th = $this->getTemplateHandler(); $this->th->ss =& $this->ss; $this->tpl = $tpl; $this->module = $module; $this->focus = $focus; //this logic checks if the focus has an id and if it does not then it will create a new instance of the focus bean //but in convert lead we do not want to create a new instance and do not want to populate id. if ($createFocus) { $this->createFocus(); } if (empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['showDetailData'])) { $this->showDetailData = false; } $this->metadataFile = $metadataFile; if (isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_vcr'])) { $this->showVCRControl = !$GLOBALS['sugar_config']['disable_vcr']; } if (!empty($this->metadataFile) && file_exists($this->metadataFile)) { include($this->metadataFile); } else { //If file doesn't exist we create a best guess if (!file_exists("modules/$this->module/metadata/editviewdefs.php") && file_exists("modules/$this->module/EditView.html")) { require_once('include/SugarFields/Parsers/EditViewMetaParser.php'); global $dictionary; $htmlFile = "modules/" . $this->module . "/EditView.html"; $parser = new EditViewMetaParser(); if (!file_exists('modules/'.$this->module.'/metadata')) { sugar_mkdir('modules/'.$this->module.'/metadata'); } $fp = sugar_fopen('modules/'.$this->module.'/metadata/editviewdefs.php', 'w'); fwrite($fp, $parser->parse($htmlFile, $dictionary[$focus->object_name]['fields'], $this->module)); fclose($fp); } //Flag an error... we couldn't create the best guess meta-data file if (!file_exists("modules/$this->module/metadata/editviewdefs.php")) { global $app_strings; $error = str_replace("[file]", "modules/$this->module/metadata/editviewdefs.php", $app_strings['ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_METADATA_FILE']); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal($error); echo $error; die(); } require("modules/$this->module/metadata/editviewdefs.php"); } $this->defs = $viewdefs[$this->module][$this->view]; $this->isDuplicate = isset($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) && $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] == 'true' && $this->focus->aclAccess('edit'); } function createFocus() { global $beanList, $beanFiles; if (empty($beanList[$this->module])) return; if(!$this->focus ) { $bean = $beanList[$this->module]; require_once($beanFiles[$bean]); $obj = new $bean(); $this->focus = $obj; } //If there is no idea, assume we are creating a new instance //and call the fill_in_additional_detail_fields where initialization //code has been moved to if (empty($this->focus->id)) { global $current_user; $this->focus->fill_in_additional_detail_fields(); $this->focus->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id; } } function populateBean() { if (!empty($_REQUEST['record']) && $this->populateBean) { global $beanList; $bean = $beanList[$this->module]; $obj = new $bean(); $this->focus = $obj->retrieve($_REQUEST['record']); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("Unable to populate bean, no record parameter found"); } } /** * enableFormatting * This method is used to manually turn on/off the field formatting * @param $format boolean value to turn on/off field formatting */ function enableFormatting($format = true) { $this->formatFields = $format; } /** * Enter description here ... */ function requiredFirst() { $panels = array('required'=>array()); $reqCol = -1; $reqRow = 0; foreach($this->defs['panels'] as $key=>$p) { foreach ($p as $row=>$rowDef) { foreach($rowDef as $col => $colDef) { $field = (is_array($p[$row][$col])) ? $p[$row][$col]['name'] : $p[$row][$col]; if ((!empty($this->focus->field_defs[$field]) && !empty($this->focus->field_defs[$field]['required'])) || (!empty($p[$row][$col]['displayParams']['required']))) { $reqCol++; if ($reqCol == $this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns']) { $reqCol = -1; $reqRow++; } $panels['required'][$reqRow][$reqCol] = $p[$row][$col]; } else { $panels[$key][$row][$col] = $p[$row][$col]; } } } } $this->defs['panels'] = $panels; } function render() { $totalWidth = 0; foreach ($this->defs['templateMeta']['widths'] as $col => $def) { foreach ($def as $k => $value) { $totalWidth += $value; } } // calculate widths foreach ($this->defs['templateMeta']['widths'] as $col => $def) { foreach ($def as $k => $value) { $this->defs['templateMeta']['widths'][$col][$k] = round($value / ($totalWidth / 100), 2); } } $this->sectionPanels = array(); $this->sectionLabels = array(); if (!empty($this->defs['panels']) && count($this->defs['panels']) > 0) { $keys = array_keys($this->defs['panels']); if (is_numeric($keys[0])) { $defaultPanel = $this->defs['panels']; unset($this->defs['panels']); //blow away current value $this->defs['panels'][''] = $defaultPanel; } } if ($this->view == 'EditView' && !empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['forms']['requireFirst'])){ $this->requiredFirst(); } $maxColumns = isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns'] : 2; $panelCount = 0; static $itemCount = 100; //Start the generated tab indexes at 100 so they don't step on custom ones. /* loop all the panels */ foreach ($this->defs['panels'] as $key=>$p) { $panel = array(); if (!is_array($this->defs['panels'][$key])) { $this->sectionPanels[strtoupper($key)] = $p; } else { foreach ($p as $row=>$rowDef) { $columnsInRows = count($rowDef); $columnsUsed = 0; foreach ($rowDef as $col => $colDef) { $panel[$row][$col] = is_array($p[$row][$col]) ? array('field' => $p[$row][$col]) : array('field' => array('name'=>$p[$row][$col])); $panel[$row][$col]['field']['tabindex'] = (isset($p[$row][$col]['tabindex']) && is_numeric($p[$row][$col]['tabindex'])) ? $p[$row][$col]['tabindex'] : '0'; if ($columnsInRows < $maxColumns) { if ($col == $columnsInRows - 1) { $panel[$row][$col]['colspan'] = 2 * $maxColumns - ($columnsUsed + 1); } else { $panel[$row][$col]['colspan'] = floor(($maxColumns * 2 - $columnsInRows) / $columnsInRows); $columnsUsed = $panel[$row][$col]['colspan']; } } //Set address types to have colspan value of 2 if colspan is not already defined if (is_array($colDef) && !empty($colDef['hideLabel']) && !isset($panel[$row][$col]['colspan'])) { $panel[$row][$col]['colspan'] = 2; } $itemCount++; } } $panel = $this->getPanelWithFillers($panel); $this->sectionPanels[strtoupper($key)] = $panel; } $panelCount++; } //foreach } /** * Adds fillers to each row if required * * Panel alignment will be off if the panel doesn't have a row with the max column * It will not be aligned to the other panels so we fill out the columns in the last row * * @param array $panel * @return array */ protected function getPanelWithFillers($panel) { $addFiller = true; foreach($panel as $row) { if (count($row) == $this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns'] || 1 == count($panel)) { $addFiller = false; break; } } if ($addFiller) { $rowCount = count($panel); $filler = count($panel[$rowCount-1]); while ($filler < $this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns']) { $panel[$rowCount - 1][$filler++] = array('field' => array('name' => '')); } } return $panel; } function process($checkFormName = false, $formName = '') { global $mod_strings, $sugar_config, $app_strings, $app_list_strings; //the retrieve already did this work; //$this->focus->fill_in_relationship_fields(); //Bug#53261: If quickeditview is loaded after editview.tpl is created, // the th->checkTemplate will return true. So, the following // code prevent avoid rendering popup editview container. if(!empty($this->formName)) { $formName = $this->formName; $checkFormName = true; } if (!$this->th->checkTemplate($this->module, $this->view, $checkFormName, $formName)) { $this->render(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) { $this->offset = $_REQUEST['offset'] - 1; } if ($this->showVCRControl) { $this->th->ss->assign('PAGINATION', SugarVCR::menu($this->module, $this->offset, $this->focus->is_AuditEnabled(), ($this->view == 'EditView'))); } if (isset($_REQUEST['return_module'])) $this->returnModule = $_REQUEST['return_module']; if (isset($_REQUEST['return_action'])) $this->returnAction = $_REQUEST['return_action']; if (isset($_REQUEST['return_id'])) $this->returnId = $_REQUEST['return_id']; if (isset($_REQUEST['return_relationship'])) $this->returnRelationship = $_REQUEST['return_relationship']; if (isset($_REQUEST['return_name'])) $this->returnName = $this->getValueFromRequest($_REQUEST, 'return_name' ) ; // handle Create $module then Cancel if (empty($this->returnId)) { $this->returnAction = 'index'; } $is_owner = $this->focus->isOwner($GLOBALS['current_user']->id); $this->fieldDefs = array(); if ($this->focus) { global $current_user; if (!empty($this->focus->assigned_user_id)) { $this->focus->assigned_user_name = get_assigned_user_name($this->focus->assigned_user_id); } if (!empty($this->focus->job) && $this->focus->job_function == '') { $this->focus->job_function = $this->focus->job; } foreach ($this->focus->toArray() as $name => $value) { $valueFormatted = false; //if ($this->focus->field_defs[$name]['type']=='link')continue; $this->fieldDefs[$name] = (!empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]) && !empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'])) ? array_merge($this->focus->field_defs[$name], $this->fieldDefs[$name]) : $this->focus->field_defs[$name]; foreach (array("formula", "default", "comments", "help") as $toEscape) { if (!empty($this->fieldDefs[$name][$toEscape])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name][$toEscape] = htmlentities($this->fieldDefs[$name][$toEscape], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } } if (isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']) && isset($app_list_strings[$this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['options'] = $app_list_strings[$this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']]; if(isset($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['enable_autocomplete']) && $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['enable_autocomplete'] == true) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['autocomplete'] = true; $this->fieldDefs[$name]['autocomplete_options'] = $this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']; // we need the name for