//===- llvm-pdbdump.cpp - Dump debug info from a PDB file -------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Dumps debug information present in PDB files. This utility makes use of // the Microsoft Windows SDK, so will not compile or run on non-Windows // platforms. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm-pdbdump.h" #include "CompilandDumper.h" #include "ExternalSymbolDumper.h" #include "FunctionDumper.h" #include "LinePrinter.h" #include "TypeDumper.h" #include "VariableDumper.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h" #include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/Config/config.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/IPDBEnumChildren.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/IPDBRawSymbol.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/IPDBSession.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDB.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolCompiland.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolData.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolExe.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolFunc.h" #include "llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolThunk.h" #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" #include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/Format.h" #include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h" #include "llvm/Support/Process.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/Support/Signals.h" #if defined(HAVE_DIA_SDK) #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #endif using namespace llvm; namespace opts { enum class PDB_DumpType { ByType, ByObjFile, Both }; cl::list InputFilenames(cl::Positional, cl::desc(""), cl::OneOrMore); cl::OptionCategory TypeCategory("Symbol Type Options"); cl::OptionCategory FilterCategory("Filtering Options"); cl::OptionCategory OtherOptions("Other Options"); cl::opt Compilands("compilands", cl::desc("Display compilands"), cl::cat(TypeCategory)); cl::opt Symbols("symbols", cl::desc("Display symbols for each compiland"), cl::cat(TypeCategory)); cl::opt Globals("globals", cl::desc("Dump global symbols"), cl::cat(TypeCategory)); cl::opt Externals("externals", cl::desc("Dump external symbols"), cl::cat(TypeCategory)); cl::opt Types("types", cl::desc("Display types"), cl::cat(TypeCategory)); cl::opt All("all", cl::desc("Implies all other options in 'Symbol Types' category"), cl::cat(TypeCategory)); cl::opt LoadAddress( "load-address", cl::desc("Assume the module is loaded at the specified address"), cl::cat(OtherOptions)); cl::opt DumpHeaders("dump-headers", cl::desc("dump PDB headers"), cl::cat(OtherOptions)); cl::opt DumpStreamSizes("dump-stream-sizes", cl::desc("dump PDB stream sizes"), cl::cat(OtherOptions)); cl::opt DumpStreamBlocks("dump-stream-blocks", cl::desc("dump PDB stream blocks"), cl::cat(OtherOptions)); cl::opt DumpStreamData("dump-stream", cl::desc("dump stream data"), cl::cat(OtherOptions)); cl::list ExcludeTypes("exclude-types", cl::desc("Exclude types by regular expression"), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::list ExcludeSymbols("exclude-symbols", cl::desc("Exclude symbols by regular expression"), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::list ExcludeCompilands("exclude-compilands", cl::desc("Exclude compilands by regular expression"), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::list IncludeTypes( "include-types", cl::desc("Include only types which match a regular expression"), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::list IncludeSymbols( "include-symbols", cl::desc("Include only symbols which match a regular expression"), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::list IncludeCompilands( "include-compilands", cl::desc("Include only compilands those which match a regular expression"), cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::opt ExcludeCompilerGenerated( "no-compiler-generated", cl::desc("Don't show compiler generated types and symbols"), cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::opt ExcludeSystemLibraries("no-system-libs", cl::desc("Don't show symbols from system libraries"), cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::opt NoClassDefs("no-class-definitions", cl::desc("Don't display full class definitions"), cl::cat(FilterCategory)); cl::opt