index = self::$count; self::$count++; } /** * Legacy email address handling. This is to allow support for SOAP or customizations * @param string $id * @param string $module */ function handleLegacySave($bean, $prefix = "") { if(!isset($_REQUEST) || !isset($_REQUEST['useEmailWidget'])) { if (empty($this->addresses) || !isset($_REQUEST['massupdate'])) { $this->addresses = array(); $optOut = (isset($bean->email_opt_out) && $bean->email_opt_out == "1") ? true : false; $invalid = (isset($bean->invalid_email) && $bean->invalid_email == "1") ? true : false; $isPrimary = true; for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++){ $email = 'email'.$i; if(isset($bean->$email) && !empty($bean->$email)){ $opt_out_field = $email.'_opt_out'; $invalid_field = $email.'_invalid'; $field_optOut = (isset($bean->$opt_out_field)) ? $bean->$opt_out_field : $optOut; $field_invalid = (isset($bean->$invalid_field)) ? $bean->$invalid_field : $invalid; $this->addAddress($bean->$email, $isPrimary, false, $field_invalid, $field_optOut); $isPrimary = false; } } } } $this->populateAddresses($bean->id, $bean->module_dir, array(),''); if(isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['useEmailWidget'])) { $this->populateLegacyFields($bean); } } /** * Fills standard email1 legacy fields * @param string id * @param string module * @return object */ function handleLegacyRetrieve(&$bean) { $module_dir = $this->getCorrectedModule($bean->module_dir); $this->addresses = $this->getAddressesByGUID($bean->id, $module_dir); $this->populateLegacyFields($bean); if (isset($bean->email1) && !isset($bean->fetched_row['email1'])) { $bean->fetched_row['email1'] = $bean->email1; } return; } function populateLegacyFields(&$bean){ $primary_found = false; $alternate_found = false; $alternate2_found = false; foreach($this->addresses as $k=>$address) { if ($primary_found && $alternate_found) break; if ($address['primary_address'] == 1 && !$primary_found) { $primary_index = $k; $primary_found = true; } elseif (!$alternate_found) { $alternate_index = $k; $alternate_found = true; } elseif (!$alternate2_found){ $alternate2_index = $k; $alternate2_found = true; } } if ($primary_found) { $bean->email1 = $this->addresses[$primary_index]['email_address']; $bean->email_opt_out = $this->addresses[$primary_index]['opt_out']; $bean->invalid_email = $this->addresses[$primary_index]['invalid_email']; if ($alternate_found) { $bean->email2 = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['email_address']; } } elseif ($alternate_found) { // Use the first found alternate as email1. $bean->email1 = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['email_address']; $bean->email_opt_out = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['opt_out']; $bean->invalid_email = $this->addresses[$alternate_index]['invalid_email']; if ($alternate2_found) { $bean->email2 = $this->addresses[$alternate2_index]['email_address']; } } } /** * Saves email addresses for a parent bean * @param string $id Parent bean ID * @param string $module Parent bean's module * @param array $addresses Override of $_REQUEST vars, used to handle non-standard bean saves * @param string $primary GUID of primary address * @param string $replyTo GUID of reply-to address * @param string $invalid GUID of invalid address */ function save($id, $module, $new_addrs=array(), $primary='', $replyTo='', $invalid='', $optOut='', $in_workflow=false) { if(empty($this->addresses) || $in_workflow){ $this->populateAddresses($id, $module, $new_addrs,$primary); } //find all email addresses.. $current_links=array(); // Need to correct this to handle the Employee/User split $module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module); $q2="select * from email_addr_bean_rel eabr WHERE eabr.bean_id = '{$id}' AND eabr.bean_module = '{$module}' and eabr.deleted=0"; $r2 = $this->db->query($q2); while(($row2=$this->db->fetchByAssoc($r2)) != null ) { $current_links[$row2['email_address_id']]=$row2; } $isConversion = (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ConvertLead') ? true : false; if (!empty($this->addresses)) { // insert new relationships and create email address record, if they don't exist foreach($this->addresses as $address) { if(!empty($address['email_address'])) { $guid = create_guid(); $emailId = $this->AddUpdateEmailAddress($address['email_address'],$address['invalid_email'],$address['opt_out']);// this will save the email address if not found //verify linkage and flags. $upd_eabr=""; if (isset($current_links[$emailId])) { if (!