/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ SUGAR.ajaxUI = { loadingWindow : false, callback : function(o) { var cont; if (typeof window.onbeforeunload == "function") window.onbeforeunload = null; scroll(0,0); try{ var r = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(o.responseText); cont = r.content; if (r.title) { document.title = html_entity_decode(r.title); } if (r.action) { action_sugar_grp1 = r.action; } if (r.favicon) { SUGAR.ajaxUI.setFavicon(r.favicon); } var c = document.getElementById("content"); // Bug #49205 : Subpanels fail to load when selecting subpanel tab // hide content of placeholder before apply new one // @see SUGAR.util.evalScript c.style.visibility = 'hidden'; c.innerHTML = cont; SUGAR.util.evalScript(cont); // all javascripts have been processed - show content of placeholder c.style.visibility = 'visible'; if ( r.moduleList) { SUGAR.themes.setModuleTabs(r.moduleList); } // set response time from ajax response if(typeof(r.responseTime) != 'undefined'){ var rt = $("#responseTime"); if(rt.length > 0){ rt.html(rt.html().replace(/[\d]+\.[\d]+/, r.responseTime)); } else if(typeof(logoStats) != "undefined"){ $("#logo").attr("title", logoStats.replace(/[\d]+\.[\d]+/, r.responseTime)).tipTip({maxWidth: "auto", edgeOffset: 10}); } } // Bug #49205 : Subpanels fail to load when selecting subpanel tab // hide ajax loading message after all scripts are processed SUGAR.ajaxUI.hideLoadingPanel(); } catch (e){ // Bug #49205 : Subpanels fail to load when selecting subpanel tab // hide ajax loading message after all scripts are processed SUGAR.ajaxUI.hideLoadingPanel(); SUGAR.ajaxUI.showErrorMessage(o.responseText); } }, showErrorMessage : function(errorMessage) { if (!SUGAR.ajaxUI.errorPanel) { SUGAR.ajaxUI.errorPanel = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("ajaxUIErrorPanel", { modal: false, visible: true, constraintoviewport: true, width : "800px", height : "600px", close: true }); } var panel = SUGAR.ajaxUI.errorPanel; panel.setHeader(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','ERR_AJAX_LOAD')) ; panel.setBody(''); panel.setFooter(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','ERR_AJAX_LOAD_FOOTER')) ; panel.render(document.body); SUGAR.util.doWhen( function(){ var f = document.getElementById("ajaxErrorFrame"); return f != null && f.contentWindow != null && f.contentWindow.document != null; }, function(){ document.getElementById("ajaxErrorFrame").contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = errorMessage; window.setTimeout('throw "AjaxUI error parsing response"', 300); }); //fire off a delayed check to make sure error message was rendered. SUGAR.ajaxUI.errorMessage = errorMessage; window.setTimeout('if((typeof(document.getElementById("ajaxErrorFrame")) == "undefined" || typeof(document.getElementById("ajaxErrorFrame")) == null || document.getElementById("ajaxErrorFrame").contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML == "")){document.getElementById("ajaxErrorFrame").contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML=SUGAR.ajaxUI.errorMessage;}',3000); panel.show(); panel.center(); throw "AjaxUI error parsing response"; }, canAjaxLoadModule : function(module) { var checkLS = /&LicState=check/.exec(window.location.search); // Return false if ajax ui is completely disabled, or if license state is set to check if( checkLS || (typeof(SUGAR.config.disableAjaxUI) != 'undefined' && SUGAR.config.disableAjaxUI == true)){ return false; } var bannedModules = SUGAR.config.stockAjaxBannedModules; //If banned modules isn't there, we are probably on a page that isn't ajaxUI compatible if (typeof(bannedModules) == 'undefined') return false; // Mechanism to allow for overriding or adding to this list if(typeof(SUGAR.config.addAjaxBannedModules) != 'undefined'){ bannedModules.concat(SUGAR.config.addAjaxBannedModules); } if(typeof(SUGAR.config.overrideAjaxBannedModules) != 'undefined'){ bannedModules = SUGAR.config.overrideAjaxBannedModules; } return SUGAR.util.arrayIndexOf(bannedModules, module) == -1; }, loadContent : function(url, params) { if(YAHOO.lang.trim(url) != "") { //Don't ajax load certain modules var mRegex = /module=([^&]*)/.exec(url); var module = mRegex ? mRegex[1] : false; if (module && SUGAR.ajaxUI.canAjaxLoadModule(module)) { YAHOO.util.History.navigate('ajaxUILoc', url); } else { window.location = url; } } }, go : function(url) { if(YAHOO.lang.trim(url) != "") { var con = YAHOO.util.Connect, ui = SUGAR.ajaxUI; if (ui.lastURL == url) return; var inAjaxUI = /action=ajaxui/.exec(window.location); if (typeof (window.onbeforeunload) == "function" && window.onbeforeunload()) { //If there is an unload function, we need to check it ourselves if (!confirm(window.onbeforeunload())) { if (!inAjaxUI) { //User doesn't want to navigate window.location.hash = ""; } else { YAHOO.util.History.navigate('ajaxUILoc', ui.lastURL); } return; } window.onbeforeunload = null; } if (ui.lastCall && con.isCallInProgress(ui.lastCall)) { con.abort(ui.lastCall); } var mRegex = /module=([^&]*)/.exec(url); var module = mRegex ? mRegex[1] : false; //If we can't ajax load the module (blacklisted), set the URL directly. if (!ui.canAjaxLoadModule(module)) { window.location = url; return; } ui.lastURL = url; ui.cleanGlobals(); var loadLanguageJS = ''; if(module && typeof(SUGAR.language.languages[module]) == 'undefined'){ loadLanguageJS = '&loadLanguageJS=1'; } if (!inAjaxUI) { //If we aren't in the ajaxUI yet, we need to reload the page to get setup properly if (!SUGAR.isIE) window.location.replace("index.php?