/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008 Xsigo Systems Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 System Fabric Works, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 HNR Consulting. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009-2015 ZIH, TU Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /* * Abstract: * Implementation of osm_subn_t. * This object represents an IBA subnet. * This object is part of the opensm family of objects. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FILE_ID OSM_FILE_SUBNET_C #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char null_str[] = "(null)"; #define OPT_OFFSET(opt) offsetof(osm_subn_opt_t, opt) #define ARR_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0])) typedef struct opt_rec { const char *name; unsigned long opt_offset; void (*parse_fn)(osm_subn_t *p_subn, char *p_key, char *p_val_str, void *p_val1, void *p_val2, void (*)(osm_subn_t *, void *)); void (*setup_fn)(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val); int can_update; } opt_rec_t; static const char *module_name_str[] = { "main.c", "osm_console.c", "osm_console_io.c", "osm_db_files.c", "osm_db_pack.c", "osm_drop_mgr.c", "osm_dump.c", "osm_event_plugin.c", "osm_guid_info_rcv.c", "osm_guid_mgr.c", "osm_helper.c", "osm_inform.c", "osm_lid_mgr.c", "osm_lin_fwd_rcv.c", "osm_link_mgr.c", "osm_log.c", "osm_mad_pool.c", "osm_mcast_fwd_rcv.c", "osm_mcast_mgr.c", "osm_mcast_tbl.c", "osm_mcm_port.c", "osm_mesh.c", "osm_mlnx_ext_port_info_rcv.c", "osm_mtree.c", "osm_multicast.c", "osm_node.c", "osm_node_desc_rcv.c", "osm_node_info_rcv.c", "osm_opensm.c", "osm_perfmgr.c", "osm_perfmgr_db.c", "osm_pkey.c", "osm_pkey_mgr.c", "osm_pkey_rcv.c", "osm_port.c", "osm_port_info_rcv.c", "osm_prtn.c", "osm_prtn_config.c", "osm_qos.c", "osm_qos_parser_l.c", "osm_qos_parser_y.c", "osm_qos_policy.c", "osm_remote_sm.c", "osm_req.c", "osm_resp.c", "osm_router.c", "osm_sa.c", "osm_sa_class_port_info.c", "osm_sa_guidinfo_record.c", "osm_sa_informinfo.c", "osm_sa_lft_record.c", "osm_sa_link_record.c", "osm_sa_mad_ctrl.c", "osm_sa_mcmember_record.c", "osm_sa_mft_record.c", "osm_sa_multipath_record.c", "osm_sa_node_record.c", "osm_sa_path_record.c", "osm_sa_pkey_record.c", "osm_sa_portinfo_record.c", "osm_sa_service_record.c", "osm_sa_slvl_record.c", "osm_sa_sminfo_record.c", "osm_sa_sw_info_record.c", "osm_sa_vlarb_record.c", "osm_service.c", "osm_slvl_map_rcv.c", "osm_sm.c", "osm_sminfo_rcv.c", "osm_sm_mad_ctrl.c", "osm_sm_state_mgr.c", "osm_state_mgr.c", "osm_subnet.c", "osm_sw_info_rcv.c", "osm_switch.c", "osm_torus.c", "osm_trap_rcv.c", "osm_ucast_cache.c", "osm_ucast_dnup.c", "osm_ucast_file.c", "osm_ucast_ftree.c", "osm_ucast_lash.c", "osm_ucast_mgr.c", "osm_ucast_updn.c", "osm_vendor_ibumad.c", "osm_vl15intf.c", "osm_vl_arb_rcv.c", "st.c", "osm_ucast_dfsssp.c", "osm_congestion_control.c", /* Add new module names here ... */ /* FILE_ID define in those modules must be identical to index here */ /* last FILE_ID is currently 89 */ }; #define MOD_NAME_STR_UNKNOWN_VAL (ARR_SIZE(module_name_str)) static int find_module_name(const char *name, uint8_t *file_id) { uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < MOD_NAME_STR_UNKNOWN_VAL; i++) { if (strcmp(name, module_name_str[i]) == 0) { if (file_id) *file_id = i; return 0; } } return 1; } static void log_report(const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[128]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); printf("%s", buf); cl_log_event("OpenSM", CL_LOG_INFO, buf, NULL, 0); } static void log_config_value(char *name, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[128]; va_list args; unsigned n; va_start(args, fmt); n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " Loading Cached Option:%s = ", name); if (n > sizeof(buf)) n = sizeof(buf); n += vsnprintf(buf + n, sizeof(buf) - n, fmt, args); if (n > sizeof(buf) - 2) n = sizeof(buf) - 2; snprintf(buf + n, sizeof(buf) - n, "\n"); va_end(args); printf("%s", buf); cl_log_event("OpenSM", CL_LOG_INFO, buf, NULL, 0); } static void opts_setup_log_flags(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val) { p_subn->p_osm->log.level = *((uint8_t *) p_val); } static void opts_setup_force_log_flush(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val) { p_subn->p_osm->log.flush = *((boolean_t *) p_val); } static void opts_setup_accum_log_file(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val) { p_subn->p_osm->log.accum_log_file = *((boolean_t *) p_val); } static void opts_setup_log_max_size(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val) { uint32_t log_max_size = *((uint32_t *) p_val); p_subn->p_osm->log.max_size = (unsigned long)log_max_size << 20; /* convert from MB to bytes */ } static void opts_setup_sminfo_polling_timeout(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val) { osm_sm_t *p_sm = &p_subn->p_osm->sm; uint32_t sminfo_polling_timeout = *((uint32_t *) p_val); cl_timer_stop(&p_sm->polling_timer); cl_timer_start(&p_sm->polling_timer, sminfo_polling_timeout); } static void opts_setup_sm_priority(osm_subn_t *p_subn, void *p_val) { osm_sm_t *p_sm = &p_subn->p_osm->sm; uint8_t sm_priority = *((uint8_t *) p_val); osm_set_sm_priority(p_sm, sm_priority); } static int opts_strtoul(uint32_t *val, IN char *p_val_str, IN char *p_key, uint32_t max_value) { char *endptr; unsigned long int tmp_val; errno = 0; tmp_val = strtoul(p_val_str, &endptr, 0); *val = tmp_val; if (*p_val_str == '\0' || *endptr != '\0') { log_report("-E- Parsing error in field %s, expected " "numeric input received: %s\n", p_key, p_val_str); return -1; } if (tmp_val > max_value || ((tmp_val == ULONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE)) { log_report("-E- Parsing error in field %s, value out of range\n", p_key); return -1; } return 0; } static int opts_strtoull(uint64_t *val, IN char *p_val_str, IN char *p_key, uint64_t max_value) { char *endptr; unsigned long long int tmp_val; errno = 0; tmp_val = strtoull(p_val_str, &endptr, 0); *val = tmp_val; if (*p_val_str == '\0' || *endptr != '\0') { log_report("-E- Parsing error in field %s, expected " "numeric input received: %s\n", p_key, p_val_str); return -1; } if (tmp_val > max_value || (tmp_val == ULLONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE)) { log_report("-E- Parsing error in field %s, value out of range\n", p_key); return -1; } return 0; } static void opts_parse_net64(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint64_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint64_t val; if (opts_strtoull(&val, p_val_str, p_key, UINT64_MAX)) return; if (cl_hton64(val) != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "0x%016" PRIx64, val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = cl_ntoh64(val); } } static void opts_parse_uint32(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint32_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint32_t val; if (opts_strtoul(&val, p_val_str, p_key, UINT32_MAX)) return; if (val != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "%u", val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = val; } } static void opts_parse_net32(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint32_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint32_t val; if (opts_strtoul(&val, p_val_str, p_key, UINT32_MAX)) return; if (cl_hton32(val) != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "%u", val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = cl_hton32(val); } } static void opts_parse_int32(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { int32_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; int32_t val = strtol(p_val_str, NULL, 0); if (val != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "%d", val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = val; } } static void opts_parse_uint16(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint16_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint32_t tmp_val; if (opts_strtoul(&tmp_val, p_val_str, p_key, UINT16_MAX)) return; uint16_t val = (uint16_t) tmp_val; if (val != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "%u", val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = val; } } static void opts_parse_net16(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint16_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint32_t tmp_val; if (opts_strtoul(&tmp_val, p_val_str, p_key, UINT16_MAX)) return; uint16_t val = (uint16_t) tmp_val; if (cl_hton16(val) != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "0x%04x", val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = cl_hton16(val); } } static void opts_parse_uint8(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint8_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint32_t tmp_val; if (opts_strtoul(&tmp_val, p_val_str, p_key, UINT8_MAX)) return; uint8_t val = (uint8_t) tmp_val; if (val != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "%u", val); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = val; } } static void opts_parse_boolean(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { boolean_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; boolean_t val; if (!p_val_str) return; if (strcmp("TRUE", p_val_str)) val = FALSE; else val = TRUE; if (val != *p_val1) { log_config_value(p_key, "%s", p_val_str); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &val); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = val; } } static void opts_parse_charp(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { char **p_val1 = p_v1, **p_val2 = p_v2; const char *current_str = *p_val1 ? *p_val1 : null_str; if (p_val_str && strcmp(p_val_str, current_str)) { char *new; log_config_value(p_key, "%s", p_val_str); /* special case the "(null)" string */ new = strcmp(null_str, p_val_str) ? strdup(p_val_str) : NULL; if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, new); if (*p_val1 && *p_val1 != *p_val2) free(*p_val1); if (*p_val2) free(*p_val2); *p_val1 = *p_val2 = new; } } static void opts_parse_256bit(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { uint8_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; uint8_t val[IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; char tmpbuf[3] = { 0 }; uint8_t tmpint; int numdigits = 0; int startindex; char *strptr = p_val_str; char *ptr; int i; /* parse like it's hypothetically a 256 bit integer code * * store "big endian" */ if (!strncmp(strptr, "0x", 2) || !strncmp(strptr, "0X", 2)) strptr+=2; for (ptr = strptr; *ptr; ptr++) { if (!isxdigit(*ptr)) { log_report("invalid hex digit in bitmask\n"); return; } numdigits++; } if (!numdigits) { log_report("invalid length bitmask\n"); return; } /* max of 2 hex chars per byte */ if (numdigits > IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE * 2) numdigits = IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE * 2; startindex = IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE - ((numdigits - 1) / 2) - 1; if (numdigits % 2) { memcpy(tmpbuf, strptr, 1); strptr += 1; } else { memcpy(tmpbuf, strptr, 2); strptr += 2; } tmpint = strtoul(tmpbuf, NULL, 16); val[startindex] = tmpint; for (i = (startindex + 1); i < IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE; i++) { memcpy(tmpbuf, strptr, 2); strptr += 2; tmpint = strtoul(tmpbuf, NULL, 16); val[i] = tmpint; } if (memcmp(val, p_val1, IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE)) { log_config_value(p_key, "%s", p_val_str); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, val); memcpy(p_val1, val, IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE); memcpy(p_val2, val, IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE); } } static void opts_parse_cct_entry(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { osm_cct_entry_t *p_cct1 = p_v1, *p_cct2 = p_v2; osm_cct_entry_t cct; char buf[512] = { 0 }; char *ptr; strncpy(buf, p_val_str, 511); if (!(ptr = strchr(buf, ':'))) { log_report("invalid CCT entry\n"); return; } *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; cct.shift = strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); cct.multiplier = strtoul(ptr, NULL, 0); if (cct.shift != p_cct1->shift || cct.multiplier != p_cct1->multiplier) { log_config_value(p_key, "%s", p_val_str); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &cct); p_cct1->shift = p_cct2->shift = cct.shift; p_cct1->multiplier = p_cct2->multiplier = cct.multiplier; } } static void opts_parse_cc_cct(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { osm_cct_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; const char *current_str = p_val1->input_str ? p_val1->input_str : null_str; if (p_val_str && strcmp(p_val_str, current_str)) { osm_cct_t newcct; char *new; unsigned int len = 0; char *lasts; char *tok; char *ptr; /* special case the "(null)" string */ new = strcmp(null_str, p_val_str) ? strdup(p_val_str) : NULL; if (!new) { log_config_value(p_key, "%s", p_val_str); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, NULL); memset(p_val1->entries, '\0', sizeof(p_val1->entries)); memset(p_val2->entries, '\0', sizeof(p_val2->entries)); p_val1->entries_len = p_val2->entries_len = 0; p_val1->input_str = p_val2->input_str = NULL; return; } memset(&newcct, '\0', sizeof(newcct)); tok = strtok_r(new, ",", &lasts); while (tok && len < OSM_CCT_ENTRY_MAX) { if (!