NoEnumDefs("no-enum-definitions", cl::desc("Don't display full enum definitions"), cl::cat(FilterCategory)); } static void reportError(StringRef Input, StringRef Message) { if (Input == "-") Input = ""; errs() << Input << ": " << Message << "\n"; errs().flush(); exit(1); } static void reportError(StringRef Input, std::error_code EC) { reportError(Input, EC.message()); } static std::error_code checkOffset(MemoryBufferRef M, uintptr_t Addr, const uint64_t Size) { if (Addr + Size < Addr || Addr + Size < Size || Addr + Size > uintptr_t(M.getBufferEnd()) || Addr < uintptr_t(M.getBufferStart())) { return std::make_error_code(std::errc::bad_address); } return std::error_code(); } template static std::error_code checkOffset(MemoryBufferRef M, ArrayRef AR) { return checkOffset(M, uintptr_t(AR.data()), (uint64_t)AR.size() * sizeof(T)); } static std::error_code checkOffset(MemoryBufferRef M, StringRef SR) { return checkOffset(M, uintptr_t(SR.data()), SR.size()); } // Sets Obj unless any bytes in [addr, addr + size) fall outsize of m. // Returns unexpected_eof if error. template static std::error_code getObject(const T *&Obj, MemoryBufferRef M, const void *Ptr, const uint64_t Size = sizeof(T)) { uintptr_t Addr = uintptr_t(Ptr); if (std::error_code EC = checkOffset(M, Addr, Size)) return EC; Obj = reinterpret_cast(Addr); return std::error_code(); } static uint64_t bytesToBlocks(uint64_t NumBytes, uint64_t BlockSize) { return RoundUpToAlignment(NumBytes, BlockSize) / BlockSize; } static uint64_t blockToOffset(uint64_t BlockNumber, uint64_t BlockSize) { return BlockNumber * BlockSize; } static void dumpStructure(MemoryBufferRef M) { const PDB::SuperBlock *SB; if (auto EC = getObject(SB, M, M.getBufferStart())) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), EC); if (opts::DumpHeaders) { outs() << "BlockSize: " << SB->BlockSize << '\n'; outs() << "Unknown0: " << SB->Unknown0 << '\n'; outs() << "NumBlocks: " << SB->NumBlocks << '\n'; outs() << "NumDirectoryBytes: " << SB->NumDirectoryBytes << '\n'; outs() << "Unknown1: " << SB->Unknown1 << '\n'; outs() << "BlockMapAddr: " << SB->BlockMapAddr << '\n'; } // We don't support blocksizes which aren't a multiple of four bytes. if (SB->BlockSize % sizeof(support::ulittle32_t) != 0) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), std::make_error_code(std::errc::illegal_byte_sequence)); // We don't support directories whose sizes aren't a multiple of four bytes. if (SB->NumDirectoryBytes % sizeof(support::ulittle32_t) != 0) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), std::make_error_code(std::errc::illegal_byte_sequence)); // The number of blocks which comprise the directory is a simple function of // the number of bytes it contains. uint64_t NumDirectoryBlocks = bytesToBlocks(SB->NumDirectoryBytes, SB->BlockSize); if (opts::DumpHeaders) outs() << "NumDirectoryBlocks: " << NumDirectoryBlocks << '\n'; // The block map, as we understand it, is a block which consists of a list of // block numbers. // It is unclear what would happen if the number of blocks couldn't fit on a // single block. if (NumDirectoryBlocks > SB->BlockSize / sizeof(support::ulittle32_t)) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), std::make_error_code(std::errc::illegal_byte_sequence)); uint64_t BlockMapOffset = (uint64_t)SB->BlockMapAddr * SB->BlockSize; if (opts::DumpHeaders) outs() << "BlockMapOffset: " << BlockMapOffset << '\n'; // The directory is not contiguous. Instead, the block map contains a // contiguous list of block numbers whose contents, when concatenated in // order, make up the directory. auto DirectoryBlocks = makeArrayRef(reinterpret_cast( M.getBufferStart() + BlockMapOffset), NumDirectoryBlocks); if (auto EC = checkOffset(M, DirectoryBlocks)) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), EC); if (opts::DumpHeaders) { outs() << "DirectoryBlocks: ["; for (const support::ulittle32_t &DirectoryBlockAddr : DirectoryBlocks) { if (&DirectoryBlockAddr != &DirectoryBlocks.front()) outs() << ", "; outs() << DirectoryBlockAddr; } outs() << "]\n"; } bool SeenNumStreams = false; uint32_t NumStreams = 0; std::vector StreamSizes; DenseMap> StreamMap; uint32_t StreamIdx = 0; uint64_t DirectoryBytesRead = 0; // The structure of the directory is as follows: // struct PDBDirectory { // uint32_t NumStreams; // uint32_t StreamSizes[NumStreams]; // uint32_t