$isConversion) { // do not update anything if this is for lead conversion if ($address['primary_address'] != $current_links[$emailId]['primary_address'] or $address['reply_to_address'] != $current_links[$emailId]['reply_to_address'] ) { $upd_eabr="UPDATE email_addr_bean_rel SET primary_address='{$address['primary_address']}', reply_to_address='{$address['reply_to_address']}' WHERE id='{$current_links[$emailId]['id']}'"; } unset($current_links[$emailId]); } } else { $primary = $address['primary_address']; if (!empty($current_links) && $isConversion) { foreach ($current_links as $eabr) { if ($eabr['primary_address'] == 1) { // for lead conversion, if there is already a primary email, do not insert another primary email $primary = 0; break; } } } $now = $this->db->now(); $upd_eabr = "INSERT INTO email_addr_bean_rel (id, email_address_id,bean_id, bean_module,primary_address,reply_to_address,date_created,date_modified,deleted) VALUES('{$guid}', '{$emailId}', '{$id}', '{$module}', {$primary}, {$address['reply_to_address']}, $now, $now, 0)"; } if (!empty($upd_eabr)) { $r2 = $this->db->query($upd_eabr); } } } } //delete link to dropped email address. // for lead conversion, do not delete email addresses if (!empty($current_links) && !$isConversion) { $delete=""; foreach ($current_links as $eabr) { $delete.=empty($delete) ? "'".$eabr['id'] . "' " : ",'" . $eabr['id'] . "'"; } $eabr_unlink="update email_addr_bean_rel set deleted=1 where id in ({$delete})"; $this->db->query($eabr_unlink); } return; } /** * returns the number of email addresses found for a specifed bean * * @param string $email Address to match * @param object $bean Bean to query against * @param string $addresstype Optional, pass a 1 to query against the primary address, 0 for the other addresses * @return int Count of records found */ function getCountEmailAddressByBean( $email, $bean, $addresstype ) { $emailCaps = strtoupper(trim($email)); if(empty($emailCaps)) return 0; $q = "SELECT * FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabl JOIN email_addresses ea ON ( = eabl.email_address_id) JOIN {$bean->table_name} bean ON (eabl.bean_id = WHERE ea.email_address_caps = '{$emailCaps}' and eabl.bean_module = '{$bean->module_dir}' and eabl.primary_address = '{$addresstype}' and eabl.deleted=0 "; $r = $this->db->query($q); // do it this way to make the count accurate in oracle $i = 0; while ($this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) ++$i; return $i; } /** * This function returns a contact or user ID if a matching email is found * @param $email the email address to match * @param $table which table to query */ function getRelatedId($email, $module) { $email = trim(strtoupper($email)); $module = ucfirst($module); $q = "SELECT bean_id FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabr JOIN email_addresses ea ON (eabr.email_address_id = WHERE bean_module = '{$module}' AND ea.email_address_caps = '{$email}' AND eabr.deleted=0"; $r = $this->db->query($q, true); $retArr = array(); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $retArr[] = $a['bean_id']; } if(count($retArr) > 0) { return $retArr; } else { return false; } } /** * returns a collection of beans matching the email address * @param string $email Address to match * @return array */ function getBeansByEmailAddress($email) { global $beanList; global $beanFiles; $ret = array(); $email = trim($email); if(empty($email)) { return array(); } $emailCaps = strtoupper($email); $q = "SELECT * FROM email_addr_bean_rel eabl JOIN email_addresses ea ON ( = eabl.email_address_id) WHERE ea.email_address_caps = '{$emailCaps}' and eabl.deleted=0 "; $r = $this->db->query($q); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if(isset($beanList[$a['bean_module']]) && !empty($beanList[$a['bean_module']])) { $className = $beanList[$a['bean_module']]; if(isset($beanFiles[$className]) && !empty($beanFiles[$className])) { if(!class_exists($className)) { require_once($beanFiles[$className]); } $bean = new $className(); $bean->retrieve($a['bean_id']); $ret[] = $bean; } else { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SUGAREMAILADDRESS: could not find valid class file for [ {$className} ]"); } } else { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SUGAREMAILADDRESS: could not find valid class [ {$a['bean_module']} ]"); } } return $ret; } /** * Saves email addresses for a parent bean * @param string $id Parent bean ID * @param string $module Parent bean's module * @param array $addresses Override of $_REQUEST vars, used to handle non-standard bean saves * @param string $primary GUID of primary address * @param string $replyTo GUID of reply-to address * @param string $invalid GUID of invalid address */ function populateAddresses($id, $module, $new_addrs=array(), $primary='', $replyTo='', $invalid='', $optOut='') { $module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module); //One last check for the ConvertLead action in which case we need to change $module to 'Leads' $module = (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ConvertLead') ? 