fatal("Cannot write file custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/searchdefs.php"); return array(); } } require('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/searchdefs.php'); return $searchdefs; } /** * getViewDefs * Returns an Array of the merge definitions used by the Connector module to * merge values into the bean instance * * @param mixed $filter_sources Array optional Array value of sources to only use * @return mixed $mergedefs Array of the merge definitions */ public static function getViewDefs( $filter_sources = array() ) { //Go through all connectors and get their mapping keys and merge them across each module $connectors = self::getConnectors(); $modules_sources = self::getDisplayConfig(); $view_defs = array(); foreach($connectors as $id=>$ds) { if(!empty($filter_sources) && !isset($filter_sources[$id])) { continue; } if(file_exists('custom/' . $ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php')) { require('custom/' . $ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php'); } else if(file_exists($ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php')) { require($ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php'); } if(!empty($mapping['beans'])) { foreach($mapping['beans'] as $module=>$map) { if(!empty($modules_sources[$module][$id])) { if(!empty($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module])) { $view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module] = array_merge($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module], array_flip($map)); } else { $view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module] = array_flip($map); } } } } } if(!empty($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'])) { foreach($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'] as $module=>$map) { $view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module] = array_keys($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module]); } } return $view_defs; } /** * getMergeViewDefs * Returns an Array of the merge definitions used by the Connector module to * merge values into the bean instance * * @deprecated This method has been replaced by getViewDefs * @param boolean $refresh boolean value to manually refresh the mergeview definitions * @return mixed $mergedefs Array of the merge definitions */ public static function getMergeViewDefs( $refresh = false ) { if($refresh || !file_exists('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/mergeviewdefs.php')) { //Go through all connectors and get their mapping keys and merge them across each module $connectors = self::getConnectors($refresh); $modules_sources = self::getDisplayConfig(); $view_defs = array(); foreach($connectors as $id=>$ds) { if(file_exists('custom/' . $ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php')) { require('custom/' . $ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php'); } else if(file_exists($ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php')) { require($ds['directory'] . '/mapping.php'); } if(!empty($mapping['beans'])) { foreach($mapping['beans'] as $module=>$map) { if(!empty($modules_sources[$module][$id])) { if(!empty($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module])) { $view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module] = array_merge($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module], array_flip($map)); } else { $view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module] = array_flip($map); } } } } } if(!empty($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'])) { foreach($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'] as $module=>$map) { $view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module] = array_keys($view_defs['Connector']['MergeView'][$module]); } } if(!file_exists('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata')) { mkdir_recursive('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata'); } if(!write_array_to_file('viewdefs', $view_defs, 'custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/mergeviewdefs.php')) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot write file custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/mergeviewdefs.php"); return array(); } } require('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/mergeviewdefs.php'); return $viewdefs; } /** * getConnectors * Returns an Array of the connectors that have been loaded into the system * along with attributes pertaining to each connector. * * @param boolean $refresh boolean flag indicating whether or not to force rewriting the file; defaults to false * @returns mixed $connectors Array of the connector entries found */ public static function getConnectors( $refresh = false ) { if (inDeveloperMode()) { $refresh = true; } if(!empty(self::$connectors_cache) && !