'editview'); */ protected $action_remap = array('index'=>'listview'); /** * The name of the current module. */ public $module = 'Home'; /** * The name of the target module. */ public $target_module = null; /** * The name of the current action. */ public $action = 'index'; /** * The id of the current record. */ public $record = ''; /** * The name of the return module. */ public $return_module = null; /** * The name of the return action. */ public $return_action = null; /** * The id of the return record. */ public $return_id = null; /** * If the action was remapped it will be set to do_action and then we will just * use do_action for the actual action to perform. */ protected $do_action = 'index'; /** * If a bean is present that set it. */ public $bean = null; /** * url to redirect to */ public $redirect_url = ''; /** * any subcontroller can modify this to change the view */ public $view = 'classic'; /** * this array will hold the mappings between a key and an object for use within the view. */ public $view_object_map = array(); /** * This array holds the methods that handleAction() will invoke, in sequence. */ protected $tasks = array( 'pre_action', 'do_action', 'post_action' ); /** * List of options to run through within the process() method. * This list is meant to easily allow additions for new functionality as well as * the ability to add a controller's own handling. */ public $process_tasks = array( 'blockFileAccess', 'handleEntryPoint', 'callLegacyCode', 'remapAction', 'handle_action', 'handleActionMaps', ); /** * Whether or not the action has been handled by $process_tasks * * @var bool */ protected $_processed = false; /** * Map an action directly to a file */ /** * Map an action directly to a file. This will be loaded from action_file_map.php */ protected $action_file_map = array(); /** * Map an action directly to a view */ /** * Map an action directly to a view. This will be loaded from action_view_map.php */ protected $action_view_map = array(); /** * This can be set from the application to tell us whether we have authorization to * process the action. If this is set we will default to the noaccess view. */ public $hasAccess = true; /** * Map case sensitive filenames to action. This is used for linux/unix systems * where filenames are case sensitive */ public static $action_case_file = array( 'editview'=>'EditView', 'detailview'=>'DetailView', 'listview'=>'ListView' ); /** * Constructor. This ie meant tot load up the module, action, record as well * as the mapping arrays. */ function SugarController(){ } /** * Called from SugarApplication and is meant to perform the setup operations * on the controller. * */ public function setup($module = ''){ if(empty($module) && !empty($_REQUEST['module'])) $module = $_REQUEST['module']; //set the module if(!empty($module)) $this->setModule($module); if(!empty($_REQUEST['target_module']) && $_REQUEST['target_module'] != 'undefined') { $this->target_module = $_REQUEST['target_module']; } //set properties on the controller from the $_REQUEST $this->loadPropertiesFromRequest(); //load the mapping files $this->loadMappings(); } /** * Set the module on the Controller * * @param object $module */ public function setModule($module){ $this->module = $module; } /** * Set properties on the Controller from the $_REQUEST * */ private function loadPropertiesFromRequest(){ if(!empty($_REQUEST['action'])) $this->action = $_REQUEST['action']; if(!empty($_REQUEST['record'])) $this->record = $_REQUEST['record']; if(!empty($_REQUEST['view'])) $this->view = $_REQUEST['view']; if(!empty($_REQUEST['return_module'])) $this->return_module = $_REQUEST['return_module']; if(!empty($_REQUEST['return_action'])) $this->return_action = $_REQUEST['return_action']; if(!empty($_REQUEST['return_id'])) $this->return_id = $_REQUEST['return_id']; } /** * Load map files for use within the Controller * */ private function loadMappings(){ $this->loadMapping('action_view_map'); $this->loadMapping('action_file_map'); $this->loadMapping('action_remap', true); } /** * Given a record id load the bean. This bean is accessible from any sub controllers. */ public function loadBean() { if(!empty($GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->module])){ $class = $GLOBALS['beanList'][$this->module]; if(!empty($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$class])){ require_once($GLOBALS['beanFiles'][$class]); $this->bean = new $class(); if(!empty($this->record)){ $this->bean->retrieve($this->record); if($this->bean) $GLOBALS['FOCUS'] = $this->bean; } } } } /** * Generic load method to load mapping arrays. */ private function loadMapping($var, $merge = false){ $$var = sugar_cache_retrieve("CONTROLLER_". $var . "_".$this->module); if(!$$var){ if($merge && !empty($this->$var)){ $$var = $this->$var; }else{ $$var = array(); } if(file_exists('include/MVC/Controller/'. $var . '.php')){ require('include/MVC/Controller/'. $var . '.php'); } if(file_exists('modules/'.$this->module.'