(ptr = strchr(tok, ':'))) { log_report("invalid CCT entry\n"); free(new); return; } *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; newcct.entries[len].shift = strtoul(tok, NULL, 0); newcct.entries[len].multiplier = strtoul(ptr, NULL, 0); len++; tok = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &lasts); } free(new); newcct.entries_len = len; newcct.input_str = strdup(p_val_str); log_config_value(p_key, "%s", p_val_str); if (pfn) pfn(p_subn, &newcct); if (p_val1->input_str && p_val1->input_str != p_val2->input_str) free(p_val1->input_str); if (p_val2->input_str) free(p_val2->input_str); memcpy(p_val1->entries, newcct.entries, sizeof(newcct.entries)); memcpy(p_val2->entries, newcct.entries, sizeof(newcct.entries)); p_val1->entries_len = p_val2->entries_len = newcct.entries_len; p_val1->input_str = p_val2->input_str = newcct.input_str; } } static int parse_ca_cong_common(char *p_val_str, uint8_t *sl, unsigned int *val_offset) { char *new, *lasts, *sl_str, *val_str; uint8_t sltmp; new = strcmp(null_str, p_val_str) ? strdup(p_val_str) : NULL; if (!new) return -1; sl_str = strtok_r(new, " \t", &lasts); val_str = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &lasts); if (!val_str) { log_report("value must be specified in addition to SL\n"); free(new); return -1; } sltmp = strtoul(sl_str, NULL, 0); if (sltmp >= IB_CA_CONG_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE) { log_report("invalid SL specified\n"); free(new); return -1; } *sl = sltmp; *val_offset = (unsigned int)(val_str - new); free(new); return 0; } static void opts_parse_ccti_timer(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { osm_cacongestion_entry_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; unsigned int val_offset = 0; uint8_t sl = 0; if (parse_ca_cong_common(p_val_str, &sl, &val_offset) < 0) return; opts_parse_net16(p_subn, p_key, p_val_str + val_offset, &p_val1[sl].ccti_timer, &p_val2[sl].ccti_timer, pfn); } static void opts_parse_ccti_increase(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { osm_cacongestion_entry_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; unsigned int val_offset = 0; uint8_t sl = 0; if (parse_ca_cong_common(p_val_str, &sl, &val_offset) < 0) return; opts_parse_uint8(p_subn, p_key, p_val_str + val_offset, &p_val1[sl].ccti_increase, &p_val2[sl].ccti_increase, pfn); } static void opts_parse_trigger_threshold(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { osm_cacongestion_entry_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; unsigned int val_offset = 0; uint8_t sl = 0; if (parse_ca_cong_common(p_val_str, &sl, &val_offset) < 0) return; opts_parse_uint8(p_subn, p_key, p_val_str + val_offset, &p_val1[sl].trigger_threshold, &p_val2[sl].trigger_threshold, pfn); } static void opts_parse_ccti_min(IN osm_subn_t *p_subn, IN char *p_key, IN char *p_val_str, void *p_v1, void *p_v2, void (*pfn)(osm_subn_t *, void *)) { osm_cacongestion_entry_t *p_val1 = p_v1, *p_val2 = p_v2; unsigned int val_offset = 0; uint8_t sl = 0; if (parse_ca_cong_common(p_val_str, &sl, &val_offset) < 0) return; opts_parse_uint8(p_subn, p_key, p_val_str + val_offset, &p_val1[sl].ccti_min, &p_val2[sl].ccti_min, pfn); } static const opt_rec_t opt_tbl[] = { { "guid", OPT_OFFSET(guid), opts_parse_net64, NULL, 0 }, { "m_key", OPT_OFFSET(m_key), opts_parse_net64, NULL, 1 }, { "sm_key", OPT_OFFSET(sm_key), opts_parse_net64, NULL, 1 }, { "sa_key", OPT_OFFSET(sa_key), opts_parse_net64, NULL, 1 }, { "subnet_prefix", OPT_OFFSET(subnet_prefix), opts_parse_net64, NULL, 0 }, { "m_key_lease_period", OPT_OFFSET(m_key_lease_period), opts_parse_net16, NULL, 1 }, { "m_key_protection_level", OPT_OFFSET(m_key_protect_bits), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "m_key_lookup", OPT_OFFSET(m_key_lookup), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "sweep_interval", OPT_OFFSET(sweep_interval), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "max_wire_smps", OPT_OFFSET(max_wire_smps), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "max_wire_smps2", OPT_OFFSET(max_wire_smps2), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "max_smps_timeout", OPT_OFFSET(max_smps_timeout), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "console", OPT_OFFSET(console), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "console_port", OPT_OFFSET(console_port), opts_parse_uint16, NULL, 0 }, { "transaction_timeout", OPT_OFFSET(transaction_timeout), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 0 }, { "transaction_retries", OPT_OFFSET(transaction_retries), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 0 }, { "max_msg_fifo_timeout", OPT_OFFSET(max_msg_fifo_timeout), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "sm_priority", OPT_OFFSET(sm_priority), opts_parse_uint8, opts_setup_sm_priority, 1 }, { "lmc", OPT_OFFSET(lmc), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 0 }, { "lmc_esp0", OPT_OFFSET(lmc_esp0), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "max_op_vls", OPT_OFFSET(max_op_vls), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "force_link_speed", OPT_OFFSET(force_link_speed), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "force_link_speed_ext", OPT_OFFSET(force_link_speed_ext), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "fdr10", OPT_OFFSET(fdr10), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "reassign_lids", OPT_OFFSET(reassign_lids), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "ignore_other_sm", OPT_OFFSET(ignore_other_sm), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "single_thread", OPT_OFFSET(single_thread), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "disable_multicast", OPT_OFFSET(disable_multicast), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "subnet_timeout", OPT_OFFSET(subnet_timeout), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "packet_life_time", OPT_OFFSET(packet_life_time), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "vl_stall_count", OPT_OFFSET(vl_stall_count), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "leaf_vl_stall_count", OPT_OFFSET(leaf_vl_stall_count), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "head_of_queue_lifetime", OPT_OFFSET(head_of_queue_lifetime), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "leaf_head_of_queue_lifetime", OPT_OFFSET(leaf_head_of_queue_lifetime), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "local_phy_errors_threshold", OPT_OFFSET(local_phy_errors_threshold), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "overrun_errors_threshold", OPT_OFFSET(overrun_errors_threshold), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "use_mfttop", OPT_OFFSET(use_mfttop), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1}, { "sminfo_polling_timeout", OPT_OFFSET(sminfo_polling_timeout), opts_parse_uint32, opts_setup_sminfo_polling_timeout, 1 }, { "polling_retry_number", OPT_OFFSET(polling_retry_number), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "force_heavy_sweep", OPT_OFFSET(force_heavy_sweep), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "port_prof_ignore_file", OPT_OFFSET(port_prof_ignore_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "hop_weights_file", OPT_OFFSET(hop_weights_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "dimn_ports_file", OPT_OFFSET(port_search_ordering_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "port_search_ordering_file", OPT_OFFSET(port_search_ordering_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "port_profile_switch_nodes", OPT_OFFSET(port_profile_switch_nodes), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "sweep_on_trap", OPT_OFFSET(sweep_on_trap), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "routing_engine", OPT_OFFSET(routing_engine_names), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "connect_roots", OPT_OFFSET(connect_roots), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "use_ucast_cache", OPT_OFFSET(use_ucast_cache), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "log_file", OPT_OFFSET(log_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "log_max_size", OPT_OFFSET(log_max_size), opts_parse_uint32, opts_setup_log_max_size, 1 }, { "log_flags", OPT_OFFSET(log_flags), opts_parse_uint8, opts_setup_log_flags, 1 }, { "force_log_flush", OPT_OFFSET(force_log_flush), opts_parse_boolean, opts_setup_force_log_flush, 1 }, { "accum_log_file", OPT_OFFSET(accum_log_file), opts_parse_boolean, opts_setup_accum_log_file, 1 }, { "partition_config_file", OPT_OFFSET(partition_config_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "no_partition_enforcement", OPT_OFFSET(no_partition_enforcement), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "part_enforce", OPT_OFFSET(part_enforce), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "allow_both_pkeys", OPT_OFFSET(allow_both_pkeys), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "sm_assigned_guid", OPT_OFFSET(sm_assigned_guid), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "qos", OPT_OFFSET(qos), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_policy_file", OPT_OFFSET(qos_policy_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "suppress_sl2vl_mad_status_errors", OPT_OFFSET(suppress_sl2vl_mad_status_errors), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "dump_files_dir", OPT_OFFSET(dump_files_dir), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "lid_matrix_dump_file", OPT_OFFSET(lid_matrix_dump_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "lfts_file", OPT_OFFSET(lfts_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "root_guid_file", OPT_OFFSET(root_guid_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "cn_guid_file", OPT_OFFSET(cn_guid_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "io_guid_file", OPT_OFFSET(io_guid_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "port_shifting", OPT_OFFSET(port_shifting), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "scatter_ports", OPT_OFFSET(scatter_ports), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "max_reverse_hops", OPT_OFFSET(max_reverse_hops), opts_parse_uint16, NULL, 0 }, { "ids_guid_file", OPT_OFFSET(ids_guid_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "guid_routing_order_file", OPT_OFFSET(guid_routing_order_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "guid_routing_order_no_scatter", OPT_OFFSET(guid_routing_order_no_scatter), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "sa_db_file", OPT_OFFSET(sa_db_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "sa_db_dump", OPT_OFFSET(sa_db_dump), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "torus_config", OPT_OFFSET(torus_conf_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "do_mesh_analysis", OPT_OFFSET(do_mesh_analysis), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "exit_on_fatal", OPT_OFFSET(exit_on_fatal), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "honor_guid2lid_file", OPT_OFFSET(honor_guid2lid_file), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "daemon", OPT_OFFSET(daemon), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "sm_inactive", OPT_OFFSET(sm_inactive), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "babbling_port_policy", OPT_OFFSET(babbling_port_policy), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "drop_event_subscriptions", OPT_OFFSET(drop_event_subscriptions), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "ipoib_mcgroup_creation_validation", OPT_OFFSET(ipoib_mcgroup_creation_validation), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "mcgroup_join_validation", OPT_OFFSET(mcgroup_join_validation), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "use_optimized_slvl", OPT_OFFSET(use_optimized_slvl), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "fsync_high_avail_files", OPT_OFFSET(fsync_high_avail_files), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR { "perfmgr", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_redir", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_redir), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_sweep_time_s", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_sweep_time_s), opts_parse_uint16, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_ignore_cas", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_ignore_cas), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "event_db_dump_file", OPT_OFFSET(event_db_dump_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_rm_nodes", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_rm_nodes), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_log_errors", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_log_errors), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_query_cpi", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_query_cpi), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_xmit_wait_log", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_xmit_wait_log), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 