$refresh) { return self::$connectors_cache; } //define paths $src1 = 'modules/Connectors/connectors/sources'; $src2 = 'custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources'; $src3 = 'custom/modules/Connectors/metadata'; $src4 = 'custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/connectors.php'; //if this is a templated environment, then use utilities to get the proper paths if(defined('TEMPLATE_URL')){ $src1 = SugarTemplateUtilities::getFilePath($src1); $src2 = SugarTemplateUtilities::getFilePath($src2); $src3 = SugarTemplateUtilities::getFilePath($src3); $src4 = SugarTemplateUtilities::getFilePath($src4); } if($refresh || !file_exists($src4)) { $sources = array_merge(self::getSources($src1), self::getSources($src2)); if(!file_exists($src3)) { mkdir_recursive($src3); } if(file_exists($src4)) { require($src4); //define connectors if it doesn't exist or is not an array if (!isset($connectors) || !is_array($connectors)){ $connectors = array(); $err_str = string_format($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_CONNECTOR_NOT_ARRAY'],array($src4)); $GLOBALS['log']->error($err_str); } $sources = array_merge($sources, $connectors); } if(!self::saveConnectors($sources, $src4)) { return array(); } } //if require($src4); self::$connectors_cache = $connectors; return $connectors; } /** * Save connectors array to file * @param array $connectors Source data to write * @param string $toFile filename to use * @return bool success */ public static function saveConnectors($connectors, $toFile = '') { if(empty($toFile)) { $toFile = 'custom/modules/Connectors/metadata/connectors.php'; if(defined('TEMPLATE_URL')) { $toFile = SugarTemplateUtilities::getFilePath($toFile); } } if(!is_array($connectors)) { $connectors = array(); } if(!write_array_to_file('connectors', $connectors, $toFile)) { //Log error and return empty array $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot write sources to file"); return false; } self::$connectors_cache = $connectors; return true; } /** * getSources * Returns an Array of source entries found under the given directory * @param String $directory The directory to search * @return mixed $sources An Array of source entries */ private static function getSources( $directory = 'modules/Connectors/connectors/sources' ) { if(file_exists($directory)) { $files = array(); $files = findAllFiles($directory, $files, false, 'config\.php'); $start = strrpos($directory, '/') == strlen($directory)-1 ? strlen($directory) : strlen($directory) + 1; $sources = array(); $sources_ordering = array(); foreach($files as $file) { require($file); $end = strrpos($file, '/') - $start; $source = array(); $source['id'] = str_replace('/', '_', substr($file, $start, $end)); $source['name'] = !empty($config['name']) ? $config['name'] : $source['id']; $source['enabled'] = true; $source['directory'] = $directory . '/' . str_replace('_', '/', $source['id']); $order = isset($config['order']) ? $config['order'] : 99; //default to end using 99 if no order set $instance = ConnectorFactory::getInstance($source['id']); $source['eapm'] = empty($config['eapm'])?false:$config['eapm']; $mapping = $instance->getMapping(); $modules = array(); if(!empty($mapping['beans'])) { foreach($mapping['beans'] as $module=>$mapping_entry) { $modules[]=$module; } } $source['modules'] = $modules; $sources_ordering[$source['id']] = array('order'=>$order, 'source'=>$source); } usort($sources_ordering, 'sources_sort_function'); foreach($sources_ordering as $entry) { $sources[$entry['source']['id']] = $entry['source']; } return $sources; } return array(); } /** * getDisplayConfig * */ public static function getDisplayConfig( $refresh = false ) { if(!file_exists(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE) || $refresh) { $sources = self::getConnectors(); $modules_sources = array(); //Make the directory for the config file if(!file_exists('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata')) { mkdir_recursive('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata'); } if(!write_array_to_file('modules_sources', $modules_sources, CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE)) { //Log error and return empty array $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot write \$modules_sources to " . CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); } } require(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); return $modules_sources; } /** * getModuleConnectors * * @param String $module the module to get the connectors for * @param mixed $connectors Array of connectors mapped to the module or empty if none * @return array */ public static function getModuleConnectors( $module ) { $modules_sources = self::getDisplayConfig(); if(!empty($modules_sources) && !empty($modules_sources[$module])){ $sources = array(); foreach($modules_sources[$module] as $index => $id){ $sources[$id] = self::getConnector($id); } return $sources; }else{ return array(); } } /** * isModuleEnabled * Given a module name, checks to see if the module is enabled to be serviced by the connector module * @param String $module String name of the module * @return boolean $enabled boolean value indicating whether or not the module is enabled to be serviced by the connector module */ public static function isModuleEnabled( $module ) { $modules_sources = self::getDisplayConfig(); return !empty($modules_sources) && !empty($modules_sources[$module]) ? true : false; } /** * isSourceEnabled * Given a source id, checks to see if the source is enabled for at least one module * @param String $source String name of the source * @return boolean $enabled boolean value indicating whether or not the source is displayed in at least one module */ public static function isSourceEnabled( $source ) { $modules_sources = self::getDisplayConfig(); foreach($modules_sources as $module=>$mapping) { foreach($mapping as $s) { if($s == $source) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * When a module has all of the sources removed from it we do not properly remove it from the viewdefs. This function * will handle that. * * @param String $module - the module in question */ public static function cleanMetaDataFile( $module ) { $metadata_file = file_exists("custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php") ? "custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php" : "modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php"; require($metadata_file); $insertConnectorButton = true; self::removeHoverField($viewdefs, $module); //Make the directory for the metadata file if(!file_exists("custom/modules/{$module}/metadata")) { mkdir_recursive("custom/modules/{$module}/metadata"); } if(!write_array_to_file('viewdefs', $viewdefs, "custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php")) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot update file custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php"); return false; } if(file_exists($cachedfile = sugar_cached("modules/{$module}/DetailView.tpl")) && !unlink($cachedfile)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot delete file $cachedfile"); return false; } } /** * updateMetaDataFiles * This method updates the metadata files (detailviewdefs.php) according to the settings in display_config.php * @return $result boolean value indicating whether or not the method successfully completed. */ public static function updateMetaDataFiles() { if(file_exists(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE)) { $modules_sources = array(); require(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); $GLOBALS['log']->debug(var_export($modules_sources, true)); if(!empty($modules_sources)) { foreach($modules_sources as $module=>$mapping) { $metadata_file = file_exists("custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php") ? "custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php" : "modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php"; $viewdefs = array(); if( !file_exists($metadata_file) ) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("Unable to update metadata file for module: {$module}"); continue; } else require($metadata_file); $insertConnectorButton = true; self::removeHoverField($viewdefs, $module); //Insert the hover field if available if(!empty($mapping)) { require_once('include/connectors/sources/SourceFactory.php'); require_once('include/connectors/formatters/FormatterFactory.php'); $shown_formatters = array(); foreach($mapping as $id) { $source = SourceFactory::getSource($id, false); if($source->isEnabledInHover() && $source->isRequiredConfigFieldsForButtonSet()) { $shown_formatters[$id] = FormatterFactory::getInstance($id); } } //Now we have to decide which field to put it on... use the first one for now if(!empty($shown_formatters)) { foreach($shown_formatters as $id=>$formatter) { $added_field = false; $formatter_mapping = $formatter->getSourceMapping(); $source = $formatter->getComponent()->getSource(); //go through the mapping and add the hover to every field define in the mapping //1) check for hover fields $hover_fields = $source->getFieldsWithParams('hover', true); foreach($hover_fields as $key => $def){ if(!empty($formatter_mapping['beans'][$module][$key])){ $added_field = self::setHoverField($viewdefs, $module, $formatter_mapping['beans'][$module][$key], $id); } } //2) check for first mapping field if(!$added_field && !empty($formatter_mapping['beans'][$module])) { foreach($formatter_mapping['beans'][$module] as $key => $val){ $added_field = self::setHoverField($viewdefs, $module, $val, $id); if($added_field){ break; } } } } //foreach //Log an error message if(!$added_field) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Unable to place hover field link on metadata for module {$module}"); } } } //Make the directory for the metadata file if(!file_exists("custom/modules/{$module}/metadata")) { mkdir_recursive("custom/modules/{$module}/metadata"); } if(!write_array_to_file('viewdefs', $viewdefs, "custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php")) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot update file custom/modules/{$module}/metadata/detailviewdefs.php"); return false; } if(file_exists($cachedfile = sugar_cached("modules/{$module}/DetailView.tpl")) && !unlink($cachedfile)) { $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot delete file $cachedfile"); return false; } } } } return true; } public function removeHoverField( &$viewdefs, $module ) { require_once('include/SugarFields/Parsers/MetaParser.php'); $metaParser = new MetaParser(); if(!