//==--- DiagnosticSerializationKinds.td - serialization diagnostics -------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// let Component = "Serialization" in { let CategoryName = "AST Deserialization Issue" in { def err_fe_unable_to_read_pch_file : Error< "unable to read PCH file %0: '%1'">; def err_fe_not_a_pch_file : Error< "input is not a PCH file: '%0'">; def err_fe_pch_malformed : Error< "malformed or corrupted AST file: '%0'">, DefaultFatal; def err_fe_pch_malformed_block : Error< "malformed block record in PCH file: '%0'">, DefaultFatal; def err_fe_pch_file_modified : Error< "file '%0' has been modified since the precompiled header '%1' was built" ": %select{size|mtime|content}2 changed">, DefaultFatal; def err_fe_module_file_modified : Error< "file '%0' has been modified since the module file '%1' was built" ": %select{size|mtime|content}2 changed">, DefaultFatal; def err_fe_ast_file_modified : Error< "file '%0' has been modified since the AST file '%1' was built" ": %select{size|mtime|content}2 changed">, DefaultFatal; def err_fe_pch_file_overridden : Error< "file '%0' from the precompiled header has been overridden">; def note_pch_required_by : Note<"'%0' required by '%1'">; def note_pch_rebuild_required : Note<"please rebuild precompiled header '%0'">; def note_module_cache_path : Note< "after modifying system headers, please delete the module cache at '%0'">; def err_pch_targetopt_mismatch : Error< "PCH file was compiled for the %0 '%1' but the current translation " "unit is being compiled for target '%2'">; def err_pch_targetopt_feature_mismatch : Error< "%select{AST file was|current translation unit is}0 compiled with the target " "feature '%1' but the %select{current translation unit is|AST file was}0 " "not">; def err_pch_langopt_mismatch : Error<"%0 was %select{disabled|enabled}1 in " "PCH file but is currently %select{disabled|enabled}2">; def err_pch_langopt_value_mismatch : Error< "%0 differs in PCH file vs. current file">; def err_pch_diagopt_mismatch : Error<"%0 is currently enabled, but was not in " "the PCH file">; def err_pch_modulecache_mismatch : Error<"PCH was compiled with module cache " "path '%0', but the path is currently '%1'">; def err_pch_version_too_old : Error< "PCH file uses an older PCH format that is no longer supported">; def err_pch_version_too_new : Error< "PCH file uses a newer PCH format that cannot be read">; def err_pch_different_branch : Error< "PCH file built from a different branch (%0) than the compiler (%1)">; def err_pch_with_compiler_errors : Error< "PCH file contains compiler errors">; def err_module_file_conflict : Error< "module '%0' is defined in both '%1' and '%2'">, DefaultFatal; def err_module_file_not_found : Error< "%select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' not found%select{|: %3}2">, DefaultFatal; def err_module_file_out_of_date : Error< "%select{PCH|module|AST}0 file '%1' is out of date and " "needs to be rebuilt%select{|: %3}2">, DefaultFatal; def err_module_file_invalid : Error< "file '%1' is not a valid precompiled %select{PCH|module|AST}0 file">, DefaultFatal; def note_module_file_imported_by : Note< "imported by %select{|module '%2' in }1'%0'">; def err_module_file_not_module : Error< "AST file '%0' was not built as a module">, DefaultFatal; def err_module_file_missing_top_level_submodule : Error< "module file '%0' is missing its top-level submodule">, DefaultFatal; def remark_module_import : Remark< "importing module '%0'%select{| into '%3'}2 from '%1'">, InGroup; def err_imported_module_not_found : Error< "module '%0' in AST file '%1' %select{(imported by AST file '%2') |}4" "is not defined in any loaded module map file; " "maybe you need to load '%3'?">, DefaultFatal; def note_imported_by_pch_module_not_found : Note< "consider adding '%0' to the header search path">; def err_imported_module_modmap_changed : Error< "module '%0' %select{in|imported by}4 AST file '%1' found in a different module map file" " (%2) than when the importing AST file was built (%3)">, DefaultFatal; def err_imported_module_relocated : Error< "module '%0' was built in directory '%1' but now resides in " "directory '%2'">, DefaultFatal; def err_module_different_modmap : Error< "module '%0' %select{uses|does not use}1 additional module map '%2'" "%select{| not}1 used when the module was built">; def err_pch_macro_def_undef : Error< "macro '%0' was %select{defined|undef'd}1 in the precompiled header but " "%select{undef'd|defined}1 on the command line">; def err_pch_macro_def_conflict : Error< "definition of macro '%0' differs between the precompiled header ('%1') " "and the command line ('%2')">; def err_pch_undef : Error< "%select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 " "'-undef' but %select{precompiled header was not built with it|" "it is not present on the command line}0">; def err_pch_pp_detailed_record : Error< "%select{command line contains|precompiled header was built with}0 " "'-detailed-preprocessing-record' but %select{precompiled header was not " "built with it|it is not present on the command line}0">; def err_module_odr_violation_missing_decl : Error< "%q0 from module '%1' is not present in definition of %q2" "%select{ in module '%4'| provided earlier}3">, NoSFINAE; def note_module_odr_violation_no_possible_decls : Note< "definition has no member %0">; def note_module_odr_violation_possible_decl : Note< "declaration of %0 does not match">; def err_module_odr_violation_different_definitions : Error< "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; " "%select{definition in module '%2' is here|defined here}1">; def note_first_module_difference : Note< "in first definition, possible difference is here">; def note_module_odr_violation_different_definitions : Note< "definition in module '%0' is here">; def note_second_module_difference : Note< "in second definition, possible difference is here">; def err_module_odr_violation_different_instantiations : Error< "instantiation of %q0 is different in different modules">; def err_module_odr_violation_definition_data : Error < "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; first difference is " "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found " "%select{" "%4 base %plural{1:class|:classes}4|" "%4 virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}4|" "%ordinal4 base class with type %5|" "%ordinal4 %select{non-virtual|virtual}5 base class %6|" "%ordinal4 base class %5 with " "%select{public|protected|private|no}6 access specifier}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_definition_data : Note < "but in '%0' found " "%select{" "%2 base %plural{1:class|:classes}2|" "%2 virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}2|" "%ordinal2 base class with different type %3|" "%ordinal2 %select{non-virtual|virtual}3 base class %4|" "%ordinal2 base class %3 with " "%select{public|protected|private|no}4 access specifier}1">; def err_module_odr_violation_template_parameter : Error < "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; first difference is " "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found " "%select{" "unnamed template parameter|" "template parameter %4|" "template parameter with %select{no |}4default argument|" "template parameter with default argument}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_template_parameter : Note < "but in '%0' found " "%select{" "unnamed template parameter %2|" "template parameter %2|" "template parameter with %select{no |}2default argument|" "template parameter with different default argument}1">; def err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl : Error< "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; first difference is " "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found " "%select{end of class|public access specifier|private access specifier|" "protected access specifier|static assert|field|method|type alias|typedef|" "data member|friend declaration|function template}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl : Note<"but in '%0' found " "%select{end of class|public access specifier|private access specifier|" "protected access specifier|static assert|field|method|type alias|typedef|" "data member|friend declaration|function template}1">; def err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_diff : Error< "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; first difference is " "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 found " "%select{" "static assert with condition|" "static assert with message|" "static assert with %select{|no }4message|" "field %4|" "field %4 with type %5|" "%select{non-|}5bitfield %4|" "bitfield %4 with one width expression|" "%select{non-|}5mutable field %4|" "field %4 with %select{no|an}5 initalizer|" "field %4 with an initializer|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{not deleted|deleted}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{not defaulted|defaulted}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{|pure }6%select{not virtual|virtual}7|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{not static|static}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{not volatile|volatile}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{not const|const}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "is %select{not inline|inline}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "that has %6 parameter%s6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %ordinal6 parameter of type %7%select{| decayed from %9}8|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %ordinal6 parameter named %7|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %ordinal6 parameter with%select{out|}7 a default argument|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %ordinal6 parameter with a default argument|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %select{no |}6template arguments|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %6 template argument%s6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %6 for %ordinal7 template argument|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with %select{no body|body}6|" "%select{method %5|constructor|destructor}4 " "with body|" "%select{typedef|type alias}4 name %5|" "%select{typedef|type alias}4 %5 with underlying type %6|" "data member with name %4|" "data member %4 with type %5|" "data member %4 with%select{out|}5 an initializer|" "data member %4 with an initializer|" "data member %4 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}5|" "friend %select{class|function}4|" "friend %4|" "friend function %4|" "function template %4 with %5 template parameter%s5|" "function template %4 with %ordinal5 template parameter being a " "%select{type|non-type|template}6 template parameter|" "function template %4 with %ordinal5 template parameter " "%select{with no name|named %7}6|" "function template %4 with %ordinal5 template parameter with " "%select{no |}6default argument|" "function template %4 with %ordinal5 template parameter with " "default argument %6|" "function template %4 with %ordinal5 template parameter with one type|" "function template %4 with %ordinal5 template parameter %select{not |}6" "being a template parameter pack|" "}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_diff : Note<"but in '%0' found " "%select{" "static assert with different condition|" "static assert with different message|" "static assert with %select{|no }2message|" "field %2|" "field %2 with type %3|" "%select{non-|}3bitfield %2|" "bitfield %2 with different width expression|" "%select{non-|}3mutable field %2|" "field %2 with %select{no|an}3 