/********************************************************************************* * SugarCRM Community Edition is a customer relationship management program developed by * SugarCRM, Inc. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 SugarCRM Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the * Free Software Foundation with the addition of the following permission added * to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK * IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY SUGARCRM, SUGARCRM DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY * OF NON INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. * * You can contact SugarCRM, Inc. headquarters at 10050 North Wolfe Road, * SW2-130, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA. or at email address contact@sugarcrm.com. * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3, * these Appropriate Legal Notices must retain the display of the "Powered by * SugarCRM" logo. If the display of the logo is not reasonably feasible for * technical reasons, the Appropriate Legal Notices must display the words * "Powered by SugarCRM". ********************************************************************************/ /** * browse document for quickSearch fields * Compatible ExtJS 1.1.1 and ExtJS 2.0 * parameter : noReload - if set to true, enableQS will enable only * the new sqsEnabled field on the page. If set to false * it will reload all the sqsEnabled fields. */ function enableQS(noReload){ YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function(){ //Safety check. If sqs_objects variable is null, we really can't do anything useful if(typeof sqs_objects == 'undefined') { return; } var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom; //Get all the fields where sqsEnabled is an attribue, these should be the input text fields for quicksearch var qsFields = Dom.getElementsByClassName('sqsEnabled'); //Now loop through all these fields and process them for(var qsField in qsFields){ //Safety checks to skip processing of invalid entries if(typeof qsFields[qsField] == 'function' || typeof qsFields[qsField].id == 'undefined') { continue; } //Create the index we are using to search for the sqs_objects Array var form_id = qsFields[qsField].form.getAttribute('id'); //This is a special case where there is an element with id attribute value of "id" //In this case, we get the real_id attribute (occurs in modules/Import/tpls/step3.tpl only). if(typeof form_id == 'object' && qsFields[qsField].form.getAttribute('real_id')) { form_id = qsFields[qsField].form.getAttribute('real_id'); } var qs_index_id = form_id + '_' + qsFields[qsField].name; //Another safety check, if the sqs_objects entry is not defined, we can't do anything useful if(typeof sqs_objects[qs_index_id] == 'undefined') { qs_index_id = qsFields[qsField].name; if(typeof sqs_objects[qs_index_id] == 'undefined') { continue; } } //Track if this field has already been processed. The way the enableQS function is called //is a bit problematic in that it lends itself to a lot of duplicate processing if(QSProcessedFieldsArray[qs_index_id]) { skipSTR = 'collection_0'; //the 'collection_0' id is not loaded dynamically, so the first item in the collection will not have an incremental value added to the base id //only skip the additional fields so that cases where a form is closed and reopened without refreshing the screen will still work if (qs_index_id.lastIndexOf(skipSTR) != (qs_index_id.length - skipSTR.length)){ continue; } } //Store sqs_objects entry as a reference for convenience var qs_obj = sqs_objects[qs_index_id]; //The loaded variable will be used to check whether or not the quick search field should be created var loaded = false; if (!document.forms[qs_obj.form]) { continue; } //Skip quicksearch fields that are readOnly or that are disabled since you can't search on them anyway if (!document.forms[qs_obj.form].elements[qsFields[qsField].id].readOnly && qs_obj['disable'] != true) { var combo_id = qs_obj.form + '_' + qsFields[qsField].id; if (Dom.get(combo_id + "_results")) { loaded = true } // if loaded == false, then we do the heavy lifting to re-create the quicksearch field if (!loaded) { QSProcessedFieldsArray[qs_index_id] = true; qsFields[qsField].form_id = form_id; var sqs = sqs_objects[qs_index_id]; //Initialize the result div var resultDiv = document.createElement('div'); resultDiv.id = combo_id + "_results"; Dom.insertAfter(resultDiv, qsFields[qsField]); //Add the module to the fields so we can read it from the response var fields = qs_obj.field_list.slice(); fields[fields.length] = "module"; //Create the DataSource for this QS var ds = new YAHOO.util.DataSource("index.php?", { responseType: YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource.TYPE_JSON, responseSchema: { resultsList: 'fields', total: 'totalCount', fields: fields, metaNode: "fields", metaFields: {total: 'totalCount', fields:"fields"} }, connMethodPost: true }); // Don't force selection for search fields var forceSelect = !((qsFields[qsField].form && typeof(qsFields[qsField].form) == 'object' && qsFields[qsField].form.name == 'search_form') || qsFields[qsField].className.match('sqsNoAutofill') != null); //Finally Declare the Autocomplete var search = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete(qsFields[qsField], resultDiv, ds, { typeAhead: forceSelect, forceSelection : forceSelect, fields: fields, sqs : sqs, animSpeed : 0.25, qs_obj: qs_obj, inputElement: qsFields[qsField], //YUI requires the data, even POST, to be URL encoded generateRequest : function(sQuery) { //preprocess values var item_id = this.inputElement.form_id + '_' + this.inputElement.name; if (QSCallbacksArray[item_id]) { QSCallbacksArray[item_id](this.sqs); } var out = SUGAR.util.paramsToUrl({ to_pdf: 'true', module: 'Home', action: 'quicksearchQuery', data: YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(this.sqs), query: sQuery }); return out; }, //Method to fill in form fields with the returned results. //Should be called on select, and must be called from the AC instance scope. setFields : function (data, filter) { this.updateFields(data, filter); }, updateFields: function(data, filter) { for(var i in this.fields) { for (var key in this.qs_obj.field_list) { //Check that the field exists and matches the filter if (this.fields[i] == this.qs_obj.field_list[key] && document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]] && this.qs_obj.populate_list[key].match(filter)) { //bug: 30823 - remove the apostrophe var displayValue = data[i].replace(/&/gi,'&').