'type', 'status' => 'reply_to_status', 'from' => 'emails_text.from_addr', 'subject' => 'name', 'date' => 'date_sent', 'AssignedTo' => 'assigned_user_id', 'flagged' => 'flagged' ); var $defaultSort = 'date'; var $defaultDirection = "DESC"; // private attributes var $_depth; /** * Sole constructor */ function SugarFolder() { $this->db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); } function deleteEmailFromAllFolder($id) { $q = "delete from folders_rel where polymorphic_module = 'Emails' AND polymorphic_id = '{$id}' "; $r = $this->db->query($q); } function deleteEmailFromFolder($id) { $q = "delete from folders_rel where polymorphic_module = 'Emails' AND polymorphic_id = '{$id}' AND folder_id = '{$this->id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); } function checkEmailExistForFolder($id) { $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) c from folders_rel where polymorphic_module = 'Emails' AND polymorphic_id = '{$id}' AND folder_id = '{$this->id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if ($a['c'] > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } // else } /** * Moves beans from one folder to another folder * @param string fromFolder GUID of source folder * @param string toFolder GUID of destination folder * @param string beanId GUID of SugarBean being moved */ function move($fromFolder, $toFolder, $beanId) { $q = "UPDATE folders_rel SET folder_id = '{$toFolder}' WHERE folder_id = '{$fromFolder}' AND polymorphic_id = '{$beanId}' AND deleted = 0"; $r = $this->db->query($q); } /** * Copies one bean from one folder to another */ function copyBean($fromFolder, $toFolder, $beanId, $module) { $q = "INSERT INTO folders_rel (id, folder_id, polymorphic_module, polymorphic_id, deleted) VALUES('{$guid}', '{$toFolder}', '{$module}', '{$beanId}', 0)"; $r = $this->db->query($q); } /** * Creates a new group Folder from the passed fields * @param array fields */ function setFolder($fields) { global $current_user; if(empty($fields['groupFoldersUser'])) { $fields['groupFoldersUser'] = $current_user->id; } $this->name = $fields['name']; $this->parent_folder = $fields['parent_folder']; $this->has_child = 0; $this->is_group = 1; $this->assign_to_id = $fields['groupFoldersUser']; $this->save(); } /** * Returns GUIDs of folders that the user in focus is subscribed to * @param object user User object in focus * @return array */ function getSubscriptions($user) { if(empty($user)) { global $current_user; $user = $current_user; } $q = "SELECT folder_id FROM folders_subscriptions WHERE assigned_user_id = '{$user->id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $ret = array(); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $ret[] = $a['folder_id']; } return $ret; } /** * Sets a user's preferences for subscribe folders (Sugar only) * @param array subs Array of IDs for subscribed folders */ function setSubscriptions($subs) { global $current_user; if(empty($current_user->id)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("*** FOLDERS: tried to update folder subscriptions for a user with no ID"); return false; } $cleanSubscriptions = array(); // ensure parent folders are selected, regardless. foreach($subs as $id) { $id = trim($id); if(!empty($id)) { $cleanSubscriptions[] = $id; $qChk = "SELECT parent_folder FROM folders WHERE id = '{$id}'"; $rChk = $this->db->query($qChk); $aChk = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rChk); if(!empty($aChk['parent_folder'])) { $cleanSubscriptions = $this->getParentIDRecursive($aChk['parent_folder'], $cleanSubscriptions); } } } $this->clearSubscriptions(); foreach($cleanSubscriptions as $id) { $this->insertFolderSubscription($id, $current_user->id); } } /** * Given a folder id and user id, create a folder subscription entry. * * @param String $folderId * @param String $userID * @return String The id of the newly created folder subscription. */ function insertFolderSubscription($folderId, $userID) { $guid = create_guid(); $query = "INSERT INTO folders_subscriptions (id, folder_id, assigned_user_id) VALUES ('{$guid}', '{$folderId}', '{$userID}')"; $r = $this->db->query($query); return $guid; } /** * Recursively finds parent node until it hits root * @param string id Starting id to follow up * @param array ret collected ids * @return array of IDs */ function getParentIDRecursive($id, $ret=array()) { $q = "SELECT * FROM folders WHERE id = '{$id}' AND deleted = 0"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(!in_array($id, $ret)) { $ret[] = $id; } if($a['parent_folder'] != '') { $qChk = "SELECT parent_folder FROM folders WHERE id = '{$id}'"; $rChk = $this->db->query($qChk); $aChk = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rChk); if(!empty($aChk['parent_folder'])) { $ret = $this->getParentIDRecursive($aChk['parent_folder'], $ret); } } return $ret; } /** * Deletes subscriptions to folders in preparation for reset */ function clearSubscriptions() { global $current_user; if(!empty($current_user->id)) { $q = "DELETE FROM folders_subscriptions WHERE assigned_user_id = '{$current_user->id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); } } /** * Deletes all subscriptions for a particular folder id * * @return unknown */ function clearSubscriptionsForFolder($folderID) { $query = "DELETE FROM folders_subscriptions WHERE folder_id = '$folderID'"; $r = $this->db->query($query); } protected function generateArchiveFolderQuery() { global $current_user; $q = <<folder_type; if($type == 'archived') { return $this->generateArchiveFolderQuery(); } $status = $type; if($type == "sent") { $type = "out"; } if($type == 'inbound') { $ret = " AND emails.status NOT IN ('sent', 'archived', 'draft') AND emails.type NOT IN ('out', 'archived', 'draft')"; } else { $ret = " AND emails.status NOT IN ('archived') AND emails.type NOT IN ('archived')"; } $q = "SELECT emails.id , emails.name, emails.date_sent, emails.status, emails.type, emails.flagged, emails.reply_to_status, emails_text.from_addr, emails_text.to_addrs, 'Emails' polymorphic_module FROM emails" . " JOIN emails_text on emails.id = emails_text.email_id WHERE (type = '{$type}' OR status = '{$status}') AND assigned_user_id = '{$current_user->id}' AND emails.deleted=0"; return $q . $ret; } // fn /** * returns array of items for listView display in yui-ext Grid */ function getListItemsForEmailXML($folderId, $page = 1, $pageSize = 10, $sort = '', $direction='') { require_once('include/TimeDate.php'); global $timedate; global $current_user; global $beanList; global $sugar_config; global $app_strings; $this->retrieve($folderId); $start = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; $sort = (empty($sort)) ? $this->defaultSort : $sort; $direction = (empty($direction)) ? $this->defaultDirection : $direction; $order = " ORDER BY {$this->hrSortLocal[$sort]} {$direction}"; if($this->is_dynamic) { $r = $this->db->limitQuery(from_html($this->generateSugarsDynamicFolderQuery() . $order), $start, $pageSize); } else { // get items and iterate through them $q = "SELECT emails.id , emails.name, emails.date_sent, emails.status, emails.type, emails.flagged, emails.reply_to_status, emails_text.from_addr, emails_text.to_addrs, 'Emails' polymorphic_module FROM emails JOIN folders_rel ON emails.id = folders_rel.polymorphic_id" . " JOIN emails_text on emails.id = emails_text.email_id WHERE folders_rel.folder_id = '{$folderId}' AND folders_rel.deleted = 0 AND emails.deleted = 0"; if ($this->is_group) { $q = $q . " AND (emails.assigned_user_id is null or emails.assigned_user_id = '')"; } $r = $this->db->limitQuery($q . $order, $start, $pageSize); } $return = array(); $email = new Email(); //Needed for email specific functions. while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { $temp = array(); $temp['flagged'] = (is_null($a['flagged']) || $a['flagged'] == '0') ? '' : 1; $temp['status'] = (is_null($a['reply_to_status']) || $a['reply_to_status'] == '0') ? '' : 1; $temp['from'] = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]/', '', $a['from_addr']); $temp['subject'] = $a['name']; $temp['date'] = $timedate->to_display_date_time($this->db->fromConvert($a['date_sent'], 'datetime')); $temp['uid'] = $a['id']; $temp['mbox'] = 'sugar::'.