errc::bad_address)); if (Max >= File.getBlockCount()) return make_error( "Invalid block range specified. Requested block out of bounds", std::make_error_code(std::errc::bad_address)); DictScope D(P, "Block Data"); for (uint32_t I = R.Min; I <= Max; ++I) { auto ExpectedData = File.getBlockData(I, File.getBlockSize()); if (!ExpectedData) return ExpectedData.takeError(); std::string Label; llvm::raw_string_ostream S(Label); S << "Block " << I; S.flush(); P.printBinaryBlock(Label, *ExpectedData); } return Error::success(); } static Error parseStreamSpec(StringRef Str, uint32_t &SI, uint32_t &Offset, uint32_t &Size) { if (Str.consumeInteger(0, SI)) return make_error(raw_error_code::invalid_format, "Invalid Stream Specification"); if (Str.consume_front(":")) { if (Str.consumeInteger(0, Offset)) return make_error(raw_error_code::invalid_format, "Invalid Stream Specification"); } if (Str.consume_front("@")) { if (Str.consumeInteger(0, Size)) return make_error(raw_error_code::invalid_format, "Invalid Stream Specification"); } if (!Str.empty()) return make_error(raw_error_code::invalid_format, "Invalid Stream Specification"); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpStreamBytes() { if (opts::raw::DumpStreamData.empty()) return Error::success(); if (StreamPurposes.empty()) discoverStreamPurposes(File, StreamPurposes); DictScope D(P, "Stream Data"); for (auto &Str : opts::raw::DumpStreamData) { uint32_t SI = 0; uint32_t Begin = 0; uint32_t Size = 0; uint32_t End = 0; if (auto EC = parseStreamSpec(Str, SI, Begin, Size)) return EC; if (SI >= File.getNumStreams()) return make_error(raw_error_code::no_stream); auto S = MappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream(File.getMsfLayout(), File.getMsfBuffer(), SI); if (!S) continue; DictScope DD(P, "Stream"); if (Size == 0) End = S->getLength(); else { End = Begin + Size; if (End >= S->getLength()) return make_error(raw_error_code::index_out_of_bounds, "Stream is not long enough!"); } P.printNumber("Index", SI); P.printString("Type", StreamPurposes[SI]); P.printNumber("Size", S->getLength()); auto Blocks = File.getMsfLayout().StreamMap[SI]; P.printList("Blocks", Blocks); BinaryStreamReader R(*S); ArrayRef StreamData; if (auto EC = R.readBytes(StreamData, S->getLength())) return EC; Size = End - Begin; StreamData = StreamData.slice(Begin, Size); P.printBinaryBlock("Data", StreamData, Begin); } return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpStringTable() { if (!opts::raw::DumpStringTable) return Error::success(); auto IS = File.getStringTable(); if (!IS) return IS.takeError(); DictScope D(P, "String Table"); for (uint32_t I : IS->name_ids()) { auto ES = IS->getStringForID(I); if (!ES) return ES.takeError(); if (ES->empty()) continue; llvm::SmallString<32> Str; Str.append("'"); Str.append(*ES); Str.append("'"); P.printString(Str); } return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpInfoStream() { if (!opts::raw::DumpHeaders) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBInfoStream()) { P.printString("PDB Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto IS = File.getPDBInfoStream(); if (!IS) return IS.takeError(); DictScope D(P, "PDB Stream"); P.printNumber("Version", IS->getVersion()); P.printHex("Signature", IS->getSignature()); P.printNumber("Age", IS->getAge()); P.printObject("Guid", IS->getGuid()); P.printHex("Features", IS->getFeatures()); { DictScope DD(P, "Named Streams"); for (const auto &S : IS->getNamedStreams().entries()) P.printObject(S.getKey(), S.getValue()); } return Error::success(); } namespace { class RecordBytesVisitor : public TypeVisitorCallbacks { public: explicit RecordBytesVisitor(ScopedPrinter &P) : P(P) {} Error visitTypeEnd(CVType &Record) override { P.printBinaryBlock("Bytes", Record.content()); return Error::success(); } private: ScopedPrinter &P; }; } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpTpiStream(uint32_t StreamIdx) { assert(StreamIdx == StreamTPI || StreamIdx == StreamIPI); bool DumpRecordBytes = false; bool DumpRecords = false; bool DumpTpiHash = false; StringRef Label; StringRef VerLabel; if (StreamIdx == StreamTPI) { if (!File.hasPDBTpiStream()) { P.printString("Type Info Stream (TPI) not present"); return Error::success(); } DumpRecordBytes = opts::raw::DumpTpiRecordBytes; DumpRecords = opts::raw::DumpTpiRecords; DumpTpiHash = opts::raw::DumpTpiHash; Label = "Type Info Stream (TPI)"; VerLabel = "TPI Version"; } else if (StreamIdx == StreamIPI) { if (!File.hasPDBIpiStream()) { P.printString("Type Info Stream (IPI) not present"); return Error::success(); } DumpRecordBytes = opts::raw::DumpIpiRecordBytes; DumpRecords = opts::raw::DumpIpiRecords; Label = "Type Info Stream (IPI)"; VerLabel = "IPI Version"; } if (!DumpRecordBytes && !DumpRecords && !DumpTpiHash) return Error::success(); auto Tpi = (StreamIdx == StreamTPI) ? File.getPDBTpiStream() : File.getPDBIpiStream(); if (!Tpi) return Tpi.takeError(); std::unique_ptr StreamScope; std::unique_ptr RecordScope; StreamScope = llvm::make_unique(P, Label); P.printNumber(VerLabel, Tpi->getTpiVersion()); P.printNumber("Record count", Tpi->getNumTypeRecords()); Optional &StreamDB = (StreamIdx == StreamTPI) ? TypeDB : ItemDB; std::vector> Visitors; Visitors.push_back(make_unique()); if (!StreamDB.hasValue()) { StreamDB.emplace(Tpi->getNumTypeRecords()); Visitors.push_back(make_unique(*StreamDB)); } // If we're in dump mode, add a dumper with the appropriate detail level. if (DumpRecords) { std::unique_ptr Dumper; if (opts::raw::CompactRecords) Dumper = make_unique(*StreamDB, &P); else { assert(TypeDB.hasValue()); auto X = make_unique(*TypeDB, &P, false); if (StreamIdx == StreamIPI) X->setItemDB(*ItemDB); Dumper = std::move(X); } Visitors.push_back(std::move(Dumper)); } if (DumpRecordBytes) Visitors.push_back(make_unique(P)); // We always need to deserialize and add it to the type database. This is // true if even if we're not dumping anything, because we could need the // type database for the purposes of dumping symbols. TypeVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline; for (const auto &V : Visitors) Pipeline.addCallbackToPipeline(*V); CVTypeVisitor Visitor(Pipeline); if (DumpRecords || DumpRecordBytes) RecordScope = llvm::make_unique(P, "Records"); bool HadError = false; TypeIndex T(TypeIndex::FirstNonSimpleIndex); for (auto Type : Tpi->types(&HadError)) { std::unique_ptr OneRecordScope; if ((DumpRecords || DumpRecordBytes) && !opts::raw::CompactRecords) OneRecordScope = llvm::make_unique(P, ""); if (auto EC = Visitor.visitTypeRecord(Type)) return EC; T.setIndex(T.getIndex() + 1); } if (HadError) return make_error(raw_error_code::corrupt_file, "TPI stream contained corrupt record"); if (DumpTpiHash) { DictScope DD(P, "Hash"); P.printNumber("Number of Hash Buckets", Tpi->getNumHashBuckets()); P.printNumber("Hash Key Size", Tpi->getHashKeySize()); P.printList("Values", Tpi->getHashValues()); ListScope LHA(P, "Adjusters"); auto ExpectedST = File.getStringTable(); if (!ExpectedST) return ExpectedST.takeError(); const auto &ST = *ExpectedST; for (const auto &E : Tpi->getHashAdjusters()) { DictScope