getPreference('export_delimiter'); $delimiter = empty($sugar_config['export_delimiter']) ? $delimiter : $sugar_config['export_delimiter']; $delimiter = empty($userDelimiter) ? $delimiter : $userDelimiter; return $delimiter; } /** * builds up a delimited string for export * @param string type the bean-type to export * @param array records an array of records if coming directly from a query * @return string delimited string for export */ function export($type, $records = null, $members = false, $sample=false) { global $beanList; global $beanFiles; global $current_user; global $app_strings; global $app_list_strings; global $timedate; global $mod_strings; global $current_language; $sampleRecordNum = 5; $contact_fields = array( "id"=>"Contact ID" ,"lead_source"=>"Lead Source" ,"date_entered"=>"Date Entered" ,"date_modified"=>"Date Modified" ,"first_name"=>"First Name" ,"last_name"=>"Last Name" ,"salutation"=>"Salutation" ,"birthdate"=>"Lead Source" ,"do_not_call"=>"Do Not Call" ,"email_opt_out"=>"Email Opt Out" ,"title"=>"Title" ,"department"=>"Department" ,"birthdate"=>"Birthdate" ,"do_not_call"=>"Do Not Call" ,"phone_home"=>"Phone (Home)" ,"phone_mobile"=>"Phone (Mobile)" ,"phone_work"=>"Phone (Work)" ,"phone_other"=>"Phone (Other)" ,"phone_fax"=>"Fax" ,"email1"=>"Email" ,"email2"=>"Email (Other)" ,"assistant"=>"Assistant" ,"assistant_phone"=>"Assistant Phone" ,"primary_address_street"=>"Primary Address Street" ,"primary_address_city"=>"Primary Address City" ,"primary_address_state"=>"Primary Address State" ,"primary_address_postalcode"=>"Primary Address Postalcode" ,"primary_address_country"=>"Primary Address Country" ,"alt_address_street"=>"Other Address Street" ,"alt_address_city"=>"Other Address City" ,"alt_address_state"=>"Other Address State" ,"alt_address_postalcode"=>"Other Address Postalcode" ,"alt_address_country"=>"Other Address Country" ,"description"=>"Description" ); $account_fields = array( "id"=>"Account ID", "name"=>"Account Name", "website"=>"Website", "industry"=>"Industry", "account_type"=>"Type", "ticker_symbol"=>"Ticker Symbol", "employees"=>"Employees", "ownership"=>"Ownership", "phone_office"=>"Phone", "phone_fax"=>"Fax", "phone_alternate"=>"Other Phone", "email1"=>"Email", "email2"=>"Other Email", "rating"=>"Rating", "sic_code"=>"SIC Code", "annual_revenue"=>"Annual Revenue", "billing_address_street"=>"Billing Address Street", "billing_address_city"=>"Billing Address City", "billing_address_state"=>"Billing Address State", "billing_address_postalcode"=>"Billing Address Postalcode", "billing_address_country"=>"Billing Address Country", "shipping_address_street"=>"Shipping Address Street", "shipping_address_city"=>"Shipping Address City", "shipping_address_state"=>"Shipping Address State", "shipping_address_postalcode"=>"Shipping Address Postalcode", "shipping_address_country"=>"Shipping Address Country", "description"=>"Description" ); //Array of fields that should not be exported, and are only used for logic $remove_from_members = array("ea_deleted", "ear_deleted", "primary_address"); $focus = 0; $content = ''; $bean = $beanList[$type]; require_once($beanFiles[$bean]); $focus = new $bean; $searchFields = array(); $db = DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); if($records) { $records = explode(',', $records); $records = "'" . implode("','", $records) . "'"; $where = "{$focus->table_name}.id in ($records)"; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['all']) ) { $where = ''; } else { if(!empty($_REQUEST['current_post'])) { $ret_array = generateSearchWhere($type, $_REQUEST['current_post']); $where = $ret_array['where']; $searchFields = $ret_array['searchFields']; } else { $where = ''; } } $order_by = ""; if($focus->bean_implements('ACL')){ if(!ACLController::checkAccess($focus->module_dir, 'export', true)){ ACLController::displayNoAccess(); sugar_die(''); } if(ACLController::requireOwner($focus->module_dir, 'export')){ if(!empty($where)){ $where .= ' AND '; } $where .= $focus->getOwnerWhere($current_user->id); } } // Export entire list was broken because the where clause already has "where" in it // and when the query is built, it has a "where" as well, so the query was ill-formed. // Eliminating the "where" here so that the query can be constructed correctly. if($members == true){ $query = $focus->create_export_members_query($records); }else{ $beginWhere = substr(trim($where), 0, 5); if ($beginWhere == "where") $where = substr(trim($where), 5, strlen($where)); $ret_array = create_export_query_relate_link_patch($type, $searchFields, $where); if(!empty($ret_array['join'])) { $query = $focus->create_export_query($order_by,$ret_array['where'],$ret_array['join']); } else { $query = $focus->create_export_query($order_by,$ret_array['where']); } } $result = ''; $populate = false; if($sample) { $result = $db->limitQuery($query, 0, $sampleRecordNum, true, $app_strings['ERR_EXPORT_TYPE'].$type.":
