/* * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint static char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1993\n\ The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n"; #endif /* not lint */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)canfield.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93"; #endif /* not lint */ /* * The canfield program * * Authors: * Originally written: Steve Levine * Converted to use curses and debugged: Steve Feldman * Card counting: Kirk McKusick and Mikey Olson * User interface cleanups: Eric Allman and Kirk McKusick * Betting by Kirk McKusick */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pathnames.h" #define decksize 52 #define originrow 0 #define origincol 0 #define basecol 1 #define boxcol 42 #define tboxrow 2 #define bboxrow 17 #define movecol 43 #define moverow 16 #define msgcol 43 #define msgrow 15 #define titlecol 30 #define titlerow 0 #define sidecol 1 #define ottlrow 6 #define foundcol 11 #define foundrow 3 #define stockcol 2 #define stockrow 8 #define fttlcol 10 #define fttlrow 1 #define taloncol 2 #define talonrow 13 #define tabrow 8 #define ctoprow 21 #define cbotrow 23 #define cinitcol 14 #define cheightcol 1 #define cwidthcol 4 #define handstatrow 21 #define handstatcol 7 #define talonstatrow 22 #define talonstatcol 7 #define stockstatrow 23 #define stockstatcol 7 #define Ace 1 #define Jack 11 #define Queen 12 #define King 13 #define atabcol 11 #define btabcol 18 #define ctabcol 25 #define dtabcol 32 #define spades 's' #define clubs 'c' #define hearts 'h' #define diamonds 'd' #define black 'b' #define red 'r' #define stk 1 #define tal 2 #define tab 3 #define INCRHAND(row, col) {\ row -= cheightcol;\ if (row < ctoprow) {\ row = cbotrow;\ col += cwidthcol;\ }\ } #define DECRHAND(row, col) {\ row += cheightcol;\ if (row > cbotrow) {\ row = ctoprow;\ col -= cwidthcol;\ }\ } struct cardtype { char suit; char color; bool visible; bool paid; int rank; struct cardtype *next; }; #define NIL ((struct cardtype *) -1) struct cardtype *deck[decksize]; struct cardtype cards[decksize]; struct cardtype *bottom[4], *found[4], *tableau[4]; struct cardtype *talon, *hand, *stock, *basecard; int length[4]; int cardsoff, base, cinhand, taloncnt, stockcnt, timesthru; char suitmap[4] = {spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds}; char colormap[4] = {black, black, red, red}; char pilemap[4] = {atabcol, btabcol, ctabcol, dtabcol}; char srcpile, destpile; int mtforigin, tempbase; int coldcol, cnewcol, coldrow, cnewrow; bool errmsg, done; bool mtfdone, Cflag = FALSE; #define INSTRUCTIONBOX 1 #define BETTINGBOX 2 #define NOBOX 3 int status = INSTRUCTIONBOX; int uid; /* * Basic betting costs */ #define costofhand 13 #define costofinspection 13 #define costofgame 26 #define costofrunthroughhand 5 #define costofinformation 1 #define secondsperdollar 60 #define maxtimecharge 3 #define valuepercardup 5 /* * Variables associated with betting */ struct betinfo { long hand; /* cost of dealing hand */ long inspection; /* cost of inspecting hand */ long game; /* cost of buying game */ long runs; /* cost of running through hands */ long information; /* cost of information */ long thinktime; /* cost of thinking time */ long wins; /* total winnings */ long worth; /* net worth after costs */ }; struct betinfo this, game, total; bool startedgame = FALSE, infullgame = FALSE; time_t acctstart; int dbfd = -1; /* * The following procedures print the board onto the screen using the * addressible cursor. The end of these procedures will also be * separated from the rest of the program. * * procedure to set the move command box */ movebox() { switch (status) { case BETTINGBOX: printtopbettingbox(); break; case NOBOX: clearabovemovebox(); break; case INSTRUCTIONBOX: printtopinstructions(); break; } move(moverow, boxcol); printw("| |"); move(msgrow, boxcol); printw("| |"); switch (status) { case BETTINGBOX: printbottombettingbox(); break; case NOBOX: clearbelowmovebox(); break; case INSTRUCTIONBOX: printbottominstructions(); break; } refresh(); } /* * print directions above move box */ printtopinstructions() { move(tboxrow, boxcol); printw("*----------------------------------*"); move(tboxrow + 1, boxcol); printw("| MOVES |"); move(tboxrow + 2, boxcol); printw("|s# = stock to tableau |"); move(tboxrow + 3, boxcol); printw("|sf = stock to foundation |"); move(tboxrow + 4, boxcol); printw("|t# = talon to tableau |"); move(tboxrow + 5, boxcol); printw("|tf = talon to foundation |"); move(tboxrow + 6, boxcol); printw("|## = tableau to tableau |"); move(tboxrow + 7, boxcol); printw("|#f = tableau to foundation |"); move(tboxrow + 8, boxcol); printw("|ht = hand to talon |"); move(tboxrow + 9, boxcol); printw("|c = toggle card counting |"); move(tboxrow + 10, boxcol); printw("|b = present betting information |"); move(tboxrow + 11, boxcol); printw("|q = quit to end the game |"); move(tboxrow + 12, boxcol); printw("|==================================|"); } /* * Print the betting box. */ printtopbettingbox() { move(tboxrow, boxcol); printw("*----------------------------------*"); move(tboxrow + 1, boxcol); printw("|Costs Hand Game Total |"); move(tboxrow + 2, boxcol); printw("| Hands |"); move(tboxrow + 3, boxcol); printw("| Inspections |"); move(tboxrow + 4, boxcol); printw("| Games |"); move(tboxrow + 5, boxcol); printw("| Runs |"); move(tboxrow + 6, boxcol); printw("| Information |"); move(tboxrow + 7, boxcol); printw("| Think time |"); move(tboxrow + 8, boxcol); printw("|Total Costs |"); move(tboxrow + 9, boxcol); printw("|Winnings |"); move(tboxrow + 10, boxcol); printw("|Net Worth |"); move(tboxrow + 11, boxcol); printw("|Return |"); move(tboxrow + 12, boxcol); printw("|==================================|"); } /* * clear info above move box */ clearabovemovebox() { int i; for (i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { move(tboxrow + i, boxcol); printw(" "); } move(tboxrow + 12, boxcol); printw("*----------------------------------*"); } /* * print instructions below move box */ printbottominstructions() { move(bboxrow, boxcol); printw("|Replace # with the number of the |"); move(bboxrow + 1, boxcol); printw("|tableau you want. |"); move(bboxrow + 2, boxcol); printw("*----------------------------------*"); } /* * print betting information below move box */ printbottombettingbox() { move(bboxrow, boxcol); printw("|x = toggle information box |"); move(bboxrow + 1, boxcol); printw("|i = list playing instructions |"); move(bboxrow + 2, boxcol); printw("*----------------------------------*"); } /* * clear info below move box */ clearbelowmovebox() { int i; move(bboxrow, boxcol); printw("*----------------------------------*"); for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { move(bboxrow + i, boxcol); printw(" "); } } /* * procedure to put the board on the screen using addressable cursor */ makeboard() { clear(); refresh(); move(titlerow, titlecol); printw("=-> CANFIELD <-="); move(fttlrow, fttlcol); printw("foundation"); move(foundrow - 1, fttlcol); printw("=---= =---= =---= =---="); move(foundrow, fttlcol); printw("| | | | | | | |"); move(foundrow + 1, fttlcol); printw("=---= =---= =---= =---="); move(ottlrow, sidecol); printw("stock tableau"); move(stockrow - 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); move(stockrow, sidecol); printw("| |"); move(stockrow + 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); move(talonrow - 2, sidecol); printw("talon"); move(talonrow - 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); move(talonrow, sidecol); printw("| |"); move(talonrow + 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); move(tabrow - 1, atabcol); printw("-1- -2- -3- -4-"); movebox(); } /* * clean up the board for another game */ cleanupboard() { int cnt, row, col; struct cardtype *ptr; if (Cflag) { clearstat(); for(ptr = stock, row = stockrow; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next, row++) { move(row, sidecol); printw(" "); } move(row, sidecol); printw(" "); move(stockrow + 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); move(talonrow - 2, sidecol); printw("talon"); move(talonrow - 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); move(talonrow + 1, sidecol); printw("=---="); } move(stockrow, sidecol); printw("| |"); move(talonrow, sidecol); printw("| |"); move(foundrow, fttlcol); printw("| | | | | | | |"); for (cnt = 0; cnt < 4; cnt++) { switch(cnt) { case 0: col = atabcol; break; case 1: col = btabcol; break; case 