$a['polymorphic_module']; $temp['ieId'] = $folderId; $temp['site_url'] = $sugar_config['site_url']; $temp['seen'] = ($a['status'] == 'unread') ? 0 : 1; $temp['type'] = $a['type']; $temp['hasAttach'] = $email->doesImportedEmailHaveAttachment($a['id']); $temp['to_addrs'] = preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F]/', '', $a['to_addrs']); $return[] = $temp; } $metadata = array(); $metadata['mbox'] = $app_strings['LBL_EMAIL_SUGAR_FOLDER'].': '.$this->name; $metadata['ieId'] = $folderId; $metadata['name'] = $this->name; $metadata['unreadChecked'] = ($current_user->getPreference('showUnreadOnly', 'Emails') == 1) ? 'CHECKED' : ''; $metadata['out'] = $return; return $metadata; } function getCountItems ( $folderId ) { global $current_user ; global $beanList ; global $sugar_config ; global $app_strings ; $this->retrieve ( $folderId ) ; if ($this->is_dynamic) { $pattern = '/SELECT(.*?)(\s){1}FROM(\s){1}/is'; // ignores the case $replacement = 'SELECT count(*) c FROM '; $modified_select_query = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $this->generateSugarsDynamicFolderQuery(), 1); $r = $this->db->query ( from_html ( $modified_select_query )) ; } else { // get items and iterate through them $q = "SELECT count(*) c FROM folders_rel JOIN emails ON emails.id = folders_rel.polymorphic_id" . " WHERE folder_id = '{$folderId}' AND folders_rel.deleted = 0 AND emails.deleted = 0" ; if ($this->is_group) { $q .= " AND (emails.assigned_user_id is null or emails.assigned_user_id = '')"; } $r = $this->db->query ( $q ) ; } $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); return $a['c']; } function getCountUnread ( $folderId ) { global $current_user ; global $beanList ; global $sugar_config ; global $app_strings ; $this->retrieve ( $folderId ) ; if ($this->is_dynamic) { $pattern = '/SELECT(.*?)(\s){1}FROM(\s){1}/is'; // ignores the case $replacement = 'SELECT count(*) c FROM '; $modified_select_query = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $this->generateSugarsDynamicFolderQuery(), 1); $r = $this->db->query (from_html($modified_select_query) . " AND emails.status = 'unread'") ; } else { // get items and iterate through them $q = "SELECT count(*) c FROM folders_rel fr JOIN emails on fr.folder_id = '{$folderId}' AND fr.deleted = 0 " . "AND fr.polymorphic_id = emails.id AND emails.status = 'unread' AND emails.deleted = 0" ; if ($this->is_group) { $q .= " AND (emails.assigned_user_id is null or emails.assigned_user_id = '')"; } $r = $this->db->query ( $q ) ; } $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); return $a['c']; } /** * Convenience method, pass a SugarBean and User to this to add anything to a given folder */ function addBean($bean, $user=null) { if(empty($bean->id) || empty($bean->module_dir)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("*** FOLDERS: addBean() got empty bean - not saving"); return false; } elseif(empty($this->id)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("*** FOLDERS: addBean() is trying to save to a non-saved or non-existent folder"); return false; } global $current_user; if($user == null) { $user = $current_user; } $guid = create_guid(); $q = "INSERT INTO folders_rel (id, folder_id, polymorphic_module, polymorphic_id, deleted) VALUES('{$guid}', '{$this->id}', '{$bean->module_dir}', '{$bean->id}', 0)"; $r = $this->db->query($q); return true; } /** * Builds up a metacollection of user/group folders to be passed to processor methods * @param object User object, defaults to $current_user * @return array Array of abstract folder objects */ function retrieveFoldersForProcessing($user, $subscribed=true) { global $sugar_config; global $current_language, $current_user; $emails_mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, "Emails"); $myEmailTypeString = 'inbound'; $myDraftsTypeString = 'draft'; $mySentEmailTypeString = 'sent'; if(empty($user)) { global $current_user; $user = $current_user; } $rootWhere = ''; $teamSecurityClause = ''; $rootWhere .