/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Intel Corporation * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "ptunit.h" #include "pt_packet_decoder.h" #include "pt_query_decoder.h" #include "pt_encoder.h" #include "pt_opcodes.h" #include "intel-pt.h" #include /* A test fixture providing everything needed for packet en- and de-coding. */ struct packet_fixture { /* The trace buffer. */ uint8_t buffer[64]; /* Two packets for encoding[0] and decoding[1]. */ struct pt_packet packet[2]; /* The configuration. */ struct pt_config config; /* The encoder. */ struct pt_encoder encoder; /* The decoder. */ struct pt_packet_decoder decoder; /* The return value for an unknown decode. */ int unknown; /* The test fixture initialization and finalization functions. */ struct ptunit_result (*init)(struct packet_fixture *); struct ptunit_result (*fini)(struct packet_fixture *); }; static int pfix_decode_unknown(struct pt_packet_unknown *packet, const struct pt_config *config, const uint8_t *pos, void *context) { struct packet_fixture *pfix; if (!packet || !config) return -pte_internal; pfix = (struct packet_fixture *) context; if (!pfix) return -pte_internal; if (config->begin != pfix->buffer) return -pte_internal; if (config->end != pfix->buffer + sizeof(pfix->buffer)) return -pte_internal; if (pos != pfix->buffer) return -pte_internal; packet->priv = pfix; return pfix->unknown; } static struct ptunit_result pfix_init(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { int errcode; memset(pfix->buffer, 0, sizeof(pfix->buffer)); memset(pfix->packet, 0, sizeof(pfix->packet)); memset(&pfix->config, 0, sizeof(pfix->config)); pfix->config.size = sizeof(pfix->config); pfix->config.begin = pfix->buffer; pfix->config.end = pfix->buffer + sizeof(pfix->buffer); pfix->config.decode.callback = pfix_decode_unknown; pfix->config.decode.context = pfix; pt_encoder_init(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->config); pt_pkt_decoder_init(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->config); errcode = pt_pkt_sync_set(&pfix->decoder, 0x0ull); ptu_int_eq(errcode, 0); pfix->unknown = 0; return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result pfix_fini(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pt_encoder_fini(&pfix->encoder); pt_pkt_decoder_fini(&pfix->decoder); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result ptu_pkt_eq(const struct pt_packet *enc, const struct pt_packet *dec) { const uint8_t *renc, *rdec; size_t byte; ptu_ptr(enc); ptu_ptr(dec); renc = (const uint8_t *) enc; rdec = (const uint8_t *) dec; for (byte = 0; byte < sizeof(*enc); ++byte) ptu_uint_eq(renc[byte], rdec[byte]); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result pfix_test(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { int size; size = pt_enc_next(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->packet[0]); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); pfix->packet[0].size = (uint8_t) size; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); return ptu_pkt_eq(&pfix->packet[0], &pfix->packet[1]); } static struct ptunit_result no_payload(struct packet_fixture *pfix, enum pt_packet_type type) { pfix->packet[0].type = type; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result unknown(struct packet_fixture *pfix, int exp) { int size; pfix->buffer[0] = pt_opc_bad; pfix->unknown = exp; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, pfix->unknown); if (size >= 0) { ptu_int_eq(pfix->packet[1].type, ppt_unknown); ptu_uint_eq(pfix->packet[1].size, (uint8_t) size); ptu_ptr_eq(pfix->packet[1].payload.unknown.packet, pfix->buffer); ptu_ptr_eq(pfix->packet[1].payload.unknown.priv, pfix); } return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result unknown_ext(struct packet_fixture *pfix, int exp) { int size; pfix->buffer[0] = pt_opc_ext; pfix->buffer[1] = pt_ext_bad; pfix->unknown = exp; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, pfix->unknown); if (size >= 0) { ptu_int_eq(pfix->packet[1].type, ppt_unknown); ptu_uint_eq(pfix->packet[1].size, (uint8_t) size); ptu_ptr_eq(pfix->packet[1].payload.unknown.packet, pfix->buffer); ptu_ptr_eq(pfix->packet[1].payload.unknown.priv, pfix); } return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result unknown_ext2(struct packet_fixture *pfix, int exp) { int size; pfix->buffer[0] = pt_opc_ext; pfix->buffer[1] = pt_ext_ext2; pfix->buffer[2] = pt_ext2_bad; pfix->unknown = exp; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, exp); if (exp >= 0) { ptu_int_eq(pfix->packet[1].type, ppt_unknown); ptu_uint_eq(pfix->packet[1].size, (uint8_t) size); ptu_ptr_eq(pfix->packet[1].payload.unknown.packet, pfix->buffer); ptu_ptr_eq(pfix->packet[1].payload.unknown.priv, pfix); } return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result tnt_8(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_tnt_8; pfix->packet[0].payload.tnt.bit_size = 4; pfix->packet[0].payload.tnt.payload = 0x5ull; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result tnt_64(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_tnt_64; pfix->packet[0].payload.tnt.bit_size = 23; pfix->packet[0].payload.tnt.payload = 0xabcdeull; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result ip(struct packet_fixture *pfix, enum pt_packet_type type, enum pt_ip_compression ipc, uint64_t ip) { pfix->packet[0].type = type; pfix->packet[0].payload.ip.ipc = ipc; pfix->packet[0].payload.ip.ip = ip; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result mode_exec(struct packet_fixture *pfix, enum pt_exec_mode mode) { struct pt_packet_mode_exec packet; packet = pt_set_exec_mode(mode); pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_mode; pfix->packet[0].payload.mode.leaf = pt_mol_exec; pfix->packet[0].payload.mode.bits.exec.csl = packet.csl; pfix->packet[0].payload.mode.bits.exec.csd = packet.csd; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result mode_tsx(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_mode; pfix->packet[0].payload.mode.leaf = pt_mol_tsx; pfix->packet[0].payload.mode.bits.tsx.intx = 1; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result pip(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_pip; pfix->packet[0].payload.pip.cr3 = 0x4200ull; pfix->packet[0].payload.pip.nr = 1; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result tsc(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_tsc; pfix->packet[0].payload.tsc.tsc = 0x42ull; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result cbr(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_cbr; pfix->packet[0].payload.cbr.ratio = 0x23; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result tma(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_tma; pfix->packet[0].payload.tma.ctc = 0x42; pfix->packet[0].payload.tma.fc = 0x123; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result tma_bad(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { int errcode; pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_tma; pfix->packet[0].payload.tma.ctc = 0x42; pfix->packet[0].payload.tma.fc = 0x200; errcode = pt_enc_next(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->packet[0]); ptu_int_eq(errcode, -pte_bad_packet); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result mtc(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_mtc; pfix->packet[0].payload.mtc.ctc = 0x23; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result cyc(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_cyc; pfix->packet[0].payload.cyc.value = 0x23; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result vmcs(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_vmcs; pfix->packet[0].payload.vmcs.base = 0xabcdef000ull; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result mnt(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_mnt; pfix->packet[0].payload.mnt.payload = 0x1234567890abcdefull; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result exstop(struct packet_fixture *pfix, int ip) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_exstop; pfix->packet[0].payload.exstop.ip = ip ? 1 : 0; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result mwait(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_mwait; pfix->packet[0].payload.mwait.hints = 0xc; pfix->packet[0].payload.mwait.ext = 0x1; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result pwre(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_pwre; pfix->packet[0].payload.pwre.state = 0x0; pfix->packet[0].payload.pwre.sub_state = 0x3; pfix->packet[0].payload.pwre.hw = 1; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result pwrx(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_pwrx; pfix->packet[0].payload.pwrx.last = 0x3; pfix->packet[0].payload.pwrx.deepest = 0xa; pfix->packet[0].payload.pwrx.store = 1; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result ptw(struct packet_fixture *pfix, uint8_t plc, int ip) { uint64_t pl, mask; int size; size = pt_ptw_size(plc); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); pl = 0x1234567890abcdefull; ptu_uint_le((size_t) size, sizeof(mask)); mask = ~0ull >> ((sizeof(mask) - (size_t) size) * 8); pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_ptw; pfix->packet[0].payload.ptw.payload = pl & mask; pfix->packet[0].payload.ptw.plc = plc; pfix->packet[0].payload.ptw.ip = ip ? 1 : 0; ptu_test(pfix_test, pfix); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result cutoff(struct packet_fixture *pfix, enum pt_packet_type type) { int size; pfix->packet[0].type = type; size = pt_enc_next(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->packet[0]); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); pfix->decoder.config.end = pfix->encoder.pos - 1; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, -pte_eos); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result cutoff_ip(struct packet_fixture *pfix, enum pt_packet_type type) { int size; pfix->packet[0].type = type; pfix->packet[0].payload.ip.ipc = pt_ipc_sext_48; size = pt_enc_next(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->packet[0]); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); pfix->decoder.config.end = pfix->encoder.pos - 1; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, -pte_eos); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result cutoff_cyc(struct packet_fixture *pfix) { int size; pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_cyc; pfix->packet[0].payload.cyc.value = 0xa8; size = pt_enc_next(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->packet[0]); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); pfix->decoder.config.end = pfix->encoder.pos - 1; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, -pte_eos); return ptu_passed(); } static struct ptunit_result cutoff_mode(struct packet_fixture *pfix, enum pt_mode_leaf leaf) { int size; pfix->packet[0].type = ppt_mode; pfix->packet[0].payload.mode.leaf = leaf; size = pt_enc_next(&pfix->encoder, &pfix->packet[0]); ptu_int_gt(size, 0); pfix->decoder.config.end = pfix->encoder.pos - 1; size = pt_pkt_next(&pfix->decoder, &pfix->packet[1], sizeof(pfix->packet[1])); ptu_int_eq(size, -pte_eos); return ptu_passed(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct packet_fixture pfix; struct ptunit_suite suite; pfix.init = pfix_init; pfix.fini = pfix_fini; suite = ptunit_mk_suite(argc, argv); ptu_run_fp(suite, no_payload, pfix, ppt_pad); ptu_run_fp(suite, no_payload, pfix, ppt_psb); ptu_run_fp(suite, no_payload, pfix, ppt_ovf); ptu_run_fp(suite, no_payload, pfix, ppt_psbend); ptu_run_fp(suite, no_payload, pfix, ppt_stop); ptu_run_fp(suite, unknown, pfix, 4); ptu_run_fp(suite, unknown, pfix, -pte_nomem); ptu_run_fp(suite, unknown_ext, pfix, 4); ptu_run_fp(suite, unknown_ext, pfix, -pte_nomem); ptu_run_fp(suite, unknown_ext2, pfix, 4); ptu_run_fp(suite, unknown_ext2, pfix, -pte_nomem); ptu_run_f(suite, tnt_8, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, tnt_64, pfix); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_suppressed, 0x0ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_update_16, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_update_32, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_update_48, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_sext_48, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_full, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_suppressed, 