initializer|" "field %2 with a different initializer|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{not deleted|deleted}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{not defaulted|defaulted}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{|pure }4%select{not virtual|virtual}5|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{not static|static}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{not volatile|volatile}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{not const|const}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "is %select{not inline|inline}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "that has %4 parameter%s4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %ordinal4 parameter of type %5%select{| decayed from %7}6|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %ordinal4 parameter named %5|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %ordinal4 parameter with%select{out|}5 a default argument|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %ordinal4 parameter with a different default argument|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %select{no |}4template arguments|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %4 template argument%s4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %4 for %ordinal5 template argument|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with %select{no body|body}4|" "%select{method %3|constructor|destructor}2 " "with different body|" "%select{typedef|type alias}2 name %3|" "%select{typedef|type alias}2 %3 with different underlying type %4|" "data member with name %2|" "data member %2 with different type %3|" "data member %2 with%select{out|}3 an initializer|" "data member %2 with a different initializer|" "data member %2 %select{is constexpr|is not constexpr}3|" "friend %select{class|function}2|" "friend %2|" "friend function %2|" "function template %2 with %3 template parameter%s3|" "function template %2 with %ordinal3 template paramter being a " "%select{type|non-type|template}4 template parameter|" "function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter " "%select{with no name|named %5}4|" "function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter with " "%select{no |}4default argument|" "function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter with " "default argument %4|" "function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter with different type|" "function template %2 with %ordinal3 template parameter %select{not |}4" "being a template parameter pack|" "}1">; def err_module_odr_violation_function : Error< "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; " "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 " "first difference is " "%select{" "return type is %4|" "%ordinal4 parameter with name %5|" "%ordinal4 parameter with type %5%select{| decayed from %7}6|" "%ordinal4 parameter with%select{out|}5 a default argument|" "%ordinal4 parameter with a default argument|" "function body" "}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_function : Note<"but in '%0' found " "%select{" "different return type %2|" "%ordinal2 parameter with name %3|" "%ordinal2 parameter with type %3%select{| decayed from %5}4|" "%ordinal2 parameter with%select{out|}3 a default argument|" "%ordinal2 parameter with a different default argument|" "a different body" "}1">; def err_module_odr_violation_enum : Error< "%q0 has different definitions in different modules; " "%select{definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 " "first difference is " "%select{" "enum that is %select{not scoped|scoped}4|" "enum scoped with keyword %select{struct|class}4|" "enum %select{without|with}4 specified type|" "enum with specified type %4|" "enum with %4 element%s4|" "%ordinal4 element has name %5|" "%ordinal4 element %5 %select{has|does not have}6 an initilizer|" "%ordinal4 element %5 has an initializer|" "}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_enum : Note<"but in '%0' found " "%select{" "enum that is %select{not scoped|scoped}2|" "enum scoped with keyword %select{struct|class}2|" "enum %select{without|with}2 specified type|" "enum with specified type %2|" "enum with %2 element%s2|" "%ordinal2 element has name %3|" "%ordinal2 element %3 %select{has|does not have}4 an initializer|" "%ordinal2 element %3 has different initializer|" "}1">; def err_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_unknown : Error< "%q0 %select{with definition in module '%2'|defined here}1 has different " "definitions in different modules; first difference is this " "%select{||||static assert|field|method|type alias|typedef|data member|" "friend declaration|unexpected decl}3">; def note_module_odr_violation_mismatch_decl_unknown : Note< "but in '%0' found " "%select{||||different static assert|different field|different method|" "different type alias|different typedef|different data member|" "different friend declaration|another unexpected decl}1">; def warn_duplicate_module_file_extension : Warning< "duplicate module file extension block name '%0'">, InGroup; def warn_module_system_bit_conflict : Warning< "module file '%0' was validated as a system module and is now being imported " "as a non-system module; any difference in diagnostic options will be ignored">, InGroup; } // let CategoryName let CategoryName = "AST Serialization Issue" in { def warn_module_uses_date_time : Warning< "%select{precompiled header|module}0 uses __DATE__ or __TIME__">, InGroup>; def err_module_no_size_mtime_for_header : Error< "cannot emit module %0: %select{size|mtime}1 must be explicitly specified " "for missing header file \"%2\"">; def err_module_unable_to_hash_content : Error< "failed to hash content for '%0' because memory buffer cannot be retrieved">; } // let CategoryName } // let Component