0 }, { "perfmgr_xmit_wait_threshold", OPT_OFFSET(perfmgr_xmit_wait_threshold), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 0 }, #endif /* ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR */ { "event_plugin_name", OPT_OFFSET(event_plugin_name), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "event_plugin_options", OPT_OFFSET(event_plugin_options), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "node_name_map_name", OPT_OFFSET(node_name_map_name), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "qos_max_vls", OPT_OFFSET(qos_options.max_vls), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_high_limit", OPT_OFFSET(qos_options.high_limit), opts_parse_int32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_vlarb_high", OPT_OFFSET(qos_options.vlarb_high), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_vlarb_low", OPT_OFFSET(qos_options.vlarb_low), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_sl2vl", OPT_OFFSET(qos_options.sl2vl), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_ca_max_vls", OPT_OFFSET(qos_ca_options.max_vls), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_ca_high_limit", OPT_OFFSET(qos_ca_options.high_limit), opts_parse_int32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_ca_vlarb_high", OPT_OFFSET(qos_ca_options.vlarb_high), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_ca_vlarb_low", OPT_OFFSET(qos_ca_options.vlarb_low), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_ca_sl2vl", OPT_OFFSET(qos_ca_options.sl2vl), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_sw0_max_vls", OPT_OFFSET(qos_sw0_options.max_vls), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_sw0_high_limit", OPT_OFFSET(qos_sw0_options.high_limit), opts_parse_int32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_sw0_vlarb_high", OPT_OFFSET(qos_sw0_options.vlarb_high), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_sw0_vlarb_low", OPT_OFFSET(qos_sw0_options.vlarb_low), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_sw0_sl2vl", OPT_OFFSET(qos_sw0_options.sl2vl), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_swe_max_vls", OPT_OFFSET(qos_swe_options.max_vls), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_swe_high_limit", OPT_OFFSET(qos_swe_options.high_limit), opts_parse_int32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_swe_vlarb_high", OPT_OFFSET(qos_swe_options.vlarb_high), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_swe_vlarb_low", OPT_OFFSET(qos_swe_options.vlarb_low), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_swe_sl2vl", OPT_OFFSET(qos_swe_options.sl2vl), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_rtr_max_vls", OPT_OFFSET(qos_rtr_options.max_vls), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_rtr_high_limit", OPT_OFFSET(qos_rtr_options.high_limit), opts_parse_int32, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_rtr_vlarb_high", OPT_OFFSET(qos_rtr_options.vlarb_high), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_rtr_vlarb_low", OPT_OFFSET(qos_rtr_options.vlarb_low), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "qos_rtr_sl2vl", OPT_OFFSET(qos_rtr_options.sl2vl), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "congestion_control", OPT_OFFSET(congestion_control), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "cc_key", OPT_OFFSET(cc_key), opts_parse_net64, NULL, 0}, { "cc_max_outstanding_mads", OPT_OFFSET(cc_max_outstanding_mads), opts_parse_uint32, NULL, 0 }, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_control_map", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_control_map), opts_parse_net32, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_victim_mask", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_victim_mask), opts_parse_256bit, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_mask", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_mask), opts_parse_256bit, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_threshold", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_threshold), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_packet_size", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_packet_size), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_threshold", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_threshold), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_return_delay", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_return_delay), opts_parse_cct_entry, NULL, 1}, { "cc_sw_cong_setting_marking_rate", OPT_OFFSET(cc_sw_cong_setting_marking_rate), opts_parse_net16, NULL, 1}, { "cc_ca_cong_setting_port_control", OPT_OFFSET(cc_ca_cong_setting_port_control), opts_parse_net16, NULL, 1}, { "cc_ca_cong_setting_control_map", OPT_OFFSET(cc_ca_cong_setting_control_map), opts_parse_net16, NULL, 1}, { "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_timer", OPT_OFFSET(cc_ca_cong_entries), opts_parse_ccti_timer, NULL, 1}, { "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_increase", OPT_OFFSET(cc_ca_cong_entries), opts_parse_ccti_increase, NULL, 1}, { "cc_ca_cong_setting_trigger_threshold", OPT_OFFSET(cc_ca_cong_entries), opts_parse_trigger_threshold, NULL, 1}, { "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_min", OPT_OFFSET(cc_ca_cong_entries), opts_parse_ccti_min, NULL, 1}, { "cc_cct", OPT_OFFSET(cc_cct), opts_parse_cc_cct, NULL, 1}, { "enable_quirks", OPT_OFFSET(enable_quirks), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "no_clients_rereg", OPT_OFFSET(no_clients_rereg), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "prefix_routes_file", OPT_OFFSET(prefix_routes_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "consolidate_ipv6_snm_req", OPT_OFFSET(consolidate_ipv6_snm_req), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, { "lash_start_vl", OPT_OFFSET(lash_start_vl), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "sm_sl", OPT_OFFSET(sm_sl), opts_parse_uint8, NULL, 1 }, { "log_prefix", OPT_OFFSET(log_prefix), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 1 }, { "per_module_logging_file", OPT_OFFSET(per_module_logging_file), opts_parse_charp, NULL, 0 }, { "quasi_ftree_indexing", OPT_OFFSET(quasi_ftree_indexing), opts_parse_boolean, NULL, 1 }, {0} }; static int compar_mgids(const void *m1, const void *m2) { return memcmp(m1, m2, sizeof(ib_gid_t)); } static void subn_validate_g2m(osm_subn_t *p_subn) { cl_qlist_t guids; osm_db_guid_elem_t *p_item; uint64_t mkey; boolean_t valid_entry; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&(p_subn->p_osm->log)); cl_qlist_init(&guids); if (osm_db_guid2mkey_guids(p_subn->p_g2m, &guids)) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7506: " "could not get mkey guid list\n"); goto Exit; } while ((p_item = (osm_db_guid_elem_t *) cl_qlist_remove_head(&guids)) != (osm_db_guid_elem_t *) cl_qlist_end(&guids)) { valid_entry = TRUE; if (p_item->guid == 0) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7507: found invalid zero guid"); valid_entry = FALSE; } else if (osm_db_guid2mkey_get(p_subn->p_g2m, p_item->guid, &mkey)) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7508: could not get mkey for guid:0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", p_item->guid); valid_entry = FALSE; } if (valid_entry == FALSE) { if (osm_db_guid2mkey_delete(p_subn->p_g2m, p_item->guid)) OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7509: failed to delete entry for " "guid:0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", p_item->guid); } free(p_item); } Exit: OSM_LOG_EXIT(&(p_subn->p_osm->log)); } static void subn_validate_neighbor(osm_subn_t *p_subn) { cl_qlist_t entries; osm_db_neighbor_elem_t *p_item; boolean_t valid_entry; uint64_t guid; uint8_t port; OSM_LOG_ENTER(&(p_subn->p_osm->log)); cl_qlist_init(&entries); if (osm_db_neighbor_guids(p_subn->p_neighbor, &entries)) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7512: " "could not get neighbor entry list\n"); goto Exit; } while ((p_item = (osm_db_neighbor_elem_t *) cl_qlist_remove_head(&entries)) != (osm_db_neighbor_elem_t *) cl_qlist_end(&entries)) { valid_entry = TRUE; OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_DEBUG, "Validating neighbor for guid:0x%016" PRIx64 ", port %d\n", p_item->guid, p_item->portnum); if (p_item->guid == 0) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7513: found invalid zero guid\n"); valid_entry = FALSE; } else if (p_item->portnum == 0) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7514: found invalid zero port for " "guid: 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", p_item->guid); valid_entry = FALSE; } else if (osm_db_neighbor_get(p_subn->p_neighbor, p_item->guid, p_item->portnum, &guid, &port)) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7515: could not find neighbor for " "guid: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", port %d\n", p_item->guid, p_item->portnum); valid_entry = FALSE; } else if (guid == 0) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7516: found invalid neighbor " "zero guid for guid: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", port %d\n", p_item->guid, p_item->portnum); valid_entry = FALSE; } else if (port == 0) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7517: found invalid neighbor " "zero port for guid: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", port %d\n", p_item->guid, p_item->portnum); valid_entry = FALSE; } else if (osm_db_neighbor_get(p_subn->p_neighbor, guid, port, &guid, &port) || guid != p_item->guid || port != p_item->portnum) { OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7518: neighbor does not point " "back at us (guid: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", port %d)\n", p_item->guid, p_item->portnum); valid_entry = FALSE; } if (valid_entry == FALSE) { if (osm_db_neighbor_delete(p_subn->p_neighbor, p_item->guid, p_item->portnum)) OSM_LOG(&(p_subn->p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7519: failed to delete entry for " "guid:0x%016" PRIx64 " port:%u\n", p_item->guid, p_item->portnum); } free(p_item); } Exit: OSM_LOG_EXIT(&(p_subn->p_osm->log)); } void osm_subn_construct(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn) { memset(p_subn, 0, sizeof(*p_subn)); cl_ptr_vector_construct(&p_subn->port_lid_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->sw_guid_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->node_guid_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->port_guid_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->alias_port_guid_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->assigned_guids_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->sm_guid_tbl); cl_qlist_init(&p_subn->sa_sr_list); cl_qlist_init(&p_subn->sa_infr_list); cl_qlist_init(&p_subn->alias_guid_list); cl_qlist_init(&p_subn->prefix_routes_list); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->rtr_guid_tbl); cl_qmap_init(&p_subn->prtn_pkey_tbl); cl_fmap_init(&p_subn->mgrp_mgid_tbl, compar_mgids); } static void subn_destroy_qos_options(osm_qos_options_t *opt) { free(opt->vlarb_high); free(opt->vlarb_low); free(opt->sl2vl); } static void subn_opt_destroy(IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt) { free(p_opt->console); free(p_opt->port_prof_ignore_file); free(p_opt->hop_weights_file); free(p_opt->port_search_ordering_file); free(p_opt->routing_engine_names); free(p_opt->log_file); free(p_opt->partition_config_file); free(p_opt->qos_policy_file); free(p_opt->dump_files_dir); free(p_opt->part_enforce); free(p_opt->lid_matrix_dump_file); free(p_opt->lfts_file); free(p_opt->root_guid_file); free(p_opt->cn_guid_file); free(p_opt->io_guid_file); free(p_opt->ids_guid_file); free(p_opt->guid_routing_order_file); free(p_opt->sa_db_file); free(p_opt->torus_conf_file); #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR free(p_opt->event_db_dump_file); #endif /* ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR */ free(p_opt->event_plugin_name); free(p_opt->event_plugin_options); free(p_opt->node_name_map_name); free(p_opt->prefix_routes_file); free(p_opt->log_prefix); subn_destroy_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_options); subn_destroy_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_ca_options); subn_destroy_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_sw0_options); subn_destroy_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_swe_options); subn_destroy_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_rtr_options); free(p_opt->cc_cct.input_str); } void