autocomplete } else { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['autocomplete'] = false; } } if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']) && is_array($this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']) && isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['default_empty']) && !isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['options'][$this->fieldDefs[$name]['default_empty']])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['options'] = array_merge(array($this->fieldDefs[$name]['default_empty']=>$this->fieldDefs[$name]['default_empty']), $this->fieldDefs[$name]['options']); } if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function'])) { $function = $this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']; if(is_array($function) && isset($function['name'])){ $function = $this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['name']; }else{ $function = $this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']; } if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['include']) && file_exists($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['include'])) { require_once($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['include']); } if(!empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['returns']) && $this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['returns'] == 'html'){ if(!empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['include'])){ require_once($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['include']); } $value = call_user_func($function, $this->focus, $name, $value, $this->view); $valueFormatted = true; }else{ $this->fieldDefs[$name]['options'] = call_user_func($function, $this->focus, $name, $value, $this->view); } } if(isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['type']) && $this->fieldDefs[$name]['type'] == 'function' && isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function_name'])){ $value = $this->callFunction($this->fieldDefs[$name]); $valueFormatted = true; } if(!$valueFormatted) { // $this->focus->format_field($this->focus->field_defs[$name]); $value = isset($this->focus->$name) ? $this->focus->$name : ''; } if (empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'] = $value; } //This code is used for QuickCreates that go to Full Form view. We want to overwrite the values from the bean //with values from the request if they are set and either the bean is brand new (such as a create from a subpanels) or the 'full form' button has been clicked if ((($this->populateBean && empty($this->focus->id)) || (isset($_REQUEST['full_form']))) && (!isset($this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['returns']) || $this->fieldDefs[$name]['function']['returns'] != 'html') && isset($_REQUEST[$name])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'] = $this->getValueFromRequest($_REQUEST, $name); } /* * Populate any relate fields that are linked by a relationship to the calling module. * Clicking the create button on a subpanel for example will populate three values in the $_REQUEST: * 1. return_module => the name of the calling module * 2. return_id => the id of the record in the calling module that the user was viewing and that should be associated with this new record * 3. return_name => the display value of the return_id record - the value to show in any relate field in this EditView * Only do if this fieldDef does not already have a value; if it does it will have been explicitly set, and that should overrule this less specific mechanism */ if (isset($this->returnModule) && isset($this->returnName) && empty($this->focus->id) && empty($this->fieldDefs['name']['value']) ) { if (($this->focus->field_defs[$name]['type'] == 'relate') && isset($this->focus->field_defs[$name][ 'module' ]) && $this->focus->field_defs[$name][ 'module' ] == $this->returnModule) { if (isset( $this->fieldDefs[$name]['id_name']) && !empty($this->returnRelationship) && isset($this->focus->field_defs[$this->fieldDefs[$name]['id_name']]['relationship']) && ($this->returnRelationship == $this->focus->field_defs[$this->fieldDefs[$name]['id_name']]['relationship'])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'] = $this->returnName ; // set the hidden id field for this relate field to the correct value i.e., return_id $this->fieldDefs[$this->fieldDefs[$name]['id_name']]['value'] = $this->returnId ; } } } } } if (isset($this->focus->additional_meta_fields)) { $this->fieldDefs = array_merge($this->fieldDefs, $this->focus->additional_meta_fields); } if ($this->isDuplicate) { foreach ($this->fieldDefs as $name=>$defs) { if (!empty($defs['auto_increment'])) { $this->fieldDefs[$name]['value'] = ''; } } } } /** * display * This method makes the Smarty variable assignments and then displays the * generated view. * @param $showTitle boolean value indicating whether or not to show a title on the resulting page * @param $ajaxSave boolean value indicating whether or not the operation is an Ajax save request * @return HTML display for view as String */ function display($showTitle = true, $ajaxSave = false) { global $mod_strings, $sugar_config, $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $theme, $current_user; if(isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript'])) { if(is_array($this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript'])) { //$this->th->ss->assign('externalJSFile', 'modules/' . $this->module . '/metadata/editvewdefs.js'); $this->th->ss->assign('externalJSFile', $this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript']); } else { $this->th->ss->assign('scriptBlocks', $this->defs['templateMeta']['javascript']); } } $this->th->ss->assign('id', $this->fieldDefs['id']['value']); $this->th->ss->assign('offset', $this->offset + 1); $this->th->ss->assign('APP', $app_strings); $this->th->ss->assign('MOD', $mod_strings); $this->th->ss->assign('fields', $this->fieldDefs); $this->th->ss->assign('sectionPanels', $this->sectionPanels); $this->th->ss->assign('config', $sugar_config); $this->th->ss->assign('returnModule', $this->returnModule); $this->th->ss->assign('returnAction', $this->returnAction); $this->th->ss->assign('returnId', $this->returnId); $this->th->ss->assign('isDuplicate', $this->isDuplicate); $this->th->ss->assign('def', $this->defs); $this->th->ss->assign('useTabs', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['useTabs']) && isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['tabDefs']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['useTabs'] : false); $this->th->ss->assign('maxColumns', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['maxColumns'] : 2); $this->th->ss->assign('module', $this->module); $this->th->ss->assign('headerTpl', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['headerTpl']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['headerTpl'] : 'include/' . $this->view . '/header.tpl'); $this->th->ss->assign('footerTpl', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['footerTpl']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['footerTpl'] : 'include/' . $this->view . '/footer.tpl'); $this->th->ss->assign('current_user', $current_user); $this->th->ss->assign('bean', $this->focus); $this->th->ss->assign('isAuditEnabled', $this->focus->is_AuditEnabled()); $this->th->ss->assign('gridline',$current_user->getPreference('gridline') == 'on' ? '1' : '0'); $this->th->ss->assign('tabDefs', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['tabDefs']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['tabDefs'] : false); $this->th->ss->assign('VERSION_MARK', getVersionedPath('')); global $js_custom_version; global $sugar_version; $this->th->ss->assign('SUGAR_VERSION', $sugar_version); $this->th->ss->assign('JS_CUSTOM_VERSION', $js_custom_version); //this is used for multiple forms on one page if (!empty($this->formName)) { $form_id = $this->formName; $form_name = $this->formName; } else { $form_id = $this->view; $form_name = $this->view; } if ($ajaxSave && empty($this->formName)) { $form_id = 'form_'.$this->view .'_'.$this->module; $form_name = $form_id; $this->view = $form_name; //$this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons'] = array(); //$this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['buttons']['ajax_save'] = array('id' => 'AjaxSave', 'customCode'=>''); } $form_name = $form_name == 'QuickCreate' ? "QuickCreate_{$this->module}" : $form_name; $form_id = $form_id == 'QuickCreate' ? "QuickCreate_{$this->module}" : $form_id; if (isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['preForm'])) { $this->th->ss->assign('preForm', $this->defs['templateMeta']['preForm']); } if (isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['closeFormBeforeCustomButtons'])) { $this->th->ss->assign('closeFormBeforeCustomButtons', $this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['closeFormBeforeCustomButtons']); } if(isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['enctype'])) { $this->th->ss->assign('enctype', 'enctype="'.$this->defs['templateMeta']['form']['enctype'].'"'); } //for SugarFieldImage, we must set form enctype to "multipart/form-data" foreach ($this->fieldDefs as $field) { if (isset($field['type']) && $field['type'] == 'image') { $this->th->ss->assign('enctype', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"'); break; } } $this->th->ss->assign('showDetailData', $this->showDetailData); $this->th->ss->assign('showSectionPanelsTitles', $this->showSectionPanelsTitles); $this->th->ss->assign('form_id', $form_id); $this->th->ss->assign('form_name', $form_name); $this->th->ss->assign('set_focus_block', get_set_focus_js()); $this->th->ss->assign('form', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['form']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['form'] : null); $this->th->ss->assign('includes', isset($this->defs['templateMeta']['includes']) ? $this->defs['templateMeta']['includes'] : null); $this->th->ss->assign('view', $this->view); //Calculate time & date formatting (may need to calculate this depending on a setting) global $timedate; $this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT', $timedate->get_cal_date_format()); $this->th->ss->assign('USER_DATEFORMAT', $timedate->get_user_date_format()); $time_format = $timedate->get_user_time_format(); $this->th->ss->assign('TIME_FORMAT', $time_format); $date_format = $timedate->get_cal_date_format(); $time_separator = ':'; if (preg_match('/\d+([^\d])\d+([^\d]*)/s', $time_format, $match)) { $time_separator = $match[1]; } // Create Smarty variables for the Calendar picker widget $t23 = strpos($time_format, '23') !