$metaParser->hasMultiplePanels($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'])) { $keys = array_keys($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels']); if(!empty($keys) && count($keys) != 1) { $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'] = array('default'=>$viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels']); } } foreach($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'] as $panel_id=>$panel) { foreach($panel as $row_id=>$row) { foreach($row as $field_id=>$field) { if(is_array($field) && !empty($field['displayParams']['enableConnectors'])) { unset($field['displayParams']['enableConnectors']); unset($field['displayParams']['module']); unset($field['displayParams']['connectors']); $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id] = $field; } } //foreach } //foreach } //foreach return false; } public function setHoverField( &$viewdefs, $module, $hover_field, $source_id ) { //Check for metadata files that aren't correctly created require_once('include/SugarFields/Parsers/MetaParser.php'); $metaParser = new MetaParser(); if(!$metaParser->hasMultiplePanels($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'])) { $keys = array_keys($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels']); if(!empty($keys) && count($keys) != 1) { $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'] = array('default'=>$viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels']); } } foreach($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'] as $panel_id=>$panel) { foreach($panel as $row_id=>$row) { foreach($row as $field_id=>$field) { $name = is_array($field) ? $field['name'] : $field; if($name == $hover_field) { if(is_array($field)) { if(!empty($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams'])) { $newDisplayParam = $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams']; $newDisplayParam['module'] = $module; $newDisplayParam['enableConnectors'] = true; if(!is_null($source_id) && !in_array($source_id, $newDisplayParam['connectors'])){ $newDisplayParam['connectors'][] = $source_id; } $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams'] = $newDisplayParam; } else { $field['displayParams'] = array('enableConnectors'=>true, 'module'=>$module, 'connectors' => array(0 => $source_id)); $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id] = $field; } } else { $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id] = array ('name'=>$field, 'displayParams'=>array('enableConnectors'=>true, 'module'=>$module, 'connectors' => array(0 => $source_id))); } return true; } } } } return false; } /** * setDefaultHoverField * Sets the hover field to the first element in the detailview screen * * @param Array $viewdefs the metadata of the detailview * @param String $module the Module to which the hover field should be added to * @return boolean True if field was added; false otherwise */ private function setDefaultHoverField( &$viewdefs, $module, $source_id ) { foreach($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'] as $panel_id=>$panel) { foreach($panel as $row_id=>$row) { foreach($row as $field_id=>$field) { if(is_array($field)) { if(!empty($viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams'])) { $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams']['enableConnectors'] = true; $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams']['module'] = $module; if(!is_null($source_id) && !in_array($source_id, $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams']['connectors'])){ $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id]['displayParams']['connectors'][] = $source_id; } } else { $field['displayParams'] = array('enableConnectors'=>true, 'module'=>$module, 'connectors' => array(0 => $source_id)); $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id] = $field; } } else { $viewdefs[$module]['DetailView']['panels'][$panel_id][$row_id][$field_id] = array ('name'=>$field, 'displayParams'=>array('enableConnectors'=>true, 'module'=>$module, 'connectors' => array(0 => $source_id))); } return true; } //foreach } //foreach } //foreach return false; } /** * getConnectorButtonScript * This method builds the HTML code for the hover link field * * @param mixed $displayParams Array value of display parameters passed from the SugarField code * @param mixed $smarty The Smarty object from the calling smarty code * @return String $code The HTML code for the hover link */ public static function getConnectorButtonScript( $displayParams, $smarty ) { $module = $displayParams['module']; $modules_sources = self::getDisplayConfig(); $code = ''; $shown_sources = array(); if (!empty($module) && !empty($displayParams['connectors'])) { foreach ($displayParams['connectors'] as $id) { if (!empty($modules_sources[$module]) && in_array($id, $modules_sources[$module])) { $shown_sources[] = $id; } } if(empty($shown_sources)) { return ''; } require_once('include/connectors/utils/ConnectorHtmlHelperFactory.php'); $code = ConnectorHtmlHelperFactory::build()->getConnectorButtonCode($shown_sources, $module, $smarty); } //if return $code; } /** * getConnectorStrings * This method returns the language Strings for a given connector instance * * @param String $source_id String value of the connector id to retrive language strings for * @param String $language optional String value for the language to use (defaults to $GLOBALS['current_language']) */ public static function getConnectorStrings( $source_id, $language = '' ) { $lang = empty($language) ? $GLOBALS['current_language'] : $language; $lang .