StreamMap[NumStreams][]; // }; // // Empty streams don't consume entries in the StreamMap. for (uint32_t DirectoryBlockAddr : DirectoryBlocks) { uint64_t DirectoryBlockOffset = blockToOffset(DirectoryBlockAddr, SB->BlockSize); auto DirectoryBlock = makeArrayRef(reinterpret_cast( M.getBufferStart() + DirectoryBlockOffset), SB->BlockSize / sizeof(support::ulittle32_t)); if (auto EC = checkOffset(M, DirectoryBlock)) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), EC); // We read data out of the directory four bytes at a time. Depending on // where we are in the directory, the contents may be: the number of streams // in the directory, a stream's size, or a block in the stream map. for (uint32_t Data : DirectoryBlock) { // Don't read beyond the end of the directory. if (DirectoryBytesRead == SB->NumDirectoryBytes) break; DirectoryBytesRead += sizeof(Data); // This data must be the number of streams if we haven't seen it yet. if (!SeenNumStreams) { NumStreams = Data; SeenNumStreams = true; continue; } // This data must be a stream size if we have not seen them all yet. if (StreamSizes.size() < NumStreams) { // It seems like some streams have their set to -1 when their contents // are not present. Treat them like empty streams for now. if (Data == UINT32_MAX) StreamSizes.push_back(0); else StreamSizes.push_back(Data); continue; } // This data must be a stream block number if we have seen all of the // stream sizes. std::vector *StreamBlocks = nullptr; // Figure out which stream this block number belongs to. while (StreamIdx < NumStreams) { uint64_t NumExpectedStreamBlocks = bytesToBlocks(StreamSizes[StreamIdx], SB->BlockSize); StreamBlocks = &StreamMap[StreamIdx]; if (NumExpectedStreamBlocks > StreamBlocks->size()) break; ++StreamIdx; } // It seems this block doesn't belong to any stream? The stream is either // corrupt or something more mysterious is going on. if (StreamIdx == NumStreams) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), std::make_error_code(std::errc::illegal_byte_sequence)); StreamBlocks->push_back(Data); } } // We should have read exactly SB->NumDirectoryBytes bytes. assert(DirectoryBytesRead == SB->NumDirectoryBytes); if (opts::DumpHeaders) outs() << "NumStreams: " << NumStreams << '\n'; if (opts::DumpStreamSizes) for (uint32_t StreamIdx = 0; StreamIdx < NumStreams; ++StreamIdx) outs() << "StreamSizes[" << StreamIdx << "]: " << StreamSizes[StreamIdx] << '\n'; if (opts::DumpStreamBlocks) { for (uint32_t StreamIdx = 0; StreamIdx < NumStreams; ++StreamIdx) { outs() << "StreamBlocks[" << StreamIdx << "]: ["; std::vector &StreamBlocks = StreamMap[StreamIdx]; for (uint32_t &StreamBlock : StreamBlocks) { if (&StreamBlock != &StreamBlocks.front()) outs() << ", "; outs() << StreamBlock; } outs() << "]\n"; } } StringRef DumpStreamStr = opts::DumpStreamData; uint32_t DumpStreamNum; if (!DumpStreamStr.getAsInteger(/*Radix=*/0U, DumpStreamNum) && DumpStreamNum < NumStreams) { uint32_t StreamBytesRead = 0; uint32_t StreamSize = StreamSizes[DumpStreamNum]; std::vector &StreamBlocks = StreamMap[DumpStreamNum]; for (uint32_t &StreamBlockAddr : StreamBlocks) { uint64_t StreamBlockOffset = blockToOffset(StreamBlockAddr, SB->BlockSize); uint32_t BytesLeftToReadInStream = StreamSize - StreamBytesRead; if (BytesLeftToReadInStream == 0) break; uint32_t BytesToReadInBlock = std::min( BytesLeftToReadInStream, static_cast(SB->BlockSize)); auto StreamBlockData = StringRef(M.getBufferStart() + StreamBlockOffset, BytesToReadInBlock); if (auto EC = checkOffset(M, StreamBlockData)) reportError(M.getBufferIdentifier(), EC); outs() << StreamBlockData; StreamBytesRead += StreamBlockData.size(); } } } static void dumpInput(StringRef Path) { if (opts::DumpHeaders || !opts::DumpStreamData.empty()) { ErrorOr> ErrorOrBuffer = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(Path, /*FileSize=*/-1, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false); if (std::error_code EC = ErrorOrBuffer.getError()) reportError(Path, EC); std::unique_ptr &Buffer = ErrorOrBuffer.get(); dumpStructure(Buffer->getMemBufferRef()); outs().flush(); return; } std::unique_ptr Session; PDB_ErrorCode Error = loadDataForPDB(PDB_ReaderType::DIA, Path, Session); switch (Error) { case PDB_ErrorCode::Success: break; case PDB_ErrorCode::NoPdbImpl: outs() << "Reading PDBs is not supported on this platform.