/'. $var . '.php')){ require('modules/'.$this->module.'/'. $var . '.php'); } if(file_exists('custom/modules/'.$this->module.'/'. $var . '.php')){ require('custom/modules/'.$this->module.'/'. $var . '.php'); } if(file_exists('custom/include/MVC/Controller/'. $var . '.php')){ require('custom/include/MVC/Controller/'. $var . '.php'); } // entry_point_registry -> EntryPointRegistry $varname = str_replace(" ","",ucwords(str_replace("_"," ", $var))); if(file_exists("custom/application/Ext/$varname/$var.ext.php")){ require("custom/application/Ext/$varname/$var.ext.php"); } if(file_exists("custom/modules/{$this->module}/Ext/$varname/$var.ext.php")){ require("custom/modules/{$this->module}/Ext/$varname/$var.ext.php"); } sugar_cache_put("CONTROLLER_". $var . "_".$this->module, $$var); } $this->$var = $$var; } /** * This method is called from SugarApplication->execute and it will bootstrap the entire controller process */ final public function execute() { try { $this->process(); if(!empty($this->view)) { $this->processView(); } elseif(!empty($this->redirect_url)) { $this->redirect(); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); } } /** * Handle exception * @param Exception $e */ protected function handleException(Exception $e) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Exception in Controller: ' . $e->getMessage()); $logicHook = new LogicHook(); if (isset($this->bean)) { $logicHook->setBean($this->bean); $logicHook->call_custom_logic($this->bean->module_dir, "handle_exception", $e); } else { $logicHook->call_custom_logic('', "handle_exception", $e); } } /** * Display the appropriate view. */ private function processView(){ if(!isset($this->view_object_map['remap_action']) && isset($this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->action)])) { $this->view_object_map['remap_action'] = $this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->action)]; } $view = ViewFactory::loadView($this->view, $this->module, $this->bean, $this->view_object_map, $this->target_module); $GLOBALS['current_view'] = $view; if(!empty($this->bean) && !$this->bean->ACLAccess($view->type) && $view->type != 'list'){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } if(isset($this->errors)){ $view->errors = $this->errors; } $view->process(); } /** * Meant to be overridden by a subclass and allows for specific functionality to be * injected prior to the process() method being called. */ public function preProcess() {} /** * if we have a function to support the action use it otherwise use the default action * * 1) check for file * 2) check for action */ public function process(){ $GLOBALS['action'] = $this->action; $GLOBALS['module'] = $this->module; //check to ensure we have access to the module. if($this->hasAccess){ $this->do_action = $this->action; $file = self::getActionFilename($this->do_action); $this->loadBean(); $processed = false; foreach($this->process_tasks as $process){ $this->$process(); if($this->_processed) break; } $this->redirect(); }else{ $this->no_access(); } } /** * This method is called from the process method. I could also be called within an action_* method. * It allows a developer to override any one of these methods contained within, * or if the developer so chooses they can override the entire action_* method. * * @return true if any one of the pre_, do_, or post_ methods have been defined, * false otherwise. This is important b/c if none of these methods exists, then we will run the * action_default() method. */ protected function handle_action(){ $processed = false; foreach($this->tasks as $task){ $processed = ($this->$task() || $processed); } $this->_processed = $processed; } /** * Perform an action prior to the specified action. * This can be overridde in a sub-class */ private function pre_action(){ $function = 'pre_' . $this->action; if($this->hasFunction($function)){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Performing pre_action'); $this->$function(); return true; } return false; } /** * Perform the specified action. * This can be overridde in a sub-class */ private function do_action(){ $function = 'action_'. strtolower($this->do_action); if($this->hasFunction($function)){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Performing action: '.$function.' MODULE: '.