'Leads' : $module; $post_from_email_address_widget = (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressWidget'])) ? true : false; $primaryValue = $primary; $widgetCount = 0; $hasEmailValue = false; if (isset($_REQUEST) && isset($_REQUEST[$module .'_email_widget_id'])) { $fromRequest = false; // determine which array to process foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if(strpos($k, 'emailAddress') !== false) { $fromRequest = true; break; } $widget_id = $_REQUEST[$module .'_email_widget_id']; } //Iterate over the widgets for this module, in case there are multiple email widgets for this module while(isset($_REQUEST[$module . $widget_id . "emailAddress" . $widgetCount])) { if (empty($_REQUEST[$module . $widget_id . "emailAddress" . $widgetCount])) { $widgetCount++; continue; } $hasEmailValue = true; $eId = $module . $widget_id; if(isset($_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'])) { $primaryValue = $_REQUEST[$eId . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag']; } else if(isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'])) { $primaryValue = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag']; } $optOutValues = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])) { $optOutValues = $_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressOptOutFlag']; } else if(isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])) { $optOutValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag']; } $invalidValues = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])) { $invalidValues = $_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressInvalidFlag']; } else if(isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])) { $invalidValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag']; } $deleteValues = array(); if(isset($_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])) { $deleteValues = $_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressDeleteFlag']; } else if(isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])) { $deleteValues = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag']; } // prep from form save $primaryField = $primary; $replyToField = ''; $invalidField = ''; $optOutField = ''; if($fromRequest && empty($primary) && isset($primaryValue)) { $primaryField = $primaryValue; } if($fromRequest && empty($replyTo)) { if(isset($_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])) { $replyToField = $_REQUEST[$eId .'emailAddressReplyToFlag']; } else if(isset($_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])) { $replyToField = $_REQUEST[$module . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag']; } } if($fromRequest && empty($new_addrs)) { foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if(preg_match('/'.$eId.'emailAddress[0-9]+$/i', $k) && !empty($v)) { $new_addrs[$k] = $v; } } } if($fromRequest && empty($new_addrs)) { foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v) { if(preg_match('/'.$eId.'emailAddressVerifiedValue[0-9]+$/i', $k) && !empty($v)) { $validateFlag = str_replace("Value", "Flag", $k); if (isset($_REQUEST[$validateFlag]) && $_REQUEST[$validateFlag] == "true") $new_addrs[$k] = $v; } } } //empty the addresses array if the post happened from email address widget. if($post_from_email_address_widget) { $this->addresses=array(); //this gets populated during retrieve of the contact bean. } else { $optOutValues = array(); $invalidValues = array(); foreach($new_addrs as $k=>$email) { preg_match('/emailAddress([0-9])+$/', $k, $matches); $count = $matches[1]; $result = $this->db->query("SELECT opt_out, invalid_email from email_addresses where email_address_caps = '" . strtoupper($email) . "'"); if(!empty($result)) { $row=$this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if(!empty($row['opt_out'])) { $optOutValues[$k] = "emailAddress$count"; } if(!empty($row['invalid_email'])) { $invalidValues[$k] = "emailAddress$count"; } } } } // Re-populate the addresses class variable if we have new address(es). if (!empty($new_addrs)) { foreach($new_addrs as $k => $reqVar) { //$key = preg_match("/^$eId/s", $k) ? substr($k, strlen($eId)) : $k; $reqVar = trim($reqVar); if(strpos($k, 'emailAddress') !