/* This file contains test for both libntp/authkeys.c and libntp/authusekey.c */ #include "config.h" #include "ntp.h" #include "ntp_stdlib.h" #include "ntp_calendar.h" #include "unity.h" #ifdef OPENSSL # include "openssl/err.h" # include "openssl/rand.h" # include "openssl/evp.h" #endif u_long current_time = 4; int counter = 0; // old code from google test framework, moved to SetUp() for unity void setUp(void) { // init_lib(); if(counter ==0){ counter++; init_auth(); //causes segfault if called more than once } /* * init_auth() is called by tests_main.cpp earlier. It * does not initialize global variables like * authnumkeys, so let's reset them to zero here. */ authnumkeys = 0; /* * Especially, empty the key cache! */ cache_keyid = 0; cache_type = 0; cache_flags = 0; cache_secret = NULL; cache_secretsize = 0; } void tearDown(void) { } static const int KEYTYPE = KEY_TYPE_MD5; void AddTrustedKey(keyid_t keyno) { /* * We need to add a MD5-key in addition to setting the * trust, because authhavekey() requires type != 0. */ MD5auth_setkey(keyno, KEYTYPE, NULL, 0); authtrust(keyno, TRUE); } void AddUntrustedKey(keyid_t keyno) { authtrust(keyno, FALSE); } void test_AddTrustedKeys() { const keyid_t KEYNO1 = 5; const keyid_t KEYNO2 = 8; AddTrustedKey(KEYNO1); AddTrustedKey(KEYNO2); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(authistrusted(KEYNO1)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(authistrusted(KEYNO2)); } void test_AddUntrustedKey() { const keyid_t KEYNO = 3; AddUntrustedKey(KEYNO); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(authistrusted(KEYNO)); } void test_HaveKeyCorrect() { const keyid_t KEYNO = 3; AddTrustedKey(KEYNO); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(auth_havekey(KEYNO)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(authhavekey(KEYNO)); } void test_HaveKeyIncorrect() { const keyid_t KEYNO = 2; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(auth_havekey(KEYNO)); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(authhavekey(KEYNO)); } void test_AddWithAuthUseKey() { const keyid_t KEYNO = 5; const char* KEY = "52a"; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(authusekey(KEYNO, KEYTYPE, (u_char*)KEY)); } void test_EmptyKey() { const keyid_t KEYNO = 3; const char* KEY = ""; TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(authusekey(KEYNO, KEYTYPE, (u_char*)KEY)); }