== false ? '%H' : '%I'; if (!isset($match[2]) || $match[2] == '') { $this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . '%M'); } else { $pm = $match[2] == 'pm' ? '%P' : '%p'; $this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_FORMAT', $date_format . ' ' . $t23 . $time_separator . '%M' . $pm); } $this->th->ss->assign('CALENDAR_FDOW', $current_user->get_first_day_of_week()); $this->th->ss->assign('TIME_SEPARATOR', $time_separator); $seps = get_number_seperators(); $this->th->ss->assign('NUM_GRP_SEP', $seps[0]); $this->th->ss->assign('DEC_SEP', $seps[1]); if ($this->view == 'EditView') { $height = $current_user->getPreference('text_editor_height'); $width = $current_user->getPreference('text_editor_width'); $height = isset($height) ? $height : '300px'; $width = isset($width) ? $width : '95%'; $this->th->ss->assign('RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_HEIGHT', $height); $this->th->ss->assign('RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_WIDTH', $width); } else { $this->th->ss->assign('RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_HEIGHT', '100px'); $this->th->ss->assign('RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_WIDTH', '95%'); } $this->th->ss->assign('SHOW_VCR_CONTROL', $this->showVCRControl); $str = $this->showTitle($showTitle); //Use the output filter to trim the whitespace $this->th->ss->load_filter('output', 'trimwhitespace'); $str .= $this->th->displayTemplate($this->module, $form_name, $this->tpl, $ajaxSave, $this->defs); return $str; } function insertJavascript($javascript) { $this->ss->assign('javascript', $javascript); } function callFunction($vardef) { $can_execute = true; $execute_function = array(); $execute_params = array(); if (!empty($vardef['function_class'])) { $execute_function[] = $vardef['function_class']; $execute_function[] = $vardef['function_name']; } else { $execute_function = $vardef['function_name']; } foreach ($vardef['function_params'] as $param ) { if (empty($vardef['function_params_source']) or $vardef['function_params_source']=='parent') { if (empty($this->focus->$param)) { $can_execute = false; } else { $execute_params[] = $this->focus->$param; } } else if ($vardef['function_params_source']=='this') { if (empty($this->focus->$param)) { $can_execute = false; } else { $execute_params[] = $this->focus->$param; } } else { $can_execute = false; } } $value = ''; if ($can_execute) { if (!empty($vardef['function_require'])) { require_once($vardef['function_require']); } $value = call_user_func_array($execute_function, $execute_params); } return $value; } /** * getValueFromRequest * This is a helper method to extract a value from the request * Array. We do some special processing for fields that start * with 'date_' by checking to see if they also include time * and meridiem values * * @param request The request Array * @param name The field name to extract value for * @return String value for given name */ function getValueFromRequest($request, $name) { //Special processing for date values (combine to one field) if (preg_match('/^date_(.*)$/s', $name, $matches)) { $d = $request[$name]; if (isset($request['time_' . $matches[1]])) { $d .= ' ' . $request['time_' . $matches[1]]; if (isset($request[$matches[1] . '_meridiem'])) { $d .= $request[$matches[1] . '_meridiem']; } } else { if (isset($request['time_hour_' . $matches[1]]) && isset($request['time_minute_' . $matches[1]])) { $d .= sprintf(' %s:%s', $request['time_hour_' . $matches[1]], $request['time_minute_' . $matches[1]]); } if (isset($request['meridiem'])) { $d .= $request['meridiem']; } } return $d; } if (empty($request[$name]) || !isset($this->fieldDefs[$name])) { return $request[$name]; } //if it's a bean field - unformat it require_once('include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php'); $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler(); $type = !empty($this->fieldDefs[$name]['custom_type']) ? $this->fieldDefs[$name]['custom_type'] : $this->fieldDefs[$name]['type']; $sf = $sfh->getSugarField($type); return $sf ? $sf->unformatField($request[$name], $this->fieldDefs[$name]) : $request[$name]; } /** * Allow Subviews to overwrite this method to show custom titles. * Examples: Projects & Project Templates. * params: $showTitle: boolean for backwards compatibility. */ public function showTitle($showTitle = false) { global $mod_strings, $app_strings; if (is_null($this->viewObject)) { $this->viewObject = (!empty($GLOBALS['current_view'])) ? $GLOBALS['current_view'] : new SugarView(); } if ($showTitle) { return $this->viewObject->getModuleTitle(); } return ''; } /** * Get template handler object * @return TemplateHandler */ protected function getTemplateHandler() { return new TemplateHandler(); } }