getExportCharset(); if(empty($encoding)){ $encoding = "UTF-8"; } parent::__construct($orientation,$unit,$format,$unicode,$encoding,$diskcache); $this->module = $GLOBALS['module']; $this->bean = &$bean; $this->sugarpdf_object_map = $sugarpdf_object_map; if(!empty($_REQUEST["sugarpdf"])){ $this->action = $_REQUEST["sugarpdf"]; } } /** * This method will be called from the controller and is not meant to be overridden. */ function process(){ $this->preDisplay(); $this->display(); } /** * This method will display the errors on the page. */ function displayErrors(){ foreach($this->errors as $error) { echo '' . $error . '
'; } } /** * [OVERRIDE] - This method is meant to overidden in a subclass. The purpose of this method is * to allow a view to do some preprocessing before the display method is called. This becomes * useful when you have a view defined at the application level and then within a module * have a sub-view that extends from this application level view. The application level * view can do the setup in preDisplay() that is common to itself and any subviews * and then the subview can just override display(). If it so desires, can also override * preDisplay(). */ function preDisplay(){ // set document information $this->SetCreator(PDF_CREATOR); $this->SetAuthor(PDF_AUTHOR); $this->SetTitle(PDF_TITLE); $this->SetSubject(PDF_SUBJECT); $this->SetKeywords(PDF_KEYWORDS); // set other properties $compression=false; if(PDF_COMPRESSION == "on"){ $compression=true; } $this->SetCompression($compression); $protection=array(); if(PDF_PROTECTION != ""){ $protection=explode(",",PDF_PROTECTION); } $this->SetProtection($protection,blowfishDecode(blowfishGetKey('sugarpdf_pdf_user_password'), PDF_USER_PASSWORD),blowfishDecode(blowfishGetKey('sugarpdf_pdf_owner_password'), PDF_OWNER_PASSWORD)); $this->setCellHeightRatio(K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO); $this->setJPEGQuality(intval(PDF_JPEG_QUALITY)); $this->setPDFVersion(PDF_PDF_VERSION); // set default header data $this->setHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, PDF_HEADER_TITLE, PDF_HEADER_STRING); // set header and footer fonts $this->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN)); $this->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA)); //set margins $this->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT); $this->setHeaderMargin(PDF_MARGIN_HEADER); $this->setFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); //set auto page breaks $this->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); //set image scale factor $this->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); //set some language-dependent strings //$this->setLanguageArray($l); // --------------------------------------------------------- } /** * [OVERRIDE] - This method is meant to overidden in a subclass. */ function display(){ $this->AddPage(); $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN,'B',16); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Tcpdf class for this module and action has not been implemented.',0,'C'); $this->Info(); } /** * [OVERRIDE] * This method override the regular Header() method to enable the custom image directory in addition to the OOB image directory. * This method is used to render the page header. * It is automatically called by AddPage(). * @access public * @see include/tcpdf/TCPDF#Header() */ public function Header() { $ormargins = $this->getOriginalMargins(); $headerfont = $this->getHeaderFont(); $headerdata = $this->getHeaderData(); if (($headerdata['logo']) AND ($headerdata['logo'] != K_BLANK_IMAGE)) { // START SUGARPDF $logo = K_PATH_CUSTOM_IMAGES.$headerdata['logo']; $imsize = @getimagesize($logo); if ($imsize === FALSE) { // encode spaces on filename $logo = str_replace(' ', '%20', $logo); $imsize = @getimagesize($logo); if ($imsize === FALSE) { $logo = K_PATH_IMAGES.$headerdata['logo']; } } // END SUGARPDF $this->Image($logo, $this->GetX(), $this->getHeaderMargin(), $headerdata['logo_width']); $imgy = $this->getImageRBY(); } else { $imgy = $this->GetY(); } $cell_height = round(($this->getCellHeightRatio() * $headerfont[2]) / $this->getScaleFactor(), 2); // set starting margin for text data cell if ($this->getRTL()) { $header_x = $ormargins['right'] + ($headerdata['logo_width'] * 1.1); } else { $header_x = $ormargins['left'] + ($headerdata['logo_width'] * 1.1); } $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); // header title $this->SetFont($headerfont[0], 'B', $headerfont[2] + 1); $this->SetX($header_x); $this->Cell(0, $cell_height, $headerdata['title'], 0, 1, '', 0, '', 0); // header string $this->SetFont($headerfont[0], $headerfont[1], $headerfont[2]); $this->SetX($header_x); $this->MultiCell(0, $cell_height, $headerdata['string'], 0, '', 0, 1, '', '', true, 0, false); // print an ending header line $this->SetLineStyle(array('width' => 0.85 / $this->getScaleFactor(), 'cap' => 'butt', 'join' => 'miter', 