== false) { if(!empty($reqVar) && !in_array($k, $deleteValues)) { $primary = ($k == $primaryValue) ? true : false; $replyTo = ($k == $replyToField) ? true : false; $invalid = (in_array($k, $invalidValues)) ? true : false; $optOut = (in_array($k, $optOutValues)) ? true : false; $this->addAddress(trim($new_addrs[$k]), $primary, $replyTo, $invalid, $optOut); } } } //foreach } $widgetCount++; }//End of Widget for loop } //If no widgets, set addresses array to empty if($post_from_email_address_widget && !$hasEmailValue) { $this->addresses = array(); } } /** * Preps internal array structure for email addresses * @param string $addr Email address * @param bool $primary Default false * @param bool $replyTo Default false */ function addAddress($addr, $primary=false, $replyTo=false, $invalid=false, $optOut=false) { $addr = html_entity_decode($addr, ENT_QUOTES); if(preg_match($this->regex, $addr)) { $primaryFlag = ($primary) ? '1' : '0'; $replyToFlag = ($replyTo) ? '1' : '0'; $invalidFlag = ($invalid) ? '1' : '0'; $optOutFlag = ($optOut) ? '1' : '0'; $addr = trim($addr); // If we have such address already, remove it and add new one in. foreach ($this->addresses as $k=>$address) { if ($address['email_address'] == $addr) { unset($this->addresses[$k]); } elseif ($primary && $address['primary_address'] == '1') { // We should only have one primary. If we are adding a primary but // we find an existing primary, reset this one's primary flag. $address['primary_address'] = '0'; } } $this->addresses[] = array( 'email_address' => $addr, 'primary_address' => $primaryFlag, 'reply_to_address' => $replyToFlag, 'invalid_email' => $invalidFlag, 'opt_out' => $optOutFlag, ); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("SUGAREMAILADDRESS: address did not validate [ {$addr} ]"); } } /** * Updates invalid_email and opt_out flags for each address */ function updateFlags() { if(!empty($this->addresses)) { foreach($this->addresses as $addressMeta) { if(isset($addressMeta['email_address']) && !empty($addressMeta['email_address'])) { $address = $this->_cleanAddress($addressMeta['email_address']); $q = "SELECT * FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address = '{$address}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(!empty($a)) { if(isset($a['invalid_email']) && isset($addressMeta['invalid_email']) && isset($addressMeta['opt_out']) && $a['invalid_email'] != $addressMeta['invalid_email'] || $a['opt_out'] != $addressMeta['opt_out']) { $qUpdate = "UPDATE email_addresses SET invalid_email = {$addressMeta['invalid_email']}, opt_out = {$addressMeta['opt_out']}, date_modified = '".TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb()."' WHERE id = '{$a['id']}'"; $rUpdate = $this->db->query($qUpdate); } } } } } } public function splitEmailAddress($addr) { $email = $this->_cleanAddress($addr); if(!preg_match($this->regex, $email)) { $email = ''; // remove bad email addr } $name = trim(str_replace(array($email, '<', '>', '"', "'"), '', $addr)); return array("name" => $name, "email" => strtolower($email)); } /** * PRIVATE UTIL * Normalizes an RFC-clean email address, returns a string that is the email address only * @param string $addr Dirty email address * @return string clean email address */ function _cleanAddress($addr) { $addr = trim(from_html($addr)); if(strpos($addr, "<") !== false && strpos($addr, ">") !== false) { $address = trim(substr($addr, strrpos($addr, "<") +1, strrpos($addr, ">") - strrpos($addr, "<") -1)); } else { $address = trim($addr); } return $address; } /** * preps a passed email address for email address storage * @param array $addr Address in focus, must be RFC compliant * @return string $id email_addresses ID */ function getEmailGUID($addr) { $address = $this->db->quote($this->_cleanAddress($addr)); $addressCaps = strtoupper($address); $q = "SELECT id FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address_caps = '{$addressCaps}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(!empty($a) && !empty($a['id'])) { return $a['id']; } else { $guid = ''; if(!empty($address)){ $guid = create_guid(); $address = $GLOBALS['db']->quote($address); $now = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(); $qa = "INSERT INTO email_addresses (id, email_address, email_address_caps, date_created, date_modified, deleted) VALUES('{$guid}', '{$address}', '{$addressCaps}', '$now', '$now', 0)"; $ra = $this->db->query($qa); } return $guid; } } function AddUpdateEmailAddress($addr,$invalid=0,$opt_out=0) { $address = $this->db->quote($this->_cleanAddress($addr)); $addressCaps = strtoupper($address); $q = "SELECT * FROM email_addresses WHERE email_address_caps = '{$addressCaps}' and deleted=0"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(!empty($a) && !empty($a['id'])) { //verify the opt out and invalid flags. //bug# 39378- did not allow change of case of an email address if ($a['invalid_email'] != $invalid or $a['opt_out'] != $opt_out or strcasecmp(trim($a['email_address']), trim($address))==0) { $upd_q="update email_addresses set email_address='{$address}', invalid_email={$invalid}, opt_out={$opt_out},date_modified = '".gmdate($GLOBALS['timedate']->get_db_date_time_format())."' where id='{$a['id']}'"; $upd_r= $this->db->query($upd_q); } return $a['id']; } else { $guid = ''; if(!empty($address)){ $guid = create_guid(); $now = TimeDate::getInstance()->nowDb(); $qa = "INSERT INTO email_addresses (id, email_address, email_address_caps, date_created, date_modified, deleted, invalid_email, opt_out) VALUES('{$guid}', '{$address}', '{$addressCaps}', '$now', '$now', 0 , $invalid, $opt_out)"; $this->db->query($qa); } return $guid; } } /** * Returns Primary or newest email address * @param object $focus Object in focus * @return string email */ function getPrimaryAddress($focus,$parent_id=null,$parent_type=null) { $parent_type=empty($parent_type) ? $focus->module_dir : $parent_type; $parent_id=empty($parent_id) ? $focus->id : $parent_id; $q = "SELECT ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id WHERE ear.bean_module = '{$parent_type}' AND ear.bean_id = '{$parent_id}' AND ear.deleted = 0 AND ea.invalid_email = 0 ORDER BY ear.primary_address DESC"; $r = $this->db->limitQuery($q, 0, 1); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(isset($a['email_address'])) { return $a['email_address']; } return ''; } /** * As long as this function is used not only to retrieve user's Reply-To * address, but also notification address and so on, there were added * $replyToOnly optional parameter used to retrieve only address marked as * Reply-To (bug #43643). * * @param SugarBean $focus * @param bool $replyToOnly * @return string */ function getReplyToAddress($focus, $replyToOnly = false) { $q = "SELECT ea.email_address FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id WHERE ear.bean_module = '{$focus->module_dir}' AND ear.bean_id = '{$focus->id}' AND ear.deleted = 0 AND ea.invalid_email = 0"; if (!$replyToOnly) { // retrieve reply-to address if it exists or any other address // otherwise $q .= " ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address DESC"; } else { // retrieve reply-to address only $q .= " AND ear.reply_to_address = 1"; } $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(isset($a['email_address'])) { return $a['email_address']; } return ''; } /** * Returns all email addresses by parent's GUID * @param string $id Parent's GUID * @param string $module Parent's module * @return array */ function getAddressesByGUID($id, $module) { $return = array(); $module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module); $q = "SELECT ea.email_address, ea.email_address_caps, ea.invalid_email, ea.opt_out, ea.date_created, ea.date_modified,, ear.email_address_id, ear.bean_id, ear.bean_module, ear.primary_address, ear.reply_to_address, ear.deleted FROM email_addresses ea LEFT JOIN email_addr_bean_rel ear ON = ear.email_address_id WHERE ear.bean_module = '{$module}' AND ear.bean_id = '{$id}' AND ear.deleted = 0 ORDER BY ear.reply_to_address, ear.primary_address DESC"; $r = $this->db->query($q); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $return[] = $a; } return $return; } /** * Returns the HTML/JS for the EmailAddress widget * @param string $parent_id ID of parent bean, generally $focus * @param string $module $focus' module * @param bool asMetadata Default false * @return string HTML/JS for widget */ function getEmailAddressWidgetEditView($id, $module, $asMetadata=false, $tpl='',$tabindex='0') { if ( !