DHA(P); auto Name = ST.getStringForID(E.first); if (!Name) return Name.takeError(); P.printString("Type", *Name); P.printHex("TI", E.second); } } ListScope L(P, "TypeIndexOffsets"); for (const auto &IO : Tpi->getTypeIndexOffsets()) { P.printString(formatv("Index: {0:x}, Offset: {1:N}", IO.Type.getIndex(), (uint32_t)IO.Offset) .str()); } P.flush(); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::buildTypeDatabase(uint32_t SN) { assert(SN == StreamIPI || SN == StreamTPI); auto &DB = (SN == StreamIPI) ? ItemDB : TypeDB; if (DB.hasValue()) return Error::success(); auto Tpi = (SN == StreamTPI) ? File.getPDBTpiStream() : File.getPDBIpiStream(); if (!Tpi) return Tpi.takeError(); DB.emplace(Tpi->getNumTypeRecords()); TypeVisitorCallbackPipeline Pipeline; TypeDeserializer Deserializer; TypeDatabaseVisitor DBV(*DB); Pipeline.addCallbackToPipeline(Deserializer); Pipeline.addCallbackToPipeline(DBV); auto HashValues = Tpi->getHashValues(); std::unique_ptr HashVerifier; if (!HashValues.empty()) { HashVerifier = make_unique(HashValues, Tpi->getNumHashBuckets()); Pipeline.addCallbackToPipeline(*HashVerifier); } CVTypeVisitor Visitor(Pipeline); return Visitor.visitTypeStream(Tpi->types(nullptr)); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpDbiStream() { bool DumpModules = opts::raw::DumpModules || opts::raw::DumpModuleSyms || opts::raw::DumpModuleFiles || opts::raw::DumpLineInfo; if (!opts::raw::DumpHeaders && !DumpModules) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream()) { P.printString("DBI Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto DS = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!DS) return DS.takeError(); DictScope D(P, "DBI Stream"); P.printNumber("Dbi Version", DS->getDbiVersion()); P.printNumber("Age", DS->getAge()); P.printBoolean("Incremental Linking", DS->isIncrementallyLinked()); P.printBoolean("Has CTypes", DS->hasCTypes()); P.printBoolean("Is Stripped", DS->isStripped()); P.printObject("Machine Type", DS->getMachineType()); P.printNumber("Symbol Record Stream Index", DS->getSymRecordStreamIndex()); P.printNumber("Public Symbol Stream Index", DS->getPublicSymbolStreamIndex()); P.printNumber("Global Symbol Stream Index", DS->getGlobalSymbolStreamIndex()); uint16_t Major = DS->getBuildMajorVersion(); uint16_t Minor = DS->getBuildMinorVersion(); P.printVersion("Toolchain Version", Major, Minor); std::string DllName; raw_string_ostream DllStream(DllName); DllStream << "mspdb" << Major << Minor << ".dll version"; DllStream.flush(); P.printVersion(DllName, Major, Minor, DS->getPdbDllVersion()); if (DumpModules) { ListScope L(P, "Modules"); const DbiModuleList &Modules = DS->modules(); for (uint32_t I = 0; I < Modules.getModuleCount(); ++I) { const DbiModuleDescriptor &Modi = Modules.getModuleDescriptor(I); DictScope DD(P); P.printString("Name", Modi.getModuleName().str()); P.printNumber("Debug Stream Index", Modi.getModuleStreamIndex()); P.printString("Object File Name", Modi.getObjFileName().str()); P.printNumber("Num Files", Modi.getNumberOfFiles()); P.printNumber("Source File Name Idx", Modi.getSourceFileNameIndex()); P.printNumber("Pdb File Name Idx", Modi.getPdbFilePathNameIndex()); P.printNumber("Line Info Byte Size", Modi.getC11LineInfoByteSize()); P.printNumber("C13 Line Info Byte Size", Modi.getC13LineInfoByteSize()); P.printNumber("Symbol Byte Size", Modi.getSymbolDebugInfoByteSize()); P.printNumber("Type Server Index", Modi.getTypeServerIndex()); P.printBoolean("Has EC Info", Modi.hasECInfo()); if (opts::raw::DumpModuleFiles) { std::string