'dash' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0))); $this->SetY((2.835 / $this->getScaleFactor()) + max($imgy, $this->GetY())); if ($this->getRTL()) { $this->SetX($ormargins['right']); } else { $this->SetX($ormargins['left']); } $this->Cell(0, 0, '', 'T', 0, 'C'); } /** * [OVERRIDE] SetFont method in TCPDF Library * This method override the regular SetFont() method to enable the custom font directory in addition to the OOB font directory. * * @param string $family Family font. It can be either a name defined by AddFont() or one of the standard Type1 families (case insensitive): It is also possible to pass an empty string. In that case, the current family is retained. * @param string $style Font style. Possible values are (case insensitive): or any combination. The default value is regular. Bold and italic styles do not apply to Symbol and ZapfDingbats basic fonts or other fonts when not defined. * @param float $size Font size in points. The default value is the current size. If no size has been specified since the beginning of the document, the value taken is 12 * @param string $fontfile The font definition file. By default, the name is built from the family and style, in lower case with no spaces. * @access public * @see include/tcpdf/TCPDF#SetFont() */ public function SetFont($family, $style='', $size=0, $fontfile='') { if(empty($fontfile) && defined('K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS')){ // This will force addFont to search the custom directory for font before the OOB directory $fontfile = K_PATH_CUSTOM_FONTS."phantomFile.phantom"; } parent::SetFont($family, $style, $size, $fontfile); } function Info(){ $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN,'',12); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'---',0,'L'); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Class: '.get_class($this),0,'L'); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Extends: '.get_parent_class($this),0,'L'); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'---',0,'L'); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Module: '.$this->module,0,'L'); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Tcpdf Action: '.$this->action,0,'L'); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'Bean ID: '.$this->bean->getFieldValue('id'),0,'L'); $this->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN,'',12); $this->MultiCell(0,0,'---',0,'L'); } /** * [OVERRIDE] Cell method in tcpdf library. * Handle charset conversion and HTML entity decode. * This method override the regular Cell() method to apply the prepare_string() function to * the string to print in the PDF. * The cell method is used by all the methods which print text (Write, MultiCell). * @see include/tcpdf/TCPDF#Cell() */ public function Cell($w, $h=0, $txt='', $border=0, $ln=0, $align='', $fill=0, $link='', $stretch=0) { parent::Cell($w, $h, prepare_string($txt), $border, $ln, $align, $fill, $link, $stretch); } /** * This Ln1() method will always print a line break of one line height. * The regular Ln() method print a line break which has the height of the last printed cell. */ public function Ln1() { parent::Ln($this->FontSize * $this->cell_height_ratio + 2 * $this->cMargin, false); } /** * This method allow printing a table using the MultiCell method with a formatted options array in parameter * Options : * header options override the regular options for the header's cells - $options['header'] * cell options override the regular options for the specific cell - Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header]['options'] * @param $item Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header] = Cell content OR * Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header]['value'] = Cell content AND * Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header]['options'] = Array[cell properties] = values * @param $options Array which can contain : width (array 'column name'=>'width value + % OR nothing'), isheader (bool), header (array), fill (string: HTML color), ishtml (bool) default: false, border (0: no border (defaul), 1: frame or all of the following characters: L ,T ,R ,B), align (L: left align, C: center, R: right align, J: justification), stretch (array 'column name'=>stretch type) * @see MultiCell() */ public function writeCellTable($item, $options=NULL) { // Save initial font values $fontFamily = $this->getFontFamily(); $fontSize = $this->getFontSizePt(); $fontStyle = $this->getFontStyle(); $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $options = $this->initOptionsForWriteCellTable($options, $item); // HEADER if(!isset($options['isheader']) || $options['isheader'] == true){ $headerOptions = $options; if(!empty($options['header']) && is_array($options['header'])){ $headerOptions = $this->initOptionsForWriteCellTable($options['header'], $item); } foreach($item[0] as $k => $v){ $header[$k]=$k; } $h = $this->getLineHeightFromArray($header, $options["width"]); foreach ($header as $v) $this->MultiCell($options["width"][$v],$h,$v,$headerOptions['border'],$headerOptions['align'],$headerOptions['fillstate'],0,'','',true, $options['stretch'][$v], $headerOptions['ishtml']); $this->SetFillColorArray($this->convertHTMLColorToDec($options['fill'])); $this->Ln(); } // MAIN // default font $this->SetFont($fontFamily,$fontStyle,$fontSize); $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); $even=true; $firstrow = true; // LINES foreach($item as $k=>$line){ $even=!