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc=" + encodeURIComponent(url)); else { //if we use replace under IE, it will cache the page as the replaced version and thus no longer load the previous page. window.location.hash = "#"; window.location.assign("index.php?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc=" + encodeURIComponent(url)); } } else { SUGAR.ajaxUI.showLoadingPanel(); ui.lastCall = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', url + '&ajax_load=1' + loadLanguageJS, { success: SUGAR.ajaxUI.callback, failure: function(){ SUGAR.ajaxUI.hideLoadingPanel(); SUGAR.ajaxUI.showErrorMessage(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings','ERR_AJAX_LOAD_FAILURE')); } }); } } }, submitForm : function(formname, params) { var con = YAHOO.util.Connect, SA = SUGAR.ajaxUI; if (SA.lastCall && con.isCallInProgress(SA.lastCall)) { con.abort(SA.lastCall); } //Reset the EmailAddressWidget before loading a new page SA.cleanGlobals(); //Don't ajax load certain modules var form = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(formname) || document.forms[formname]; if (SA.canAjaxLoadModule(form.module.value) //Do not try to submit a form that contains a file input via ajax. && typeof(YAHOO.util.Selector.query("input[type=file]", form)[0]) == "undefined" //Do not try to ajax submit a form if the ajaxUI is not initialized && /action=ajaxui/.exec(window.location)) { var string = con.setForm(form); var baseUrl = "index.php?action=ajaxui#ajaxUILoc="; SA.lastURL = ""; //Use POST for long forms and GET for short forms (GET allow resubmit via reload) if(string.length > 200) { SUGAR.ajaxUI.showLoadingPanel(); form.onsubmit = function(){ return true; }; form.submit(); } else { con.resetFormState(); window.location = baseUrl + encodeURIComponent("index.php?" + string); } return true; } else { if( typeof(YAHOO.util.Selector.query("input[type=submit]", form)[0]) != "undefined" && YAHOO.util.Selector.query("input[type=submit]", form)[0].value == "Save") { ajaxStatus.showStatus(SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_SAVING')); } form.submit(); return false; } }, cleanGlobals : function() { sqs_objects = {}; QSProcessedFieldsArray = {}; collection = {}; //Reset the EmailAddressWidget before loading a new page if (SUGAR.EmailAddressWidget){ SUGAR.EmailAddressWidget.instances = {}; SUGAR.EmailAddressWidget.count = {}; } YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(window, 'resize'); //Hide any connector dialogs if(typeof(dialog) != 'undefined' && typeof(dialog.destroy) == 'function'){ dialog.destroy(); delete dialog; } }, firstLoad : function() { //Setup Browser History var url = YAHOO.util.History.getBookmarkedState('ajaxUILoc'); var aRegex = /action=([^&#]*)/.exec(window.location); var action = aRegex ? aRegex[1] : false; var mRegex = /module=([^&#]*)/.exec(window.location); var module = mRegex ? mRegex[1] : false; if (module != "ModuleBuilder") { var go = url != null || action == "ajaxui"; url = url ? url : 'index.php?module=Home&action=index'; YAHOO.util.History.register('ajaxUILoc', url, SUGAR.ajaxUI.go); YAHOO.util.History.initialize("ajaxUI-history-field", "ajaxUI-history-iframe"); SUGAR.ajaxUI.hist_loaded = true; if (go) SUGAR.ajaxUI.go(url); } SUGAR_callsInProgress--; }, print: function() { var url = YAHOO.util.History.getBookmarkedState('ajaxUILoc'); SUGAR.util.openWindow( url + '&print=true', 'printwin', 'menubar=1,status=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,location=1' ); }, showLoadingPanel: function() { if (!SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadingPanel) { SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadingPanel = new YAHOO.widget.Panel("ajaxloading", { width:"240px", fixedcenter:true, close:false, draggable:false, constraintoviewport:false, modal:true, visible:false }); SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadingPanel.setBody('
' + SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'LBL_LOADING_PAGE') +'
'); SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadingPanel.render(document.body); } if (document.getElementById('ajaxloading_c')) document.getElementById('ajaxloading_c').style.display = ''; SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadingPanel.show(); }, hideLoadingPanel: function() { SUGAR.ajaxUI.loadingPanel.hide(); if (document.getElementById('ajaxloading_c')) document.getElementById('ajaxloading_c').style.display = 'none'; }, setFavicon: function(data) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; // first remove all rel="icon" links as long as updating an existing one // could take no effect var links = head.getElementsByTagName("link"); var re = /\bicon\b/i; for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (re.test(links[i].rel)) { head.removeChild(links[i]); } } var link = document.createElement("link"); link.href = data.url; // type attribute is important for Google Chrome browser link.type = data.type; link.rel = "icon"; head.appendChild(link); } };