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"'); document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]].value = displayValue; SUGAR.util.callOnChangeListers(document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]]); } } } SUGAR.util.callOnChangeListers(this._elTextbox); }, clearFields : function() { for (var key in this.qs_obj.field_list) { if (document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]]){ document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]].value = ""; SUGAR.util.callOnChangeListers(document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]]); } } this.oldValue = ""; } }); //C.L. Bug 36575: In event of account_name quicksearch, check to see if we need to warn user //that address fields may change. This code has similarities to code block in set_return method //of sugar_3.js when building the alert message contents. if(/^(billing_|shipping_)?account_name$/.exec(qsFields[qsField].name)) { //C.L. Bug 36106 only clear the name and id fields search.clearFields = function() { for(var i in {name:0, id:1}) { for (var key in this.qs_obj.field_list) { //Check that the field exists if (i == this.qs_obj.field_list[key] && document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]]) { document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]].value = ""; } } } }; search.setFields = function(data, filter) { var label_str = ''; var label_data_str = ''; var current_label_data_str = ''; var label_data_hash = new Array(); for(var i in this.fields) { for (var key in this.qs_obj.field_list) { //Check that the field exists and matches the filter if (this.fields[i] == this.qs_obj.field_list[key] && document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]] && document.getElementById(this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]+'_label') && this.qs_obj.populate_list[key].match(filter)) { var displayValue = data[i].replace(/&/gi,'&').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"'); var data_label = document.getElementById(this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]+'_label').innerHTML.replace(/\n/gi,'').replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, ""); label_and_data = data_label + ' ' + displayValue; //Append to current_label_data_str only if the label and data are unique if(document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]] && !label_data_hash[data_label]) { label_str += data_label + ' \n'; label_data_str += label_and_data + '\n'; label_data_hash[data_label] = true; current_label_data_str += data_label + ' ' + document.forms[this.qs_obj.form].elements[this.qs_obj.populate_list[key]].value + '\n'; } } } } if(label_str != current_label_data_str && current_label_data_str != label_data_str) { module_key = (typeof document.forms[form_id].elements['module'] != 'undefined') ? document.forms[form_id].elements['module'].value : 'app_strings'; warning_label = SUGAR.language.translate(module_key, 'NTC_OVERWRITE_ADDRESS_PHONE_CONFIRM') + '\n\n' + label_data_str; if(!confirm(warning_label)) { this.updateFields(data,/account_id/); } else { if(Dom.get('shipping_checkbox')) { if(this.inputElement.id == 'shipping_account_name') { //If the copy address checkbox is checked, update account and office_phone filter = Dom.get('shipping_checkbox').checked ? /(account_id|office_phone)/ : filter; } else if(this.inputElement.id == 'billing_account_name') { //If the copy address is checked, update account, office phone and billing addresses filter = Dom.get('shipping_checkbox').checked ? filter : /(account_id|office_phone|billing)/; } } else if(Dom.get('alt_checkbox')) { filter = Dom.get('alt_checkbox').checked ? filter : /^(?!alt)/; } this.updateFields(data,filter); } } else { this.updateFields(data,filter); } }; } if ( typeof(SUGAR.config.quicksearch_querydelay) != 'undefined' ) { search.queryDelay = SUGAR.config.quicksearch_querydelay; } //fill in the data fields on selection search.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(function(e, args){ var data = args[2]; var fields = this.fields; this.setFields(data, /\S/); //Handle special case where post_onblur_function is set if (typeof(this.qs_obj['post_onblur_function']) != 'undefined') { collection_extended = new Array(); for (var i in fields) { for (var key in this.qs_obj.field_list) { if (fields[i] == this.qs_obj.field_list[key]) { collection_extended[this.qs_obj.field_list[key]] = data[i]; } } } eval(this.qs_obj['post_onblur_function'] + '(collection_extended, this.qs_obj.id)'); } }); // We will get the old value firstly when the field lose focus. search.textboxFocusEvent.subscribe(function(){ this.oldValue = this.getInputEl().value; }); //If there is no change for this qucik search field , the value of it will not be cleared. search.selectionEnforceEvent.subscribe(function(e, args){ if (this.oldValue != args[1]) { this.clearFields(); } else { this.getInputEl().value = this.oldValue; } }); search.dataReturnEvent.subscribe(function(e, args){ //Selected the first returned value if a tab was done before results were returned if (this.getInputEl().value.length == 0 && args[2].length > 0) { var data = []; for(var key in this.qs_obj.field_list) { data[data.length] = args[2][0][this.qs_obj.field_list[key]]; } this.getInputEl().value = data[this.key]; this.itemSelectEvent.fire(this, "", data); } }); search.typeAheadEvent.subscribe(function (e, args) { this.getInputEl().value = this.getInputEl().value.replace(/&/gi,'&').replace(/</gi,'<').replace(/>/gi,'>').replace(/'/gi,'\'').replace(/"/gi,'"'); }); if (typeof QSFieldsArray[combo_id] == 'undefined' && qsFields[qsField].id) { QSFieldsArray[combo_id] = search; } } } } }); } function registerSingleSmartInputListener(input) { if ((c = input.className) && (c.indexOf("sqsEnabled") != -1)) { enableQS(true); } } if(typeof QSFieldsArray == 'undefined') { QSFieldsArray = new Array(); QSProcessedFieldsArray = new Array(); QSCallbacksArray = new Array(); }