osm_subn_destroy(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn) { int i; osm_node_t *p_node, *p_next_node; osm_assigned_guids_t *p_assigned_guids, *p_next_assigned_guids; osm_alias_guid_t *p_alias_guid, *p_next_alias_guid; osm_port_t *p_port, *p_next_port; osm_switch_t *p_sw, *p_next_sw; osm_remote_sm_t *p_rsm, *p_next_rsm; osm_prtn_t *p_prtn, *p_next_prtn; osm_infr_t *p_infr, *p_next_infr; osm_svcr_t *p_svcr, *p_next_svcr; /* it might be a good idea to de-allocate all known objects */ p_next_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->node_guid_tbl); while (p_next_node != (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->node_guid_tbl)) { p_node = p_next_node; p_next_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_node->map_item); osm_node_delete(&p_node); } p_next_assigned_guids = (osm_assigned_guids_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->assigned_guids_tbl); while (p_next_assigned_guids != (osm_assigned_guids_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->assigned_guids_tbl)) { p_assigned_guids = p_next_assigned_guids; p_next_assigned_guids = (osm_assigned_guids_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_assigned_guids->map_item); osm_assigned_guids_delete(&p_assigned_guids); } p_next_alias_guid = (osm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->alias_port_guid_tbl); while (p_next_alias_guid != (osm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->alias_port_guid_tbl)) { p_alias_guid = p_next_alias_guid; p_next_alias_guid = (osm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_alias_guid->map_item); osm_alias_guid_delete(&p_alias_guid); } while (cl_qlist_count(&p_subn->alias_guid_list)) osm_guid_work_obj_delete((osm_guidinfo_work_obj_t *) cl_qlist_remove_head(&p_subn->alias_guid_list)); p_next_port = (osm_port_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->port_guid_tbl); while (p_next_port != (osm_port_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->port_guid_tbl)) { p_port = p_next_port; p_next_port = (osm_port_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_port->map_item); osm_port_delete(&p_port); } p_next_sw = (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->sw_guid_tbl); while (p_next_sw != (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->sw_guid_tbl)) { p_sw = p_next_sw; p_next_sw = (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_sw->map_item); osm_switch_delete(&p_sw); } p_next_rsm = (osm_remote_sm_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->sm_guid_tbl); while (p_next_rsm != (osm_remote_sm_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->sm_guid_tbl)) { p_rsm = p_next_rsm; p_next_rsm = (osm_remote_sm_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_rsm->map_item); free(p_rsm); } p_next_prtn = (osm_prtn_t *) cl_qmap_head(&p_subn->prtn_pkey_tbl); while (p_next_prtn != (osm_prtn_t *) cl_qmap_end(&p_subn->prtn_pkey_tbl)) { p_prtn = p_next_prtn; p_next_prtn = (osm_prtn_t *) cl_qmap_next(&p_prtn->map_item); osm_prtn_delete(p_subn, &p_prtn); } cl_fmap_remove_all(&p_subn->mgrp_mgid_tbl); for (i = 0; i <= p_subn->max_mcast_lid_ho - IB_LID_MCAST_START_HO; i++) if (p_subn->mboxes[i]) osm_mgrp_box_delete(p_subn->mboxes[i]); p_next_infr = (osm_infr_t *) cl_qlist_head(&p_subn->sa_infr_list); while (p_next_infr != (osm_infr_t *) cl_qlist_end(&p_subn->sa_infr_list)) { p_infr = p_next_infr; p_next_infr = (osm_infr_t *) cl_qlist_next(&p_infr->list_item); osm_infr_delete(p_infr); } p_next_svcr = (osm_svcr_t *) cl_qlist_head(&p_subn->sa_sr_list); while (p_next_svcr != (osm_svcr_t *) cl_qlist_end(&p_subn->sa_sr_list)) { p_svcr = p_next_svcr; p_next_svcr = (osm_svcr_t *) cl_qlist_next(&p_svcr->list_item); osm_svcr_delete(p_svcr); } cl_ptr_vector_destroy(&p_subn->port_lid_tbl); osm_qos_policy_destroy(p_subn->p_qos_policy); while (!cl_is_qlist_empty(&p_subn->prefix_routes_list)) { cl_list_item_t *item = cl_qlist_remove_head(&p_subn->prefix_routes_list); free(item); } subn_opt_destroy(&p_subn->opt); free(p_subn->opt.file_opts); } ib_api_status_t osm_subn_init(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn, IN osm_opensm_t * p_osm, IN const osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt) { cl_status_t status; p_subn->p_osm = p_osm; status = cl_ptr_vector_init(&p_subn->port_lid_tbl, OSM_SUBNET_VECTOR_MIN_SIZE, OSM_SUBNET_VECTOR_GROW_SIZE); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) return status; status = cl_ptr_vector_set_capacity(&p_subn->port_lid_tbl, OSM_SUBNET_VECTOR_CAPACITY); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) return status; /* LID zero is not valid. NULL out this entry for the convenience of other code. */ cl_ptr_vector_set(&p_subn->port_lid_tbl, 0, NULL); p_subn->opt = *p_opt; p_subn->max_ucast_lid_ho = IB_LID_UCAST_END_HO; p_subn->max_mcast_lid_ho = IB_LID_MCAST_END_HO; p_subn->min_ca_mtu = IB_MAX_MTU; p_subn->min_ca_rate = IB_PATH_RECORD_RATE_300_GBS; p_subn->min_data_vls = IB_MAX_NUM_VLS - 1; p_subn->min_sw_data_vls = IB_MAX_NUM_VLS - 1; p_subn->ignore_existing_lfts = TRUE; /* we assume master by default - so we only need to set it true if STANDBY */ p_subn->coming_out_of_standby = FALSE; p_subn->sweeping_enabled = TRUE; p_subn->last_sm_port_state = 1; /* Initialize the guid2mkey database */ p_subn->p_g2m = osm_db_domain_init(&(p_osm->db), "guid2mkey"); if (!p_subn->p_g2m) { OSM_LOG(&(p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7510: " "Error initializing Guid-to-MKey persistent database\n"); return IB_ERROR; } if (osm_db_restore(p_subn->p_g2m)) { #ifndef __WIN__ /* * When Windows is BSODing, it might corrupt files that * were previously opened for writing, even if the files * are closed, so we might see corrupted guid2mkey file. */ if (p_subn->opt.exit_on_fatal) { osm_log(&(p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_SYS, "FATAL: Error restoring Guid-to-Mkey " "persistent database\n"); return IB_ERROR; } else #endif OSM_LOG(&(p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7511: Error restoring Guid-to-Mkey " "persistent database\n"); } subn_validate_g2m(p_subn); /* Initialize the neighbor database */ p_subn->p_neighbor = osm_db_domain_init(&(p_osm->db), "neighbors"); if (!p_subn->p_neighbor) { OSM_LOG(&(p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7520: Error " "initializing neighbor link persistent database\n"); return IB_ERROR; } if (osm_db_restore(p_subn->p_neighbor)) { #ifndef __WIN__ /* * When Windows is BSODing, it might corrupt files that * were previously opened for writing, even if the files * are closed, so we might see corrupted neighbors file. */ if (p_subn->opt.exit_on_fatal) { osm_log(&(p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_SYS, "FATAL: Error restoring neighbor link " "persistent database\n"); return IB_ERROR; } else #endif OSM_LOG(&(p_osm->log), OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7521: Error restoring neighbor link " "persistent database\n"); } subn_validate_neighbor(p_subn); return IB_SUCCESS; } osm_port_t *osm_get_port_by_mad_addr(IN osm_log_t * p_log, IN const osm_subn_t * p_subn, IN osm_mad_addr_t * p_mad_addr) { osm_port_t *port = osm_get_port_by_lid(p_subn, p_mad_addr->dest_lid); if (!port) OSM_LOG(p_log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7504: " "Lid is out of range: %u\n", cl_ntoh16(p_mad_addr->dest_lid)); return port; } ib_api_status_t osm_get_gid_by_mad_addr(IN osm_log_t * p_log, IN const osm_subn_t * p_subn, IN osm_mad_addr_t * p_mad_addr, OUT ib_gid_t * p_gid) { const osm_port_t *p_port; if (p_gid == NULL) { OSM_LOG(p_log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "ERR 7505: " "Provided output GID is NULL\n"); return IB_INVALID_PARAMETER; } p_port = osm_get_port_by_mad_addr(p_log, p_subn, p_mad_addr); if (!p_port) return IB_INVALID_PARAMETER; p_gid->unicast.interface_id = p_port->p_physp->port_guid; p_gid->unicast.prefix = p_subn->opt.subnet_prefix; return IB_SUCCESS; } osm_physp_t *osm_get_physp_by_mad_addr(IN osm_log_t * p_log, IN const osm_subn_t * p_subn, IN osm_mad_addr_t * p_mad_addr) { osm_port_t *p_port; p_port = osm_get_port_by_mad_addr(p_log, p_subn, p_mad_addr); if (!p_port) return NULL; return p_port->p_physp; } osm_switch_t *osm_get_switch_by_guid(IN const osm_subn_t * p_subn, IN ib_net64_t guid) { osm_switch_t *p_switch; p_switch = (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_get(&(p_subn->sw_guid_tbl), guid); if (p_switch == (osm_switch_t *) cl_qmap_end(&(p_subn->sw_guid_tbl))) p_switch = NULL; return p_switch; } osm_node_t *osm_get_node_by_guid(IN osm_subn_t const *p_subn, IN ib_net64_t guid) { osm_node_t *p_node; p_node = (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_get(&(p_subn->node_guid_tbl), guid); if (p_node == (osm_node_t *) cl_qmap_end(&(p_subn->node_guid_tbl))) p_node = NULL; return p_node; } osm_port_t *osm_get_port_by_guid(IN osm_subn_t const *p_subn, IN ib_net64_t guid) { osm_port_t *p_port; p_port = (osm_port_t *) cl_qmap_get(&(p_subn->port_guid_tbl), guid); if (p_port == (osm_port_t *) cl_qmap_end(&(p_subn->port_guid_tbl))) p_port = NULL; return p_port; } osm_alias_guid_t *osm_get_alias_guid_by_guid(IN osm_subn_t const *p_subn, IN ib_net64_t guid) { osm_alias_guid_t *p_alias_guid; p_alias_guid = (osm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_get(&(p_subn->alias_port_guid_tbl), guid); if (p_alias_guid == (osm_alias_guid_t *) cl_qmap_end(&(p_subn->alias_port_guid_tbl))) return NULL; return p_alias_guid; } osm_port_t *osm_get_port_by_alias_guid(IN osm_subn_t const *p_subn, IN ib_net64_t guid) { osm_alias_guid_t *p_alias_guid; p_alias_guid = osm_get_alias_guid_by_guid(p_subn, guid); if (!p_alias_guid) return NULL; return p_alias_guid->p_base_port; } osm_assigned_guids_t *osm_assigned_guids_new(IN const ib_net64_t port_guid, IN const uint32_t num_guids) { osm_assigned_guids_t *p_assigned_guids; p_assigned_guids = calloc(1, sizeof(*p_assigned_guids) + sizeof(ib_net64_t) * (num_guids - 1)); if (p_assigned_guids) p_assigned_guids->port_guid = port_guid; return p_assigned_guids; } void osm_assigned_guids_delete(IN OUT osm_assigned_guids_t ** pp_assigned_guids) { free(*pp_assigned_guids); *pp_assigned_guids = NULL; } osm_assigned_guids_t *osm_get_assigned_guids_by_guid(IN osm_subn_t const *p_subn, IN ib_net64_t port_guid) { osm_assigned_guids_t *p_assigned_guids; p_assigned_guids = (osm_assigned_guids_t *) cl_qmap_get(&(p_subn->assigned_guids_tbl), port_guid); if (p_assigned_guids == (osm_assigned_guids_t *) cl_qmap_end(&(p_subn->assigned_guids_tbl))) return NULL; return p_assigned_guids; } osm_port_t *osm_get_port_by_lid_ho(IN osm_subn_t const * subn, IN uint16_t lid) { if (lid < cl_ptr_vector_get_size(&subn->port_lid_tbl)) return cl_ptr_vector_get(&subn->port_lid_tbl, lid); return NULL; } osm_mgrp_t *osm_get_mgrp_by_mgid(IN osm_subn_t * subn, IN ib_gid_t * mgid) { osm_mgrp_t *mgrp; mgrp = (osm_mgrp_t *)cl_fmap_get(&subn->mgrp_mgid_tbl, mgid); if (mgrp != (osm_mgrp_t *)cl_fmap_end(&subn->mgrp_mgid_tbl)) return mgrp; return NULL; } int is_mlnx_ext_port_info_supported(ib_net32_t vendid, ib_net16_t devid) { uint32_t vendid_ho; uint16_t devid_ho; devid_ho = cl_ntoh16(devid); if ((devid_ho >= 0xc738 && devid_ho <= 0xc73b) || devid_ho == 0xcb20 || devid_ho == 0xcf08 || devid == 0x1b02) return 1; if (devid_ho >= 0x1003 && devid_ho <= 0x1017) return 1; vendid_ho = cl_ntoh32(vendid); if (vendid_ho == 0x119f) { /* Bull Switch-X */ if (devid_ho == 0x1b02 || devid_ho == 0x1b50) return 1; /* Bull Switch-IB/IB2 */ if (devid_ho == 0x1ba0 || (devid_ho >= 0x1bd0 && devid_ho <= 0x1bd5)) return 1; /* Bull Connect-X3 */ if (devid_ho == 0x1b33 || devid_ho == 0x1b73 || devid_ho == 0x1b40 || devid_ho == 0x1b41 || devid_ho == 0x1b60 || devid_ho == 0x1b61) return 1; /* Bull Connect-IB */ if (devid_ho == 0x1b83 || devid_ho == 0x1b93 || devid_ho == 0x1b94) return 1; /* Bull Connect-X4 */ if (devid_ho == 0x1bb4 || devid_ho == 0x1bb5 || devid_ho == 0x1bc4) return 1; } return 0; } static void subn_init_qos_options(osm_qos_options_t *opt, osm_qos_options_t *f) { opt->max_vls = 0; opt->high_limit = -1; if (opt->vlarb_high) free(opt->vlarb_high); opt->vlarb_high = NULL; if (opt->vlarb_low) free(opt->vlarb_low); opt->vlarb_low = NULL; if (opt->sl2vl) free(opt->sl2vl); opt->sl2vl = NULL; if (f) memcpy(f, opt, sizeof(*f)); } void osm_subn_set_default_opt(IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opt) { memset(p_opt, 0, sizeof(osm_subn_opt_t)); p_opt->guid = 0; p_opt->m_key = OSM_DEFAULT_M_KEY; p_opt->sm_key = OSM_DEFAULT_SM_KEY; p_opt->sa_key = OSM_DEFAULT_SA_KEY; p_opt->subnet_prefix = IB_DEFAULT_SUBNET_PREFIX; p_opt->m_key_lease_period = 0; p_opt->m_key_protect_bits = 0; p_opt->m_key_lookup = TRUE; p_opt->sweep_interval = OSM_DEFAULT_SWEEP_INTERVAL_SECS; p_opt->max_wire_smps = OSM_DEFAULT_SMP_MAX_ON_WIRE; p_opt->max_wire_smps2 = p_opt->max_wire_smps; p_opt->console = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_CONSOLE); p_opt->console_port = OSM_DEFAULT_CONSOLE_PORT; p_opt->transaction_timeout = OSM_DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC; p_opt->transaction_retries = OSM_DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT; p_opt->max_smps_timeout = 1000 * p_opt->transaction_timeout * p_opt->transaction_retries; /* by default we will consider waiting for 50x transaction timeout normal */ p_opt->max_msg_fifo_timeout = 50 * OSM_DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC; p_opt->sm_priority = OSM_DEFAULT_SM_PRIORITY; p_opt->lmc = OSM_DEFAULT_LMC; p_opt->lmc_esp0 = FALSE; p_opt->max_op_vls = OSM_DEFAULT_MAX_OP_VLS; p_opt->force_link_speed = 15; p_opt->force_link_speed_ext = 31; p_opt->fdr10 = 1; p_opt->reassign_lids = FALSE; p_opt->ignore_other_sm = FALSE; p_opt->single_thread = FALSE; p_opt->disable_multicast = FALSE; p_opt->force_log_flush = FALSE; p_opt->subnet_timeout = OSM_DEFAULT_SUBNET_TIMEOUT; p_opt->packet_life_time = OSM_DEFAULT_SWITCH_PACKET_LIFE; p_opt->vl_stall_count = OSM_DEFAULT_VL_STALL_COUNT; p_opt->leaf_vl_stall_count = OSM_DEFAULT_LEAF_VL_STALL_COUNT; p_opt->head_of_queue_lifetime = OSM_DEFAULT_HEAD_OF_QUEUE_LIFE; p_opt->leaf_head_of_queue_lifetime = OSM_DEFAULT_LEAF_HEAD_OF_QUEUE_LIFE; p_opt->local_phy_errors_threshold = OSM_DEFAULT_ERROR_THRESHOLD; p_opt->overrun_errors_threshold = OSM_DEFAULT_ERROR_THRESHOLD; p_opt->use_mfttop = TRUE; p_opt->sminfo_polling_timeout = OSM_SM_DEFAULT_POLLING_TIMEOUT_MILLISECS; p_opt->polling_retry_number = OSM_SM_DEFAULT_POLLING_RETRY_NUMBER; p_opt->force_heavy_sweep = FALSE; p_opt->log_flags = OSM_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL; p_opt->honor_guid2lid_file = FALSE; p_opt->daemon = FALSE; p_opt->sm_inactive = FALSE; p_opt->babbling_port_policy = FALSE; p_opt->drop_event_subscriptions = FALSE; p_opt->ipoib_mcgroup_creation_validation = TRUE; p_opt->mcgroup_join_validation = TRUE; p_opt->use_optimized_slvl = FALSE; p_opt->fsync_high_avail_files = TRUE; #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR p_opt->perfmgr = FALSE; p_opt->perfmgr_redir = TRUE; p_opt->perfmgr_sweep_time_s = OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_SWEEP_TIME_S; p_opt->perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries = OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING_QUERIES; p_opt->perfmgr_ignore_cas = FALSE; p_opt->event_db_dump_file = NULL; /* use default */ p_opt->perfmgr_rm_nodes = TRUE; p_opt->perfmgr_log_errors = TRUE; p_opt->perfmgr_query_cpi = TRUE; p_opt->perfmgr_xmit_wait_log = FALSE; p_opt->perfmgr_xmit_wait_threshold = OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_XMIT_WAIT_THRESHOLD; #endif /* ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR */ p_opt->event_plugin_name = NULL; p_opt->event_plugin_options = NULL; p_opt->node_name_map_name = NULL; p_opt->dump_files_dir = getenv("OSM_TMP_DIR"); if (!p_opt->dump_files_dir || !(*p_opt->dump_files_dir)) p_opt->dump_files_dir = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_TMP_DIR); else p_opt->dump_files_dir = strdup(p_opt->dump_files_dir); p_opt->log_file = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_LOG_FILE); p_opt->log_max_size = 0; p_opt->partition_config_file = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_PARTITION_CONFIG_FILE); p_opt->no_partition_enforcement = FALSE; p_opt->part_enforce = strdup(OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH); p_opt->allow_both_pkeys = FALSE; p_opt->sm_assigned_guid = 0; p_opt->qos = FALSE; p_opt->qos_policy_file = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_QOS_POLICY_FILE); p_opt->suppress_sl2vl_mad_status_errors = FALSE; p_opt->accum_log_file = TRUE; p_opt->port_prof_ignore_file = NULL; p_opt->hop_weights_file = NULL; p_opt->port_search_ordering_file = NULL; p_opt->port_profile_switch_nodes = FALSE; p_opt->sweep_on_trap = TRUE; p_opt->use_ucast_cache = FALSE; p_opt->routing_engine_names = NULL; p_opt->connect_roots = FALSE; p_opt->lid_matrix_dump_file = NULL; p_opt->lfts_file = NULL; p_opt->root_guid_file = NULL; p_opt->cn_guid_file = NULL; p_opt->io_guid_file = NULL; p_opt->port_shifting = FALSE; p_opt->scatter_ports = OSM_DEFAULT_SCATTER_PORTS; p_opt->max_reverse_hops = 0; p_opt->ids_guid_file = NULL; p_opt->guid_routing_order_file = NULL; p_opt->guid_routing_order_no_scatter = FALSE; p_opt->sa_db_file = NULL; p_opt->sa_db_dump = FALSE; p_opt->torus_conf_file = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_TORUS_CONF_FILE); p_opt->do_mesh_analysis = FALSE; p_opt->exit_on_fatal = TRUE; p_opt->congestion_control = FALSE; p_opt->cc_key = OSM_DEFAULT_CC_KEY; p_opt->cc_max_outstanding_mads = OSM_CC_DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING_QUERIES; p_opt->enable_quirks = FALSE; p_opt->no_clients_rereg = FALSE; p_opt->prefix_routes_file = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_PREFIX_ROUTES_FILE); p_opt->consolidate_ipv6_snm_req = FALSE; p_opt->lash_start_vl = 0; p_opt->sm_sl = OSM_DEFAULT_SL; p_opt->log_prefix = NULL; p_opt->per_module_logging_file = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_PER_MOD_LOGGING_CONF_FILE); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_options, NULL); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_ca_options, NULL); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_sw0_options, NULL); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_swe_options, NULL); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opt->qos_rtr_options, NULL); p_opt->cc_cct.entries_len = 0; p_opt->cc_cct.input_str = NULL; p_opt->quasi_ftree_indexing = FALSE; } static char *clean_val(char *val) { char *p = val; /* clean leading spaces */ while (isspace(*p)) p++; val = p; if (!*val) return val; /* clean trailing spaces */ p = val + strlen(val) - 1; while (p > val && isspace(*p)) p--; p[1] = '\0'; /* clean quotas */ if ((*val == '\"' && *p == '\"') || (*val == '\'' && *p == '\'')) { val++; *p-- = '\0'; } return val; } static int subn_dump_qos_options(FILE * file, const char *set_name, const char *prefix, osm_qos_options_t * opt) { return fprintf(file, "# %s\n" "%s_max_vls %u\n" "%s_high_limit %d\n" "%s_vlarb_high %s\n" "%s_vlarb_low %s\n" "%s_sl2vl %s\n", set_name, prefix, opt->max_vls, prefix, opt->high_limit, prefix, opt->vlarb_high, prefix, opt->vlarb_low, prefix, opt->sl2vl); } static ib_api_status_t append_prefix_route(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn, uint64_t prefix, uint64_t guid) { osm_prefix_route_t *route; route = malloc(sizeof *route); if (! route) { OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "out of memory"); return IB_ERROR; } route->prefix = cl_hton64(prefix); route->guid = cl_hton64(guid); cl_qlist_insert_tail(&p_subn->prefix_routes_list, &route->list_item); return IB_SUCCESS; } static ib_api_status_t parse_prefix_routes_file(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn) { osm_log_t *log = &p_subn->p_osm->log; FILE *fp; char buf[1024]; int line = 0; int errors = 0; while (!cl_is_qlist_empty(&p_subn->prefix_routes_list)) { cl_list_item_t *item = cl_qlist_remove_head(&p_subn->prefix_routes_list); free(item); } fp = fopen(p_subn->opt.prefix_routes_file, "r"); if (! fp) { if (errno == ENOENT) return IB_SUCCESS; OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "fopen(%s) failed: %s", p_subn->opt.prefix_routes_file, strerror(errno)); return IB_ERROR; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) { char *p_prefix, *p_guid, *p_extra, *p_last, *p_end; uint64_t prefix, guid; line++; if (errors > 10) break; p_prefix = strtok_r(buf, " \t\n", &p_last); if (! p_prefix) continue; /* ignore blank lines */ if (*p_prefix == '#') continue; /* ignore comment lines */ p_guid = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n", &p_last); if (! p_guid) { OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "%s:%d: missing GUID\n", p_subn->opt.prefix_routes_file, line); errors++; continue; } p_extra = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n", &p_last); if (p_extra && *p_extra != '#') { OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_INFO, "%s:%d: extra tokens ignored\n", p_subn->opt.prefix_routes_file, line); } if (strcmp(p_prefix, "*") == 0) prefix = 0; else { prefix = strtoull(p_prefix, &p_end, 16); if (*p_end != '\0') { OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "%s:%d: illegal prefix: %s\n", p_subn->opt.prefix_routes_file, line, p_prefix); errors++; continue; } } if (strcmp(p_guid, "*") == 0) guid = 0; else { guid = strtoull(p_guid, &p_end, 16); if (*p_end != '\0' && *p_end != '#') { OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "%s:%d: illegal GUID: %s\n", p_subn->opt.prefix_routes_file, line, p_guid); errors++; continue; } } if (append_prefix_route(p_subn, prefix, guid) != IB_SUCCESS) { errors++; break; } } fclose(fp); return (errors == 0) ? IB_SUCCESS : IB_ERROR; } static ib_api_status_t insert_per_module_debug(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn, char *mod_name, osm_log_level_t level) { uint8_t index; if (find_module_name(mod_name, &index)) { OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "Module name %s not found\n", mod_name); return IB_ERROR; } osm_set_log_per_module(&p_subn->p_osm->log, index, level); return IB_SUCCESS; } static ib_api_status_t parse_per_mod_logging_file(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn) { osm_log_t *log = &p_subn->p_osm->log; FILE *fp; char buf[1024]; int line = 0; int errors = 0; osm_reset_log_per_module(log); if (p_subn->opt.per_module_logging_file == NULL) return IB_SUCCESS; fp = fopen(p_subn->opt.per_module_logging_file, "r"); if (!fp) { if (errno == ENOENT) return IB_SUCCESS; OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "fopen(%s) failed: %s", p_subn->opt.per_module_logging_file, strerror(errno)); return IB_ERROR; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) { char *p_mod_name, *p_level, *p_extra, *p_last; osm_log_level_t level; line++; if (errors > 10) break; p_mod_name = strtok_r(buf, " =,\t\n", &p_last); if (!p_mod_name) continue; /* ignore blank lines */ if (*p_mod_name == '#') continue; /* ignore comment lines */ p_level = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n", &p_last); if (!p_level) { OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "%s:%d: missing log level\n", p_subn->opt.per_module_logging_file, line); errors++; continue; } p_extra = strtok_r(NULL, " \t\n", &p_last); if (p_extra && *p_extra != '#') { OSM_LOG(log, OSM_LOG_INFO, "%s:%d: extra tokens ignored\n", p_subn->opt.per_module_logging_file, line); } level = strtoul(p_level, NULL, 0); if (insert_per_module_debug(p_subn, p_mod_name, level) != IB_SUCCESS) { errors++; break; } } fclose(fp); return (errors == 0) ? IB_SUCCESS : IB_ERROR; } static void subn_verify_max_vls(unsigned *max_vls, const char *prefix) { if (!