{* /********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ *} {{include file=$headerTpl}} {sugar_include include=$includes}
{{if $useTabs}} {* Generate the Tab headers *} {{counter name="tabCount" start=-1 print=false assign="tabCount"}} {{/if}}
{{assign var='tabIndexVal' value=0}} {{* Loop through all top level panels first *}} {{counter name="panelCount" start=-1 print=false assign="panelCount"}} {{counter name="tabCount" start=-1 print=false assign="tabCount"}} {{foreach name=section from=$sectionPanels key=label item=panel}} {{counter name="panelCount" print=false}} {{capture name=label_upper assign=label_upper}}{{$label|upper}}{{/capture}} {{if (isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab) && $tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab == true)}} {{counter name="tabCount" print=false}} {{if $tabCount != 0}}
{{/if}} {{* Print out the table data *}} {{if $label == 'DEFAULT'}}
{{/if}} {counter name="panelFieldCount" start=0 print=false assign="panelFieldCount"} {{* Check to see if the panel variable is an array, if not, we'll attempt an include with type param php *}} {{* See function.sugar_include.php *}} {{if !is_array($panel)}} {sugar_include type='php' file='{{$panel}}'} {{else}} {{* Only show header if it is not default or an int value *}} {{if !empty($label) && !is_int($label) && $label != 'DEFAULT' && $showSectionPanelsTitles && (!isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab) || (isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab) && $tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab == false)) && $view != "QuickCreate"}}

   {sugar_translate label='{{$label}}' module='{{$module}}'} {{if ( isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].panelDefault) && $tabDefs[$label_upper].panelDefault == "collapsed" && isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab) && $tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab == false) }} {{assign var='panelState' value=$tabDefs[$label_upper].panelDefault}} {{else}} {{assign var='panelState' value="expanded"}} {{/if}} {{if isset($panelState) && $panelState == 'collapsed'}} {{else}} {{/if}}

{{/if}} {{assign var='rowCount' value=0}} {{assign var='ACCKEY' value=''}} {{foreach name=rowIteration from=$panel key=row item=rowData}} {counter name="fieldsUsed" start=0 print=false assign="fieldsUsed"} {capture name="tr" assign="tableRow"} {{math assign="rowCount" equation="$rowCount + 1"}} {{assign var='columnsInRow' value=$rowData|@count}} {{assign var='columnsUsed' value=0}} {{* Loop through each column and display *}} {{counter name="colCount" start=0 print=false assign="colCount"}} {{foreach name=colIteration from=$rowData key=col item=colData}} {{counter name="colCount" print=false}} {{if count($rowData) == $colCount}} {{assign var="colCount" value=0}} {{/if}} {{if !empty($colData.field.hideIf)}} {if !({{$colData.field.hideIf}}) } {{/if}} {{if empty($def.templateMeta.labelsOnTop) && empty($colData.field.hideLabel)}} {{/if}} {counter name="fieldsUsed"} {{math assign="tabIndexVal" equation="$tabIndexVal + 1"}} {{if $tabIndexVal==1}} {{assign var='ACCKEY' value=$APP.LBL_FIRST_INPUT_EDIT_VIEW_KEY}}{{else}}{{assign var='ACCKEY' value=''}}{{/if}} {{if !empty($colData.field.tabindex) && $colData.field.tabindex !=0}} {{assign var='tabindex' value=$colData.field.tabindex}} {{** instead of tracking tabindex values for all fields, just track for email as email does not get created directly from a tpl that has access to smarty values. Email gets created through addEmailAddress() function in SugarEmailAddress.js which will use the value in tabFields array **}} {{if $colData.field.name == 'email1'}}{{/if}} {{else}} {** if not explicitly assigned, we will default to 0 for 508 compliance reasons, instead of the calculated tabIndexVal value **} {{assign var='tabindex' value=0}} {{/if}} {/if} {{/if}} {{/foreach}} {/capture} {if $fieldsUsed > 0 } {$tableRow} {/if} {{/foreach}}