.".$query); if( $focus->_get_num_rows_in_query($query)<1 ){ $populate = true; } } else { $result = $db->query($query, true, $app_strings['ERR_EXPORT_TYPE'].$type.":
.".$query); } $fields_array = $db->getFieldsArray($result,true); //set up the order on the header row $fields_array = get_field_order_mapping($focus->module_dir, $fields_array); //set up labels to be used for the header row $field_labels = array(); foreach($fields_array as $key=>$dbname){ //Remove fields that are only used for logic if($members && (in_array($dbname, $remove_from_members))) continue; //default to the db name of label does not exist $field_labels[$key] = translateForExport($dbname,$focus); } // setup the "header" line with proper delimiters $content = "\"".implode("\"".getDelimiter()."\"", array_values($field_labels))."\"\r\n"; $pre_id = ''; if($populate){ //this is a sample request with no data, so create fake datarows $content .= returnFakeDataRow($focus,$fields_array,$sampleRecordNum); }else{ //process retrieved record while($val = $db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) { //order the values in the record array $val = get_field_order_mapping($focus->module_dir,$val); $new_arr = array(); if($members){ if($pre_id == $val['id']) continue; if($val['ea_deleted']==1 || $val['ear_deleted']==1){ $val['primary_email_address'] = ''; } unset($val['ea_deleted']); unset($val['ear_deleted']); unset($val['primary_address']); } $pre_id = $val['id']; foreach ($val as $key => $value) { //getting content values depending on their types $fieldNameMapKey = $fields_array[$key]; if (isset($focus->field_name_map[$fieldNameMapKey]) && $focus->field_name_map[$fieldNameMapKey]['type']) { $fieldType = $focus->field_name_map[$fieldNameMapKey]['type']; switch ($fieldType) { //if our value is a currency field, then apply the users locale case 'currency': require_once('modules/Currencies/Currency.php'); $value = currency_format_number($value); break; //if our value is a datetime field, then apply the users locale case 'datetime': case 'datetimecombo': $value = $timedate->to_display_date_time($db->fromConvert($value, 'datetime')); $value = preg_replace('/([pm|PM|am|AM]+)/', ' \1', $value); break; //kbrill Bug #16296 case 'date': $value = $timedate->to_display_date($db->fromConvert($value, 'date'), false); break; // Bug 32463 - Properly have multienum field translated into something useful for the client case 'multienum': $value = str_replace("^","",$value); if (isset($focus->field_name_map[$fields_array[$key]]['options']) && isset($app_list_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$fields_array[$key]]['options']]) ) { $valueArray = explode(",",$value); foreach ($valueArray as $multikey => $multivalue ) { if (isset($app_list_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$fields_array[$key]]['options']][$multivalue]) ) { $valueArray[$multikey] = $app_list_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$fields_array[$key]]['options']][$multivalue]; } } $value = implode(",",$valueArray); } break; } } array_push($new_arr, preg_replace("/\"/","\"\"", $value)); } $line = implode("\"".getDelimiter()."\"", $new_arr); $line = "\"" .$line; $line .= "\"\r\n"; $content .= $line; } } return $content; } function generateSearchWhere($module, $query) {//this function is similar with function prepareSearchForm() in view.list.php $seed = loadBean($module); if(file_exists('modules/'.$module.'/SearchForm.html')){ if(file_exists('modules/' . $module . '/metadata/SearchFields.php')) { require_once('include/SearchForm/SearchForm.php'); $searchForm = new SearchForm($module, $seed); } elseif(!empty($_SESSION['export_where'])) { //bug 26026, sometimes some module doesn't have a metadata/SearchFields.php, the searchfrom is generated in the ListView.php. // Currently, massupdate will not generate the where sql. It will use the sql stored in the SESSION. But this will cause bug 24722, and it cannot be avoided now. $where = $_SESSION['export_where']; $whereArr = explode (" ", trim($where)); if ($whereArr[0] == trim('where')) { $whereClean = array_shift($whereArr); } $where = implode(" ", $whereArr); //rrs bug: 31329 - previously this was just returning $where, but the problem is the caller of this function //expects the results in an array, not just a string. So rather than fixing the caller, I felt it would be best for //the function to return the results in a standard format. $ret_array['where'] = $where; $ret_array['searchFields'] =array(); return $ret_array; } else { return; } } else{ require_once('include/SearchForm/SearchForm2.php'); if(file_exists('custom/modules/'.$module.'/metadata/metafiles.php')){ require('custom/modules/'.$module.'/metadata/metafiles.php'); }elseif(file_exists('modules/'.$module.'/metadata/metafiles.php')){ require('modules/'.