//===- PrettyTypeDumper.cpp - PDBSymDumper type dumper *------------ C++ *-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "PrettyTypeDumper.h" #include "LinePrinter.h" #include "PrettyBuiltinDumper.h" #include "PrettyClassDefinitionDumper.h" #include "PrettyEnumDumper.h" #include "PrettyTypedefDumper.h" #include "llvm-pdbdump.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/IPDBSession.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolExe.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolTypeBuiltin.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolTypeEnum.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolTypeTypedef.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolTypeUDT.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/UDTLayout.h" #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::pdb; using LayoutPtr = std::unique_ptr; typedef bool (*CompareFunc)(const LayoutPtr &S1, const LayoutPtr &S2); static bool CompareNames(const LayoutPtr &S1, const LayoutPtr &S2) { return S1->getUDTName() < S2->getUDTName(); } static bool CompareSizes(const LayoutPtr &S1, const LayoutPtr &S2) { return S1->getClassSize() < S2->getClassSize(); } static bool ComparePadding(const LayoutPtr &S1, const LayoutPtr &S2) { return S1->deepPaddingSize() < S2->deepPaddingSize(); } static CompareFunc getComparisonFunc(opts::pretty::ClassSortMode Mode) { switch (Mode) { case opts::pretty::ClassSortMode::Name: return CompareNames; case opts::pretty::ClassSortMode::Size: return CompareSizes; case opts::pretty::ClassSortMode::Padding: return ComparePadding; default: return nullptr; } } template static std::vector> filterAndSortClassDefs(LinePrinter &Printer, Enumerator &E, uint32_t UnfilteredCount) { std::vector> Filtered; Filtered.reserve(UnfilteredCount); CompareFunc Comp = getComparisonFunc(opts::pretty::ClassOrder); uint32_t Examined = 0; uint32_t Discarded = 0; while (auto Class = E.getNext()) { ++Examined; if (Examined % 10000 == 0) { outs() << formatv("Examined {0}/{1} items. {2} items discarded\n", Examined, UnfilteredCount, Discarded); outs().flush(); } if (Class->getUnmodifiedTypeId() != 0) { ++Discarded; continue; } if (Printer.IsTypeExcluded(Class->getName(), Class->getLength())) { ++Discarded; continue; } auto Layout = llvm::make_unique(std::move(Class)); if (Layout->deepPaddingSize() < opts::pretty::PaddingThreshold) { ++Discarded; continue; } Filtered.push_back(std::move(Layout)); } if (Comp) std::sort(Filtered.begin(), Filtered.end(), Comp); return Filtered; } TypeDumper::TypeDumper(LinePrinter &P) : PDBSymDumper(true), Printer(P) {} void TypeDumper::start(const PDBSymbolExe &Exe) { if (opts::pretty::Enums) { auto Enums = Exe.findAllChildren(); Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Enums"; Printer << ": (" << Enums->getChildCount() << " items)"; Printer.Indent(); while (auto Enum = Enums->getNext()) Enum->dump(*this); Printer.Unindent(); } if (opts::pretty::Typedefs) { auto Typedefs = Exe.findAllChildren(); Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Typedefs"; Printer << ": (" << Typedefs->getChildCount() << " items)"; Printer.Indent(); while (auto Typedef = Typedefs->getNext()) Typedef->dump(*this); Printer.Unindent(); } if (opts::pretty::Classes) { auto Classes = Exe.findAllChildren(); uint32_t All = Classes->getChildCount(); Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Classes"; bool Precompute = false; Precompute = (opts::pretty::ClassOrder != opts::pretty::ClassSortMode::None); // If we're using no sort mode, then we can start getting immediate output // from the tool by just filtering as we go, rather than processing // everything up front so that we can sort it. This makes the tool more // responsive. So only precompute the filtered/sorted set of classes if // necessary due to the specified options. std::vector Filtered; uint32_t Shown = All; if (Precompute) { Filtered = filterAndSortClassDefs(Printer, *Classes, All); Shown = Filtered.size(); } Printer << ": (Showing " << Shown << " items"; if (Shown < All) Printer << ", " << (All - Shown) << " filtered"; Printer << ")"; Printer.Indent(); // If we pre-computed, iterate the filtered/sorted list, otherwise iterate // the DIA enumerator and filter on the fly. if (Precompute) { for (auto &Class : Filtered) dumpClassLayout(*Class); } else { while (auto Class = Classes->getNext()) { if (Printer.IsTypeExcluded(Class->getName(), Class->getLength())) continue; auto Layout = llvm::make_unique(std::move(Class)); if (Layout->deepPaddingSize() < opts::pretty::PaddingThreshold) continue; dumpClassLayout(*Layout); } } Printer.Unindent(); } } void TypeDumper::dump(const PDBSymbolTypeEnum &Symbol) { assert(opts::pretty::Enums); if (Printer.IsTypeExcluded(Symbol.getName(), Symbol.getLength())) return; // Dump member enums when dumping their class definition. if (nullptr != Symbol.getClassParent()) return; Printer.NewLine(); EnumDumper Dumper(Printer); Dumper.start(Symbol); } void TypeDumper::dump(const PDBSymbolTypeTypedef &Symbol) { assert(opts::pretty::Typedefs); if (Printer.IsTypeExcluded(Symbol.getName(), Symbol.getLength())) return; Printer.NewLine(); TypedefDumper Dumper(Printer); Dumper.start(Symbol); } void TypeDumper::dumpClassLayout(const ClassLayout &Class) { assert(opts::pretty::Classes); if (opts::pretty::ClassFormat == opts::pretty::ClassDefinitionFormat::None) { Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Keyword).get() << "class "; WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << Class.getUDTName(); } else { ClassDefinitionDumper Dumper(Printer); Dumper.start(Class); } }