= "AND (f.parent_folder IS NULL OR f.parent_folder = '')"; if($subscribed) { $q = $this->coreSubscribed.$teamSecurityClause.$this->coreWhereSubscribed."'{$user->id}' ".$rootWhere.$this->coreOrderBy; } else { $q = $this->core.$teamSecurityClause.$this->coreWhere.$rootWhere.$this->coreOrderBy; } $r = $this->db->query($q); $return = array(); $found = array(); while($a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r)) { if ((($a['folder_type'] == $myEmailTypeString) || ($a['folder_type'] == $myDraftsTypeString) || ($a['folder_type'] == $mySentEmailTypeString)) && ($a['created_by'] != $current_user->id)) { continue; } // if if (!isset($found[$a['id']])) { $found[$a['id']] = true; $return[] = $a; } } return $return; } /** * Preps object array for async call from user's Settings->Folders */ function getGroupFoldersForSettings($focusUser=null) { global $app_strings; $grp = array(); $folders = $this->retrieveFoldersForProcessing($focusUser, false); $subscriptions = $this->getSubscriptions($focusUser); foreach($folders as $a) { $a['selected'] = (in_array($a['id'], $subscriptions)) ? true : false; $a['origName'] = $a['name']; if($a['is_group'] == 1) if ($a['deleted'] != 1) $grp[] = $a; } return $grp; } /** * Preps object array for async call from user's Settings->Folders */ function getFoldersForSettings($focusUser=null) { global $app_strings; $user = array(); $grp = array(); $user[] = array('id' => '', 'name' => $app_strings['LBL_NONE'], 'has_child' => 0, 'is_group' => 0, 'selected' => false); $grp[] = array('id' => '', 'name' => $app_strings['LBL_NONE'], 'has_child' => 0, 'is_group' => 1, 'selected' => false, 'origName' => ""); $folders = $this->retrieveFoldersForProcessing($focusUser, false); $subscriptions = $this->getSubscriptions($focusUser); foreach($folders as $a) { $a['selected'] = (in_array($a['id'], $subscriptions)) ? true : false; $a['origName'] = $a['name']; if( isset($a['dynamic_query']) ) unset($a['dynamic_query']); if($a['is_group'] == 1) { $grp[] = $a; } else { $user[] = $a; } if($a['has_child'] == 1) { $qGetChildren = $this->core.$this->coreWhere."AND parent_folder = '{$a['id']}'"; $rGetChildren = $this->db->query($qGetChildren); while($aGetChildren = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rGetChildren)) { if($a['is_group']) { $this->_depth = 1; $grp = $this->getFoldersChildForSettings($aGetChildren, $grp, $subscriptions); } else { $this->_depth = 1; $user = $this->getFoldersChildForSettings($aGetChildren, $user, $subscriptions); } } } } $ret = array( 'userFolders' => $user, 'groupFolders' => $grp, ); return $ret; } function getFoldersChildForSettings($a, $collection, $subscriptions) { $a['selected'] = (in_array($a['id'], $subscriptions)) ? true : false; $a['origName'] = $a['name']; if(isset($a['dynamic_query'])) { unset($a['dynamic_query']); } for($i=0; $i<$this->_depth; $i++) { $a['name'] = ".".$a['name']; } $collection[] = $a; if($a['has_child'] == 1) { $this->_depth++; $qGetChildren = $this->core.