$module.'/metadata/metafiles.php'); } if (file_exists('custom/modules/'.$module.'/metadata/searchdefs.php')) { require_once('custom/modules/'.$module.'/metadata/searchdefs.php'); } elseif (!empty($metafiles[$module]['searchdefs'])) { require_once($metafiles[$module]['searchdefs']); } elseif (file_exists('modules/'.$module.'/metadata/searchdefs.php')) { require_once('modules/'.$module.'/metadata/searchdefs.php'); } //fixing bug #48483: Date Range search on custom date field then export ignores range filter // first of all custom folder should be checked if(file_exists('custom/modules/'.$module.'/metadata/SearchFields.php')) { require_once('custom/modules/'.$module.'/metadata/SearchFields.php'); } elseif(!empty($metafiles[$module]['searchfields'])) { require_once($metafiles[$module]['searchfields']); } elseif(file_exists('modules/'.$module.'/metadata/SearchFields.php')) { require_once('modules/'.$module.'/metadata/SearchFields.php'); } if(empty($searchdefs) || empty($searchFields)) { //for some modules, such as iframe, it has massupdate, but it doesn't have search function, the where sql should be empty. return; } $searchForm = new SearchForm($seed, $module); $searchForm->setup($searchdefs, $searchFields, 'SearchFormGeneric.tpl'); } $searchForm->populateFromArray(unserialize(base64_decode($query))); $where_clauses = $searchForm->generateSearchWhere(true, $module); if (count($where_clauses) > 0 )$where = '('. implode(' ) AND ( ', $where_clauses) . ')'; $GLOBALS['log']->info("Export Where Clause: {$where}"); $ret_array['where'] = $where; $ret_array['searchFields'] = $searchForm->searchFields; return $ret_array; } /** * calls export method to build up a delimited string and some sample instructional text on how to use this file * @param string type the bean-type to export * @return string delimited string for export with some tutorial text */ function exportSample($type) { global $app_strings; //first grab the $_REQUEST['all']=true; //retrieve the export content $content = export($type, null, false, true); // Add a new row and add details on removing the sample data // Our Importer will stop after he gets to the new row, ignoring the text below return $content . "\n" . $app_strings['LBL_IMPORT_SAMPLE_FILE_TEXT']; } //this function will take in the bean and field mapping and return a proper value function returnFakeDataRow($focus,$field_array,$rowsToReturn = 5){ if(empty($focus) || empty($field_array)) return ; //include the file that defines $sugar_demodata include('install/demoData.en_us.php'); $person_bean = false; if( isset($focus->first_name)){ $person_bean = true; } global $timedate; $returnContent = ''; $counter = 0; $new_arr = array(); //iterate through the record creation process as many times as defined. Each iteration will create a new row while($counter < $rowsToReturn){ $counter++; //go through each field and populate with dummy data if possible foreach($field_array as $field_name){ if(empty($focus->field_name_map[$field_name]) || empty($focus->field_name_map[$field_name]['type'])){ //type is not set, fill in with empty string and continue; $returnContent .= '"",'; continue; } $field = $focus->field_name_map[$field_name]; //fill in value according to type $type = $field['type']; switch ($type) { case "id": case "assigned_user_name": //return new guid string $returnContent .= '"'.create_guid().'",'; break; case "int": //return random number` $returnContent .= '"'.mt_rand(0,4).'",'; break; case "name": //return first, last, user name, or random name string if($field['name'] == 'first_name'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['first_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['last_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($field['name'] == 'last_name'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['last_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['last_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($field['name'] == 'user_name'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['first_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['last_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'_'.mt_rand(1,111).'",'; }else{ //return based on bean if($focus->module_dir =='Accounts'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['company_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['company_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='Bugs'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['bug_seed_names']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['bug_seed_names'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='Notes'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['note_seed_names_and_Descriptions']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['note_seed_names_and_Descriptions'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='Calls'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['call_seed_data_names']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['call_seed_data_names'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='Tasks'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['task_seed_data_names']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['task_seed_data_names'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='Meetings'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['meeting_seed_data_names']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['meeting_seed_data_names'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='ProductCategories'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['productcategory_seed_data_names']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['productcategory_seed_data_names'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='ProductTypes'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['producttype_seed_data_names']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['producttype_seed_data_names'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($focus->module_dir =='ProductTemplates'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['producttemplate_seed_data']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['producttemplate_seed_data'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }else{ $returnContent .= '"Default Name for '.$focus->module_dir.'",'; } } break; case "relate": if($field['name'] == 'team_name'){ //apply team names and user_name $teams_count = count($sugar_demodata['teams']) - 1; $users_count = count($sugar_demodata['users']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['teams'][mt_rand(0,$teams_count)]['name'].','.$sugar_demodata['users'][mt_rand(0,$users_count)]['user_name'].'",'; }else{ //apply GUID $returnContent .= '"'.create_guid().'",'; } break; case "bool": //return 0 or 1 $returnContent .= '"'.mt_rand(0,1).'",'; break; case "text": //return random text $returnContent .= '"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porttitor congue massa. Fusce posuere, magna sed pulvinar ultricies, purus lectus malesuada libero, sit amet commodo magna eros quis urna",'; break; case "team_list": $teams_count = count($sugar_demodata['teams']) - 1; //give fake team names (East,West,North,South) $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['teams'][mt_rand(0,$teams_count)]['name'].'",'; break; case "date": //return formatted date $timeStamp = strtotime('now'); $value = date($timedate->dbDayFormat, $timeStamp); $returnContent .= '"'.$timedate->to_display_date_time($value).'",'; break; case "datetime": case "datetimecombo": //return formatted date time $timeStamp = strtotime('now'); //Start with db date $value = date($timedate->dbDayFormat.' '.$timedate->dbTimeFormat, $timeStamp); //use timedate to convert to user display format $value = $timedate->to_display_date_time($value); //finally forma the am/pm to have a space so it can be recognized as a date field in excel $value = preg_replace('/([pm|PM|am|AM]+)/', ' \1', $value); $returnContent .= '"'.$value.'",'; break; case "phone": $value = '('.mt_rand(300,999).') '.mt_rand(300,999).'-'.mt_rand(1000,9999); $returnContent .= '"'.$value.'",'; break; case "varchar": //process varchar for possible values if($field['name'] == 'first_name'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['first_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['last_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($field['name'] == 'last_name'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['last_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['last_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif($field['name'] == 'user_name'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['first_name_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['last_name_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'_'.mt_rand(1,111).'",'; }elseif($field['name'] == 'title'){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['titles']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['titles'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif(strpos($field['name'],'address_street')>0){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['street_address_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['street_address_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif(strpos($field['name'],'address_city')>0){ $count = count($sugar_demodata['city_array']) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$sugar_demodata['city_array'][mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif(strpos($field['name'],'address_state')>0){ $state_arr = array('CA','NY','CO','TX','NV'); $count = count($state_arr) - 1; $returnContent .= '"'.$state_arr[mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; }elseif(strpos($field['name'],'address_postalcode')>0){ $returnContent .