/* crypto/bn/bn_mul.c */ /* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com) * All rights reserved. * * This package is an SSL implementation written * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com). * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL. * * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as * the following conditions are aheared to. The following conditions * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA, * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code. The SSL documentation * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com). * * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in * the code are not to be removed. * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution * as the author of the parts of the library used. * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * "This product includes cryptographic software written by * Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)" * The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library * being used are not cryptographic related :-). * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from * the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement: * "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ERIC YOUNG ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or * derivative of this code cannot be changed. i.e. this code cannot simply be * copied and put under another distribution licence * [including the GNU Public Licence.] */ #ifndef BN_DEBUG # undef NDEBUG /* avoid conflicting definitions */ # define NDEBUG #endif #include #include #include "cryptlib.h" #include "bn_lcl.h" #if defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) || !defined(OPENSSL_BN_ASM_PART_WORDS) /* * Here follows specialised variants of bn_add_words() and bn_sub_words(). * They have the property performing operations on arrays of different sizes. * The sizes of those arrays is expressed through cl, which is the common * length ( basicall, min(len(a),len(b)) ), and dl, which is the delta * between the two lengths, calculated as len(a)-len(b). All lengths are the * number of BN_ULONGs... For the operations that require a result array as * parameter, it must have the length cl+abs(dl). These functions should * probably end up in bn_asm.c as soon as there are assembler counterparts * for the systems that use assembler files. */ BN_ULONG bn_sub_part_words(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b, int cl, int dl) { BN_ULONG c, t; assert(cl >= 0); c = bn_sub_words(r, a, b, cl); if (dl == 0) return c; r += cl; a += cl; b += cl; if (dl < 0) { # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_sub_part_words %d + %d (dl < 0, c = %d)\n", cl, dl, c); # endif for (;;) { t = b[0]; r[0] = (0 - t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 1; if (++dl >= 0) break; t = b[1]; r[1] = (0 - t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 1; if (++dl >= 0) break; t = b[2]; r[2] = (0 - t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 1; if (++dl >= 0) break; t = b[3]; r[3] = (0 - t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 1; if (++dl >= 0) break; b += 4; r += 4; } } else { int save_dl = dl; # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_sub_part_words %d + %d (dl > 0, c = %d)\n", cl, dl, c); # endif while (c) { t = a[0]; r[0] = (t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 0; if (--dl <= 0) break; t = a[1]; r[1] = (t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 0; if (--dl <= 0) break; t = a[2]; r[2] = (t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 0; if (--dl <= 0) break; t = a[3]; r[3] = (t - c) & BN_MASK2; if (t != 0) c = 0; if (--dl <= 0) break; save_dl = dl; a += 4; r += 4; } if (dl > 0) { # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_sub_part_words %d + %d (dl > 0, c == 0)\n", cl, dl); # endif if (save_dl > dl) { switch (save_dl - dl) { case 1: r[1] = a[1]; if (--dl <= 0) break; case 2: r[2] = a[2]; if (--dl <= 0) break; case 3: r[3] = a[3]; if (--dl <= 0) break; } a += 4; r += 4; } } if (dl > 0) { # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_sub_part_words %d + %d (dl > 0, copy)\n", cl, dl); # endif for (;;) { r[0] = a[0]; if (--dl <= 0) break; r[1] = a[1]; if (--dl <= 0) break; r[2] = a[2]; if (--dl <= 0) break; r[3] = a[3]; if (--dl <= 0) break; a += 4; r += 4; } } } return c; } #endif BN_ULONG bn_add_part_words(BN_ULONG *r, const BN_ULONG *a, const BN_ULONG *b, int cl, int dl) { BN_ULONG c, l, t; assert(cl >= 0); c = bn_add_words(r, a, b, cl); if (dl == 0) return c; r += cl; a += cl; b += cl; if (dl < 0) { int save_dl = dl; #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_add_part_words %d + %d (dl < 0, c = %d)\n", cl, dl, c); #endif while (c) { l = (c + b[0]) & BN_MASK2; c = (l < c); r[0] = l; if (++dl >= 0) break; l = (c + b[1]) & BN_MASK2; c = (l < c); r[1] = l; if (++dl >= 0) break; l = (c + b[2]) & BN_MASK2; c = (l < c); r[2] = l; if (++dl >= 0) break; l = (c + b[3]) & BN_MASK2; c = (l < c); r[3] = l; if (++dl >= 0) break; save_dl = dl; b += 4; r += 4; } if (dl < 0) { #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_add_part_words %d + %d (dl < 0, c == 0)\n", cl, dl); #endif if (save_dl < dl) { switch (dl - save_dl) { case 1: r[1] = b[1]; if (++dl >= 0) break; case 2: r[2] = b[2]; if (++dl >= 0) break; case 3: r[3] = b[3]; if (++dl >= 0) break; } b += 4; r += 4; } } if (dl < 0) { #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_add_part_words %d + %d (dl < 0, copy)\n", cl, dl); #endif for (;;) { r[0] = b[0]; if (++dl >= 0) break; r[1] = b[1]; if (++dl >= 0) break; r[2] = b[2]; if (++dl >= 0) break; r[3] = b[3]; if (++dl >= 0) break; b += 4; r += 4; } } } else { int save_dl = dl; #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_add_part_words %d + %d (dl > 0)\n", cl, dl); #endif while (c) { t = (a[0] + c) & BN_MASK2; c = (t < c); r[0] = t; if (--dl <= 0) break; t = (a[1] + c) & BN_MASK2; c = (t < c); r[1] = t; if (--dl <= 0) break; t = (a[2] + c) & BN_MASK2; c = (t < c); r[2] = t; if (--dl <= 0) break; t = (a[3] + c) & BN_MASK2; c = (t < c); r[3] = t; if (--dl <= 0) break; save_dl = dl; a += 4; r += 4; } #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_add_part_words %d + %d (dl > 0, c == 0)\n", cl, dl); #endif if (dl > 0) { if (save_dl > dl) { switch (save_dl - dl) { case 1: r[1] = a[1]; if (--dl <= 0) break; case 2: r[2] = a[2]; if (--dl <= 0) break; case 3: r[3] = a[3]; if (--dl <= 0) break; } a += 4; r += 4; } } if (dl > 0) { #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_add_part_words %d + %d (dl > 0, copy)\n", cl, dl); #endif for (;;) { r[0] = a[0]; if (--dl <= 0) break; r[1] = a[1]; if (--dl <= 0) break; r[2] = a[2]; if (--dl <= 0) break; r[3] = a[3]; if (--dl <= 0) break; a += 4; r += 4; } } } return c; } #ifdef BN_RECURSION /* * Karatsuba recursive multiplication algorithm (cf. Knuth, The Art of * Computer Programming, Vol. 2) */ /*- * r is 2*n2 words in size, * a and b are both n2 words in size. * n2 must be a power of 2. * We multiply and return the result. * t must be 2*n2 words in size * We calculate * a[0]*b[0] * a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1]+(a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]) * a[1]*b[1] */ /* dnX may not be positive, but n2/2+dnX has to be */ void bn_mul_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n2, int dna, int dnb, BN_ULONG *t) { int n = n2 / 2, c1, c2; int tna = n + dna, tnb = n + dnb; unsigned int neg, zero; BN_ULONG ln, lo, *p; # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_mul_recursive %d%+d * %d%+d\n", n2, dna, n2, dnb); # endif # ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA # if 0 if (n2 == 4) { bn_mul_comba4(r, a, b); return; } # endif /* * Only call bn_mul_comba 8 if n2 == 8 and the two arrays are complete * [steve] */ if (n2 == 8 && dna == 0 && dnb == 0) { bn_mul_comba8(r, a, b); return; } # endif /* BN_MUL_COMBA */ /* Else do normal multiply */ if (n2 < BN_MUL_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL) { bn_mul_normal(r, a, n2 + dna, b, n2 + dnb); if ((dna + dnb) < 0) memset(&r[2 * n2 + dna + dnb], 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * -(dna + dnb)); return; } /* r=(a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]) */ c1 = bn_cmp_part_words(a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna); c2 = bn_cmp_part_words(&(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n); zero = neg = 0; switch (c1 * 3 + c2) { case -4: bn_sub_part_words(t, &(a[n]), a, tna, tna - n); /* - */ bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), b, &(b[n]), tnb, n - tnb); /* - */ break; case -3: zero = 1; break; case -2: bn_sub_part_words(t, &(a[n]), a, tna, tna - n); /* - */ bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), &(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n); /* + */ neg = 1; break; case -1: case 0: case 1: zero = 1; break; case 2: bn_sub_part_words(t, a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna); /* + */ bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), b, &(b[n]), tnb, n - tnb); /* - */ neg = 1; break; case 3: zero = 1; break; case 4: bn_sub_part_words(t, a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna); bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), &(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n); break; } # ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA if (n == 4 && dna == 0 && dnb == 0) { /* XXX: bn_mul_comba4 could take * extra args to do this well */ if (!zero) bn_mul_comba4(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n])); else memset(&(t[n2]), 0, 8 * sizeof(BN_ULONG)); bn_mul_comba4(r, a, b); bn_mul_comba4(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n])); } else if (n == 8 && dna == 0 && dnb == 0) { /* XXX: bn_mul_comba8 could * take extra args to do * this well */ if (!zero) bn_mul_comba8(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n])); else memset(&(t[n2]), 0, 16 * sizeof(BN_ULONG)); bn_mul_comba8(r, a, b); bn_mul_comba8(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n])); } else # endif /* BN_MUL_COMBA */ { p = &(t[n2 * 2]); if (!zero) bn_mul_recursive(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n]), n, 0, 0, p); else memset(&(t[n2]), 0, n2 * sizeof(BN_ULONG)); bn_mul_recursive(r, a, b, n, 0, 0, p); bn_mul_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]), n, dna, dnb, p); } /*- * t[32] holds (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]), c1 is the sign * r[10] holds (a[0]*b[0]) * r[32] holds (b[1]*b[1]) */ c1 = (int)(bn_add_words(t, r, &(r[n2]), n2)); if (neg) { /* if t[32] is negative */ c1 -= (int)(bn_sub_words(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n2]), n2)); } else { /* Might have a carry */ c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(t[n2]), &(t[n2]), t, n2)); } /*- * t[32] holds (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0])+(a[0]*b[0])+(a[1]*b[1]) * r[10] holds (a[0]*b[0]) * r[32] holds (b[1]*b[1]) * c1 holds the carry bits */ c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[n2]), n2)); if (c1) { p = &(r[n + n2]); lo = *p; ln = (lo + c1) & BN_MASK2; *p = ln; /* * The overflow will stop before we over write words we should not * overwrite */ if (ln < (BN_ULONG)c1) { do { p++; lo = *p; ln = (lo + 1) & BN_MASK2; *p = ln; } while (ln == 0); } } } /* * n+tn is the word length t needs to be n*4 is size, as does r */ /* tnX may not be negative but less than n */ void bn_mul_part_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n, int tna, int tnb, BN_ULONG *t) { int i, j, n2 = n * 2; int c1, c2, neg; BN_ULONG ln, lo, *p; # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_mul_part_recursive (%d%+d) * (%d%+d)\n", n, tna, n, tnb); # endif if (n < 8) { bn_mul_normal(r, a, n + tna, b, n + tnb); return; } /* r=(a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]) */ c1 = bn_cmp_part_words(a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna); c2 = bn_cmp_part_words(&(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n); neg = 0; switch (c1 * 3 + c2) { case -4: bn_sub_part_words(t, &(a[n]), a, tna, tna - n); /* - */ bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), b, &(b[n]), tnb, n - tnb); /* - */ break; case -3: /* break; */ case -2: bn_sub_part_words(t, &(a[n]), a, tna, tna - n); /* - */ bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), &(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n); /* + */ neg = 1; break; case -1: case 0: case 1: /* break; */ case 2: bn_sub_part_words(t, a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna); /* + */ bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), b, &(b[n]), tnb, n - tnb); /* - */ neg = 1; break; case 3: /* break; */ case 4: bn_sub_part_words(t, a, &(a[n]), tna, n - tna); bn_sub_part_words(&(t[n]), &(b[n]), b, tnb, tnb - n); break; } /* * The zero case isn't yet implemented here. The speedup would probably * be negligible. */ # if 0 if (n == 4) { bn_mul_comba4(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n])); bn_mul_comba4(r, a, b); bn_mul_normal(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), tn, &(b[n]), tn); memset(&(r[n2 + tn * 2]), 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * (n2 - tn * 2)); } else # endif if (n == 8) { bn_mul_comba8(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n])); bn_mul_comba8(r, a, b); bn_mul_normal(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), tna, &(b[n]), tnb); memset(&(r[n2 + tna + tnb]), 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * (n2 - tna - tnb)); } else { p = &(t[n2 * 2]); bn_mul_recursive(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n]), n, 0, 0, p); bn_mul_recursive(r, a, b, n, 0, 0, p); i = n / 2; /* * If there is only a bottom half to the number, just do it */ if (tna > tnb) j = tna - i; else j = tnb - i; if (j == 0) { bn_mul_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]), i, tna - i, tnb - i, p); memset(&(r[n2 + i * 2]), 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * (n2 - i * 2)); } else if (j > 0) { /* eg, n == 16, i == 8 and tn == 11 */ bn_mul_part_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]), i, tna - i, tnb - i, p); memset(&(r[n2 + tna + tnb]), 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * (n2 - tna - tnb)); } else { /* (j < 0) eg, n == 16, i == 8 and tn == 5 */ memset(&(r[n2]), 0, sizeof(BN_ULONG) * n2); if (tna < BN_MUL_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL && tnb < BN_MUL_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL) { bn_mul_normal(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), tna, &(b[n]), tnb); } else { for (;;) { i /= 2; /* * these simplified conditions work exclusively because * difference between tna and tnb is 1 or 0 */ if (i < tna || i < tnb) { bn_mul_part_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]), i, tna - i, tnb - i, p); break; } else if (i == tna || i == tnb) { bn_mul_recursive(&(r[n2]), &(a[n]), &(b[n]), i, tna - i, tnb - i, p); break; } } } } } /*- * t[32] holds (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]), c1 is the sign * r[10] holds (a[0]*b[0]) * r[32] holds (b[1]*b[1]) */ c1 = (int)(bn_add_words(t, r, &(r[n2]), n2)); if (neg) { /* if t[32] is negative */ c1 -= (int)(bn_sub_words(&(t[n2]), t, &(t[n2]), n2)); } else { /* Might have a carry */ c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(t[n2]), &(t[n2]), t, n2)); } /*- * t[32] holds (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0])+(a[0]*b[0])+(a[1]*b[1]) * r[10] holds (a[0]*b[0]) * r[32] holds (b[1]*b[1]) * c1 holds the carry bits */ c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[n2]), n2)); if (c1) { p = &(r[n + n2]); lo = *p; ln = (lo + c1) & BN_MASK2; *p = ln; /* * The overflow will stop before we over write words we should not * overwrite */ if (ln < (BN_ULONG)c1) { do { p++; lo = *p; ln = (lo + 1) & BN_MASK2; *p = ln; } while (ln == 0); } } } /*- * a and b must be the same size, which is n2. * r needs to be n2 words and t needs to be n2*2 */ void bn_mul_low_recursive(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n2, BN_ULONG *t) { int n = n2 / 2; # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_mul_low_recursive %d * %d\n", n2, n2); # endif bn_mul_recursive(r, a, b, n, 0, 0, &(t[0])); if (n >= BN_MUL_LOW_RECURSIVE_SIZE_NORMAL) { bn_mul_low_recursive(&(t[0]), &(a[0]), &(b[n]), n, &(t[n2])); bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[0]), n); bn_mul_low_recursive(&(t[0]), &(a[n]), &(b[0]), n, &(t[n2])); bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[0]), n); } else { bn_mul_low_normal(&(t[0]), &(a[0]), &(b[n]), n); bn_mul_low_normal(&(t[n]), &(a[n]), &(b[0]), n); bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[0]), n); bn_add_words(&(r[n]), &(r[n]), &(t[n]), n); } } /*- * a and b must be the same size, which is n2. * r needs