//===-- BreakpointIDList.cpp ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointIDList.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/Breakpoint.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocation.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; // class BreakpointIDList BreakpointIDList::BreakpointIDList() : m_invalid_id(LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID, LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID) {} BreakpointIDList::~BreakpointIDList() = default; size_t BreakpointIDList::GetSize() const { return m_breakpoint_ids.size(); } const BreakpointID & BreakpointIDList::GetBreakpointIDAtIndex(size_t index) const { return ((index < m_breakpoint_ids.size()) ? m_breakpoint_ids[index] : m_invalid_id); } bool BreakpointIDList::RemoveBreakpointIDAtIndex(size_t index) { if (index >= m_breakpoint_ids.size()) return false; m_breakpoint_ids.erase(m_breakpoint_ids.begin() + index); return true; } void BreakpointIDList::Clear() { m_breakpoint_ids.clear(); } bool BreakpointIDList::AddBreakpointID(BreakpointID bp_id) { m_breakpoint_ids.push_back(bp_id); return true; // We don't do any verification in this function, so always // return true. } bool BreakpointIDList::AddBreakpointID(const char *bp_id_str) { auto bp_id = BreakpointID::ParseCanonicalReference(bp_id_str); if (!bp_id.hasValue()) return false; m_breakpoint_ids.push_back(*bp_id); return true; } bool BreakpointIDList::FindBreakpointID(BreakpointID &bp_id, size_t *position) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_breakpoint_ids.size(); ++i) { BreakpointID tmp_id = m_breakpoint_ids[i]; if (tmp_id.GetBreakpointID() == bp_id.GetBreakpointID() && tmp_id.GetLocationID() == bp_id.GetLocationID()) { *position = i; return true; } } return false; } bool BreakpointIDList::FindBreakpointID(const char *bp_id_str, size_t *position) const { auto bp_id = BreakpointID::ParseCanonicalReference(bp_id_str); if (!bp_id.hasValue()) return false; return FindBreakpointID(*bp_id, position); } void BreakpointIDList::InsertStringArray( llvm::ArrayRef string_array, CommandReturnObject &result) { if(string_array.empty()) return; for (const char *str : string_array) { auto bp_id = BreakpointID::ParseCanonicalReference(str); if (bp_id.hasValue()) m_breakpoint_ids.push_back(*bp_id); } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } // This function takes OLD_ARGS, which is usually the result of breaking the // command string arguments into // an array of space-separated strings, and searches through the arguments for // any breakpoint ID range specifiers. // Any string in the array that is not part of an ID range specifier is copied // directly into NEW_ARGS. If any // ID range specifiers are found, the range is interpreted and a list of // canonical breakpoint IDs corresponding to // all the current breakpoints and locations in the range are added to // NEW_ARGS. When this function is done, // NEW_ARGS should be a copy of OLD_ARGS, with and ID range specifiers replaced // by the members of the range. void BreakpointIDList::FindAndReplaceIDRanges(Args &old_args, Target *target, bool allow_locations, BreakpointName::Permissions ::PermissionKinds purpose, CommandReturnObject &result, Args &new_args) { llvm::StringRef range_from; llvm::StringRef range_to; llvm::StringRef current_arg; std::set names_found; for (size_t i = 0; i < old_args.size(); ++i) { bool is_range = false; current_arg = old_args[i].ref; if (!allow_locations && current_arg.contains('.')) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat( "Breakpoint locations not allowed, saw location: %s.", current_arg.str().c_str()); new_args.Clear(); return; } Status error; std::tie(range_from, range_to) = BreakpointIDList::SplitIDRangeExpression(current_arg); if (!range_from.empty() && !range_to.empty()) { is_range = true; } else if (BreakpointID::StringIsBreakpointName(current_arg, error)) { if (!error.Success()) { new_args.Clear(); result.AppendError(error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return; } else names_found.insert(current_arg); } else if ((i + 2 < old_args.size()) && BreakpointID::IsRangeIdentifier(old_args[i + 1].ref) && BreakpointID::IsValidIDExpression(current_arg) && BreakpointID::IsValidIDExpression(old_args[i + 2].ref)) { range_from = current_arg; range_to = old_args[i + 2].ref; is_range = true; i = i + 2; } else { // See if user has specified id.* llvm::StringRef tmp_str = old_args[i].ref; size_t pos = tmp_str.find('.'); if (pos != llvm::StringRef::npos) { llvm::StringRef bp_id_str = tmp_str.substr(0, pos); if (BreakpointID::IsValidIDExpression(bp_id_str) && tmp_str[pos + 1] == '*' && tmp_str.size() == (pos + 2)) { BreakpointSP breakpoint_sp; auto bp_id = BreakpointID::ParseCanonicalReference(bp_id_str); if (bp_id.hasValue()) breakpoint_sp = target->GetBreakpointByID(bp_id->GetBreakpointID()); if (!breakpoint_sp) { new_args.Clear(); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%d' is not a valid breakpoint ID.\n", bp_id->GetBreakpointID()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return; } const size_t num_locations = breakpoint_sp->GetNumLocations(); for (size_t j = 0; j < num_locations; ++j) { BreakpointLocation *bp_loc = breakpoint_sp->GetLocationAtIndex(j).get(); StreamString canonical_id_str; BreakpointID::GetCanonicalReference( &canonical_id_str, bp_id->GetBreakpointID(), bp_loc->GetID()); new_args.AppendArgument(canonical_id_str.GetString()); } } } } if (!is_range) { new_args.AppendArgument(current_arg); continue; } auto start_bp = BreakpointID::ParseCanonicalReference(range_from); auto end_bp = BreakpointID::ParseCanonicalReference(range_to); if (!start_bp.hasValue() || !target->GetBreakpointByID(start_bp->GetBreakpointID())) { new_args.Clear(); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' is not a valid breakpoint ID.