/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Abstract: * Declaration of dispatcher abstraction. */ #ifndef _CL_DISPATCHER_H_ #define _CL_DISPATCHER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus # define BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" { # define END_C_DECLS } #else /* !__cplusplus */ # define BEGIN_C_DECLS # define END_C_DECLS #endif /* __cplusplus */ BEGIN_C_DECLS /****h* Component Library/Dispatcher * NAME * Dispatcher * * DESCRIPTION * The Dispatcher provides a facility for message routing to * asynchronous worker threads. * * The Dispatcher functions operate on a cl_dispatcher_t structure * which should be treated as opaque and should be manipulated * only through the provided functions. * * SEE ALSO * Structures: * cl_dispatcher_t * * Initialization/Destruction: * cl_disp_construct, cl_disp_init, cl_disp_shutdown, cl_disp_destroy * * Manipulation: * cl_disp_post, cl_disp_reset, cl_disp_wait_on *********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_msgid_t * NAME * cl_disp_msgid_t * * DESCRIPTION * Defines the type of dispatcher messages. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef uint32_t cl_disp_msgid_t; /**********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/CL_DISP_MSGID_NONE * NAME * CL_DISP_MSGID_NONE * * DESCRIPTION * Defines a message value that means "no message". * This value is used during registration by Dispatcher clients * that do not wish to receive messages. * * No Dispatcher message is allowed to have this value. * * SYNOPSIS */ #define CL_DISP_MSGID_NONE 0xFFFFFFFF /**********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/CL_DISP_INVALID_HANDLE * NAME * CL_DISP_INVALID_HANDLE * * DESCRIPTION * Defines the value of an invalid Dispatcher registration handle. * * SYNOPSIS */ #define CL_DISP_INVALID_HANDLE ((cl_disp_reg_handle_t)0) /*********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_pfn_msgrcv_cb_t * NAME * cl_pfn_msgrcv_cb_t * * DESCRIPTION * This typedef defines the prototype for client functions invoked * by the Dispatcher. The Dispatcher calls the corresponding * client function when delivering a message to the client. * * The client function must be reentrant if the user creates a * Dispatcher with more than one worker thread. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef void (*cl_pfn_msgrcv_cb_t) (IN void *context, IN void *p_data); /* * PARAMETERS * context * [in] Client specific context specified in a call to * cl_disp_register * * p_data * [in] Pointer to the client specific data payload * of this message. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * This typedef provides a function prototype reference for * the function provided by Dispatcher clients as a parameter * to the cl_disp_register function. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_register *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t * NAME * cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t * * DESCRIPTION * This typedef defines the prototype for client functions invoked * by the Dispatcher. The Dispatcher calls the corresponding * client function after completing delivery of a message. * * The client function must be reentrant if the user creates a * Dispatcher with more than one worker thread. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef void (*cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t) (IN void *context, IN void *p_data); /* * PARAMETERS * context * [in] Client specific context specified in a call to * cl_disp_post * * p_data * [in] Pointer to the client specific data payload * of this message. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * This typedef provides a function prototype reference for * the function provided by Dispatcher clients as a parameter * to the cl_disp_post function. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_post *********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_dispatcher_t * NAME * cl_dispatcher_t * * DESCRIPTION * Dispatcher structure. * * The Dispatcher is thread safe. * * The cl_dispatcher_t structure should be treated as opaque and should * be manipulated only through the provided functions. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _cl_dispatcher { cl_spinlock_t lock; cl_ptr_vector_t reg_vec; cl_qlist_t reg_list; cl_thread_pool_t worker_threads; cl_qlist_t msg_fifo; cl_qpool_t msg_pool; uint64_t last_msg_queue_time_us; } cl_dispatcher_t; /* * FIELDS * reg_vec * Vector of registration info objects. Indexed by message msg_id. * * lock * Spinlock to guard internal structures. * * msg_fifo * FIFO of messages being processed by the Dispatcher. New * messages are posted to the tail of the FIFO. Worker threads * pull messages from the front. * * worker_threads * Thread pool of worker threads to dispose of posted messages. * * msg_pool * Pool of message objects to be processed through the FIFO. * * reg_count * Count of the number of registrants. * * state * Indicates the state of the object. * * last_msg_queue_time_us * The time that the last message spent in the Q in usec * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher *********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_reg_info_t * NAME * cl_disp_reg_info_t * * DESCRIPTION * Defines the dispatcher registration object structure. * * The cl_disp_reg_info_t structure is for internal use by the * Dispatcher only. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _cl_disp_reg_info { cl_list_item_t list_item; cl_pfn_msgrcv_cb_t pfn_rcv_callback; const void *context; atomic32_t ref_cnt; cl_disp_msgid_t msg_id; cl_dispatcher_t *p_disp; } cl_disp_reg_info_t; /* * FIELDS * pfn_rcv_callback * Client's message receive callback. * * context * Client's context for message receive callback. * * rcv_thread_count * Number of threads currently in the receive callback. * * msg_done_thread_count * Number of threads currently in the message done callback. * * state * State of this registration object. * DISP_REGSTATE_INIT: initialized and inactive * DISP_REGSTATE_ACTIVE: in active use * DISP_REGSTATE_UNREGPEND: unregistration is pending * * msg_id * Dispatcher message msg_id value for this registration object. * * p_disp * Pointer to parent Dispatcher. * * SEE ALSO *********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_msg_t * NAME * cl_disp_msg_t * * DESCRIPTION * Defines the dispatcher message structure. * * The cl_disp_msg_t structure is for internal use by the * Dispatcher only. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef struct _cl_disp_msg { cl_pool_item_t item; const void *p_data; cl_disp_reg_info_t *p_src_reg; cl_disp_reg_info_t *p_dest_reg; cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t pfn_xmt_callback; uint64_t in_time; const void *context; } cl_disp_msg_t; /* * FIELDS * item * List & Pool linkage. Must be first element in the structure!! * * msg_id * The message's numberic ID value. * * p_data * Pointer to the data payload for this message. The payload * is opaque to the Dispatcher. * * p_reg_info * Pointer to the registration info of the sender. * * pfn_xmt_callback * Client's message done callback. * * in_time * The absolute time the message was inserted into the queue * * context * Client's message done callback context. * * SEE ALSO *********/ /****s* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_reg_info_t * NAME * cl_disp_reg_info_t * * DESCRIPTION * Defines the Dispatcher registration handle. This handle * should be treated as opaque by the client. * * SYNOPSIS */ typedef const struct _cl_disp_reg_info *cl_disp_reg_handle_t; /**********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_construct * NAME * cl_disp_construct * * DESCRIPTION * This function constructs a Dispatcher object. * * SYNOPSIS */ void cl_disp_construct(IN cl_dispatcher_t * const p_disp); /* * PARAMETERS * p_disp * [in] Pointer to a Dispatcher. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * Allows calling cl_disp_init and cl_disp_destroy. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_init, cl_disp_destroy *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_init * NAME * cl_disp_init * * DESCRIPTION * This function initializes a Dispatcher object. * * SYNOPSIS */ cl_status_t cl_disp_init(IN cl_dispatcher_t * const p_disp, IN const uint32_t thread_count, IN const char *const name); /* * PARAMETERS * p_disp * [in] Pointer to a Dispatcher. * * thread_count * [in] The number of worker threads to create in this Dispatcher. * A value of 0 causes the Dispatcher to create one worker thread * per CPU in the system. When the Dispatcher is created with * only one thread, the Dispatcher guarantees to deliver posted * messages in order. When the Dispatcher is created with more * than one thread, messages may be delivered out of order. * * name * [in] Name to associate with the threads. The name may be up to 16 * characters, including a terminating null character. All threads * created in the Dispatcher have the same name. * * RETURN VALUE * CL_SUCCESS if the operation is successful. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_destoy, cl_disp_register, cl_disp_unregister, * cl_disp_post *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_shutdown * NAME * cl_disp_shutdown * * DESCRIPTION * This function shutdown a Dispatcher object. So it unreg all messages and * clears the fifo and waits for the threads to exit * * SYNOPSIS */ void cl_disp_shutdown(IN cl_dispatcher_t * const p_disp); /* * PARAMETERS * p_disp * [in] Pointer to a Dispatcher. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * This function does not returns until all worker threads * have exited client callback functions and been successfully * shutdowned. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_construct, cl_disp_init *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_destroy * NAME * cl_disp_destroy * * DESCRIPTION * This function destroys a Dispatcher object. * * SYNOPSIS */ void cl_disp_destroy(IN cl_dispatcher_t * const p_disp); /* * PARAMETERS * p_disp * [in] Pointer to a Dispatcher. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_construct, cl_disp_init *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_register * NAME * cl_disp_register * * DESCRIPTION * This function registers a client with a Dispatcher object. * * SYNOPSIS */ cl_disp_reg_handle_t cl_disp_register(IN cl_dispatcher_t * const p_disp, IN const cl_disp_msgid_t msg_id, IN cl_pfn_msgrcv_cb_t pfn_callback OPTIONAL, IN const void *const context); /* * PARAMETERS * p_disp * [in] Pointer to a Dispatcher. * * msg_id * [in] Numberic message ID for which the client is registering. * If the client does not wish to receive any messages, * (a send-only client) then the caller should set this value * to CL_DISP_MSGID_NONE. For efficiency, numeric message msg_id * values should start with 0 and should be contiguous, or nearly so. * * pfn_callback * [in] Message receive callback. The Dispatcher calls this * function after receiving a posted message with the * appropriate message msg_id value. Send-only clients may specify * NULL for this value. * * context * [in] Client context value passed to the cl_pfn_msgrcv_cb_t * function. * * RETURN VALUE * On success a Dispatcher registration handle. * CL_CL_DISP_INVALID_HANDLE otherwise. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_unregister, cl_disp_post *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_unregister * NAME * cl_disp_unregister * * DESCRIPTION * This function unregisters a client from a Dispatcher. * * SYNOPSIS */ void cl_disp_unregister(IN const cl_disp_reg_handle_t handle); /* * PARAMETERS * handle * [in] cl_disp_reg_handle_t value return by cl_disp_register. * * RETURN VALUE * This function does not return a value. * * NOTES * This function will not return until worker threads have exited * the callback functions for this client. Do not invoke this * function from a callback. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher, cl_disp_register *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_post * NAME * cl_disp_post * * DESCRIPTION * This function posts a message to a Dispatcher object. * * SYNOPSIS */ cl_status_t cl_disp_post(IN const cl_disp_reg_handle_t handle, IN const cl_disp_msgid_t msg_id, IN const void *const p_data, IN cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t pfn_callback OPTIONAL, IN const void *const context); /* * PARAMETERS * handle * [in] cl_disp_reg_handle_t value return by cl_disp_register. * * msg_id * [in] Numeric message msg_id value associated with this message. * * p_data * [in] Data payload for this message. * * pfn_callback * [in] Pointer to a cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t function. * The Dispatcher calls this function after the message has been * processed by the recipient. * The caller may pass NULL for this value, which indicates no * message done callback is necessary. * * context * [in] Client context value passed to the cl_pfn_msgdone_cb_t * function. * * RETURN VALUE * CL_SUCCESS if the message was successfully queued in the Dispatcher. * * NOTES * The caller must not modify the memory pointed to by p_data until * the Dispatcher call the pfn_callback function. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher *********/ /****f* Component Library: Dispatcher/cl_disp_get_queue_status * NAME * cl_disp_get_queue_status * * DESCRIPTION * This function posts a message to a Dispatcher object. * * SYNOPSIS */ void cl_disp_get_queue_status(IN const cl_disp_reg_handle_t handle, OUT uint32_t * p_num_queued_msgs, OUT uint64_t * p_last_msg_queue_time_ms); /* * PARAMETERS * handle * [in] cl_disp_reg_handle_t value return by cl_disp_register. * * p_last_msg_queue_time_ms * [out] pointer to a variable to hold the time the last popped up message * spent in the queue * * p_num_queued_msgs * [out] number of messages in the queue * * RETURN VALUE * Thr time the last popped up message stayed in the queue, in msec * * NOTES * Extarnel Locking is not required. * * SEE ALSO * Dispatcher *********/ END_C_DECLS #endif /* !defined(_CL_DISPATCHER_H_) */