($this->smarty instanceOf Sugar_Smarty ) ) $this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty(); global $app_strings, $dictionary, $beanList; $prefill = 'false'; $prefillData = 'new Object()'; $passedModule = $module; $module = $this->getCorrectedModule($module); $saveModule = $module; if(isset($_POST['is_converted']) && $_POST['is_converted']==true){ $id=$_POST['return_id']; $module=$_POST['return_module']; } $prefillDataArr = array(); if(!empty($id)) { $prefillDataArr = $this->getAddressesByGUID($id, $module); //When coming from convert leads, sometimes module is Contacts while the id is for a lead. if (empty($prefillDataArr) && $module == "Contacts") $prefillDataArr = $this->getAddressesByGUID($id, "Leads"); } else if(isset($_REQUEST['full_form']) && !empty($_REQUEST['emailAddressWidget'])){ $widget_id = isset($_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id']) ? $_REQUEST[$module . '_email_widget_id'] : '0'; $count = 0; $key = $module . $widget_id . 'emailAddress'.$count; while(isset($_REQUEST[$key])) { $email = $_REQUEST[$key]; $prefillDataArr[] = array('email_address'=>$email, 'primary_address'=>isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressPrimaryFlag']) && $_REQUEST['emailAddressPrimaryFlag'] == $key, 'invalid_email'=>isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressInvalidFlag']) && in_array($key, $_REQUEST['emailAddressInvalidFlag']), 'opt_out'=>isset($_REQUEST['emailAddressOptOutFlag']) && in_array($key, $_REQUEST['emailAddressOptOutFlag']), 'reply_to_address'=>false ); $key = $module . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . ++$count; } //while } if(!empty($prefillDataArr)) { $json = new JSON(JSON_LOOSE_TYPE); $prefillData = $json->encode($prefillDataArr); $prefill = !empty($prefillDataArr) ? 'true' : 'false'; } $required = false; $vardefs = $dictionary[$beanList[$passedModule]]['fields']; if (!empty($vardefs['email1']) && isset($vardefs['email1']['required']) && $vardefs['email1']['required']) $required = true; $this->smarty->assign('required', $required); $this->smarty->assign('module', $saveModule); $this->smarty->assign('index', $this->index); $this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings); $this->smarty->assign('prefillEmailAddresses', $prefill); $this->smarty->assign('prefillData', $prefillData); $this->smarty->assign('tabindex', $tabindex); //Set addDefaultAddress flag (do not add if it's from the Email module) $this->smarty->assign('addDefaultAddress', (isset($_REQUEST['module']) && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Emails') ? 'false' : 'true'); $form = $this->view; //determine if this should be a quickcreate form, or a quick create form under subpanels if ($this->view == "QuickCreate"){ $form = 'form_DC'.$this->view .'_'.$module; if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action']=='SubpanelCreates' || $_REQUEST['action']=='SubpanelEdits'){ $form = 'form_Subpanel'.$this->view .'_'.$module; } } $this->smarty->assign('emailView', $form); if($module == 'Users') { $this->smarty->assign('useReplyTo', true); } else { $this->smarty->assign('useOptOut', true); $this->smarty->assign('useInvalid', true); } $template = empty($tpl) ? "include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/forEditView.tpl" : $tpl; $newEmail = $this->smarty->fetch($template); if($asMetadata) { // used by Email 2.0 $ret = array(); $ret['prefillData'] = $prefillDataArr; $ret['html'] = $newEmail; return $ret; } return $newEmail; } /** * Returns the HTML/JS for the EmailAddress widget * @param object $focus Bean in focus * @return string HTML/JS for widget */ function getEmailAddressWidgetDetailView($focus, $tpl='') { if ( !($this->smarty instanceOf Sugar_Smarty ) ) $this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty(); global $app_strings; global $current_user; $assign = array(); if(empty($focus->id))return ''; $prefillData = $this->getAddressesByGUID($focus->id, $focus->module_dir); foreach($prefillData as $addressItem) { $key = ($addressItem['primary_address'] == 1) ? 'primary' : ""; $key = ($addressItem['reply_to_address'] == 1) ? 'reply_to' : $key; $key = ($addressItem['opt_out'] == 1) ? 'opt_out' : $key; $key = ($addressItem['invalid_email'] == 1) ? 'invalid' : $key; $key = ($addressItem['opt_out'] == 1) && ($addressItem['invalid_email'] == 1) ? 'opt_out_invalid' : $key; $assign[] = array('key' => $key, 'address' => $current_user->getEmailLink2($addressItem['email_address'], $focus).$addressItem['email_address'].""); } $this->smarty->assign('app_strings', $app_strings); $this->smarty->assign('emailAddresses', $assign); $templateFile = empty($tpl) ? "include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/forDetailView.tpl" : $tpl; $return = $this->smarty->fetch($templateFile); return $return; } /** * getEmailAddressWidgetDuplicatesView($focus) * @param object $focus Bean in focus * @return string HTML that contains hidden input values based off of HTML request */ function getEmailAddressWidgetDuplicatesView($focus) { if ( !