*max_vls || *max_vls > 15) { if (*max_vls) log_report(" Invalid Cached Option: %s_max_vls=%u: " "Using Default = %u\n", prefix, *max_vls, OSM_DEFAULT_QOS_MAX_VLS); *max_vls = 0; } } static void subn_verify_high_limit(int *high_limit, const char *prefix) { if (*high_limit < 0 || *high_limit > 255) { if (*high_limit > 255) log_report(" Invalid Cached Option: %s_high_limit=%d: " "Using Default: %d\n", prefix, *high_limit, OSM_DEFAULT_QOS_HIGH_LIMIT); *high_limit = -1; } } static void subn_verify_vlarb(char **vlarb, const char *prefix, const char *suffix) { char *str, *tok, *end, *ptr; int count = 0; if (*vlarb == NULL) return; str = strdup(*vlarb); tok = strtok_r(str, ",\n", &ptr); while (tok) { char *vl_str, *weight_str; vl_str = tok; weight_str = strchr(tok, ':'); if (weight_str) { long vl, weight; *weight_str = '\0'; weight_str++; vl = strtol(vl_str, &end, 0); if (*end) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option " "%s_vlarb_%s:vl=%s" " improperly formatted\n", prefix, suffix, vl_str); else if (vl < 0 || vl > 14) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option " "%s_vlarb_%s:vl=%ld out of range\n", prefix, suffix, vl); weight = strtol(weight_str, &end, 0); if (*end) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option " "%s_vlarb_%s:weight=%s " "improperly formatted\n", prefix, suffix, weight_str); else if (weight < 0 || weight > 255) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option " "%s_vlarb_%s:weight=%ld " "out of range\n", prefix, suffix, weight); } else log_report(" Warning: Cached Option " "%s_vlarb_%s:vl:weight=%s " "improperly formatted\n", prefix, suffix, tok); count++; tok = strtok_r(NULL, ",\n", &ptr); } if (count > 64) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option %s_vlarb_%s: > 64 listed:" " excess vl:weight pairs will be dropped\n", prefix, suffix); free(str); } static void subn_verify_sl2vl(char **sl2vl, const char *prefix) { char *str, *tok, *end, *ptr; int count = 0; if (*sl2vl == NULL) return; str = strdup(*sl2vl); tok = strtok_r(str, ",\n", &ptr); while (tok) { long vl = strtol(tok, &end, 0); if (*end) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option %s_sl2vl:vl=%s " "improperly formatted\n", prefix, tok); else if (vl < 0 || vl > 15) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option %s_sl2vl:vl=%ld " "out of range\n", prefix, vl); count++; tok = strtok_r(NULL, ",\n", &ptr); } if (count < 16) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option %s_sl2vl: < 16 VLs " "listed\n", prefix); else if (count > 16) log_report(" Warning: Cached Option %s_sl2vl: > 16 listed: " "excess VLs will be dropped\n", prefix); free(str); } static void subn_verify_qos_set(osm_qos_options_t *set, const char *prefix) { subn_verify_max_vls(&set->max_vls, prefix); subn_verify_high_limit(&set->high_limit, prefix); subn_verify_vlarb(&set->vlarb_low, prefix, "low"); subn_verify_vlarb(&set->vlarb_high, prefix, "high"); subn_verify_sl2vl(&set->sl2vl, prefix); } int osm_subn_verify_config(IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opts) { if (p_opts->lmc > 7) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:lmc = %u:" "Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->lmc, OSM_DEFAULT_LMC); p_opts->lmc = OSM_DEFAULT_LMC; } if (15 < p_opts->sm_priority) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:sm_priority = %u:" "Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->sm_priority, OSM_DEFAULT_SM_PRIORITY); p_opts->sm_priority = OSM_DEFAULT_SM_PRIORITY; } if ((15 < p_opts->force_link_speed) || (p_opts->force_link_speed > 7 && p_opts->force_link_speed < 15)) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:force_link_speed = %u:" "Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->force_link_speed, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ENABLED_MASK); p_opts->force_link_speed = IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ENABLED_MASK; } if ((31 < p_opts->force_link_speed_ext) || (p_opts->force_link_speed_ext > 3 && p_opts->force_link_speed_ext < 30)) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:force_link_speed_ext = %u:" "Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->force_link_speed_ext, 31); p_opts->force_link_speed_ext = 31; } if (2 < p_opts->fdr10) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:fdr10 = %u:" "Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->fdr10, 1); p_opts->fdr10 = 1; } if (p_opts->max_wire_smps == 0) p_opts->max_wire_smps = 0x7FFFFFFF; else if (p_opts->max_wire_smps > 0x7FFFFFFF) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value: max_wire_smps = %u," " Using Default: %u\n", p_opts->max_wire_smps, OSM_DEFAULT_SMP_MAX_ON_WIRE); p_opts->max_wire_smps = OSM_DEFAULT_SMP_MAX_ON_WIRE; } if (p_opts->max_wire_smps2 > 0x7FFFFFFF) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value: max_wire_smps2 = %u," " Using Default: %u", p_opts->max_wire_smps2, p_opts->max_wire_smps); p_opts->max_wire_smps2 = p_opts->max_wire_smps; } if (strcmp(p_opts->console, OSM_DISABLE_CONSOLE) && strcmp(p_opts->console, OSM_LOCAL_CONSOLE) #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_CONSOLE_LOOPBACK && strcmp(p_opts->console, OSM_LOOPBACK_CONSOLE) #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_CONSOLE_SOCKET && strcmp(p_opts->console, OSM_REMOTE_CONSOLE) #endif ) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:console = %s" ", Using Default:%s\n", p_opts->console, OSM_DEFAULT_CONSOLE); free(p_opts->console); p_opts->console = strdup(OSM_DEFAULT_CONSOLE); } if (p_opts->no_partition_enforcement == TRUE) { strcpy(p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OFF); p_opts->part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OFF; } else { if (strcmp(p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH) == 0) p_opts->part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_BOTH; else if (strcmp(p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_IN) == 0) p_opts->part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_IN; else if (strcmp(p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OUT) == 0) p_opts->part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OUT; else if (strcmp(p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_OFF) == 0) p_opts->part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_OFF; else { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:part_enforce = %s" ", Using Default:%s\n", p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH); strcpy(p_opts->part_enforce, OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_BOTH); p_opts->part_enforce_enum = OSM_PARTITION_ENFORCE_TYPE_BOTH; } } if (p_opts->qos) { subn_verify_qos_set(&p_opts->qos_options, "qos"); subn_verify_qos_set(&p_opts->qos_ca_options, "qos_ca"); subn_verify_qos_set(&p_opts->qos_sw0_options, "qos_sw0"); subn_verify_qos_set(&p_opts->qos_swe_options, "qos_swe"); subn_verify_qos_set(&p_opts->qos_rtr_options, "qos_rtr"); } #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR if (p_opts->perfmgr_sweep_time_s < 1) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:perfmgr_sweep_time_s " "= %u Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->perfmgr_sweep_time_s, OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_SWEEP_TIME_S); p_opts->perfmgr_sweep_time_s = OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_SWEEP_TIME_S; } if (p_opts->perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries < 1) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:" "perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries = %u" " Using Default:%u\n", p_opts->perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries, OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING_QUERIES); p_opts->perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries = OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING_QUERIES; } #endif if (p_opts->m_key_protect_bits > 3) { log_report(" Invalid Cached Option Value:" "m_key_protection_level = %u Setting to %u " "instead\n", p_opts->m_key_protect_bits, 2); p_opts->m_key_protect_bits = 2; } if (p_opts->m_key_protect_bits && p_opts->m_key_lease_period) { if (!p_opts->sweep_interval) { log_report(" Sweep disabled with protected mkey " "leases in effect; re-enabling sweeping " "with interval %u\n", cl_ntoh16(p_opts->m_key_lease_period) - 1); p_opts->sweep_interval = cl_ntoh16(p_opts->m_key_lease_period) - 1; } if (p_opts->sweep_interval >= cl_ntoh16(p_opts->m_key_lease_period)) { log_report(" Sweep interval %u >= mkey lease period " "%u. Setting lease period to %u\n", p_opts->sweep_interval, cl_ntoh16(p_opts->m_key_lease_period), p_opts->sweep_interval + 1); p_opts->m_key_lease_period = cl_hton16(p_opts->sweep_interval + 1); } } return 0; } int osm_subn_parse_conf_file(const char *file_name, osm_subn_opt_t * p_opts) { char line[1024]; FILE *opts_file; char *p_key, *p_val, *pound_sign; const opt_rec_t *r; void *p_field1, *p_field2; int token_matched; opts_file = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (!opts_file) { if (errno == ENOENT) return 1; printf("cannot open file \'%s\': %s\n", file_name, strerror(errno)); return -1; } printf(" Reading Cached Option File: %s\n", file_name); p_opts->config_file = file_name; if (!p_opts->file_opts && !(p_opts->file_opts = malloc(sizeof(*p_opts)))) { fclose(opts_file); return -1; } memcpy(p_opts->file_opts, p_opts, sizeof(*p_opts)); p_opts->file_opts->file_opts = NULL; while (fgets(line, 1023, opts_file) != NULL) { pound_sign = strchr(line,'#'); token_matched = 0; /* Truncate any comments. */ if (pound_sign) *pound_sign = '\0'; /* get the first token */ p_key = strtok_r(line, " \t\n", &p_val); if (!p_key) continue; p_val = clean_val(p_val); for (r = opt_tbl; r->name; r++) { if (strcmp(r->name, p_key)) continue; token_matched = 1; p_field1 = (void *)p_opts->file_opts + r->opt_offset; p_field2 = (void *)p_opts + r->opt_offset; /* don't call setup function first time */ r->parse_fn(NULL, p_key, p_val, p_field1, p_field2, NULL); break; } if (!token_matched) log_report(" Unrecognized token: \"%s\"\n", p_key); } fclose(opts_file); osm_subn_verify_config(p_opts); return 0; } int osm_subn_rescan_conf_files(IN osm_subn_t * p_subn) { char line[1024]; osm_subn_opt_t *p_opts = &p_subn->opt; const opt_rec_t *r; FILE *opts_file; char *p_key, *p_val, *pound_sign; void *p_field1, *p_field2; int token_matched; if (!p_opts->config_file) return 0; opts_file = fopen(p_opts->config_file, "r"); if (!opts_file) { if (errno == ENOENT) return 1; OSM_LOG(&p_subn->p_osm->log, OSM_LOG_ERROR, "cannot open file \'%s\': %s\n", p_opts->config_file, strerror(errno)); return -1; } subn_init_qos_options(&p_opts->qos_options, &p_opts->file_opts->qos_options); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opts->qos_ca_options, &p_opts->file_opts->qos_ca_options); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opts->qos_sw0_options, &p_opts->file_opts->qos_sw0_options); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opts->qos_swe_options, &p_opts->file_opts->qos_swe_options); subn_init_qos_options(&p_opts->qos_rtr_options, &p_opts->file_opts->qos_rtr_options); while (fgets(line, 1023, opts_file) != NULL) { pound_sign = strchr(line,'#'); token_matched = 0; /* Truncate any comments. */ if (pound_sign) *pound_sign = '\0'; /* get the first token */ p_key = strtok_r(line, " \t\n", &p_val); if (!p_key) continue; p_val = clean_val(p_val); for (r = opt_tbl; r->name; r++) { if (strcmp(r->name, p_key)) continue; token_matched = 1; if (!r->can_update) continue; p_field1 = (void *)p_opts->file_opts + r->opt_offset; p_field2 = (void *)p_opts + r->opt_offset; r->parse_fn(p_subn, p_key, p_val, p_field1, p_field2, r->setup_fn); break; } if (!token_matched) log_report(" Unrecognized token: \"%s\"\n", p_key); } fclose(opts_file); osm_subn_verify_config(p_opts); parse_prefix_routes_file(p_subn); parse_per_mod_logging_file(p_subn); return 0; } void osm_subn_output_conf(FILE *out, IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opts) { int cacongoutputcount = 0; int i; fprintf(out, "#\n# DEVICE ATTRIBUTES OPTIONS\n#\n" "# The port GUID on which the OpenSM is running\n" "guid 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n\n" "# M_Key value sent to all ports qualifying all Set(PortInfo)\n" "m_key 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n\n" "# The lease period used for the M_Key on this subnet in [sec]\n" "m_key_lease_period %u\n\n" "# The protection level used for the M_Key on this subnet\n" "m_key_protection_level %u\n\n" "# If TRUE, SM tries to determine the m_key of unknown ports from guid2mkey file\n" "# If FALSE, SM won't try to determine the m_key of unknown ports.\n" "# Preconfigured m_key will be used instead\n" "m_key_lookup %s\n\n" "# SM_Key value of the SM used for SM authentication\n" "sm_key 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n\n" "# SM_Key value to qualify rcv SA queries as 'trusted'\n" "sa_key 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n\n" "# Note that for both values above (sm_key and sa_key)\n" "# OpenSM version 3.2.1 and below used the default value '1'\n" "# in a host byte order, it is fixed now but you may need to\n" "# change the values to interoperate with old OpenSM running\n" "# on a little endian machine.\n\n" "# Subnet prefix used on this subnet\n" "subnet_prefix 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n\n" "# The LMC value used on this subnet\n" "lmc %u\n\n" "# lmc_esp0 determines whether LMC value used on subnet is used for\n" "# enhanced switch port 0. If TRUE, LMC value for subnet is used for\n" "# ESP0. Otherwise, LMC value for ESP0s is 0.\n" "lmc_esp0 %s\n\n" "# sm_sl determines SMSL used for SM/SA communication\n" "sm_sl %u\n\n" "# The code of maximal time a packet can live in a switch\n" "# The actual time is 4.096usec * 2^\n" "# The value 0x14 disables this mechanism\n" "packet_life_time 0x%02x\n\n" "# The number of sequential packets dropped that cause the port\n" "# to enter the VLStalled state. The result of setting this value to\n" "# zero is undefined.\n" "vl_stall_count 0x%02x\n\n" "# The number of sequential packets dropped that cause the port\n" "# to enter the VLStalled state. This value is for switch ports\n" "# driving a CA or router port. The result of setting this value\n" "# to zero is undefined.\n" "leaf_vl_stall_count 0x%02x\n\n" "# The code of maximal time a packet can wait at the head of\n" "# transmission queue.