/* * diff-cmd.c -- Display context diff of a file * * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ /*** Includes. ***/ #include "svn_pools.h" #include "svn_client.h" #include "svn_string.h" #include "svn_dirent_uri.h" #include "svn_path.h" #include "svn_error_codes.h" #include "svn_error.h" #include "svn_types.h" #include "svn_cmdline.h" #include "svn_xml.h" #include "svn_hash.h" #include "cl.h" #include "svn_private_config.h" /*** Code. ***/ /* Convert KIND into a single character for display to the user. */ static char kind_to_char(svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_t kind) { switch (kind) { case svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_modified: return 'M'; case svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_added: return 'A'; case svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_deleted: return 'D'; default: return ' '; } } /* Convert KIND into a word describing the kind to the user. */ static const char * kind_to_word(svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_t kind) { switch (kind) { case svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_modified: return "modified"; case svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_added: return "added"; case svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_deleted: return "deleted"; default: return "none"; } } /* Baton for summarize_xml and summarize_regular */ struct summarize_baton_t { const char *anchor; svn_boolean_t ignore_properties; }; /* Print summary information about a given change as XML, implements the * svn_client_diff_summarize_func_t interface. The @a baton is a 'char *' * representing the either the path to the working copy root or the url * the path the working copy root corresponds to. */ static svn_error_t * summarize_xml(const svn_client_diff_summarize_t *summary, void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool) { struct summarize_baton_t *b = baton; /* Full path to the object being diffed. This is created by taking the * baton, and appending the target's relative path. */ const char *path = b->anchor; svn_stringbuf_t *sb = svn_stringbuf_create_empty(pool); const char *prop_change; if (b->ignore_properties && summary->summarize_kind == svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_normal) return SVN_NO_ERROR; /* Tack on the target path, so we can differentiate between different parts * of the output when we're given multiple targets. */ if (svn_path_is_url(path)) { path = svn_path_url_add_component2(path, summary->path, pool); } else { path = svn_dirent_join(path, summary->path, pool); /* Convert non-urls to local style, so that things like "" show up as "." */ path = svn_dirent_local_style(path, pool); } prop_change = summary->prop_changed ? "modified" : "none"; if (b->ignore_properties) prop_change = "none"; svn_xml_make_open_tag(&sb, pool, svn_xml_protect_pcdata, "path", "kind", svn_cl__node_kind_str_xml(summary->node_kind), "item", kind_to_word(summary->summarize_kind), "props", prop_change, SVN_VA_NULL); svn_xml_escape_cdata_cstring(&sb, path, pool); svn_xml_make_close_tag(&sb, pool, "path"); return svn_cl__error_checked_fputs(sb->data, stdout); } /* Print summary information about a given change, implements the * svn_client_diff_summarize_func_t interface. */ static svn_error_t * summarize_regular(const svn_client_diff_summarize_t *summary, void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool) { struct summarize_baton_t *b = baton; const char *path = b->anchor; char prop_change; if (b->ignore_properties && summary->summarize_kind == svn_client_diff_summarize_kind_normal) return SVN_NO_ERROR; /* Tack on the target path, so we can differentiate between different parts * of the output when we're given multiple targets. */ if (svn_path_is_url(path)) { path = svn_path_url_add_component2(path, summary->path, pool); } else { path = svn_dirent_join(path, summary->path, pool); /* Convert non-urls to local style, so that things like "" show up as "." */ path = svn_dirent_local_style(path, pool); } /* Note: This output format tries to look like the output of 'svn status', * thus the blank spaces where information that is not relevant to * a diff summary would go. */ prop_change = summary->prop_changed ? 'M' : ' '; if (b->ignore_properties) prop_change = ' '; SVN_ERR(svn_cmdline_printf(pool, "%c%c %s\n", kind_to_char(summary->summarize_kind), prop_change, path)); return svn_cmdline_fflush(stdout); } /* An svn_opt_subcommand_t to handle the 'diff' command. This implements the `svn_opt_subcommand_t' interface. */ svn_error_t * svn_cl__diff(apr_getopt_t *os, void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool) { svn_cl__opt_state_t *opt_state = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->opt_state; svn_client_ctx_t *ctx = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->ctx; apr_array_header_t *options; apr_array_header_t *targets; svn_stream_t *outstream; svn_stream_t *errstream; const char *old_target, *new_target; apr_pool_t *iterpool; svn_boolean_t pegged_diff = FALSE; svn_boolean_t ignore_content_type; svn_boolean_t show_copies_as_adds = opt_state->diff.patch_compatible || opt_state->diff.show_copies_as_adds; svn_boolean_t ignore_properties = opt_state->diff.patch_compatible || opt_state->diff.ignore_properties; int