($this->smarty instanceOf Sugar_Smarty ) ) $this->smarty = new Sugar_Smarty(); $count = 0; $emails = array(); $primary = null; $optOut = array(); $invalid = array(); $mod = isset($focus) ? $focus->module_dir : ""; $widget_id = $_POST[$mod .'_email_widget_id']; $this->smarty->assign('email_widget_id',$widget_id); $this->smarty->assign('emailAddressWidget',$_POST['emailAddressWidget']); if(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag'])) { $primary = $_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressPrimaryFlag']; } while(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . "emailAddress" . $count])) { $emails[] = $_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count]; $count++; } if($count == 0) { return ""; } if(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'])) { foreach($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressOptOutFlag'] as $v) { $optOut[] = $v; } } if(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'])) { foreach($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressInvalidFlag'] as $v) { $invalid[] = $v; } } if(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'])) { foreach($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'] as $v) { $replyTo[] = $v; } } if(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'])) { foreach($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressDeleteFlag'] as $v) { $delete[] = $v; } } while(isset($_POST[$mod . $widget_id . "emailAddressVerifiedValue" . $count])) { $verified[] = $_POST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count]; $count++; } $this->smarty->assign('emails', $emails); $this->smarty->assign('primary', $primary); $this->smarty->assign('optOut', $optOut); $this->smarty->assign('invalid', $invalid); $this->smarty->assign('replyTo', $invalid); $this->smarty->assign('delete', $invalid); $this->smarty->assign('verified', $invalid); $this->smarty->assign('moduleDir', $mod); return $this->smarty->fetch("include/SugarEmailAddress/templates/forDuplicatesView.tpl"); } /** * getFormBaseURL * */ function getFormBaseURL($focus) { $get = ""; $count = 0; $mod = isset($focus) ? $focus->module_dir : ""; $widget_id = $_POST[$mod .'_email_widget_id']; $get .= '&' . $mod . '_email_widget_id='. $widget_id; $get .= '&emailAddressWidget='.$_POST['emailAddressWidget']; while(isset($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count])) { $get .= "&" . $mod . $widget_id . "emailAddress" . $count . "=" . urlencode($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddress' . $count]); $count++; } //while while(isset($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count])) { $get .= "&" . $mod . $widget_id . "emailAddressVerifiedValue" . $count . "=" . urlencode($_REQUEST[$mod . $widget_id . 'emailAddressVerifiedValue' . $count]); $count++; } //while $options = array('emailAddressPrimaryFlag', 'emailAddressOptOutFlag', 'emailAddressInvalidFlag', 'emailAddressDeleteFlag', 'emailAddressReplyToFlag'); foreach($options as $option) { $count = 0; $optionIdentifier = $mod.$widget_id.$option; if(isset($_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier])) { if(is_array($_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier])) { foreach($_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier] as $optOut) { $get .= "&" . $optionIdentifier . "[" . $count . "]=" . $optOut; $count++; } //foreach } else { $get .= "&" . $optionIdentifier . "=" . $_REQUEST[$optionIdentifier]; } } //if } //foreach return $get; } function setView($view) { $this->view = $view; } /** * This function is here so the Employees/Users division can be handled cleanly in one place * @param object $focus SugarBean * @return string The value for the bean_module column in the email_addr_bean_rel table */ function getCorrectedModule(&$module) { return ($module == "Employees")? "Users" : $module; } } // end class def /** * Convenience function for MVC (Mystique) * @param object $focus SugarBean * @param string $field unused * @param string $value unused * @param string $view DetailView or EditView * @return string */ function getEmailAddressWidget($focus, $field, $value, $view, $tabindex='0') { $sea = new SugarEmailAddress(); $sea->setView($view); if($view == 'EditView' || $view == 'QuickCreate' || $view == 'ConvertLead') { $module = $focus->module_dir; if ($view == 'ConvertLead' && $module == "Contacts") $module = "Leads"; return $sea->getEmailAddressWidgetEditView($focus->id, $module, false,'',$tabindex); } return $sea->getEmailAddressWidgetDetailView($focus); }