\n" "# The actual time is 4.096usec * 2^\n" "# The value 0x14 disables this mechanism\n" "head_of_queue_lifetime 0x%02x\n\n" "# The maximal time a packet can wait at the head of queue on\n" "# switch port connected to a CA or router port\n" "leaf_head_of_queue_lifetime 0x%02x\n\n" "# Limit the maximal operational VLs\n" "max_op_vls %u\n\n" "# Force PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled on switch ports\n" "# If 0, don't modify PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled on switch port\n" "# Otherwise, use value for PortInfo:LinkSpeedEnabled on switch port\n" "# Values are (IB Spec 1.2.1, Table 146 \"PortInfo\")\n" "# 1: 2.5 Gbps\n" "# 3: 2.5 or 5.0 Gbps\n" "# 5: 2.5 or 10.0 Gbps\n" "# 7: 2.5 or 5.0 or 10.0 Gbps\n" "# 2,4,6,8-14 Reserved\n" "# Default 15: set to PortInfo:LinkSpeedSupported\n" "force_link_speed %u\n\n" "# Force PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtEnabled on ports\n" "# If 0, don't modify PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtEnabled on port\n" "# Otherwise, use value for PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtEnabled on port\n" "# Values are (MgtWG RefID #4722)\n" "# 1: 14.0625 Gbps\n" "# 2: 25.78125 Gbps\n" "# 3: 14.0625 Gbps or 25.78125 Gbps\n" "# 30: Disable extended link speeds\n" "# Default 31: set to PortInfo:LinkSpeedExtSupported\n" "force_link_speed_ext %u\n\n" "# FDR10 on ports on devices that support FDR10\n" "# Values are:\n" "# 0: don't use fdr10 (no MLNX ExtendedPortInfo MADs)\n" "# Default 1: enable fdr10 when supported\n" "# 2: disable fdr10 when supported\n" "fdr10 %u\n\n" "# The subnet_timeout code that will be set for all the ports\n" "# The actual timeout is 4.096usec * 2^\n" "subnet_timeout %u\n\n" "# Threshold of local phy errors for sending Trap 129\n" "local_phy_errors_threshold 0x%02x\n\n" "# Threshold of credit overrun errors for sending Trap 130\n" "overrun_errors_threshold 0x%02x\n\n" "# Use SwitchInfo:MulticastFDBTop if advertised in PortInfo:CapabilityMask\n" "use_mfttop %s\n\n", cl_ntoh64(p_opts->guid), cl_ntoh64(p_opts->m_key), cl_ntoh16(p_opts->m_key_lease_period), p_opts->m_key_protect_bits, p_opts->m_key_lookup ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", cl_ntoh64(p_opts->sm_key), cl_ntoh64(p_opts->sa_key), cl_ntoh64(p_opts->subnet_prefix), p_opts->lmc, p_opts->lmc_esp0 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->sm_sl, p_opts->packet_life_time, p_opts->vl_stall_count, p_opts->leaf_vl_stall_count, p_opts->head_of_queue_lifetime, p_opts->leaf_head_of_queue_lifetime, p_opts->max_op_vls, p_opts->force_link_speed, p_opts->force_link_speed_ext, p_opts->fdr10, p_opts->subnet_timeout, p_opts->local_phy_errors_threshold, p_opts->overrun_errors_threshold, p_opts->use_mfttop ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "#\n# PARTITIONING OPTIONS\n#\n" "# Partition configuration file to be used\n" "partition_config_file %s\n\n" "# Disable partition enforcement by switches (DEPRECATED)\n" "# This option is DEPRECATED. Please use part_enforce instead\n" "no_partition_enforcement %s\n\n" "# Partition enforcement type (for switches)\n" "# Values are both, out, in and off\n" "# Default is both (outbound and inbound enforcement)\n" "part_enforce %s\n\n" "# Allow both full and limited membership on the same partition\n" "allow_both_pkeys %s\n\n" "# SM assigned GUID byte where GUID is formed from OpenFabrics OUI\n" "# followed by 40 bits xy 00 ab cd ef where xy is the SM assigned GUID byte\n" "# and ab cd ef is an SM autogenerated 24 bits\n" "# SM assigned GUID byte should be configured as subnet unique\n" "sm_assigned_guid 0x%02x\n\n", p_opts->partition_config_file, p_opts->no_partition_enforcement ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->part_enforce, p_opts->allow_both_pkeys ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->sm_assigned_guid); fprintf(out, "#\n# SWEEP OPTIONS\n#\n" "# The number of seconds between subnet sweeps (0 disables it)\n" "sweep_interval %u\n\n" "# If TRUE cause all lids to be reassigned\n" "reassign_lids %s\n\n" "# If TRUE forces every sweep to be a heavy sweep\n" "force_heavy_sweep %s\n\n" "# If TRUE every trap 128 and 144 will cause a heavy sweep.\n" "# NOTE: successive identical traps (>10) are suppressed\n" "sweep_on_trap %s\n\n", p_opts->sweep_interval, p_opts->reassign_lids ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->force_heavy_sweep ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->sweep_on_trap ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "#\n# ROUTING OPTIONS\n#\n" "# If TRUE count switches as link subscriptions\n" "port_profile_switch_nodes %s\n\n", p_opts->port_profile_switch_nodes ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Name of file with port guids to be ignored by port profiling\n" "port_prof_ignore_file %s\n\n", p_opts->port_prof_ignore_file ? p_opts->port_prof_ignore_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# The file holding routing weighting factors per output port\n" "hop_weights_file %s\n\n", p_opts->hop_weights_file ? p_opts->hop_weights_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# The file holding non-default port order per switch for routing\n" "port_search_ordering_file %s\n\n", p_opts->port_search_ordering_file ? p_opts->port_search_ordering_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# Routing engine\n" "# Multiple routing engines can be specified separated by\n" "# commas so that specific ordering of routing algorithms will\n" "# be tried if earlier routing engines fail.\n" "# Supported engines: minhop, updn, dnup, file, ftree, lash,\n" "# dor, torus-2QoS, dfsssp, sssp\n" "routing_engine %s\n\n", p_opts->routing_engine_names ? p_opts->routing_engine_names : null_str); fprintf(out, "# Connect roots (use FALSE if unsure)\n" "connect_roots %s\n\n", p_opts->connect_roots ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Use unicast routing cache (use FALSE if unsure)\n" "use_ucast_cache %s\n\n", p_opts->use_ucast_cache ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Lid matrix dump file name\n" "lid_matrix_dump_file %s\n\n", p_opts->lid_matrix_dump_file ? p_opts->lid_matrix_dump_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# LFTs file name\nlfts_file %s\n\n", p_opts->lfts_file ? p_opts->lfts_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# The file holding the root node guids (for fat-tree or Up/Down)\n" "# One guid in each line\nroot_guid_file %s\n\n", p_opts->root_guid_file ? p_opts->root_guid_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# The file holding the fat-tree compute node guids\n" "# One guid in each line\ncn_guid_file %s\n\n", p_opts->cn_guid_file ? p_opts->cn_guid_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# The file holding the fat-tree I/O node guids\n" "# One guid in each line.\n" "# If only io_guid file is provided, the rest of nodes\n" "# are considered as compute nodes.\n" "io_guid_file %s\n\n", p_opts->io_guid_file ? p_opts->io_guid_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# If TRUE enables alternative indexing policy for ftree routing\n" "# in quasi-ftree topologies that can improve shift-pattern support.\n" "# The switch indexing starts from root switch and leaf switches\n" "# are termination points of BFS algorithm\n" "# If FALSE, the indexing starts from leaf switch (default)\n" "quasi_ftree_indexing %s\n\n", p_opts->quasi_ftree_indexing ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Number of reverse hops allowed for I/O nodes\n" "# Used for connectivity between I/O nodes connected to Top Switches\nmax_reverse_hops %d\n\n", p_opts->max_reverse_hops); fprintf(out, "# The file holding the node ids which will be used by" " Up/Down algorithm instead\n# of GUIDs (one guid and" " id in each line)\nids_guid_file %s\n\n", p_opts->ids_guid_file ? p_opts->ids_guid_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# The file holding guid routing order guids (for MinHop and Up/Down)\n" "guid_routing_order_file %s\n\n", p_opts->guid_routing_order_file ? p_opts->guid_routing_order_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# Do mesh topology analysis (for LASH algorithm)\n" "do_mesh_analysis %s\n\n", p_opts->do_mesh_analysis ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Starting VL for LASH algorithm\n" "lash_start_vl %u\n\n", p_opts->lash_start_vl); fprintf(out, "# Port Shifting (use FALSE if unsure)\n" "port_shifting %s\n\n", p_opts->port_shifting ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Assign ports in a random order instead of round-robin\n" "# If zero disable (default), otherwise use the value as a random seed\n" "scatter_ports %d\n\n", p_opts->scatter_ports); fprintf(out, "# Don't use scatter for ports defined in\n" "# guid_routing_order file\n" "guid_routing_order_no_scatter %s\n\n", p_opts->guid_routing_order_no_scatter ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# SA database file name\nsa_db_file %s\n\n", p_opts->sa_db_file ? p_opts->sa_db_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "# If TRUE causes OpenSM to dump SA database at the end of\n" "# every light sweep, regardless of the verbosity level\n" "sa_db_dump %s\n\n", p_opts->sa_db_dump ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Torus-2QoS configuration file name\ntorus_config %s\n\n", p_opts->torus_conf_file ? p_opts->torus_conf_file : null_str); fprintf(out, "#\n# HANDOVER - MULTIPLE SMs OPTIONS\n#\n" "# SM priority used for deciding who is the master\n" "# Range goes from 0 (lowest priority) to 15 (highest).\n" "sm_priority %u\n\n" "# If TRUE other SMs on the subnet should be ignored\n" "ignore_other_sm %s\n\n" "# Timeout in [msec] between two polls of active master SM\n" "sminfo_polling_timeout %u\n\n" "# Number of failing polls of remote SM that declares it dead\n" "polling_retry_number %u\n\n" "# If TRUE honor the guid2lid file when coming out of standby\n" "# state, if such file exists and is valid\n" "honor_guid2lid_file %s\n\n", p_opts->sm_priority, p_opts->ignore_other_sm ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->sminfo_polling_timeout, p_opts->polling_retry_number, p_opts->honor_guid2lid_file ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "#\n# TIMING AND THREADING OPTIONS\n#\n" "# Maximum number of SMPs sent in parallel\n" "max_wire_smps %u\n\n" "# Maximum number of timeout based SMPs allowed to be outstanding\n" "# A value less than or equal to max_wire_smps disables this mechanism\n" "max_wire_smps2 %u\n\n" "# The timeout in [usec] used for sending SMPs above max_wire_smps limit\n" "# and below max_wire_smps2 limit\n" "max_smps_timeout %u\n\n" "# The maximum time in [msec] allowed for a transaction to complete\n" "transaction_timeout %u\n\n" "# The maximum number of retries allowed for a transaction to complete\n" "transaction_retries %u\n\n" "# Maximal time in [msec] a message can stay in the incoming message queue.\n" "# If there is more than one message in the queue and the last message\n" "# stayed in the queue more than this value, any SA request will be\n" "# immediately be dropped but BUSY status is not currently returned.\n" "max_msg_fifo_timeout %u\n\n" "# Use a single thread for handling SA queries\n" "single_thread %s\n\n", p_opts->max_wire_smps, p_opts->max_wire_smps2, p_opts->max_smps_timeout, p_opts->transaction_timeout, p_opts->transaction_retries, p_opts->max_msg_fifo_timeout, p_opts->single_thread ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "#\n# MISC OPTIONS\n#\n" "# Daemon mode\n" "daemon %s\n\n" "# SM Inactive\n" "sm_inactive %s\n\n" "# Babbling Port Policy\n" "babbling_port_policy %s\n\n" "# Drop event subscriptions (InformInfo and ServiceRecord) on port removal and SM coming out of STANDBY\n" "drop_event_subscriptions %s\n\n" "# Validate IPoIB non-broadcast group creation parameters against\n" "# broadcast group parameters per IETF RFC 4391 (default TRUE)\n" "ipoib_mcgroup_creation_validation %s\n\n" "# Validate multicast join parameters against multicast group\n" "# parameters when MC group already exists\n" "mcgroup_join_validation %s\n\n" "# Use Optimized SLtoVLMapping programming if supported by device\n" "use_optimized_slvl %s\n\n" "# Sync in memory files used for high availability with storage\n" "fsync_high_avail_files %s\n\n", p_opts->daemon ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->sm_inactive ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->babbling_port_policy ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->drop_event_subscriptions ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->ipoib_mcgroup_creation_validation ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->mcgroup_join_validation ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->use_optimized_slvl ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->fsync_high_avail_files ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR fprintf(out, "#\n# Performance Manager Options\n#\n" "# perfmgr enable\n" "# PerfMgr is enabled if TRUE and disabled if FALSE (default FALSE)\n" "perfmgr %s\n\n" "# redirection enable\n" "# Redirection supported if TRUE and not supported if FALSE (default TRUE)\n" "perfmgr_redir %s\n\n" "# sweep time in seconds (default %u