{{if isset($colData.field.customLabel)}} {{elseif isset($colData.field.label)}} {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='{{$colData.field.label}}' module='{{$module}}'}{/capture} {$label|strip_semicolon}: {{elseif isset($fields[$colData.field.name])}} {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label='{{$fields[$colData.field.name].vname}}' module='{{$module}}'}{/capture} {$label|strip_semicolon}: {{else}}   {{/if}} {{* Show the required symbol if field is required, but override not set. Or show if override is set *}} {{if ($fields[$colData.field.name].required && (!isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) || $colData.field.displayParams.required)) || (isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) && $colData.field.displayParams.required)}} {{$APP.LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL}} {{/if}} {{if isset($colData.field.popupHelp) || isset($fields[$colData.field.name]) && isset($fields[$colData.field.name].popupHelp) }} {{if isset($colData.field.popupHelp) }} {capture name="popupText" assign="popupText"}{sugar_translate label="{{$colData.field.popupHelp}}" module='{{$module}}'}{/capture} {{elseif isset($fields[$colData.field.name].popupHelp)}} {capture name="popupText" assign="popupText"}{sugar_translate label="{{$fields[$colData.field.name].popupHelp}}" module='{{$module}}'}{/capture} {{/if}} {sugar_help text=$popupText WIDTH=-1} {{/if}} {{if !empty($def.templateMeta.labelsOnTop)}} {{if isset($colData.field.label)}} {{if !empty($colData.field.label)}} {{/if}} {{elseif isset($fields[$colData.field.name])}} {{/if}} {{* Show the required symbol if field is required, but override not set. Or show if override is set *}} {{if ($fields[$colData.field.name].required && (!isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) || $colData.field.displayParams.required)) || (isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) && $colData.field.displayParams.required)}} {{$APP.LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL}} {{/if}} {{if !isset($colData.field.label) || !empty($colData.field.label)}}
{{/if}} {{/if}} {{$colData.field.prefix}} {{if $fields[$colData.field.name] && !empty($colData.field.fields) }} {{foreach from=$colData.field.fields item=subField}} {{if $fields[$subField.name]}} {counter name="panelFieldCount"} {{sugar_field parentFieldArray='fields' accesskey=$ACCKEY tabindex=$tabindex vardef=$fields[$subField.name] displayType='EditView' displayParams=$subField.displayParams formName=$form_name}}  {{/if}} {{/foreach}} {{elseif !empty($colData.field.customCode) && empty($colData.field.customCodeRenderField)}} {counter name="panelFieldCount"} {{sugar_evalcolumn var=$colData.field.customCode colData=$colData accesskey=$ACCKEY tabindex=$tabindex}} {{elseif $fields[$colData.field.name]}} {counter name="panelFieldCount"} {{$colData.displayParams}} {{sugar_field parentFieldArray='fields' accesskey=$ACCKEY tabindex=$tabindex vardef=$fields[$colData.field.name] displayType='EditView' displayParams=$colData.field.displayParams typeOverride=$colData.field.type formName=$form_name}} {{/if}} {{if !empty($colData.field.customCode) && !empty($colData.field.customCodeRenderField)}} {counter name="panelFieldCount"} {{sugar_evalcolumn var=$colData.field.customCode colData=$colData tabindex=$tabindex}} {{/if}} {{if !empty($colData.field.hideIf)}} {else}
{{if !empty($label) && !is_int($label) && $label != 'DEFAULT' && $showSectionPanelsTitles && (!isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab) || (isset($tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab) && $tabDefs[$label_upper].newTab == false)) && $view != "QuickCreate"}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{if $panelFieldCount == 0} {/if} {{/foreach}}
{{include file=$footerTpl}} {{if $useTabs}} {sugar_getscript file="cache/include/javascript/sugar_grp_yui_widgets.js"} {{/if}}