to be n2 words and t needs to be n2*2 * l is the low words of the output. * t needs to be n2*3 */ void bn_mul_high(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, BN_ULONG *l, int n2, BN_ULONG *t) { int i, n; int c1, c2; int neg, oneg, zero; BN_ULONG ll, lc, *lp, *mp; # ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_mul_high %d * %d\n", n2, n2); # endif n = n2 / 2; /* Calculate (al-ah)*(bh-bl) */ neg = zero = 0; c1 = bn_cmp_words(&(a[0]), &(a[n]), n); c2 = bn_cmp_words(&(b[n]), &(b[0]), n); switch (c1 * 3 + c2) { case -4: bn_sub_words(&(r[0]), &(a[n]), &(a[0]), n); bn_sub_words(&(r[n]), &(b[0]), &(b[n]), n); break; case -3: zero = 1; break; case -2: bn_sub_words(&(r[0]), &(a[n]), &(a[0]), n); bn_sub_words(&(r[n]), &(b[n]), &(b[0]), n); neg = 1; break; case -1: case 0: case 1: zero = 1; break; case 2: bn_sub_words(&(r[0]), &(a[0]), &(a[n]), n); bn_sub_words(&(r[n]), &(b[0]), &(b[n]), n); neg = 1; break; case 3: zero = 1; break; case 4: bn_sub_words(&(r[0]), &(a[0]), &(a[n]), n); bn_sub_words(&(r[n]), &(b[n]), &(b[0]), n); break; } oneg = neg; /* t[10] = (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]) */ /* r[10] = (a[1]*b[1]) */ # ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA if (n == 8) { bn_mul_comba8(&(t[0]), &(r[0]), &(r[n])); bn_mul_comba8(r, &(a[n]), &(b[n])); } else # endif { bn_mul_recursive(&(t[0]), &(r[0]), &(r[n]), n, 0, 0, &(t[n2])); bn_mul_recursive(r, &(a[n]), &(b[n]), n, 0, 0, &(t[n2])); } /*- * s0 == low(al*bl) * s1 == low(ah*bh)+low((al-ah)*(bh-bl))+low(al*bl)+high(al*bl) * We know s0 and s1 so the only unknown is high(al*bl) * high(al*bl) == s1 - low(ah*bh+s0+(al-ah)*(bh-bl)) * high(al*bl) == s1 - (r[0]+l[0]+t[0]) */ if (l != NULL) { lp = &(t[n2 + n]); c1 = (int)(bn_add_words(lp, &(r[0]), &(l[0]), n)); } else { c1 = 0; lp = &(r[0]); } if (neg) neg = (int)(bn_sub_words(&(t[n2]), lp, &(t[0]), n)); else { bn_add_words(&(t[n2]), lp, &(t[0]), n); neg = 0; } if (l != NULL) { bn_sub_words(&(t[n2 + n]), &(l[n]), &(t[n2]), n); } else { lp = &(t[n2 + n]); mp = &(t[n2]); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) lp[i] = ((~mp[i]) + 1) & BN_MASK2; } /*- * s[0] = low(al*bl) * t[3] = high(al*bl) * t[10] = (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]) neg is the sign * r[10] = (a[1]*b[1]) */ /*- * R[10] = al*bl * R[21] = al*bl + ah*bh + (a[0]-a[1])*(b[1]-b[0]) * R[32] = ah*bh */ /*- * R[1]=t[3]+l[0]+r[0](+-)t[0] (have carry/borrow) * R[2]=r[0]+t[3]+r[1](+-)t[1] (have carry/borrow) * R[3]=r[1]+(carry/borrow) */ if (l != NULL) { lp = &(t[n2]); c1 = (int)(bn_add_words(lp, &(t[n2 + n]), &(l[0]), n)); } else { lp = &(t[n2 + n]); c1 = 0; } c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(t[n2]), lp, &(r[0]), n)); if (oneg) c1 -= (int)(bn_sub_words(&(t[n2]), &(t[n2]), &(t[0]), n)); else c1 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(t[n2]), &(t[n2]), &(t[0]), n)); c2 = (int)(bn_add_words(&(r[0]), &(r[0]), &(t[n2 + n]), n)); c2 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(r[0]), &(r[0]), &(r[n]), n)); if (oneg) c2 -= (int)(bn_sub_words(&(r[0]), &(r[0]), &(t[n]), n)); else c2 += (int)(bn_add_words(&(r[0]), &(r[0]), &(t[n]), n)); if (c1 != 0) { /* Add starting at r[0], could be +ve or -ve */ i = 0; if (c1 > 0) { lc = c1; do { ll = (r[i] + lc) & BN_MASK2; r[i++] = ll; lc = (lc > ll); } while (lc); } else { lc = -c1; do { ll = r[i]; r[i++] = (ll - lc) & BN_MASK2; lc = (lc > ll); } while (lc); } } if (c2 != 0) { /* Add starting at r[1] */ i = n; if (c2 > 0) { lc = c2; do { ll = (r[i] + lc) & BN_MASK2; r[i++] = ll; lc = (lc > ll); } while (lc); } else { lc = -c2; do { ll = r[i]; r[i++] = (ll - lc) & BN_MASK2; lc = (lc > ll); } while (lc); } } } #endif /* BN_RECURSION */ int BN_mul(BIGNUM *r, const BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *b, BN_CTX *ctx) { int ret = 0; int top, al, bl; BIGNUM *rr; #if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION) int i; #endif #ifdef BN_RECURSION BIGNUM *t = NULL; int j = 0, k; #endif #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, "BN_mul %d * %d\n", a->top, b->top); #endif bn_check_top(a); bn_check_top(b); bn_check_top(r); al = a->top; bl = b->top; if ((al == 0) || (bl == 0)) { BN_zero(r); return (1); } top = al + bl; BN_CTX_start(ctx); if ((r == a) || (r == b)) { if ((rr = BN_CTX_get(ctx)) == NULL) goto err; } else rr = r; rr->neg = a->neg ^ b->neg; #if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION) i = al - bl; #endif #ifdef BN_MUL_COMBA if (i == 0) { # if 0 if (al == 4) { if (bn_wexpand(rr, 8) == NULL) goto err; rr->top = 8; bn_mul_comba4(rr->d, a->d, b->d); goto end; } # endif if (al == 8) { if (bn_wexpand(rr, 16) == NULL) goto err; rr->top = 16; bn_mul_comba8(rr->d, a->d, b->d); goto end; } } #endif /* BN_MUL_COMBA */ #ifdef BN_RECURSION if ((al >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL) && (bl >= BN_MULL_SIZE_NORMAL)) { if (i >= -1 && i <= 1) { /* * Find out the power of two lower or equal to the longest of the * two numbers */ if (i >= 0) { j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al); } if (i == -1) { j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)bl); } j = 1 << (j - 1); assert(j <= al || j <= bl); k = j + j; t = BN_CTX_get(ctx); if (t == NULL) goto err; if (al > j || bl > j) { if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL) goto err; if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL) goto err; bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, j, al - j, bl - j, t->d); } else { /* al <= j || bl <= j */ if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL) goto err; if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL) goto err; bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, j, al - j, bl - j, t->d); } rr->top = top; goto end; } # if 0 if (i == 1 && !BN_get_flags(b, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BIGNUM *tmp_bn = (BIGNUM *)b; if (bn_wexpand(tmp_bn, al) == NULL) goto err; tmp_bn->d[bl] = 0; bl++; i--; } else if (i == -1 && !BN_get_flags(a, BN_FLG_STATIC_DATA)) { BIGNUM *tmp_bn = (BIGNUM *)a; if (bn_wexpand(tmp_bn, bl) == NULL) goto err; tmp_bn->d[al] = 0; al++; i++; } if (i == 0) { /* symmetric and > 4 */ /* 16 or larger */ j = BN_num_bits_word((BN_ULONG)al); j = 1 << (j - 1); k = j + j; t = BN_CTX_get(ctx); if (al == j) { /* exact multiple */ if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 2) == NULL) goto err; if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 2) == NULL) goto err; bn_mul_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, al, t->d); } else { if (bn_wexpand(t, k * 4) == NULL) goto err; if (bn_wexpand(rr, k * 4) == NULL) goto err; bn_mul_part_recursive(rr->d, a->d, b->d, al - j, j, t->d); } rr->top = top; goto end; } # endif } #endif /* BN_RECURSION */ if (bn_wexpand(rr, top) == NULL) goto err; rr->top = top; bn_mul_normal(rr->d, a->d, al, b->d, bl); #if defined(BN_MUL_COMBA) || defined(BN_RECURSION) end: #endif bn_correct_top(rr); if (r != rr && BN_copy(r, rr) == NULL) goto err; ret = 1; err: bn_check_top(r); BN_CTX_end(ctx); return (ret); } void bn_mul_normal(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, int na, BN_ULONG *b, int nb) { BN_ULONG *rr; #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_mul_normal %d * %d\n", na, nb); #endif if (na < nb) { int itmp; BN_ULONG *ltmp; itmp = na; na = nb; nb = itmp; ltmp = a; a = b; b = ltmp; } rr = &(r[na]); if (nb <= 0) { (void)bn_mul_words(r, a, na, 0); return; } else rr[0] = bn_mul_words(r, a, na, b[0]); for (;;) { if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[1] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[1]), a, na, b[1]); if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[2] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[2]), a, na, b[2]); if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[3] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[3]), a, na, b[3]); if (--nb <= 0) return; rr[4] = bn_mul_add_words(&(r[4]), a, na, b[4]); rr += 4; r += 4; b += 4; } } void bn_mul_low_normal(BN_ULONG *r, BN_ULONG *a, BN_ULONG *b, int n) { #ifdef BN_COUNT fprintf(stderr, " bn_mul_low_normal %d * %d\n", n, n); #endif bn_mul_words(r, a, n, b[0]); for (;;) { if (--n <= 0) return; bn_mul_add_words(&(r[1]), a, n, b[1]); if (--n <= 0) return; bn_mul_add_words(&(r[2]), a, n, b[2]); if (--n <= 0) return; bn_mul_add_words(&(r[3]), a, n, b[3]); if (--n <= 0) return; bn_mul_add_words(&(r[4]), a, n, b[4]); r += 4; b += 4; } }