\n"; return; case PDB_ErrorCode::InvalidPath: outs() << "Unable to load PDB at '" << Path << "'. Check that the file exists and is readable.\n"; return; case PDB_ErrorCode::InvalidFileFormat: outs() << "Unable to load PDB at '" << Path << "'. The file has an unrecognized format.\n"; return; default: outs() << "Unable to load PDB at '" << Path << "'. An unknown error occured.\n"; return; } if (opts::LoadAddress) Session->setLoadAddress(opts::LoadAddress); LinePrinter Printer(2, outs()); auto GlobalScope(Session->getGlobalScope()); std::string FileName(GlobalScope->getSymbolsFileName()); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::None).get() << "Summary for "; WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Path).get() << FileName; Printer.Indent(); uint64_t FileSize = 0; Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Size"; if (!sys::fs::file_size(FileName, FileSize)) { Printer << ": " << FileSize << " bytes"; } else { Printer << ": (Unable to obtain file size)"; } Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Guid"; Printer << ": " << GlobalScope->getGuid(); Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Age"; Printer << ": " << GlobalScope->getAge(); Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::Identifier).get() << "Attributes"; Printer << ": "; if (GlobalScope->hasCTypes()) outs() << "HasCTypes "; if (GlobalScope->hasPrivateSymbols()) outs() << "HasPrivateSymbols "; Printer.Unindent(); if (opts::Compilands) { Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::SectionHeader).get() << "---COMPILANDS---"; Printer.Indent(); auto Compilands = GlobalScope->findAllChildren(); CompilandDumper Dumper(Printer); while (auto Compiland = Compilands->getNext()) Dumper.start(*Compiland, false); Printer.Unindent(); } if (opts::Types) { Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::SectionHeader).get() << "---TYPES---"; Printer.Indent(); TypeDumper Dumper(Printer); Dumper.start(*GlobalScope); Printer.Unindent(); } if (opts::Symbols) { Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::SectionHeader).get() << "---SYMBOLS---"; Printer.Indent(); auto Compilands = GlobalScope->findAllChildren(); CompilandDumper Dumper(Printer); while (auto Compiland = Compilands->getNext()) Dumper.start(*Compiland, true); Printer.Unindent(); } if (opts::Globals) { Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::SectionHeader).get() << "---GLOBALS---"; Printer.Indent(); { FunctionDumper Dumper(Printer); auto Functions = GlobalScope->findAllChildren(); while (auto Function = Functions->getNext()) { Printer.NewLine(); Dumper.start(*Function, FunctionDumper::PointerType::None); } } { auto Vars = GlobalScope->findAllChildren(); VariableDumper Dumper(Printer); while (auto Var = Vars->getNext()) Dumper.start(*Var); } { auto Thunks = GlobalScope->findAllChildren(); CompilandDumper Dumper(Printer); while (auto Thunk = Thunks->getNext()) Dumper.dump(*Thunk); } Printer.Unindent(); } if (opts::Externals) { Printer.NewLine(); WithColor(Printer, PDB_ColorItem::SectionHeader).get() << "---EXTERNALS---"; Printer.Indent(); ExternalSymbolDumper Dumper(Printer); Dumper.start(*GlobalScope); } outs().flush(); } int main(int argc_, const char *argv_[]) { // Print a stack trace if we signal out. sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal(); PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc_, argv_); SmallVector argv; SpecificBumpPtrAllocator ArgAllocator; std::error_code EC = sys::Process::GetArgumentVector( argv, makeArrayRef(argv_, argc_), ArgAllocator); if (EC) { errs() << "error: couldn't get arguments: " << EC.message() << '\n'; return 1; } llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit. cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argv.size(), argv.data(), "LLVM PDB Dumper\n"); if (opts::All) { opts::Compilands = true; opts::Symbols = true; opts::Globals = true; opts::Types = true; opts::Externals = true; } if (opts::ExcludeCompilerGenerated) { opts::ExcludeTypes.push_back("__vc_attributes"); opts::ExcludeCompilands.push_back("* Linker *"); } if (opts::ExcludeSystemLibraries) { opts::ExcludeCompilands.push_back( "f:\\binaries\\Intermediate\\vctools\\crt_bld"); } #if defined(HAVE_DIA_SDK) CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); #endif std::for_each(opts::InputFilenames.begin(), opts::InputFilenames.end(), dumpInput); #if defined(HAVE_DIA_SDK) CoUninitialize(); #endif return 0; }