$this->module); $this->$function(); return true; } return false; } /** * Perform an action after to the specified action has occurred. * This can be overridde in a sub-class */ private function post_action(){ $function = 'post_' . $this->action; if($this->hasFunction($function)){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Performing post_action'); $this->$function(); return true; } return false; } /** * If there is no action found then display an error to the user. */ protected function no_action(){ sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_NO_ACTION']); } /** * The default action handler for instances where we do not have access to process. */ protected function no_access(){ $this->view = 'noaccess'; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// HELPER FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Determine if a given function exists on the objects * @param function - the function to check * @return true if the method exists on the object, false otherwise */ protected function hasFunction($function){ return method_exists($this, $function); } /** * Set the url to which we will want to redirect * * @param string url - the url to which we will want to redirect */ protected function set_redirect($url){ $this->redirect_url = $url; } /** * Perform redirection based on the redirect_url * */ protected function redirect(){ if(!empty($this->redirect_url)) SugarApplication::redirect($this->redirect_url); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// DEFAULT ACTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * Save a bean */ /** * Do some processing before saving the bean to the database. */ public function pre_save(){ if(!empty($_POST['assigned_user_id']) && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $this->bean->assigned_user_id && $_POST['assigned_user_id'] != $GLOBALS['current_user']->id && empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['exclude_notifications'][$this->bean->module_dir])){ $this->bean->notify_on_save = true; } $GLOBALS['log']->debug("SugarController:: performing pre_save."); require_once('include/SugarFields/SugarFieldHandler.php'); $sfh = new SugarFieldHandler(); foreach($this->bean->field_defs as $field => $properties) { $type = !empty($properties['custom_type']) ? $properties['custom_type'] : $properties['type']; $sf = $sfh->getSugarField(ucfirst($type), true); if(isset($_POST[$field])) { if(is_array($_POST[$field]) && !empty($properties['isMultiSelect'])) { if(empty($_POST[$field][0])) { unset($_POST[$field][0]); } $_POST[$field] = encodeMultienumValue($_POST[$field]); } $this->bean->$field = $_POST[$field]; } else if(!empty($properties['isMultiSelect']) && !isset($_POST[$field]) && isset($_POST[$field . '_multiselect'])) { $this->bean->$field = ''; } if($sf != null){ $sf->save($this->bean, $_POST, $field, $properties); } } foreach($this->bean->relationship_fields as $field=>$link){ if(!empty($_POST[$field])){ $this->bean->$field = $_POST[$field]; } } if(!$this->bean->ACLAccess('save')){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } $this->bean->unformat_all_fields(); } /** * Perform the actual save */ public function action_save(){ $this->bean->save(!empty($this->bean->notify_on_save)); } /** * Specify what happens after the save has occurred. */ protected function post_save(){ $module = (!empty($this->return_module) ? $this->return_module : $this->module); $action = (!empty($this->return_action) ? $this->return_action : 'DetailView'); $id = (!empty($this->return_id) ? $this->return_id : $this->bean->id); $url = "index.php?module=".$module."&action=".$action."&record=".$id; $this->set_redirect($url); } /* * Delete a bean */ /** * Perform the actual deletion. */ protected function action_delete(){ //do any pre delete processing //if there is some custom logic for deletion. if(!empty($_REQUEST['record'])){ if(!$this->bean->ACLAccess('Delete')){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } $this->bean->mark_deleted($_REQUEST['record']); }else{ sugar_die("A record number must be specified to delete"); } } /** * Specify what happens after the deletion has occurred. */ protected function post_delete(){ $return_module = isset($_REQUEST['return_module']) ? $_REQUEST['return_module'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module']; $return_action = isset($_REQUEST['return_action']) ? $_REQUEST['return_action'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_action']; $return_id = isset($_REQUEST['return_id']) ? $_REQUEST['return_id'] : ''; $url = "index.php?module=".$return_module."&action=".$return_action."&record=".$return_id; //eggsurplus Bug 23816: maintain VCR after an edit/save. If it is a duplicate then don't worry about it. The offset is now worthless. if(isset($_REQUEST['offset']) && empty($_REQUEST['duplicateSave'])) { $url .= "&offset=".$_REQUEST['offset']; } $this->set_redirect($url); } /** * Perform the actual massupdate. */ protected function action_massupdate(){ if(!empty($_REQUEST['massupdate']) && $_REQUEST['massupdate'] == 'true' && (!empty($_REQUEST['uid']) || !empty($_REQUEST['entire']))){ if(!empty($_REQUEST['Delete']) && $_REQUEST['Delete']=='true' && !$this->bean->ACLAccess('delete') || (empty($_REQUEST['Delete']) || $_REQUEST['Delete']!='true') && !