= '"'.mt_rand(12345,99999).'",'; }else{ $returnContent .= '"",'; } break; case "url": $returnContent .= '"",'; break; case "enum": //get the associated enum if available global $app_list_strings; if(isset($focus->field_name_map[$field_name]['type']) && !empty($focus->field_name_map[$field_name]['options'])){ if ( !empty($app_list_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$field_name]['options']]) ) { //get the values into an array $dd_values = $app_list_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$field_name]['options']]; $dd_values = array_values($dd_values); //grab the count $count = count($dd_values) - 1; //choose one at random $returnContent .= '"'.$dd_values[mt_rand(0,$count)].'",'; } else{ //name of enum options array was found but is empty, return blank $returnContent .= '"",'; } }else{ //name of enum options array was not found on field, return blank $returnContent .= '"",'; } break; default: //type is not matched, fill in with empty string and continue; $returnContent .= '"",'; } } $returnContent .= "\r\n"; } return $returnContent; } //expects the field name to translate and a bean of the type being translated (to access field map and mod_strings) function translateForExport($field_db_name,$focus){ global $mod_strings,$app_strings; if (empty($field_db_name) || empty($focus)){ return false; } //grab the focus module strings $temp_mod_strings = $mod_strings; global $current_language; $mod_strings = return_module_language($current_language, $focus->module_dir); $fieldLabel = ''; //!! first check to see if we are overriding the label for export. if (!empty($mod_strings['LBL_EXPORT_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)])){ //entry exists which means we are overriding this value for exporting, use this label $fieldLabel = $mod_strings['LBL_EXPORT_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)]; } //!! next check to see if we are overriding the label for export on app_strings. elseif (!empty($app_strings['LBL_EXPORT_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)])){ //entry exists which means we are overriding this value for exporting, use this label $fieldLabel = $app_strings['LBL_EXPORT_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)]; }//check to see if label exists in mapping and in mod strings elseif (!empty($focus->field_name_map[$field_db_name]['vname']) && !empty($mod_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$field_db_name]['vname']])){ $fieldLabel = $mod_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$field_db_name]['vname']]; }//check to see if label exists in mapping and in app strings elseif (!empty($focus->field_name_map[$field_db_name]['vname']) && !empty($app_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$field_db_name]['vname']])){ $fieldLabel = $app_strings[$focus->field_name_map[$field_db_name]['vname']]; }//field is not in mapping, so check to see if db can be uppercased and found in mod strings elseif (!empty($mod_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)])){ $fieldLabel = $mod_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)]; }//check to see if db can be uppercased and found in app strings elseif (!empty($app_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)])){ $fieldLabel = $app_strings['LBL_'.strtoupper($field_db_name)]; }else{ //we could not find the label in mod_strings or app_strings based on either a mapping entry //or on the db_name itself or being overwritten, so default to the db name as a last resort $fieldLabel = $field_db_name; } //strip the label of any columns $fieldLabel= preg_replace("/([:]|\xEF\xBC\x9A)[\\s]*$/", '', trim($fieldLabel)); //reset the bean mod_strings back to original import strings $mod_strings = $temp_mod_strings; return $fieldLabel; } //call this function to return the desired order to display columns for export in. //if you pass in an array, it will reorder the array and send back to you. It expects the array //to have the db names as key values, or as labels function get_field_order_mapping($name='',$reorderArr = '', $exclude = true){ //define the ordering of fields, note that the key value is what is important, and should be the db field name $field_order_array = array(); $field_order_array['accounts'] = array( 'name'=>'Name', 'id'=>'ID', 'website'=>'Website', 'email_address' =>'Email Address', 'phone_office' =>'Office Phone', 'phone_alternate' => 'Alternate Phone', 'phone_fax' => 'Fax', 'billing_address_street' => 'Billing Street', 'billing_address_city' => 'Billing City', 'billing_address_state' => 'Billing State', 'billing_address_postalcode' => 'Billing Postal Code', 'billing_address_country' => 'Billing Country', 'shipping_address_street' => 'Shipping Street', 'shipping_address_city' => 'Shipping City', 'shipping_address_state' => 'Shipping State', 'shipping_address_postalcode' => 'Shipping Postal Code', 'shipping_address_country' => 'Shipping Country', 'description' => 'Description', 'account_type' => 'Type', 'industry' =>'Industry', 'annual_revenue' => 'Annual Revenue', 'employees' => 'Employees', 'sic_code' => 'SIC Code', 'ticker_symbol' => 'Ticker Symbol', 'parent_id' => 'Parent Account ID', 'ownership' =>'Ownership', 'campaign_id' =>'Campaign ID', 'rating' =>'Rating', 'assigned_user_name' =>'Assigned to', 'assigned_user_id' =>'Assigned User ID', 'team_id' =>'Team Id', 'team_name' =>'Teams', 'team_set_id' =>'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' =>'Date Created', 'date_modified' =>'Date Modified', 'modified_user_id' =>'Modified By', 'created_by' =>'Created By', 'deleted' =>'Deleted'); $field_order_array['contacts'] = array( 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'id'=>'ID', 'salutation' => 'Salutation', 'title' => 'Title', 'department' => 'Department', 'account_name' => 'Account Name', 'email_address' => 'Email Address', 'phone_mobile' => 'Phone Mobile','phone_work' => 'Phone Work', 'phone_home' => 'Phone Home', 'phone_other' => 'Phone Other','phone_fax' => 'Phone Fax', 'primary_address_street' => 'Primary Address Street', 'primary_address_city' => 'Primary Address City', 'primary_address_state' => 'Primary Address State', 'primary_address_postalcode' => 'Primary Address Postal Code', 'primary_address_country' => 'Primary Address Country', 'alt_address_street' => 'Alternate Address Street', 'alt_address_city' => 'Alternate Address City', 'alt_address_state' => 'Alternate Address State', 'alt_address_postalcode' => 'Alternate Address Postal Code', 'alt_address_country' => 'Alternate Address Country', 'description' => 'Description', 'birthdate' => 'Birthdate', 'lead_source' => 'Lead Source', 'campaign_id' => 'campaign_id', 'do_not_call' => 'Do Not Call', 'portal_name' => 'Portal Name', 'portal_active' => 'Portal Active', 'portal_password' => 'Portal Password', 'portal_app' => 'Portal Application', 'reports_to_id' => 'Reports to ID', 'assistant' => 'Assistant', 'assistant_phone' => 'Assistant Phone', 'picture' => 'Picture', 'assigned_user_name' => 'Assigned User Name', 'assigned_user_id' => 'Assigned User ID', 'team_name' => 'Teams', 'team_id' => 'Team id', 'team_set_id' => 'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' =>'Date Created', 'date_modified' =>'Date Modified', 'modified_user_id' =>'Modified By', 'created_by' =>'Created By', 'deleted' =>'Deleted'); $field_order_array['leads'] = array( 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'id'=>'ID', 'salutation' => 'Salutation', 'title' => 'Title', 'department' => 'Department', 'account_name' => 'Account Name', 'account_description' => 'Account Description', 'website' => 'Website', 'email_address' => 'Email Address', 'phone_mobile' => 'Phone Mobile', 'phone_work' => 'Phone Work', 'phone_home' => 'Phone Home', 'phone_other' => 'Phone Other', 'phone_fax' => 'Phone Fax', 'primary_address_street' => 'Primary Address Street', 'primary_address_city' => 'Primary Address City', 'primary_address_state' => 'Primary Address State', 'primary_address_postalcode' => 'Primary Address Postal Code', 'primary_address_country' => 'Primary Address Country', 'alt_address_street' => 'Alt Address Street', 'alt_address_city' => 'Alt Address City', 'alt_address_state' => 'Alt Address State', 'alt_address_postalcode' => 'Alt Address Postalcode', 'alt_address_country' => 'Alt Address Country', 'status' => 'Status', 'status_description' => 'Status Description', 'lead_source' => 'Lead Source', 'lead_source_description' => 'Lead Source Description', 'description'=>'Description', 'converted' => 'Converted', 'opportunity_name' => 'Opportunity Name', 'opportunity_amount' => 'Opportunity Amount', 'refered_by' => 'Referred By', 'campaign_id' => 'campaign_id', 'do_not_call' => 'Do Not Call', 'portal_name' => 'Portal Name', 'portal_app' => 'Portal Application', 'reports_to_id' => 'Reports To ID', 'assistant' => 'Assistant', 'assistant_phone' => 'Assistant Phone', 'birthdate'=>'Birthdate', 'contact_id' => 'Contact ID', 'account_id' => 'Account ID', 'opportunity_id' => 'Opportunity ID', 'assigned_user_name' => 'Assigned User Name', 'assigned_user_id' => 'Assigned User ID', 'team_name' => 'Teams', 'team_id' => 'Team id', 'team_set_id' => 'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' => 'Date Created', 'date_modified' => 'Date Modified', 'created_by' => 'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id' => 'Modified By ID', 'deleted' => 'Deleted'); $field_order_array['opportunities'] = array( 'name' => 'Opportunity Name', 'id'=>'ID', 'amount' => 'Opportunity Amount', 'currency_id' => 'Currency', 'date_closed' => 'Expected Close Date', 'sales_stage' => 'Sales Stage', 'probability' => 'Probability (%)', 'next_step' => 'Next Step', 'opportunity_type' => 'Opportunity Type', 'account_name' => 'Account Name', 'description' => 'Description', 'amount_usdollar' => 'Amount', 'lead_source' => 'Lead Source', 'campaign_id' => 'campaign_id', 'assigned_user_name' => 'Assigned User Name', 'assigned_user_id' => 'Assigned User ID', 'team_name' => 'Teams', 'team_id' => 'Team id', 'team_set_id' => 'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' => 'Date Created', 'date_modified' => 'Date Modified', 'created_by' => 'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id' => 'Modified By ID', 'deleted' => 'Deleted'); $field_order_array['notes'] = array( 'name' => 'Name', 'id'=>'ID', 'description' => 'Description', 'filename' => 'Attachment', 'parent_type' => 'Parent Type', 'parent_id' => 'Parent ID', 'contact_id' => 'Contact ID', 'portal_flag' => 'Display in Portal?', 'assigned_user_name' =>'Assigned to', 'assigned_user_id' => 'assigned_user_id', 'team_id' => 'Team id', 'team_set_id' => 'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' => 'Date Created', 'date_modified' => 'Date Modified', 'created_by' => 'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id' => 'Modified By ID', 'deleted' => 'Deleted' ); $field_order_array['bugs'] = array('bug_number' => 'Bug Number', 'id'=>'ID', 'name' => 'Subject', 'description' => 'Description', 'status' => 'Status', 'type' => 'Type', 'priority' => 'Priority', 'resolution' => 'Resolution', 'work_log' => 'Work Log', 'found_in_release' => 'Found In Release', 'fixed_in_release' => 'Fixed In Release', 'found_in_release_name' => 'Found In Release Name', 'fixed_in_release_name' => 'Fixed In Release', 'product_category' => 'Category', 'source' => 'Source', 'portal_viewable' => 'Portal Viewable', 'system_id' => 'System ID', 'assigned_user_id' => 'Assigned User ID', 'assigned_user_name' => 'Assigned User Name', 'team_name'=>'Teams', 'team_id' => 'Team id', 'team_set_id' => 'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' =>'Date Created', 'date_modified' =>'Date Modified', 'modified_user_id' =>'Modified By', 'created_by' =>'Created By', 'deleted' =>'Deleted'); $field_order_array['tasks'] = array( 'name'=>'Subject', 'id'=>'ID', 'description'=>'Description', 'status'=>'Status', 'date_start'=>'Date Start', 'date_due'=>'Date Due','priority'=>'Priority', 'parent_type'=>'Parent Type', 'parent_id'=>'Parent ID', 'contact_id'=>'Contact ID', 'assigned_user_name' =>'Assigned to', 'assigned_user_id'=>'Assigned User ID', 'team_name'=>'Teams', 'team_id'=>'Team id', 'team_set_id'=>'Team Set ID', 'date_entered'=>'Date Created', 'date_modified'=>'Date Modified', 'created_by'=>'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id'=>'Modified By ID', 'deleted'=>'Deleted'); $field_order_array['calls'] = array( 'name'=>'Subject', 'id'=>'ID', 'description'=>'Description', 'status'=>'Status', 'direction'=>'Direction', 'date_start'=>'Date', 'date_end'=>'Date End', 'duration_hours'=>'Duration Hours', 'duration_minutes'=>'Duration Minutes', 'reminder_time'=>'Reminder Time', 'parent_type'=>'Parent Type', 'parent_id'=>'Parent ID', 'outlook_id'=>'Outlook ID', 'assigned_user_name' =>'Assigned to', 'assigned_user_id'=>'Assigned User ID', 'team_name'=>'Teams', 'team_id'=>'Team id', 'team_set_id'=>'Team Set ID', 'date_entered'=>'Date Created', 'date_modified'=>'Date Modified', 'created_by'=>'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id'=>'Modified By ID', 'deleted'=>'Deleted'); $field_order_array['meetings'] =array( 'name'=>'Subject', 'id'=>'ID', 'description'=>'Description', 'status'=>'Status', 'location'=>'Location', 'date_start'=>'Date', 'date_end'=>'Date End', 'duration_hours'=>'Duration Hours', 'duration_minutes'=>'Duration Minutes', 'reminder_time'=>'Reminder Time', 'type'=>'Meeting Type', 'external_id'=>'External ID', 'password'=>'Meeting Password', 'join_url'=>'Join Url', 'host_url'=>'Host Url', 'displayed_url'=>'Displayed Url', 'creator'=>'Meeting Creator', 'parent_type'=>'Related to', 'parent_id'=>'Related to', 'outlook_id'=>'Outlook ID','assigned_user_name' =>'Assigned to','assigned_user_id' => 'Assigned User ID', 'team_name' => 'Teams', 'team_id' => 'Team id', 'team_set_id' => 'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' => 'Date Created', 'date_modified' => 'Date Modified', 'created_by' => 'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id' => 'Modified By ID', 'deleted' => 'Deleted'); $field_order_array['cases'] =array( 'case_number'=>'Case Number', 'id'=>'ID', 'name'=>'Subject', 'description'=>'Description', 'status'=>'Status', 'type'=>'Type', 'priority'=>'Priority', 'resolution'=>'Resolution', 'work_log'=>'Work Log', 'portal_viewable'=>'Portal Viewable', 'account_name'=>'Account Name', 'account_id'=>'Account ID', 'assigned_user_id'=>'Assigned User ID', 'team_name'=>'Teams', 'team_id'=>'Team id', 'team_set_id'=>'Team Set ID', 'date_entered'=>'Date Created', 'date_modified'=>'Date Modified', 'created_by'=>'Created By ID', 'modified_user_id'=>'Modified By ID', 'deleted'=>'Deleted'); $field_order_array['prospects'] =array( 'first_name'=>'First Name', 'last_name'=>'Last Name', 'id'=>'ID', 'salutation'=>'Salutation', 'title'=>'Title', 'department'=>'Department', 'account_name'=>'Account Name', 'email_address'=>'Email Address', 'phone_mobile' => 'Phone Mobile', 'phone_work' => 'Phone Work', 'phone_home' => 'Phone Home', 'phone_other' => 'Phone Other', 'phone_fax' => 'Phone Fax', 'primary_address_street' => 'Primary Address Street', 'primary_address_city' => 'Primary Address City', 'primary_address_state' => 'Primary Address State', 'primary_address_postalcode' => 'Primary Address Postal Code', 'primary_address_country' => 'Primary Address Country', 'alt_address_street' => 'Alternate Address Street', 'alt_address_city' => 'Alternate Address City', 'alt_address_state' => 'Alternate Address State', 'alt_address_postalcode' => 'Alternate Address Postal Code', 'alt_address_country' => 'Alternate Address Country', 'description' => 'Description', 'birthdate' => 'Birthdate', 'assistant'=>'Assistant', 'assistant_phone'=>'Assistant Phone', 'campaign_id'=>'campaign_id', 'tracker_key'=>'Tracker Key', 'do_not_call'=>'Do Not Call', 'lead_id'=>'Lead Id', 'assigned_user_name'=>'Assigned User Name', 'assigned_user_id'=>'Assigned User ID', 'team_id' =>'Team Id', 'team_name' =>'Teams', 'team_set_id' =>'Team Set ID', 'date_entered' =>'Date Created', 'date_modified' =>'Date Modified', 'modified_user_id' =>'Modified By', 'created_by' =>'Created By', 'deleted' =>'Deleted'); $fields_to_exclude = array(); $fields_to_exclude['accounts'] = array('account_name'); $fields_to_exclude['bugs'] = array('system_id'); $fields_to_exclude['cases'] = array('system_id', 'modified_by_name', 'modified_by_name_owner', 'modified_by_name_mod', 'created_by_name', 'created_by_name_owner', 'created_by_name_mod', 'assigned_user_name', 'assigned_user_name_owner', 'assigned_user_name_mod', 'team_count', 'team_count_owner', 'team_count_mod', 'team_name_owner', 'team_name_mod', 'account_name_owner', 'account_name_mod', 'modified_user_name', 'modified_user_name_owner', 'modified_user_name_mod'); $fields_to_exclude['notes'] = array('first_name','last_name', 'file_mime_type','embed_flag'); $fields_to_exclude['tasks'] = array('date_start_flag', 'date_due_flag'); //of array is passed in for reordering, process array if(!empty($name) && !empty($reorderArr) && is_array($reorderArr)){ //make sure reorderArr has values as keys, if not then iterate through and assign the value as the key $newReorder = array(); foreach($reorderArr as $rk=> $rv){ if(is_int($rk)){ $newReorder[$rv]=$rv; }else{ $newReorder[$rk]=$rv; } } //if module is not defined, lets default the order to another module of the same type //this would apply mostly to custom modules if(!isset($field_order_array[strtolower($name)]) && isset($_REQUEST['module'])){ $exemptModuleList = array('ProspectLists'); if(in_array($name, $exemptModuleList)) return $newReorder; //get an instance of the bean global $beanList; global $beanFiles; $bean = $beanList[$_REQUEST['module']]; require_once($beanFiles[$bean]); $focus = new $bean; //if module is of type person if($focus instanceof Person){ $name = 'contacts'; } //if module is of type company else if ($focus instanceof Company){ $name = 'accounts'; } //if module is of type Sale else if ($focus instanceof Sale){ $name = 'opportunities'; }//if module is of type File else if ($focus instanceof Issue){ $name = 'bugs'; }//all others including type File can use basic else{ $name = 'Notes'; } } //lets iterate through and create a reordered temporary array using //the newly formatted copy of passed in array $temp_result_arr = array(); $lname = strtolower($name); if(!empty($field_order_array[$lname])) { foreach($field_order_array[$lname] as $fk=> $fv){ //if the value exists as a key in the passed in array, add to temp array and remove from reorder array. //Do not force into the temp array as we don't want to violate acl's if(array_key_exists($fk,$newReorder)){ $temp_result_arr[$fk] = $newReorder[$fk]; unset($newReorder[$fk]); } } } //add in all the left over values that were not in our ordered list //array_splice($temp_result_arr, count($temp_result_arr), 0, $newReorder); foreach($newReorder as $nrk=>$nrv){ $temp_result_arr[$nrk] = $nrv; } if($exclude){ //Some arrays have values we wish to exclude if (isset($fields_to_exclude[$lname])){ foreach($fields_to_exclude[$lname] as $exclude_field){ unset($temp_result_arr[$exclude_field]); } } } //return temp ordered list return $temp_result_arr; } //if no array was passed in, pass back either the list of ordered columns by module, or the entireorder array if(empty($name)){ return $field_order_array; }else{ return $field_order_array[strtolower($name)]; } } ?>