/* * resolve-cmd.c -- Subversion resolve subcommand * * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== */ /* ==================================================================== */ /*** Includes. ***/ #include "svn_path.h" #include "svn_client.h" #include "svn_error.h" #include "svn_pools.h" #include "svn_hash.h" #include "cl.h" #include "svn_private_config.h" /*** Code. ***/ struct conflict_walker_baton { svn_client_ctx_t *ctx; svn_cl__accept_t accept_which; svn_boolean_t quit; svn_boolean_t external_failed; svn_boolean_t printed_summary; const char *editor_cmd; const char *path_prefix; svn_cmdline_prompt_baton_t *pb; svn_cl__conflict_stats_t *conflict_stats; }; /* Implements svn_client_conflict_walk_func_t. */ static svn_error_t * conflict_walker(void *baton, svn_client_conflict_t *conflict, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) { struct conflict_walker_baton *cwb = baton; SVN_ERR(svn_cl__resolve_conflict(&cwb->quit, &cwb->external_failed, &cwb->printed_summary, conflict, cwb->accept_which, cwb->editor_cmd, cwb->path_prefix, cwb->pb, cwb->conflict_stats, cwb->ctx, scratch_pool)); if (cwb->quit) return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CANCELLED, NULL, NULL); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } svn_error_t * svn_cl__walk_conflicts(apr_array_header_t *targets, svn_cl__conflict_stats_t *conflict_stats, svn_cl__opt_state_t *opt_state, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) { svn_boolean_t had_error = FALSE; svn_cmdline_prompt_baton_t *pb = apr_palloc(scratch_pool, sizeof(*pb)); struct conflict_walker_baton cwb = { 0 }; const char *path_prefix; svn_error_t *err; int i; apr_pool_t *iterpool; SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&path_prefix, "", scratch_pool)); pb->cancel_func = ctx->cancel_func; pb->cancel_baton = ctx->cancel_baton; cwb.ctx = ctx; cwb.accept_which = opt_state->accept_which; cwb.quit = FALSE; cwb.external_failed = FALSE; cwb.printed_summary = FALSE; cwb.editor_cmd = opt_state->editor_cmd; cwb.path_prefix = path_prefix; cwb.pb = pb; cwb.conflict_stats = conflict_stats; iterpool = svn_pool_create(scratch_pool); for (i = 0; i < targets->nelts; i++) { const char *target = APR_ARRAY_IDX(targets, i, const char *); const char *local_abspath; svn_client_conflict_t *conflict; svn_pool_clear(iterpool); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__check_cancel(ctx->cancel_baton)); SVN_ERR(svn_dirent_get_absolute(&local_abspath, target, iterpool)); if (opt_state->depth == svn_depth_empty) { SVN_ERR(svn_client_conflict_get(&conflict, local_abspath, ctx, iterpool, iterpool)); err = svn_cl__resolve_conflict(&cwb.quit, &cwb.external_failed, &cwb.printed_summary, conflict, opt_state->accept_which, opt_state->editor_cmd, path_prefix, pb, conflict_stats, ctx, iterpool); } else err = svn_client_conflict_walk(local_abspath, opt_state->depth, conflict_walker, &cwb, ctx, iterpool); if (err) { svn_error_t *root = svn_error_root_cause(err); if (root->apr_err == SVN_ERR_WC_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { /* ### Ignore. These errors can happen due to the working copy * ### being re-arranged during tree conflict resolution. */ svn_error_clear(err); continue; } else if (root->apr_err == SVN_ERR_CANCELLED) { svn_error_clear(err); break; } svn_handle_warning2(stderr, svn_error_root_cause(err), "svn: "); svn_error_clear(err); had_error = TRUE; } } svn_pool_destroy(iterpool); if (had_error) return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_WC_CONFLICT_RESOLVER_FAILURE, NULL, _("Failure occurred resolving one or more " "conflicts")); return SVN_NO_ERROR; } /* This implements the `svn_opt_subcommand_t' interface. */ svn_error_t * svn_cl__resolve(apr_getopt_t *os, void *baton, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool) { svn_cl__opt_state_t *opt_state = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->opt_state; svn_cl__conflict_stats_t *conflict_stats = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->conflict_stats; svn_client_ctx_t *ctx = ((svn_cl__cmd_baton_t *) baton)->ctx; apr_array_header_t *targets; SVN_ERR(svn_cl__args_to_target_array_print_reserved(&targets, os, opt_state->targets, ctx, FALSE, scratch_pool)); if (! targets->nelts) svn_opt_push_implicit_dot_target(targets, scratch_pool); if (opt_state->depth == svn_depth_unknown) { if (opt_state->accept_which == svn_cl__accept_unspecified) opt_state->depth = svn_depth_infinity; else opt_state->depth = svn_depth_empty; } SVN_ERR(svn_cl__eat_peg_revisions(&targets, targets, scratch_pool)); SVN_ERR(svn_cl__check_targets_are_local_paths(targets)); if (opt_state->accept_which == svn_cl__accept_unspecified && opt_state->non_interactive) { return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("missing --accept option")); } else if (opt_state->accept_which == svn_cl__accept_postpone || opt_state->accept_which == svn_cl__accept_edit || opt_state->accept_which == svn_cl__accept_launch) { return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_CL_ARG_PARSING_ERROR, NULL, _("invalid 'accept' ARG")); } SVN_ERR(svn_cl__walk_conflicts(targets, conflict_stats, opt_state, ctx, scratch_pool)); return SVN_NO_ERROR; }