$even; $h = $this->getLineHeightFromArray($line, $options["width"]); // in the case when cell height is greater than page height // need to adjust the current page number // so the following output will not overlap the previous output if ($this->getNumPages() != $this->getPage()) { $this->setPage($this->getNumPages()); } $firstcell = true; //CELLS foreach($line as $kk=>$cell){ $cellOptions = $options; $value = $cell; if(is_array($cell)){ $value = $cell['value']; if(!empty($cell['options']) && is_array($cell['options'])){ $cellOptions = $this->initOptionsForWriteCellTable($cell['options'], $item); } } //Bug45077-replacing single quote entities $value=str_replace("'","'",$value); //Bug45077-replacing double quote entities $value=str_replace(""",'"',$value); if($even && !empty($options['evencolor'])){ $this->SetFillColorArray($this->convertHTMLColorToDec($options['evencolor'])); $cellOptions['fillstate']=1; }else if(!$even && !empty($options['oddcolor'])){ $this->SetFillColorArray($this->convertHTMLColorToDec($options['oddcolor'])); $cellOptions['fillstate']=1; } if ($firstrow) { $this->MultiCell($options["width"][$kk],$h,$value,$cellOptions['border'],$cellOptions['align'],$cellOptions['fillstate'],0,'','',true, $options['stretch'][$kk], $cellOptions['ishtml'], true, 0, false); } else { if ($firstcell) { // add page only once (for the first cell) $this->MultiCell($options["width"][$kk],$h,$value,$cellOptions['border'],$cellOptions['align'],$cellOptions['fillstate'],0,'','',true,0,$cellOptions['ishtml'], true, 0, true); $firstcell = false; } else { $this->MultiCell($options["width"][$kk],$h,$value,$cellOptions['border'],$cellOptions['align'],$cellOptions['fillstate'],0,'','',true,0,$cellOptions['ishtml'], true, 0, false); } } $this->SetFillColorArray($this->convertHTMLColorToDec($options['fill'])); } $this->Ln(); $firstrow = false; } $this->SetFont($fontFamily,$fontStyle,$fontSize); $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0); } /** * This method allow printing a table using the writeHTML method with a formatted array in parameter * This method can also return the table as HTML code * @param $item Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header] = Cell content OR * Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header]['value'] = Cell content AND * Array[line number (0 to x)][cell header]['options'] = Array[cell properties] = values * @param $returnHtml (bool) Return the table as HTML code instead of printing the HTML table * @param $options Array which can contain : table (array of "HTML proprty"=>"value"),td (array of "HTML proprty"=>"value"), tr (array of "HTML proprty"=>"value"), isheader(bool), header (array of "HTML proprty"=>"value"), width (array 'column name'=>'width value + unit OR nothing') * @return the HTML code if $returnHtml set to true */ public function writeHTMLTable($item, $returnHtml=false, $options=NULL){ //TODO ISSUE - width in % for the td have to be multiply by the number of column. // ex: for a width of 20% in a table of 6 columns the width will have to be 120% (20*6). $html=""; $line=""; if(!empty($options)){ foreach($options as $k=>$v){ $tmp[strtolower($k)]=$v; } $options=$tmp; }else{ $options=array(); } if(!isset($options["isheader"]) || $options["isheader"] == true){ if(!empty($options["header"])){ foreach($options["header"] as $k=>$v){ $tmp[strtolower($k)]=$v; } $options["header"]=$tmp; }else{ $options["header"]=array("tr"=>array("bgcolor"=>"#DCDCDC"),"td"=>array()); } foreach($item[0] as $k => $v){ if(!empty($options["width"]))$options["header"]["td"]["width"]=$options["width"][$k]; $line.=$this->wrap("td", $k, $options["header"]); } $html.=$this->wrap("tr", $line, $options["header"]); } foreach ($item as $k=>$v){ $line=""; foreach($v as $kk => $vv){ if(!empty($options["width"]) && isset($options["width"][$kk]))$options["td"]["width"]=$options["width"][$kk]; $line.=$this->wrap("td", $vv, $options); } $html.