$this->coreWhere."AND parent_folder = '{$a['id']}'"; $rGetChildren = $this->db->query($qGetChildren); while($aGetChildren = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rGetChildren)) { $collection = $this->getFoldersChildForSettings($aGetChildren, $collection, $subscriptions); } } return $collection; } /** * Returns the number of "new" items (based on passed criteria) * @param string id ID of folder * @param array criteria * expected: * array('field' => 'status', * 'value' => 'unread'); * @param array * @return int */ function getCountNewItems($id, $criteria, $folder) { global $current_user; $sugarFolder = new SugarFolder(); return $sugarFolder->getCountUnread($id); } /** * Collects, sorts, and builds tree of user's folders * @param objec $rootNode Reference to tree root node * @param array $folderStates User pref folder open/closed states * @param object $user Optional User in focus, default current_user * @return array */ function getUserFolders(&$rootNode, $folderStates, $user=null, $forRefresh=false) { if(empty($user)) { global $current_user; $user = $current_user; } global $mod_strings; $folders = $this->retrieveFoldersForProcessing($user, true); $subscriptions = $this->getSubscriptions($user); $refresh = ($forRefresh) ? array() : null; if(!is_array($folderStates)) { $folderStates = array(); } foreach($folders as $a) { if ($a['deleted'] == 1) continue; $label = ($a['name'] == 'My Email' ? $mod_strings['LNK_MY_INBOX'] : $a['name']); $unseen = $this->getCountNewItems($a['id'], array('field' => 'status', 'value' => 'unread'), $a); $folderNode = new ExtNode($a['id'], $label); $folderNode->dynamicloadfunction = ''; $folderNode->expanded = false; if(array_key_exists('Home::'.$a['id'], $folderStates)) { if($folderStates['Home::'.$a['id']] == 'open') { $folderNode->expanded = true; } } $nodePath = "Home::".$folderNode->_properties['id']; $folderNode->dynamic_load = true; //$folderNode->set_property('click', " SUGAR.email2.listView.populateListFrameSugarFolder(YAHOO.namespace('frameFolders').selectednode, '{$a['id']}', 'false');"); $folderNode->set_property('ieId', 'folder'); $folderNode->set_property('is_group', ($a['is_group'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false'); $folderNode->set_property('is_dynamic', ($a['is_dynamic'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false'); $folderNode->set_property('mbox', $folderNode->_properties['id']); $folderNode->set_property('unseen', $unseen); $folderNode->set_property('id', $a['id']); $folderNode->set_property('folder_type', $a['folder_type']); $folderNode->set_property('children', array()); if(in_array($a['id'], $subscriptions) && $a['has_child'] == 1) { $qGetChildren = $this->core.$this->coreWhere."AND parent_folder = '{$a['id']}'"; $rGetChildren = $this->db->query($qGetChildren); while($aGetChildren = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rGetChildren)) { if(in_array($aGetChildren['id'], $subscriptions)) { $folderNode->add_node($this->buildTreeNodeFolders($aGetChildren, $nodePath, $folderStates, $subscriptions)); } } } $rootNode->add_node($folderNode); } /* the code below is called only by Settings->Folders when selecting folders to subscribe to */ if($forRefresh) { $metaNode = array(); if(!empty($rootNode->nodes)) { foreach($rootNode->nodes as $node) { $metaNode[] = $this->buildTreeNodeRefresh($node, $subscriptions); } } return $metaNode; } } /** * Builds up a metanode for folder refresh (Sugar folders only) */ function buildTreeNodeRefresh($folderNode, $subscriptions) { $metaNode = $folderNode->_properties; $metaNode['expanded'] = $folderNode->expanded; $metaNode['text'] = $folderNode->_label; if($metaNode['is_group'] == 'true') { $metaNode['cls'] = 'groupFolder'; } else { $metaNode['cls'] = 'sugarFolder'; } $metaNode['id'] = $folderNode->_properties['id']; $metaNode['children'] = array(); $metaNode['type'] = 1; $metaNode['leaf'] = false; $metaNode['isTarget'] = true; $metaNode['allowChildren'] = true; if(!empty($folderNode->nodes)) { foreach($folderNode->nodes as $node) { if(in_array($node->_properties['id'], $subscriptions)) $metaNode['children'][] = $this->buildTreeNodeRefresh($node, $subscriptions); } } return $metaNode; } /** * Builds children nodes for folders for TreeView * @return $folderNode TreeView node */ function buildTreeNodeFolders($a, $nodePath, $folderStates, $subscriptions) { $label = $a['name']; global $mod_strings; if($a['name'] == 'My Drafts') { $label = $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_TITLE_MY_DRAFTS']; } if($a['name'] == 'Sent Emails') { $label = $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_TITLE_MY_SENT']; } $unseen = $this->getCountNewItems($a['id'], array('field' => 'status', 'value' => 'unread'), $a); $folderNode = new ExtNode($a['id'], $label); $folderNode->dynamicloadfunction = ''; $folderNode->expanded = false; $nodePath .