FileListName = to_string(Modules.getSourceFileCount(I)) + " Contributing Source Files"; ListScope LL(P, FileListName); for (auto File : Modules.source_files(I)) P.printString(File); } bool HasModuleDI = (Modi.getModuleStreamIndex() < File.getNumStreams()); bool ShouldDumpSymbols = (opts::raw::DumpModuleSyms || opts::raw::DumpSymRecordBytes); if (HasModuleDI && (ShouldDumpSymbols || opts::raw::DumpLineInfo)) { auto ModStreamData = MappedBlockStream::createIndexedStream( File.getMsfLayout(), File.getMsfBuffer(), Modi.getModuleStreamIndex()); ModuleDebugStreamRef ModS(Modi, std::move(ModStreamData)); if (auto EC = ModS.reload()) return EC; if (ShouldDumpSymbols) { if (auto EC = buildTypeDatabase(StreamTPI)) return EC; ListScope SS(P, "Symbols"); codeview::CVSymbolDumper SD(P, *TypeDB, nullptr, false); bool HadError = false; for (auto S : ModS.symbols(&HadError)) { DictScope LL(P, ""); if (opts::raw::DumpModuleSyms) { if (auto EC = SD.dump(S)) { llvm::consumeError(std::move(EC)); HadError = true; break; } } if (opts::raw::DumpSymRecordBytes) P.printBinaryBlock("Bytes", S.content()); } if (HadError) return make_error( raw_error_code::corrupt_file, "DBI stream contained corrupt symbol record"); } if (opts::raw::DumpLineInfo) { ListScope SS(P, "LineInfo"); if (auto EC = buildTypeDatabase(StreamIPI)) return EC; C13RawVisitor V(P, File, *ItemDB); if (auto EC = codeview::visitModuleDebugFragments( ModS.linesAndChecksums(), V)) return EC; } } } } return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpSectionContribs() { if (!opts::raw::DumpSectionContribs) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream()) { P.printString("DBI Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto Dbi = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!Dbi) return Dbi.takeError(); ListScope L(P, "Section Contributions"); class Visitor : public ISectionContribVisitor { public: Visitor(ScopedPrinter &P, DbiStream &DS) : P(P), DS(DS) {} void visit(const SectionContrib &SC) override { DictScope D(P, "Contribution"); P.printNumber("ISect", SC.ISect); P.printNumber("Off", SC.Off); P.printNumber("Size", SC.Size); P.printFlags("Characteristics", SC.Characteristics, codeview::getImageSectionCharacteristicNames(), COFF::SectionCharacteristics(0x00F00000)); { DictScope DD(P, "Module"); P.printNumber("Index", SC.Imod); const DbiModuleList &Modules = DS.modules(); if (Modules.getModuleCount() > SC.Imod) { P.printString("Name", Modules.getModuleDescriptor(SC.Imod).getModuleName()); } } P.printNumber("Data CRC", SC.DataCrc); P.printNumber("Reloc CRC", SC.RelocCrc); P.flush(); } void visit(const SectionContrib2 &SC) override { visit(SC.Base); P.printNumber("ISect Coff", SC.ISectCoff); P.flush(); } private: ScopedPrinter &P; DbiStream &DS; }; Visitor V(P, *Dbi); Dbi->visitSectionContributions(V); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpSectionMap() { if (!opts::raw::DumpSectionMap) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream()) { P.printString("DBI Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto Dbi = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!Dbi) return Dbi.takeError(); ListScope L(P, "Section Map"); for (auto &M : Dbi->getSectionMap()) { DictScope D(P, "Entry"); P.printFlags("Flags", M.Flags, getOMFSegMapDescFlagNames()); P.printNumber("Ovl", M.Ovl); P.printNumber("Group", M.Group); P.printNumber("Frame", M.Frame); P.printNumber("SecName", M.SecName); P.printNumber("ClassName", M.ClassName); P.printNumber("Offset", M.Offset); P.printNumber("SecByteLength", M.SecByteLength); P.flush(); } return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpPublicsStream() { if (!opts::raw::DumpPublics) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBPublicsStream()) { P.printString("Publics Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto Publics = File.getPDBPublicsStream(); if (!Publics) return Publics.takeError(); DictScope D(P, "Publics Stream"); auto Dbi = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!Dbi) return Dbi.takeError(); P.printNumber("Stream number", Dbi->getPublicSymbolStreamIndex()); P.printNumber("SymHash", Publics->getSymHash()); P.printNumber("AddrMap", Publics->getAddrMap()); P.printNumber("Number of buckets", Publics->getNumBuckets()); P.printList("Hash Buckets", Publics->getHashBuckets()); P.printList("Address Map", Publics->getAddressMap()); P.printList("Thunk Map", Publics->getThunkMap()); P.printList("Section Offsets", Publics->getSectionOffsets(), printSectionOffset); ListScope L(P, "Symbols"); if (auto EC = buildTypeDatabase(StreamTPI)) return EC; codeview::CVSymbolDumper SD(P, *TypeDB, nullptr, false); bool HadError = false; for (auto S : Publics->getSymbols(&HadError)) { DictScope DD(P, ""); if (auto EC = SD.dump(S)) { HadError = true; break; } if (opts::raw::DumpSymRecordBytes) P.printBinaryBlock("Bytes", S.content()); } if (HadError) return make_error( raw_error_code::corrupt_file, "Public symbol stream contained corrupt record"); return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpSectionHeaders() { if (!opts::raw::DumpSectionHeaders) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream()) { P.printString("DBI Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto Dbi = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!Dbi) return Dbi.takeError(); ListScope D(P, "Section Headers"); for (const object::coff_section &Section : Dbi->getSectionHeaders()) { DictScope DD(P, ""); // If a name is 8 characters long, there is no NUL character at end. StringRef Name(Section.Name, strnlen(Section.Name, sizeof(Section.Name))); P.printString("Name", Name); P.printNumber("Virtual Size", Section.VirtualSize); P.printNumber("Virtual Address", Section.VirtualAddress); P.printNumber("Size of Raw Data", Section.SizeOfRawData); P.printNumber("File Pointer to Raw Data", Section.PointerToRawData); P.printNumber("File Pointer to Relocations", Section.PointerToRelocations); P.printNumber("File Pointer to Linenumbers", Section.PointerToLinenumbers); P.printNumber("Number of Relocations", Section.NumberOfRelocations); P.printNumber("Number of Linenumbers", Section.NumberOfLinenumbers); P.printFlags("Characteristics", Section.Characteristics, getImageSectionCharacteristicNames()); } return Error::success(); } Error LLVMOutputStyle::dumpFpoStream() { if (!opts::raw::DumpFpo) return Error::success(); if (!File.hasPDBDbiStream()) { P.printString("DBI Stream not present"); return Error::success(); } auto Dbi = File.getPDBDbiStream(); if (!Dbi) return Dbi.takeError(); ListScope D(P, "New FPO"); for (const object::FpoData &Fpo : Dbi->getFpoRecords()) { DictScope DD(P, ""); P.printNumber("Offset", Fpo.Offset); P.printNumber("Size", Fpo.Size); P.printNumber("Number of locals", Fpo.NumLocals); P.printNumber("Number of params", Fpo.NumParams); P.printNumber("Size of Prolog", Fpo.getPrologSize()); P.printNumber("Number of Saved Registers", Fpo.getNumSavedRegs()); P.printBoolean("Has SEH", Fpo.hasSEH()); P.printBoolean("Use BP", Fpo.useBP()); P.printNumber("Frame Pointer", Fpo.getFP()); } return Error::success(); } void LLVMOutputStyle::flush() { P.flush(); }