2: col = ctabcol; break; case 3: col = dtabcol; break; } for(ptr = tableau[cnt], row = tabrow; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next, row++) removecard(col, row); } } /* * procedure to create a deck of cards */ initdeck(deck) struct cardtype *deck[]; { int i; int scnt; char s; int r; i = 0; for (scnt=0; scnt<4; scnt++) { s = suitmap[scnt]; for (r=Ace; r<=King; r++) { deck[i] = &cards[i]; cards[i].rank = r; cards[i].suit = s; cards[i].color = colormap[scnt]; cards[i].next = NIL; i++; } } } /* * procedure to shuffle the deck */ shuffle(deck) struct cardtype *deck[]; { int i,j; struct cardtype *temp; for (i=0; ivisible = FALSE; deck[i]->paid = FALSE; } for (i = decksize-1; i>=0; i--) { j = random() % decksize; if (i != j) { temp = deck[i]; deck[i] = deck[j]; deck[j] = temp; } } } /* * procedure to remove the card from the board */ removecard(a, b) { move(b, a); printw(" "); } /* * procedure to print the cards on the board */ printrank(a, b, cp, inverse) struct cardtype *cp; bool inverse; { move(b, a); if (cp->rank != 10) addch(' '); if (inverse) standout(); switch (cp->rank) { case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: printw("%d", cp->rank); break; case Ace: addch('A'); break; case Jack: addch('J'); break; case Queen: addch('Q'); break; case King: addch('K'); } if (inverse) standend(); } /* * procedure to print out a card */ printcard(a, b, cp) int a,b; struct cardtype *cp; { if (cp == NIL) removecard(a, b); else if (cp->visible == FALSE) { move(b, a); printw(" ? "); } else { bool inverse = (cp->suit == 'd' || cp->suit == 'h'); printrank(a, b, cp, inverse); if (inverse) standout(); addch(cp->suit); if (inverse) standend(); } } /* * procedure to move the top card from one location to the top * of another location. The pointers always point to the top * of the piles. */ transit(source, dest) struct cardtype **source, **dest; { struct cardtype *temp; temp = *source; *source = (*source)->next; temp->next = *dest; *dest = temp; } /* * Procedure to set the cards on the foundation base when available. * Note that it is only called on a foundation pile at the beginning of * the game, so the pile will have exactly one card in it. */ fndbase(cp, column, row) struct cardtype **cp; { bool nomore; if (*cp != NIL) do { if ((*cp)->rank == basecard->rank) { base++; printcard(pilemap[base], foundrow, *cp); if (*cp == tableau[0]) length[0] = length[0] - 1; if (*cp == tableau[1]) length[1] = length[1] - 1; if (*cp == tableau[2]) length[2] = length[2] - 1; if (*cp == tableau[3]) length[3] = length[3] - 1; transit(cp, &found[base]); if (cp == &talon) usedtalon(); if (cp == &stock) usedstock(); if (*cp != NIL) { printcard(column, row, *cp); nomore = FALSE; } else { removecard(column, row); nomore = TRUE; } cardsoff++; if (infullgame) { this.wins += valuepercardup; game.wins += valuepercardup; total.wins += valuepercardup; } } else nomore = TRUE; } while (nomore == FALSE); } /* * procedure to initialize the things necessary for the game */ initgame() { register i; for (i=0; i<18; i++) { deck[i]->visible = TRUE; deck[i]->paid = TRUE; } stockcnt = 13; stock = deck[12]; for (i=12; i>=1; i--) deck[i]->next = deck[i - 1]; deck[0]->next = NIL; found[0] = deck[13]; deck[13]->next = NIL; for (i=1; i<4; i++) found[i] = NIL; basecard = found[0]; for (i=14; i<18; i++) { tableau[i - 14] = deck[i]; deck[i]->next = NIL; } for (i=0; i<4; i++) { bottom[i] = tableau[i]; length[i] = tabrow; } hand = deck[18]; for (i=18; inext = deck[i + 1]; deck[decksize-1]->next = NIL; talon = NIL; base = 0; cinhand = 34; taloncnt = 0; timesthru = 0; cardsoff = 1; coldrow = ctoprow; coldcol = cinitcol; cnewrow = ctoprow; cnewcol = cinitcol + cwidthcol; } /* * procedure to print the beginning cards and to start each game */ startgame() { register int j; shuffle(deck); initgame(); this.hand = costofhand; game.hand += costofhand; total.hand += costofhand; this.inspection = 0; this.game = 0; this.runs = 0; this.information = 0; this.wins = 0; this.thinktime = 0; infullgame = FALSE; startedgame = FALSE; printcard(foundcol, foundrow, found[0]); printcard(stockcol, stockrow, stock); printcard(atabcol, tabrow, tableau[0]); printcard(btabcol, tabrow, tableau[1]); printcard(ctabcol, tabrow, tableau[2]); printcard(dtabcol, tabrow, tableau[3]); printcard(taloncol, talonrow, talon); move(foundrow - 2, basecol); printw("Base"); move(foundrow - 1, basecol); printw("Rank"); printrank(basecol, foundrow, found[0], 0); for (j=0; j<=3; j++) fndbase(&tableau[j], pilemap[j], tabrow); fndbase(&stock, stockcol, stockrow); showstat(); /* show card counting info to cheaters */ movetotalon(); updatebettinginfo(); } /* * procedure to clear the message printed from an error */ clearmsg() { int i; if (errmsg == TRUE) { errmsg = FALSE; move(msgrow, msgcol); for (i=0; i<25; i++) addch(' '); refresh(); } } /* * procedure to print an error message if the move is not listed */ dumberror() { errmsg = TRUE; move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("Not a proper move "); } /* * procedure to print an error message if the move is not possible */ destinerror() { errmsg = TRUE; move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("Error: Can't move there"); } /* * function to see if the source has cards in it */ bool notempty(cp) struct cardtype *cp; { if (cp == NIL) { errmsg = TRUE; move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("Error: no cards to move"); return (FALSE); } else return (TRUE); } /* * function to see if the rank of one card is less than another */ bool ranklower(cp1, cp2) struct cardtype *cp1, *cp2; { if (cp2->rank == Ace) if (cp1->rank == King) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); else if (cp1->rank + 1 == cp2->rank) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } /* * function to check the cardcolor for moving to a tableau */ bool diffcolor(cp1, cp2) struct cardtype *cp1, *cp2; { if (cp1->color == cp2->color) return (FALSE); else return (TRUE); } /* * function to see if the card can move to the tableau */ bool tabok(cp, des) struct cardtype *cp; { if ((cp == stock) && (tableau[des] == NIL)) return (TRUE); else if (tableau[des] == NIL) if (stock == NIL && cp != bottom[0] && cp != bottom[1] && cp != bottom[2] && cp != bottom[3]) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); else if (ranklower(cp, tableau[des]) && diffcolor(cp, tableau[des])) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } /* * procedure to turn the cards onto the talon from the deck */ movetotalon() { int i, fin; if (cinhand <= 3 && cinhand > 0) { move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("Hand is now empty "); } if (cinhand >= 3) fin = 3; else if (cinhand > 0) fin = cinhand; else if (talon != NIL) { timesthru++; errmsg = TRUE; move(msgrow, msgcol); if (timesthru != 4) { printw("Talon is now the new hand"); this.runs += costofrunthroughhand; game.runs += costofrunthroughhand; total.runs += costofrunthroughhand; while (talon != NIL) { transit(&talon, &hand); cinhand++; } if (cinhand >= 3) fin = 3; else fin = cinhand; taloncnt = 0; coldrow = ctoprow; coldcol = cinitcol; cnewrow = ctoprow; cnewcol = cinitcol + cwidthcol; clearstat(); showstat(); } else { fin = 0; done = TRUE; printw("I believe you have lost"); refresh(); sleep(5); } } else { errmsg = TRUE; move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("Talon and hand are empty"); fin = 0; } for (i=0; ivisible = TRUE; if (Cflag) { if (talon->paid == FALSE && talon->visible == TRUE) { this.information += costofinformation; game.information += costofinformation; total.information += costofinformation; talon->paid = TRUE; } printcard(coldcol, coldrow, talon); } } if (fin != 0) { printcard(taloncol, talonrow, talon); cinhand -= fin; taloncnt += fin; if (Cflag) { move(handstatrow, handstatcol); printw("%3d", cinhand); move(talonstatrow, talonstatcol); printw("%3d", taloncnt); } fndbase(&talon, taloncol, talonrow); } } /* * procedure to print card counting info on screen */ showstat() { int row, col; register struct cardtype *ptr; if (!Cflag) return; move(talonstatrow, talonstatcol - 7); printw("Talon: %3d", taloncnt); move(handstatrow, handstatcol - 7); printw("Hand: %3d", cinhand); move(stockstatrow, stockstatcol - 7); printw("Stock: %3d", stockcnt); for ( row = coldrow, col = coldcol, ptr = talon; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next ) { if (ptr->paid == FALSE && ptr->visible == TRUE) { ptr->paid = TRUE; this.information += costofinformation; game.information += costofinformation; total.information += costofinformation; } printcard(col, row, ptr); DECRHAND(row, col); } for ( row = cnewrow, col = cnewcol, ptr = hand; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next ) { if (ptr->paid == FALSE && ptr->visible == TRUE) { ptr->paid = TRUE; this.information += costofinformation; game.information += costofinformation; total.information += costofinformation; } INCRHAND(row, col); printcard(col, row, ptr); } } /* * procedure to clear card counting info from screen */ clearstat() { int row; move(talonstatrow, talonstatcol - 7); printw(" "); move(handstatrow, handstatcol - 7); printw(" "); move(stockstatrow, stockstatcol - 7); printw(" "); for ( row = ctoprow ; row <= cbotrow ; row++ ) { move(row, cinitcol); printw("%56s", " "); } } /* * procedure to update card counting base */ usedtalon() { removecard(coldcol, coldrow); DECRHAND(coldrow, coldcol); if (talon != NIL && (talon->visible == FALSE)) { talon->visible = TRUE; if (Cflag) { this.information += costofinformation; game.information += costofinformation; total.information += costofinformation; talon->paid = TRUE; printcard(coldcol, coldrow, talon); } } taloncnt--; if (Cflag) { move(talonstatrow, talonstatcol); printw("%3d", taloncnt); } } /* * procedure to update stock card counting base */ usedstock() { stockcnt--; if (Cflag) { move(stockstatrow, stockstatcol); printw("%3d", stockcnt); } } /* * let 'em know how they lost! */ showcards() { register struct cardtype *ptr; int row; if (!Cflag || cardsoff == 52) return; for (ptr = talon; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next) { ptr->visible = TRUE; ptr->paid = TRUE; } for (ptr = hand; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next) { ptr->visible = TRUE; ptr->paid = TRUE; } showstat(); move(stockrow + 1, sidecol); printw(" "); move(talonrow - 2, sidecol); printw(" "); move(talonrow - 1, sidecol); printw(" "); move(talonrow, sidecol); printw(" "); move(talonrow + 1, sidecol); printw(" "); for (ptr = stock, row = stockrow; ptr != NIL; ptr = ptr->next, row++) { move(row, stockcol - 1); printw("| |"); printcard(stockcol, row, ptr); } if (stock == NIL) { move(row, stockcol - 1); printw("| |"); row++; } move(handstatrow, handstatcol - 7); printw(" "); move(row, stockcol - 1); printw("=---="); if ( cardsoff == 52 ) getcmd(moverow, movecol, "Hit return to exit"); } /* * procedure to update the betting values */ updatebettinginfo() { long thiscosts, gamecosts, totalcosts; double thisreturn, gamereturn, totalreturn; time_t now; register long dollars; time(&now); dollars = (now - acctstart) / secondsperdollar; if (dollars > 0) { acctstart += dollars * secondsperdollar; if (dollars > maxtimecharge) dollars = maxtimecharge; this.thinktime += dollars; game.thinktime += dollars; total.thinktime += dollars; } thiscosts = this.hand + this.inspection + this.game + this.runs + this.information + this.thinktime; gamecosts = game.hand + game.inspection + game.game + game.runs + game.information + game.thinktime; totalcosts = total.hand + total.inspection + total.game + total.runs + total.information + total.thinktime; this.worth = this.wins - thiscosts; game.worth = game.wins - gamecosts; total.worth = total.wins - totalcosts; thisreturn = ((double)this.wins / (double)thiscosts - 1.0) * 100.0; gamereturn = ((double)game.wins / (double)gamecosts - 1.0) * 100.0; totalreturn = ((double)total.wins / (double)totalcosts - 1.0) * 100.0; if (status != BETTINGBOX) return; move(tboxrow + 2, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.hand, game.hand, total.hand); move(tboxrow + 3, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.inspection, game.inspection, total.inspection); move(tboxrow + 4, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.game, game.game, total.game); move(tboxrow + 5, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.runs, game.runs, total.runs); move(tboxrow + 6, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.information, game.information, total.information); move(tboxrow + 7, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.thinktime, game.thinktime, total.thinktime); move(tboxrow + 8, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", thiscosts, gamecosts, totalcosts); move(tboxrow + 9, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.wins, game.wins, total.wins); move(tboxrow + 10, boxcol + 13); printw("%4d%8d%9d", this.worth, game.worth, total.worth); move(tboxrow + 11, boxcol + 13); printw("%4.0f%%%7.1f%%%8.1f%%", thisreturn, gamereturn, totalreturn); } /* * procedure to move a card from the stock or talon to the tableau */ simpletableau(cp, des) struct cardtype **cp; { int origin; if (notempty(*cp)) { if (tabok(*cp, des)) { if (*cp == stock) origin = stk; else origin = tal; if (tableau[des] == NIL) bottom[des] = *cp; transit(cp, &tableau[des]); length[des]++; printcard(pilemap[des], length[des], tableau[des]); timesthru = 0; if (origin == stk) { usedstock(); printcard(stockcol, stockrow, stock); } else { usedtalon(); printcard(taloncol, talonrow, talon); } } else destinerror(); } } /* * print the tableau */ tabprint(sour, des) { int dlength, slength, i; struct cardtype *tempcard; for (i=tabrow; i<=length[sour]; i++) removecard(pilemap[sour], i); dlength = length[des] + 1; slength = length[sour]; if (slength == tabrow) printcard(pilemap[des], dlength, tableau[sour]); else while (slength != tabrow - 1) { tempcard = tableau[sour]; for (i=1; i<=slength-tabrow; i++) tempcard = tempcard->next; printcard(pilemap[des], dlength, tempcard); slength--; dlength++; } } /* * procedure to move from the tableau to the tableau */ tabtotab(sour, des) register int sour, des; { struct cardtype *temp; if (notempty(tableau[sour])) { if (tabok(bottom[sour], des)) { tabprint(sour, des); temp = bottom[sour]; bottom[sour] = NIL; if (bottom[des] == NIL) bottom[des] = temp; temp->next = tableau[des]; tableau[des] = tableau[sour]; tableau[sour] = NIL; length[des] = length[des] + (length[sour] - (tabrow - 1)); length[sour] = tabrow - 1; timesthru = 0; } else destinerror(); } } /* * functions to see if the card can go onto the foundation */ bool rankhigher(cp, let) struct cardtype *cp; { if (found[let]->rank == King) if (cp->rank == Ace) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); else if (cp->rank - 1 == found[let]->rank) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); } /* * function to determine if two cards are the same suit */ samesuit(cp, let) struct cardtype *cp; { if (cp->suit == found[let]->suit) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } /* * procedure to move a card to the correct foundation pile */ movetofound(cp, source) struct cardtype **cp; { tempbase = 0; mtfdone = FALSE; if (notempty(*cp)) { do { if (found[tempbase] != NIL) if (rankhigher(*cp, tempbase) && samesuit(*cp, tempbase)) { if (*cp == stock) mtforigin = stk; else if (*cp == talon) mtforigin = tal; else mtforigin = tab; transit(cp, &found[tempbase]); printcard(pilemap[tempbase], foundrow, found[tempbase]); timesthru = 0; if (mtforigin == stk) { usedstock(); printcard(stockcol, stockrow, stock); } else if (mtforigin == tal) { usedtalon(); printcard(taloncol, talonrow, talon); } else { removecard(pilemap[source], length[source]); length[source]--; } cardsoff++; if (infullgame) { this.wins += valuepercardup; game.wins += valuepercardup; total.wins += valuepercardup; } mtfdone = TRUE; } else tempbase++; else tempbase++; } while ((tempbase != 4) && !mtfdone); if (!mtfdone) destinerror(); } } /* * procedure to get a command */ getcmd(row, col, cp) int row, col; char *cp; { char cmd[2], ch; int i; i = 0; move(row, col); printw("%-24s", cp); col += 1 + strlen(cp); move(row, col); refresh(); do { ch = getch() & 0177; if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') ch += ('a' - 'A'); if (ch == '\f') { wrefresh(curscr); refresh(); } else if (i >= 2 && ch != erasechar() && ch != killchar()) { if (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != ' ') write(1, "\007", 1); } else if (ch == erasechar() && i > 0) { printw("\b \b"); refresh(); i--; } else if (ch == killchar() && i > 0) { while (i > 0) { printw("\b \b"); i--; } refresh(); } else if (ch == '\032') { /* Control-Z */ suspend(); move(row, col + i); refresh(); } else if (isprint(ch)) { cmd[i++] = ch; addch(ch); refresh(); } } while (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r' && ch != ' '); srcpile = cmd[0]; destpile = cmd[1]; } /* * Suspend the game (shell escape if no process control on system) */ suspend() { #ifndef SIGTSTP char *sh; #endif updatebettinginfo(); move(21, 0); refresh(); if (dbfd != -1) { lseek(dbfd, uid * sizeof(struct betinfo), SEEK_SET); write(dbfd, (char *)&total, sizeof(total)); } kill(getpid(), SIGTSTP); raw(); noecho(); } /* * procedure to evaluate and make the specific moves */ movecard() { int source, dest; char osrcpile, odestpile; done = FALSE; errmsg = FALSE; do { if (talon == NIL && hand != NIL) movetotalon(); if (cardsoff == 52) { refresh(); srcpile = 'q'; } else if (!startedgame) { move(msgrow, msgcol); errmsg = TRUE; switch (34 - taloncnt - cinhand) { default: errmsg = FALSE; break; case 1: printw("One card used from talon "); break; case 2: printw("Two cards used from talon "); break; case 3: printw(">3< cards used from talon "); break; } getcmd(moverow, movecol, "Move:"); } else getcmd(moverow, movecol, "Move:"); clearmsg(); if (srcpile >= '1' && srcpile <= '4') source = (int) (srcpile - '1'); if (destpile >= '1' && destpile <= '4') dest = (int) (destpile - '1'); if (!startedgame && (srcpile == 't' || srcpile == 's' || srcpile == 'h' || srcpile == '1' || srcpile == '2' || srcpile == '3' || srcpile == '4')) { startedgame = TRUE; osrcpile = srcpile; odestpile = destpile; if (status != BETTINGBOX) srcpile = 'y'; else do { getcmd(moverow, movecol, "Inspect game?"); } while (srcpile != 'y' && srcpile != 'n'); if (srcpile == 'n') { srcpile = 'q'; } else { this.inspection += costofinspection; game.inspection += costofinspection; total.inspection += costofinspection; srcpile = osrcpile; destpile = odestpile; } } switch (srcpile) { case 't': if (destpile == 'f' || destpile == 'F') movetofound(&talon, source); else if (destpile >= '1' && destpile <= '4') simpletableau(&talon, dest); else dumberror(); break; case 's': if (destpile == 'f' || destpile == 'F') movetofound(&stock, source); else if (destpile >= '1' && destpile <= '4') simpletableau(&stock, dest); else dumberror(); break; case 'h': if (destpile != 't' && destpile != 'T') { dumberror(); break; } if (infullgame) { movetotalon(); break; } if (status == BETTINGBOX) { do { getcmd(moverow, movecol, "Buy game?"); } while (srcpile != 'y' && srcpile != 'n'); if (srcpile == 'n') { showcards(); done = TRUE; break; } } infullgame = TRUE; this.wins += valuepercardup * cardsoff; game.wins += valuepercardup * cardsoff; total.wins += valuepercardup * cardsoff; this.game += costofgame; game.game += costofgame; total.game += costofgame; movetotalon(); break; case 'q': showcards(); done = TRUE; break; case 'b': printtopbettingbox(); printbottombettingbox(); status = BETTINGBOX; break; case 'x': clearabovemovebox(); clearbelowmovebox(); status = NOBOX; break; case 'i': printtopinstructions(); printbottominstructions(); status = INSTRUCTIONBOX; break; case 'c': Cflag = !Cflag; if (Cflag) showstat(); else clearstat(); break; case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': if (destpile == 'f' || destpile == 'F') movetofound(&tableau[source], source); else if (destpile >= '1' && destpile <= '4') tabtotab(source, dest); else dumberror(); break; default: dumberror(); } fndbase(&stock, stockcol, stockrow); fndbase(&talon, taloncol, talonrow); updatebettinginfo(); } while (!done); } char *basicinstructions[] = { "Here are brief instuctions to the game of Canfield:\n\n", " If you have never played solitaire before, it is recom-\n", "mended that you consult a solitaire instruction book. In\n", "Canfield, tableau cards may be built on each other downward\n", "in alternate colors. An entire pile must be moved as a unit\n", "in building. Top cards of the piles are available to be able\n", "to be played on foundations, but never into empty spaces.\n\n", " Spaces must be filled from the stock. The top card of\n", "the stock also is available to be played on foundations or\n", "built on tableau piles. After the stock is exhausted, ta-\n", "bleau spaces may be filled from the talon and the player may\n", "keep them open until he wishes to use them.\n\n", " Cards are dealt from the hand to the talon by threes\n", "and this repeats until there are no more cards in the hand\n", "or the player quits. To have cards dealt onto the talon the\n", "player types 'ht' for his move. Foundation base cards are\n", "also automatically moved to the foundation when they become\n", "available.