\n", range_from.str().c_str()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return; } if (!end_bp.hasValue() || !target->GetBreakpointByID(end_bp->GetBreakpointID())) { new_args.Clear(); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' is not a valid breakpoint ID.\n", range_to.str().c_str()); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return; } break_id_t start_bp_id = start_bp->GetBreakpointID(); break_id_t start_loc_id = start_bp->GetLocationID(); break_id_t end_bp_id = end_bp->GetBreakpointID(); break_id_t end_loc_id = end_bp->GetLocationID(); if (((start_loc_id == LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID) && (end_loc_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID)) || ((start_loc_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID) && (end_loc_id == LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID))) { new_args.Clear(); result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid breakpoint id range: Either " "both ends of range must specify" " a breakpoint location, or neither can " "specify a breakpoint location.\n"); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return; } // We have valid range starting & ending breakpoint IDs. Go through all // the breakpoints in the target and find all the breakpoints that fit into // this range, and add them to new_args. // Next check to see if we have location id's. If so, make sure the // start_bp_id and end_bp_id are for the same breakpoint; otherwise we have // an illegal range: breakpoint id ranges that specify bp locations are NOT // allowed to cross major bp id numbers. if ((start_loc_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID) || (end_loc_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID)) { if (start_bp_id != end_bp_id) { new_args.Clear(); result.AppendErrorWithFormat( "Invalid range: Ranges that specify particular breakpoint " "locations" " must be within the same major breakpoint; you specified two" " different major breakpoints, %d and %d.\n", start_bp_id, end_bp_id); result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed); return; } } const BreakpointList &breakpoints = target->GetBreakpointList(); const size_t num_breakpoints = breakpoints.GetSize(); for (size_t j = 0; j < num_breakpoints; ++j) { Breakpoint *breakpoint = breakpoints.GetBreakpointAtIndex(j).get(); break_id_t cur_bp_id = breakpoint->GetID(); if ((cur_bp_id < start_bp_id) || (cur_bp_id > end_bp_id)) continue; const size_t num_locations = breakpoint->GetNumLocations(); if ((cur_bp_id == start_bp_id) && (start_loc_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID)) { for (size_t k = 0; k < num_locations; ++k) { BreakpointLocation *bp_loc = breakpoint->GetLocationAtIndex(k).get(); if ((bp_loc->GetID() >= start_loc_id) && (bp_loc->GetID() <= end_loc_id)) { StreamString canonical_id_str; BreakpointID::GetCanonicalReference(&canonical_id_str, cur_bp_id, bp_loc->GetID()); new_args.AppendArgument(canonical_id_str.GetString()); } } } else if ((cur_bp_id == end_bp_id) && (end_loc_id != LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID)) { for (size_t k = 0; k < num_locations; ++k) { BreakpointLocation *bp_loc = breakpoint->GetLocationAtIndex(k).get(); if (bp_loc->GetID() <= end_loc_id) { StreamString canonical_id_str; BreakpointID::GetCanonicalReference(&canonical_id_str, cur_bp_id, bp_loc->GetID()); new_args.AppendArgument(canonical_id_str.GetString()); } } } else { StreamString canonical_id_str; BreakpointID::GetCanonicalReference(&canonical_id_str, cur_bp_id, LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID); new_args.AppendArgument(canonical_id_str.GetString()); } } } // Okay, now see if we found any names, and if we did, add them: if (target && !names_found.empty()) { Status error; // Remove any names that aren't visible for this purpose: auto iter = names_found.begin(); while (iter != names_found.end()) { BreakpointName *bp_name = target->FindBreakpointName(ConstString(*iter), true, error); if (bp_name && !bp_name->GetPermission(purpose)) iter = names_found.erase(iter); else iter++; } if (!names_found.empty()) { for (BreakpointSP bkpt_sp : target->GetBreakpointList().Breakpoints()) { for (std::string name : names_found) { if (bkpt_sp->MatchesName(name.c_str())) { StreamString canonical_id_str; BreakpointID::GetCanonicalReference( &canonical_id_str, bkpt_sp->GetID(), LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID); new_args.AppendArgument(canonical_id_str.GetString()); } } } } } result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } std::pair BreakpointIDList::SplitIDRangeExpression(llvm::StringRef in_string) { for (auto specifier_str : BreakpointID::GetRangeSpecifiers()) { size_t idx = in_string.find(specifier_str); if (idx == llvm::StringRef::npos) continue; llvm::StringRef right1 = in_string.drop_front(idx); llvm::StringRef from = in_string.take_front(idx); llvm::StringRef to = right1.drop_front(specifier_str.size()); if (BreakpointID::IsValidIDExpression(from) && BreakpointID::IsValidIDExpression(to)) { return std::make_pair(from, to); } } return std::pair(); }