0x0ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_update_16, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_update_32, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_update_48, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_sext_48, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip, pt_ipc_full, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge, pt_ipc_suppressed, 0x0ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge, pt_ipc_update_16, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge, pt_ipc_update_32, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge, pt_ipc_update_48, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge, pt_ipc_sext_48, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge, pt_ipc_full, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd, pt_ipc_suppressed, 0x0ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd, pt_ipc_update_16, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd, pt_ipc_update_32, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd, pt_ipc_update_48, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd, pt_ipc_sext_48, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd, pt_ipc_full, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_fup, pt_ipc_suppressed, 0x0ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_fup, pt_ipc_update_16, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_fup, pt_ipc_update_32, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_fup, pt_ipc_update_48, 0x4200ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_fup, pt_ipc_sext_48, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, ip, pfix, ppt_fup, pt_ipc_full, 0x42ull); ptu_run_fp(suite, mode_exec, pfix, ptem_16bit); ptu_run_fp(suite, mode_exec, pfix, ptem_32bit); ptu_run_fp(suite, mode_exec, pfix, ptem_64bit); ptu_run_f(suite, mode_tsx, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, pip, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, tsc, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, cbr, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, tma, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, tma_bad, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, mtc, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, cyc, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, vmcs, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, mnt, pfix); ptu_run_fp(suite, exstop, pfix, 0); ptu_run_fp(suite, exstop, pfix, 1); ptu_run_f(suite, mwait, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, pwre, pfix); ptu_run_f(suite, pwrx, pfix); ptu_run_fp(suite, ptw, pfix, 0, 1); ptu_run_fp(suite, ptw, pfix, 1, 0); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_psb); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff_ip, pfix, ppt_tip); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff_ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pge); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff_ip, pfix, ppt_tip_pgd); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff_ip, pfix, ppt_fup); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_ovf); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_psbend); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_tnt_64); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_tsc); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_cbr); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_tma); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_mtc); ptu_run_f(suite, cutoff_cyc, pfix); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff_mode, pfix, pt_mol_exec); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff_mode, pfix, pt_mol_tsx); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_vmcs); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_mnt); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_exstop); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_mwait); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_pwre); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_pwrx); ptu_run_fp(suite, cutoff, pfix, ppt_ptw); return ptunit_report(&suite); } /* Dummy decode functions to satisfy link dependencies. * * As a nice side-effect, we will know if we need to add more tests when * adding new decoder functions. */ struct pt_query_decoder; int pt_qry_decode_unknown(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_pad(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_psb(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tip(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tnt_8(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tnt_64(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tip_pge(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tip_pgd(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_fup(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_fup(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_pip(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_pip(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_ovf(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_mode(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_mode(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_psbend(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tsc(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_tsc(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_cbr(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_cbr(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_tma(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_mtc(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_cyc(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_stop(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_vmcs(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_vmcs(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_mnt(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_header_mnt(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_exstop(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_mwait(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_pwre(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_pwrx(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; } int pt_qry_decode_ptw(struct pt_query_decoder *d) { (void) d; return -pte_internal; }