\n\n", "push any key when you are finished: ", 0 }; char *bettinginstructions[] = { " The rules for betting are somewhat less strict than\n", "those used in the official version of the game. The initial\n", "deal costs $13. You may quit at this point or inspect the\n", "game. Inspection costs $13 and allows you to make as many\n", "moves as is possible without moving any cards from your hand\n", "to the talon. (the initial deal places three cards on the\n", "talon; if all these cards are used, three more are made\n", "available) Finally, if the game seems interesting, you must\n", "pay the final installment of $26. At this point you are\n", "credited at the rate of $5 for each card on the foundation;\n", "as the game progresses you are credited with $5 for each\n", "card that is moved to the foundation. Each run through the\n", "hand after the first costs $5. The card counting feature\n", "costs $1 for each unknown card that is identified. If the\n", "information is toggled on, you are only charged for cards\n", "that became visible since it was last turned on. Thus the\n", "maximum cost of information is $34. Playing time is charged\n", "at a rate of $1 per minute.\n\n", "push any key when you are finished: ", 0 }; /* * procedure to printout instructions */ instruct() { register char **cp; move(originrow, origincol); printw("This is the game of solitaire called Canfield. Do\n"); printw("you want instructions for the game?"); do { getcmd(originrow + 3, origincol, "y or n?"); } while (srcpile != 'y' && srcpile != 'n'); if (srcpile == 'n') return; clear(); for (cp = basicinstructions; *cp != 0; cp++) printw(*cp); refresh(); getch(); clear(); move(originrow, origincol); printw("Do you want instructions for betting?"); do { getcmd(originrow + 2, origincol, "y or n?"); } while (srcpile != 'y' && srcpile != 'n'); if (srcpile == 'n') return; clear(); for (cp = bettinginstructions; *cp != 0; cp++) printw(*cp); refresh(); getch(); } /* * procedure to initialize the game */ initall() { int i; if (dbfd < 0) return; srandomdev(); time(&acctstart); initdeck(deck); uid = getuid(); i = lseek(dbfd, uid * sizeof(struct betinfo), SEEK_SET); if (i < 0) { close(dbfd); dbfd = -1; return; } i = read(dbfd, (char *)&total, sizeof(total)); if (i < 0) { close(dbfd); dbfd = -1; return; } } /* * procedure to end the game */ bool finish() { int row, col; if (cardsoff == 52) { getcmd(moverow, movecol, "Hit return to exit"); clear(); refresh(); move(originrow, origincol); printw("CONGRATULATIONS!\n"); printw("You won the game. That is a feat to be proud of.\n"); row = originrow + 5; col = origincol; } else { move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("You got %d card", cardsoff); if (cardsoff > 1) printw("s"); printw(" off "); move(msgrow, msgcol); row = moverow; col = movecol; } do { getcmd(row, col, "Play again (y or n)?"); } while (srcpile != 'y' && srcpile != 'n'); errmsg = TRUE; clearmsg(); if (srcpile == 'y') return (FALSE); else return (TRUE); } /* * procedure to clean up and exit */ void cleanup() { total.thinktime += 1; status = NOBOX; updatebettinginfo(); if (dbfd != -1) { lseek(dbfd, uid * sizeof(struct betinfo), SEEK_SET); write(dbfd, (char *)&total, sizeof(total)); close(dbfd); } clear(); move(22,0); refresh(); endwin(); exit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * Field an interrupt. */ void askquit() { move(msgrow, msgcol); printw("Really wish to quit? "); do { getcmd(moverow, movecol, "y or n?"); } while (srcpile != 'y' && srcpile != 'n'); clearmsg(); if (srcpile == 'y') cleanup(); signal(SIGINT, askquit); } /* * Can you tell that this used to be a Pascal program? */ main() { dbfd = open(_PATH_SCORE, O_RDWR); /* revoke */ setgid(getgid()); #ifdef MAXLOAD double vec[3]; loadav(vec); if (vec[2] >= MAXLOAD) { puts("The system load is too high. Try again later."); exit(0); } #endif signal(SIGINT, askquit); signal(SIGHUP, cleanup); signal(SIGTERM, cleanup); initscr(); raw(); noecho(); initall(); instruct(); makeboard(); for (;;) { startgame(); movecard(); if (finish()) break; if (cardsoff == 52) makeboard(); else cleanupboard(); } cleanup(); /* NOTREACHED */ }