# This implements the "diagnose-nsstring" command, usually installed in the debug session like # command script import lldb.diagnose # it is used when NSString summary formatter fails to replicate the logic that went into LLDB making the # decisions it did and providing some useful context information that can be used for improving the formatter import lldb def read_memory(process,location,size): data = "" error = lldb.SBError() for x in range(0,size-1): byte = process.ReadUnsignedFromMemory(x+location,1,error) if error.fail: data = data + "err%s" % "" if x == size-2 else ":" else: try: data = data + "0x%x" % byte if byte == 0: data = data + "(\\0)" elif byte == 0xa: data = data + "(\\a)" elif byte == 0xb: data = data + "(\\b)" elif byte == 0xc: data = data + "(\\c)" elif byte == '\n': data = data + "(\\n)" else: data = data + "(%s)" % chr(byte) if x < size-2: data = data + ":" except Exception as e: print e return data def diagnose_nsstring_Command_Impl(debugger,command,result,internal_dict): """ A command to diagnose the LLDB NSString data formatter invoke as (lldb) diagnose-nsstring e.g. (lldb) diagnose-nsstring @"Hello world" """ target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget() process = target.GetProcess() thread = process.GetSelectedThread() frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame() if not target.IsValid() or not process.IsValid(): return "unable to get target/process - cannot proceed" options = lldb.SBExpressionOptions() options.SetFetchDynamicValue() error = lldb.SBError() if frame.IsValid(): nsstring = frame.EvaluateExpression(command,options) else: nsstring = target.EvaluateExpression(command,options) print >>result,str(nsstring) nsstring_address = nsstring.GetValueAsUnsigned(0) if nsstring_address == 0: return "unable to obtain the string - cannot proceed" expression = "\ struct $__lldb__notInlineMutable {\ char* buffer;\ signed long length;\ signed long capacity;\ unsigned int hasGap:1;\ unsigned int isFixedCapacity:1;\ unsigned int isExternalMutable:1;\ unsigned int capacityProvidedExternally:1;\n\ #if __LP64__\n\ unsigned long desiredCapacity:60;\n\ #else\n\ unsigned long desiredCapacity:28;\n\ #endif\n\ void* contentsAllocator;\ };\ \ struct $__lldb__CFString {\ void* _cfisa;\ uint8_t _cfinfo[4];\ uint32_t _rc;\ union {\ struct __inline1 {\ signed long length;\ } inline1;\ struct __notInlineImmutable1 {\ char* buffer;\ signed long length;\ void* contentsDeallocator;\ } notInlineImmutable1;\ struct __notInlineImmutable2 {\ char* buffer;\ void* contentsDeallocator;\ } notInlineImmutable2;\ struct $__lldb__notInlineMutable notInlineMutable;\ } variants;\ };\ " expression = expression + "*(($__lldb__CFString*) %d)" % nsstring_address # print expression dumped = target.EvaluateExpression(expression,options) print >>result, str(dumped) little_endian = (target.byte_order == lldb.eByteOrderLittle) ptr_size = target.addr_size info_bits = dumped.GetChildMemberWithName("_cfinfo").GetChildAtIndex(0 if little_endian else 3).GetValueAsUnsigned(0) is_mutable = (info_bits & 1) == 1 is_inline = (info_bits & 0x60) == 0 has_explicit_length = (info_bits & (1 | 4)) != 4 is_unicode = (info_bits & 0x10) == 0x10 is_special = (nsstring.GetDynamicValue(lldb.eDynamicCanRunTarget).GetTypeName() == "NSPathStore2") has_null = (info_bits & 8) == 8 print >>result,"\nInfo=%d\nMutable=%s\nInline=%s\nExplicit=%s\nUnicode=%s\nSpecial=%s\nNull=%s\n" % \ (info_bits, "yes" if is_mutable else "no","yes" if is_inline else "no","yes" if has_explicit_length else "no","yes" if is_unicode else "no","yes" if is_special else "no","yes" if has_null else "no") explicit_length_offset = 0 if not has_null and has_explicit_length and not is_special: explicit_length_offset = 2*ptr_size if is_mutable and not is_inline: explicit_length_offset = explicit_length_offset + ptr_size elif is_inline: pass elif not is_inline and not is_mutable: explicit_length_offset = explicit_length_offset + ptr_size else: explicit_length_offset = 0 if explicit_length_offset == 0: print >>result,"There is no explicit length marker - skipping this step\n" else: explicit_length_offset = nsstring_address + explicit_length_offset explicit_length = process.ReadUnsignedFromMemory(explicit_length_offset, 4, error) print >>result,"Explicit length location is at 0x%x - read value is %d\n" % (explicit_length_offset,explicit_length) if is_mutable: location = 2 * ptr_size + nsstring_address location = process.ReadPointerFromMemory(location,error) elif is_inline and has_explicit_length and not is_unicode and not is_special and not is_mutable: location = 3 * ptr_size + nsstring_address elif is_unicode: location = 2 * ptr_size + nsstring_address if is_inline: if not has_explicit_length: print >>result,"Unicode & Inline & !Explicit is a new combo - no formula for it" else: location += ptr_size else: location = process.ReadPointerFromMemory(location,error) elif is_special: location = nsstring_address + ptr_size + 4 elif is_inline: location = 2 * ptr_size + nsstring_address if not has_explicit_length: location += 1 else: location = 2 * ptr_size + nsstring_address location = process.ReadPointerFromMemory(location,error) print >>result,"Expected data location: 0x%x\n" % (location) print >>result,"1K of data around location: %s\n" % read_memory(process,location,1024) print >>result,"5K of data around string pointer: %s\n" % read_memory(process,nsstring_address,1024*5) def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict): debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f %s.diagnose_nsstring_Command_Impl diagnose-nsstring" % __name__) print 'The "diagnose-nsstring" command has been installed, type "help diagnose-nsstring" for detailed help.' __lldb_init_module(lldb.debugger,None) __lldb_init_module = None