seconds)\n" "perfmgr_sweep_time_s %u\n\n" "# Max outstanding queries (default %u)\n" "perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries %u\n\n" "# Ignore CAs on sweep (default FALSE)\n" "perfmgr_ignore_cas %s\n\n" "# Remove missing nodes from DB (default TRUE)\n" "perfmgr_rm_nodes %s\n\n" "# Log error counters to opensm.log (default TRUE)\n" "perfmgr_log_errors %s\n\n" "# Query PerfMgt Get(ClassPortInfo) for extended capabilities\n" "# Extended capabilities include 64 bit extended counters\n" "# and transmit wait support (default TRUE)\n" "perfmgr_query_cpi %s\n\n" "# Log xmit_wait errors (default FALSE)\n" "perfmgr_xmit_wait_log %s\n\n" "# If logging xmit_wait's; set threshold (default %u)\n" "perfmgr_xmit_wait_threshold %u\n\n" , p_opts->perfmgr ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->perfmgr_redir ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_SWEEP_TIME_S, p_opts->perfmgr_sweep_time_s, OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_MAX_OUTSTANDING_QUERIES, p_opts->perfmgr_max_outstanding_queries, p_opts->perfmgr_ignore_cas ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->perfmgr_rm_nodes ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->perfmgr_log_errors ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->perfmgr_query_cpi ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->perfmgr_xmit_wait_log ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", OSM_PERFMGR_DEFAULT_XMIT_WAIT_THRESHOLD, p_opts->perfmgr_xmit_wait_threshold); fprintf(out, "#\n# Event DB Options\n#\n" "# Dump file to dump the events to\n" "event_db_dump_file %s\n\n", p_opts->event_db_dump_file ? p_opts->event_db_dump_file : null_str); #endif /* ENABLE_OSM_PERF_MGR */ fprintf(out, "#\n# Event Plugin Options\n#\n" "# Event plugin name(s)\n" "event_plugin_name %s\n\n" "# Options string that would be passed to the plugin(s)\n" "event_plugin_options %s\n\n", p_opts->event_plugin_name ? p_opts->event_plugin_name : null_str, p_opts->event_plugin_options ? p_opts->event_plugin_options : null_str); fprintf(out, "#\n# Node name map for mapping node's to more descriptive node descriptions\n" "# (man ibnetdiscover for more information)\n#\n" "node_name_map_name %s\n\n", p_opts->node_name_map_name ? p_opts->node_name_map_name : null_str); fprintf(out, "#\n# DEBUG FEATURES\n#\n" "# The log flags used\n" "log_flags 0x%02x\n\n" "# Force flush of the log file after each log message\n" "force_log_flush %s\n\n" "# Log file to be used\n" "log_file %s\n\n" "# Limit the size of the log file in MB. If overrun, log is restarted\n" "log_max_size %u\n\n" "# If TRUE will accumulate the log over multiple OpenSM sessions\n" "accum_log_file %s\n\n" "# Per module logging configuration file\n" "# Each line in config file contains \n" "# where module_name is file name including .c\n" "# separator is either = , space, or tab\n" "# log_flags is the same flags as used in the coarse/overall logging\n" "per_module_logging_file %s\n\n" "# The directory to hold the file OpenSM dumps\n" "dump_files_dir %s\n\n" "# If TRUE enables new high risk options and hardware specific quirks\n" "enable_quirks %s\n\n" "# If TRUE disables client reregistration\n" "no_clients_rereg %s\n\n" "# If TRUE OpenSM should disable multicast support and\n" "# no multicast routing is performed if TRUE\n" "disable_multicast %s\n\n" "# If TRUE opensm will exit on fatal initialization issues\n" "exit_on_fatal %s\n\n" "# console [off|local" #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_CONSOLE_LOOPBACK "|loopback" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OSM_CONSOLE_SOCKET "|socket]\n" #else "]\n" #endif "console %s\n\n" "# Telnet port for console (default %d)\n" "console_port %d\n\n", p_opts->log_flags, p_opts->force_log_flush ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->log_file, p_opts->log_max_size, p_opts->accum_log_file ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->per_module_logging_file ? p_opts->per_module_logging_file : null_str, p_opts->dump_files_dir, p_opts->enable_quirks ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->no_clients_rereg ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->disable_multicast ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->exit_on_fatal ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->console, OSM_DEFAULT_CONSOLE_PORT, p_opts->console_port); fprintf(out, "#\n# QoS OPTIONS\n#\n" "# Enable QoS setup\n" "qos %s\n\n" "# QoS policy file to be used\n" "qos_policy_file %s\n" "# Supress QoS MAD status errors\n" "suppress_sl2vl_mad_status_errors %s\n\n", p_opts->qos ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", p_opts->qos_policy_file, p_opts->suppress_sl2vl_mad_status_errors ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); subn_dump_qos_options(out, "QoS default options", "qos", &p_opts->qos_options); fprintf(out, "\n"); subn_dump_qos_options(out, "QoS CA options", "qos_ca", &p_opts->qos_ca_options); fprintf(out, "\n"); subn_dump_qos_options(out, "QoS Switch Port 0 options", "qos_sw0", &p_opts->qos_sw0_options); fprintf(out, "\n"); subn_dump_qos_options(out, "QoS Switch external ports options", "qos_swe", &p_opts->qos_swe_options); fprintf(out, "\n"); subn_dump_qos_options(out, "QoS Router ports options", "qos_rtr", &p_opts->qos_rtr_options); fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "#\n# Congestion Control OPTIONS (EXPERIMENTAL)\n#\n\n" "# Enable Congestion Control Configuration\n" "congestion_control %s\n\n" "# CCKey to use when configuring congestion control\n" "# note that this does not configure a new CCkey, only the CCkey to use\n" "cc_key 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n\n" "# Congestion Control Max outstanding MAD\n" "cc_max_outstanding_mads %u\n\n", p_opts->congestion_control ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", cl_ntoh64(p_opts->cc_key), p_opts->cc_max_outstanding_mads); fprintf(out, "#\n# Congestion Control SwitchCongestionSetting options\n#\n" "# Control Map - bitmask indicating which of the following are to be used\n" "# bit 0 - victim mask\n" "# bit 1 - credit mask\n" "# bit 2 - threshold + packet size\n" "# bit 3 - credit starvation threshold + return delay valid\n" "# bit 4 - marking rate valid\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_control_map 0x%X\n\n", cl_ntoh32(p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_control_map)); fprintf(out, "# Victim Mask - 256 bit mask representing switch ports, mark packets with FECN\n" "# whether they are the source or victim of congestion\n" "# bit 0 - port 0 (enhanced port)\n" "# bit 1 - port 1\n" "# ...\n" "# bit 254 - port 254\n" "# bit 255 - reserved\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_victim_mask 0x"); for (i = 0; i < IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE; i++) fprintf(out, "%02X", p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_victim_mask[i]); fprintf(out, "\n\n"); fprintf(out, "# Credit Mask - 256 bit mask representing switch ports to apply credit starvation\n" "# bit 0 - port 0 (enhanced port)\n" "# bit 1 - port 1\n" "# ...\n" "# bit 254 - port 254\n" "# bit 255 - reserved\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_mask 0x"); for (i = 0; i < IB_CC_PORT_MASK_DATA_SIZE; i++) fprintf(out, "%02X", p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_mask[i]); fprintf(out, "\n\n"); fprintf(out, "# Threshold - value indicating aggressiveness of congestion marking\n" "# 0x0 - none, 0x1 - loose, ..., 0xF - aggressive\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_threshold 0x%02X\n\n" "# Packet Size - any packet less than this size will not be marked with a FECN\n" "# units are in credits\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_packet_size %u\n\n" "# Credit Starvation Threshold - value indicating aggressiveness of credit starvation\n" "# 0x0 - none, 0x1 - loose, ..., 0xF - aggressive\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_threshold 0x%02X\n\n" "# Credit Starvation Return Delay - in CCT entry shift:multiplier format, see IB spec\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_return_delay %u:%u\n\n" "# Marking Rate - mean number of packets between markings\n" "cc_sw_cong_setting_marking_rate %u\n\n", p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_threshold, p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_packet_size, p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_threshold, p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_return_delay.shift, p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_credit_starvation_return_delay.multiplier, cl_ntoh16(p_opts->cc_sw_cong_setting_marking_rate)); fprintf(out, "#\n# Congestion Control CA Congestion Setting options\n#\n" "# Port Control\n" "# bit 0 = 0, QP based congestion control\n" "# bit 0 = 1, SL/port based congestion control\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_port_control 0x%04X\n\n" "# Control Map - 16 bit bitmask indicating which SLs should be configured\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_control_map 0x%04X\n\n", cl_ntoh16(p_opts->cc_ca_cong_setting_port_control), cl_ntoh16(p_opts->cc_ca_cong_setting_control_map)); fprintf(out, "#\n# CA Congestion Setting Entries\n#\n" "# Each of congestion control settings below configures the CA Congestion\n" "# Settings for an individual SL. The SL must be specified before the value.\n" "# These options may be specified multiple times to configure different values\n" "# for different SLs.\n" "#\n" "# ccti timer - when expires decrements 1 from the CCTI\n" "# ccti increase - number to be added to the table index on receipt of a BECN\n" "# trigger threshold - when the ccti is equal to this, an event is logged\n" "# ccti min - the minimum value for the ccti. This imposes a minimum rate\n" "# on the injection rate\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < IB_CA_CONG_ENTRY_DATA_SIZE; i++) { /* Don't output unless one of the settings has been set, there's no need * to output 16 chunks of this with all defaults of 0 */ if (p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].ccti_timer || p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].ccti_increase || p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].trigger_threshold || p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].ccti_min) { fprintf(out, "# SL = %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_timer %u %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_increase %u %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_trigger_threshold %u %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_min %u %u\n\n", i, i, cl_ntoh16(p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].ccti_timer), i, p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].ccti_increase, i, p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].trigger_threshold, i, p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[i].ccti_min); cacongoutputcount++; } } /* If by chance all the CA Cong Settings are default, output at least 1 chunk * for illustration */ if (!cacongoutputcount) fprintf(out, "# SL = 0\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_timer 0 %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_increase 0 %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_trigger_threshold 0 %u\n" "cc_ca_cong_setting_ccti_min 0 %u\n\n", cl_ntoh16(p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[0].ccti_timer), p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[0].ccti_increase, p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[0].trigger_threshold, p_opts->cc_ca_cong_entries[0].ccti_min); fprintf(out, "#\n# Congestion Control Table\n#\n" "# Comma separated list of CCT entries representing CCT.\n" "# Format is shift:multipler,shift_multiplier,shift:multiplier,...\n" "cc_cct "); if (!p_opts->cc_cct.entries_len) { fprintf(out, "%s\n", null_str); } else { fprintf(out, "%u:%u", p_opts->cc_cct.entries[0].shift, p_opts->cc_cct.entries[0].multiplier); for (i = 1; i < p_opts->cc_cct.entries_len; i++) { fprintf(out, ",%u:%u", p_opts->cc_cct.entries[i].shift, p_opts->cc_cct.entries[i].multiplier); } fprintf(out, "\n"); } fprintf(out, "\n"); fprintf(out, "# Prefix routes file name\n" "prefix_routes_file %s\n\n", p_opts->prefix_routes_file); fprintf(out, "#\n# IPv6 Solicited Node Multicast (SNM) Options\n#\n" "consolidate_ipv6_snm_req %s\n\n", p_opts->consolidate_ipv6_snm_req ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); fprintf(out, "# Log prefix\nlog_prefix %s\n\n", p_opts->log_prefix); /* optional string attributes ... */ } int osm_subn_write_conf_file(char *file_name, IN osm_subn_opt_t * p_opts) { FILE *opts_file; opts_file = fopen(file_name, "w"); if (!opts_file) { printf("cannot open file \'%s\' for writing: %s\n", file_name, strerror(errno)); return -1; } osm_subn_output_conf(opts_file, p_opts); fclose(opts_file); return 0; }