$this->bean->ACLAccess('save')){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(true); sugar_cleanup(true); } set_time_limit(0);//I'm wondering if we will set it never goes timeout here. // until we have more efficient way of handling MU, we have to disable the limit $GLOBALS['db']->setQueryLimit(0); require_once("include/MassUpdate.php"); require_once('modules/MySettings/StoreQuery.php'); $seed = loadBean($_REQUEST['module']); $mass = new MassUpdate(); $mass->setSugarBean($seed); if(isset($_REQUEST['entire']) && empty($_POST['mass'])) { $mass->generateSearchWhere($_REQUEST['module'], $_REQUEST['current_query_by_page']); } $mass->handleMassUpdate(); $storeQuery = new StoreQuery();//restore the current search. to solve bug 24722 for multi tabs massupdate. $temp_req = array('current_query_by_page' => $_REQUEST['current_query_by_page'], 'return_module' => $_REQUEST['return_module'], 'return_action' => $_REQUEST['return_action']); if($_REQUEST['return_module'] == 'Emails') { if(!empty($_REQUEST['type']) && !empty($_REQUEST['ie_assigned_user_id'])) { $this->req_for_email = array('type' => $_REQUEST['type'], 'ie_assigned_user_id' => $_REQUEST['ie_assigned_user_id']); //specificly for My Achieves } } $_REQUEST = array(); $_REQUEST = unserialize(base64_decode($temp_req['current_query_by_page'])); unset($_REQUEST[$seed->module_dir.'2_'.strtoupper($seed->object_name).'_offset']);//after massupdate, the page should redirect to no offset page $storeQuery->saveFromRequest($_REQUEST['module']); $_REQUEST = array('return_module' => $temp_req['return_module'], 'return_action' => $temp_req['return_action']);//for post_massupdate, to go back to original page. }else{ sugar_die("You must massupdate at least one record"); } } /** * Specify what happens after the massupdate has occurred. */ protected function post_massupdate(){ $return_module = isset($_REQUEST['return_module']) ? $_REQUEST['return_module'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_module']; $return_action = isset($_REQUEST['return_action']) ? $_REQUEST['return_action'] : $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_action']; $url = "index.php?module=".$return_module."&action=".$return_action; if($return_module == 'Emails'){//specificly for My Achieves if(!empty($this->req_for_email['type']) && !empty($this->req_for_email['ie_assigned_user_id'])) { $url = $url . "&type=".$this->req_for_email['type']."&assigned_user_id=".$this->req_for_email['ie_assigned_user_id']; } } $this->set_redirect($url); } /** * Perform the listview action */ protected function action_listview(){ $this->view_object_map['bean'] = $this->bean; $this->view = 'list'; } /* //THIS IS HANDLED IN ACTION_REMAP WHERE INDEX IS SET TO LISTVIEW function action_index(){ } */ /** * Action to handle when using a file as was done in previous versions of Sugar. */ protected function action_default(){ $this->view = 'classic'; } /** * this method id used within a Dashlet when performing an ajax call */ protected function action_callmethoddashlet(){ if(!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $requestedMethod = $_REQUEST['method']; $dashletDefs = $GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('dashlets', 'Home'); // load user's dashlets config if(!empty($dashletDefs[$id])) { require_once($dashletDefs[$id]['fileLocation']); $dashlet = new $dashletDefs[$id]['className']($id, (isset($dashletDefs[$id]['options']) ? $dashletDefs[$id]['options'] : array())); if(method_exists($dashlet, $requestedMethod) || method_exists($dashlet, '__call')) { echo $dashlet->$requestedMethod(); } else { echo 'no method'; } } } } /** * this method is used within a Dashlet when the options configuration is posted */ protected function action_configuredashlet(){ global $current_user, $mod_strings; if(!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $dashletDefs = $current_user->getPreference('dashlets', $_REQUEST['module']); // load user's dashlets config require_once($dashletDefs[$id]['fileLocation']); $dashlet = new $dashletDefs[$id]['className']($id, (isset($dashletDefs[$id]['options']) ? $dashletDefs[$id]['options'] : array())); if(!empty($_REQUEST['configure']) && $_REQUEST['configure']) { // save settings $dashletDefs[$id]['options'] = $dashlet->saveOptions($_REQUEST); $current_user->setPreference('dashlets', $dashletDefs, 0, $_REQUEST['module']); } else { // display options $json = getJSONobj(); return 'result = ' . $json->encode((array('header' => $dashlet->title . ' : ' . $mod_strings['LBL_OPTIONS'], 'body' => $dashlet->displayOptions()))); } } else { return '0'; } } /** * Global method to delete an attachment * * If the bean does not have a deleteAttachment method it will return 'false' as a string * * @return void */ protected function action_deleteattachment() { $this->view = 'edit'; $GLOBALS['view'] = $this->view; ob_clean(); if(method_exists($this->bean, 'deleteAttachment')) { echo $this->bean->deleteAttachment($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) ? 