= "::{$a['id']}"; if(array_key_exists($nodePath, $folderStates)) { if($folderStates[$nodePath] == 'open') { $folderNode->expanded = true; } } $folderNode->dynamic_load = true; $folderNode->set_property('click', "SUGAR.email2.listView.populateListFrameSugarFolder(YAHOO.namespace('frameFolders').selectednode, '{$a['id']}', 'false');"); $folderNode->set_property('ieId', 'folder'); $folderNode->set_property('mbox', $a['id']); $folderNode->set_property('is_group', ($a['is_group'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false'); $folderNode->set_property('is_dynamic', ($a['is_dynamic'] == 1) ? 'true' : 'false'); $folderNode->set_property('unseen', $unseen); $folderNode->set_property('folder_type', $a['folder_type']); if(in_array($a['id'], $subscriptions) && $a['has_child'] == 1) { $qGetChildren = $this->core.$this->coreWhere."AND parent_folder = '{$a['id']}' ".$this->coreOrderBy; $rGetChildren = $this->db->query($qGetChildren); while($aGetChildren = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($rGetChildren)) { $folderNode->add_node($this->buildTreeNodeFolders($aGetChildren, $nodePath, $folderStates, $subscriptions)); } } return $folderNode; } /** * Flags a folder as deleted * @return bool True on success */ function delete() { global $current_user; if(!empty($this->id)) { if($this->has_child) { $this->deleteChildrenCascade($this->id); } $ownerCheck = ($current_user->is_admin == 0) ? " AND created_by = '{$current_user->id}'" : ""; $q = "UPDATE folders SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = '{$this->id}'{$ownerCheck}"; $r = $this->db->query($q); return true; } return false; } /** * Deletes all children in a cascade * @param string $id ID of parent * @return bool True on success */ function deleteChildrenCascade($id) { global $current_user; $canContinue = true; $checkInboundQuery = "SELECT count(*) c FROM inbound_email WHERE groupfolder_id = '{$id}' and deleted = 0"; $resultSet = $this->db->query($checkInboundQuery); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($resultSet); if ($a['c'] > 0) { return false; } // if $q = "SELECT COUNT(*) c from folders_rel where polymorphic_module = 'Emails' AND polymorphic_id = '{$id}' AND folder_id = '{$this->id}'"; $checkEmailQuery = "SELECT count(*) c FROM folders_rel where polymorphic_module = 'Emails' and folder_id = '{$id}' and deleted = 0"; $resultSet = $this->db->query($checkEmailQuery); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($resultSet); if ($a['c'] > 0) { return false; } // if $q = "SELECT * FROM folders WHERE id = '{$id}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if($a['has_child'] == 1) { $q2 = "SELECT id FROM folders WHERE parent_folder = '{$id}'"; $r2 = $this->db->query($q2); while($a2 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r2)) { $canContinue = $this->deleteChildrenCascade($a2['id']); } } if ($canContinue) { // flag deleted $ownerCheck = ($current_user->is_admin == 0) ? " AND created_by = '{$current_user->id}'" : ""; $q3 = "UPDATE folders SET deleted = 1 WHERE id = '{$id}'{$ownerCheck}"; $r3 = $this->db->query($q3); // flag rels $qRel = "UPDATE folders_rel SET deleted = 1 WHERE folder_id = '{$id}'"; $rRel = $this->db->query($qRel); // delete subscriptions $qSub = "DELETE FROM folders_subscriptions WHERE folder_id = '{$id}'"; $rSub = $this->db->query($qSub); } return $canContinue; //_pp($q3);_pp($qRel);_pp($qSub); } /** * Saves folder * @return bool */ function save($addSubscriptions = TRUE) { global $current_user; $this->dynamic_query = $this->db->quote($this->dynamic_query); if((empty($this->id) && $this->new_with_id == false) || (!empty($this->id) && $this->new_with_id == true)) { if( empty($this->id) ) { $guid = create_guid(); $this->id = $guid; } $q = "INSERT INTO folders(id, name, folder_type, parent_folder, has_child, is_group, is_dynamic, dynamic_query, assign_to_id, ". "created_by, modified_by, deleted)". " VALUES('{$this->id}', '{$this->name}', '{$this->folder_type}', '{$this->parent_folder}', {$this->has_child}, {$this->is_group}, {$this->is_dynamic}, '{$this->dynamic_query}', '{$this->assign_to_id}', " . "'{$current_user->id}', '{$current_user->id}', 0)"; if($addSubscriptions) { // create default subscription $this->addSubscriptionsToGroupFolder(); } // if parent_id is set, update parent's has_child flag $q3 = "UPDATE folders SET has_child = 1 WHERE id = '{$this->parent_folder}'"; $r3 = $this->db->query($q3); } else { $q = "UPDATE folders SET name = '{$this->name}', parent_folder = '{$this->parent_folder}', dynamic_query = '{$this->dynamic_query}', assign_to_id = '{$this->assign_to_id}', " . "modified_by = '{$current_user->id}' WHERE id = '{$this->id}'"; } $this->db->query($q, true); return true; } /** * Add subscriptions to this group folder. * */ function addSubscriptionsToGroupFolder() { global $current_user; $this->createSubscriptionForUser($current_user->id); } /** * Add subscriptions to this group folder. * */ function createSubscriptionForUser($user_id) { $guid2 = create_guid(); $query = "INSERT INTO folders_subscriptions VALUES('{$guid2}', '{$this->id}', '{$user_id}')"; $this->db->query($query); } function updateFolder($fields) { global $current_user; $this->dynamic_query = $this->db->quote($this->dynamic_query); $id = $fields['record']; $name = $fields['name']; $parent_folder = $fields['parent_folder']; // first do the retrieve $this->retrieve($id); if ($this->has_child) { $childrenArray = array(); $this->findAllChildren($id, $childrenArray); if (in_array($parent_folder, $childrenArray)) { return array('status' => "failed", 'message' => "Can not add this folder to its children"); } } // update has_child to 0 for this parent folder if this is the only child it has $q1 = "select count(*) count from folders where deleted = 0 AND parent_folder = '{$this->parent_folder}'"; $r1 = $this->db->query($q1); $a1 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r1); if ($a1['count'] == 1) { $q1 = "UPDATE folders SET has_child = 0 WHERE id = '{$this->parent_folder}'"; $r1 = $this->db->query($q1); } // if $this->name = $name; $this->parent_folder = $parent_folder; $q2 = "UPDATE folders SET name = '{$this->name}', parent_folder = '{$this->parent_folder}', dynamic_query = '{$this->dynamic_query}', " . "modified_by = '{$current_user->id}' WHERE id = '{$this->id}'"; $r2 = $this->db->query($q2); if (!empty($this->parent_folder)) { $q3 = "UPDATE folders SET has_child = 1 WHERE id = '{$this->parent_folder}'"; $r3 = $this->db->query($q3); } // if return array('status' => "done"); } // fn function findAllChildren($folderId, &$childrenArray) { $q = "SELECT * FROM folders WHERE id = '{$folderId}'"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if($a['has_child'] == 1) { $q2 = "SELECT id FROM folders WHERE deleted = 0 AND parent_folder = '{$folderId}'"; $r2 = $this->db->query($q2); while($a2 = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r2)) { $childrenArray[] = $a2['id']; $this->findAllChildren($a2['id'], $childrenArray); } // while } // if } // fn /** * Retrieves and populates object * @param string $id ID of folder * @return bool True on success */ function retrieve($id) { $q = "SELECT * FROM folders WHERE id = '{$id}' AND deleted = 0"; $r = $this->db->query($q); $a = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($r); if(!empty($a)) { foreach($a as $k => $v) { if($k == 'dynamic_query') { $v = from_html($v); } $this->$k = $v; } return true; } return false; } } // end class def