=$this->wrap("tr", $line, $options); } $html=$this->wrap("table", $html, $options); if($returnHtml){ return $html; }else{ $this->writeHTML($html); } } /** * return the HTML code of the value wrap with the tag $tag. This method handle options (general and specific) * @param $tag * @param $value * @param $options * @return the HTML wrapped code */ private function wrap($tag, $value, $options){ if(empty($options[$tag])){ $options[$tag] = array(); } if(is_array($value)){ if(isset($value["options"])){ // The options of a specific entity overwrite the general options $options[$tag] = $value["options"]; } if(isset($value["value"])){ $value = $value["value"]; }else{ $value = ""; } } return wrapTag($tag, $value, $options[$tag]); } /** * Return the heigth of a line depending of the width, the font and the content * @param $line Array containing the data of all the cells of the line * @param $width Array containing the width of all the cells of the line * @return The heigth of the line */ private function getLineHeightFromArray($line, $width){ $h=0; foreach($line as $kk=>$cell){ $cellValue = $cell; if(is_array($cellValue)){ $tmp = $cellValue['value']; $cellValue = $tmp; } if($h<$this->getNumLines($cellValue, $width[$kk])){ $h=$this->getNumLines($cellValue, $width[$kk]); } } return $h * $this->FontSize * $this->cell_height_ratio + 2 * $this->cMargin; } /** * Private method for writeCellTable which format and initialize the options array. * @param $options array * @param $item array * @return $options array */ private function initOptionsForWriteCellTable($options, $item){ if(!empty($options)){ foreach($options as $k=>$v){ $tmp[strtolower($k)]=$v; } $options=$tmp; }else{ $options=array(); } // set to default if empty if(empty($options["width"]) || !is_array($options["width"])){ $colNum = count($item[0]); $defaultWidth = $this->getRemainingWidth()/$colNum; foreach($item[0] as $k => $v){ $options["width"][$k]=$defaultWidth; } }else{ foreach($options["width"] as $k => $v){ $options["width"][$k] = $this->getHTMLUnitToUnits($v, $this->getRemainingWidth()); } } if(empty($options["border"])){ $options["border"]=0; } if(empty($options["align"])){ $options["align"]="L"; } if(empty($options['ishtml'])){ $options['ishtml'] = false; } if(empty($options['border'])){ $options['border'] = 0; } foreach($item[0] as $k => $v) if (empty($options['stretch'][$k])) $options['stretch'][$k] = self::STRETCH_NONE; if(!empty($options['fill'])){ $this->SetFillColorArray($this->convertHTMLColorToDec($options['fill'])); $options['fillstate']=1; }else{ $options['fill']="#FFFFFF";//white $options['fillstate']=0; } if(!empty($options['fontfamily'])){ $fontFamily = $options['fontfamily']; }else{ $fontFamily = $this->getFontFamily(); } if(!empty($options['fontsize'])){ $fontSize = $options['fontsize']; }else{ $fontSize = $this->getFontSizePt(); } if(!empty($options['fontstyle'])){ $fontStyle = $options['fontstyle']; }else{ $fontStyle = $this->getFontStyle(); } if(!empty($options['textcolor'])){ $this->SetTextColorArray($this->convertHTMLColorToDec($options['textcolor'])); }else{ $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);//black } $this->SetFont($fontFamily, $fontStyle, $fontSize); return $options; } /** * This is method is fix for a better handling of the count. This method now handle the line break * between words. * This method returns the estimated number of lines required to print the text. * @param string $txt text to print * @param float $w width of cell. If 0, they extend up to the right margin of the page. * @return int Return the estimated number of lines. * @access public * @since 4.5.011 * @OVERRIDE */ public function getNumLines($txt, $w=0) { $lines = 0; if (empty($w) OR ($w <= 0)) { if ($this->rtl) { $w = $this->x - $this->lMargin; } else { $w = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->x; } } // max column width $wmax = $w - (2 * $this->cMargin); // remove carriage returns $txt = str_replace("\r", '', $txt); // divide text in blocks $txtblocks = explode("\n", $txt); // for each block; foreach ($txtblocks as $block) { // estimate the number of lines if(empty($block)){ $lines++; // If the block is in more than one line }else if(ceil($this->GetStringWidth($block) / $wmax)>1){ //devide in words $words = explode(" ", $block); //TODO explode with space is not the best things to do... $wordBlock = ""; $first=true; $lastNum = 0; $run = false; for($i=0; $iGetStringWidth($wordBlock) / $wmax)>1){ if($first){ $lastNum = ceil($this->GetStringWidth($wordBlock) / $wmax); $run = true; $first = false; }else{ if($run && $lastNum == ceil($this->GetStringWidth($wordBlock) / $wmax)){ // save the number of line if it is the last loop if($i+1 == count($words)){ $lines += ceil($this->GetStringWidth($wordBlock) / $wmax); } continue; }else{ $first = true; $lines += ceil($this->GetStringWidth( substr($wordBlock, 0, (strlen($wordBlock) - strlen(" ".$words[$i]))) ) / $wmax); $i--; $lastNum = 0; $run = false; } } }else{ $first = false; } // save the number of line if it is the last loop if($i+1 == count($words)){ $lines += ceil($this->GetStringWidth($wordBlock) / $wmax); } } }else{ $lines++; } } return $lines; } /** * Disable zlib output compression if we are downloading the PDF. * * @see TCPDF::Output() */ public function Output($name='doc.pdf', $dest='I') { if ( $dest == 'I' || $dest == 'D') { ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); } return parent::Output($name,$dest); } }