i; struct summarize_baton_t summarize_baton; const svn_client_diff_summarize_func_t summarize_func = (opt_state->xml ? summarize_xml : summarize_regular); if (opt_state->extensions) options = svn_cstring_split(opt_state->extensions, " \t\n\r", TRUE, pool); else options = NULL; /* Get streams representing stdout and stderr, which is where we'll have the external 'diff' program print to. */ SVN_ERR(svn_stream_for_stdout(&outstream, pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_stream_for_stderr(&errstream, pool)); if (opt_state->xml) { svn_stringbuf_t *sb; /* Check that the --summarize is passed as well. */ if (!opt_state->diff.summarize) return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'--xml' option only valid with " "'--summarize' option")); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__xml_print_header("diff", pool)); sb = svn_stringbuf_create_empty(pool); svn_xml_make_open_tag(&sb, pool, svn_xml_normal, "paths", SVN_VA_NULL); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__error_checked_fputs(sb->data, stdout)); } if (opt_state->diff.summarize) { if (opt_state->diff.use_git_diff_format) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--git"); if (opt_state->diff.patch_compatible) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--patch-compatible"); if (opt_state->diff.show_copies_as_adds) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--show-copies-as-adds"); if (opt_state->diff.internal_diff) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--internal-diff"); if (opt_state->diff.diff_cmd) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--diff-cmd"); if (opt_state->diff.no_diff_added) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--no-diff-added"); if (opt_state->diff.no_diff_deleted) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--no-diff-deleted"); if (opt_state->force) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'%s' not valid with '--summarize' option"), "--force"); /* Not handling ignore-properties, and properties-only as there should be a patch adding support for these being applied soon */ } SVN_ERR(svn_cl__args_to_target_array_print_reserved(&targets, os, opt_state->targets, ctx, FALSE, pool)); if (! opt_state->old_target && ! opt_state->new_target && (targets->nelts == 2) && (svn_path_is_url(APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 0, const char *)) || svn_path_is_url(APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 1, const char *))) && opt_state->start_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified && opt_state->end_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) { /* A 2-target diff where one or both targets are URLs. These are * shorthands for some 'svn diff --old X --new Y' invocations. */ SVN_ERR(svn_opt_parse_path(&opt_state->start_revision, &old_target, APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 0, const char *), pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_opt_parse_path(&opt_state->end_revision, &new_target, APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 1, const char *), pool)); targets->nelts = 0; /* Set default start/end revisions based on target types, in the same * manner as done for the corresponding '--old X --new Y' cases, * (note that we have an explicit --new target) */ if (opt_state->start_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->start_revision.kind = svn_path_is_url(old_target) ? svn_opt_revision_head : svn_opt_revision_working; if (opt_state->end_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->end_revision.kind = svn_path_is_url(new_target) ? svn_opt_revision_head : svn_opt_revision_working; } else if (opt_state->old_target) { apr_array_header_t *tmp, *tmp2; svn_opt_revision_t old_rev, new_rev; /* The 'svn diff --old=OLD[@OLDREV] [--new=NEW[@NEWREV]] [PATH...]' case matches. */ tmp = apr_array_make(pool, 2, sizeof(const char *)); APR_ARRAY_PUSH(tmp, const char *) = (opt_state->old_target); APR_ARRAY_PUSH(tmp, const char *) = (opt_state->new_target ? opt_state->new_target : opt_state->old_target); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__args_to_target_array_print_reserved(&tmp2, os, tmp, ctx, FALSE, pool)); /* Check if either or both targets were skipped (e.g. because they * were .svn directories). */ if (tmp2->nelts < 2) return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_INSUFFICIENT_ARGS, NULL, NULL); SVN_ERR(svn_opt_parse_path(&old_rev, &old_target, APR_ARRAY_IDX(tmp2, 0, const char *), pool)); if (old_rev.kind != svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->start_revision = old_rev; SVN_ERR(svn_opt_parse_path(&new_rev, &new_target, APR_ARRAY_IDX(tmp2, 1, const char *), pool)); if (new_rev.kind != svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->end_revision = new_rev; /* For URLs, default to HEAD. For WC paths, default to WORKING if * new target is explicit; if new target is implicitly the same as * old target, then default the old to BASE and new to WORKING. */ if (opt_state->start_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->start_revision.kind = svn_path_is_url(old_target) ? svn_opt_revision_head : (opt_state->new_target ? svn_opt_revision_working : svn_opt_revision_base); if (opt_state->end_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->end_revision.kind = svn_path_is_url(new_target) ? svn_opt_revision_head : svn_opt_revision_working; } else if (opt_state->new_target) { return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("'--new' option only valid with " "'--old' option")); } else { svn_boolean_t working_copy_present; /* The 'svn diff [-r N[:M]] [TARGET[@REV]...]' case matches. */ /* Here each target is a pegged object. Find out the starting and ending paths for each target. */ svn_opt_push_implicit_dot_target(targets, pool); old_target = ""; new_target = ""; SVN_ERR_W(svn_cl__assert_homogeneous_target_type(targets), _("'svn diff [-r N[:M]] [TARGET[@REV]...]' does not support mixed " "target types. Try using the --old and --new options or one of " "the shorthand invocations listed in 'svn help diff'.")); working_copy_present = ! svn_path_is_url(APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, 0, const char *)); if (opt_state->start_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified && working_copy_present) opt_state->start_revision.kind = svn_opt_revision_base; if (opt_state->end_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) opt_state->end_revision.kind = working_copy_present ? svn_opt_revision_working : svn_opt_revision_head; /* Determine if we need to do pegged diffs. */ if ((opt_state->start_revision.kind != svn_opt_revision_base && opt_state->start_revision.kind != svn_opt_revision_working) || (opt_state->end_revision.kind != svn_opt_revision_base && opt_state->end_revision.kind != svn_opt_revision_working)) pegged_diff = TRUE; } /* Should we ignore the content-type when deciding what to diff? */ if (opt_state->force) { ignore_content_type = TRUE; } else if (ctx->config) { SVN_ERR(svn_config_get_bool(svn_hash_gets(ctx->config, SVN_CONFIG_CATEGORY_CONFIG), &ignore_content_type, SVN_CONFIG_SECTION_MISCELLANY, SVN_CONFIG_OPTION_DIFF_IGNORE_CONTENT_TYPE, FALSE)); } else { ignore_content_type = FALSE; } svn_opt_push_implicit_dot_target(targets, pool); iterpool = svn_pool_create(pool); for (i = 0; i < targets->nelts; ++i) { const char *path = APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, i, const char *); const char *target1, *target2; svn_pool_clear(iterpool); if (! pegged_diff) { /* We can't be tacking URLs onto base paths! */ if (svn_path_is_url(path)) return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("Path '%s' not relative to base URLs"), path); if (svn_path_is_url(old_target)) target1 = svn_path_url_add_component2( old_target, svn_relpath_canonicalize(path, iterpool), iterpool); else target1 = svn_dirent_join(old_target, path, iterpool); if (svn_path_is_url(new_target)) target2 = svn_path_url_add_component2( new_target, svn_relpath_canonicalize(path, iterpool), iterpool); else target2 = svn_dirent_join(new_target, path, iterpool); if (opt_state->diff.summarize) { summarize_baton.anchor = target1; summarize_baton.ignore_properties = ignore_properties; SVN_ERR(svn_client_diff_summarize2( target1, &opt_state->start_revision, target2, &opt_state->end_revision, opt_state->depth, ! opt_state->diff.notice_ancestry, opt_state->changelists, summarize_func, &summarize_baton, ctx, iterpool)); } else SVN_ERR(svn_client_diff6( options, target1, &(opt_state->start_revision), target2, &(opt_state->end_revision), NULL, opt_state->depth, ! opt_state->diff.notice_ancestry, opt_state->diff.no_diff_added, opt_state->diff.no_diff_deleted, show_copies_as_adds, ignore_content_type, ignore_properties, opt_state->diff.properties_only, opt_state->diff.use_git_diff_format, svn_cmdline_output_encoding(pool), outstream, errstream, opt_state->changelists, ctx, iterpool)); } else { const char *truepath; svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision; /* First check for a peg revision. */ SVN_ERR(svn_opt_parse_path(&peg_revision, &truepath, path, iterpool)); /* Set the default peg revision if one was not specified. */ if (peg_revision.kind == svn_opt_revision_unspecified) peg_revision.kind = svn_path_is_url(path) ? svn_opt_revision_head : svn_opt_revision_working; if (opt_state->diff.summarize) { summarize_baton.anchor = truepath; summarize_baton.ignore_properties = ignore_properties; SVN_ERR(svn_client_diff_summarize_peg2( truepath, &peg_revision, &opt_state->start_revision, &opt_state->end_revision, opt_state->depth, ! opt_state->diff.notice_ancestry, opt_state->changelists, summarize_func, &summarize_baton, ctx, iterpool)); } else SVN_ERR(svn_client_diff_peg6( options, truepath, &peg_revision, &opt_state->start_revision, &opt_state->end_revision, NULL, opt_state->depth, ! opt_state->diff.notice_ancestry, opt_state->diff.no_diff_added, opt_state->diff.no_diff_deleted, show_copies_as_adds, ignore_content_type, ignore_properties, opt_state->diff.properties_only, opt_state->diff.use_git_diff_format, svn_cmdline_output_encoding(pool), outstream, errstream, opt_state->changelists, ctx, iterpool)); } } if (opt_state->xml) { svn_stringbuf_t *sb = svn_stringbuf_create_empty(pool); svn_xml_make_close_tag(&sb, pool, "paths"); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__error_checked_fputs(sb->data, stdout)); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__xml_print_footer("diff", pool)); } svn_pool_destroy(iterpool); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }