DB_driver = $driver; yourls_debug_log( "DB driver: $driver" ); } /** * Connect to DB * * @since 1.0 */ function yourls_db_connect() { global $ydb; if ( !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_USER' ) or !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_PASS' ) or !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_NAME' ) or !defined( 'YOURLS_DB_HOST' ) ) yourls_die ( yourls__( 'Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB' ), yourls__( 'Fatal error' ), 503 ); // Are we standalone or in the WordPress environment? if ( class_exists( 'wpdb', false ) ) { /* TODO: should we deprecate this? Follow WP dev in that area */ $ydb = new wpdb( YOURLS_DB_USER, YOURLS_DB_PASS, YOURLS_DB_NAME, YOURLS_DB_HOST ); } else { yourls_set_DB_driver(); } return $ydb; } /** * Return true if DB server is responding * * This function is supposed to be called right after yourls_get_all_options() has fired. It is not designed (yet) to * check for a responding server after several successful operation to check if the server has gone MIA * * @since 1.7.1 */ function yourls_is_db_alive() { global $ydb; $alive = false; switch( $ydb->DB_driver ) { case 'pdo' : $alive = isset( $ydb->dbh ); break; case 'mysql' : $alive = ( isset( $ydb->dbh ) && false !== $ydb->dbh ); break; case 'mysqli' : $alive = ( null == mysqli_connect_error() ); break; // Custom DB driver & class : delegate check default: $alive = yourls_apply_filter( 'is_db_alive_custom', false ); } return $alive; } /** * Die with a DB error message * * @TODO in version 1.8 : use a new localized string, specific to the problem (ie: "DB is dead") * * @since 1.7.1 */ function yourls_db_dead() { // Use any /user/db_error.php file if( file_exists( YOURLS_USERDIR . '/db_error.php' ) ) { include_once( YOURLS_USERDIR . '/db_error.php' ); die(); } yourls_die( yourls__( 'Incorrect DB config, or could not connect to DB' ), yourls__( 'Fatal error' ), 503 ); }