= '.lang.php'; $dir = str_replace('_', '/', $source_id); if(file_exists("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/language/{$lang}")) { require("custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/language/{$lang}"); return !empty($connector_strings) ? $connector_strings : array(); } else if(file_exists("modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/language/{$lang}")){ require("modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/language/{$lang}"); return !empty($connector_strings) ? $connector_strings : array(); } else { $GLOBALS['log']->error("Unable to locate language string file for source {$source_id}"); return array(); } } /** * setConnectorStrings * This method outputs the language Strings for a given connector instance * * @param String $source_id String value of the connector id to write language strings for (e.g., ext_soap_marketo) * @param String $connector_strings array value of the connector_strings * @param String $language optional String value for the language to use (defaults to $GLOBALS['current_language']) */ public static function setConnectorStrings( $source_id, $connector_strings, $language = '' ) { $lang = empty($language) ? $GLOBALS['current_language'] : $language; $lang .= '.lang.php'; $dir = str_replace('_', '/', $source_id); if (!write_array_to_file("connector_strings", $connector_strings, "custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/language/{$lang}")) { //Log error and return empty array $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot write connectory_strings to file custom/modules/Connectors/connectors/sources/{$dir}/language/{$lang}"); return false; } } /** * installSource * Install the name of the source (called from ModuleInstaller.php). Modifies the files in the custom * directory to add the new source in. * * @param String $source String value of the id of the connector to install * @return boolean $result boolean value indicating whether or not connector was installed */ public static function installSource( $source ) { if(empty($source)) { return false; } //Add the source to the connectors.php file self::getConnectors(true); //Get the display config file self::getDisplayConfig(); //Update the display_config.php file to show this new source $modules_sources = array(); require(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); foreach($modules_sources as $module=>$mapping) { foreach($mapping as $id=>$src) { if($src == $source) { unset($modules_sources[$module][$id]); break; } } } //Make the directory for the config file if(!file_exists('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata')) { mkdir_recursive('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata'); } if(!write_array_to_file('modules_sources', $modules_sources, CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE)) { //Log error and return empty array $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot write \$modules_sources to " . CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); } return true; } /** * uninstallSource * * @param String $source String value of the id of the connector to un-install * @return boolean $result boolean value indicating whether or not connector was un-installed */ public static function uninstallSource( $source ) { if(empty($source)) { return false; } //Remove the source from the connectors.php file self::getConnectors(true); //Update the display_config.php file to remove this source $modules_sources = array(); require(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); foreach($modules_sources as $module=>$mapping) { foreach($mapping as $id=>$src) { if($src == $source) { unset($modules_sources[$module][$id]); } } } //Make the directory for the config file if(!file_exists('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata')) { mkdir_recursive('custom/modules/Connectors/metadata'); } if(!write_array_to_file('modules_sources', $modules_sources, CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE)) { //Log error and return empty array $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Cannot write \$modules_sources to " . CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); return false; } return true; } /** * hasWizardSourceEnabledForModule * This is a private method that returns a boolean value indicating whether or not at least one * source is enabled for a given module. By enabled we mean that the source has the neccessary * configuration properties set as determined by the isRequiredConfigFieldsForButtonSet method. In * addition, a check is made to ensure that it is a source that has been enabled for the wizard. * * @param String $module String value of module to check * @return boolean $enabled boolean value indicating whether or not module has at least one source enabled */ private static function hasWizardSourceEnabledForModule( $module = '' ) { if(file_exists(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE)) { require_once('include/connectors/sources/SourceFactory.php'); require(CONNECTOR_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FILE); if(!empty($modules_sources) && !empty($modules_sources[$module])) { foreach($modules_sources[$module] as $id) { $source = SourceFactory::getSource($id, false); if(!is_null($source) && $source->isEnabledInWizard() && $source->isRequiredConfigFieldsForButtonSet()) { return true; } } } return false; } return false; } }