/* * \file trc_pkt_decode_etmv4i.h * \brief OpenCSD : ETMv4 instruction decoder * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ARM_TRC_PKT_DECODE_ETMV4I_H_INCLUDED #define ARM_TRC_PKT_DECODE_ETMV4I_H_INCLUDED #include "common/trc_pkt_decode_base.h" #include "opencsd/etmv4/trc_pkt_elem_etmv4i.h" #include "opencsd/etmv4/trc_cmp_cfg_etmv4.h" #include "common/trc_gen_elem.h" #include "common/trc_ret_stack.h" #include "opencsd/etmv4/trc_etmv4_stack_elem.h" class TrcStackElem; class TrcStackElemParam; class TrcStackElemCtxt; class TrcPktDecodeEtmV4I : public TrcPktDecodeBase { public: TrcPktDecodeEtmV4I(); TrcPktDecodeEtmV4I(int instIDNum); virtual ~TrcPktDecodeEtmV4I(); protected: /* implementation packet decoding interface */ virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t processPacket(); virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t onEOT(); virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t onReset(); virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t onFlush(); virtual ocsd_err_t onProtocolConfig(); virtual const uint8_t getCoreSightTraceID() { return m_CSID; }; /* local decode methods */ void initDecoder(); // initial state on creation (zeros all config) void resetDecoder(); // reset state to start of decode. (moves state, retains config) ocsd_datapath_resp_t decodePacket(bool &Complete); // return true to indicate decode complete - can change FSM to commit state - return is false. ocsd_datapath_resp_t commitElements(bool &Complete); // commit elements - may get wait response, or flag completion. ocsd_datapath_resp_t flushEOT(); void doTraceInfoPacket(); void updateContext(TrcStackElemCtxt *pCtxtElem); // process atom will output instruction trace, or no memory access trace elements. ocsd_datapath_resp_t processAtom(const ocsd_atm_val, bool &bCont); // process an exception element - output instruction trace + exception generic type. ocsd_datapath_resp_t processException(); // process a bad packet ocsd_datapath_resp_t handleBadPacket(const char *reason); ocsd_datapath_resp_t outputCC(TrcStackElemParam *pParamElem); ocsd_datapath_resp_t outputTS(TrcStackElemParam *pParamElem, bool withCC); ocsd_datapath_resp_t outputEvent(TrcStackElemParam *pParamElem); private: void SetInstrInfoInAddrISA(const ocsd_vaddr_t addr_val, const uint8_t isa); ocsd_err_t traceInstrToWP(bool &bWPFound, const bool traceToAddrNext = false, const ocsd_vaddr_t nextAddrMatch = 0); //!< follow instructions from the current address to a WP. true if good, false if memory cannot be accessed. ocsd_datapath_resp_t returnStackPop(); // pop return stack and update instruction address. //** intra packet state (see ETMv4 spec 6.2.1); // timestamping uint64_t m_timestamp; // last broadcast global Timestamp. // state and context uint32_t m_context_id; // most recent context ID uint32_t m_vmid_id; // most recent VMID bool m_is_secure; // true if Secure bool m_is_64bit; // true if 64 bit // cycle counts int m_cc_threshold; // speculative trace (unsupported at present in the decoder). int m_curr_spec_depth; int m_max_spec_depth; // data trace associative elements (unsupported at present in the decoder). int m_p0_key; int m_p0_key_max; // conditional non-branch trace - when data trace active (unsupported at present in the decoder) int m_cond_c_key; int m_cond_r_key; int m_cond_key_max_incr; uint8_t m_CSID; //!< Coresight trace ID for this decoder. bool m_IASize64; //!< True if 64 bit instruction addresses supported. //** Other processor state; // trace decode FSM typedef enum { NO_SYNC, //!< pre start trace - init state or after reset or overflow, loss of sync. WAIT_SYNC, //!< waiting for sync packet. WAIT_TINFO, //!< waiting for trace info packet. DECODE_PKTS, //!< processing packets - creating decode elements on stack COMMIT_ELEM, //!< commit elements for execution - create generic trace elements and pass on. } processor_state_t; processor_state_t m_curr_state; //** P0 element stack EtmV4P0Stack m_P0_stack; //!< P0 decode element stack int m_P0_commit; //!< number of elements to commit // packet decode state bool m_need_ctxt; //!< need context to continue bool m_need_addr; //!< need an address to continue bool m_except_pending_addr; //!< next address packet is part of exception. // exception packet processing state (may need excep elem only, range+excep, range+ typedef enum { EXCEP_POP, // start of processing read exception packets off the stack and analyze EXCEP_RANGE, // output a range element EXCEP_NACC, // output a nacc element EXCEP_EXCEP, // output an ecxeption element. } excep_proc_state_t; excep_proc_state_t m_excep_proc; //!< state of exception processing etmv4_addr_val_t m_excep_addr; //!< excepiton return address. ocsd_trc_index_t m_excep_index; //!< trace index for exception element ocsd_instr_info m_instr_info; //!< instruction info for code follower - in address is the next to be decoded. bool m_mem_nacc_pending; //!< need to output a memory access failure packet ocsd_vaddr_t m_nacc_addr; //!< record unaccessible address ocsd_pe_context m_pe_context; //!< current context information etmv4_trace_info_t m_trace_info; //!< trace info for this trace run. bool m_prev_overflow; bool m_flush_EOT; //!< true if doing an end of trace flush - cleans up lingering events / TS / CC TrcAddrReturnStack m_return_stack; //** output element OcsdTraceElement m_output_elem; }; #endif // ARM_TRC_PKT_DECODE_ETMV4I_H_INCLUDED /* End of File trc_pkt_decode_etmv4i.h */