'true' : 'false'; } else { echo 'false'; } sugar_cleanup(true); } /** * getActionFilename */ public static function getActionFilename($action) { if(isset(self::$action_case_file[$action])) { return self::$action_case_file[$action]; } return $action; } /********************************************************************/ // PROCESS TASKS /********************************************************************/ /** * Given the module and action, determine whether the super/admin has prevented access * to this url. In addition if any links specified for this module, load the links into * GLOBALS * * @return true if we want to stop processing, false if processing should continue */ private function blockFileAccess(){ //check if the we have enabled file_access_control and if so then check the mappings on the request; if(!empty($GLOBALS['sugar_config']['admin_access_control']) && $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['admin_access_control']){ $this->loadMapping('file_access_control_map'); //since we have this turned on, check the mapping file $module = strtolower($this->module); $action = strtolower($this->do_action); if(!empty($this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['links'])){ $GLOBALS['admin_access_control_links'] = $this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['links']; } if(!empty($this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['actions']) && (in_array($action, $this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['actions']) || !empty($this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['actions'][$action]))){ //check params if(!empty($this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['actions'][$action]['params'])){ $block = true; $params = $this->file_access_control_map['modules'][$module]['actions'][$action]['params']; foreach($params as $param => $paramVals){ if(!empty($_REQUEST[$param])){ if(!in_array($_REQUEST[$param], $paramVals)){ $block = false; break; } } } if($block){ $this->_processed = true; $this->no_access(); } }else{ $this->_processed = true; $this->no_access(); } } }else $this->_processed = false; } /** * This code is part of the entry points reworking. We have consolidated all * entry points to go through index.php. Now in order to bring up an entry point * it will follow the format: * 'index.php?entryPoint=download' * the download entry point is mapped in the following file: entry_point_registry.php * */ private function handleEntryPoint(){ if(!empty($_REQUEST['entryPoint'])){ $this->loadMapping('entry_point_registry'); $entryPoint = $_REQUEST['entryPoint']; if(!empty($this->entry_point_registry[$entryPoint])){ require_once($this->entry_point_registry[$entryPoint]['file']); $this->_processed = true; $this->view = ''; } } } /** * Checks to see if the requested entry point requires auth * * @param $entrypoint string name of the entrypoint * @return bool true if auth is required, false if not */ public function checkEntryPointRequiresAuth($entryPoint) { $this->loadMapping('entry_point_registry'); if ( isset($this->entry_point_registry[$entryPoint]['auth']) && !$this->entry_point_registry[$entryPoint]['auth'] ) return false; return true; } /** * Meant to handle old views e.g. DetailView.php. * */ protected function callLegacyCode() { $file = self::getActionFilename($this->do_action); if ( isset($this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->do_action)]) ) { $action = $this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->do_action)]; } else { $action = $this->do_action; } // index actions actually maps to the view.list.php view if ( $action == 'index' ) { $action = 'list'; } if ((file_exists('modules/' . $this->module . '/'. $file . '.php') && !file_exists('modules/' . $this->module . '/views/view.'. $action . '.php')) || (file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/'. $file . '.php') && !file_exists('custom/modules/' . $this->module . '/views/view.'. $action . '.php')) ) { // A 'classic' module, using the old pre-MVC display files // We should now discard the bean we just obtained for tracking as the pre-MVC module will instantiate its own unset($GLOBALS['FOCUS']); $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Module:' . $this->module . ' using file: '. $file); $this->action_default(); $this->_processed = true; } } /** * If the action has been remapped to a different action as defined in * action_file_map.php or action_view_map.php load those maps here. * */ private function handleActionMaps(){ if(!empty($this->action_file_map[strtolower($this->do_action)])){ $this->view = ''; $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Using Action File Map:' . $this->action_file_map[strtolower($this->do_action)]); require_once($this->action_file_map[strtolower($this->do_action)]); $this->_processed = true; }elseif(!empty($this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->do_action)])){ $GLOBALS['log']->debug('Using Action View Map:' . $this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->do_action)]); $this->view = $this->action_view_map[strtolower($this->do_action)]; $this->_processed = true; }else $this->no_action(); } /** * Actually remap the action if required. * */ protected function remapAction(){ if(!empty($this->action_remap[$this->do_action])){ $this->action = $this->action_remap[$this->do_action]; $this->do_action = $this->action; } } } ?>